In this chapter, we discuss what we mean by the term ‘front-end’ as well as the need for a dedicated front-end developer within modern development teams.


Historically, computers were people: a room full of mathematicians tasked with carrying out calculations. Humans are fallible, though, so there were many early attempts to automate the process of computation, such as the Babbage Engine (Computer History Museum, n.d.). Computers, as we know them, are a much more recent development.

When the more modern computers initially came about, they were less than user friendly, and users were left trying to fit their heads into the computer space – trying to fit complex thoughts and concepts into ones and zeros. Users of those early electronic computers were sometimes seen as strange and aloof, having to spend their time thinking in a way that a computer would understand, altering the registers of a processor using assembly languages.1 Often these users were also the programmers or developers of the computer and could be seen as having a symbiotic relationship with the hardware. If they needed the computer to do something, they needed to be able to tell the computer to do that thing in a way that the machine could understand.

Even those early computers were massively powerful compared to a room full of mathematicians, and far less likely to make mistakes, but they were costly and required a massive infrastructure. Business, governments and universities required some return on the enormous investment the computers represented, so the original users were asked to program the computers to undertake specific tasks, thus becoming specialist developers. The developer then came to be something of an interface between the user and the computer.

Alan Skorkin has written about the distinctions between developers, programmers and computer scientists (Skorkin, 2010). He says that, while he uses the terms interchangeably (as many do), people he meets in the industry often classify themselves as falling into a single category.

There was often a further requirement for someone to act as an interpreter between the user and the developer, and so the roles of the systems analyst and designer were born, introducing yet another layer.

While systems analysts are aware of the needs of the actual users of a system, they are also responsible for its overall design. As such, the idea of them having specialist knowledge of how a user interacts with a system might seem excessive; thus, the specialist role of the front-end developer came into play.

The front-end developer is the member of the team whose work has the closest impact on the user, despite often never encountering them. Whereas the back-end developer is concerned with the logic of the application and will use a plethora of tools to ensure that that logic is maintained during interactions with the user, the front-end developer uses a significantly different toolset to ensure that the logic is presented in a way that makes sense to users and is aesthetically pleasing.


I find it useful, as a front-end developer, to imagine my parents interacting with a system I am developing. My mum is not one of those parents who can send an SMS, and all her interactions are in person or by voice over the phone. She is getting better at interacting online and with banks, and she now shops on the internet, but there was a time when I worried that she would be unable to communicate with larger and larger portions of the modern discourse.

Conversely, my dad is sometimes overly cautious and less nuanced than some users, being quick to end an online interaction at the least provocation, fearing that someone might steal his personal information and do goodness knows what with it. I am sure we all know someone who feels left out of some aspects of the modern world because they are not comfortable using a computer, but should they have to lose out or should we do all in our power to make their interactions as painless as possible?

What do we mean when we use the term ‘front-end development’? Wikipedia has a good definition: ‘the practice of converting data to graphical interface for user[s] to view and interact with data through digital interaction using HTML [Hypertext Markup Language], CSS [Cascading Style Sheets] and JavaScript’ (Wikipedia, 2018). The front-end is anything which we display to our users via markup.


I once went to a party in London not long after starting work as a front-end developer. When I was asked what I did for a living, I said that I made the stuff which Lars Malmqvist (my boss at the time) did ‘look pretty’. I expanded, as at the time we were primarily involved in allowing residents of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead to interrogate a data set, by noting that Lars did the hard stuff by extracting, manipulating and subsequently geofencing the data, while I was merely responsible for displaying it on a map.

At the time, we had either just been shortlisted for or won the 2011 Guardian’s Megas award (The Guardian, 2011), and both we and our primary investor were rightly pleased as punch.

