Chapter 11. Complete GUI Programs

“Python, Open Source, and Camaros”

This chapter concludes our look at building GUIs with Python and its standard tkinter library, by presenting a collection of realistic GUI programs. In the preceding four chapters, we met all the basics of tkinter programming. We toured the core set of widgets—Python classes that generate devices on a computer screen and respond to user events—and we studied a handful of advanced GUI programming techniques, including automation tools, redirection with sockets and pipes, and threading. Here, our focus is on putting those widgets and techniques together to create more useful GUIs. We’ll study:


A text editor program


A thumbnail photo viewer


An image slideshow


A painting program


A graphical clock


A simple tic-tac-toe game, just for fun[38]

As in Part II’s Chapter 6, I’ve pulled the examples in this chapter from my own library of Python programs that I really use. For instance, the text editor and clock GUIs that we’ll meet here are day-to-day workhorses on my machines. Because they are written in Python and tkinter, they work unchanged on my Windows and Linux machines, and they should work on Macs too.

Since these are pure Python scripts, their future evolution is entirely up to their users—once you get a handle on tkinter interfaces, changing or augmenting the behavior of such programs by editing their Python code is a snap. Although some of these examples are similar to commercially available programs (e.g., PyEdit is reminiscent of the Windows Notepad accessory), the portability and almost infinite configurability of Python scripts can be a decided advantage.

Examples in Other Chapters

Later in the book, we’ll meet other tkinter GUI programs that put a good face on specific application domains. For instance, the following larger GUI examples show up in later chapters also:


A comprehensive email client (Chapter 14)


A (mostly external) persistent object table viewer (Chapter 17)


A (mostly external) tree data structure viewer (Chapter 18 and Chapter 19)


A customizable calculator widget (Chapter 19)

Smaller examples, including FTP and file-transfer GUIs, pop up in the Internet part as well. Most of these programs see regular action on my desktop, too. Because GUI libraries are general-purpose tools, there are very few domains that cannot benefit from an easy-to-use, easy-to-program, and widely portable user interface coded in Python and tkinter.

Beyond the examples in this book, you can also find higher-level GUI toolkits for Python, such as the Pmw, Tix, and ttk packages introduced in Chapter 7. Some such systems build upon tkinter to provide compound components such as notebook tabbed widgets, tree views, and balloon pop-up help.

In the next part of the book, we’ll also explore programs that build user interfaces in web browsers, instead of tkinter—a very different way of approaching the user interface experience. Although web browser interfaces have been historically limited in functionality and slowed by network latency, when combined with the rich Internet application (RIA) toolkits mentioned at the start of Chapter 7, browser-based GUIs today can sometimes approach the utility of traditional GUIs, albeit at substantial cost in software complexity and dependencies.

Especially for highly interactive and nontrivial interfaces, though, standalone/desktop tkinter GUIs can be an indispensable feature of almost any Python program you write. The programs in this chapter underscore just how far Python and tkinter can take you.

This Chapter’s Strategy

As for all case-study chapters in this text, this one is largely a learn-by-example exercise; most of the programs here are listed with minimal details. Along the way, I’ll highlight salient points and underscore new tkinter features that examples introduce, but I’ll also assume that you will study the listed source code and its comments for more information. Once we reach the level of complexity demonstrated by programs here, Python’s readability becomes a substantial advantage for programmers (and writers of books).

All of this book’s GUI examples are available in source code form in the book’s examples distribution described in the Preface. Because I’ve already shown the interfaces these scripts employ, this section consists mostly of screenshots, program listings, and a few brief words describing some of the most important aspects of these programs. In other words, this is a self-study section: read the source, run the examples on your own computer, and refer to the previous chapters for further details on the code listed here. Some of these programs may also be accompanied in the book examples distribution by alternative or experimental implementations not listed here; see the distribution for extra code examples.

Finally, I want to remind you that all of the larger programs listed in the previous sections can be run from the PyDemos and PyGadgets launcher bar GUIs that we met at the end of Chapter 10. Although I will try hard to capture some of their behavior in screenshots here, GUIs are event-driven systems by nature, and there is nothing quite like running one live to sample the flavor of its user interactions. Because of that, the launcher bars are really a supplement to the material in this chapter. They should run on most platforms and are designed to be easy to start (see the top-level README-PP4E.txt file for hints). You should go there and start clicking things immediately if you haven’t done so already.

PyEdit: A Text Editor Program/Object

In the last few decades, I’ve typed text into a lot of programs. Most were closed systems (I had to live with whatever decisions their designers made), and many ran on only one platform. The PyEdit program presented in this section does better on both counts: according to its own Tools/Info option, PyEdit implements a full-featured, graphical text editor program in a total of 1,133 new lines of portable Python code, including whitespace and comments, divided between 1,088 lines in the main file and 45 lines of configuration module settings (at release, at least—final sizes may vary slightly in future revisions). Despite its relatively modest size, by systems programming standards, PyEdit is sufficiently powerful and robust to have served as the primary tool for coding most of the examples in this book.

PyEdit supports all the usual mouse and keyboard text-editing operations: cut and paste, search and replace, open and save, undo and redo, and so on. But really, PyEdit is a bit more than just another text editor—it is designed to be used as both a program and a library component, and it can be run in a variety of roles:

Standalone mode

As a standalone text-editor program, with or without the name of a file to be edited passed in on the command line. In this mode, PyEdit is roughly like other text-editing utility programs (e.g., Notepad on Windows), but it also provides advanced functions such as running Python program code being edited, changing fonts and colors, “grep” threaded external file search, a multiple window interface, and so on. More important, because it is coded in Python, PyEdit is easy to customize, and it runs portably on Windows, X Windows, and Macintosh.

Pop-up mode

Within a new pop-up window, allowing an arbitrary number of copies to appear as pop ups at once in a program. Because state information is stored in class instance attributes, each PyEdit object created operates independently. In this mode and the next, PyEdit serves as a library object for use in other scripts, not as a canned application. For example, Chapter 14’s PyMailGUI employs PyEdit in pop-up mode to view email attachments and raw text, and both PyMailGUI and the preceding chapter’s PyDemos display source code files this way.

Embedded mode

As an attached component, to provide a text-editing widget for other GUIs. When attached, PyEdit uses a frame-based menu and can optionally disable some of its menu options for an embedded role. For instance, PyView (later in this chapter) uses PyEdit in embedded mode this way to serve as a note editor for photos, and PyMailGUI (in Chapter 14) attaches it to get an email text editor for free.

While such mixed-mode behavior may sound complicated to implement, most of PyEdit’s modes are a natural byproduct of coding GUIs with the class-based techniques we’ve seen in the last four chapters.

Running PyEdit

PyEdit sports lots of features, and the best way to learn how it works is to test-drive it for yourself—you can run it by starting the main file, by running files textEditorNoConsole.pyw or pyedit.pyw to suppress a console window on Windows, or from the PyDemos and PyGadgets launcher bars described at the end of Chapter 10 (the launchers themselves live in the top level of the book examples directory tree). To give you a sampling of PyEdit’s interfaces, Figure 11-1 shows the main window’s default appearance running in Windows 7, after opening PyEdit’s own source code file.

PyEdit main window, editing itself
Figure 11-1. PyEdit main window, editing itself

The main part of this window is a Text widget object, and if you read Chapter 9’s coverage of this widget, PyEdit text-editing operations will be familiar. It uses text marks, tags, and indexes, and it implements cut-and-paste operations with the system clipboard so that PyEdit can paste data to and from other applications, even after an application of origin is closed. Both vertical and horizontal scroll bars are cross-linked to the Text widget, to support movement through arbitrary files.

If PyEdit’s menu and toolbars look familiar, they should—PyEdit builds the main window with minimal code and appropriate clipping and expansion policies by mixing in the GuiMaker class we coded in the prior chapter (Example 10-3). The toolbar at the bottom contains shortcut buttons for operations I tend to use most often; if my preferences don’t match yours, simply change the toolbar list in the source code to show the buttons you want (this is Python, after all).

As usual for tkinter menus, shortcut key combinations can be used to invoke menu options quickly, too—press Alt plus all the underlined keys of entries along the path to the desired action. Menus can also be torn off at their dashed line to provide quick access to menu options in new top-level windows (handy for options without toolbar buttons).


PyEdit pops up a variety of modal and nonmodal dialogs, both standard and custom. Figure 11-2 shows the custom and nonmodal change, font, and grep dialogs, along with a standard dialog used to display file statistics (the final line count may vary, as I tend to tweak code and comments right up until final draft).

PyEdit with colors, a font, and a few pop ups
Figure 11-2. PyEdit with colors, a font, and a few pop ups

The main window in Figure 11-2 has been given new foreground and background colors (with the standard color selection dialog), and a new text font has been selected from either the font dialog or a canned list in the script that users can change to suit their preferences (this is Python, after all). Other toolbar and menu operations generally use popped-up standard dialogs, with a few new twists. For instance, the standard file open and save selection dialogs in PyEdit use object-based interfaces to remember the last directory visited, so you don’t have to navigate there every time.

Running program code

One of the more unique features of PyEdit is that it can actually run Python program code that you are editing. This isn’t as hard as it may sound either—because Python provides built-ins for compiling and running code strings and for launching programs, PyEdit simply has to make the right calls for this to work. For example, it’s easy to code a simple-minded Python interpreter in Python, using code like the following (see file in the PyEdit’s directory if you wish to experiment with this), though you need a bit more to handle multiple-line statements and expression result displays:

# read and run Python statement strings: like PyEdit's run code menu option
namespace = {}
while True:
        line = input('>>> ')          # single-line statements only
    except EOFError:
        exec(line, namespace)         # or eval() and print result

Depending on the user’s preference, PyEdit either does something similar to this to run code fetched from the text widget or uses the launchmodes module we wrote at the end of Chapter 5 to run the code’s file as an independent program. There are a variety of options in both schemes that you can customize as you like (this is Python, after all). See the onRunCode method for details or simply edit and run some Python code in PyEdit on your own to experiment. When edited code is run in nonfile mode, you can view its printed output in PyEdit’s console window. As we footnoted about eval and exec in Chapter 9, also make sure you trust the source of code you run this way; it has all permissions that the Python process does.

Multiple windows

PyEdit not only pops up multiple special-purpose windows, it also allows multiple edit windows to be open concurrently, in either the same process or as independent programs. For illustration, Figure 11-3 shows three independently started instances of PyEdit, resized and running with a variety of color schemes and fonts. Since these are separate programs, closing any of these does not close the others. This figure also captures PyEdit torn-off menus at the bottom and the PyEdit help pop up on the right. The edit windows’ backgrounds are shades of green, red, and blue; use the Tools menu’s Pick options to set colors as you like.

Multiple PyEdit sessions at work
Figure 11-3. Multiple PyEdit sessions at work

Since these three PyEdit sessions are editing Python source-coded text, you can run their contents with the Run Code option in the Tools pull-down menu. Code run from files is spawned independently; the standard streams of code run not from a file (i.e., fetched from the text widget itself) are mapped to the PyEdit session’s console window. This isn’t an IDE by any means; it’s just something I added because I found it to be useful. It’s nice to run code you’re editing without fishing through directories.

To run multiple edit windows in the same process, use the Tools menu’s Clone option to open a new empty window without erasing the content of another. Figure 11-4 shows the single-process scene with a main window, along with pop-ups related to the Search menu’s Grep option, described in the next section—a tool that walks directory trees in parallel threads, collecting files of matching names that contain a search string, and opening them on request. In Figure 11-4, Grep has produced an input dialog, a matches list, and a new PyEdit window positioned at a match after a double-click in the list box.

Multiple PyEdit windows in a single process
Figure 11-4. Multiple PyEdit windows in a single process

Another pop up appears while a Grep search is in progress, but the GUI remains fully active; in fact, you can launch new Greps while others are in progress. Notice how the Grep dialog also allows input of a Unicode encoding, used to decode file content in all text files visited during the tree search; I’ll describe how this works in the changes section ahead, but in most cases, you can accept the prefilled platform default encoding.

For more fun, use this dialog to run a Grep in directory C:Python31 for all *.py files that contain string %—a quick look at how common the original string formatting expression is, even in Python 3.1’s own library code. Though not all % are related to string formatting, most appear to be. Per a message printed to standard output on Grep thread exit, the string '%' (which includes substitution targets) occurs 6,050 times, and the string ' % ' (with surrounding spaces to better narrow in on operator appearances) appears 3,741 times, including 130 in the installed PIL extension—not exactly an obscure language tool! Here are the messages printed to standard output during this search; matches appear in a list box window:

...errors may vary per encoding type...
Unicode error in: C:Python31Liblib2to3
Unicode error in: C:Python31Lib	est
Unicode error in: C:Python31Lib	est
Matches for  % : 3741

PyEdit generates additional pop-up windows—including transient Goto and Find dialogs, color selection dialogs, dialogs that appear to collect arguments and modes for Run Code, and dialogs that prompt for entry of Unicode encoding names on file Open and Save if PyEdit is configured to ask (more on this ahead). In the interest of space, I’ll leave most other such behavior for you to witness live.

Prominently new in this edition, though, and subject to user configurations, PyEdit may ask for a file’s Unicode encoding name when opening a file, saving a new file begun from scratch, or running a Save As operation. For example, Figure 11-5 captures the scene after I’ve opened a file encoded in a Chinese character set scheme and pressed Open again to open a new file encoded in a Russian encoding. The encoding name input dialog shown in the figure appears immediately after the standard file selection dialog is dismissed, and it is prefilled with the default encoding choice configured (an explicit setting or the platform’s default). The displayed default can be accepted in most cases, unless you know the file’s encoding differs.

PyEdit displaying Chinese text and prompting for encoding on Open
Figure 11-5. PyEdit displaying Chinese text and prompting for encoding on Open

In general, PyEdit supports any Unicode character set that Python and tkinter do, for opens, display, and saves. The text in Figure 11-5, for instance, was encoding in a specific Chinese encoding in the file it came from (“gb2321” for file email-part--gb2312). An alternative UTF-8 encoding of this text is available in the same directory (file email-part--gb2312--utf8) which works per the default Windows encoding in PyEdit and Notepad, but the specific Chinese encoding file requires the explicitly entered encoding name to display properly in PyEdit (and won’t display correctly at all in Notepad).

After I enter the encoding name for the selected file (“koi8-r” for the file selected to open) in the input dialog of Figure 11-5, PyEdit decodes and pops up the text in its display. Figure 11-6 show the scene after this file has been opened and I’ve selected the Save As option in this window—immediately after a file selection dialog is dismissed, another encoding input dialog is presented for the new file, prefilled with the known encoding from the last Open or Save. As configured, Save reuses the known encoding automatically to write to the file again, but SaveAs always asks to allow for a new one, before trying defaults. Again, I’ll say more on the Unicode/Internationalization policies of PyEdit in the next section, when we discuss version 2.1 changes; in short, because user preferences can’t be predicted, a variety of policies may be selected by configuration.

PyEdit displaying Russian text and prompting for encoding on Save As
Figure 11-6. PyEdit displaying Russian text and prompting for encoding on Save As

Finally, when it’s time to shut down for the day, PyEdit does what it can to avoid losing changes not saved. When a Quit is requested for any edit window, PyEdit checks for changes and verifies the operation in a dialog if the window’s text has been modified and not saved. Because there may be multiple edit windows in the same process, when a Quit is requested in a main window, PyEdit also checks for changes in all other windows still open, and verifies exit if any have been altered—otherwise the Quit would close every window silently. Quits in pop-up edit windows destroy that window only, so no cross-process check is made. If no changes have been made, Quit requests in the GUI close windows and programs silently. Other operations verify changes in similar ways.

Other PyEdit examples and screenshots in this book

For other screenshots showing PyEdit in action, see the coverage of the following client programs:

  • PyDemos in Chapter 10 deploys PyEdit pop-ups to show source-code files.

  • PyView later in this chapter embeds PyEdit to display image note files.

  • PyMailGUI in Chapter 14 uses PyEdit to display email text, text attachments, and source.

The last of these especially makes heavy use of PyEdit’s functionality and includes screenshots showing PyEdit displaying additional Unicode text with Internationalized character sets. In this role, the text is either parsed from messages or loaded from temporary files, with encodings determined by mail headers.

PyEdit Changes in Version 2.0 (Third Edition)

I’ve updated this example in both the third and fourth editions of this book. Because this chapter is intended to reflect realistic programming practice, and because this example reflects that way that software evolves over time, this section and the one following it provide a quick rundown of some of the major changes made along the way to help you study the code.

Since the current version inherits all the enhancements of the one preceding it, let’s begin with the previous version’s additions. In the third edition, PyEdit was enhanced with:

  • A simple font specification dialog

  • Unlimited undo and redo of editing operations

  • File modified tests whenever content might be erased or changed

  • A user configurations module

Here are some quick notes about these extensions.

Font dialog

For the third edition of the book, PyEdit grew a font input dialog—a simple, three-entry, nonmodal dialog where you can type the font family, size, and style, instead of picking them from a list of preset options. Though functional, you can find more sophisticated tkinter font selection dialogs in both the public domain and within the implementation of Python’s standard IDLE development GUI (as mentioned earlier, it is itself a Python/tkinter program).

Undo, redo, and modified tests

Also new in the third edition, PyEdit supports unlimited edit undo and redo, as well as an accurate modified check before quit, open, run, and new actions to prompt for saves. It now verifies exits or overwrites only if text has been changed, instead of always asking naïvely. The underlying Tk 8.4 (or later) library provides an API, which makes both these enhancements simple—Tk keeps undo and redo stacks automatically. They are enabled with the Text widget’s undo configuration option and are accessed with the widget methods edit_undo and edit_redo. Similarly, edit_reset clears the stacks (e.g., after a new file open), and edit_modified checks or sets the automatic text modified flag.

