
Note: Figures are identified by f following the page number. Tables are identified by t following the page number. Endnote information is identified by n and note number following the page number.

  • Babban Gona, 235–236
  • Bajaj, Avnish, 148
  • Ballmer, Steve, 70
  • Bamboo Finance, 143
  • Banerjee, Abhijit, 46, 64
  • Banerji, Rukmini, 36, 39
  • Bangladesh, 14, 37, 44–45, 195, 326
  • Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). See BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee)
  • Bannick, Matt, 3, 6, 118, 121, 137, 138, 140, 150
  • Baptista, David, 20, 23
  • Barra, Mary, 334
  • B Corp certification, 86
  • B corporations, 1, 189, 196, 284
  • Beach, Dave, 256–257
  • behavior change, scaling social innovation and, 181–182
  • Bellevue University, 282
  • beneficiary journey map, 244
  • benefit corporations, 1, 197
  • Berger, Alexander, 71–72
  • Bezos, Jeff, 70
  • “Big Bet Philanthropy,” 180
  • Bildner, Eli, 288–291, 292
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 58, 126, 179
  • Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) and, 153
  • Bridgespan report (2018), 56
  • Chopra Foundation and, 25
  • on Chuck Feeney, 62
  • Covid-19 response, 308
  • Covid-19 vaccine and, 335
  • gender equality efforts, 50, 51
  • Giving Pledge and, 62
  • BillPhils (billionaire philanthropists)
  • criticism of, 60–61
  • evidence-based practices and, 65–67
  • facts about, 56–59
  • growth in personal wealth, 56–57
  • “servant philanthropy” mindset of, 70–72
  • shifting from foundations to “giving while living,” 61–64
  • signing the Giving Pledge, 56
  • team-of-teams model and, 67–70
  • BioNTech, 336
  • Bischof, Chris, 240
  • B Lab, 86
  • Black Lives Matter, 200
  • BlackRock, 350
  • Black social entrepreneurs, 132
  • blockchain technology, 97
  • Bloomberg (rating service), 86
  • Bloomberg Green, 367
  • Bloomberg, Michael, 63
  • Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), 346, 347–348, 347f
  • Bloomberg Philanthropies, 179
  • Bloom, Gordon, 7, 319, 320
  • Blue Meridian Partners (BMP), 69, 180
  • Board Fellows, 210
  • board of trustees
  • board governance, 41
  • diversity in, 39–40
  • FASB, 95, 109n74
  • Boeing, 149, 355
  • BP, 347f, 356–357, 360, 369, 379n49
  • BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee), 37–38, 44, 195
  • brainstorming, in empathetic approach, 15
  • Brandman University, 291
  • Brazil, 141, 154, 155–156, 178
  • Breakspear, Simon, 192
  • Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), 152, 153
  • Brest, Paul, 3, 6, 79, 80, 121, 246
  • Bridge Academies, 147, 158–159
  • Bridges Fund Management, 129, 143
  • Bridgespan, 69, 70
  • Bridgespan report (2018), 56
  • Brown, Moaz, 190–191
  • Buffett, Warren, 55, 62
  • BUILD, 194
  • Built to Last (Collins and Porras), 191
  • Burberry, 323
  • bureaucratic organizational model for foundations, 67–68
  • business-as-usual carbon emissions, 349f
  • business model canvas (BMC), 272
  • early-stage investing, 137–162
  • early-stage social innovations, 118, 214, 303, 314
  • Early Years (Pratham), 245
  • earned income, social sector funding through, 37–38
  • earned revenue, 2, 37, 38, 194–195
  • Earth Enable, 226–227
  • Earthshot Prize, 173
  • Eastside College Preparatory School, 240, 247
  • eBay, 148, 149
  • Ebola virus, 35
  • Echoing Green, 115, 118, 119t, 131–132
  • Econet, 308
  • economics of social innovation, Covid-19 and, 311
  • Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, 69, 190
  • education. See also postsecondary education
  • Afghan Institute of Learning, 47–48
  • Alder Graduate School of Education, 188
  • Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), 38–39
  • Bridge Academies, 158
  • CAMFED, 38, 45–46, 237–238, 238–239
  • career impact bonds, 144–145
  • digital, during Covid-19 pandemic, 300
  • Doubtnut app, India, 156
  • Eastside College Preparatory School, 240–241, 247
  • Guild Education, 281–285
  • increasing access to higher, 276–277
  • KIPP Through College program, 202–203
  • NACA Inspired Schools Network, 200
  • National Equity Project (NEP), 187, 202
  • NewSchools Venture Fund for, 197
  • One Laptop Per Child initiative, 175
  • Pathstream, 285–288
  • Pratham (India), 244–246
  • Rivet School, 288–292
  • Success Academy, 199
  • Units of Study, 193
  • effective altruism, 72
  • efficacy, 188
  • aligning operating models and, 191–192
