ability to satisfy customer demands, assessing your, 55

adaptability as a skill, the importance of, 23

adapting to tomorrow’s customer, 177-179

Amazon influence, 51-53

Amazon Prime, 140

Apple, 42

one-click buying and, 51

approach, value-first, 66


blending, 41-42

traditional, 40-42

artificial intelligence, developments in, 22-23

assessing your ability to satisfy customer demands, 55

assignments and projects, identifying critical, 81

attention span, 34

attracting and hiring employees who add value, 114-117

Baby Boomers, 92-93

Barnes & Noble, one-click buying and, 51

behavioral preferences, customer, 42

bell curve and growth, 31-32

Bellwyck Packaging Solutions, 57-58, 79, 112

blame, employees who are the primary point of, 41

Blommer Chocolate, 126-127

brand building method of growth, 15

brand, empowering your, 167-176

burnout, avoiding, 81

business, retail-facing, 49

business-to-business environments, 49

buying decisions, influences of, 35

buying preferences of customers, 32-33

buying preferences, customer, 42

Caframo, 111-112

calls, time constraints of, 84

capitalizing the next generation, 179-181

CenterLine Limited, 168-169, 170-171

CEO, employee morale and communication with the, 87

challenging methods of customer communication, 43

Coca-Cola, products of, 37-38

cold calling, 42

collaborative selling, 193-196

communicating a new system effectively, 81


about customer issues and feedback, 89

about customer news, 89

about financial performance, 89

about investments, 89

about updates on competitors, 89

among employees, an environment that encourages, 58

as a conduit to people, 85-88

channels, having multiple, 50

feedback, importance of, 83

participation, importance of, 83

preferences and generational differences, 94

preferences, 34

through dialogue, 86

with the CEO, employee morale and, 87


employee empowerment and, 162-163

face-to-face, 85

frequency of, 88

prioritizing, 83

technology as a key component to, 87

when is there too much, 80-85

community, 35

building a, 46

competition, looking for ideas from your, 51-52

complexity of value, simplifying, 69

concept to realization, moving from, 66

connections through social media, customer-employee, 205-206

cost of employee skill sets, 24

cost of technology, calculating the, 23-24

creativity as a skill, the importance of, 23

cross-training practices, 111


and market share, 183-184

of employees who add value to your customers, 109-114

that adds value to your customers, creating a, 105-119


acquisition strategies, 15

advisory boards, 128

behavioral preferences, 42

buying preferences, 42

buying preferences, understanding, 37

centricity, importance of, 50

communication, challenging methods of, 43

empowerment questionnaire, 143-144

empowerment, 140

experiences, employees and their role in negative, 20-21

feedback, collecting, 128-129

interviews, direct contact, 128

issues and feedback, communication about, 89

news, communication about, 89

perceptions, satisfying, 140-144

purchases, future shifts in, 53

service liaison, 124

surveys, 128

testimonials, 128

touch-points, 68

value chain, see CVC

customer demands,

assessing your ability to satisfy, 55

limited ability to respond to, 56

satisfying shifting, 56

customer needs,

employee culture and, 165

employee empowerment and, 160

customer relationships,

de-personalizing, 148-152

the three key levels of, 144-145

customer, five aspects of value for today’s, 69-72

customer-centric focus, 171

customer-employee connection, 153-166

customer-employee connections through social media, 205-206

customer-facing brands, 169

customerization, 45-58

customerize, preparing your employees to, 56-58

customerized environment, elements of a, 56

customerizing, 53-55


building a culture of employees who add buying preferences of, 32-33

creating a culture that adds value to your, 105-119

defining value for your, 66

empowering your, 139-152

engagement of employees and, 94

influence of online information and, 48

instant messaging, 43

questions to ask, 39

texting, 43

the simplicity of today’s, 32-36

where to find your, 95-99

value to your, 109-114

customers’ needs, empowering team members to service, 47

customers’ true needs, understanding your, 65

CVC, 110-111


preferences, 34

shift from leaders to employees, 58

decision-making, involving executive teams in, 85

definition of roles, having a clear, 111

delegates, identifying, 81

demands of customers, 37

demographics, generational, 88

de-personalizing customer relationships, 148-152

determining the perceived value of a product or service, 61

dialogue with employees, holding frequent, 58

dialogue, communication through, 86

