
In previous chapters, we talked about the introduction of the Kernel-Mode Code Signing Policy, which encouraged malware developers to shift from using rootkits to using bootkits, moving the attack vector from the OS kernel to unprotected boot components. This kind of malware executes before the OS loads, so it’s able to bypass or disable OS security mechanisms. In order to enforce security and ensure safety, then, the OS must be able to boot into a trusted environment whose components have not been tampered with.

This is where UEFI Secure Boot technology, the subject of this chapter, comes into play. Aimed primarily at protecting the platform’s boot components against modification and ensuring that only trusted modules are loaded and executed at bootup, UEFI Secure Boot can be an effective solution to bootkit threats—as long as it covers all angles of attack.

However, the protections offered by UEFI Secure Boot are vulnerable to firmware rootkits, the newest and fastest-growing malware technology. As a result, you need another layer of security to cover the entire boot process from the very beginning. You can achieve this with an implementation of Secure Boot called Verified and Measured Boot.

This chapter introduces you to the core of this security technology, first describing how it can protect against firmware rootkits when anchored into hardware and then discussing its implementation details and how it protects victims against bootkits.

As often happens in the security industry, though, very few security solutions can provide an ultimate protection against attacks; the attackers and defenders are locked in an eternal arms race. We’ll close the chapter by discussing the flaws of UEFI Secure Boot, ways to bypass it, and how to protect it using two versions of Verified and Measured Boot from Intel and ARM.

What Is Secure Boot?

The main purpose of Secure Boot is to prevent anyone from executing unauthorized code in the preboot environment; thus, only code that meets the platform’s integrity policy is allowed to execute. This technology is very important for high-assurance platforms, and it’s also frequently used on embedded devices and mobile platforms, as it allows vendors to restrict platforms to vendor-approved software, such as iOS on iPhones or the Windows 10 S operating system.

Secure Boot comes in three forms, which depend on the level of the boot process hierarchy at which it’s enforced:

OS Secure Boot Implemented at the level of the OS bootloader. This verifies components loaded by the OS bootloader, such as the OS kernel and boot-start drivers.

UEFI Secure Boot Implemented in UEFI firmware. This verifies UEFI DXE drivers and applications, Option ROMs, and OS bootloaders.

Platform Secure Boot (Verified and Measured Secure Boot) Anchored in the hardware. This verifies platform initialization firmware.

We discussed OS Secure Boot in Chapter 6, so in this chapter we focus on UEFI Secure Boot and Verified and Measured Boot.

UEFI Secure Boot Implementation Details

We’ll start this discussion with how UEFI Secure Boot works. First, it’s important to note that UEFI Secure Boot is a part of the UEFI specification, which you can find at http://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI_Spec_2_7.pdf. We’ll be referring to the specification—in other words, the description of how UEFI Secure Boot is supposed to work—though different platform manufacturers may have different implementation details.


When we refer to “Secure Boot” from now on in this section, we’re talking about UEFI Secure Boot unless otherwise mentioned.

We’ll begin by looking at the boot sequence to see where Secure Boot comes into play. Then, we’ll look at how Secure Boot authenticates executables and discuss the databases involved.

The Boot Sequence

Let’s quickly review the UEFI boot sequence described in Chapter 14 to see where Secure Boot comes into the process. If you skipped that chapter, it’s worth visiting it now.

If you refer back to “How UEFI Firmware Works” on page 242, you’ll see that the first piece of code executed when a system comes out of reset is the platform initialization (PI) firmware, which performs basic initialization of the platform hardware. When the PI is executed, the chipset and memory controller are still in an uninitialized state: no DRAM is available for the firmware yet, and peripheral devices on the PCIe bus have not yet been enumerated. (The PCIe bus is a high-speed serial bus standard used on virtually all modern PCs; we’ll discuss it more in later chapters.) At this point, Secure Boot isn’t yet active, meaning the PI part of the system’s firmware isn’t protected at this point.

Once the PI firmware discovers and configures RAM and performs the basic platform initialization, it proceeds to load the DXE drivers and UEFI applications, which in turn continue to initialize the platform hardware. This is when Secure Boot comes into play. Anchored in the PI firmware, Secure Boot is used to authenticate the UEFI modules loaded from the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) flash or Option ROMs of peripheral devices.

The authentication mechanism used in Secure Boot is, in essence, a digital signature verification process. Only properly authenticated images are allowed to execute. Secure Boot relies on a public key infrastructure (PKI) to manage signature verification keys.

Explained simply, a Secure Boot implementation contains a public key that is used to verify the digital signature of executable images loaded at boot. The images should have an embedded digital signature, although, as you’ll see later in this chapter, there are some exceptions to this rule. If an image passes verification, it is loaded and eventually executed. If an image does not have a signature and verification fails, it will trigger remediation behavior—actions executed in cases when Secure Boot fails. Depending on the policy, the system can continue booting normally or abort the boot process and display an error message to the user.

Actual implementations of Secure Boot are a bit more complicated than we’ve described here. To properly establish trust in the code that’s executed during boot, Secure Boot uses different types of signature databases, keys, and policies. Let’s take a look at these factors one by one and dig into the details.

Executable Authentication with Digital Signatures

As a first step toward understanding Secure Boot, let’s take a look at how UEFI executables are actually signed—that is, where the digital signature is located in an executable file and what kinds of signatures Secure Boot supports.

For UEFI executable files that are Portable Executable (PE) images, the digital signatures are contained in special data structures called signature certificates. The location of these certificates in the binary is determined by a special field of the PE header data structure called the Certificate Table Data Directory, illustrated in Figure 17-1. It’s worth mentioning that there may be multiple digital signatures for a single file, generated using different signing keys for different purposes. By looking at this field, the UEFI firmware can locate the signature information used to authenticate the executable.


Figure 17-1: Location of digital signatures in UEFI images

Other types of UEFI executable images, such as Terse Executable (TE) images, don’t have embedded digital signatures due to the specifics of their executable format. The TE image format was derived from the PE/COFF format in an attempt to reduce the TE’s size so that it would take up less space. Thus, TE images contain only the fields of the PE format that are necessary to execute an image in a PI environment, which means they don’t contain fields like the Certificate Table Data Directory. As a result, UEFI firmware can’t directly authenticate such images by verifying their digital signature. However, Secure Boot provides capabilities for authenticating these images using cryptographic hashes, a mechanism that is described in more detail in the next section.

The layout of an embedded signature certificate depends on its type. We won’t get into layout specifics here, but you can learn more in “Location of Driver Signatures” on page 73.