It’s also possible to undo cuts and pastes right after you’ve done them (simply paste back from the clipboard or cut the pasted and selected text), but the new undo/redo operations are more complete and simpler to use. Undo was a suggested exercise in the second edition of this book, but it has been made almost trivial by the new Tk API.

Configuration module

For usability, the third edition’s version of PyEdit also allows users to set startup configuration options by assigning variables in a module, If present on the module search path when PyEdit is imported or run, these assignments give initial values for font, colors, text window size, and search case sensitivity. Fonts and colors can be changed interactively in the menus and windows can be freely resized, so this is largely just a convenience. Also note that this module’s settings will be inherited by all instances of PyEdit if it is importable in the client program—even when it is a pop-up window or an embedded component of another application. Client applications may define their own version or configure this file on the module search path per their needs.

PyEdit Changes in Version 2.1 (Fourth Edition)

Besides the updates described in the prior section, the following additional enhancements were made for this current fourth edition of this book:

  • PyEdit has been ported to run under Python 3.1, and its tkinter library.

  • The nonmodal change and font dialogs were fixed to work better if multiple instance windows are open: they now use per-dialog state.

  • A Quit request in main windows now verifies program exit if any other edit windows in the process have changed content, instead of exiting silently.

  • There’s a new Grep menu option and dialog for searching external files; searches are run in threads to avoid blocking the GUI and to allow multiple searches to overlap in time and support Unicode text.

  • There was a minor fix for initial positioning when text is inserted initially into a newly created editor, reflecting a change in underlying libraries.

  • The Run Code option for files now uses the base file name instead of the full directory path after a chdir to better support relative paths; allows for command-line arguments to code run from files; and inherits a patch made in Chapter 5’s launchmodes which converts / to in script paths. In addition, this option always now runs an update between pop-up dialogs to ensure proper display.

  • Perhaps most prominently, PyEdit now processes files in such a way as to support display and editing of text with arbitrary Unicode encodings, to the extent allowed by the underlying Tk GUI library for Unicode strings. Specifically, Unicode is taken into account when opening and saving files; when displaying text in the GUI; and when searching files in directories.

The following sections provide additional implementation notes on these changes.

The change dialog in the prior version saved its entry widgets on the text editor object, which meant that the most recent change dialog’s fields were used for every change dialog open. This could even lead to program aborts for finds in an older change dialog window if newer ones had been closed, since the closed window’s widgets had been destroyed—an unanticipated usage mode, which has been present since at least the second edition, and which I’d like to chalk up to operator error, but which was really a lesson in state retention! The same phenomenon existed in the font dialog—its most recently opened instance stole the show, though its brute force exception handler prevented program aborts (it issued error pop ups instead). To fix, the change and font dialogs now send per-dialog-window input fields as arguments to their callbacks. We could instead allow just one of each dialog to be open, but that’s less functional.

Cross-process change tests on Quit

Though not quite as grievous, PyEdit also used to ignore changes in other open edit windows on Quit in main windows. As a policy, on a Quit in the GUI, pop-up edit windows destroy themselves only, but main edit windows run a tkinter quit to end the entire program. Although all windows verify closes if their own content has changed, other edit windows were ignored in the prior version—quitting a main window could lose changes in other windows closed on program exit.

To do better, this version keeps a list of all open managed edit windows in the process; on Quit in main windows it checks them all for changes, and verifies exit if any have changed. This scheme isn’t foolproof (it doesn’t address quits run on widgets outside PyEdit’s scope), but it is an improvement. A more ultimate solution probably involves redefining or intercepting tkinter’s own quit method. To avoid getting too detailed here, I’ll defer more on this topic until later in this section (see the <Destroy> event coverage ahead); also see the relevant comments near the end of PyEdit’s source file for implementation notes.

New Grep dialog: Threaded and Unicode-aware file tree search

In addition, there is a new Grep option in the Search pull-down menu, which implements an external file search tool. This tool scans an entire directory tree for files whose names match a pattern, and which contain a given search string. Names of matches are popped up in a new nonmodal scrolled list window, with lines that identify all matches by filename, line number, and line content. Clicking on a list item opens the matched file in a new nonmodal and in-process PyEdit pop-up edit window and automatically moves to and selects the line of the match. This achieves its goal by reusing much code we wrote earlier:

  • The find utility we wrote in Chapter 6 to do its tree walking

  • The scrolled list utility we coded in Chapter 9 for displaying matches

  • The form row builder we wrote in Chapter 10 for the nonmodal input dialog

  • The existing PyEdit pop-up window mode logic to display matched files on request

  • The existing PyEdit go-to callback and logic to move to the matched line in a file

Grep threading model

To avoid blocking the GUI while files are searched during tree walks, Grep runs searches in parallel threads. This also allows multiple greps to be running at once and to overlap in time arbitrarily (especially useful if you grep in larger trees, such as Python’s own library or full source trees). The standard threads, queues, and after timer loops technique we learned in Chapter 10 is applied here—non-GUI producer threads find matches and place them on a queue to be detected by a timer loop in the main GUI thread.

As coded, a timer loop is run only when a grep is in progress, and each grep uses its own thread, timer loop, and queue. There may be multiple threads and loops running, and there may be other unrelated threads, queues, and timer loops in the process. For instance, an attached PyEdit component in Chapter 14’s PyMailGUI program can run grep threads and loops of its own, while PyMailGUI runs its own email-related threads and queue checker. Each loop’s handler is dispatched independently from the tkinter event stream processor. Because of the simpler structure here, the general threadtools callback queue of Chapter 10 is not used here. For more notes on grep thread implementation see the source code ahead, and compare to file in the examples package, a nonthreaded version of PyEdit.

Grep Unicode model

If you study the Grep option’s code, you’ll notice that it also allows input of a tree-wide Unicode encoding, and catches and skips any Unicode decoding error exceptions generated both when processing file content and walking the tree’s filenames. As we learned in Chapters 4 and 6, files opened in text mode in Python 3.X must be decodable per a provided or platform default Unicode encoding. This is particular problematic for Grep, as directory trees may contain files of arbitrarily mixed encoding types.

In fact, it’s common on Windows to have files with content in ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-16 form mixed in the same tree (Notepad’s “ANSI,” “Utf-8,” and “Unicode”), and even others in trees that contain content obtained from the Web or email. Opening all these with UTF-8 would trigger exceptions in Python 3.X, and opening all these in binary mode yields encoded text that will likely fail to match a search key string. Technically, to compare at all, we’d still have to decode the bytes read to text or encode the search key string to bytes, and the two would only match if the encodings used both succeed and agree.

To allow for mixed encoding trees, the Grep dialog opens in text mode and allows an encoding name to be input and used to decode file content for all files in the tree searched. This encoding name is prefilled with the platform content default for convenience, as this will often suffice. To search trees of mixed file types, users may run multiple Greps with different encoding names. The names of files searched might fail to decode as well, but this is largely ignored in the current release: they are assumed to satisfy the platform filename convention, and end the search if they don’t (see Chapters 4 and 6 for more on filename encoding issues in Python itself, as well as the find walker reused here).

In addition, Grep must take care to catch and recover from encoding errors, since some files with matching names that it searches might still not be decodable per the input encoding, and in fact might not be text files at all. For example, searches in Python 3.1’s standard library (like the example Grep for % described earlier) run into a handful of files which do not decode properly on my Windows machine and would otherwise crash PyEdit. Binary files which happen to match the filename patterns would fare even worse.

In general, programs can avoid Unicode encoding errors by either catching exceptions or opening files in binary mode; since Grep might not be able to interpret some of the files it visits as text at all, it takes the former approach. Really, opening even text files in binary mode to read raw byte strings in 3.X mimics the behavior of text files in 2.X, and underscores why forcing programs to deal with Unicode is sometimes a good thing—binary mode avoids decoding exceptions, but probably shouldn’t, because the still-encoded text might not work as expected. In this case, it might yield invalid comparison results.

For more details on Grep’s Unicode support, and a set of open issues and options surrounding it, see the source code listed ahead. For a suggested enhancement, see also the re pattern matching module in Chapter 19—a tool we could use to search for patterns instead of specific strings.

Update for initial positioning

Also in this version, text editor updates itself before inserting text into its text widget at construction time when it is passed an initial file name in its loadFirst argument. Sometime after the third edition and Python 2.5, either Tk or tkinter changed such that inserting text before an update call caused the scroll position to be off by one—the text editor started with line 2 at its top in this mode instead of line 1. This also occurs in the third edition’s version of this example under Python 2.6, but not 2.5; adding an update correctly positions at line 1 initially. Obscure but true in the real world of library dependencies![39]

Clients of the classes here should also update before manually inserting text into a newly created (or packed) text editor object for accurate positioning; PyView later in this chapter as well as PyMailGUI in Chapter 14 now do. PyEdit doesn’t update itself on every construction, because it may be created early by, or even hidden in, an enclosing GUI (for instance, this would show a half-complete window in PyView). Moreover, PyEdit could automatically update itself at the start of setAllText instead of requiring this step of clients, but forced update is required only once initially after being packed (not before each text insertion), and this too might be an undesirable side effect in some conceivable use cases. As a rule of thumb, adding unrelated operations to methods this way tends to limit their scope.

Improvements for running code

The Run Code option in the Tools menu was fixed in three ways that make it more useful for running code being edited from its external file, rather than in-process:

  1. After changing to the file’s directory in order to make any relative filenames in its code accurate, PyEdit now strips off any directory path prefix in the file’s name before launching it, because its original directory path may no longer be valid if it is relative instead of absolute. For instance, paths of files opened manually are absolute, but file paths in PyDemos’s Code pop ups are all relative to the example package root and would fail after a chdir.

  2. PyEdit now correctly uses launcher tools that support command-line arguments for file mode on Windows.

  3. PyEdit inherits a fix in the underlying launchmodes module that changes forward slashes in script path names to backslashes (though this was later made a moot point by stripping relative path prefixes). PyEdit gets by with forward slashes on Windows because open allows them, but some Windows launch tools do not.

Additionally, for both code run from files and code run in memory, this version adds an update call between pop-up dialogs to ensure that later dialogs appear in all cases (the second occasionally failed to pop up in rare contexts). Even with these fixes, Run Code is useful but still not fully robust. For example, if the edited code is not run from a file, it is run in-process and not spawned off in a thread, and so may block the GUI. It’s also not clear how best to handle import paths and directories for files run in nonfile mode, or whether this mode is worth retaining in general. Improve as desired.

Unicode (Internationalized) text support

Finally, because Python 3.X now fully supports Unicode text, this version of PyEdit does, too—it allows text of arbitrary Unicode encodings and character sets to be opened and saved in files, viewed and edited in its GUI, and searched by its directory search utility. This support is reflected in PyMailGUI’s user interface in a variety of ways:

  • Opens must ask the user for an encoding (suggesting the platform default) if one is not provided by the client application or configuration

  • Saves of new files must ask for an encoding if one is not provided by configuration

  • Display and edit must rely on the GUI toolkit’s own support for Unicode text

  • Grep directory searches must allow for input of an encoding to apply to all files in the tree and skip files that fail to decode, as described earlier

The net result is to support Internationalized text which may differ from the platform’s default encoding. This is particularly useful for text files fetched over the Internet by email or FTP. Chapter 14’s PyMailGUI, for example, uses an embedded PyEdit object to view text attachments of arbitrary origin and encoding. The Grep utility’s Unicode support was described earlier; the remainder of this model essentially reduces to file opens and saves, as the next section describes.

Unicode file and display model

Because strings are always Unicode code-point strings once they are created in memory, Unicode support really means supporting arbitrary encodings for text files when they are read and written. Recall that text can be stored in files in a variety of Unicode encoding format schemes; strings are decoded from these formats when read and encoded to them when written. Unless text is always stored in files using the platform’s default encoding, we need to know which encoding to use, both to load and to save.

To make this work, PyEdit uses the approaches described in detail in Chapter 9, which we won’t repeat in full here. In brief, though, tkinter’s Text widget accepts content as either str and bytes and always returns it as str. PyEdit maps this interface to and from Python file objects as follows:

Input files (Open)

Decoding from file bytes to strings in general requires the name of an encoding type that is compatible with data in the file, and fails if the two do not agree (e.g., decoding 8-bit data to ASCII). In some cases, the Unicode type of the text file to be opened may be unknown.

To load, PyEdit first tries to open input files in text mode to read str strings, using an encoding obtained from a variety of sources—a method argument for a known type (e.g., from headers of email attachments or source files opened by demos), a user dialog reply, a configuration module setting, and the platform default. Whenever prompting users for an open encoding, the dialog is prefilled with the first choice implied by the configuration file, as a default and suggestion.

If all these encoding sources fail to decode, the file is opened in binary mode to read text as bytes without an encoding name, effectively delegating encoding issues to the Tk GUI library; in this case, any end-lines are manually converted to on Windows so they correctly display and save later. Binary mode is used only as a last resort, to avoid relying on Tk’s policies and limited character set support for raw bytes.

Text Processing

The tkinter Text widget returns its content on request as str strings, regardless of whether str or bytes were inserted. Because of that, all text processing of content fetched from the GUI is conducted in terms of str Unicode strings here.

Output files (Save, Save As)

Encoding from strings to file bytes is generally more flexible than decoding and need not use the same encoding from which the string was decoded, but can also fail if the chosen scheme is too narrow to handle the string’s content (e.g., encoding 8-bit text to ASCII).

To save, PyEdit opens output files in text mode to perform end-line mappings and Unicode encoding of str content. An encoding name is again fetched from one of a variety of sources—the same encoding used when the file was first opened or saved (if any), a user dialog reply, a configuration module setting, and the platform default. Unlike opens, save dialogs that prompt for encodings are prefilled with the known encoding if there is one as a suggestion; otherwise, the dialog is prefilled with the next configured choice as a default, as for opens.

The user input dialog on opens and saves is the only GUI implication of these policies; other options are selected in configuration module assignments. Since it’s impossible to predict all possible use case scenarios, PyEdit takes a liberal approach: it supports all conceivable modes, and allows the way it obtains file encodings to be heavily tailored by users in the package’s own textConfig module. It attempts one encoding name source after another, if enabled in textConfig, until it finds an encoding that works. This aims to provide maximum flexibility in the face of an uncertain Unicode world.

For example, subject to settings in the configuration file, saves reuse the encoding used for the file when it was opened or initially saved, if known. Both new files begun from scratch (with New or manual text inserts) and files opened in binary mode as a last resort have no known encoding until saved, but files previously opened as text do. Also subject to configuration file settings, we may prompt users for an encoding on Save As (and possibly Save) because they may have a preference for new files they create. We also may prompt when opening an existing file, because this requires its current encoding; although the user may not always know what this is (e.g., files fetched over the Internet), the user may wish to provide it in others. Rather than choosing a course of action in such cases, we rely on user configuration.

All of this is really relevant only to PyEdit clients that request an initial file load or allow files to be opened and saved in the GUI. Because content can be inserted as str or bytes, clients can always open and read input files themselves prior to creating a text editor object and insert the text manually for viewing. Moreover, clients can fetch content manually and save in any fashion preferred. Such a manual approach might prove useful if PyEdit’s polices are undesirable for a given context. Since the Text widget always returns content as a str, the rest of this program is unaffected by the data type of text inserted.

Keep in mind that these policies are still subject to the Unicode support and constraints of the underlying Tk GUI toolkit, as well as Python’s tkinter interface to it. Although PyEdit allows text to be loaded and saved in arbitrary Unicode encodings, it cannot guarantee that the GUI library will display such text as you wish. That is, even if we get the Unicode story right on the Python side of the fence, we’re still at the mercy of other software layers which are beyond the scope of this book. Tk seems to be robust across a wide range of character sets if we pass it already decoded Python str Unicode strings (see the Internationalization support in Chapter 14’s PyMailGUI for samples), but your mileage might vary.

Unicode options and choices

Also keep in mind that the Unicode policies adopted in PyEdit reflect the use cases of its sole current user, and have not been broadly tested for ergonomics and generality; as a book example, this doesn’t enjoy the built-in test environment of open source projects. Other schemes and source orderings might work well, too, and it’s impossible to guess the preferences of every user in every context. For instance:

  • It’s not clear if user prompts should be attempted before configuration settings, or vice-versa.

  • Perhaps we also should always ask the user for an encoding as a last resort, irrespective of configuration settings.

  • For saves, we could also try to guess an encoding to apply to the str content (e.g., try UTF-8, Latin-1, and other common types), but our guess may not be what the user has in mind.

  • It’s likely that users will wish to save a file in the same encoding with which it was first opened, or initially saved if started from scratch. PyEdit provides support to do so, or else the GUI might ask for a given file’s encoding more than once. However, because some users might also want to use Save again to overwrite the same file with a different encoding, this can be disabled in the configuration module. The latter role might sound like a Save As, but the next bullet explains why it may not.

  • Similarly, it’s not obvious if Save As should also reuse the encoding used when the file was first opened or initially saved or ask for a new one—is this a new file entirely, or a copy of the prior text with its known encoding under a new name? Because of such ambiguities, we allow the known-encoding memory feature to be disabled for Save As, or for both Save and Save As in the configuration module. As shipped, it is enabled for Save only, not Save As. In all cases, save encoding prompt dialogs are prefilled with a known encoding name as a default.

  • The ordering of choice seems debatable in general. For instance, perhaps Save As should fall back on the known encoding if not asking the user; as is, if configured to not ask and not use a known encoding, this operation will fall back on saving per an encoding in the configuration file or the platform default (e.g., UTF-8), which may be less than ideal for email parts of known encodings.

