Damaging and killing enemies

Now that we have enemies moving towards us, we need some way for them to be damaged and killed! Let's do that now by performing the following steps:

  1. The first thing we need to do is make it easy to get a reference to all of our enemies, so let's add a tag by going to the Inspector tab and navigating to Tag | Add Tag…. Once the Tag and Layer menus come up, type in Enemy into Element 0.
    Damaging and killing enemies
  2. Then, go back to the Ghost_mesh child object, add the Enemy tag to it, and rename the parent object to Ghost:
    Damaging and killing enemies
  3. Next, let's dive back into MonoDevelop, edit our PhoneBehaviour script and add the following code in bold to its Update function:
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update () {
            // Are we holding down the right mouse button
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(1) && !cameraActive)
            else if(cameraActive && !Input.GetMouseButton(1))
            if (cameraActive && Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                GameObject[] enemyList = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
                foreach (GameObject enemy in enemyList)
                    if (enemy.activeInHierarchy)
                        EnemyBehaviour behaviour = enemy.GetComponent<EnemyBehaviour>();

    Now that we say there is a TakeDamage function in our EnemyBehaviour class, we need to add that in. Open the EnemyBehaviour class, and first, we need to create some variables as follows:

    public float health = 100.0f;
    private float currentHealth;
  4. Next, we need to initialize currentHealth, so add the following code in bold to the Start function:
    void Start () 
      currentHealth = health
  5. Now, let's add in the TakeDamage function, as follows:
    public void TakeDamage()
        // The closer I am, the more damage I do
        float damageToDo = 100.0f - (GetDistance () * 5);
        if (damageToDo < 0)
          damageToDo = 0;
        if (damageToDo > health)
          damageToDo = health;
        currentHealth -= damageToDo;
        if(currentHealth <= 0)
          state = State.Die;
          // If we're not dead, now that we took a picture the // enemy 
              // knows where we are
          followRange = Mathf.Max(GetDistance(), followRange);
          state = State.Follow;
        print ("Ow! - Current Health: " + currentHealth.ToString());
  6. Now, save your scene and all the script files, and play the game! The following screenshot depicts the game screen:
    Damaging and killing enemies

Now, the enemy will follow you when you take its picture and the closer you are to it, the more it will get damaged, which you can see by looking at the console!

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