Every type of signature certificate used in Secure Boot contains the following at a minimum: information on the cryptographic algorithms used for signature generation and verification (for instance, cryptographic hash functions and digital signature algorithm identifiers), a cryptographic hash of the executable in question, the actual digital signature, and the public key used to verify the digital signature.

This information is sufficient for Secure Boot to verify the authenticity of an executable image. To do this, the UEFI firmware locates and reads a signature certificate from the executable, computes the hash of the executable according to a specified algorithm, and then compares the hash with the one provided in the signature certificate. If they match, the UEFI firmware verifies the digital signature of the hash using the key provided in the signature certificate. If the signature verification succeeds, then the UEFI firmware accepts the signature. In any other case (like a hash mismatch or signature verification failure), the UEFI firmware fails to authenticate the image.

However, simply verifying that the signature matches isn’t enough to establish trust in a UEFI executable. UEFI firmware must also ensure that the executable was signed with an authorized key. Otherwise, there’s nothing to prevent anyone from generating a custom signing key and signing a malicious image with it to pass Secure Boot validation.

That’s why the public key used for signature validation should be matched with a trusted private key. The UEFI firmware explicitly trusts these private keys, so they may be used to establish trust in an image. A list of the trusted public keys is stored in the db database, which we’ll explore next.

The db Database

The db database holds a list of trusted public key certificates authorized to authenticate signatures. Whenever Secure Boot performs signature verification on an executable, it checks the signature public key against the list of keys in the db database to determine whether or not it can trust the key. Only code signed with private keys that correspond to these certificates will be executed on the platform during the boot process.

In addition to the list of trusted public key certificates, the db database contains hashes of individual executables that are allowed to execute on the platform, regardless of whether or not they’re digitally signed. This mechanism can be used to authenticate TE files that don’t have embedded digital signatures.

According to the UEFI specification, the signatures database is stored in a nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) variable that persists across reboots of the system. The implementation of NVRAM variables is platform specific, and different original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) may implement it in different ways. Most commonly, these variables are stored in the same SPI flash that contains platform firmware, such as the BIOS. As you’ll see in “Modifying the UEFI Variables to Bypass Security Checks” on page 337, this leads to vulnerabilities that you can use to bypass Secure Boot.

Let’s check out the contents of the db database on your own system by dumping the contents of the NVRAM variable that holds the database. We’ll be using the Lenovo Thinkpad T540p platform as our example, but you should use whatever platform you’re working with. We’ll dump the contents of the NVRAM variable using the Chipsec open source toolset, which you encountered in Chapter 15. This toolset has rich functionality useful for forensic analysis, and we’ll discuss it in more detail in Chapter 19.

Download the Chipsec tool from GitHub at https://github.com/chipsec/chipsec/. The tool depends on winpy (Python for Windows Extensions), which you’ll need to download and install before running Chipsec. Once you have both, open Command Prompt or another command line interpreter and navigate into the directory holding the downloaded Chipsec tool. Then enter the following command to get a list of your UEFI variables:

$ chipsec_util.py uefi var-list

This command dumps all the UEFI variables from your current directory into the subdirectory efi_variables.dir and decodes the contents of some of them (Chipsec decodes only the contents of known variables). Navigate to the directory, and you should see something similar to Figure 17-2.


Figure 17-2: UEFI variables dumped by Chipsec

Every entry in this directory corresponds to a separate UEFI NVRAM variable. These variable names have the structure VarName_VarGUID_VarAttributes.bin, where VarName is the name of the variable, VarGUID is the variable’s 16-byte global unique identifier (GUID), and VarAttributes is a list of the variable’s attributes in short form. Based on the UEFI specification, here are some of the attributes of the entries in Figure 17-2.

NV Nonvolatile, meaning the variable’s content persists across reboot.

BS Can be accessed by UEFI boot services. UEFI boot services are generally available during boot time before the OS loader is executed. Once the OS loader is launched, the UEFI boot services are no longer available.

RT Can be accessed by UEFI runtime services. Unlike UEFI boot services, the runtime services persist throughout the loading of the OS and during the OS runtime.

AWS Count-based authenticated variable, meaning that any new variable content needs to be signed with an authorized key so the variable can be written to. The variable’s signed data includes a counter to protect against rollback attacks.

TBAWS Time-based authenticated variable, meaning any new variable content needs to be signed with an authorized key in order for the variable to be written to. The timestamp in the signature reflects the time when the data was signed. It’s used to confirm that the signature was created before the corresponding signing key expired. We provide more information on time-based authentication in the next section.

If Secure Boot is configured and the db variable exists on the platform, you should find a subfolder in this directory with a name starting with db_D719B2CB-3D3A-4596-A3BC-DAD00E67656F. When Chipsec dumps the db UEFI variable, it automatically decodes the variable’s contents into this subfolder, which contains files corresponding to public key certificates and hashes of UEFI images authorized for execution. In our case, we have five files—four certificates and one SHA256 hash, as shown in Figure 17-3.


Figure 17-3: The contents of a signature database UEFI variable

These certificates are encoded with X.509, a cryptographic standard that defines the format of public key certificates. We can decode these certificates to get information about the issuer, which will tell us whose signature will pass Secure Boot verification. For this, we’ll use the openssl toolkit, described in the box “The OpenSSL Toolkit.” Install the tool from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/, and then run it with the following command, replacing certificate_file_path with the directory on your computer that contains openssl:

$ openssl x509 -in certificate_file_path

On a Windows operating system, simply change the extension of the X.509 certificate file from bin to crt and open the file with Explorer to see the results of the decoding. Table 17-1 shows our results, with the issuers and subjects of the certificates.

Table 17-1: The Decoded Certificates and Hashes from the UEFI Variable


Issued to

Issued by


Thinkpad Product CA 2012

Lenovo Ltd. Root CA 2012


Lenovo UEFI CA 2014

Lenovo UEFI CA 2014


Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011

Microsoft Corporation Third-Party Marketplace Root


Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011

Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010

From the table, you can see that only UEFI images signed by Lenovo and Microsoft will pass the UEFI Secure Boot code integrity checks.

The dbx Database

In contrast to db, the dbx database contains certificates of public keys and hashes of UEFI executables that are prohibited from executing at boot time. This database is also referred to as the Revoked Signature Database, and it explicitly lists images that will fail Secure Boot verification, preventing execution of a module with a known vulnerability that may compromise the security of the whole platform.