And so on. Because such user interface choices require wider use to resolve well, the general and partly heuristic policy here is to support every option for illustration purposes in this book, and rely on user configuration settings to resolve choices. In practice, though, such wide flexibility may turn out to be overkill; most users probably just require one of the policies supported here.

It may also prove better to allow Unicode policies to be selected in the GUI itself, instead of coded in a configuration module. For instance, perhaps every Open, Save, and Save As should allow a Unicode encoding selection, which defaults to the last known encoding, if any. Implementing this as a pull-down encoding list or entry field in the Save and Open dialogs would avoid an extra pop up and achieve much the same flexibility.

In PyEdit’s current implementation, enabling user prompts in the configuration file for both opens and saves will have much the same effect, and at least based upon use cases I’ve encountered to date, that is probably the best policy to adopt for most contexts.

Hence, as shipped:

  • Open uses a passed-in encoding, if any, or else prompts for an encoding name first

  • Save reuses a known encoding if it has one, and otherwise prompts for new file saves

  • Save As always prompts for an encoding name first for the new file

  • Grep allows an encoding to be input in its dialog to apply to the full tree searched

On the other hand, because the platform default will probably work silently without extra GUI complexity for the vast majority of users anyhow, the textConfig setting can prevent the pop ups altogether and fall back on an explicit encoding or platform default. Ultimately, structuring encoding selection well requires the sort of broad user experience and feedback which is outside this book’s scope, not the guesses of a single developer. As always, feel free to tailor as you like.

See the test subdirectory in the examples for a few Unicode text files to experiment with opening and saving, in conjunction with textConfig changes. As suggested when we saw Figures 11-5 and 11-6, this directory contains files that use International character sets, saved in different encodings. For instance, file email-part--koi8-r there is formatted per the Russian encoding koi8-r, and email-part--koi8-r--utf8 is the same file saved in UTF-8 encoding format; the latter works well in Notepad on Windows, but the former will only display properly when giving an explicit encoding name to PyEdit.

Better yet, make a few Unicode files yourself, by changing textConfig to hardcode encodings or always ask for encodings—thanks largely to Python 3.X’s Unicode support, PyEdit allows you to save and load in whatever encoding you wish.

More on Quit checks: The <Destroy> event revisited

Before we get to the code, one of version 2.1’s changes merits a few additional words, because it illustrates the fundamentals of tkinter window closure in a realistic context. We learned in Chapter 8 that tkinter also has a <Destroy> event for the bind method which is run when windows and widgets are destroyed. Although we could bind this event on PyEdit windows or their text widgets to catch destroys on program exit, this won’t quite help with the use case here. Scripts cannot generally do anything GUI-related in this event’s callback, because the GUI is being torn down. In particular, both testing a text widget for modifications and fetching its content in a <Destroy> handler can fail with an exception. Popping up a save verification dialog at this point may act oddly, too: it only shows up after some of the window’s widgets may have already been erased (including the text widget whose contents the user may wish to inspect and save!), and it might sometimes refuse to go away altogether.

As also mentioned in Chapter 8, running a quit method call does not trigger any <Destroy> events, but does trigger a fatal Python error message on exit. To use destroy events at all, PyEdit would have to be redesigned to close windows on Quit requests with the destroy method only, and rely on the Tk root window destruction protocol for exits; immediate shutdowns would be unsupported, or require tools such as sys.exit. Since <Destroy> doesn’t allow GUI operations anyhow, this change is unwarranted. Code after mainloop won’t help here either, because mainloop is called outside PyEdit’s code, and this is far too late to detect text changes and save in any event (pun nearly accidental).

In other words, <Destroy> won’t help—it doesn’t support the goal of verifying saves on window closes, and it doesn’t address the issue of quit and destroy calls run for widgets outside the scope of PyEdit window classes. Because of such complications, PyEdit instead relies on checking for changes in each individual window before closed, and for changes in its cross-process window list before quits in any of its main windows. Applications that follow its expected window model check for changes automatically. Applications that embed a PyEdit as a component of a larger GUI, or use it in other ways that are outside PyEdit’s control, are responsible for testing for edit changes on closes if they should be saved, before the PyEdit object or its widgets are destroyed.

To experiment with the <Destroy> event’s behavior yourself, see file in the book examples package; it simulates what PyEdit would need to do on <Destroy>. Here is the crucial subset of its code, with comments that explain behavior:

def onDeleteRequest():
    print('Got wm delete')                          # on window X: can cancel destroy
    root.destroy()                                  # triggers <Destroy>

def doRootDestroy(event):
    print('Got event <destroy>')                    # called for each widget in root
    if event.widget == text:
        print('for text')
        print(text.edit_modified())                 # <= Tcl error: invalid widget
        ans = askyesno('Save stuff?', 'Save?')      # <= may behave badly
        if ans: print(text.get('1.0', END+'-1c'))   # <= Tcl error: invalid widget

root = Tk()
text = Text(root, undo=1, autoseparators=1)
root.bind('<Destroy>', doRootDestroy)                      # for root and children
root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', onDeleteRequest)         # on window X button

Button(root, text='Destroy', command=root.destroy).pack()  # triggers <Destroy>
Button(root, text='Quit',    command=root.quit).pack()     # <= fatal Python error,
mainloop()                                                 # no <Destroy> on quit()

See the code listings in the next section for more on all of the above. Also be sure to see the mail file’s documentation string for a list of suggested enhancements and open issues (noted under “TBD”). PyEdit is largely designed to work according to my preferences, but it’s open to customization for yours.

PyEdit Source Code

The PyEdit program consists of only a small configuration module and one main source file, which is just over 1,000 lines long—a .py that can be either run or imported. For use on Windows, there is also a one-line .pyw file that just executes the .py file’s contents with an execfile('') call. The .pyw suffix avoids the DOS console streams window pop up when launched by clicking on Windows.

Today, .pyw files can be both imported and run, like normal .py files (they can also be double-clicked, and launched by Python tools such as os.system and os.startfile), so we don’t really need a separate file to support both import and console-less run modes. I retained the .py, though, in order to see printed text during development and to use PyEdit as a simple IDE—when the run code option is selected, in nonfile mode, printed output from code being edited shows up in PyEdit’s DOS console window in Windows. Clients will normally import the .py file.

User configurations file

On to the code. First, PyEdit’s user configuration module is listed in Example 11-1. This is mostly a convenience, for providing an initial look-and-feel other than the default. PyEdit is coded to work even if this module is missing or contains syntax errors. This file is primarily intended for when PyEdit is the top-level script run (in which case the file is imported from the current directory), but you can also define your own version of this file elsewhere on your module import search path to customize PyEdit.

See ahead for more on how this module’s settings are loaded. Its contents are loaded by two different imports—one import for cosmetic settings assumes this module itself (not its package) is on the module search path and skips it if not found, and the other import for Unicode settings always locates this file regardless of launch modes. Here’s what this division of configuration labor means for clients:

  • Because the first import for cosmetic settings is relative to the module search path, not to the main file’s package, a new can be defined in each client application’s home directory to customize PyEdit windows per client.

  • Conversely, Unicode settings here are always loaded from this file using package relative imports if needed, because they are more critical and unlikely to vary. The package relative import used for this is equivalent to a full package import from the PP4E root, but not dependent upon directory structure.

Like much of the heuristic Unicode interface described earlier, this import model is somewhat preliminary, and may require revision if actual usage patterns warrant.

Example 11-1. PP4EGuiTextEditor
PyEdit ( user startup configuration module;

# General configurations
# comment-out any setting in this section to accept Tk or program defaults;
# can also change font/colors from GUI menus, and resize window when open;
# imported via search path: can define per client app, skipped if not on the path;

# initial font                      # family, size, style
font = ('courier', 9, 'normal')     # e.g., style: 'bold italic'

# initial color                     # default=white, black
bg = 'lightcyan'                    # colorname or RGB hexstr
fg = 'black'                        # e.g., 'powder blue', '#690f96'

# initial size
height = 20                         # Tk default: 24 lines
width  = 80                         # Tk default: 80 characters

# search case-insensitive
caseinsens = True                   # default=1/True (on)

# 2.1: Unicode encoding behavior and names for file opens and saves;
# attempts the cases listed below in the order shown, until the first one
# that works; set all variables to false/empty/0 to use your platform's default
# (which is 'utf-8' on Windows, or 'ascii' or 'latin-1' on others like Unix);
# savesUseKnownEncoding: 0=No, 1=Yes for Save only, 2=Yes for Save and SaveAs;
# imported from this file always: sys.path if main, else package relative;

                       # 1) tries internally known type first (e.g., email charset)
opensAskUser = True    # 2) if True, try user input next (prefill with defaults)
opensEncoding = ''     # 3) if nonempty, try this encoding next: 'latin-1', 'cp500'
                       # 4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() platform default next
                       # 5) uses binary mode bytes and Tk policy as the last resort

savesUseKnownEncoding = 1    # 1) if > 0, try known encoding from last open or save
savesAskUser = True          # 2) if True, try user input next (prefill with known?)
savesEncoding = ''           # 3) if nonempty, try this encoding next: 'utf-8', etc
                             # 4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() as a last resort

Windows (and other) launch files

Next, Example 11-2 gives the .pyw launching file used to suppress a DOS pop up on Windows when run in some modes (for instance, when double-clicked), but still allow for a console when the .py file is run directly (to see the output of edited code run in nonfile mode, for example). Clicking this directly is similar to the behavior when PyEdit is run from the PyDemos or PyGadgets demo launcher bars.

Example 11-2. PP4EGuiTextEditor extEditorNoConsole.pyw
run without a DOS pop up on Windows; could use just a .pyw for both
imports and launch, but .py file retained for seeing any printed text

exec(open('').read())    # as if pasted here (or textEditor.main())

Example 11-2 serves its purpose, but later in this book update project, I grew tired of using Notepad to view text files from command lines run in arbitrary places and wrote the script in Example 11-3 to launch PyEdit in a more general and automated fashion. This script disables the DOS pop up, like Example 11-2, when clicked or run via a desktop shortcut on Windows, but also takes care to configure the module search path on machines where I haven’t used Control Panel to do so, and allows for other launching scenarios where the current working directory may not be the same as the script’s directory.

Example 11-3. PP4EGuiTextEditorpyedit.pyw
convenience script to launch pyedit from arbitrary places with the import path set
as required;  sys.path for imports and open() must be relative to the known top-level
script's dir, not cwd -- cwd is script's dir if run by shortcut or icon click, but may
be anything if run from command-line typed into a shell console window: use argv path;
this is a .pyw to suppress console pop-up on Windows;  add this script's dir to your
system PATH to run from command-lines;  works on Unix too: / and  handled portably;

import sys, os
mydir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])                     # use my dir for open, path
sys.path.insert(1, os.sep.join([mydir] + ['..']*3))      # imports: PP4E root, 3 up
exec(open(os.path.join(mydir, '')).read())

To run this from a command line in a console window, it simply has to be on your system path—the action taken by the first line in the following could be performed just once in Control Panel on Windows:

C:...PP4EInternetWeb> set PATH=%PATH%;C:...PP4EGuiTextEditor
C:...PP4EInternetWeb> pyedit.pyw

This script works on Unix, too, and is unnecessary if you set your PYTHONPATH and PATH system variables (you could then just run directly), but I don’t do so on all the machines I use. For more fun, try registering this script to open “.txt” files automatically on your computer when their icons are clicked or their names are typed alone on a command line (if you can bear to part with Notepad, that is).

Main implementation file

And finally, the module in Example 11-4 is PyEdit’s implementation. This file may run directly as a top-level script, or it can be imported from other applications. Its code is organized by the GUI’s main menu options. The main classes used to start and embed a PyEdit object appear at the end of this file. Study this listing while you experiment with PyEdit, to learn about its features and techniques.

Example 11-4. PP4EGuiTextEditor
PyEdit 2.1: a Python/tkinter text file editor and component.

Uses the Tk text widget, plus GuiMaker menus and toolbar buttons to
implement a full-featured text editor that can be run as a standalone
program, and attached as a component to other GUIs.  Also used by
PyMailGUI and PyView to edit mail text and image file notes, and by
PyMailGUI and PyDemos in pop-up mode to display source and text files.

New in version 2.1 (4E)
-updated to run under Python 3.X (3.1)
-added "grep" search menu option and dialog: threaded external files search
-verify app exit on quit if changes in other edit windows in process
-supports arbitrary Unicode encodings for files: per settings
-update change and font dialog implementations to allow many to be open
-runs self.update() before setting text in new editor for loadFirst
-various improvements to the Run Code option, per the next section

2.1 Run Code improvements:
-use base name after chdir to run code file, not possibly relative path
-use launch modes that support arguments for run code file mode on Windows
-run code inherits launchmodes backslash conversion (no longer required)

New in version 2.0 (3E)
-added simple font components input dialog
-use Tk 8.4 undo stack API to add undo/redo text modifications
-now verifies on quit, open, new, run, only if text modified and unsaved
-searches are case-insensitive now by default
-configuration module for initial font/color/size/searchcase

TBD (and suggested exercises):
-could also allow search case choice in GUI (not just config file)
-could use re patterns for searches and greps (see text chapter)
-could experiment with syntax-directed text colorization (see IDLE, others)
-could try to verify app exit for quit() in non-managed windows too?
-could queue each result as found in grep dialog thread to avoid delay
-could use images in toolbar buttons (per examples of this in Chapter 9)
-could scan line to map Tk insert position column to account for tabs on Info
-could experiment with "grep" tbd Unicode issues (see notes in the code);

Version = '2.1'
import sys, os                                    # platform, args, run tools
from tkinter import *                             # base widgets, constants
from tkinter.filedialog   import Open, SaveAs     # standard dialogs
from tkinter.messagebox   import showinfo, showerror, askyesno
from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring, askinteger
from tkinter.colorchooser import askcolor
from PP4E.Gui.Tools.guimaker import *             # Frame + menu/toolbar builders

# general configurations
    import textConfig                        # startup font and colors
    configs = textConfig.__dict__            # work if not on the path or bad
except:                                      # define in client app directory
    configs = {}

helptext = """PyEdit version %s
April, 2010
(2.0: January, 2006)
(1.0: October, 2000)

Programming Python, 4th Edition
Mark Lutz, for O'Reilly Media, Inc.

A text editor program and embeddable object
component, written in Python/tkinter.  Use
menu tear-offs and toolbar for quick access
to actions, and Alt-key shortcuts for menus.

Additions in version %s:
- supports Python 3.X
- new "grep" external files search dialog
- verifies app quit if other edit windows changed
- supports arbitrary Unicode encodings for files
- allows multiple change and font dialogs
- various improvements to the Run Code option

Prior version additions:
- font pick dialog
- unlimited undo/redo
- quit/open/new/run prompt save only if changed
- searches are case-insensitive
- startup configuration module

START     = '1.0'                          # index of first char: row=1,col=0
SEL_FIRST = SEL + '.first'                 # map sel tag to index
SEL_LAST  = SEL + '.last'                  # same as 'sel.last'

FontScale = 0                              # use bigger font on Linux
if sys.platform[:3] != 'win':              # and other non-Windows boxes
    FontScale = 3

# Main class: implements editor GUI, actions
# requires a flavor of GuiMaker to be mixed in by more specific subclasses;
# not a direct subclass of GuiMaker because that class takes multiple forms.

class TextEditor:                        # mix with menu/toolbar Frame class
    startfiledir = '.'                   # for dialogs
    editwindows  = []                    # for process-wide quit check

