

Accuracy, 135, 141

and precision, 35–37

Alphabet soup, 91–94

Apple Macintosh Computer, 8, 9

Areas of measurement, 25


Attribute, 135


Back office, 135

Barcode, 135

B2B. See Business to business

BBS. See Bulletin board systems

B2C. See Business to customer

B2G. See Business to government

BI. See Business intelligence

B2I. See Business to internet

Big data, 34, 94–96, 135

applications, 57

Bill of materials (BOM), 103

Block diagram, 46

Blog, 135

B&M. See Brick and Mortar

B2M. See Business to machine

BOM. See Bill of materials

Brick and mortar (B&M), 59

Bulletin board systems (BBS), 10

Businesses and customers, interaction matrix for, 58

Business intelligence (BI), 135

Business to business (B2B), 58

Business to customer (B2C), 58

Business to government (B2G), 58

Business to internet (B2I), 58

Business to machine (B2M), 58


C2C. See Customer to customer

CCD technology, 11

C2G. See Customer (citizen) to government

Changing role

business process, 12–19

history, 3–11

C2I. See Customer to internet

Classic process block diagram, 45–46

Cloud computing, 96–99, 135

C2M. See Customer to machine

CMYK (cyan, magenta, and yellow colors aligned with a black key), 26

CNC (computer numeric control) machines, 8


Commodore Pet, 9

Communication applications, 109–111

CRCs. See Cyclic redundancy checks

CRM. See Customer relationship management

Cross-functional process diagram, 47–48, 136

Cross-functional software, 136

Custom applications, 111

Customer order process, 55

Customer relationship management (CRM), 2, 47, 102, 136

Customer to customer (C2C), 58

Customer (citizen) to government (C2G), 58

Customer to internet (C2I), 58

Customer to machine (C2M), 58

Cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs), 28, 136, 140


Data input considerations, 65–66

Data types, information, 23–28

Datawords, 29

Decision support system (DSS), 99–101, 136, 139, 140

Delivery point bar code (DPBC), 136

Dematerialization, 136

Deterministic, 34, 108, 136, 142

Digital Equipment Corporations’ PDP-11, 9

DPBC. See Delivery point bar code

DSS. See Decision support system


e-commerce, 136

e-mail systems, 10

ENIAC1 vacuum tube computer, 5

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 2, 104–107, 136–137

ERP. See Enterprise resource planning

e-tail, 137

e-tailers, 65

European Union online, 71


data analysis pack, 151

Excel Version 2003, 151

Excel Version 2007, 151–152

Excel Version 2010, 152

useful excel functions

Conditional Formatting, 153

COUNTIF (range, criteria) function, 152

Data Tables, 154–155

Descriptive Statistics, Histogram, Regression, Rank and Percentile functions, 153

HLOOKUP functions, 152–153

IF (condition, true answer, false answer), 152

inverse probability distributions, 153–154

Pivot Tables, 154–155

Sparkline Tools, 153

SUMPRODUCT (array1, array2, array3, …array n) function, 152

VLOOKUP functions, 152–153

Excel’s pi function, 35


Fast-food restaurant customer process, 15–17, 43, 55

Flash drive, 137

Flowcharting, 137

Format, 28–30, 137

Form/media, information, 30–31

Front office, 46–47, 137


G2B. See Government to business

G2C. See Government to customer (citizen)