We’ll explore the contents of the dbx database the same way we did for the db signature database. Among the folders generated when you run the Chipsec tool, you’ll find the folder efi_variables.dir, which should contain a subfolder with a name beginning dbx_D719B2CB-3D3A-4596-A3BC-DAD00E67656f. This folder contains certificates and hashes of forbidden UEFI images. In our case, the folder contains only 78 hashes and no certificates, as shown in Figure 17-4.


Figure 17-4: Contents of the dbx database (the revoked signature database) UEFI variable

Figure 17-5 shows the image signature verification algorithm using both the db and dbx databases.


Figure 17-5: The UEFI Secure Boot image verification algorithm

From this figure, you can see that an UEFI executable passes authentication only when its hash or signature certificate is trusted per the db database and when it is not listed in the dbx database. Otherwise, the image fails the Secure Boot integrity check.

Time-Based Authentication

In addition to the db and dbx databases, Secure Boot uses two other databases, called dbt and dbr. The first, dbr, contains public key certificates used to verify the signatures of the OS recovery loader. We won’t discuss it much.

The second, dbt, contains timestamping certificates used to validate the timestamp of a UEFI executable’s digital signature, enabling time-based authentication (TBAWS) in Secure Boot. (You saw TBAWS earlier in this chapter when we looked at the attributes of UEFI variables.)

The digital signature of a UEFI executable sometimes contains a timestamp issued by the Time Stamping Authority (TSA) service. The signature’s timestamp reflects the time at which the signature was generated. By comparing the signature timestamp and the expiration timestamp of the signing key, Secure Boot determines whether the signature was generated before or after the signing key expired. Generally, the expiration date of the signing key is the date after which the signing key is considered compromised. As a result, the timestamp of the signature allows Secure Boot to verify that the signature was generated at a moment when the signing key wasn’t compromised, ensuring that the signature is legitimate. In this way, time-based authentication reduces the complexity of PKI when it comes to Secure Boot db certificates.

Time-based authentication also allows you to avoid re-signing the same UEFI images. The timestamp of the signature proves to Secure Boot that a UEFI image was signed before the corresponding signing key expired or was revoked. As a result, the signature remains valid even after the signing key is expired, since it was created when the signing key was still valid and not compromised.

Secure Boot Keys

Now that you’ve seen where Secure Boot obtains information on trusted and revoked public key certificates, let’s talk about how these databases are stored and protected from unauthorized modification. After all, by modifying the db database, an attacker could easily bypass Secure Boot checks by injecting a malicious certificate and replacing the OS bootloader with a rogue bootloader signed with a private key corresponding to the malicious certificate. Since the malicious certificate is in the db signature database, Secure Boot would allow the rogue bootloader to run.

So, to protect the db and dbx databases from unauthorized modification, the platform or OS system vendor must sign the databases. When the UEFI firmware goes to read the content of these databases, it first authenticates them by verifying their digital signature with a public key called the key exchange key (KEK). It then authenticates each KEK with a second key called the platform key (PK).

Key Exchange Keys

As with the db and dbx databases, the list of public KEKs is stored in an NVRAM UEFI variable. We’ll explore the content of the KEK variable using the results of our previous execution of the chipsec command. Open the directory containing the results, and you should see a subfolder labeled something like KEK_8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C, which contains certificates of public KEKs (Figure 17-6). This UEFI variable is authenticated as well, as you’ll see next.


Figure 17-6: Contents of the KEK UEFI variable

Only the owner of the private key corresponding to any of these certificates can modify the contents of the db and dbx databases. In this example, we have only two KEK certificates, by Microsoft and Lenovo, as indicated in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2: Certificates in the KEK UEFI Variable


Issued to

Issued by


Lenovo Ltd. KEK CA 2012

Lenovo Ltd. KEK CA 2012


Microsoft Corporation KEK CA 2011

Microsoft Corporation Third-Party Marketplace Root

You can discover the owners of the private keys corresponding to your system’s KEK certificates by dumping the KEK variable and executing the openssl command we used earlier.

Platform Key

The PK is the last signing key in the PKI key hierarchy of Secure Boot. As you might have guessed, this key is used to authenticate KEKs by signing the KEK UEFI variable. According to the UEFI specification, each platform has a single PK. Usually, this key corresponds to the platform manufacturer.

Return to the PK_8BE4DF61-93CA-11D2-AA0D-00E098032B8C subfolder of efi_variables.dir that was created when you executed chipsec. There, you can find the certificate of the public PK. Your certificate will correspond to your platform. So, since we used the Lenovo Thinkpad T540p platform, we would expect our PK certificate to correspond to Lenovo (see Figure 17-7).


Figure 17-7: The PK certificate

You can see that ours was indeed issued by Lenovo. The PK UEFI variable is also authenticated, and every update of the variable should be signed with the corresponding private key. In other words, if the platform owner (or the platform manufacturer, in UEFI terminology) wants to update the PK variable with a new certificate, the buffer with the new certificate should be signed with the private key that corresponds to the current certificate stored in the PK variable.

UEFI Secure Boot: The Complete Picture

Now that we’ve explored the complete hierarchy of the PKI infrastructure used in UEFI Secure Boot, let’s put everything together to see the whole picture, shown in Figure 17-8.


Figure 17-8: UEFI Secure Boot verification flow

At the top of the figure, you can see that the root of trust (the components that UEFI Secure Boot inherently trusts, upon which it bases all of its future verification) is the platform initialization firmware and the platform key. The platform initialization firmware is the very first piece of code executed when the CPU comes out of a reset, and the UEFI Secure Boot implicitly trusts this code. If an attacker compromises the PI firmware, the whole chain of trust enforced by Secure Boot is broken. In that case, the attacker can patch any UEFI module that implements the Secure Boot image verification routines so it always returns a success and, as a result, allows every UEFI image supplied to pass authentication.

That’s why the Secure Boot trust model assumes you’ve correctly implemented the Firmware Secure Update mechanism, which requires every update of the firmware to be signed with the proper signing key (which must be different from the PK). That way, only authorized updates of PI firmware take place, and the root of trust remains uncompromised.

It’s easy to see that this trust model does not protect against physical attackers, who can physically reprogram the SPI flash with a malicious firmware image and compromise the PI firmware. We’ll talk about protecting firmware against physical attacks in “Protecting Secure Boot with Verified and Measured Boot” on page 338.

At the top of Figure 17-8, you can see the platform key provided by the platform manufacturer has the same level of inherent trust as PI firmware. This key is used to establish trust between the PI firmware and the platform manufacturer. Once the platform key is provided, the platform firmware allows the manufacturer to update the KEKs and, as a result, control which images pass Secure Boot checks and which don’t.