    # Unicode configurations
    # imported in class to allow overrides in subclass or self
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from textConfig import (               # my dir is on the path
            opensAskUser, opensEncoding,
            savesUseKnownEncoding, savesAskUser, savesEncoding)
        from .textConfig import (              # 2.1: always from this package
            opensAskUser, opensEncoding,
            savesUseKnownEncoding, savesAskUser, savesEncoding)

    ftypes = [('All files',     '*'),                 # for file open dialog
              ('Text files',   '.txt'),               # customize in subclass
              ('Python files', '.py')]                # or set in each instance

    colors = [{'fg':'black',      'bg':'white'},      # color pick list
              {'fg':'yellow',     'bg':'black'},      # first item is default
              {'fg':'white',      'bg':'blue'},       # tailor me as desired
              {'fg':'black',      'bg':'beige'},      # or do PickBg/Fg chooser
              {'fg':'yellow',     'bg':'purple'},
              {'fg':'black',      'bg':'brown'},
              {'fg':'lightgreen', 'bg':'darkgreen'},
              {'fg':'darkblue',   'bg':'orange'},
              {'fg':'orange',     'bg':'darkblue'}]

    fonts  = [('courier',    9+FontScale, 'normal'),  # platform-neutral fonts
              ('courier',   12+FontScale, 'normal'),  # (family, size, style)
              ('courier',   10+FontScale, 'bold'),    # or pop up a listbox
              ('courier',   10+FontScale, 'italic'),  # make bigger on Linux
              ('times',     10+FontScale, 'normal'),  # use 'bold italic' for 2
              ('helvetica', 10+FontScale, 'normal'),  # also 'underline', etc.
              ('ariel',     10+FontScale, 'normal'),
              ('system',    10+FontScale, 'normal'),
              ('courier',   20+FontScale, 'normal')]

    def __init__(self, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
        if not isinstance(self, GuiMaker):
            raise TypeError('TextEditor needs a GuiMaker mixin')
        self.lastfind   = None
        self.openDialog = None
        self.saveDialog = None
        self.knownEncoding = None                   # 2.1 Unicode: till Open or Save
        self.text.focus()                           # else must click in text
        if loadFirst:
            self.update()                           # 2.1: else @ line 2; see book
            self.onOpen(loadFirst, loadEncode)

    def start(self):                                # run by GuiMaker.__init__
        self.menuBar = [                            # configure menu/toolbar
            ('File', 0,                             # a GuiMaker menu def tree
                 [('Open...',    0, self.onOpen),   # build in method for self
                  ('Save',       0, self.onSave),   # label, shortcut, callback
                  ('Save As...', 5, self.onSaveAs),
                  ('New',        0, self.onNew),
                  ('Quit...',    0, self.onQuit)]
            ('Edit', 0,
                 [('Undo',       0, self.onUndo),
                  ('Redo',       0, self.onRedo),
                  ('Cut',        0, self.onCut),
                  ('Copy',       1, self.onCopy),
                  ('Paste',      0, self.onPaste),
                  ('Delete',     0, self.onDelete),
                  ('Select All', 0, self.onSelectAll)]
            ('Search', 0,
                 [('Goto...',    0, self.onGoto),
                  ('Find...',    0, self.onFind),
                  ('Refind',     0, self.onRefind),
                  ('Change...',  0, self.onChange),
                  ('Grep...',    3, self.onGrep)]
            ('Tools', 0,
                 [('Pick Font...', 6, self.onPickFont),
                  ('Font List',    0, self.onFontList),
                  ('Pick Bg...',   3, self.onPickBg),
                  ('Pick Fg...',   0, self.onPickFg),
                  ('Color List',   0, self.onColorList),
                  ('Info...',      0, self.onInfo),
                  ('Clone',        1, self.onClone),
                  ('Run Code',     0, self.onRunCode)]
        self.toolBar = [
            ('Save',  self.onSave,   {'side': LEFT}),
            ('Cut',   self.onCut,    {'side': LEFT}),
            ('Copy',  self.onCopy,   {'side': LEFT}),
            ('Paste', self.onPaste,  {'side': LEFT}),
            ('Find',  self.onRefind, {'side': LEFT}),
            ('Help',,     {'side': RIGHT}),
            ('Quit',  self.onQuit,   {'side': RIGHT})]

    def makeWidgets(self):                          # run by GuiMaker.__init__
        name = Label(self, bg='black', fg='white')  # add below menu, above tool
        name.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)                 # menu/toolbars are packed
                                                    # GuiMaker frame packs itself
        vbar  = Scrollbar(self)
        hbar  = Scrollbar(self, orient='horizontal')
        text  = Text(self, padx=5, wrap='none')        # disable line wrapping
        text.config(undo=1, autoseparators=1)          # 2.0, default is 0, 1

        vbar.pack(side=RIGHT,  fill=Y)
        hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)                 # pack text last
        text.pack(side=TOP,    fill=BOTH, expand=YES)  # else sbars clipped

        text.config(yscrollcommand=vbar.set)    # call vbar.set on text move
        vbar.config(command=text.yview)         # call text.yview on scroll move
        hbar.config(command=text.xview)         # or hbar['command']=text.xview

        # 2.0: apply user configs or defaults
        startfont = configs.get('font', self.fonts[0])
        startbg   = configs.get('bg',   self.colors[0]['bg'])
        startfg   = configs.get('fg',   self.colors[0]['fg'])
        text.config(font=startfont, bg=startbg, fg=startfg)
        if 'height' in configs: text.config(height=configs['height'])
        if 'width'  in configs: text.config(width =configs['width'])
        self.text = text
        self.filelabel = name

    # File menu commands

    def my_askopenfilename(self):      # objects remember last result dir/file
        if not self.openDialog:
           self.openDialog = Open(initialdir=self.startfiledir,

    def my_asksaveasfilename(self):    # objects remember last result dir/file
        if not self.saveDialog:
           self.saveDialog = SaveAs(initialdir=self.startfiledir,

    def onOpen(self, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
        2.1: total rewrite for Unicode support; open in text mode with
        an encoding passed in, input from the user, in textconfig, or
        platform default, or open as binary bytes for arbitrary Unicode
        encodings as last resort and drop 
 in Windows end-lines if
        present so text displays normally; content fetches are returned
        as str, so need to  encode on saves: keep encoding used here;

        tests if file is okay ahead of time to try to avoid opens;
        we could also load and manually decode bytes to str to avoid
        multiple open attempts, but this is unlikely to try all cases;

        encoding behavior is configurable in the local
        1) tries known type first if passed in by client (email charsets)
        2) if opensAskUser True, try user input next (prefill wih defaults)
        3) if opensEncoding nonempty, try this encoding next: 'latin-1', etc.
        4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() platform default next
        5) uses binary mode bytes and Tk policy as the last resort

        if self.text_edit_modified():    # 2.0
            if not askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text has changed: discard changes?'):

        file = loadFirst or self.my_askopenfilename()
        if not file:

        if not os.path.isfile(file):
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not open file ' + file)

        # try known encoding if passed and accurate (e.g., email)
        text = None     # empty file = '' = False: test for None!
        if loadEncode:
                text = open(file, 'r', encoding=loadEncode).read()
                self.knownEncoding = loadEncode
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):         # lookup: bad name

        # try user input, prefill with next choice as default
        if text == None and self.opensAskUser:
            self.update()  # else dialog doesn't appear in rare cases
            askuser = askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter Unicode encoding for open',
                                initialvalue=(self.opensEncoding or
                                              sys.getdefaultencoding() or ''))
            self.text.focus() # else must click
            if askuser:
                    text = open(file, 'r', encoding=askuser).read()
                    self.knownEncoding = askuser
                except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):

        # try config file (or before ask user?)
        if text == None and self.opensEncoding:
                text = open(file, 'r', encoding=self.opensEncoding).read()
                self.knownEncoding = self.opensEncoding
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):

        # try platform default (utf-8 on windows; try utf8 always?)
        if text == None:
                text = open(file, 'r', encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()).read()
                self.knownEncoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):

        # last resort: use binary bytes and rely on Tk to decode
        if text == None:
                text = open(file, 'rb').read()         # bytes for Unicode
                text = text.replace(b'
', b'
')    # for display, saves
                self.knownEncoding = None
            except IOError:
        if text == None:
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not decode and open file ' + file)
            self.text.edit_reset()             # 2.0: clear undo/redo stks
            self.text.edit_modified(0)         # 2.0: clear modified flag

    def onSave(self):
        self.onSaveAs(self.currfile)  # may be None

    def onSaveAs(self, forcefile=None):
        2.1: total rewrite for Unicode support: Text content is always
        returned as a str, so we must deal with encodings to save to
        a file here, regardless of open mode of the output file (binary
        requires bytes, and text must encode); tries the encoding used
        when opened or saved (if known), user input, config file setting,
        and platform default last; most users can use platform default;

        retains successful encoding name here for next save, because this
        may be the first Save after New or a manual text insertion;  Save
        and SaveAs may both use last known encoding, per config file (it
        probably should be used for Save, but SaveAs usage is unclear);
        gui prompts are prefilled with the known encoding if there is one;

        does manual text.encode() to avoid creating file; text mode files
        perform platform specific end-line conversion: Windows 
        if present on open by text mode (auto) and binary mode (manually);
        if manual content inserts, must delete 
 else duplicates here;
        knownEncoding=None before first Open or Save, after New, if binary Open;

        encoding behavior is configurable in the local
        1) if savesUseKnownEncoding > 0, try encoding from last open or save
        2) if savesAskUser True, try user input next (prefill with known?)
        3) if savesEncoding nonempty, try this encoding next: 'utf-8', etc
        4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() as a last resort
        filename = forcefile or self.my_asksaveasfilename()
        if not filename:

        text = self.getAllText()      # 2.1: a str string, with 
        encpick = None                # even if read/inserted as bytes

        # try known encoding at latest Open or Save, if any
        if self.knownEncoding and (                                  # enc known?
           (forcefile     and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 1) or    # on Save?
           (not forcefile and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 2)):     # on SaveAs?
                encpick = self.knownEncoding
            except UnicodeError:
        # try user input, prefill with known type, else next choice
        if not encpick and self.savesAskUser:
            self.update()  # else dialog doesn't appear in rare cases
            askuser = askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter Unicode encoding for save',
                                initialvalue=(self.knownEncoding or
                                              self.savesEncoding or
                                              sys.getdefaultencoding() or ''))
            self.text.focus() # else must click
            if askuser:
                    encpick = askuser
                except (UnicodeError, LookupError):    # LookupError:  bad name
                    pass                               # UnicodeError: can't encode

        # try config file
        if not encpick and self.savesEncoding:
                encpick = self.savesEncoding
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):

        # try platform default (utf8 on windows)
        if not encpick:
                encpick = sys.getdefaultencoding()
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):

        # open in text mode for endlines + encoding
        if not encpick:
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not encode for file ' + filename)
                file = open(filename, 'w', encoding=encpick)
                showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not write file ' + filename)
                self.setFileName(filename)          # may be newly created
                self.text.edit_modified(0)          # 2.0: clear modified flag
                self.knownEncoding = encpick        # 2.1: keep enc for next save
                                                    # don't clear undo/redo stks!
    def onNew(self):
        start editing a new file from scratch in current window;
        see onClone to pop-up a new independent edit window instead;
        if self.text_edit_modified():    # 2.0
            if not askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text has changed: discard changes?'):
        self.text.edit_reset()                 # 2.0: clear undo/redo stks
        self.text.edit_modified(0)             # 2.0: clear modified flag
        self.knownEncoding = None              # 2.1: Unicode type unknown

    def onQuit(self):
        on Quit menu/toolbar select and wm border X button in toplevel windows;
        2.1: don't exit app if others changed;  2.0: don't ask if self unchanged;
        moved to the top-level window classes at the end since may vary per usage:
        a Quit in GUI might quit() to exit, destroy() just one Toplevel, Tk, or
        edit frame, or not be provided at all when run as an attached component;
        check self for changes, and if might quit(), main windows should check
        other windows in the process-wide list to see if they have changed too;
        assert False, 'onQuit must be defined in window-specific sublass'

    def text_edit_modified(self):
        2.1: this now works! seems to have been a bool result type issue in tkinter;
        2.0: self.text.edit_modified() broken in Python 2.4: do manually for now;
        return self.text.edit_modified()
       #return, 'edit') + ('modified', None))

    # Edit menu commands

    def onUndo(self):                           # 2.0
        try:                                    # tk8.4 keeps undo/redo stacks
            self.text.edit_undo()               # exception if stacks empty
        except TclError:                        # menu tear-offs for quick undo
            showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to undo')

    def onRedo(self):                           # 2.0: redo an undone
        except TclError:
            showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to redo')

    def onCopy(self):                           # get text selected by mouse, etc.
        if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):       # save in cross-app clipboard
            showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
            text = self.text.get(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)

    def onDelete(self):                         # delete selected text, no save
        if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
            showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
            self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)

    def onCut(self):
        if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
            showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
            self.onCopy()                       # save and delete selected text

    def onPaste(self):
            text = self.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD')
        except TclError:
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Nothing to paste')
        self.text.insert(INSERT, text)          # add at current insert cursor
        self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END)
        self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT+'-%dc' % len(text), INSERT)
        self.text.see(INSERT)                   # select it, so it can be cut

    def onSelectAll(self):
        self.text.tag_add(SEL, '1.0', END+'-1c')   # select entire text
        self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0')          # move insert point to top
        self.text.see(INSERT)                      # scroll to top

    # Search menu commands

    def onGoto(self, forceline=None):
        line = forceline or askinteger('PyEdit', 'Enter line number')
        if line is not None:
            maxindex = self.text.index(END+'-1c')
            maxline  = int(maxindex.split('.')[0])
            if line > 0 and line <= maxline:
                self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '%d.0' % line)      # goto line
                self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END)          # delete selects
                self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT, 'insert + 1l')  # select line
                self.text.see(INSERT)                          # scroll to line
                showerror('PyEdit', 'Bad line number')

    def onFind(self, lastkey=None):
        key = lastkey or askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter search string')
        self.lastfind = key
        if key:                                                    # 2.0: nocase
            nocase = configs.get('caseinsens', True)               # 2.0: config
            where =, INSERT, END, nocase=nocase)
            if not where:                                          # don't wrap
                showerror('PyEdit', 'String not found')
                pastkey = where + '+%dc' % len(key)           # index past key
                self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END)         # remove any sel
                self.text.tag_add(SEL, where, pastkey)        # select key
                self.text.mark_set(INSERT, pastkey)           # for next find
                self.text.see(where)                          # scroll display

    def onRefind(self):

    def onChange(self):
        non-modal find/change dialog
        2.1: pass per-dialog inputs to callbacks, may be > 1 change dialog open
        new = Toplevel(self)
        new.title('PyEdit - change')
        Label(new, text='Find text?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=0, column=0)
        Label(new, text='Change to?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=1, column=0)
        entry1 = Entry(new)
        entry2 = Entry(new)
        entry1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=EW)
        entry2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=EW)

        def onFind():                         # use my entry in enclosing scope
            self.onFind(entry1.get())         # runs normal find dialog callback

        def onApply():
            self.onDoChange(entry1.get(), entry2.get())

        Button(new, text='Find',  command=onFind ).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=EW)
        Button(new, text='Apply', command=onApply).grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=EW)
        new.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)      # expandable entries

    def onDoChange(self, findtext, changeto):
        # on Apply in change dialog: change and refind
        if self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):                      # must find first
            self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
            self.text.insert(INSERT, changeto)             # deletes if empty
            self.onFind(findtext)                          # goto next appear
            self.text.update()                             # force refresh

    def onGrep(self):
        new in version 2.1: threaded external file search;
        search matched filenames in directory tree for string;
        listbox clicks open matched file at line of occurrence;

        search is threaded so the GUI remains active and is not
        blocked, and to allow multiple greps to overlap in time;
        could use threadtools, but avoid loop in no active grep;

        grep Unicode policy: text files content in the searched tree
        might be in any Unicode encoding: we don't ask about each (as
        we do for opens), but allow the encoding used for the entire
        tree to be input, preset it to the platform filesystem or
        text default, and skip files that fail to decode; in worst
        cases, users may need to run grep N times if N encodings might
        exist;  else opens may raise exceptions, and opening in binary
        mode might fail to match encoded text against search string;

        TBD: better to issue an error if any file fails to decode?
        but utf-16 2-bytes/char format created in Notepad may decode
        without error per utf-8, and search strings won't be found;
        TBD: could allow input of multiple encoding names, split on
        comma, try each one for every file, without open loadEncode?
        from PP4E.Gui.ShellGui.formrows import makeFormRow

        # nonmodal dialog: get dirnname, filenamepatt, grepkey
        popup = Toplevel()
        popup.title('PyEdit - grep')
        var1 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Directory root',   width=18, browse=False)
        var2 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Filename pattern', width=18, browse=False)
        var3 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Search string',    width=18, browse=False)
        var4 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Content encoding', width=18, browse=False)
        var1.set('.')      # current dir
        var2.set('*.py')   # initial values
        var4.set(sys.getdefaultencoding())    # for file content, not filenames
        cb = lambda: self.onDoGrep(var1.get(), var2.get(), var3.get(), var4.get())
        Button(popup, text='Go',command=cb).pack()

    def onDoGrep(self, dirname, filenamepatt, grepkey, encoding):
        on Go in grep dialog: populate scrolled list with matches
        tbd: should producer thread be daemon so it dies with app?
        import threading, queue

        # make non-modal un-closeable dialog
        mypopup = Tk()
        mypopup.title('PyEdit - grepping')
        status = Label(mypopup, text='Grep thread searching for: %r...' % grepkey)
        status.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
        mypopup.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: None)  # ignore X close

        # start producer thread, consumer loop
        myqueue = queue.Queue()
        threadargs = (filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue)
        threading.Thread(target=self.grepThreadProducer, args=threadargs).start()
        self.grepThreadConsumer(grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)

    def grepThreadProducer(self, filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue):
        in a non-GUI parallel thread: queue find.find results list;
        could also queue matches as found, but need to keep window;
        file content and file names may both fail to decode here;

        TBD: could pass encoded bytes to find() to avoid filename
        decoding excs in os.walk/listdir, but which encoding to use:
        sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not None?  see also Chapter6
        footnote issue: 3.1 fnmatch always converts bytes per Latin-1;
        from PP4E.Tools.find import find
        matches = []
            for filepath in find(pattern=filenamepatt, startdir=dirname):
                    textfile = open(filepath, encoding=encoding)
                    for (linenum, linestr) in enumerate(textfile):
                        if grepkey in linestr:
                            msg = '%s@%d  [%s]' % (filepath, linenum + 1, linestr)
                except UnicodeError as X:
                    print('Unicode error in:', filepath, X)       # eg: decode, bom
                except IOError as X:
                    print('IO error in:', filepath, X)            # eg: permission
            myqueue.put(matches)      # stop consumer loop on find excs: filenames?

    def grepThreadConsumer(self, grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup):
        in the main GUI thread: watch queue for results or [];
        there may be multiple active grep threads/loops/queues;
        there may be other types of threads/checkers in process,
        especially when PyEdit is attached component (PyMailGUI);
        import queue
            matches = myqueue.get(block=False)
        except queue.Empty:
            myargs  = (grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)
            self.after(250, self.grepThreadConsumer, *myargs)
            mypopup.destroy()     # close status
            self.update()         # erase it now
            if not matches:
                showinfo('PyEdit', 'Grep found no matches for: %r' % grepkey)
                self.grepMatchesList(matches, grepkey, encoding)

    def grepMatchesList(self, matches, grepkey, encoding):
        populate list after successful matches;
        we already know Unicode encoding from the search: use
        it here when filename clicked, so open doesn't ask user;
        from PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledlist import ScrolledList
        print('Matches for %s: %s' % (grepkey, len(matches)))

