
accruals, 94

acid test/liquidity ratio, 104

additional expenses, 134

Ansoff Matrix, 107

appreciation, 95

artificial intelligence (AI), 49

Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), 139

balance sheet, 32, 92–93

banks, 39

brainstorm, 14

break-even analysis, 90

Brexit, 140, 141

budget/budgeting, 84, 85–86

benefits of, 85

business, 10

demand, 18, 32

and family, 23–25

financial data, 96–105

growth, 25, 29–35

implications, 45–46

knowing your numbers, 21–22

location, 18–19

market, 75–76

naming your, 14–16

networking, 22, 70–71

own, 13

owner(s), 82

planning, 9, 10, 24, 30, 32, 55–58, 84, 96, 116

types of, 10–13

as usual, 49–50

business growth

advantages of, 108–111

disadvantages of, 112–113

people resource, 118–120

business-to-business (B2B) market, 75

business-to-consumer (B2C) market, 75

capacity planning, 85

capital gains tax (CGT), 124

carriage charges, 134

cash, 93

cash flow, 23, 133

account, 87

calculation, 87–88

components, 88–89

forecasting, 89

cause marketing, 80

challenges, 4


choices, 53

complexities of, 44–45

roles, 49–50

skills and competencies, 51–52

types of, 43–44

variables, 52–53

collaborative relationships, 51

commission, 129

Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 139

communication, 41–42, 50

community, 40

company, 11–12

culture, 111

website, 67–69

competitors, 82

compromise, 42

consistency of good habits, 7

contacts and referrals, 70

continuous personal development, 51

control, 85

cooperative, 12

copyright, 21

corporation tax, 122–123

costs, 19, 33

clarification of, 86

of sales, 91–92

creativity, 3

creditors, 94

creditor turnover, 101

credit period, 134

critical thinking, 3

current assets, 93–94

current liabilities, 94

customer, 39, 82, 117

creditworthiness, 134–135

demand, 31

existing, 33

regular, 31

service, 29

debenture, 96

debtors, 93

debtor turnover, 101–102

decision making, 25–27, 38, 76, 83, 85, 107

Department of Labor (DOL), 133

depreciation, 95

destiny, 5–6

direct costs, 86

direct discrimination, 131

director’s loan, 96

disciplinary procedures, 132

discrimination, 131–132

diversification, 108

domino effect, 23

efficiency ratios, 100

emotional intelligence, 50

employees, 38, 82

paying, 129

tax position, 130

types of, 127–129

employer liability, 132–133

employing, 125–126

employment law, 130–131

employment legislation, 131

entrepreneurial lifestyle, 22–23

entrepreneurship, 1, 2, 7, 24, 67, 112, 115, 133, 137, 141, 144, 145, 149

European Economic Community (EEC), 138

European Free Trade Area (EFTA), 138

European Union (EU), 138, 140

external environment, 45–46

external stakeholders, 38–42

Facebook, 65

face-to-face networking, 62–63

Fair Labor Standards Act, 130

financial accounting, 83

fixed asset, 94–95

fixed costs, 86

fixed-term contracts, 128

franchises, 12–13

full-time employee, 127

goodwill, 95

government, 39, 82–83

gross profit, 91, 103

guidance, 85

health and safety, 133

Health and Safety and Work Act 1974 (HASAWA), 133

high-performing teams, 111

hourly rate, 129

income, 88

income tax, 121–122

indirect costs, 86

indirect discrimination, 131–132

industrial market, 76

infrastructure, 19

Instagram, 66

intangibility, 95

internal stakeholders, 38

international markets, 34

international trade, 17, 18, 137, 141–143

internet marketing, 79

interpersonal skills, 3

investors, 39, 82

invoices, 135

knowledge, 3

lenders, 39, 82

limited liability companies (LLCs), 12

LinkedIn, 65

liquidity ratios, 98–100

listening skills, 51

loans, 96

long-term planning, 58–59

management information, 83

managers, 38

managing change, 53

market/marketing, 73–75, 109

cause, 80

development, 108

internet, 79

penetration, 107

planning, 76–80

poor, 24

potential size of, 16–18

relationship, 79

research, 24, 33, 77

transactional, 79

undercover, 80

medium-term planning, 57–58

Mendelow’s stakeholder matrix, 41, 50

Mercosur, 139

national insurance (NI), 123–124

net income, 91

net profit, 91

network, 34

networking, 61

benefits of, 70–71

business, 70–71

face-to-face, 62–63

noncurrent asset, 94–95

noncurrent liabilities, 96

nonverbal communication, 52

North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), 138–139

office, 19

operating profit, 91

organic growth, 30

outgoings, 88–89

overheads, 109

owners/shareholders, 38

Pacific Alliance, 139

paid advertising, 78

partnership/acquisition/merger, 11, 30–31

part-time employees, 127

passion, 5

patents, 21

payments, 135–136

permanent employees, 127, 128–129

personality traits, 3

PESTLE framework, 46–49

planning, 9, 10, 24, 30, 32, 55–58, 84, 96, 116

long-term, 58–59

medium-term, 57–58

short-term, 57

practical skills, 3

prepayments, 94

price, 24

problem solving, 70

process management, 121–136

product development, 107–108

products/services, 34

professional services market, 76

profit and loss account, 90–91

profit/profitability, 32, 80, 87, 90

ratios, 97

prompt payment, 133–134

purchasing, 109

rapid business growth, 31

recruitment, 126–127

referrals, 33

refund, 94

relationship marketing, 79

research, 3–5, 9, 14, 18, 21, 24, 33, 55, 62, 67, 73, 74, 76–78, 90, 107, 108, 110, 113, 117, 119, 137, 143, 149

resource management, 85, 115

retention, 134

return on capital employed (ROCE), 97–98

reward, 1, 9, 24, 38, 108, 110, 113, 119, 126, 145

rigidity, 24–25

risk, 5, 27, 45, 48, 107, 108

role model, 49

salary, 129

search engine optimization (SEO), 69

self-motivation, 51–52

self-reflection, 52

semivariable costs, 86

services market, 75–76

sharing knowledge and experiences, 70

short-term debt, 94

short-term planning, 57

small- or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 12

social media, 63–69, 75

society, 40

sole proprietor, 11

South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), 139

stakeholder management, 37–38, 41, 50

stakeholders, 81–83

Starbucks, 13

start-ups, 1, 3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 24, 39, 56, 87, 107, 142, 145

stock/inventory, 93

stock turnover, 100–101, 104–105

strategic business growth, 30

strategy, 30, 34, 35, 49, 50, 57, 80, 108

success, 41

suppliers, 39, 82

support services, 19

SWOT analysis, 25–27, 48–49

Systems Theory, 45

tangibility, 95

tax/taxation, 11, 82–83, 94, 121, 122

liability, 125

position, 130

technology, 49

temporary employees, 128–129

TikTok, 67

trademark, 21

trading, 15, 17, 88, 137–143

transactional change, 44

transactional marketing, 79

transformational change, 44

traveling, 20

Twitter, 66

uncertainty, 43, 51, 70, 108, 129, 140

undercover marketing, 80

understanding, 85

United Kingdom, 12, 21, 122–124, 128, 130, 131, 133, 140

United States, 12, 122, 124, 128, 130–133, 138

value-added tax (VAT), 124

variable costs, 86

verbal communication, 52

virtual office, 20

visibility, 70

vision, 49

word of mouth, 79

work from home, 19

working capital ratio, 103–104

working environment, 19–20

World Trade Organization (WTO), 138

YouTube, 66–67

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