Saying that front-end developers merely make things look pretty is perhaps disingenuous, though. Ivan Codesido explained, when he wrote in The Guardian in 2009, that the front-end developer (or ‘client-side developer’, as he calls the job) aims to:

Create clear, easy, fast pages and interfaces that will make people understand and care about the information, by putting it in context, expose its legitimacy or lack thereof, and reveal [the information’s] implicit or explicit interconnection. (Codesido, 2009)

While Codesido seems to have a bias towards a journalistic interpretation of what a front-end developer is, this is probably not such a wrong approach to take to the role. We might be tasked with creating content (see the section in Chapter 3 on images) but, generally, we are the people tasked with creating a meaningful experience for users from artefacts generated by others, be those images or text.

I would also expand upon Codesido’s definition by noting that we need to allow our users to interact with the services which we present in as simple a way as possible. For example, our users might not be working afront a multi-monitor display with access to a fast broadband connection but might be struggling to interact with a form via a feature phone over a slow mobile connection. Using empathy to imagine such scenarios will help us to appreciate making the experiences we are crafting as efficient as possible, for as many users as possible. Squeezing as much extraneous data as possible from an image, while keeping it clear, might seem a waste of effort as it downloads to our machines in a minuscule fraction of a second while we are at work; for some of our users, though, the delayed image download, over slower connections, might mean that they miss some vital information or lose patience. This may either lose clients an interaction or users an opportunity.

The distinction between clients and users is the mainstay of the role of the front-end developer, and we offer something of an intersection between the two spheres. Ideally, no one should have two masters, but in this instance we should be conscious of our responsibilities to both, being unafraid to challenge either while being mindful of their distinct needs. When the needs of both masters are in concordance, we should also aim to gently challenge them, even if just by presenting new elements to them to keep their interest piqued.

Also in 2009, Paul Carvill, a colleague of Codesido, wrote about the history of front-end developers and noted that the role only really started to mature in the last few years of the previous millennium (Carvill, 2009). He suggests that much of this was down to Google’s search algorithm and an appreciation that data could best be discovered, and thus indexed, when presented semantically. I will expand upon semantics later, but in this instance we are talking about the structure of the underlying data.

We can present data in all sorts of ways as front-end developers (as evidenced on the CSS Zen Garden site (Shea, 2005)), but not all of these methods are suited to the information being parsed by search engines. How much better to target our efforts at search engines as well as our users and reduce effort, allowing both our users and other (perhaps intelligent) agents to glean what is pertinent?

Carvill goes on to note that front-end developers require a vast skill set (with a similarly massive job description). I will discuss the main tools of our trade in the next chapter. While their scope can seem daunting, the challenges offered are more than rewarded both in terms of personal satisfaction and monetarily.


The Hawaii missile alert in 2018 – when an alarm was broadcast to the population of Hawaii saying that there was an incoming ballistic missile and that the community should seek shelter – is an example of how weak front-end development can have disastrous results. Core77 (Noe, 2016) shows the original screen where the error was made. It seems to have been a matter of someone clicking on the wrong hyperlink in a document containing two very similar instructions: one with the word ‘DRILL’ at the start.

While there were no reports of fatalities occurring as a result of the Hawaii missile alert, ill-thought-out design has been linked with deaths (Shariat, 2014). You must be aware of your responsibilities. It may well be that you will not be developing such vital infrastructures as missile alert systems or medical interfaces, but you have a responsibility to communicate either your or your employer’s vision in as clear a way as possible. Users’ lives might not depend upon it, but they will take away something from every interaction, if only subconsciously.


When you see job specifications for front-end developer roles, there will be countless responsibilities listed, but they all encompass the following items.

Design, creation and maintenance of websites

The design, creation and maintenance of websites make up a considerable portion of the front-end developer’s responsibilities, and we will look at critical aspects of these tasks later in this book. There are many tools available to aid you with the design of websites, including merely a pen and paper. You might even be in the fortunate position of having a designer who will furnish you with a design. Wherever the design comes from, you then have to implement it using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript – we will examine each of these in the next chapter.