        # catch list double-click
        class ScrolledFilenames(ScrolledList):
            def runCommand(self, selection):
                file, line = selection.split('  [', 1)[0].split('@')
                editor = TextEditorMainPopup(
                    loadFirst=file, winTitle=' grep match', loadEncode=encoding)
                editor.text.focus_force()   # no, really

        # new non-modal widnow
        popup = Tk()
        popup.title('PyEdit - grep matches: %r (%s)' % (grepkey, encoding))
        ScrolledFilenames(parent=popup, options=matches)

    # Tools menu commands

    def onFontList(self):
        self.fonts.append(self.fonts[0])           # pick next font in list
        del self.fonts[0]                          # resizes the text area

    def onColorList(self):
        self.colors.append(self.colors[0])         # pick next color in list
        del self.colors[0]                         # move current to end
        self.text.config(fg=self.colors[0]['fg'], bg=self.colors[0]['bg'])

    def onPickFg(self):
        self.pickColor('fg')                       # added on 10/02/00

    def onPickBg(self):                            # select arbitrary color
        self.pickColor('bg')                       # in standard color dialog

    def pickColor(self, part):                     # this is too easy
        (triple, hexstr) = askcolor()
        if hexstr:
            self.text.config(**{part: hexstr})

    def onInfo(self):
        pop-up dialog giving text statistics and cursor location;
        caveat (2.1): Tk insert position column counts a tab as one
        character: translate to next multiple of 8 to match visual?
        text  = self.getAllText()                  # added on 5/3/00 in 15 mins
        bytes = len(text)                          # words uses a simple guess:
        lines = len(text.split('
'))              # any separated by whitespace
        words = len(text.split())                  # 3.x: bytes is really chars
        index = self.text.index(INSERT)            # str is unicode code points
        where = tuple(index.split('.'))
        showinfo('PyEdit Information',
                 'Current location:

' +
                 'line:	%s
column:	%s

' % where +
                 'File text statistics:

' +
                 'chars:	%d
lines:	%d
words:	%d
' % (bytes, lines, words))

    def onClone(self, makewindow=True):
        open a new edit window without changing one already open (onNew);
        inherits quit and other behavior of the window that it clones;
        2.1: subclass must redefine/replace this if makes its own popup,
        else this creates a bogus extra window here which will be empty;
        if not makewindow:
             new = None                 # assume class makes its own window
             new = Toplevel()           # a new edit window in same process
        myclass = self.__class__        # instance's (lowest) class object
        myclass(new)                    # attach/run instance of my class

    def onRunCode(self, parallelmode=True):
        run Python code being edited--not an IDE, but handy;
        tries to run in file's dir, not cwd (may be PP4E root);
        inputs and adds command-line arguments for script files;

        code's stdin/out/err = editor's start window, if any:
        run with a console window to see code's print outputs;
        but parallelmode uses start to open a DOS box for I/O;
        module search path will include '.' dir where started;
        in non-file mode, code's Tk root may be PyEdit's window;
        subprocess or multiprocessing modules may work here too;

        2.1: fixed to use base file name after chdir, not path;
        2.1: use StartArgs to allow args in file mode on Windows;
        2.1: run an update() after 1st dialog else 2nd dialog
        sometimes does not appear in rare cases;
        def askcmdargs():
            return askstring('PyEdit', 'Commandline arguments?') or ''

        from PP4E.launchmodes import System, Start, StartArgs, Fork
        filemode = False
        thefile  = str(self.getFileName())
        if os.path.exists(thefile):
            filemode = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Run from file?')
            self.update()                                   # 2.1: run update()
        if not filemode:                                    # run text string
            cmdargs   = askcmdargs()
            namespace = {'__name__': '__main__'}            # run as top-level
            sys.argv  = [thefile] + cmdargs.split()         # could use threads
            exec(self.getAllText() + '
', namespace)       # exceptions ignored
        elif self.text_edit_modified():                     # 2.0: changed test
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Text changed: you must save before run')
            cmdargs = askcmdargs()
            mycwd   = os.getcwd()                           # cwd may be root
            dirname, filename = os.path.split(thefile)      # get dir, base
            os.chdir(dirname or mycwd)                      # cd for filenames
            thecmd  = filename + ' ' + cmdargs              # 2.1: not theFile
            if not parallelmode:                            # run as file
                System(thecmd, thecmd)()                    # block editor
                if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':               # spawn in parallel
                    run = StartArgs if cmdargs else Start   # 2.1: support args
                    run(thecmd, thecmd)()                   # or always Spawn
                    Fork(thecmd, thecmd)()                  # spawn in parallel
            os.chdir(mycwd)                                 # go back to my dir

    def onPickFont(self):
        2.0 non-modal font spec dialog
        2.1: pass per-dialog inputs to callback, may be > 1 font dialog open
        from PP4E.Gui.ShellGui.formrows import makeFormRow
        popup = Toplevel(self)
        popup.title('PyEdit - font')
        var1 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Family', browse=False)
        var2 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Size',   browse=False)
        var3 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Style',  browse=False)
        var2.set('12')              # suggested vals
        var3.set('bold italic')     # see pick list for valid inputs
        Button(popup, text='Apply', command=
               lambda: self.onDoFont(var1.get(), var2.get(), var3.get())).pack()

    def onDoFont(self, family, size, style):
            self.text.config(font=(family, int(size), style))
            showerror('PyEdit', 'Bad font specification')

    # Utilities, useful outside this class

    def isEmpty(self):
        return not self.getAllText()

    def getAllText(self):
        return self.text.get('1.0', END+'-1c')    # extract text as str string
    def setAllText(self, text):
        caller: call self.update() first if just packed, else the
        initial position may be at line 2, not line 1 (2.1; Tk bug?)
        self.text.delete('1.0', END)              # store text string in widget
        self.text.insert(END, text)               # or '1.0'; text=bytes or str
        self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0')         # move insert point to top
        self.text.see(INSERT)                     # scroll to top, insert set
    def clearAllText(self):
        self.text.delete('1.0', END)              # clear text in widget

    def getFileName(self):
        return self.currfile
    def setFileName(self, name):                  # see also: onGoto(linenum)
        self.currfile = name  # for save

    def setKnownEncoding(self, encoding='utf-8'): # 2.1: for saves if inserted
        self.knownEncoding = encoding             # else saves use config, ask?

    def setBg(self, color):
        self.text.config(bg=color)                # to set manually from code
    def setFg(self, color):
        self.text.config(fg=color)                # 'black', hexstring
    def setFont(self, font):
        self.text.config(font=font)               # ('family', size, 'style')

    def setHeight(self, lines):                   # default = 24h x 80w
        self.text.config(height=lines)            # may also be from
    def setWidth(self, chars):

    def clearModified(self):
        self.text.edit_modified(0)                # clear modified flag
    def isModified(self):
        return self.text_edit_modified()          # changed since last reset?

    def help(self):
        showinfo('About PyEdit', helptext % ((Version,)*2))

# Ready-to-use editor classes
# mixes in a GuiMaker Frame subclass which builds menu and toolbars
# these classes are common use cases, but other configurations are possible;
# call TextEditorMain().mainloop() to start PyEdit as a standalone program;
# redefine/extend onQuit in a subclass to catch exit or destroy (see PyView);
# caveat: could use for icons, but quit protocol is custom here.

# 2.1: on quit(), don't silently exit entire app if any other changed edit
# windows are open in the process - changes would be lost because all other
# windows are closed too, including multiple Tk editor parents;  uses a list
# to keep track of all PyEdit window instances open in process; this may be
# too broad (if we destroy() instead of quit(), need only check children
# of parent being destroyed), but better to err on side of being too inclusive;
# onQuit moved here because varies per window type and is not present for all;
# assumes a TextEditorMainPopup is never a parent to other editor windows -
# Toplevel children are destroyed with their parents;  this does not address
# closes outside the scope of PyEdit classes here (tkinter quit is available
# on every widget, and any widget type may be a Toplevel parent!);  client is
# responsible for checking for editor content changes in all uncovered cases;
# note that tkinter's <Destroy> bind event won't help here, because its callback
# cannot run GUI operations such as text change tests and fetches - see the
# book and for more details on this event;

# when text editor owns the window

class TextEditorMain(TextEditor, GuiMakerWindowMenu):
    main PyEdit windows that quit() to exit app on a Quit in GUI, and build
    a menu on a window;  parent may be default Tk, explicit Tk, or Toplevel:
    parent must be a window, and probably should be a Tk so this isn't silently
    destroyed and closed with a parent;  all main PyEdit windows check all other
    PyEdit windows open in the process for changes on a Quit in the GUI, since
    a quit() here will exit the entire app;  the editor's frame need not occupy
    entire window (may have other parts: see PyView), but its Quit ends program;
    onQuit is run for Quit in toolbar or File menu, as well as window border X;
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
        # editor fills whole parent window
        GuiMaker.__init__(self, parent)                  # use main window menus
        TextEditor.__init__(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # GuiMaker frame packs self
        self.master.title('PyEdit ' + Version)           # title, wm X if standalone
        self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.onQuit)

    def onQuit(self):                              # on a Quit request in the GUI
        close = not self.text_edit_modified()      # check self, ask?, check others
        if not close:
            close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
        if close:
            windows = TextEditor.editwindows
            changed = [w for w in windows if w != self and w.text_edit_modified()]
            if not changed:
                GuiMaker.quit(self) # quit ends entire app regardless of widget type
                numchange = len(changed)
                verify = '%s other edit window%s changed: quit and discard anyhow?'
                verify = verify % (numchange, 's' if numchange > 1 else '')
                if askyesno('PyEdit', verify):

class TextEditorMainPopup(TextEditor, GuiMakerWindowMenu):
    popup PyEdit windows that destroy() to close only self on a Quit in GUI,
    and build a menu on a window;  makes own Toplevel parent, which is child
    to default Tk (for None) or other passed-in window or widget (e.g., a frame);
    adds to list so will be checked for changes if any PyEdit main window quits;
    if any PyEdit main windows will be created, parent of this should also be a
    PyEdit main window's parent so this is not closed silently while being tracked;
    onQuit is run for Quit in toolbar or File menu, as well as window border X;
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', winTitle='', loadEncode=''):
        # create own window
        self.popup = Toplevel(parent)
        GuiMaker.__init__(self, self.popup)               # use main window menus
        TextEditor.__init__(self, loadFirst, loadEncode)  # a frame in a new popup
        assert self.master == self.popup
        self.popup.title('PyEdit ' + Version + winTitle)
        self.popup.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.onQuit)

    def onQuit(self):
        close = not self.text_edit_modified()
        if not close:
            close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
        if close:
            self.popup.destroy()                       # kill this window only
            TextEditor.editwindows.remove(self)        # (plus any child windows)

    def onClone(self):
        TextEditor.onClone(self, makewindow=False)     # I make my own pop-up

# when editor embedded in another window

class TextEditorComponent(TextEditor, GuiMakerFrameMenu):
    attached PyEdit component frames with full menu/toolbar options,
    which run a destroy() on a Quit in the GUI to erase self only;
    a Quit in the GUI verifies if any changes in self (only) here;
    does not intercept window manager border X: doesn't own window;
    does not add self to changes tracking list: part of larger app;
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
        # use Frame-based menus
        GuiMaker.__init__(self, parent)                   # all menus, buttons on
        TextEditor.__init__(self, loadFirst, loadEncode)  # GuiMaker must init 1st

    def onQuit(self):
        close = not self.text_edit_modified()
        if not close:
            close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
        if close:
            self.destroy()   # erase self Frame but do not quit enclosing app

class TextEditorComponentMinimal(TextEditor, GuiMakerFrameMenu):
    attached PyEdit component frames without Quit and File menu options;
    on startup, removes Quit from toolbar, and either deletes File menu
    or disables all its items (possibly hackish, but sufficient); menu and
    toolbar structures are per-instance data: changes do not impact others;
    Quit in GUI never occurs, because it is removed from available options;
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', deleteFile=True, loadEncode=''):
        self.deleteFile = deleteFile
        GuiMaker.__init__(self, parent)                  # GuiMaker frame packs self
        TextEditor.__init__(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # TextEditor adds middle

    def start(self):
        TextEditor.start(self)                         # GuiMaker start call
        for i in range(len(self.toolBar)):             # delete quit in toolbar
            if self.toolBar[i][0] == 'Quit':           # delete file menu items,
                del self.toolBar[i]                    # or just disable file
        if self.deleteFile:
            for i in range(len(self.menuBar)):
                if self.menuBar[i][0] == 'File':
                    del self.menuBar[i]
            for (name, key, items) in self.menuBar:
                if name == 'File':

# standalone program run

def testPopup():
    # see PyView and PyMail for component tests
    root = Tk()
    Button(root, text='More', command=TextEditorMainPopup).pack(fill=X)
    Button(root, text='Quit', command=root.quit).pack(fill=X)

def main():                                           # may be typed or clicked
    try:                                              # or associated on Windows
        fname = sys.argv[1]                           # arg = optional filename
    except IndexError:                                # build in default Tk root
        fname = None
    TextEditorMain(loadFirst=fname).pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)   # pack optional

if __name__ == '__main__':                            # when run as a script
    main()                                            # run .pyw for no DOS box

PyPhoto: An Image Viewer and Resizer

In Chapter 9, we wrote a simple thumbnail image viewer that scrolled its thumbnails in a canvas. That program in turn built on techniques and code we developed at the end of Chapter 8 to handle images. In both places, I promised that we’d eventually meet a more full-featured extension of the ideas we deployed.

In this section, we finally wrap up the thumbnail images thread by studying PyPhoto—an enhanced image viewing and resizing program. PyPhoto’s basic operation is straightforward: given a directory of image files, PyPhoto displays their thumbnails in a scrollable canvas. When a thumbnail is selected, the corresponding image is displayed full size in a pop-up window.

Unlike our prior viewers, though, PyPhoto is clever enough to scroll (rather than crop) images too large for the physical display. Moreover, PyPhoto introduces the notion of image resizing—it supports mouse and keyboard events that resize the image to one of the display’s dimensions and zoom the image in and out. Once images are opened, the resizing logic allows images to be grown or shrunk arbitrarily, which is especially handy for images produced by a digital camera that may be too large to view all at once.

As added touches, PyPhoto also allows the image to be saved in a file (possibly after being resized), and it allows image directories to be selected and opened in the GUI itself, instead of just as command-line arguments.

Put together, PyPhoto’s features make it an image-processing program, albeit one with a currently small set of processing tools. I encourage you to experiment with adding new features of your own; once you get the hang of the Python Imaging Library (PIL) API, the object-oriented nature of PyPhoto makes adding new tools remarkably simple.

Running PyPhoto

In order to run PyPhoto, you’ll need to fetch and install the PIL extension package described in Chapter 8. PyPhoto inherits much of its functionality from PIL—PIL is used to support extra image types beyond those handled by standard tkinter (e.g., JPEG images) and to perform image-processing operations such as resizes, thumbnail creation, and saves. PIL is open source like Python, but it is not presently part of the Python standard library. Search the Web for PIL’s location ( is currently a safe bet). Also check the Extensions directory of the examples distribution package for a PIL self-installer.

The best way to get a feel for PyPhoto is to run it live on your own machine to see how images are scrolled and resized. Here, we’ll present a few screenshots to give the general flavor of the interaction. You can start PyPhoto by clicking its icon, or you can start it from the command line. When run directly, it opens the images subdirectory in its source directory, which contains a handful of photos. When you run it from the command line, you can pass in an initial image directory name as a command-line argument. Figure 11-7 captures the main thumbnail window when run directly.

PyPhoto main window, default directory
Figure 11-7. PyPhoto main window, default directory

Internally, PyPhoto is loading or creating thumbnail images before this window appears, using tools coded in Chapter 8. Startup may take a few seconds the first time you open a directory, but it is quick thereafter—PyPhoto caches thumbnails in a local subdirectory so that it can skip the generation step the next time the directory is opened.

Technically, there are three different ways PyPhoto may start up: viewing an explicit directory listed on the command line; viewing the default images directory when no command-line argument is given and when images is present where the program is run; or displaying a simple one-button window that allows you to select directories to open on demand, when no initial directory is given or present (see the code’s __main__ logic).

PyPhoto also lets you open additional folders in new thumbnail windows, by pressing the D key on your keyboard in either a thumbnail or an image window. Figure 11-8, for instance, captures the pop-up window produced in Windows 7 to select a new image folder, and Figure 11-9 shows the result when I select a directory copied from one of my digital camera cards—this is a second PyPhoto thumbnail window on the display. Figure 11-8 is also opened by the one-button window if no initial directory is available.

PyPhoto open directory dialog (the D key)
Figure 11-8. PyPhoto open directory dialog (the D key)
PyPhoto thumbnail window, other directory
Figure 11-9. PyPhoto thumbnail window, other directory
PyPhoto image view window
Figure 11-10. PyPhoto image view window
PyPhoto Save As dialog (the S key; include an extension)
Figure 11-11. PyPhoto Save As dialog (the S key; include an extension)

When a thumbnail is selected, the image is displayed in a canvas, in a new pop-up window. If it’s too large for the display, you can scroll through its full size with the window’s scroll bars. Figure 11-10 captures one image after its thumbnail is clicked, and Figure 11-11 shows the Save As dialog issued when the S key is pressed in the image window; be sure to type the desired filename extension (e.g., .jpg) in this Save As dialog, because PIL uses it to know how to save the image to the file. In general, any number of PyPhoto thumbnail and image windows can be open at once, and each image can be saved independently.