One level below, you see the KEKs that establish trust between the PI firmware and the OS running on the platform. Once the platform KEK is provisioned in the UEFI variable, the OS is able to specify which images can pass Secure Boot check. For example, the OS vendor can use the KEK to allow the UEFI firmware to execute the OS loader.

At the bottom of the trust model, you see the db and dbx databases signed with KEKs, which contain hashes of images and public key certificates that are used directly in integrity checks of executables enforced by Secure Boot.

Secure Boot Policy

By itself, Secure Boot uses the PK, KEK, db, dbx, and dbt variables to tell the platform whether or not an executable image is trusted, as you’ve seen. However, the way in which the result of Secure Boot verification is interpreted (in other words, whether or not to execute an image) largely depends on the policy in place.

We’ve already mentioned Secure Boot policies a few times in this chapter without getting into the details of what one actually is. So, let’s take a closer look at this concept.

In essence, a Secure Boot policy dictates which actions the platform firmware should take after it performs image authentication. The firmware might execute the image, deny image execution, defer image execution, or ask a user to make the decision.

Secure Boot policy isn’t rigorously defined in the UEFI specification and, therefore, is specific to each implementation. In particular, policies can vary between implementations of UEFI firmware by different vendors. In this section, we’ll explore some Secure Boot policy elements implemented in Intel’s EDK2 source code, which we used in Chapter 15. Download or clone the EDK2 source code now from the repository at https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/ if you haven’t already.

One of the elements that Secure Boot, as implemented in EDK2, takes into account is the origin of the executable images being authenticated. The images could come from different storage devices, some of which may be inherently trusted. For instance, if the image is loaded from the SPI flash, meaning it’s located on the same storage device as the rest of UEFI firmware, then the platform might trust it automatically. (However, if an attacker is able to alter the image on SPI flash, they could also tamper with the rest of the firmware and disable Secure Boot completely. We’ll discuss this attack later in “Patching PI Firmware to Disable Secure Boot” on page 335.) On the other hand, if the image is loaded from an external PCI device—for example, an Option ROM, special firmware loaded from external peripheral devices in the preboot environment—then it would be treated as untrusted and subject to a Secure Boot check.

Here, we outline the definitions of some of the policies that determine how to process images with respect to their origin. You can find these policies in the SecurityPkgSecurityPkg.dec file located in the EDK2 repository. Each policy assigns a default value to the images that meet the criteria.

PcdOptionRomImageVerificationPolicy Defines the verification policy for images loaded as Option ROMs, like those from PCI devices (default value: 0x00000004).

PcdRemovableMediaImageVerificationPolicy Defines the verification policy for images located on removable media, which includes CD-ROM, USB, and network (default value: 0x00000004).

PcdFixedMediaImageVerificationPolicy Defines the verification policy for images located on fixed media devices, such as hard disks (default value: 0x00000004).

In addition to these policies, there are two more policies that aren’t explicitly defined in the SecurityPkgSecurityPkg.dec file but are used in EDK2 Secure Boot implementation:

SPI flash ROM policy Defines the verification policy for images located on SPI flash (default value: 0x00000000).

Other origin Defines the verification policy for any images located on devices other than those just described (default value: 0x00000004).


Keep in mind that this isn’t a comprehensive list of Secure Boot policies used for image authentication. Different firmware vendors can modify or extend this list with their custom policies.

Here are the descriptions of the default policy values:

0x00000000 Always trust the image regardless of whether or not it’s signed and regardless of whether its hash is in the db or dbx database.

0x00000001 Never trust the image. Even images with valid signatures will be rejected.

0x00000002 Allow execution when there is a security violation. The image will be executed even if the signature cannot be verified or if its hash is blacklisted in the dbx database.

0x00000003 Defer execution when there is a security violation. In this case, the image isn’t rejected immediately and is loaded in memory. However, its execution is postponed until its authentication status is reevaluated.

0x00000004 Deny execution when Secure Boot fails to authenticate the image using the db and dbx databases.

0x00000005 Query the user when there is a security violation. In this case, if Secure Boot fails to authenticate the image, an authorized user may make a decision about whether to trust the image. For example, the user may be shown a message prompt at boot time.

From the Secure Boot policy definitions, you can see that all the images loaded from SPI flash are inherently trusted and aren’t subject to digital signature verification at all. In all other cases, the default value of 0x000000004 enforces signature verification and prohibits the execution of any unauthenticated code that comes as Option ROM or that is located on removable, fixed, or any other media.

Protection Against Bootkits Using Secure Boot

Now that you’ve seen how Secure Boot works, let’s take a look at a specific example of how it protects against bootkits that target the OS boot flow. We won’t discuss bootkits that target the MBR and VBR, since, as Chapter 14 explained, UEFI firmware no longer uses objects like the MBR and VBR (except in the UEFI compatibility mode), so traditional bootkits cannot compromise UEFI-based systems.

As mentioned in Chapter 15, the DreamBoot bootkit was the first public proof-of-concept bootkit targeting UEFI-based systems. On a UEFI system without Secure Boot in place, this bootkit works as follows:

  1. The author of the bootkit replaces the original UEFI Windows bootloader, bootmgfw.efi, with the malicious bootloader, bootx64.efi, on the boot partition.
  2. The malicious bootloader loads the original bootmgfw.efi, patches it to get control of the Windows loader winload.efi, and executes it, as demonstrated in Figure 17-9.

    Figure 17-9: The flow of the DreamBoot attack against the OS bootloader

  3. The malicious code continues patching the system modules until it reaches the kernel of the operating system, bypassing the kernel protection mechanisms (such as the Kernel-Mode Code Signing Policy) intended to prevent unauthorized kernel-mode code execution.

This kind of attack is possible because, by default, the OS bootloader is not authenticated in the UEFI boot process. UEFI firmware obtains the location of the OS bootloader from a UEFI variable, which for Microsoft Windows platforms is located at EFIMicrosoftBootootmgfw.efi on the boot partition. An attacker with system privileges can easily replace or alter the bootloader.

However, when Secure Boot is enabled, this attack is no longer possible. Since Secure Boot verifies the integrity of UEFI images executed at boot time, and the OS bootloader is one of the executables verified during boot, Secure Boot will check the bootloader’s signature against the db and dbx databases. The malicious bootloader isn’t signed with a proper signing key, so it will potentially fail the checks and will not execute (depending on the boot policy). This is one way in which Secure Boot protects against bootkits.