  • definition, 189
  • increasing, 190–193
  • managing tensions between sustainability and scalability, 201–203
  • tensions and trade-offs with scalability and sustainability, 201–203
  • theory of change and, 190–191
  • well-integrated approach to measuring progress for, 192–193
  • Eisenhower Fellowship, 235
  • electronic stability control technology (ESC), 171
  • Elevar Equity, 143
  • ELMA Foundation, 70
  • emerging economies, catalyzing new markets in, 154–156
  • Emerson Collective, 58, 152
  • Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), 369
  • empathetic approach
  • Chopra Foundation using, 24–26
  • Hopebound program using, 16–19
  • LALA using, 19–24
  • Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2) using, 27
  • used by next-generation social entrepreneurs, 12, 14–16
  • empathy, 16, 263
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 4, 127, 128
  • Engine of Impact: Essentials of Strategic Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector (Starkey and Meehan), 31, 32, 33, 40, 41, 240, 247
  • entrepreneurial skills/mindsets, 221
  • environmental activism, 99
  • environmental and social (E&S) factors, 80–81
  • environmental impacts, 86–89, 140. See also carbon offsets; corporate decarbonization
  • Environmental Protection Agency, 99, 372
  • environmental, social, and governance (ESC) goals, scaling social innovation and, 182
  • environmental, social, and governance (ESC) metrics, 79–100
  • Equinor, 347f
  • equity, in Stanford’s course, 266–267
  • ERISA. See Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)
  • Ernst & Young, 83
  • ESG accounting firms, 98
  • ESG (environmental, social, and governance) constraints
  • external reporting infrastructure, 97–99
  • greenhouse gas emissions, 86–87
  • ESG (environmental, social, and governance) measurement and reporting
  • child labor, 91–92, 107n62
  • current challenges, 82
  • current status of, 82–83
  • discrimination and, 92–93, 107n66
  • efforts to improve standards for, 82–83
  • elements of a comprehensive system for, 84–85, 103n21
  • environmental versus social standards, 94
  • factors for reporting, 80–81
  • financial performance and, 121
  • financial reporting versus, 80
  • greenhouse gas emissions, 86–89
  • GRI disclosures, 89–90
  • impact investing and, 4
  • internal reporting infrastructure, 96–97
  • for occupational health and safety, 89–91
  • organizations concerned with, 86
  • retirement investing and, 127
  • standard-setting body for, 94–96
  • sustainability reporting agencies, 82–83
  • three factors of, 80–81
  • Estonia, 305
  • ethical behavior, in Stanford’s course, 264–266
  • eugenics movement, 67
  • European Medicines Agency, 335
  • European Social Innovation Competition, 173
  • European Union Transaction Log, 372
  • evaluation, impact, 36–37, 247–248
  • evidence-based practices, 64–66, 69–70, 71, 216
  • experts/expertise, 20
  • external reporting infrastructure, 97–99
  • Extreme (Design for Extreme Affordability) course, Stanford University, 223, 253–272
  • Jackley, Jessica, 14
  • Jobs, Laurene Powell, 60–61, 63, 161
  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur, 126
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Covid-19 Dashboard, 312
  • “Thinking Fast in a Time of Crisis” initiative, 331
  • Johnson & Johnson, 176–177, 336
  • Johnson, Todd, 222, 249
  • Jorasch, Gina, 230
  • J-PAL, 36–37, 41, 46, 64, 66, 245, 246, 247
  • J-PAL 2.0, 46
  • Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better (Reich), 60, 67
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 152–153
  • Lagos, 159
  • Lake, Lucy, 38
  • LALA. See Latin American Leadership Academy (LALA)
  • LALA Bootcamp, 22
  • LALA Committee for Inclusion, 22
  • Lancet and Financial Times Commission on Governing Health Futures 2030, 313
  • Landesa, 36, 50
  • land rights and reform, 49–50
  • landscape analysis, 238–239
  • land-to-the-tiller law, 50
  • Lane, Randall, 57
  • Last Mile Health (LMH), 34–36
  • Latin America, 21, 143, 148, 154
  • Latin American Leadership Academy (LALA), 19–24
  • Latinx social entrepreneurs, 132
  • leaders and leadership
  • characteristics of, 215–216
  • communication skills of, 219–220
  • creating mutually reinforcing strategies in the impact triangle, 203
  • critical analysis, 216
  • entrepreneurial skills/mindsets of, 221
