
accomplishments, promoting your, 74–75

action, taking, 3–5, 9, 16, 21

action plans, 87

aggressiveness, 26

Allaire, Paul, 18

Allard, Alan, 34

alliances, 71, 81, 99. See also mentors/mentorship; sponsors/sponsorship

Altfeld, Suzanne, 3

appearance, 37–38, 39, 41

artful listening, 34–37, 41

assertiveness, 25–26, 62

attitude. See negative attitude;

positive attitude

attracting a sponsor. See



knowing your, 84–85, 96

listening to your, 32

reading your, 29

sensitivity to your, 41

authenticity, 27, 33, 38, 41, 55–56

balancing work and family/life, 64–66

battles, picking your, 26, 96


changing, 94

during a crisis, 27

people-pleasing, 57


core, 28

in intuition, 85

limiting, 13

negative, 13–14

Bhatia, Neerja, 15

Bidmead, David, 10

Blink: The Power of Thinking

without Thinking (Gladwell), 85


determining your, 61–62

setting, 55–56, 57, 58, 59–60, 65–66

Bündchen, Gisele, 82

Buonfantino, Giusy, 9–10

Campbell, Jill

appearance/clothing, 37

giving feedback, 95

listening skills, 34

mad mind-chatter, 12

proceeding with caution, 88

respect for diversity, 29

setting boundaries, 65–66

standing out, 73

treatment of others, 27

types of feedback, 43, 51

career stages, myth and truth about preparation for, 12

caution, proceeding with, 88

charismatic leaders, 30

clothing, 37–38, 39

communication. See also

language style/usage

artful listening, 34–35

delivering honest feedback, 51–52

direct, 54

styles and language in, 36

confidence. See also Women

and Confidence Survey

benefits of developing, 1–2

reasons for lack of, 17–18

risk taking and, 19

Confidence Code, The (Kay and Shipman), 4

Confidence Sparks

attention to others’ appearance/presence, 36, 39

balancing work and family/life, 67

dealing with disappointment, 14

defensive reactions, 47

first reactions to others, 89

giving feedback, 52

inventorying your strengths, 13, 75

keeping your poise, 28–29

listening skills, 35

listing your skills, 17

negotiations, 63

perceptions, your own and others’, 48

public speaking, 33

receiving feedback, 49

reflecting on fear, 11

taking risks, 20–21

thirty days of suggestions for, 101–105

trusting your gut sense, 87

writing for clarity, 18

courage, Mandela on, 5

creating power parameters.