Attacking Secure Boot

Now let’s look at some attacks that can succeed against UEFI Secure Boot. Because Secure Boot relies on PI firmware and PKs as the root of trust, if either one of these components is compromised, the whole chain of Secure Boot checks becomes useless. We’ll look at both bootkits and rootkits capable of undermining Secure Boot.

The class of bootkits we’ll look at here relies predominantly on modifications of SPI flash content. In modern computer systems, SPI flash is often used as primary firmware storage. Almost every laptop and desktop computer will store UEFI firmware in flash memory that is accessed through an SPI controller.

In Chapter 15, we presented various attacks that install persistent UEFI rootkits on flash firmware, so we won’t go into those details again here, though those same attacks (SMI handler issues, S3 boot script, BIOS write protection, and so on) may be leveraged against Secure Boot. For the attacks in this section, we’ll assume the attacker is already able to modify the contents of flash memory containing UEFI firmware. Let’s see what they can do next!

Patching PI Firmware to Disable Secure Boot

Once an attacker is able to modify the contents of SPI flash, they can easily disable Secure Boot by patching the PI firmware. You saw in Figure 17-8 that UEFI Secure Boot is anchored in the PI firmware, so if we alter the modules of the PI firmware that implement Secure Boot, we can effectively disable its functionality.

To explore this process, we’ll once again use Intel’s EDK2 source code (https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/) as an example implementation of UEFI. You’ll find out where the Secure Boot verification functionality is implemented and how you might corrupt it.

Inside the SecurityPkg/Library/DxeImageVerificationLib folder in the repository, you’ll find the DxeImageVerificationLib.c source code file that implements the code integrity verification functionality. Specifically, this file implements the DxeImageVerificationHandler routine, which decides whether a UEFI executable is trusted and should be executed or whether it fails verification. Listing 17-1 shows the prototype of the routine.

EFI_STATUS EFI_API DxeImageVerificationHandler (
  IN  UINT32                           AuthenticationStatus,
  IN  VOID                             *FileBuffer,
  IN  UINTN                            FileSize,
  IN  BOOLEAN                          BootPolicy

Listing 17-1: Definition of the DxeImageVerificationHandler routine

As a first parameter, the routine receives the AuthenticationStatus variable , which indicates whether or not the image is signed. The File argument is a pointer to the device path of the file being dispatched. The FileBuffer and FileSize arguments provide a pointer to the UEFI image and its size for verification.

Finally, BootPolicy is a parameter indicating whether the request to load the image being authenticated came from the UEFI boot manager and is a boot selection (meaning the image is a selected OS bootloader). We discussed the UEFI boot manager in more detail in Chapter 14.

Upon completion of the verification, this routine returns one of the following values:

EFI_SUCCESS Authentication has successfully passed and the image will be executed.

EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The image is not authenticated because the platform policy has dictated that the firmware may not use this image file. This may happen if the firmware attempts to load an image from a removable medium and the platform policy prohibits execution from removable media at boot time, regardless of whether or not they are signed. In this case, this routine will immediately return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED without any signature verification.

EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION Authentication failed either because Secure Boot was unable to verify the image’s digital signature or because a hash value of the executable was found in the database of prohibited images (dbx). This return value indicates that the image is not trusted and the platform should follow the Secure Boot policy to determine whether the image may be executed.

EFI_OUT_RESOURCE An error occurred during the verification process due to a lack of system resources (usually, not enough memory) to perform image authentication.

To bypass Secure Boot checks, an attacker with write access to the SPI flash can patch this routine to always return the EFI_SUCCESS value for whatever executable it takes as input. As a result, all the UEFI images will pass authentication regardless of whether they are signed or not.

Modifying the UEFI Variables to Bypass Security Checks

Another way to attack the Secure Boot implementation is to modify the UEFI NVRAM variables. As we discussed earlier in this chapter, Secure Boot uses certain variables to store its configuration parameters, details like whether Secure Boot is enabled, the PKs and KEKs, the signature databases, and the platform policies. If an attacker can modify these variables, they can disable or bypass Secure Boot verification checks.

Indeed, most implementations of Secure Boot will store UEFI NVRAM variables in SPI flash memory alongside the system firmware. Even though these variables are authenticated, and changing their values from the kernel mode by using the UEFI API requires a corresponding private key, an attacker capable of writing to SPI flash could change their content.

Once an attacker has access to the UEFI NVRAM variables, they could, for example, tamper with PK, KEK, db, and dbx to add custom malicious certificates, which would allow a malicious module to bypass security checks. Another option would be to add the hash of the malicious file to the db database and remove it from the dbx database (in the case that the hash was originally in the dbx database). As shown in Figure 17-10, by changing the PK variable to include the attacker’s public key certificate, the attacker is able to add and remove KEKs from the KEK UEFI variable, which, in turn, gives them control over the db and dbx signature databases, breaking Secure Boot protection.


Figure 17-10: Attack against the UEFI Secure Boot chain of trust

As a third option, instead of changing the PK and compromising the underlying PKI hierarchy, an attacker could simply corrupt the PK in the UEFI variable. In order to work, Secure Boot requires a valid PK enrolled into the platform firmware; otherwise, protection is disabled.

If you’re interested in learning more about these attacks, the following conference papers contain comprehensive analyses of UEFI Secure Boot technology:

Protecting Secure Boot with Verified and Measured Boot

As we’ve just discussed, Secure Boot alone is not capable of protecting against attacks that involve changes in platform firmware. So is there any protection for Secure Boot technology itself? The answer is yes. In this section, we’ll focus on security technologies intended to protect system firmware against unauthorized modifications—namely, Verified and Measured Boot. Verified Boot checks that the platform firmware hasn’t been altered or modified, while Measured Boot computes cryptographic hashes of certain components involved in the boot process and stores them in Trusted Platform Module Platform Configuration Registers, or TPM PCRs.

Verified Boot and Measured Boot function independently, and it’s possible to have platforms with only one of them enabled, or with both. However, both Verified Boot and Measured Boot are part of the same chain of trust (as shown in Figure 17-11).


Figure 17-11: Verified and Measured Boot flow

As you saw in Figure 17-8, the PI firmware is the very first piece of code executed after the CPU comes out of reset. UEFI Secure Boot unconditionally trusts the PI firmware, so it makes sense that current attacks against Secure Boot rely on unauthorized modifications of it.