Keeping abreast of technology

As you will see in the following chapters, the environment of the front-end developer is continually changing, with standards being adapted and new technologies, approaches, fashions and techniques appearing all the time, while others are either superseded or removed altogether. Being aware of current trends and techniques is of paramount importance and helps with the maintenance clause of the first responsibility, as it will help you not only to improve your future work but also to enhance your previous work.


I mentioned earlier that all developers need to be aware of the requirements of two, sometimes converging, groups (clients and eventual users). Alongside being able to communicate effectively with clients and users, we sometimes find ourselves working within a larger team and so being able to communicate with colleagues is of importance. We will look at the elements of effective communication at greater length later in this book, but please note that you may well have to communicate with your future self. Having clean and well-documented code not only is professional but will also help you and your colleagues in the future.

Testing and validating

Traditional testing in the front-end can be fraught with issues with regard to waiting for asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) calls to complete before checking the resulting markup; alongside those issues, we might also test our work with all or a subset of users or others. Whatever the nature of the testing you embark upon, having a plan is the pre-eminent concern. There is a wealth of tools available to help with traditional testing of the front-end, and we will go into greater depth regarding researching and testing your work with your users in Chapter 3. Validation of markup can be bundled into the first point, as it will be your duty to produce valid markup – while appreciating that not all browsers treat markup identically; services such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Markup Validation Service will prove invaluable.


This book is about the front-end developer, but working purely within a front-end developer silo is not something that I would encourage. Maintaining a silo mentality, and not understanding the roles of those you are working with, means that you are unable to make their lives easier. Being helpful will encourage reciprocation, and they will be more inclined to make your life more comfortable in return; casting your eye over their pull requests,2 for example, will help you to understand the overall application you are working on, and you might be able to spot glaring syntax errors.

Full-stack developers

A full-stack developer is a developer who codes both the back-end and the front-end of an application. They might not have the specialist knowledge required to be classed as a specialist front-end or a specialist back-end developer, but this can vary: some have a leaning towards one rather than the other, and others may be experts in both.

Full-stack developers are highly sought after, no matter the technology stack they favour, due to their versatility.

There are arguments about the validity of the term ‘full-stack developer’, with some claiming it to be a trend and nothing more, as most developers have some knowledge of other aspects of the stack. Indeed, some suggest that to be defined as a full-stack developer, a developer needs to have knowledge and appreciation of all levels of the ‘stack’, from the underlying networked structure of HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests all the way up to the needs of the business (Yellvula, 2017).

That is not to suggest that employing a full-stack developer negates the need for a dedicated front-end developer, as they often work well together – a full-stack developer might create the overall application, while the front-end developer might then provide suitable polish and check that the finished product works well for the user.

Back-end developers

What we do, as front-end developers, is to provide a veneer to what back-end developers make and, for want of a better phrase, make it look appealing. Most interactions with a web application will entail some server-side code taking what we send and processing it in some way. Back-end developers are not limited to this processing, though; they need to understand the database they will be using for the storage of that data and the peculiarities of the operating system upon which both the server and the database reside. They also need to collaborate with business stakeholders to understand the needs that their code will address. There is a huge choice of programming languages that back-end developers can use.

Once you have a familiarity with one programming language, you will find that you can parse others and subsequently gain some understanding of what is going on.

A good working relationship with a back-end developer is paramount. The back-end developer is responsible for the hidden parts of the application, the code that connects to the database and handles any CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on it while ensuring the consistency of any data saved, as well as its conformance with business logic. The role is undoubtedly essential, but without the user being able to interact with this code, there is no application – this is where the experience of the front-end developer comes into play. Simple HTML inputs suffice for most operations but ensuring that interacting with the application is not onerous is our responsibility; our aim should be to develop pleasing and unique ways for our users to interact with the underlying code. If we don’t understand what the back-end developer requires from us, we can be left floundering.


Some of my most satisfying development experiences have been working alongside a software architect working as a back-end developer – Andy Widdess. We got loads done in quite a short period of time, with him asking me what I wanted in terms of data from the back-end and, in turn, telling me what he expected to receive.

