Playing a video

Videos allow complex information to be presented to a user. This can just be a background, or it can be an information animation. Regardless of the exact reason, videos can enhance apps.

How to do it...

One of the simplest ways to display a video is to use a VideoView instance, which wraps an underlying SurfaceView and a MediaPlayer:

  1. The first thing we add to the layout is a VideoView instance, using either code or the layout resources:
      android:id="@+id/videoView" />
  2. If we are using a layout resource, we get hold of the VideoView from the layout:
    var videoView = FindViewById<VideoView>(Resource.Id.videoView); 
  3. Once we have the VideoView property, we can set the source of the video. This can either be from a remote source, or from a local resource, such as one of the app resources:
    var path = string.Format(
  4. Next, we may want to display the onscreen video controls, such as the play and pause buttons. If we want this, we set a MediaController instance:
    videoView.SetMediaController(new MediaController(this));
  5. Now that everything is set, we can play the video using the Start() method:
  6. If we want to skip to a position in the video, we can use the SeekTo() method:

When the activity is recreated for some reason, for example following a rotate, we have to ensure that the player is returned to its previous position. These set of steps shows one way in which to preserve the playback position following an activity re-creation:

  1. To save the current position, we override the OnSaveInstanceState() method and add the video player's state to the Bundle object:
    outState.PutBoolean("isPlaying", videoView.IsPlaying);
    outState.PutInt("position", videoView.CurrentPosition);
  2. Then, in OnCreate, we restore the state from the Bundle object:
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
      if (savedInstanceState.GetBoolean("isPlaying", false)) {
        var pos = savedInstanceState.GetInt("position", 0);
  3. We also have the option to prevent Android from destroying and recreating the activity using the ConfigurationChanges property of the [Activity] attribute:
      ..., ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Orientation)]

How it works...

The ability to play a video in an app is very useful. We can just be providing a beautiful snippet as a background or header, or we can be playing a longer video as part of the app's core functionality.

Similar to playing audio, playing video is also straightforward. Instead of creating a MediaPlayer object, we use a VideoView control. The control can be created and added from code or it can be placed in the layout resource files.

Once we have the video view, we can set it up to play the video. All we need to do is set the location to the actual video that we want to play. To do this, we pass a string path to the SetVideoPath() method or a URI to the SetVideoURI() method. This location can be a local path, such as a resource or the local filesystem, or a remote path to a server. If we are using a URI, we can even provide additional headers in the request to the server.


The VideoView can play a video from either local or remote sources.

As soon as we set the video source, the underlying media player will be automatically prepared. This means that we can invoke the Start() method as soon as we wish to. The playback can be controlled using the Pause(), Resume(), and StopPlayback() methods. We can also use the SeekTo() method to jump to a specific location in the video.


The VideoView is automatically prepared when the video source is set, allowing playback to begin immediately.

We may choose to present media controls on a VideoView but are not required to do so. These controls will allow the user to directly control the playback. They include: a seek bar, a play/pause button, and skip buttons. If the video is streamed, a buffer progress will also be shown. To display these controls, we can provide the view with an instance of MediaController using the SetMediaController() method.


A MediaController instance does not have to be set in order to play a video. If one is not provided, playback cannot be controlled by the user.

If a VideoView goes into the background or is destroyed, it will not restore its state when it is recreated, we have to do this manually. The simplest way is to record the states, for example IsPlaying and CurrentPosition, when the view is about to be destroyed. We can do this in the OnSaveInstanceState() or OnPause() methods, and then when the view is reconstructed, we can restore the state in the OnRestoreInstanceState() or OnCreate() methods.

If the device is rotated, the activity is usually destroyed and recreated. This presents a problem as the video will have to be prepared again and this may cause a delay in the playback. This is even more a problem when the video comes from a remote source, as it will have to buffer again.

Another way to get around this is to ensure that the activity is not destroyed when the device orientation changes. We add the ConfigChanges.Orientation flag to the ConfigurationChanges property on the [Activity] attribute. By setting this property, the activity is not destroyed, but it also means that the usual orientation-specific layouts will not be switched automatically. We will now have to take care of this ourselves in the OnConfigurationChanged() method of the activity.

There's more...

Before we start seeking to a position in the video, we need to ensure that the source supports seeking in that direction. We can check for support using the CanSeekForward() and CanSeekBackward() methods.

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