G2I. See Government to internet

G2M. See Government to machine

Geographical information system (GIS), 68, 137

“Ghost” process, 137

GIGO (“garbage in, garbage out!”), 63

GIS. See Geographical information system

Global positioning system (GPS), 68, 89-90

Government to business (G2B), 58

Government to customer (citizen) (G2C), 58

Government to internet (G2I), 58

Government to machine (G2M), 58

GPS. See Global positioning system

Granularity, 138


Hacking, 137

Hadoop, 137

Halo video conferences, Hewlett-Packard, 110

Hands-off approach, 18

Hashtag, 137

Hewlett-Packard, 8–9

HP-35, 8

HP-65, 8

HP-1000, 9

HP-9825A, 9


I2B. See Internet to business

I2C. See Internet to customer

I2G. See Internet to government

I2M. See Internet to machine

IBM, 5

Information, 138

Information communication processes, 6

Information processing flowchart symbols, 40

Information technology (IT), 1

Intelligent mail barcode, 138

International standard book number (ISBN), 73, 78, 79, 138

Internet of Things (IoTs), 57, 61, 138

Internet to business (I2B), 58

Internet to customer (I2C), 58

Internet to government (I2G), 58

Internet to machine (I2M), 58

IoTs. See Internet of Things

ISBN. See International standard book number

IT. See Information technology


Keyword, 138


Little’s Law, 138

Longevity, 38


M2B. See Machine to business

M2C. See Machine to customer

M2G. See Machine to government

M2I. See Machine to internet

M2M. See Machine to machine

Machine to business (M2B), 58

Machine to customer (M2C), 58

Machine to government (M2G), 58

Machine to internet (M2I), 58

Machine to machine (M2M), 58

Makespan, 138

Management information systems (MIS), 1, 19, 139, 140

Managerial considerations

critical business data, protection of, 118–120

cyber security considerations

disposal, 124–126

employee, 124

hardware security, 121–122

internet, 126–128

management-related vulnerability, 121

software and passwords, 122–123

data standardization, 129–130

errors, and customization, 129–130

general guidelines, 115

information cost factors, 131–133

information handling policies, 116–118

preventing problems and improving performance, 116

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP), 2, 136–137

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II), 104, 139

MapReduce, 138–139

Materials requirements planning, 103–104, 139

Media, 30, 139

Medical X-ray process, 12–15

Medium, 31, 137, 139

Memoryless, 139

Metadata, 139

Microsoft®, 40

MIS. See Management information systems

Modeling integrated information and processes

adding information flows to process diagrams, 48–53

American National Standard (ANSI), 41

classic process block diagram, 45–46

cross-functional process diagram, 47–48

flowchart symbols, 42

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 41

performance measures, 41

potential process improvements, 53–56

service process blueprint, 46–47

MRP. See Manufacturing resource planning

MRP-II. See Manufacturing resource planning-II


Nature of information


accuracy and precision, 35–37

longevity, 38

security, 38

structure, 37

variability, 34–35


data types, 23–28

format, 28–30

form/media, 30–31

purpose, 33–34

transferal method/medium, 31–33

Newspaper Model, 140

Noise, 140

Numerical values, 23


OCR. See Optical character recognition

Optical character recognition (OCR), 73, 140

Overbooking, 140


Parity bits, 27, 140

PDM. See Product data management

Performance measures, 41

Phase, 10, 140

Point-of-sale (POS) data, 50, 65, 70, 140

POS data. See Point-of-sale (POS) data

Postal numerical encoding technique (POSTNET), 80, 81, 140

POSTNET. See Postal numerical encoding technique

Process improvements, 14, 53–56

Precision, 138, 140–141

Process, 141

Process diagrams, adding information flows to, 48–53

Process model, preparation, 43

Product data management (PDM), 103, 141

Purpose, information, 33–34


QR (quick response) code, 73, 81, 82, 141


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 73

Relational database, 141

Resolution, 138, 141

RFID technology. See Radio frequency identification technology

RGB (red, blue, and green), 26

Risk, 38, 68, 98, 120, 141, 143


Scheduling applications, 107–109

SCM. See Supply chain management

Security, 38, 120

Service blueprint, 141–142

Service process blueprint, 46–47, 52

Service rate, 142

Service time, 142

Shannon’s information communication process, 27

Show rooming, 59, 142

SKU. See Stock keeping unit

Small-to-medium businesses (SMBs), 2

SMBs. See Small-to-medium businesses

Sparkline, from Excel, 29

SPC. See Statistical process control

Statistical process control (SPC), 142

Stochastic, 34, 108, 136, 142

Stock keeping unit (SKU), 142

Structure, 37

Supply chain management (SCM), 102–103

Swim-lane diagram, 142


Tag, 142

Tag collision, 143

Transferal method/medium, information, 31–33

TRS-80, 8

Tweet, 143


UCC. See Uniform code council

Uncertainty, 143

Uniform code council (UCC), 143


Universal product code (UPC), 73, 143

UPC. See Universal product code

US census data, 71

US Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, 9

Use and acquisition

acquiring information, 63–64

business to business (B2B), 58

business to customer (B2C), 58

business to government (B2G), 58

business to internet (B2I), 58

business to machine (B2M), 58

classes of interactions

business, 59–60

customer, 60

government, 60–61

machine, 61–63

customer to customer (C2C), 58

customer (citizen) to government (C2G), 58

customer to internet (C2I), 58

customer to machine (C2M), 58

data acquisition, suggestions for, 64–66

customer support data, 66

external data, 71–72

frequency data, 68–70

GPS data, 68

monitoring data, 67

performance data, 66–67

government to business (G2B), 58

government to customer (citizen) (G2C), 58

government to internet (G2I), 58

government to machine (G2M), 58

handling of information

barcode, 73–77

barcode standards, development of, 77–82

GPS, 89–90

OCR, 87–89

RFID, 82–87

internet to business (I2B), 58

internet to customer (I2C), 58

internet to government (I2G), 58

internet to machine (I2M), 58

machine to business (M2B), 58

machine to customer (M2C), 58

machine to government (M2G), 58

machine to internet (M2I), 58

machine to machine (M2M), 58


US government agencies online, 71


Variability, 34–35

VBA. See Visual basic for applications

Vendor relationship management (VRM), 2, 143

Virtualization, 143

VisiCalc, 8

Visio®, 40

Visual basic for applications (VBA), 143, 151

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Tufte), 28

VRM. See Vendor relationship management


Waiting time, 143–144

WIP. See Work-in-process

Work-in-process (WIP), 144

World Wide Web, 10


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