Working in such a way was extraordinarily satisfying and productive. It was one of those partnerships which are rare, and, although it did not last long enough, while we were performing so synergistically we managed to get a great deal of the application written.

During our project, we had some discussion about how much he should manipulate the data returned in his APIs (application programming interfaces) and how much I should, when returning data to the server. This mixing of concerns is like that of CSS and JavaScript becoming closer in their abilities to change the user interface (UI). I was more than capable of producing data in a form suited to the back-end while being able to process the data received so that it was better suited to the UI. My colleague made my life easier by doing the heavy lifting on the server – we came to an amicable resolution which allowed us both the opportunity to wrangle the data enough to satisfy us.

Software architect

Like the software designer, discussed below, the software architect is responsible for the choices made in development but at a higher level. For example, they might be responsible for defining and enforcing standards such as coding practices, ensuring comments are in place.

The software architect designs the overarching structure of an application, the software designer ensures that the bits hang together, and the other developers build the application. Sometimes the software architect and software designer can be involved with the development as well; however, this is less likely in larger teams, as they spend significant amounts of time managing those responsible for the actual code.

Depending on the level of detail of the architect’s design of the finished plan, having a relationship with them will allow them to better judge what is possible as well as desirable within the application. Giving them the benefit of your understanding of the needs of your users will allow them to better architect the application so that it makes sense to the user. To an extent, you need to be an advocate for the user.

Software designer

Whereas a software architect develops the overall skeleton of the application, the software designer is responsible for fleshing out the skeleton. As such they are often more experienced developers, as this allows them to guide other developers and make decisions about the specific implementation of the designs of the software architect.

The team’s software designer often attends architecture meetings, where the wider application and the roadmap of future developments are discussed, and subsequently uses regular review meetings to filter these down to the rest of the team. Having a good relationship with them is essential so that you feel able to bring suggestions to the table when discussing their proposed implementation of the architecture. If you can suggest novel and visually pleasing approaches to designing an interaction, then they can consider these when it comes to their design.

Scrum master

Scrum is a methodology which allows a team to self-organise, though there needs to be a specific facilitator. This role is called the Scrum master, and this can be a dedicated person (either for a single team or for multiple teams), or it can rotate among different members of the team. Perhaps the best description of the role comes from a video available on YouTube (GroetenUitDelft, 2011) and sponsored by Scrum.nl (Prowareness, 2018). This light-hearted depiction of the position touches on the main points of the role, and it sort of mirrors the actions of an effective chair within a meeting, in that the chair encourages the flow of information in the daily stand-up,3 not only helping every member of the team to speak and describe what they have done and what they plan to do now, but also gently reigning in a boisterous team if necessary.

This lightness of touch is also critical when it comes to addressing team dynamics. Behaviour such as bullying needs to be addressed, and the Scrum master often takes the role of an impartial adjudicator; team dynamics are at least as important as anything else. You may have the most skilled front-end and back-end developers, but if they do not get on and are incapable of talking to each other, then the project and business will suffer. As mentioned earlier, being able to communicate well is likely to be one of your most essential skills as a front-end developer – the Scrum master is there to encourage this, especially for those of your colleagues who might find it uncomfortable.

As well as encouraging appropriate communication within the team, a Scrum master acts as a filter or mediator between the team and others. They also help to overcome any barriers or blockers confronting the team. Sometimes this can be as simple as ensuring there is the proper equipment, software licences or permissions in place.

Should Scrum master be a role you are interested in, I will share advice from transformation coach Melvyn Pullen, who suggests reading the official Scrum guide (Sutherland & Schwaber, 2018) over and over again.

Having a dedicated Scrum master might be the best way of organising a team as they will have some experience of Agile4 and Scrum and might even hold a relevant qualification. They might be affiliated with any number of bodies such as Scrum.org or the Scrum Alliance (2018).

Smaller or younger teams might get by using a rotating Scrum master; alternatively, a member of the team might be assigned the role full time, with a corresponding reduction in other duties to allow them time to fulfil the responsibilities of their new position.


