
Activity-based budgeting–costing–management is a performance management method that allows us to develop a budget based on indications of operational performance, and to understand the formation of costs and the causes of their variations. It was designed by Cooper and Kaplan in 1988.
Académie des sciences techniques comptables et financières, France
The Académie (Academy of Accounting and Financial Sciences and Techniques) is the first French-speaking and France-based professional network of competencies and influence in serving the economy.
artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the group of theories and techniques executed in order to implement machines capable of simulating intelligence.
balanced scorecard
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a method launched by Robert S. Kaplan and David Norton in 1992 that aims to measure a business’ activities according to four main perspectives: learning, processes, customers and finance.
The giants of the Chinese Web: Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiaomi. Also known as the “Chinese GAFAM”.
Big Data
Big Data is a concept for translating the fact that companies can process increasingly considerable volumes of data, presenting strong economical stakes.
A blockchain constitutes a database that contains the history of all completed exchanges among its users since its creation. This database is secured and distributed; it is shared by various users, without an intermediary, which allows each one to verify the validity of the chain.
Bribery Act 2010 (UK)
A British law relating to the suppression and prevention of corruption.
business plan
A document describing the financial and commercial strategy chosen to successfully carry out an entrepreneurial project.
business process
A business process is the entirety of correlating or interacting activities that use elements of input to produce a product or service. It can occupy a quite vast domain, for which the term macroprocess is used, or may be decomposed into more limited actions such as activities.
CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)
CIMA is the first global professional agency for management control.
cloud computing
Cloud computing gives businesses computational power and storage on distant computer servers. A network, generally the Internet, serves as an intermediary.
Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL), France
The National Commission on Informatics and Liberty is an independent, French administrative authority. It is in charge of ensuring that computer technology serves the citizen and that it does not violate human rights or jeopardize human identity and private life, or individual and public liberties.
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Corporate social (or societal) responsibility (CSR), on a voluntary basis, takes into account social and environment preoccupations in businesses’ activities and interactions with other economic actors called “potential stakeholders”.
COSO is an internal control framework defined by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. It is used particularly for implementing the US Sarbanes–Oxley Act and the French Financial Security Law for businesses subjected to American and French laws, respectively.
An approach that consists of conceiving a product or service from a selling price that the business wishes to use on the market.
digital service company (DSC)
A digital service company is an expert company of services in the domain of new technology and data processing. It can incorporate several professions (consulting, conception and realization of tools, maintenance or even training) and principally aims to accompany a host organization in the realization of a project.
EFQM excellence model
The European model for operational and managerial excellence from the European Foundation for Quality Management.
enterprise resource planning (ERP)
ERP refers to software packages that aim to follow and manage day-to-day operations, the entirety of a company’s transactional information and operational services.
environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Socially responsible investing (SRI) conveys the objectives of sustainable development in investment decisions by adding environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in addition to traditional financial criteria for selecting issuers.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA), USA
The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), or the law concerning practices of corruption abroad, is a US federal law from 1977 for fighting against corrupt public agents abroad. This law entrusts US courts with extraterritorial jurisdiction that can be used to try US citizens and companies that attempt to corrupt foreign government officials or candidates for government positions.
Acronym for the giants of the Web: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), European Union
Regulation no. 2016/679, known as the GDPR, is a regulation of the European Union that constitutes the text of reference in matters concerning the protection of personal data.
Governance is the execution of a set of measures (rules, norms, protocols, conventions, contracts, etc.) in order to assure better coordination between the stakeholders of an organization, each retaining a morsel of power, so as to make consensual decisions and take concerted action.
IoT (Internet of Things)
The IoT (and the Internet of Objects (IoO)) is the materialization of the Internet in the real world. It concerns all objects, cars, buildings and other elements linked to a physical Internet network that allows communication between them, as well as the ability to collect and exchange data.
The International Organization for Standardization.
Kaizen is a process of continuous improvement based on simple, concrete and inexpensive actions. Kaizen is a state of mind that requires the implication of all actors.
A management method that aims to improve business performance. This method allows us to research ideal conditions of operation by making personnel, facilities and sites work together in order to add value and minimize as much waste as possible.
make or buy
An analysis that allows us to determine whether the internal production tool is suitable for the production of a product and if it would be better to subcontract part of it or to buy it. This analysis emphasizes knowledge of the business and market supply.
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
A MOOC is an online course that is open to all.
Non-financial information.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The OECD is an international organization of economic studies, whose member countries – the majority of which are so-called developed countries – have a common democratic government system and a market economy.
process intelligence
Process intelligence reconstitutes and analyzes processes, and detects any deviation or variation between objectives and reality in order to act more closely. Monitoring reality is proposed to bring about changes with true added value as quickly as possible.
An association of professionals that aims to be a reference within the domain of process approaches in a broad sense, including: from the perspective of organization’s governance, companies, administrations or collectivities, in connection with the project’s management, and the architecture of information system, risk control and the issue of sustainable development.
product life cycle management (PLM)
PLM is a business strategy that aims to create, manage and share information regarding the definition, manufacturing, maintenance and recycling of an industrial project, all throughout the course of its life cycle, from preliminary studies to the end of its life.
Quote-to-cash refers to the operational process that goes from order intake (quote) to the proceeds of the product (cash), by going through production planning, purchases, supply, manufacturing and delivery. It is often also called the “supply chain”.
robotic process automation (RPA)
RPA solutions aim to improve operations overall by automating the reliability of repetitive tasks and thus allowing staff to commit to tasks with more added value.
Sapin II, France
Sapin II is the common name for the French anti-corruption Law on Transparency, the Fight Against Corruption and the Modernization of Economic Life. It is the equivalent of the USA’s FCPA and the UK’s Bribery Act.
Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, USA
The Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act, commonly known as “Sarbox”, “SOX” or “SOA”, is a US federal law that imposes rules on accounting and financial transparency. It followed various financial scandals that were revealed in the country at the beginning of the 2000s, such as those involving Enron and Worldcom.
Six Sigma
Six Sigma (or 6σ) is a brand owned by Motorola that refers to a structured management method that aims to improve the quality and efficiency of processes.
socially responsible investing (SRI)
SRI refers to an investment that was realized with the consideration of factors outside financial performance, such as social, environmental, ethical and business governance criteria.
Parties with an interest for an entity or a project.
supply chain
The supply chain (or logistic chain) represents the network that allows products and services to be delivered, from raw materials to final customers. It covers the flow of information, physical distribution, as well as financial transactions. In other terms, the supply chain refers to the links of supply logistics: purchases, stock management, handling, storage, distribution, delivery, etc. An extended vision of the supply chain “from customer to customer” includes order taking from customers and merges with the “quote-to-cash” process.
time to market
The time it takes from a product being conceived to being made available on the market. In addition, the time between the first expenditure and the first revenue, aiming to fill the gap between them and to increase profit.
Workplace Wellness Indicator (WWI) index
The WWI index allows the measurement of wellness in the workplace. It is a powerful tool in achieving improvement in social performance.
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