See power parameters

credibility, appearance and, 38

criticism. See also feedback

reacting to, 42

Davis, Ruthie, 19

decision making, 88–89, 92


about feedback, 47, 51

DeHaas, Deborah, 27–28

detachment, 54

Dewey, Sandra, 20, 34

attracting a sponsor, 72

building a sponsor relationship, 76

following your intuition, 85

giving feedback, 50

knowing your audience, 96

direct communication, 54

disappointment, handling, 13–14

dressing for leadership, 37–38, 41

ego, 10

Einstein, Albert, 82

empathy, 33

Esser, Pat, 12, 73

Executive Presence: The Missing Link between Merit and Success (Hewlett), 26

expectations, 12

experience, 94–95

Fayard, Gary, 77


as ally, 98

myth and truth about transferring, 9

of public speaking, 31

reflecting on your, 11

speaking up in spite of, 17–18

taking action despite, 16


asking for, 19, 47

cautions for giving/receiving, 52

defensiveness about, 47, 51

delivering honest, 51–52

giving, 49–51, 53, 95

myth and truth about, 42

necessity of honest, 42

on others’ perceptions of you, 48

reaching out for, 22

sincerity of, 49

taking in/discarding, 48–49

taking the stigma out of, 44–48

tools for giving/receiving, 54

unsolicited, 43–44, 46

value of, 98

feelings inventories, 14

first reactions, 89

Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor (Hewlett), 71

Gadsden-Williams, Michelle, 71

Galinsky, Ellen, 64

gender issues

advancement for women, 77

appearance, 41

boundary setting, 58, 59

challenges for women, 83

communication differences, 30

expectations during a crisis, 27

giving feedback, 49

high-level positions for women, 72

inequities, 1

intuition of women versus men, 84

judgments on men versus women, 37

leadership, 26

listening skills, 34

male-dominated industries, 73

male/female self-identification, 115

meeting job requirements, 15–16

negotiation strategies, 61

people pleasing, 50, 57

prejudices/biases, 4, 9, 11, 18

speaking up, 10, 52

standards for males and females, 21, 60

stereotypes, 25, 34, 84

work-family balance for women, 64–66

Gladwell, Malcolm, 85

Glickstein, Lee, 32

goals, 22–23

guilt, 104

gut feelings. See intuition

Harvard Business Review, 83

Hernández, Jackie

being agreeable, 57

envisioning positive outcomes, 31–32

following your intuition, 86, 87–88

learning from experience, 94–95

nervous energy, 16–17

stepping up, 78

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann

appearance blunders, 37

behavior during a crisis, 27

finding a sponsor, 71

reading your audience, 29

sponsor relationships, 78

tough women, 26

honesty, in giving feedback, 50

Hudnell, Rosalind, 20

humility, 27

inner compass. See also


for evaluating feedback, 49

relying on your, 92

scenarios for, 91

inner mentoring, 83

insights, sharing, 10

instincts. See inner compass;