Beyond the screenshots already shown, this system’s interaction is difficult to capture in a static medium such as this book—you’re better off test-driving the program live.

For example, clicking the left and right mouse buttons will resize the image to the display’s height and width dimensions, respectively, and pressing the I and O keys will zoom the image in and out in 10 percent increments. Both resizing schemes allow you to shrink an image too large to see all at once, as well as expand small photos. They also preserve the original aspect ratio of the photo, by changing its height and width proportionally, while blindly resizing to the display’s dimensions would not (height or width may be stretched).

Once resized, images may be saved in files at their current size. PyPhoto is also smart enough to make windows full size on Windows, if an image is larger than the display.

PyPhoto Source Code

Because PyPhoto simply extends and reuses techniques and code we met earlier in the book, we’ll omit a detailed discussion of its code here. For background, see the discussion of image processing and PIL in Chapter 8 and the coverage of the canvas widget in Chapter 9.

In short, PyPhoto uses canvases in two ways: for thumbnail collections and for opened images. For thumbnails, the same sort of canvas layout code as the earlier thumbnails viewer in Example 9-15 is employed. For images, a canvas is used as well, but the canvas’s scrollable (full) size is the image size, and the viewable area size is the minimum of the physical screen size or the size of the image itself. The physical screen size is available from the maxsize() method of Toplevel windows. The net effect is that selected images may be scrolled now, too, which comes in handy if they are too big for your display (a common case for pictures snapped with newer digital cameras).

In addition, PyPhoto binds keyboard and mouse events to implement resizing and zoom operations. With PIL, this is simple—we save the original PIL image, run its resize method with the new image size, and redraw the image in the canvas. PyPhoto also makes use of file open and save dialog objects, to remember the last directory visited.

PIL supports additional operations, which we could add as new events, but resizing is sufficient for a viewer. PyPhoto does not currently use threads, to avoid becoming blocked for long-running tasks (opening a large directory the first time, for instance). Such enhancements are left as suggested exercises.

PyPhoto is implemented as the single file of Example 11-5, though it gets some utility for free by reusing the thumbnail generation function of the viewer_thumbs module that we originally wrote near the end of Chapter 8 in Example 8-45. To spare you from having to flip back and forth too much, here’s a copy of the code of the thumbs function imported and used here:

# imported from Chapter 8...

def makeThumbs(imgdir, size=(100, 100), subdir='thumbs'):
    # returns a list of (image filename, thumb image object);
    thumbdir = os.path.join(imgdir, subdir)
    if not os.path.exists(thumbdir):

    thumbs = []
    for imgfile in os.listdir(imgdir):
        thumbpath = os.path.join(thumbdir, imgfile)
        if os.path.exists(thumbpath):
            thumbobj =            # use already created
            thumbs.append((imgfile, thumbobj))
            print('making', thumbpath)
            imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
                imgobj =            # make new thumb
                imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) # best downsize filter
                        # type via ext or passed
                thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))
            except:                                     # not always IOError
                print("Skipping: ", imgpath)
    return thumbs

Some of this example’s thumbnail selection window code is also very similar to our earlier limited scrolled-thumbnails example in Chapter 9, but it is repeated in this file instead of imported, to allow for future evolution (Chapter 9’s functional subset is now officially demoted to prototype).

As you study this file, pay particular attention to the way it factors code into reused functions and methods, to avoid redundancy; if we ever need to change the way zooming works, for example, we have just one method to change, not two. Also notice its ScrolledCanvas class—a reusable component that handles the work of linking scroll bars and canvases.

Example 11-5.
PyPhoto 1.1: thumbnail image viewer with resizing and saves.

Supports multiple image directory thumb windows - the initial img dir
is passed in as cmd arg, uses "images" default, or is selected via main
window button; later directories are opened by pressing "D" in image view
or thumbnail windows.

Viewer also scrolls popped-up images that are too large for the screen;
still to do: (1) rearrange thumbnails when window resized, based on current
window size; (2) [DONE] option to resize images to fit current window size?
(3) avoid scrolls if image size is less than window max size: use Label
if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh?

New in 1.1: updated to run in Python 3.1 and latest PIL;

New in 1.0: now does a form of (2) above: image is resized to one of the
display's dimensions if clicked, and zoomed in or out in 10% increments
on key presses; generalize me;  caveat: seems to lose quality, pixels
after many resizes (this is probably a limitation of PIL)

The following scaler adapted from PIL's thumbnail code is similar to the
screen height scaler here, but only shrinks:
x, y = imgwide, imghigh
if x > scrwide: y = max(y * scrwide // x, 1); x = scrwide
if y > scrhigh: x = max(x * scrhigh // y, 1); y = scrhigh

import sys, math, os
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import SaveAs, Directory

from PIL import Image                         # PIL Image: also in tkinter
from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage            # PIL photo widget replacement
from viewer_thumbs import makeThumbs          # developed earlier in book

# remember last dirs across all windows
saveDialog = SaveAs(title='Save As (filename gives image type)')
openDialog = Directory(title='Select Image Directory To Open')

trace = print  # or lambda *x: None
appname = 'PyPhoto 1.1: '

class ScrolledCanvas(Canvas):
    a canvas in a container that automatically makes
    vertical and horizontal scroll bars for itself
    def __init__(self, container):
        Canvas.__init__(self, container)
        vbar = Scrollbar(container)
        hbar = Scrollbar(container, orient='horizontal')

        vbar.pack(side=RIGHT,  fill=Y)                 # pack canvas after bars
        hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)                 # so clipped first
        self.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

        vbar.config(command=self.yview)                # call on scroll move
        self.config(yscrollcommand=vbar.set)           # call on canvas move

class ViewOne(Toplevel):
    open a single image in a pop-up window when created;
    a class because photoimage obj must be saved, else
    erased if reclaimed; scroll if too big for display;
    on mouse clicks, resizes to window's height or width:
    stretches or shrinks; on I/O keypress, zooms in/out;
    both resizing schemes maintain original aspect ratio;
    code is factored to avoid redundancy here as possible;
    def __init__(self, imgdir, imgfile, forcesize=()):
        helptxt = '(click L/R or press I/O to resize, S to save, D to open)'
        self.title(appname + imgfile + '  ' + helptxt)
        imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
        imgpil  =
        self.canvas = ScrolledCanvas(self)
        self.drawImage(imgpil, forcesize)
        self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self.onSizeToDisplayHeight)
        self.canvas.bind('<Button-3>', self.onSizeToDisplayWidth)
        self.bind('<KeyPress-i>',      self.onZoomIn)
        self.bind('<KeyPress-o>',      self.onZoomOut)
        self.bind('<KeyPress-s>',      self.onSaveImage)
        self.bind('<KeyPress-d>',      onDirectoryOpen)

    def drawImage(self, imgpil, forcesize=()):
        imgtk = PhotoImage(image=imgpil)                 # not file=imgpath
        scrwide, scrhigh = forcesize or self.maxsize()   # wm screen size x,y
        imgwide  = imgtk.width()                         # size in pixels
        imghigh  = imgtk.height()                        # same as imgpil.size

        fullsize = (0, 0, imgwide, imghigh)              # scrollable
        viewwide = min(imgwide, scrwide)                 # viewable
        viewhigh = min(imghigh, scrhigh)

        canvas = self.canvas
        canvas.delete('all')                             # clear prior photo
        canvas.config(height=viewhigh, width=viewwide)   # viewable window size
        canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize)             # scrollable area size
        canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=imgtk, anchor=NW)

        if imgwide <= scrwide and imghigh <= scrhigh:    # too big for display?
            self.state('normal')                         # no: win size per img
        elif sys.platform[:3] == 'win':                  # do windows fullscreen
            self.state('zoomed')                         # others use geometry()
        self.saveimage = imgpil
        self.savephoto = imgtk                           # keep reference on me
        trace((scrwide, scrhigh), imgpil.size)

    def sizeToDisplaySide(self, scaler):
        # resize to fill one side of the display
        imgpil = self.saveimage
        scrwide, scrhigh = self.maxsize()                 # wm screen size x,y
        imgwide, imghigh = imgpil.size                    # img size in pixels
        newwide, newhigh = scaler(scrwide, scrhigh, imgwide, imghigh)
        if (newwide * newhigh < imgwide * imghigh):
            filter = Image.ANTIALIAS                      # shrink: antialias
        else:                                             # grow: bicub sharper
            filter = Image.BICUBIC
        imgnew  = imgpil.resize((newwide, newhigh), filter)

    def onSizeToDisplayHeight(self, event):
        def scaleHigh(scrwide, scrhigh, imgwide, imghigh):
            newhigh = scrhigh
            newwide = int(scrhigh * (imgwide / imghigh))        # 3.x true div
            return (newwide, newhigh)                           # proportional

    def onSizeToDisplayWidth(self, event):
        def scaleWide(scrwide, scrhigh, imgwide, imghigh):
            newwide = scrwide
            newhigh = int(scrwide * (imghigh / imgwide))        # 3.x true div
            return (newwide, newhigh)

    def zoom(self, factor):
        # zoom in or out in increments
        imgpil = self.saveimage
        wide, high = imgpil.size
        if factor < 1.0:                     # antialias best if shrink
            filter = Image.ANTIALIAS         # also nearest, bilinear
            filter = Image.BICUBIC
        new = imgpil.resize((int(wide * factor), int(high * factor)), filter)

    def onZoomIn(self, event, incr=.10):
        self.zoom(1.0 + incr)

    def onZoomOut(self, event, decr=.10):
        self.zoom(1.0 - decr)

    def onSaveImage(self, event):
        # save current image state to file
        filename =
        if filename:

def onDirectoryOpen(event):
    open a new image directory in new pop up
    available in both thumb and img windows
    dirname =
    if dirname:
        viewThumbs(dirname, kind=Toplevel)

def viewThumbs(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, numcols=None, height=400, width=500):
    make main or pop-up thumbnail buttons window;
    uses fixed-size buttons, scrollable canvas;
    sets scrollable (full) size, and places
    thumbs at abs x,y coordinates in canvas;
    no longer assumes all thumbs are same size:
    gets max of all (x,y), some may be smaller;
    win = kind()
    helptxt = '(press D to open other)'
    win.title(appname + imgdir + '  ' + helptxt)
    quit = Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige')
    quit.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
    canvas = ScrolledCanvas(win)
    canvas.config(height=height, width=width)       # init viewable window size
                                                    # changes if user resizes
    thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir)                     # [(imgfile, imgobj)]
    numthumbs = len(thumbs)
    if not numcols:
        numcols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(numthumbs)))  # fixed or N x N
    numrows = int(math.ceil(numthumbs / numcols))       # 3.x true div

    # max w|h: thumb=(name, obj), thumb.size=(width, height)
    linksize = max(max(thumb[1].size) for thumb in thumbs)
    fullsize = (0, 0,                                   # upper left  X,Y
        (linksize * numcols), (linksize * numrows) )    # lower right X,Y
    canvas.config(scrollregion=fullsize)                # scrollable area size

    rowpos = 0
    savephotos = []
    while thumbs:
        thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:numcols], thumbs[numcols:]
        colpos = 0
        for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow:
            photo   = PhotoImage(imgobj)
            link    = Button(canvas, image=photo)
            def handler(savefile=imgfile):
                ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)
            link.config(command=handler, width=linksize, height=linksize)
            link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES)
            canvas.create_window(colpos, rowpos, anchor=NW,
                    window=link, width=linksize, height=linksize)
            colpos += linksize
        rowpos += linksize
    win.bind('<KeyPress-d>', onDirectoryOpen)
    win.savephotos = savephotos
    return win

if __name__ == '__main__':
    open dir = default or cmdline arg
    else show simple window to select
    imgdir = 'images'
    if len(sys.argv) > 1: imgdir = sys.argv[1]
    if os.path.exists(imgdir):
        mainwin = viewThumbs(imgdir, kind=Tk)
        mainwin = Tk()
        mainwin.title(appname + 'Open')
        handler = lambda: onDirectoryOpen(None)
        Button(mainwin, text='Open Image Directory', command=handler).pack()

PyView: An Image and Notes Slideshow

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it takes considerably fewer to display one with Python. The next program, PyView, implements a simple photo slideshow program in portable Python/tkinter code. It doesn’t have any image-processing abilities such as PyPhoto’s resizing, but it does provide different tools, such as image note files, and it can be run without the optional PIL extension.

Running PyView

PyView pulls together many of the topics we studied in Chapter 9: it uses after events to sequence a slideshow, displays image objects in an automatically sized canvas, and so on. Its main window displays a photo on a canvas; users can either open and view a photo directly or start a slideshow mode that picks and displays a random photo from a directory at regular intervals specified with a scale widget.

By default, PyView slideshows show images in the book’s image file directory (though the Open button allows you to load images in arbitrary directories). To view other sets of photos, either pass a directory name in as a first command-line argument or change the default directory name in the script itself. I can’t show you a slideshow in action here, but I can show you the main window in general. Figure 11-12 shows the main PyView window’s default display on Windows 7, created by running the script we’ll see in Example 11-6 ahead.

PyView without notes
Figure 11-12. PyView without notes

Though it’s not obvious as rendered in this book, the black-on-red label at the top gives the pathname of the photo file displayed. For a good time, move the slider at the bottom all the way over to “0” to specify no delay between photo changes, and then click Start to begin a very fast slideshow. If your computer is at least as fast as mine, photos flip by much too fast to be useful for anything but subliminal advertising. Slideshow photos are loaded on startup to retain references to them (remember, you must hold on to image objects). But the speed with which large GIFs can be thrown up in a window in Python is impressive, if not downright exhilarating.

The GUI’s Start button changes to a Stop button during a slideshow (its text attribute is reset with the widget config method). Figure 11-13 shows the scene after pressing Stop at an opportune moment.

PyView after stopping a slideshow
Figure 11-13. PyView after stopping a slideshow

In addition, each photo can have an associated “notes” text file that is automatically opened along with the image. You can use this feature to record basic information about the photo. Press the Note button to open an additional set of widgets that let you view and change the note file associated with the currently displayed photo. This additional set of widgets should look familiar—the PyEdit text editor from earlier in this chapter is attached to PyView in a variety of selectable modes to serve as a display and editing widget for photo notes. Figure 11-14 shows PyView with the attached PyEdit note-editing component opened (I resized the window a bit interactively for presentation here).

PyView with notes
Figure 11-14. PyView with notes

Embedding PyEdit in PyView

This makes for a very big window, usually best viewed maximized (taking up the entire screen). The main thing to notice, though, is the lower-right corner of this display, above the scale—it’s simply an attached PyEdit object, running the very same code listed in the earlier section. Because PyEdit is implemented as a GUI class, it can be reused like this in any GUI that needs a text-editing interface.

When embedded this way, PyEdit is a nested frame attached to a slideshow frame. Its menus are based on a frame (it doesn’t own the window at large), text content is stored and fetched directly by the enclosing program, and some standalone options are omitted (e.g., the File pull down menu and Quit button are gone). On the other hand, you get all of the rest of PyEdit’s functionality, including cut and paste, search and replace, grep to search external files, colors and fonts, undo and redo, and so on. Even the Clone option works here to open a new edit window, albeit making a frame-based menu without a Quit or File pull down, and which doesn’t test for changes on exit—a usage mode that could be tightened up with a new PyEdit top-level component class if desired.

For variety, if you pass a third command-line argument to PyView after the image directory name, it uses it as an index into a list of PyEdit top-level mode classes. An argument of 0 uses the main window mode, which places the note editor below the image and a window menu at top (its Frame is packed into the window’s remaining space, not the slide show frame); 1 pops up the note editor as a separate, independent Toplevel window (disabled when notes are turned off); 2 and 3 run PyEdit as an embedded component nested in the slide show frame, with Frame menus (2 includes all menu options which may or may not be appropriate in this role, and 3 is the default limited options mode).

Figure 11-15 captures option 0, PyEdit’s main window mode; there are really two independent frames on the window here—a slideshow on top and a text editor on bottom. The disadvantage of this over nested component or pop-up window modes is that PyEdit really does assume control of the program’s window (including its title and window manager close button), and packing the note editor at the bottom means it might not appear for tall images. Run this on your own to sample the other PyEdit flavors, with a command line of this form:

C:...PP4EGuiSlideShow> ../gifs 0
PyView other PyEdit notes
Figure 11-15. PyView other PyEdit notes

The note file viewer appears only if you press the Note button, and it is erased if you press it again—PyView uses the widget pack and pack_forget methods introduced near the end of Chapter 9 to show and hide the note viewer frame. The window automatically expands to accommodate the note viewer when it is packed and displayed. Note that it’s important that the note editor be repacked with expand=YES and fill=BOTH when it’s unhidden, or else it won’t expand in some modes; PyEdit’s frame packs itself this way in GuiMaker when first made, but pack_forget appears to, well…forget.

It is also possible to open the note file in a PyEdit pop-up window, but PyView embeds the editor by default to retain a direct visual association and avoid issues if the pop up is destroyed independently. As is, this program must wrap the PyEdit classes with its WrapEditor in order to catch independent destroys of the PyEdit frame when it is run in either pop-up window or full-option component modes—the note editor can no longer be accessed or repacked once it’s destroyed. This isn’t an issue in main window mode (Quit ends the program) or the default minimal component mode (the editor has no Quit). Watch for PyEdit to show up embedded as a component like this within another GUI when we meet PyMailGUI in Chapter 14.