In order to protect against such attacks, the system needs a root of trust outside the PI firmware. This is where Verified and Measured Boot come into play. These processes execute protection mechanisms whose root of trust is anchored in the hardware. Moreover, they execute before the system firmware, which means they are able to both authenticate and measure it. We’ll discuss what measurement means in this context in a moment.

Verified Boot

When a system with Verified Boot is powered on, the hardware logic launches the boot verification functionality that’s implemented in a boot ROM or microcode within the CPU. This logic is immutable, which means software can’t change it. Usually, Verified Boot executes a module to verify the integrity of the system, ensuring that the system will execute the authentic firmware without malicious modifications. To verify the firmware, Verified Boot relies on public key cryptography; like UEFI Secure Boot, it checks the digital signature of the platform firmware to ensure its authenticity. After it’s been successfully authenticated, the platform firmware is executed and proceeds to verify other firmware components (for example, the Option ROMs, DXE drivers, and OS bootloaders) to maintain the proper chain of trust. That’s the Verified portion of Verified and Measured Boot. Now for the Measured part.

Measured Boot

Measured Boot works by measuring the platform firmware and OS bootloaders. This means it computes the cryptographic hashes of the components involved in the boot process. The hashes are stored in a set of TPM PCRs. The hash values themselves don’t tell you if the measured components are benign or malicious, but they do tell you whether the configuration and boot components have been changed at some point. If a boot component has been modified, its hash value will differ from the one computed over the original version of the boot component. Thus, Measured Boot will notice any modification of the boot component.

Later, the system software can use the hashes in these TPM PCRs to ensure the system is running in a known good state without any malicious modifications. The system might also use these hashes for remote attestation, which is when a system tries to prove to another system that it’s in a trusted state.

Now that you know how Verified and Measured Boot work in general, let’s take a look at a couple implementations of it, starting with Intel BootGuard.

Intel BootGuard

Intel BootGuard is Intel’s Verified and Measured Boot technology. Figure 17-12 shows the boot flow on a platform with Intel BootGuard enabled.


Figure 17-12: The Intel BootGuard flow

During initialization, before the CPU starts executing the first code located at the reset vector, it executes code from the boot ROM. This code performs the necessary initialization of the CPU state, then loads and executes the BootGuard Authenticated Code Module (ACM).

The ACM is a special type of module for performing security-sensitive operations and must be signed by Intel. Thus, the boot ROM code that loads the ACM performs mandatory signature verification to keep the module from running unless it’s signed by Intel. After successful signature verification, the ACM is executed in an isolated environment in order to prevent any malicious software from interfering with its execution.

The BootGuard ACM implements Verified and Measured Boot functionality. This module loads the first-stage firmware loader, called the initial boot block (IBB), into memory and, depending on the boot policy in effect, verifies and/or measures it. The IBB is part of the firmware that contains code executed at the reset vector.

Strictly speaking, at this point in the boot process there is no RAM. The memory controller hasn’t yet been initialized, and RAM isn’t accessible. However, the CPU configures its last-level cache so that it can be used as RAM by putting it in Cache-as-RAM mode until the point in the boot process when the BIOS memory reference code can configure the memory controller and discover RAM.

The ACM transfers control to the IBB once the IBB is successfully verified and/or measured. If the IBB fails verification, the ACM behaves according to whatever boot policy is in effect: the system may be shut down immediately or allow firmware recovery after a certain timeout.

The IBB then loads the rest of the UEFI firmware from SPI flash and verifies and/or measures it. Once the IBB receives control, Intel BootGuard is no longer responsible for maintaining the proper chain of trust, since its purpose is simply to verify and measure the IBB. The IBB is responsible for continuing the chain of trust up the point when UEFI Secure Boot takes over the verification and measuring of firmware images.

Finding the ACM

Let’s look at the implementation details of Intel BootGuard technology for desktop platforms, starting with the ACM. Since the ACM is one of the first Intel BootGuard components executed when the system is powered up, the first question is: how does the CPU find the ACM when it is powered on?

The exact location of the ACM is provided in a special data structure called the Firmware Interface Table (FIT), stored in the firmware image. The FIT is organized as an array of FIT entries, each describing the location of a specific object in the firmware, such as the ACM or microcode update files. Figure 17-13 shows the layout of a FIT in system memory after reset.


Figure 17-13: The FIT’s location in memory

When the CPU is powered on, it reads the address of the FIT from the memory location 0xFFFFFFC0 . Since there’s no RAM yet, when the CPU posts a read memory transaction for the physical address 0xFFFFFFC0, the internal chipset logic recognizes that this address belongs to a special address range and, instead of sending this transaction to the memory controller, decodes it. Read memory transactions for the FIT table are forwarded to the SPI flash controller, which reads FIT from flash memory.

We’ll take a closer look at this process by returning to the EDK2 repository. In the IntelSiliconPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/ directory, you’ll find the FirmwareInterfaceTable.h header file, which contains some code definitions related to the FIT structure. The layout of FIT entries is shown in Listing 17-2.

typedef struct {
  UINT64 Address;
  UINT8  Size[3];
  UINT8  Reserved;
  UINT16 Version;
  UINT8  Type : 7;
  UINT8  C_V  : 1;
  UINT8  Chksum;

Listing 17-2: Layout of FIT entries

As mentioned, each FIT entry describes a certain object in the firmware image. The nature of each object is encoded in the FIT’s Type field. These objects could be microcode update files, a BootGuard’s ACM, or a BootGuard policy, for instance. The Address field and Size field provide the location of the object in memory: Address contains the physical address of the object, and Size defines the size expressed in dwords (4-byte values). The C_V field is the checksum valid field; if it’s set to 1, the Chksum field contains a valid checksum of the object. The sum of all the bytes in the component modulo 0xFF and the value in the Chksum field must be zero. The Version field contains the version number of the component in binary-coded decimal format. For the FIT header entry, the value in this field will indicate the revision number of the FIT data structure.

The header FirmwareInterfaceTable.h contains values that the Type field can take. These type values are mostly undocumented, with little information available, but the definitions of FIT entry types are quite verbose, and you can deduce their meanings from the context. Here are the types relevant to BootGuard:

  • The FIT_TYPE_00_HEADER entry provides the total number of FIT entries in the FIT table in its Size field. Its address field contains a special 8-byte signature, '_FIT_' (there are three spaces after _FIT_).
  • The entry of type FIT_TYPE_02_STARTUP_ACM provides the location of the BootGuard ACM, which the boot ROM code parses to locate the ACM in system memory.
  • The entries of types FIT_TYPE_0C_BOOT_POLICY_MANIFEST (BootGuard boot policy manifest) and FIT_TYPE_0B_KEY_MANIFEST (BootGuard key manifest) provide BootGuard with the boot policy that’s in effect and the configuration information, which we’ll discuss shortly in “Configuring Intel BootGuard” on page 343.