  • evaluating trade-offs in the impact triangle and, 202–203
  • interpersonal skills of, 217–218
  • King Philanthropies and, 32
  • management skills of, 225–227
  • mitigating risks in the impact triangle and, 201–202
  • persistence and resilience of, 220–221
  • personal qualities of social sector, 33, 41–51
  • of philanthropic community, 58–59
  • self-awareness of, 216–217
  • situational awareness of, 218–219
  • skills, mindsets, and values for, 214–215
  • social inequalities and poor, 21–22
  • in social sector organizations, 31–32
  • strategic management by social sector, 37–41
  • strategic thinking by, 32, 33–37
  • stress levels of, 46–47
  • systems thinking for, 221–223
  • lean management, 225–226
  • Leapfrog, 143–144
  • Learn Capital, 159
  • learning from others, in Stanford’s course, 263–264
  • Lee, Gloria, 2, 6, 117, 187, 188, 213, 224, 246
  • legal structure of organization, financial sustainability and, 196–197, 249
  • legal structure of social enterprise, 115, 222, 226
  • LGT Impact Ventures, 144, 156, 157, 159
  • Liberia, 34, 35, 49, 159
  • licensure process, clinical psychology, 17, 18
  • Li, Fei-Fei, 67
  • listening
  • design thinking approach and, 3
  • in empathetic approach, 15, 27
  • Hopebound program using, 16, 19
  • by Manu Chopra, 25, 26
  • servant leadership and, 71
  • litigation risk, financial reporting and, 99
  • Lok Capital, 144
  • Lotus solar-powered irrigation pump, 271
  • lower-and-middle-income countries (LMICs), Covid-19 response and, 333
  • Lumina Foundation, 280
  • NACA Inspired Schools Network, 200
  • Nairobi, 157, 326
  • National Equity Project (NEP), 187, 202
  • National Housing Act, 126
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH), 120, 330, 335
  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), 345
  • Natixis survey, 127
  • natural gas companies, pension/retirement accounts and, 127–128
  • nature-based carbon offsets, 362, 363, 364, 364f, 367, 369
  • Nature Conservancy, 362, 367
  • NCX (carbon offset supplier), 362
  • NEA, 159
  • needs analysis, of target population, 241–242
  • Nepal, 176
  • Nesta Challenges, 173
  • Net Zero Ambition (BP), 356
  • NewSchools Venture Fund, 133, 197
  • New York City Pension Fund, 350
  • next-generation social entrepreneurs
  • characteristics of, 11–16
  • Chopra Foundation (Manu Chopra) case study, 24–26
  • digital technology and, 14
  • empathetic approach by, 14–16
  • Hopebound (Christina Guilbeau) case study, 16–19
  • Latin American Leadership Academy (LALA) (Diego Ontaneda Benavides) case study, 19–24
  • Nigeria, 159, 176, 235–236
  • Nike, 86
  • 90-10 funds, 127
  • Nipah virus, 326
  • Nobel Prize, 46, 64–65
  • Nod (app), 329
  • nonfinancial impact/value, 142
  • nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 37, 65, 175, 177–178, 234, 258
  • nonprofit organizations, 1–2. See also social sector organizations
  • Echoing Green fellowship applications, 119t
  • fundraising by for-profit social ventures versus, 115–116
  • government funding, 196
  • history of social innovation and, 1
  • incubator programs, Covid-19 response, 328–329
  • philanthropy funding, 120
  • response to Covid-19 pandemic, 328
  • survival of, 229
  • time spent on fundraising, 37
  • Notore Chemical Industries, 235
  • Novavax vaccine, 336
  • Novogratz, Jacqueline, 146
  • quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), 85, 91
  • Tableau, 285
  • talent, in social sector organizations, 38–39
  • talent management, 225
  • talent models, in social sector organizations, 38–40
  • Target Neutral, 357
  • target population analysis, 241–242
  • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), 88, 105n44
  • Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM), 366, 369
  • Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 173–174, 308
  • tax breaks, 125–126
  • tax code, 124, 125
  • Taylor, Jim, 241
  • Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL), 245
  • team-of-teams model, 40, 67–70
  • Teams of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World (McChrystal), 69
  • Tech4Covid, 305–306
  • technology. See also digital technology
  • carbon offsets and, 363
  • digital health social innovations during Covid-19, 299–301
  • focus on scaling social innovation and, 180
  • internal reporting systems and, 97
  • Latin American Leadership Academy (LALA) using, 23–24
  • mental health program using, 16–17