dialogues, the key to having, 89

differences, generational, 92

direct contact customer interviews, 128

dominant retail presence, having a, 47

Domino’s Pizza, 51

Dyson, 103

ease of use, value and, 70

easy transactions, facilitating, 98

electronic employee engagement survey, 159

e-mail inquiry, follow-up call to an, 42

emotional intelligence as a skill, the importance of, 23


advisory panels, 111

engagement survey, 157

experiences, customers and, 19

feedback methods, 128

feedback, collecting, 127

fit in a role, importance of, 50

idea boards, 128

input, 55

intelligence, 43-44

interviews, 128

morale, communication with the CEO and, 87

needs, employee empowerment and, 160

pushback and inconsistency, 117-119

responses to organizational change, 27-28

skills, teaching, 50

suggestion programs, 111

value, understanding, 112

employee-facing brands, 169


and their role in negative customer experiences, 20-21

and your unique brand promise, 55

creating personalized interactions, 38

engaged in services, 37

in sales and marketing, 126-131

on social media, engaging, 206-208

online, preparing for a growing generation of, 101-103

who add value to your customers, culture of, 109-114

who are the primary point of blame, 41

who don’t care, 155-159


communication among, 58

decision-making and, 58

empowering, 153-166

engagement of customers and, 94

focus groups of, 128-129

holding frequent dialogue with, 58

importance of your, 18-19

isolating, 56

neutral, 27

one-on-one feedback to, 112

online presence and attracting, 102-103

opposing, 27

peer reviews amongst, 113

preparing to customerize your, 56-58

questions to ask, 39

supportive, 27

the strategy of empowering, 50

the value conduit and, 72


customers on multiple levels, 144-148

employees, 50, 153-166

market share, 177-185

your brand, 167-176

your customers, 139-152

empowerment, customer, 140

engaged employees, 37

engagement of customers and employees, 94

engagement survey, 156

engagement, employee empowerment and, 164

engaging employees on social media, 206-208

environment that encourages communication among employees, 58

environment, customerized, 56

environments, business-to-business, 49

executive teams in decision-making, involving, 85

expectation, the importance of, 72-73

experience, the importance of, 72-73

Facebook, 204


communication, 85

environment, benefits of a, 33-34

feedback methods, employee, 128


disagreements on the meaning of, 129

employee empowerment and, 162-163

importance of communication, 83

soliciting, 142

financial performance, communication about, 89

five aspects of value for today’s customer, 69-72

focus groups of employees, 128-129

follow-up call to an e-mail inquiry, 42

frequency of communication, 88

frequent dialogue with employees, holding, 58

Generation X, 93

Generation Y, 93

Generation Z, 93


demographics, 88

differences and personal preferences, 94

generational differences, 34, 92

communication preferences and, 94

greeters, 62


bell curve and, 31-32

seeds for, 77-80

Harley Davidson, customer experience at, 64

higher prices, when your company can charge, 59

Hillberg & Berk, 180-181

hiring employees who add value, 114-117

hiring process, importance of, 115

historically accepted practices, importance of, 48

idea boards, employee, 128

image, the importance of, 72-73

importance of priorities, identifying the, 81

inconsistency and pushback, employee, 117-119

influence of online information and customers, 48

information, ways to absorb, 83

informative selling, 122-126

innovation, the importance of, 23

input, employee, 55

Instagram, 204

instant messaging customers, 43


emotional, 23

employee, 43-44

intermediate customer, 145

Internet, customers and the influence of the, 96


direct contact customer, 128

employee, 128

Intuit, 80

investments, communication about, 89

isolating employees from each other, 56

isolation, looking for growth in, 191-193

leadership as a skill, the importance of, 23

liaison, customer service, 124

life integration, value and, 70

LinkedIn, 204

management needs, employee empowerment and, 160

market share, empowering, 177-185

marketing and sales, why every employee is in, 126-131

marketing and selling machine, creating your, 131-125


B2B, 49-50

delivering value in the, 61

Maslow’s hierarchy, 35-36

McDonald’s, 63

unique features of, 51

McKenna Distribution, 141

meeting, time constraints of a, 84

message clarity, 171

methods of customer communication, challenging, 43

Millennials and technology, 95

Millennials in the workplace, 106

Millennials, 93

clichés about, 86

money, where to invest your, 32

negative customer experiences, employees and their role in, 20-21

