A/B testing 142

absolute units of measurement 4244, 46


assistive technologies 92, 9899

design for 33, 4344, 96

accreditation schemes 173

action research 138

Agile methodology 13, 8388, 164

features 8788

meaning 8384

values 8587

AJAX 5456, 138

Angular 61, 6465

aspect ratios 117, 118

assembly language 1

assistive technologies see accessibility

back-end developers 23, 911, 174

background colour 118121

backlog 14

bar charts 129130

base64 encoding 135


Code of Conduct 157161

membership 79, 161

Boolean attributes 94

bootcamps 170171, 172

Bootstrap 60

browser-based validation 9496


evergreen 52

functionality 21

headless 153

operation 2123, 5456

bundlers 70

career development

future options 174176

initial requirements 169172

progression 172174


in CSS 4041

in jQuery 5859

charts 128131

clients 5, 7

closed questions 137


background 118121

hex values 124125

representation 124126

RGB/RGBA models 126


with clients/users 78

importance of 78, 13

compilers 70

conditional statements 57

conferences 173174

contextual inquiries 139

cookies 154

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

calc function 4950

chaining classes 4041

dialects 4142, 70

embedded 39

extending classes 4041

in external document 3839

inline 39

measurement units 4246

media queries 46, 4749

overview 3536

prefixes 41

principles 3638

tables 115

toolchains 4142

CSS-based layouts 100106

CSSOM (CSS Object Model) 21, 38

curiosity 7880, 169, 172


processing 2122

storage 21, 143152

visualisation 127131

database abstraction layers 150

databases 147

NoSQL 151152

relational 147151

DataTables 115116, 138, 166

dependency source trees 69

designers 2, 7, 1617, 174

diary studies 139

document type definition (DTD) 2526

documentation of code 8

DOM (Document Object Model) 21, 2425, 38

virtual 5253, 62, 66

ECMAScript 51, 62

editors 7273, 74

empathy 5, 76, 169

end-to-end testing 153

ethics 156

BCS Code of Conduct 157161

in research 142143

evaluative research 141144

flexbox layouts 106108, 111, 166

formative assessments 141

forms 8996

accessibility 92, 96

design decisions 140

fieldset elements 93

input 34, 9095

labels 90, 9193

legend elements 93

placeholders 90, 9193

validation 9396, 150, 165

frameworks 53, 6167

front-end developers

career progression 172176

context 8

daily life 162168

ethics 142143, 156161

maintaining currency 7, 17, 7980

origins of 12, 5

personal qualities 7681

requirements 169172

responsibilities 68, 19

role 25

technical skills 20, 177178

training 170171

front-end development 3

full-stack developers 9, 174

functional requirements 14

generative research 140141

GIF format 120

Git/GitHub 7172

grid layouts 46, 108111

headings 32

headless browsers 153

hex values 124125

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

attributes 2728, 30

basic structure 2627

division element 32

document type definition 2526

elements 27, 3134

formatting 3536

forms 9096

headings 32

images 3334

indentation 2931

inputs 34, 9095

lists 33

overview 2324

span element 31, 32

SVG in 122, 123124

tables 112116

text styling 32

videos 34

images 116117

colour representation 124126

graphics formats 120, 126127

in HTML 3334

raster 117121, 123, 167

scripting 122123

SVG format 121124

vector 121124

imposter syndrome 81

integrated development environments (IDEs) 72, 7374

integration testing 153154

integrity 158159

interviews 138

iteration 146

Java applets 51


bundlers 70

compilers 70

frameworks 53, 6167

images and 122123

libraries 5354, 5661

location of script 2223

overview 5152

package managers 69

priority over HTML/CSS 2223

purpose 5253

SVG and 122123

tagging 131132

toolchains 67, 6870

JavaScript engine 21, 2223

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 138, 143147

JavaScript XML (JSX) 63

JPEG format 126, 167

jQuery 54, 5660

JSFiddle 65

Kanban 87

key performance indicators (KPIs) 132

labels 90, 9193

layouts 9697

CSS-based 100106

flexbox 106108, 111, 166

grid 46, 108111

table-based 97100

Lazy Loading 137

Lean Startup 84

libraries 5354, 5661

listening skills 77

lists 33

markup language 2324


absolute units 4244, 46

CSS calc function 4950

relative units 4446

media queries 46, 4749

meetups 79, 173174

metadata 26

minimal viable product (MVP) 8485

model-view-controller (MVC) format 62, 66

model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) format 66

modules 68

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) 124

multivariate testing 142

Node Package Manager 69

Node.js 53

non-functional requirements 14

normalisation 148

NoSQL databases 151152

open questions 137

package managers 69

pie charts 129

pixels 4344

placeholders 90, 9193

points 44

polyfills 110

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format 126

product owners 1416, 174

professional competence 158159

prototypes 15, 134137, 138

public interest 157158

pull requests 8, 19, 72

quality assurance 1819

raster images 117121, 167

aspect ratio 117, 118

background colour 118121

JavaScript and 123

size 118

React 61, 6264

Redux 64

relational databases 147151

relative units of measurement 4446

relevant authority, duty to 159160

render tree 2122

rendering engine 2122


ethics 142143

evaluative 141144

example 134138

generative 140141

meaning 133

primary methods 138139

secondary methods 139140

resilience 80

REST (Representational State Transfer) 150151

retrospectives 167168

RGB/RGBA models 126

screen size 35, 45, 4749

Scrum masters 1214, 15, 174

Scrum methodology 12, 87

semantics 96

server logs 131132

serverless infrastructures 84

software agents 96

software architects 1112, 174, 176

software designers 11, 12, 176

speed testing 154, 155

sprints 87

SQL (Structured Query Language) 150

stacked bar charts 130

stand-up meetings 13, 18, 88, 163

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) 25

state management patterns 137

stories 14, 8788

summative assessments 141

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 121124

sympathy 76

systems analysts 2


in CSS 115

data visualisation 127128

in HTML 112116

table-based layouts 97100

teaching 175


A/B 142

end-to-end 153

importance of 152153

integration 153154

multivariate 142

responsibility for 8, 19

speed 154, 155

testing pyramid 154155

unit 154

user acceptance 87, 164

themes 75


CSS 4142

JavaScript 67, 6870


accreditation 173

bootcamps 170171, 172

costs 160

transparent backgrounds 119120

typefaces 7475

TypeScript 65, 177

understanding clients/users 7778

unit testing 154

user acceptance testing 87, 164

user agent stylesheets 35, 36

user groups 138139

users 45, 7


browser-based 9496

forms 9396, 150, 165

responsibility for 8

Vanilla JavaScript 60, 6162

vector images 121124

version control systems 7172

videos 34

viewports 45, 46

Vue 61, 6567

Waterfall methodology 8586

web analytics 131133

web template engines 132

WebP format 126127

websites 7

XML 143145


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