  • mobile, 139, 147–148
  • of PlayPump International, 234
  • technology-based carbon offsets, 362–363, 365, 367
  • TED Conferences (Technology, Entertainment, Design), 70, 180
  • telemedicine, 301
  • Tencent, 155, 156, 304, 308, 312
  • Tesla, 323
  • Teyit, 329
  • theory of change, 3
  • crafting a, 190–191
  • developing a, 246–248
  • explained, 2, 190
  • impact model and, 224
  • “third era of organizations,” 68
  • Tides Foundation, 174
  • tithing, 194
  • TLcom Capital, 160
  • tools, scalability and, 199f, 200
  • Toyota, 361
  • Transform Health Coalition, 313
  • Transparency International, 21
  • transparency of CCF disclosures, 369–372
  • Trinity Challenge, 173, 313
  • Trinity College Dublin, 63
  • tripod treadle irrigation pump, 270–271, 271f
  • Trump administration, 325, 333
  • tuition reimbursement, 283
  • Tuna, Cari, 71–72
  • Turkey, 329
  • twin “valleys of death.” See “valleys of death,” in social innovation process
  • Type 1 Diabetes Fund, 152
  • Ultra Rice, 177–178, 183
  • “unicorns,” 129, 148
  • Unilever, 354–355, 360, 361
  • United Airlines, Inc., 355–356, 363–364, 369
  • United Kingdom
  • carbon emission disclosures, 372, 374
  • CDC Group, 145, 161
  • Covid-19 response, 323
  • government, 124
  • MPesa and, 147
  • United Nations
  • agency for aviation, 355
  • collaboration by, 308
  • Department for International Development (DFID), 147
  • Digital Compact, 313
  • Digital Roadmap, 312
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 348
  • Sustainable Development Goals, 168
  • World Food Program, 178
  • United States, current challenges in, 59–60
  • United Way, 328
  • Units of Study, 193
  • Unity (company), 285
  • universal basic income, 24, 66
  • University of California San Francisco, 63, 331
  • University of Oxford, 334–335
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 180
  • Uplink COVID-19 Challenge Cohort, 303
  • Urban Institute study, 56
  • Urstein, Rob, 7, 202, 277, 278
  • USAID (United States Agency for International Development), 49–50, 234
  • US Department of Health and Human Services, 330
  • US Internal Revenue Code, 125
  • US Public Health Accompaniment Unit, 333
  • US tax code, 124, 125
  • vaccine alliance (Gavi), 173, 302, 312, 335
  • vaccine, Covid-19, 179, 302, 329, 334–335
  • vaccine vial monitors (VVMs), 170, 200
  • validity, E&S factors and, 84
  • “valleys of death,” in social innovation process, 169f, 170, 171, 172
  • value chain model, 168, 170, 182, 302, 305
  • value of a statistical life (VSL), 91, 106n58
  • Ventec Life Systems, 333
  • venture capital, 1
  • venture capital (VC) investments
  • Bridge Academies and, 159
  • in developed markets, 151–152
  • in emerging economies, 154
  • Guild Education and, 284
  • venture capitalists, social ventures versus, 117
  • Verified Carbon Standard, 366
  • viability, 268, 269f, 271, 272
  • virtual therapy sessions, 18
  • vocational training, 277–278
  • voluntary carbon markets, 363, 366, 367, 369
  • voluntary carbon offsets, 363, 366f
  • volunteers, 39
  • Walker, Darren, 58–59
  • Waterman, Robert H., 191
  • WeChat, 304
  • Wellcome Trust, 179
  • #WeVsVirus online hackathon, 307, 308
  • WhatsApp, 156
  • William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 58
  • willingness to pay (WTP), 91, 107n59
  • Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World (Giridharada), 5, 60
  • Wolfe, Tom, 70
  • Women’s World Banking, 160
  • Woods, Wendy, 198
  • workers’ compensation programs, 90–91
  • workforce
  • diversity in, 39–40
  • team-of-teams model, 40–41
  • workplace injuries and deaths, 90–91
  • workplace safety, 89–91
  • World Bank
  • Development Marketplace Award, 234
  • global poverty prediction, 231
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC), 145–146
  • World Economic Forum (WEF)
  • Covid-19 Action Platform, 303, 305
  • “Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism” report, 83
  • World Health Organization (WHO), 311
  • chlorhexidine and, 176
  • Covid-19 Digital Clearinghouse, 305–306, 308
  • Covid-19 vaccine and, 334
  • Digital Health Technical Advisory Group, 300
  • digital vaccine record and, 305
  • “Public Statement for Collaboration on COVID-19 Vaccine Development,” 334
  • vaccine vial monitors (VVMs) and, 170
  • Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP), 86
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