Newton's method

Newton's method, also known as the Newton-Raphson method, uses an iterative procedure to solve for a root using information about the derivative of a function. The derivative is treated as a linear problem to be solved. The first-order derivation Newton's method of the function Newton's method represents the tangent line. The approximation to the next value of Newton's method, given as Newton's method, is as follows:

Newton's method

Here, the tangent line intersects the Newton's method axis at Newton's method, which produces Newton's method. This also represents the first-order Taylor expansion about Newton's method such that that the new point Newton's method solves the following equation:

Newton's method

This process is repeated with Newton's method taking the value of Newton's method until the maximum number of iterations is reached, or the absolute difference between Newton's method and Newton's method is within an acceptable accuracy level.

An initial guess value is required to compute the values of Newton's method and Newton's method. The rate of convergence is quadratic, which is considered to be extremely fast in obtaining the solution with high levels of accuracy.

The drawback to Newton's method is that it does not guarantee global convergence to the solution. Such a situation arises when the function contains more than one root, or when the algorithm arrives at a local extremum and is unable to compute the next step. As this method requires knowledge of the derivative of its input function, it is required that the input function be differentiable. However, in certain circumstances, it is impossible for the derivative of a function to be known, or otherwise be mathematically easy to compute.

A graphical representation of Newton's method is shown in the following screenshot. Newton's method is the initial Newton's method value. The derivative of Newton's method is evaluated, which is a tangent line crossing the Newton's method axis at Newton's method. The iteration is repeated, evaluating the derivative at points Newton's method, Newton's method, Newton's method, and so on.

Newton's method

The implementation of Newton's method in Python is as follows:

""" The Newton-Raphson method """

def newton(f, df, x, tol=0.001, maxiter=100):
    :param f: The function to solve
    :param df: The derivative function of f
    :param x: Initial guess value of x
    :param tol: The precision of the solution
    :param maxiter: Maximum number of iterations
    :return: The x-axis value of the root,
                number of iterations used
    n = 1

    while n <= maxiter:
        x1 = x - f(x)/df(x)
        if abs(x1 - x) < tol:  # Root is very close
            return x1, n
            x = x1
            n += 1

    return None, n 

We will use the same function used in the bisection example and take a look at the results from Newton's method:

>>> y = lambda x: x**3 + 2*x**2 - 5
>>> dy = lambda x: 3*x**2 + 4*x
>>> root, iterations = newton(y, dy, 5.0, 0.00001, 100)
>>> print "Root is:", root
>>> print "Iterations:", iterations
Root is: 1.24189656303 
Iterations: 7 


Beware of division by zero exceptions! Using values such as 5.0, instead of 5, lets Python recognize the variable as a float, avoids the problem of treating variables as integers in calculations, and gives us better precision.

With Newton's method, we obtained a really close solution with less iteration over the bisection method.

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