Keep in mind that the Intel BootGuard boot policy and the UEFI Secure Boot policy are two different things. The first term refers to the boot policy used for the Verified and Measured Boot procedures. That is, Intel BootGuard boot policy is enforced by ACM and chipset logic, and it includes parameters like whether BootGuard should perform Verified and Measured Boot and what BootGuard should do in cases when it fails to authenticate the IBB. The second term refers to UEFI Secure Boot, discussed earlier in this chapter, and is entirely enforced by UEFI firmware.

Exploring FIT

You can explore some FIT entries in the firmware image using UEFITool, which we introduced in Chapter 15 (and which we’ll discuss more in Chapter 19), and extract the ACM from the image, along with the boot policy and key manifests, for further analysis. This can be useful because the ACM can be used to hide malicious code. In the following example, we use a firmware image obtained from a system with Intel BootGuard technology enabled. (Chapter 19 provides information on how to acquire a firmware from the platform.)

First, load the firmware image in UEFITool by selecting FileOpen Image File. After specifying the firmware image file to load, you’ll see a window like the one shown in Figure 17-14.


Figure 17-14: Browsing FIT in UEFITool

In the lower half of the window, you can see the FIT tab that lists the entries. The Type column of the FIT tab displays the type of FIT entries. We are looking for FIT entries for the types BIOS ACM, BootGuard key manifest, and BootGuard Boot Policy. Using that information, we can locate the Intel BootGuard components in the firmware image and extract them for further analysis. In this particular example, FIT entry #6 indicates the location of the BIOS ACM; it starts at the address 0xfffc0000. FIT entries #7 and #8 indicate the locations of the key and boot policy manifests; they start at the addresses 0xfffc9180 and 0xfffc8100, respectively.

Configuring Intel BootGuard

Upon execution, the BootGuard BIOS ACM consumes the BootGuard key, while the boot policy locates the IBB in the system memory to obtain the correct public key to verify the IBB’s signature.

The BootGuard key manifest contains the hash of the boot policy manifest (BPM), the OEM root public key, the digital signature of the preceding fields (with the exception of the root public key, which isn’t included in the signed data), and the security version number (a counter that is incremented with every security update, intended to prevent rollback attacks).

The BPM itself contains the security version number, location, and hash of the IBB; the BPM public key; and digital signatures for the BPM fields just listed—again, with the exception of the root public key, which may be validated with the BPM public key. The location of the IBB provides the layout of the IBB in memory. This may not be in a contiguous memory block; it could consist instead of a few nonadjacent memory regions. The IBB hash contains the cumulative hash value of all the memory regions occupied by the IBB. Thus, the whole process of verifying the IBB’s signature is as follows:

  1. BootGuard locates the key manifest (KM) using FIT and obtains the boot policy manifest hash value and the OEM root key, which we’ll call key 1. BootGuard verifies the digital signature in the KM using key 1 to ensure the integrity of the BPM hash value. If the verification fails, BootGuard reports an error and triggers remediation actions.
  2. If the verification succeeds, BootGuard locates the BPM using FIT, computes a hash value of the BPM, and compares it with the BPM hash in the KM. If the values aren’t equal, BootGuard reports an error and triggers remediation actions; otherwise, it obtains the IBB hash value and location from the BPM.
  3. BootGuard locates the IBB in memory, computes its cumulative hash, and compares it with the IBB hash value in the BPM. If the hashes aren’t equal, BootGuard reports an error and triggers remediation actions.
  4. Otherwise, BootGuard reports that the verification succeeded. If Measured Boot is enabled, BootGuard also measures the IBB by calculating its hash and stores the measurement in the TPM. Then BootGuard transfers control to the IBB.

The KM is an essential structure, as it contains the OEM root public key used to verify the integrity of the IBB. You might be asking, “If BootGuard’s KM is stored in unprotected SPI flash along with firmware image, doesn’t that mean attackers can modify it in flash to provide BootGuard with a fake verification key?” To prevent an attack like this, the hash of the OEM root public key is instead stored in the chipset’s field-programmable fuses. These fuses can be programmed only once, at the point when the BootGuard boot policy is provisioned. Once the fuses are written, it’s impossible to override them. This is how the BootGuard verification key is anchored in the hardware, making the hardware the immutable root of trust. (The BootGuard boot policy is stored in chipset fuses as well, making it impossible to alter the policy after the fact.)

If an attacker changes the BootGuard key manifest, the ACM will spot the key alteration by computing its hash and comparing it with the “golden” value fused into the chipset. Mismatched hashes trigger an error report and remediation behavior. Figure 17-15 demonstrates the chain of trust enforced by BootGuard.


Figure 17-15: The Intel BootGuard chain of trust

Once the IBB is successfully verified and, if necessary, measured, it executes and performs some basic chipset initialization, then loads the UEFI firmware. At this point, it is the IBB’s responsibility to authenticate the UEFI firmware before loading and executing it. Otherwise, the chain of trust will be broken.

Figure 17-16 concludes this section by representing the boundaries of responsibility for Secure Boot implementations.


Figure 17-16: The boundaries of responsibility for Secure Boot implementation

ARM Trusted Boot Board

ARM has its own implementation of Verified and Measured Boot technology, called the Trusted Boot Board (TBB), or simply Trusted Boot. In this section, we’ll look at Trusted Boot’s design. ARM has a very particular setup, known as Trust Zone security technology, that divides the execution environment into two parts. Before we go into the Verified and Measured Boot process with ARM, we need to describe how Trust Zone works.

ARM Trust Zone

Trust Zone security technology is a hardware-implemented security feature that separates the ARM execution environment into two worlds: the secure world and the normal (or nonsecure) world, which coexist on the same physical core, as shown in Figure 17-17. The logic implemented in the processor’s hardware and firmware ensures that the secure world’s resources are properly isolated and protected from software running in the nonsecure world.


Figure 17-17: The ARM Trust Zone

Both worlds have their own dedicated and distinct firmware and software stacks: the normal world executes user applications and an OS, while the secure world executes a secure OS and trusted services. The firmware of these worlds consists of different bootloaders responsible for initializing the world and loading the OS, which we’ll talk about in a moment. For this reason, the secure and normal worlds have different firmware images.