I have heard reports of workplaces where team members were appointed as Scrum masters full time. However, it seems that those with these extra duties often did not find that their original workload reduced – and, in those places where it did, they often felt frustrated that their supplemental work got in the way of the things that they found most fulfilling.

Product owner

Whereas the Scrum master might be equated with a sergeant in the armed forces, the product owner has a more strategic view and could be likened to a commissioned officer. They have the responsibility for managing the backlog of work with which the whole team will eventually be tasked. The backlog represents something of a roadmap or plan for what will be delivered, and to an extent it is never-ending.5

As it can be represented as a pool of tasks, the backlog needs to be organised so that related features, bug fixes, stories6 and non-functional requirements7 are delivered logically. It would make no sense for the front-end architecture to be in place before the back-end were produced, or vice versa, as there would be a delay in the finished aspect of the application being released, as it is a combination of the two ends of development.

Note that there can often be a disconnect in the process of bringing the front-end and the back-end together. I believe that the best solution is for both to be developed in concert, but this can be difficult to orchestrate in practice. I have found it useful to work up a prototype structure for the back-end using some dummy data, which later allows the full-stack developer to take my data structure and put flesh on its bones with the actual data from the database.

The person tasked with the organisation of the backlog is the product owner, and they must balance the needs of the business with the needs and abilities of the development team. While the Scrum master should mediate communication between the team and the product owner, it is sometimes useful to gain clarification directly from the product owner, especially if they work closely with the designer. Being a front-end developer means that aesthetics is going to be at the forefront of your work, and gaining clarification directly from the person likely to sign off your work, rather than deal with further changes later, will save time. That is not to suggest that clarification from the product owner is only required by front-end developers – all team members might need such explanation, so some negotiation must be sought from the Scrum master to understand whether it is acceptable to them to be bypassed in such a way.

It is sometimes the case that the product owner is known as the ‘single wringable neck’ (Hartman, 2009) as they are the person with the overall responsibility for the work and the order in which it is carried out. They are in a position of having a foot in both camps in that they are sometimes part of the Scrum but also a part of the business proper. This means that they might not have overall responsibility for the delivery of requirements by the team, as the needs of the business might sway them. The business might need to act in an agile manner in response to changes in the market, which would mean the product owner being given priorities by their organisational structure and subsequently upsetting the original roadmap. The product owner’s ability to think strategically is essential, and they must also have an appreciation that ‘no plan survives contact with the enemy’ (paraphrased in Barnett, 1963, p. 35).This appreciation of strategy should be fostered among all members of the team, though.


The product owner role is related to that of the designer, in that they not only work closely together to provide a blueprint for the final solution but are also people that a front-end developer might communicate with by bypassing the Scrum master.

The primary distinction between front-end developers and designers can be described in terms of a map and the territory it depicts (Wilson, 1977). The designer is the cartographer responsible for mapping the user journey and the things that they will see on that journey; the front-end developer is responsible for building the terrain. The designer is likely to use different tools to the front-end developer. It used to be that the tools employed by designers, such as ‘what you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG, pronounced ‘wizz-ee-wig’) tools, were popular. However, the markup these generated was often notoriously difficult to read as it was convoluted and just plain messy,8 so they lost favour with front-end developers, who instead chose to hand-craft the markup and CSS.

One such program, Microsoft’s Sketch2Code (Microsoft, 2018), might make an impact on your future career as a front-end developer. Thanks to the vagaries of Internet Explorer 11, there will still be a place for front-end developers for quite some time to come.

While designers and front-end developers have a similar appreciation of the look of an application, I have found that a designer sometimes cannot understand all the limitations of the ‘canvas’ which will be used. I have had conversations with designers about styling select inputs – where a user is asked to choose one or more options – and whether it is possible to style the different options in different ways. It is possible, but users are familiar with the mechanism of select inputs, so I dissuaded designers from styling them in a way that might lead to cognitive dissonance.