international rules and culture, 30–31

interviews, addressing fears

about, 17

intuition. See also inner


following your, 99

myth and truth about, 82

options for using, 87–90

tools for using, 54

trusting your, 82

as your business edge, 83–87


for attracting a sponsor, 76

spot-check, 24

of your feelings, 14–15

of your strengths, 13

Jobs, Steve, 83

Kay, Katty, 4

Kinney, Cathy, 16

Klesse, Bill, 46, 72–73, 76

Kudlacz, Lisa, 43–44

language style/usage, 36. See also communication

cursing, 43

for self-promotion, 75

when giving feedback, 52

layoffs, 27, 28, 33

leadership presence

artful listening, 34–37

attaining, 98

dressing the part, 37–38, 39, 41

as leader, 98

myth and truth about, 25–26

poise under pressure, 26–28

reading the room, 29–31

scenarios for, 40

speaking with, 31–33

learning from experience, 94–95

Lerner, Helene, 97

“Lessons in Leadership: My Rules to Live By” (DeHaas), 27–28

Levine, Shari, 3–4

life-work balance, 64–66

Lillie, Charisse

conveying your image, 38

following your intuition, 86

giving feedback, 49

overachieving tendencies, 60–61

picking your battles, 96

receiving feedback, 48–49


self-imposed, 11–15

shaking off beliefs about, 13

LinkedIn, 76


artful, 34–37, 41, 103

to expression style, 36–37

to sound of voice, 35

Lubel, Kim

attracting a sponsor, 72–73

effective communication, 34

fear of public speaking, 31

passion and success, 96

receiving feedback, 46

sponsor relationships, 76

trusting your sponsor, 79

uncertainty, 27

mad mind-chatter

about, 11

recognizing and changing, 15

self-doubt, 12

Mandela, Nelson, 5

mentors/mentorship. See also

alliances; sponsors/sponsorship

being your own mentor, 17

Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor (Hewlett), 71

importance of, 3

inner mentoring, 83

Mintzberg, Henry, 83

mistakes, perfectionism and, 21

Mohr, Tara, 75, 83

moving straight ahead (using intuition), 87–88

Mulcahy, Anne, 18

Murphy, Kathy

candor as respect, 50–51

declining opportunities, 95

giving feedback, 46

reading the room, 30–31

saying no, 90

sponsor relationships, 78

myths and truths

confident women, 5

feedback, 42

intuition/inner compass, 82

leadership presence, 25

not having needed skills, 17

power parameters, 55

preparation for career stages, 12

sponsorship, 70

transferring fear, 9

negative attitude, 4–5, 11, 12

negative beliefs, 14–15

negative feedback, 50


for balancing life and work, 65

making trade-offs, 63, 69

power parameters, 61–63

win-win rule of, 63

nervous energy, 16–17

opinions, 18


declining, 90, 95

looking for, 96

uncertainty about, 88–89

overachievement, 16

passion, 96

paying it forward, 79, 95

people-pleasing behavior, 11, 56, 57, 104

people sensitivity, 41


being realistic about, 59

letting go of, 21–22

and sting of feedback, 44

picking your battles, 26, 96

Playing Big: Find Your Voice,

Your Mission, Your Message (Mohr), 75

poise under pressure, 26–28, 28–29

positive attitude, 20

power of your fears, 11

power parameters

balancing work and family, 64–66

myth and truth about creating, 55

negotiating, 61–63

saying no, 55, 56–59

saying yes to yourself, 66–67

scenarios for, 68

setting boundaries with yourself, 59–60

tools for, 69

power players, 99

Power Tools

attracting a sponsor, 81

giving/receiving feedback, 54

leading with presence, 41

moving forward, 98–99

online resources for finding, 97

saying no and negotiations, 69

stepping up, 24

trusting your inner compass, 92

preparation for career stages, 12

presence. See leadership presence

presentations/speeches, 29–33

pressure, poise under, 26–28, 28–29

proceeding with caution, 88

promoting yourself, 74–75

public speaking

language and voice tone, 43–44

preparing for, 31–33

reading the room, 29–31

Quiroz, Lisa, 78

raises, 62–63

reading the room, 29–31

relationships. See alliances; mentors/mentorship; sponsors/sponsorship

reputation, 73, 81

respect, qualities for earning, 73

results, producing, 72, 73

riding the wave (experience), 94–95

risk taking

best bet action for, 20–21

positive attitude, 20

rewards of, 19–20

by women, 4, 71

Sandberg, Sheryl, 12

negotiating power parameters, 61, 62–63

pleasing everyone, 57

soliciting feedback, 48

saying no

benefits of, 98

difficulty of, 55

myth and truth about, 55

negotiations and, 69

to opportunities, 90

tips for, 58, 60–61

saying yes

not giving in to, 57–58

by saying no, 60–61

to yourself, 66–67

self-awareness, 29, 41

self-carriage, 39


projecting your, 12

during stressful moments, 13

self-estimation, 78–79

self-promotion, 74–75, 94

sensitivity to audience, 41

Shipman, Claire, 4

small, thinking, 15–17

speaking up

assertiveness and, 25–26

benefits of, 72

nervousness about, 10–11, 98

when wobbly, 17–18

speaking with presence, 31–33. See also leadership


speeches/presentations, 29–33

sponsors/sponsorship. See also

alliances; mentors/mentorship

building relationships, 76, 78, 99

compared to mentors/mentorship, 70–71

Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor (Hewlett), 71

how to attract a sponsor, 72–74, 74–75, 81

myth and truth about attracting, 70

paying it forward, 79

relationship development for, 76–78, 99

scenarios for, 80

sponsor’s estimation of you, 78–79

trust and, 71

spot-check inventories, 24

standards, unrealistic, 59–60, 69

standing out, 72–74

stepping up

scenarios for, 23

to stretch goals, 21–22

voicing your opinions, 18

Storey, Debbie

determining your boundaries, 61–62

feedback, 35, 47

intuition for decision making, 85

nervousness, 16, 18

trusting that you are ready, 93–94

strategic alliances, 71. See also sponsors/sponsorship

strengths, 13

stress, 13

stretch goals

finding, 24

stepping up to, 21–22

success, correlation between intuition and, 83

support. See also mentors/mentorship; sponsors/sponsorship

finding good, 97

mobilizing, 17

reaching out for, 22

survey. See Women and Confidence Survey

taking action, 3–5, 9, 16, 21

thinking small, 15–17

“thin-slicing,” 85

time management

balancing work and life, 66–67

for working with your sponsor, 76, 78

tone of voice, 43

tools. See Power Tools

transferring fear, myth and

truth about, 9


building, 77

using intuition for, 89

in yourself, 84, 92, 93–94

truth and myths. See myths

and truths

unconscious processes, 85

unsolicited feedback, 45, 46

Valenti, Jessica, 57

Verjee, Zain, 55

voice tone, 43

vulnerability, 33

Waller, Kathy

artful listening, 35

art of self-promotion, 74

being candid, 51

dressing the part, 38

promoting yourself, 94

receiving feedback, 46–47

sponsorship relationships, 77

taking action despite fears, 16

unrealistic standards, 60

Winfrey, Oprah, 82

win-win rule of negotiations, 63

Women and Confidence


about, 5–6, 106–108

advice to your younger self, 84

decision making, 86

enhancements to confidence, 72

feedback issues, 44

inhibitors of confidence, 14, 17–18, 59

negative mind-talk, 11

risk taking and confidence, 19

saying no, 56

survey instrument, 108–115, 44, 97

work-life balance, 64–66

writing about concerns, 19, 21

Yaccarino, Linda, 72, 76

Zintz, Andrea, 27, 45–46

Zuckerberg, Mark, 57

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