A caveat here: out of the box, PyView supports as many photo formats as tkinter’s PhotoImage object does; that’s why it looks for GIF files by default. You can improve this by installing the PIL extension to view JPEGs (and many others). But because PIL is an optional extension today, it’s not incorporated into this PyView release. See the end of Chapter 8 for more on PIL and image formats.

PyView Source Code

Because the PyView program was implemented in stages, you need to study the union of two files and classes to understand how it truly works. One file implements a class that provides core slideshow functionality; the other implements a class that extends the original class, to add additional features on top of the core behavior. Let’s start with the extension class: Example 11-6 adds a set of features to an imported slideshow base class—note editing, a delay scale and file label, and so on. This is the file that is actually run to start PyView.

Example 11-6.
PyView 1.2: an image slide show with associated text notes.

SlideShow subclass which adds note files with an attached PyEdit object,
a scale for setting the slideshow delay interval, and a label that gives
the name of the image file currently being displayed;

Version 1.2 is a Python 3.x port, but also improves repacking note for
expansion when it's unhidden, catches note destroys in a subclass to avoid
exceptions when popup window or full component editor has been closed,
and runs update() before inserting text into newly packed note so it is
positioned correctly at line 1 (see the book's coverage of PyEdit updates).

import os
from tkinter import *
from PP4E.Gui.TextEditor.textEditor import *
from slideShow import SlideShow
#from slideShow_threads import SlideShow
Size = (300, 550)   # 1.2: start shorter here, (h, w)

class SlideShowPlus(SlideShow):
    def __init__(self, parent, picdir, editclass, msecs=2000, size=Size):
        self.msecs = msecs
        self.editclass = editclass
        SlideShow.__init__(self, parent, picdir, msecs, size)

    def makeWidgets(self): = Label(self, text='None', bg='red', relief=RIDGE)
        Button(self, text='Note', command=self.onNote).pack(fill=X)
        Button(self, text='Help', command=self.onHelp).pack(fill=X)
        s = Scale(label='Speed: msec delay', command=self.onScale,
                  from_=0, to=3000, resolution=50, showvalue=YES,
                  length=400, tickinterval=250, orient='horizontal')
        s.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

        # 1.2: need to know if editor destroyed, in popup or full component modes
        self.editorGone = False
        class WrapEditor(self.editclass):   # extend PyEdit class to catch Quit
            def onQuit(editor):             # editor is PyEdit instance arg subject
                self.editorGone = True      # self is slide show in enclosing scope
                self.editorUp   = False
                self.editclass.onQuit(editor)       # avoid recursion

        # attach editor frame to window or slideshow frame
        if issubclass(WrapEditor, TextEditorMain):     # make editor now
            self.editor = WrapEditor(self.master)      # need root for menu
            self.editor = WrapEditor(self)             # embedded or pop-up
        self.editor.pack_forget()                      # hide editor initially
        self.editorUp = self.image = None

    def onStart(self):

    def onStop(self):

    def onOpen(self):
        if self.image:

    def quit(self):

    def drawNext(self):
        if self.image:

    def onScale(self, value):
        self.msecs = int(value)

    def onNote(self):
        if self.editorGone:                # 1.2: has been destroyed
            return                         # don't rebuild: assume unwanted
        if self.editorUp:
            #self.saveNote()               # if editor already open
            self.editor.pack_forget()      # save text?, hide editor
            self.editorUp = False
            # 1.2: repack for expansion again, else won't expand now
            # 1.2: update between pack and insert, else @ line 2 initially
            self.editor.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
            self.editorUp = True           # else unhide/pack editor
            self.update()                  # see Pyedit: same as loadFirst issue
            self.loadNote()                # and load image note text

    def switchNote(self):
        if self.editorUp:
            self.saveNote()                # save current image's note
            self.loadNote()                # load note for new image

    def saveNote(self):
        if self.editorUp:
            currfile = self.editor.getFileName()     # or self.editor.onSave()
            currtext = self.editor.getAllText()      # but text may be empty
            if currfile and currtext:
                    open(currfile, 'w').write(currtext)
                    pass  # failure may be normal if run off a cd

    def loadNote(self):
        if self.image and self.editorUp:
            root, ext = os.path.splitext(self.image[0])
            notefile  = root + '.note'
                self.editor.clearAllText()   # might not have a note

    def onHelp(self):
        showinfo('About PyView',
                 'PyView version 1.2
May, 2010
(1.1 July, 1999)
                 'An image slide show
Programming Python 4E')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    picdir = '../gifs'
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        picdir = sys.argv[1]

    editstyle = TextEditorComponentMinimal
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
            editstyle = [TextEditorMain,
        except: pass

    root = Tk()
    root.title('PyView 1.2 - plus text notes')
    Label(root, text="Slide show subclass").pack()
    SlideShowPlus(parent=root, picdir=picdir, editclass=editstyle)

The core functionality extended by SlideShowPlus lives in Example 11-7. This was the initial slideshow implementation; it opens images, displays photos, and cycles through a slideshow. You can run it by itself, but you won’t get advanced features such as notes and sliders added by the SlideShowPlus subclass.

Example 11-7.
SlideShow: a simple photo image slideshow in Python/tkinter;
the base feature set coded here can be extended in subclasses;

from tkinter import *
from glob import glob
from tkinter.messagebox import askyesno
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
import random
Size = (450, 450)  # canvas height, width at startup and slideshow start

imageTypes = [('Gif files', '.gif'),    # for file open dialog
              ('Ppm files', '.ppm'),    # plus jpg with a Tk patch,
              ('Pgm files', '.pgm'),    # plus bitmaps with BitmapImage
              ('All files', '*')]

class SlideShow(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, picdir='.', msecs=3000, size=Size, **args):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent, **args)
        self.size = size
        self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.opens = picdir
        files = []
        for label, ext in imageTypes[:-1]:
            files = files + glob('%s/*%s' % (picdir, ext))
        self.images = [(x, PhotoImage(file=x)) for x in files]
        self.msecs  = msecs
        self.beep   = True
        self.drawn  = None

    def makeWidgets(self):
        height, width = self.size
        self.canvas = Canvas(self, bg='white', height=height, width=width)
        self.canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
        self.onoff = Button(self, text='Start', command=self.onStart)
        Button(self, text='Open',  command=self.onOpen).pack(fill=X)
        Button(self, text='Beep',  command=self.onBeep).pack(fill=X)
        Button(self, text='Quit',  command=self.onQuit).pack(fill=X)

    def onStart(self):
        self.loop = True
        self.onoff.config(text='Stop', command=self.onStop)
        self.canvas.config(height=self.size[0], width=self.size[1])

    def onStop(self):
        self.loop = False
        self.onoff.config(text='Start', command=self.onStart)

    def onOpen(self):
        name = askopenfilename(initialdir=self.opens, filetypes=imageTypes)
        if name:
            if self.drawn: self.canvas.delete(self.drawn)
            img = PhotoImage(file=name)
            self.canvas.config(height=img.height(), width=img.width())
            self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(2, 2, image=img, anchor=NW)
            self.image = name, img

    def onQuit(self):
        if askyesno('PyView', 'Really quit now?'):

    def onBeep(self):
        self.beep = not self.beep    # toggle, or use ^ 1

    def onTimer(self):
        if self.loop:
            self.after(self.msecs, self.onTimer)

    def drawNext(self):
        if self.drawn: self.canvas.delete(self.drawn)
        name, img  = random.choice(self.images)
        self.drawn = self.canvas.create_image(2, 2, image=img, anchor=NW)
        self.image = name, img
        if self.beep: self.bell()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
        picdir = sys.argv[1]
        picdir = '../gifs'
    root = Tk()
    root.title('PyView 1.2')
    Label(root, text="Python Slide Show Viewer").pack()
    SlideShow(root, picdir=picdir, bd=3, relief=SUNKEN)

To give you a better idea of what this core base class implements, Figure 11-16 shows what it looks like if run by itself—actually, two copies run by themselves by a script called slideShow_frames, which is in this book’s examples distribution, and whose main code looks like this:

root = Tk()
Label(root, text="Two embedded slide shows: Frames").pack()
SlideShow(parent=root, picdir=picdir, bd=3, relief=SUNKEN).pack(side=LEFT)
SlideShow(parent=root, picdir=picdir, bd=3, relief=SUNKEN).pack(side=RIGHT)
Two attached SlideShow objects
Figure 11-16. Two attached SlideShow objects

The simple slideShow_frames scripts attach two instances of SlideShow to a single window—a feat possible only because state information is recorded in class instance variables, not in globals. The slideShow_toplevels script (also in the book’s examples distribution) attaches two SlideShows to two top-level pop-up windows instead. In both cases, the slideshows run independently but are based on after events fired from the same single event loop in a single process.

PyDraw: Painting and Moving Graphics

Chapter 9 introduced simple tkinter animation techniques (see the tour’s canvasDraw variants). The PyDraw program listed here builds upon those ideas to implement a more feature-rich painting program in Python. It adds new trails and scribble drawing modes, object and background color fills, embedded photos, and more. In addition, it implements object movement and animation techniques—drawn objects may be moved around the canvas by clicking and dragging, and any drawn object can be gradually moved across the screen to a target location clicked with the mouse.

Running PyDraw

PyDraw is essentially a tkinter canvas with keyboard and mouse event bindings to allow users to perform common drawing operations. This isn’t a professional-grade paint program, but it’s fun to play with. In fact, you really should—it is impossible to capture things such as object motion in this book. Start PyDraw from the launcher bars (or run the file from Example 11-8 directly). Press the ? key to view a help message giving available commands (or read the help string in the code listings).

Figure 11-17 shows PyDraw after a few objects have been drawn on the canvas. To move any object shown here, either click it with the middle mouse button and drag to move it with the mouse cursor, or middle-click the object, and then right-click in the spot you want it to move toward. In the latter case, PyDraw performs an animated (gradual) movement of the object to the target spot. Try this on the picture shown near the top of the figure—it will slowly move across your display.

PyDraw with draw objects ready to be moved
Figure 11-17. PyDraw with draw objects ready to be moved

Press “p” to insert photos, and use left-button drags to draw shapes. (Note to Windows users: middle-click is often either both mouse buttons at once or a scroll wheel, but you may need to configure this in your control panel.) In addition to mouse events, there are 17 key-press commands for tailoring sketches that I won’t cover here. It takes a while to get the hang of what all the keyboard and mouse commands do, but once you’ve mastered the bindings, you too can begin generating senseless electronic artwork such as that in Figure 11-18.

PyDraw after substantial play
Figure 11-18. PyDraw after substantial play

PyDraw Source Code

Like PyEdit, PyDraw lives in a single file. Two extensions that customize motion implementations are listed following the main module shown in Example 11-8.

Example 11-8.
PyDraw 1.1: simple canvas paint program and object mover/animator.

Uses time.sleep loops to implement object move loops, such that only
one move can be in progress at once; this is smooth and fast, but see
the widget.after and thread-based subclasses here for other techniques.
Version 1.1 has been updated to run under Python 3.X (2.X not supported)

helpstr = """--PyDraw version 1.1--
Mouse commands:
  Left        = Set target spot
  Left+Move   = Draw new object
  Double Left = Clear all objects
  Right       = Move current object
  Middle      = Select closest object
  Middle+Move = Drag current object

Keyboard commands:
  w=Pick border width  c=Pick color
  u=Pick move unit     s=Pick move delay
  o=Draw ovals         r=Draw rectangles
  l=Draw lines         a=Draw arcs
  d=Delete object      1=Raise object
  2=Lower object       f=Fill object
  b=Fill background    p=Add photo
  z=Save postscript    x=Pick pen modes
  ?=Help               other=clear text

import time, sys
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
PicDir = '../gifs'

if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
    HelpFont = ('courier', 9, 'normal')
    HelpFont = ('courier', 12, 'normal')

pickDelays = [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.0, 0.001, 0.005]
pickUnits  = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
pickWidths = [1, 2, 5, 10, 20]
pickFills  = [None,'white','blue','red','black','yellow','green','purple']
pickPens   = ['elastic', 'scribble', 'trails']

class MovingPics:
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        canvas = Canvas(parent, width=500, height=500, bg= 'white')
        canvas.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>',  self.onStart)
        canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>',      self.onGrow)
        canvas.bind('<Double-1>',       self.onClear)
        canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-3>',  self.onMove)
        canvas.bind('<Button-2>',       self.onSelect)
        canvas.bind('<B2-Motion>',      self.onDrag)
        parent.bind('<KeyPress>',       self.onOptions)
        self.createMethod = Canvas.create_oval
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.moving = []
        self.images = []
        self.object = None
        self.where  = None
        self.scribbleMode = 0
        parent.title('PyDraw - Moving Pictures 1.1')
        parent.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.onQuit)
        self.realquit = parent.quit
        self.textInfo = self.canvas.create_text(
                                 5, 5, anchor=NW,
                                 text='Press ? for help')

    def onStart(self, event):
        self.where  = event
        self.object = None

    def onGrow(self, event):
        canvas = event.widget
        if self.object and pickPens[0] == 'elastic':
        self.object = self.createMethod(canvas,
                                self.where.x, self.where.y,    # start
                                event.x, event.y,              # stop
                                fill=pickFills[0], width=pickWidths[0])
        if pickPens[0] == 'scribble':
            self.where = event  # from here next time

    def onClear(self, event):
        if self.moving: return       # ok if moving but confusing
        event.widget.delete('all')   # use all tag
        self.images = []
        self.textInfo = self.canvas.create_text(
                                 5, 5, anchor=NW,
                                 text='Press ? for help')

    def plotMoves(self, event):
        diffX  = event.x - self.where.x              # plan animated moves
        diffY  = event.y - self.where.y              # horizontal then vertical
        reptX  = abs(diffX) // pickUnits[0]          # incr per move, number moves
        reptY  = abs(diffY) // pickUnits[0]          # from last to event click
        incrX  = pickUnits[0] * ((diffX > 0) or −1)  # 3.x // trunc div required
        incrY  = pickUnits[0] * ((diffY > 0) or −1)
        return incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY

    def onMove(self, event):
        traceEvent('onMove', event, 0)               # move current object to click
        object = self.object                         # ignore some ops during mv
        if object and object not in self.moving:
            msecs  = int(pickDelays[0] * 1000)
            parms  = 'Delay=%d msec, Units=%d' % (msecs, pickUnits[0])
            canvas = event.widget
            incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY = self.plotMoves(event)
            for i in range(reptX):
                canvas.move(object, incrX, 0)
            for i in range(reptY):
                canvas.move(object, 0, incrY)
                canvas.update()                       # update runs other ops
                time.sleep(pickDelays[0])             # sleep until next move
            if self.object == object: self.where  = event

    def onSelect(self, event):
        self.where  = event
        self.object = self.canvas.find_closest(event.x, event.y)[0]   # tuple

    def onDrag(self, event):
        diffX = event.x - self.where.x                # OK if object in moving
        diffY = event.y - self.where.y                # throws it off course
        self.canvas.move(self.object, diffX, diffY)
        self.where = event

    def onOptions(self, event):
        keymap = {
            'w': lambda self: self.changeOption(pickWidths, 'Pen Width'),
            'c': lambda self: self.changeOption(pickFills,  'Color'),
            'u': lambda self: self.changeOption(pickUnits,  'Move Unit'),
            's': lambda self: self.changeOption(pickDelays, 'Move Delay'),
            'x': lambda self: self.changeOption(pickPens,   'Pen Mode'),
            'o': lambda self: self.changeDraw(Canvas.create_oval,      'Oval'),
            'r': lambda self: self.changeDraw(Canvas.create_rectangle, 'Rect'),
            'l': lambda self: self.changeDraw(Canvas.create_line,      'Line'),
            'a': lambda self: self.changeDraw(Canvas.create_arc,       'Arc'),
            'd': MovingPics.deleteObject,
            '1': MovingPics.raiseObject,
            '2': MovingPics.lowerObject,        # if only 1 call pattern
            'f': MovingPics.fillObject,         # use unbound method objects
            'b': MovingPics.fillBackground,     # else lambda passed self
            'p': MovingPics.addPhotoItem,
            'z': MovingPics.savePostscript,
        except KeyError:
            self.setTextInfo('Press ? for help')

    def changeDraw(self, method, name):
        self.createMethod = method              # unbound Canvas method
        self.setTextInfo('Draw Object=' + name)

    def changeOption(self, list, name):
        del list[0]
        self.setTextInfo('%s=%s' % (name, list[0]))

    def deleteObject(self):
        if self.object != self.textInfo:        # ok if object in moving
            self.canvas.delete(self.object)     # erases but move goes on
            self.object = None

    def raiseObject(self):
        if self.object:                         # ok if moving
            self.canvas.tkraise(self.object)    # raises while moving

    def lowerObject(self):
        if self.object:

    def fillObject(self):
        if self.object:
            type = self.canvas.type(self.object)
            if type == 'image':
            elif type == 'text':
                self.canvas.itemconfig(self.object, fill=pickFills[0])
                               fill=pickFills[0], width=pickWidths[0])

    def fillBackground(self):

    def addPhotoItem(self):
        if not self.where: return
        filetypes=[('Gif files', '.gif'), ('All files', '*')]
        file = askopenfilename(initialdir=PicDir, filetypes=filetypes)
        if file:
            image = PhotoImage(file=file)                     # load image
            self.images.append(image)                         # keep reference
            self.object = self.canvas.create_image(           # add to canvas
                                 self.where.x, self.where.y,  # at last spot
                                 image=image, anchor=NW)

    def savePostscript(self):
        file = asksaveasfilename()
        if file:
            self.canvas.postscript(file=file)  # save canvas to file

    def help(self):
        #showinfo('PyDraw', helpstr)

    def setTextInfo(self, text):
        self.canvas.dchars(self.textInfo, 0, END)
        self.canvas.insert(self.textInfo, 0, text)

    def onQuit(self):
        if self.moving:
            self.setTextInfo("Can't quit while move in progress")
            self.realquit()  # std wm delete: err msg if move in progress

def traceEvent(label, event, fullTrace=True):
    if fullTrace:
        for attr in dir(event):
            if attr[:2] != '__':
                print(attr, '=>', getattr(event, attr))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv                        # when this file is executed
    if len(argv) == 2: PicDir = argv[1]         # '..' fails if run elsewhere
    root = Tk()                                 # make, run a MovingPics object

As is, only one object can be in motion at a time—requesting an object move while one is already in motion pauses the original till the new move is finished. Just as in Chapter 9’s canvasDraw examples, though, we can add support for moving more than one object at the same time with either after scheduled callback events or threads.