Your working relationship with the designer on your team, if there is one, is likely to be as close as that with the back-end or full-stack developers on your team. To an extent, you act as a mediator between the aesthetics and the mechanism of the application; you help to display information in a pleasing manner which does not disguise its importance. The designer will have spent time thinking about this process and will likely have specialist skills in areas such as user interface (UI) or user experience (UX), so it is worth following their thought processes. This understanding of their thought processes will not only aid your users’ journey but will also help you in the future when you might not have access to such a resource.

As a front-end developer, you should be aware of current design trends and how they will affect you – because they will: when your employer gets excited by a trend and asks you to implement it, or when you spot something which will enhance your users’ experience on their journey through the application you are crafting. A designer is likely to be involved in the creation of these trends.

Quality assurance

Quality assurance (QA) team members can be both the bane and the delight of your life. They are responsible for testing the things that you develop.


I asked Annie dela Cruz, one of my QA colleagues, to describe her role, and this is what she said:

Firstly, QAs need to make sure that the implemented software or application is based on business requirements and that it is working as expected – that’s the main thing. Secondly, QAs need to make sure that the application is usable, that negative inputs will return messages for the user, and that overall design, usability, compatibility and integration with other systems are all working as expected.

It is always entertaining to look at a test system after a QA has done their work, as there will be all kinds of oddness, with user inputs filled with random bits of JavaScript or image tags to ensure that the system can cope with people attempting to inject malicious code into it.


Here’s a funny QA joke, which might have originated with Bill Sempf (2014). It illustrates the sorts of tests to which a QA might subject your work:

QA Engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders −1 beers. Orders a sfdeljknesv.

Depending upon the organisation of your team, QA professionals may well be part of your stand-up meeting, and it is worth spending time developing a relationship with them. Being comfortable with them will mean that you can gain a greater understanding of any bugs they identify.

They are certainly not the only people who should test your work. Testing is one of the responsibilities of front-end developers so you should ideally test everything you change in all browsers you support before making a pull request, then ask another developer to review your pull request. Should your changes pass this cursory inspection, you should then ask another developer to test them in whatever test system you have before letting the QA loose. Following this process, or at least something similar, helps to prevent your users from being tripped up by something that you have written.


Front-end developers are crucial to modern businesses. Without an attractive and functional website, potential clients will look elsewhere. Moreover, when it comes to production applications, a poorly presented and difficult-to-use application will see existing customers leaving to use a competitor’s application; even if it offers less functionality, if it is more engaging they will prefer it. You owe it to yourself to ensure that your hard work is presented as well as possible to as broad an audience as possible. Quite apart from anything else, a well-presented website or application will engender trust.

Front-end developers need to foster many soft and hard skills to become competent practitioners, and we will discuss these tools in the next chapter. The volume of tools can seem daunting, but please do not be disheartened, as front-end development is an immensely rewarding career. And those skills will find utility in other areas of your personal and professional life as well.

1 While not the lowest level of programming language, assembly languages are about the lowest level which can be understood by people who do not design chips used in the solving of calculations. Different processor architectures have different assembly languages, but they all have similar sets of instructions.

2 A pull request is a way that a member of a team can ask to make changes to the code in a Git repository.

3 A stand-up is where members of the development team can inform each other of their progress, what their development plans are for the day and any impediments to that progress they might be facing.

4 Making applications can be very complicated. The Agile methodology can help to ease this complexity by breaking the work into small, manageable chunks.

5 ‘Backlog’ is an Agile term (see Chapter 3 for more on Agile).

6 ‘Stories’ is an Agile term (see Chapter 3 for more on Agile). It is a high-level definition of a requirement which allows developers to estimate the effort required to implement it.

7 A functional requirement specifies what the system should do, whereas non-functional requirements describe how the system should work.

8 As we will see later, there are many ways of generating markup that appears the same to the end user. Not all these ways are as desirable as others – for instance, embedding styling within attributes of HTML is best avoided. This type of code is often called ‘spaghetti code’ and can be difficult for other developers to change later.

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