neutral employees, 27

Nike, 42

objectives, creating, 84

one-click buying, 51

one-on-one feedback to employees, 112

online information, influence on customers and, 48

online presence,

attracting employees with an, 102-103

having a reputable, 97


marketing only through, 41

preparing for a growing generation of employees, 101-103

opposing employees, 27

order of importance for priorities, identifying, 81

outside sales, 193-196

Pacesetter Steel, 57-58

ideas of growth at, 79

participation, importance of communication, 83

peer reviews amongst employees, 113

people, communication as a conduit to, 85-88

perception, the importance of, 72-73

perceptions, satisfying your customer’s, 140-144

personal preferences, generational differences and, 94

personalized interactions, employees creating, 38

personalized needs of customers, 37

planning, employee empowerment and, 163

plans, employee empowerment and, 162-163

policy and procedures, drawbacks to, 44

preparing your employees to customerize, 56-58

price, value and, 70

primary customer, 145

print ads, marketing only through, 41


identifying order of importance for, 81

identifying order of, 81

prioritizing communication, 83

problem-solving as a skill, the importance of, 23

procedures and policy, drawbacks to, 44

product knowledge, employee culture and, 165

product lines,

adding more, 35-36

growth of new, 37

product, determining the value of a, 61

products, standing behind the quality of your, 46

projects and assignments, identifying critical, 81

pushback and inconstancy, employee, 117-119

quality of your products, standing behind the, 46

quality, value and, 70

question-and-answer period, importance of a, 85

questions to ask current customers, 39

questions to ask employees, 39

questions, avoiding tough, 85

relationships, de-personalizing customer, 148-152

reputable online presence, having a, 97

responsive, the importance of being, 98

responsiveness, value and, 70

retail presence, having a dominant, 47

retail-facing business, 49

revenue growth, importance of, 15

roles, having a clear definition of, 111

Saje Natural Wellness, 45-46

sales and marketing, why every employee is in, 126-131

sales closing techniques, 15

sales force, building your secret, 196-197

sales team, visiting with the leaders of the, 192-193

satisfaction, the importance of, 72-73


customer demands, assessing your ability in, 55

customers’ needs, importance of, 48

shifting customer demands, 56

your customer’s perceptions, 140-144

self-serving kiosks, McDonald’s, 64

selling and marketing machine, creating your, 131-135

selling, informative, 122-126

service knowledge, employee culture and, 165

service, determining the value of a, 61

services, employees engaged in, 37

shifting customer demands, satisfying, 56

shifts in customer purchases, future, 53

simplifying the complexity of, 69

skills of employees, cost of, 24

Skype, 86

smiling, the importance of, 63

social media, 203-212

social proof, value and, 70

soliciting feedback in person, 142

speed of transactions, focusing on the, 63

stakeholders, identifying key, 81

Starbucks, 62

strategies, customer acquisition, 15

supportive employees, 27

survey, engagement, 156

surveys, customer, 128

sustained growth, struggles with, 77

team discussions by a leader, 112

team members, selection of, 66

technological intrigue, value and, 70


as a key component to communication, 87

problems that arise from, 25-26


business and the future role of, 23

cost of, 23-24

effective training and introduction to, 87

growth and, 22-23

Millennials and, 95

tertiary customer, 145

testimonials, customer, 128

texting customers, drawbacks of, 43

time, where to invest your, 32

today’s customer, five aspects of value for, 69-72

touch-points, customer, 68

tough questions, avoiding, 85

traditional approaches, drawbacks of, 40-42

transactions, focusing on the speed of, 63

true needs, understanding the customers’, 65

turnover statistics, your current, 107

Twitter, 204

UBP, 55

unique brand promise, see UBP

updates on competitors, communication about, 89

Upper Canada Stretcher, 100-101

value conduit, employees and the, 72-75

value for your customers, defining, 66

value of time, employee culture and, 165

value, 61-75

attracting and hiring employees who add, 114-117

definition of, 72

how customers assess, 72

simplifying the complexity of, 69

value-first approach, providing a, 66

Vokes Furniture, 108, 111

Wedi Shower Systems, 141

WIP, 38

work in progress (see WIP), 38

workplace, Millennials in the, 106

YouTube, 204

Zappos, 102-103, 160

Zoom, 86

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