Within the processor, software running in the normal world cannot access code and data in the secure world directly. The access control logic that prevents this is implemented in the hardware, usually in the System on Chip hardware. However, software running in the normal world can transfer control to the software located in the secure world (for instance, to execute a trusted service in the secure world) using particular software called Secure Monitor (in ARM Cortex-A) or core logic (in ARM Cortex-M). This mechanism ensures that switches between worlds don’t violate the security of the system.

Together, the Trusted Boot technology and Trust Zone create the Trusted Execution Environment, used to run software with high privileges and provide an environment for security technologies like digital rights management, cryptography and authentication primitives, and other security-sensitive applications. In this way, an isolated, protected environment may house the most sensitive software.

ARM Boot Loaders

Because the secure and normal worlds are kept separate, each world needs its own set of bootloaders. Also, the boot process for each world consists of multiple stages, which means a number of bootloaders must execute at different points in the boot process. Here, we’ll describe the Trusted Boot flow for ARM application processors in general terms, beginning with the following list of bootloaders involved in Trusted Boot. We showed these back in Figure 17-17:

BL1 First-stage bootloader, located in boot ROM and executed in the secure world.

BL2 Second-stage bootloader, located in flash memory, loaded and executed by BL1 in the secure world.

BL31 Secure-world runtime firmware, loaded and executed by BL2.

BL32 Optional secure-world third-stage bootloader, loaded by BL2.

BL33 Normal-world runtime firmware, loaded and executed by BL2.

This list isn’t a complete and accurate list of all the ARM implementations in the real world, as some manufacturers introduce additional bootloaders or remove some of the existing ones. In some cases, BL1 may not be the very first code executed on the application processor when the system comes out of reset.

To verify the integrity of these boot components, Trusted Boot relies on X.509 public key certificates (remember that the files in UEFI Secure Boot’s db database were encoded with X.509). It’s worth mentioning that all certificates are self-signed. There is no need for a certificate authority, because the chain of trust is not established by the validity of a certificate’s issuer but rather by the content of the certificate extensions.

Trusted Boot uses two types of certificates: key and content certificates. It uses key certificates first to verify the public keys that are used to sign content certificates. Then it uses the content certificates to store the hashes of boot loader images. This relationship is illustrated in Figure 17-18.


Figure 17-18: Trusted Boot key and content certificates

Trusted Boot authenticates an image by calculating its hash and matching the result with the hash extracted from the content certificate.

Trusted Boot Flow

Now that you’re familiar with the foundational concepts of Trusted Boot, let’s take a look at the Trusted Boot flow for an application processor, shown in Figure 17-19. This will give you the full picture of how Verified Boot is implemented in ARM processors and how it protects platforms from the execution of untrusted code, including firmware rootkits.

In Figure 17-19, solid arrows denote the transfer of execution flow, and dashed arrows denote the trust relationship; in other words, each element trusts the element its dotted arrow points to.

Once the CPU is released from reset, the first piece of the code executed is bootloader 1 (BL1) . BL1 is loaded from the read-only boot ROM, which means it can’t be tampered with while it’s stored there. BL1 reads the bootloader 2 (BL2) content certificate from flash memory and checks its issuer key. BL1 then computes the hash of the BL2 content certificate issuer and compares it with the “golden” values stored in the secure root of trust public key register (ROTPK) register in the hardware. The ROTPK register and boot ROM are the roots of trust, anchored in hardware for Trusted Boot. If the hashes aren’t equal or verification of the BL2 content certificate signature fails, the system panics.

Once the BL2 content certificate is verified against the ROTPK, BL1 loads the BL2 image from flash , computes its cryptographic hash, and compares this hash value with the value obtained from the BL2 content certificate .

Once authenticated, BL1 transfers control to BL2, which, in turn, reads its trusted key certificate from flash memory. This trusted key certificate contains public keys for the verification of the firmware for both the secure world and the normal world . The key that issued the trusted key certificate is checked against the ROTPK register .

Next, BL2 authenticates BL31 , which is the runtime firmware for the secure world. To authenticate the BL31 image, BL2 uses the key certificate and content certificate for BL31 . BL2 verifies these key certificates by using the secure world public key obtained from the trusted key certificate. The BL31 key certificate contains the BL31 content certificate public key used to verify the signature of the BL32 content certificate.


Figure 17-19: Trusted Boot flow

Once the BL31 content certificate is verified, the hash value of the BL31 image stored within this BL31 certificate is used to check the integrity of the BL3 image. Again, any failures result in a system panic.

Similarly, BL2 checks the integrity of the optional secure-world BL32 image using the BL32 key and content certificates.

The integrity of the BL33 firmware image (executed in the normal world) is checked with the BL33 key and BL33 content certificates. The BL33 key certificate is verified with the normal world public key obtained from the trusted key certificate.

If all the checks pass successfully, the system proceeds by executing the authenticated firmware for both the secure and normal worlds.

Verified Boot vs. Firmware Rootkits

With all of this knowledge in hand, let’s finally see whether Verified Boot can protect against firmware rootkits.

We know that Verified Boot takes place before any firmware is executed in the boot process. This means that when Verified Boot starts verifying firmware, any infecting firmware rootkit won’t yet be active, so the malware can’t counteract the verification process. Verified Boot will detect any malicious modification of firmware and prevent its execution.

Moreover, the root of trust for Verified Boot is anchored in the hardware, so attackers can’t tamper with it. Intel BootGuard’s OEM root public key is fused into the chipset, and ARM’s root of trust key is stored in secure registers. In both cases, the boot code that triggers Verified Boot is loaded from read-only memory, so malware can’t patch or modify it.

So, we can conclude that Verified Boot can withstand attacks from firmware rootkits. However, as you might have observed, the whole technology is quite complex; it has many dependencies, so it could easily be implemented incorrectly. This technology is only as secure as its weakest component; a single flaw in the chain of trust makes it possible to bypass. That means there’s a good chance attackers could find vulnerabilities in an implementation of Verified Boot to exploit and install firmware rootkits.


In this chapter, we explored three Secure Boot technologies: UEFI Secure Boot, Intel BootGuard, and ARM Trusted Boot. These technologies rely on a chain of trust—enforced from the very beginning of the boot process to the execution of user applications—and involve an enormous number of boot modules. When correctly configured and implemented, they provide protection against the ever-growing number of UEFI firmware rootkits. That’s why high-assurance systems must use Secure Boot, and why, these days, many consumer systems enable Secure Boot by default. In the next chapter, we’ll focus on forensic approaches for analyzing firmware rootkits.

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