Example 11-9 shows a MovingPics subclass that codes the necessary customizations to do parallel moves with after events. It allows any number of objects in the canvas, including pictures, to be moving independently at once. Run this file directly to see the difference; I could try to capture the notion of multiple objects in motion with a screenshot, but I would almost certainly fail.

Example 11-9.
PyDraw-after: simple canvas paint program and object mover/animator
use widget.after scheduled events to implement object move loops, such
that more than one can be in motion at once without having to use threads;
this does moves in parallel, but seems to be slower than time.sleep version;
see also canvasDraw in Tour: builds and passes the incX/incY list at once:
here, would be allmoves = ([(incrX, 0)] * reptX) + ([(0, incrY)] * reptY)

from movingpics import *

class MovingPicsAfter(MovingPics):
    def doMoves(self, delay, objectId, incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY):
        if reptX:
            self.canvas.move(objectId, incrX, 0)
            reptX -= 1
            self.canvas.move(objectId, 0, incrY)
            reptY -= 1
        if not (reptX or reptY):
                self.doMoves, delay, objectId, incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY)

    def onMove(self, event):
        traceEvent('onMove', event, 0)
        object = self.object                      # move cur obj to click spot
        if object:
            msecs  = int(pickDelays[0] * 1000)
            parms  = 'Delay=%d msec, Units=%d' % (msecs, pickUnits[0])
            incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY = self.plotMoves(event)
            self.doMoves(msecs, object, incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY)
            self.where = event

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv                          # when this file is executed
    if len(argv) == 2:
        import movingpics                         # not this module's global
        movingpics.PicDir = argv[1]               # and from* doesn't link names
    root = Tk()

To appreciate its operation, open this script’s window full screen and create some objects in its canvas by pressing “p” after an initial click to insert pictures, dragging out shapes, and so on. Now, while one or more moves are in progress, you can start another by middle-clicking on another object and right-clicking on the spot to which you want it to move. It starts its journey immediately, even if other objects are in motion. Each object’s scheduled after events are added to the same event loop queue and dispatched by tkinter as soon as possible after a timer expiration.

If you run this subclass module directly, you might notice that movement isn’t quite as fast or as smooth as in the original (depending on your machine, and the many layers of software under Python), but multiple moves can overlap in time.

Example 11-10 shows how to achieve such parallelism with threads. This process works, but as we learned in Chapters 9 and 10, updating GUIs in spawned threads is generally a dangerous affair. On one of my machines, the movement that this script implements with threads was a bit jerkier than the original version—perhaps a reflection of the overhead incurred for switching the interpreter (and CPU) between multiple threads—but again, this can vary.

Example 11-10.
PyDraw-threads: use threads to move objects; works okay on Windows
provided that canvas.update() not called by threads (else exits with
fatal errors, some objs start moving immediately after drawn, etc.);
at least some canvas method calls must be thread safe in tkinter;
this is less smooth than time.sleep, and is dangerous in general:
threads are best coded to update global vars, not change GUI;

import _thread as thread, time, sys, random
from tkinter import Tk, mainloop
from movingpics import MovingPics, pickUnits, pickDelays

class MovingPicsThreaded(MovingPics):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        MovingPics.__init__(self, parent)
        self.mutex = thread.allocate_lock()
        import sys
        #sys.setcheckinterval(0) # switch after each vm op: doesn't help

    def onMove(self, event):
        object = self.object
        if object and object not in self.moving:
            msecs  = int(pickDelays[0] * 1000)
            parms  = 'Delay=%d msec, Units=%d' % (msecs, pickUnits[0])
            thread.start_new_thread(self.doMove, (object, event))

    def doMove(self, object, event):
        canvas = event.widget
        incrX, reptX, incrY, reptY = self.plotMoves(event)
        for i in range(reptX):
            canvas.move(object, incrX, 0)
            # canvas.update()
            time.sleep(pickDelays[0])         # this can change
        for i in range(reptY):
            canvas.move(object, 0, incrY)
            # canvas.update()                 # update runs other ops
            time.sleep(pickDelays[0])         # sleep until next move
        if self.object == object: self.where  = event

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()

PyClock: An Analog/Digital Clock Widget

One of the first things I always look for when exploring a new computer interface is a clock. Because I spend so much time glued to computers, it’s essentially impossible for me to keep track of the time unless it is right there on the screen in front of me (and even then, it’s iffy). The next program, PyClock, implements such a clock widget in Python. It’s not substantially different from the clock programs that you may be used to seeing on the X Window System. Because it is coded in Python, though, this one is both easily customized and fully portable among Windows, the X Window System, and Macs, like all the code in this chapter. In addition to advanced GUI techniques, this example demonstrates Python math and time module tools.

A Quick Geometry Lesson

Before I show you PyClock, though, let me provide a little background and a confession. Quick—how do you plot points on a circle? This, along with time formats and events, turns out to be a core concept in clock widget programs. To draw an analog clock face on a canvas widget, you essentially need to be able to sketch a circle—the clock face itself is composed of points on a circle, and the second, minute, and hour hands of the clock are really just lines from a circle’s center out to a point on the circle. Digital clocks are simpler to draw, but not much to look at.

Now the confession: when I started writing PyClock, I couldn’t answer the last paragraph’s opening question. I had utterly forgotten the math needed to sketch out points on a circle (as had most of the professional software developers I queried about this magic formula). It happens. After going unused for a few decades, such knowledge tends to be garbage collected. I finally was able to dust off a few neurons long enough to code the plotting math needed, but it wasn’t my finest intellectual hour.[40]

If you are in the same boat, I don’t have space to teach geometry in depth here, but I can show you one way to code the point-plotting formulas in Python in simple terms. Before tackling the more complex task of implementing a clock, I wrote the plotterGui script shown in Example 11-11 to focus on just the circle-plotting logic.

Its point function is where the circle logic lives—it plots the (X,Y) coordinates of a point on the circle, given the relative point number, the total number of points to be placed on the circle, and the circle’s radius (the distance from the circle’s center to the points drawn upon it). It first calculates the point’s angle from the top by dividing 360 by the number of points to be plotted, and then multiplying by the point number; in case you’ve forgotten too, it’s 360 degrees around the whole circle (e.g., if you plot 4 points on a circle, each is 90 degrees from the last, or 360/4). Python’s standard math module gives all the required constants and functions from that point forward—pi, sine, and cosine. The math is really not too obscure if you study this long enough (in conjunction with your old geometry text if necessary). There are alternative ways to code the number crunching, but I’ll skip the details here (see the examples package for hints).

Even if you don’t care about the math, though, check out Example 11-11’s circle function. Given the (X,Y) coordinates of a point on the circle returned by point, it draws a line from the circle’s center out to the point and a small rectangle around the point itself—not unlike the hands and points of an analog clock. Canvas tags are used to associate drawn objects for deletion before each plot.

Example 11-11.
# plot circles on a canvas

import math, sys
from tkinter import *

def point(tick, range, radius):
    angle = tick * (360.0 / range)
    radiansPerDegree = math.pi / 180
    pointX = int( round( radius * math.sin(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
    pointY = int( round( radius * math.cos(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
    return (pointX, pointY)

def circle(points, radius, centerX, centerY, slow=0):
    for i in range(points):
        x, y = point(i+1, points, radius-4)
        scaledX, scaledY = (x + centerX), (centerY - y)
        canvas.create_line(centerX, centerY, scaledX, scaledY, tag='lines')
        canvas.create_rectangle(scaledX-2, scaledY-2,
                                scaledX+2, scaledY+2,
                                           fill='red', tag='points')
        if slow: canvas.update()

def plotter():   # 3.x // trunc div
    circle(scaleVar.get(), (Width // 2), originX, originY, checkVar.get())

def makewidgets():
    global canvas, scaleVar, checkVar
    canvas = Canvas(width=Width, height=Width)
    scaleVar = IntVar()
    checkVar = IntVar()
    scale = Scale(label='Points on circle', variable=scaleVar, from_=1, to=360)
    Checkbutton(text='Slow mode', variable=checkVar).pack(side=LEFT)
    Button(text='Plot', command=plotter).pack(side=LEFT, padx=50)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Width = 500                                       # default width, height
    if len(sys.argv) == 2: Width = int(sys.argv[1])   # width cmdline arg?
    originX = originY = Width // 2                    # same as circle radius
    makewidgets()                                     # on default Tk root
    mainloop()                                        # need 3.x // trunc div

The circle defaults to 500 pixels wide unless you pass a width on the command line. Given a number of points on a circle, this script marks out the circle in clockwise order every time you press Plot, by drawing lines out from the center to small rectangles at points on the circle’s shape. Move the slider to plot a different number of points and click the checkbox to make the drawing happen slow enough to notice the clockwise order in which lines and points are drawn (this forces the script to update the display after each line is drawn). Figure 11-19 shows the result for plotting 120 points with the circle width set to 400 on the command line; if you ask for 60 and 12 points on the circle, the relationship to clock faces and hands starts becoming clearer.

plotterGui in action
Figure 11-19. plotterGui in action

For more help, this book’s examples distribution also includes text-based versions of this plotting script that print circle point coordinates to the stdout stream for review, instead of rendering them in a GUI. See the scripts in the clock’s directory. Here is the sort of output they produce when plotting 4 and 12 points on a circle that is 400 points wide and high; the output format is simply:

pointnumber : angle = (Xcoordinate, Ycoordinate)

and assumes that the circle is centered at coordinate (0,0):

1 : 90.0 = (200, 0)
2 : 180.0 = (0, −200)
3 : 270.0 = (−200, 0)
4 : 360.0 = (0, 200)
1 : 30.0 = (100, 173)
2 : 60.0 = (173, 100)
3 : 90.0 = (200, 0)
4 : 120.0 = (173, −100)
5 : 150.0 = (100, −173)
6 : 180.0 = (0, −200)
7 : 210.0 = (−100, −173)
8 : 240.0 = (−173, −100)
9 : 270.0 = (−200, 0)
10 : 300.0 = (−173, 100)
11 : 330.0 = (−100, 173)
12 : 360.0 = (0, 200)

To understand how these points are mapped to a canvas, you first need to know that the width and height of a circle are always the same—the radius × 2. Because tkinter canvas (X,Y) coordinates start at (0,0) in the upper-left corner, the plotter GUI must offset the circle’s center point to coordinates (width/2, width/2)—the origin point from which lines are drawn. For instance, in a 400 × 400 circle, the canvas center is (200,200). A line to the 90-degree angle point on the right side of the circle runs from (200,200) to (400,200)—the result of adding the (200,0) point coordinates plotted for the radius and angle. A line to the bottom at 180 degrees runs from (200,200) to (200,400) after factoring in the (0,-200) point plotted.

This point-plotting algorithm used by plotterGui, along with a few scaling constants, is at the heart of the PyClock analog display. If this still seems a bit much, I suggest you focus on the PyClock script’s digital display implementation first; the analog geometry plots are really just extensions of underlying timing mechanisms used for both display modes. In fact, the clock itself is structured as a generic Frame object that embeds digital and analog display objects and dispatches time change and resize events to both in the same way. The analog display is an attached Canvas that knows how to draw circles, but the digital object is simply an attached Frame with labels to show time components.

Running PyClock

Apart from the circle geometry bit, the rest of PyClock is straightforward. It simply draws a clock face to represent the current time and uses widget after methods to wake itself up 10 times per second to check whether the system time has rolled over to the next second. On second rollovers, the analog second, minute, and hour hands are redrawn to reflect the new time (or the text of the digital display’s labels is changed). In terms of GUI construction, the analog display is etched out on a canvas, redrawn whenever the window is resized, and changes to a digital format upon request.

PyClock also puts Python’s standard time module into service to fetch and convert system time information as needed for a clock. In brief, the onTimer method gets system time with time.time, a built-in tool that returns a floating-point number giving seconds since the epoch—the point from which your computer counts time. The time.localtime call is then used to convert epoch time into a tuple that contains hour, minute, and second values; see the script and Python library manual for additional details.

Checking the system time 10 times per second may seem intense, but it guarantees that the second hand ticks when it should, without jerks or skips (after events aren’t precisely timed). It is not a significant CPU drain on systems I use. On Linux and Windows, PyClock uses negligible processor resources—what it does use is spent largely on screen updates in analog display mode, not on after events.[41]

To minimize screen updates, PyClock redraws only clock hands on second rollovers; points on the clock’s circle are redrawn only at startup and on window resizes. Figure 11-20 shows the default initial PyClock display format you get when the file is run directly.

PyClock default analog display
Figure 11-20. PyClock default analog display

The clock hand lines are given arrows at their endpoints with the canvas line object’s arrow and arrowshape options. The arrow option can be first, last, none, or both; the arrowshape option takes a tuple giving the length of the arrow touching the line, its overall length, and its width.

Like PyView, PyClock also uses the widget pack_forget and pack methods to dynamically erase and redraw portions of the display on demand (i.e., in response to bound events). Clicking on the clock with a left mouse button changes its display to digital by erasing the analog widgets and drawing the digital interface; you get the simpler display captured in Figure 11-21.

PyClock goes digital
Figure 11-21. PyClock goes digital

This digital display form is useful if you want to conserve real estate on your computer screen and minimize PyClock CPU utilization (it incurs very little screen update overhead). Left-clicking on the clock again changes back to the analog display. The analog and digital displays are both constructed when the script starts, but only one is ever packed at any given time.

A right mouse click on the clock in either display mode shows or hides an attached label that gives the current date in simple text form. Figure 11-22 shows a PyClock running with an analog display, a clicked-on date label, and a centered photo image object (this is clock style started by the PyGadgets launcher):

PyClock extended display with an image
Figure 11-22. PyClock extended display with an image

The image in the middle of Figure 11-22 is added by passing in a configuration object with appropriate settings to the PyClock object constructor. In fact, almost everything about this display can be customized with attributes in PyClock configuration objects—hand colors, clock tick colors, center photos, and initial size.

Because PyClock’s analog display is based upon a manually sketched figure on a canvas, it has to process window resize events itself: whenever the window shrinks or expands, the clock face has to be redrawn and scaled for the new window size. To catch screen resizes, the script registers for the <Configure> event with bind; surprisingly, this isn’t a top-level window manager event like the Close button. As you expand a PyClock, the clock face gets bigger with the window—try expanding, shrinking, and maximizing the clock window on your computer. Because the clock face is plotted in a square coordinate system, PyClock always expands in equal horizontal and vertical proportions, though; if you simply make the window only wider or taller, the clock is unchanged.

Added in the third edition of this book is a countdown timer feature: press the “s” or “m” key to pop up a simple dialog for entering the number of seconds or minutes for the countdown, respectively. Once the countdown expires, the pop up in Figure 11-23 appears and fills the entire screen on Windows. I sometimes use this in classes I teach to remind myself and my students when it’s time to move on (the effect is more striking when this pop up is projected onto an entire wall!).

PyClock countdown timer expired
Figure 11-23. PyClock countdown timer expired

Finally, like PyEdit, PyClock can be run either standalone or attached to and embedded in other GUIs that need to display the current time. When standalone, the windows module from the preceding chapter (Example 10-16) is reused here to get a window icon, title, and quit pop up for free. To make it easy to start preconfigured clocks, a utility module called clockStyles provides a set of clock configuration objects you can import, subclass to extend, and pass to the clock constructor; Figure 11-24 shows a few of the preconfigured clock styles and sizes in action, ticking away in sync.

A few canned clock styles:
Figure 11-24. A few canned clock styles:

Run (or select PyClock from PyDemos, which does the same) to recreate this timely scene on your computer. Each of these clocks uses after events to check for system-time rollover 10 times per second. When run as top-level windows in the same process, all receive a timer event from the same event loop. When started as independent programs, each has an event loop of its own. Either way, their second hands sweep in unison each second.

PyClock Source Code

All of the PyClock source code lives in one file, except for the precoded configuration style objects. If you study the code at the bottom of the file shown in Example 11-12, you’ll notice that you can either make a clock object with a configuration object passed in or specify configuration options by command-line arguments such as the following (in which case, the script simply builds a configuration object for you):

C:...PP4EGuiClock> -bg gold -sh brown -size 300

More generally, you can run this file directly to start a clock with or without arguments, import and make its objects with configuration objects to get a more custom display, or import and attach its objects to other GUIs. For instance, PyGadgets in Chapter 10 runs this file with command-line options to tailor the display.

Example 11-12.
PyClock 2.1: a clock GUI in Python/tkinter.

With both analog and digital display modes, a pop-up date label, clock face
images, general resizing, etc.  May be run both standalone, or embedded
(attached) in other GUIs that need a clock.

New in 2.0: s/m keys set seconds/minutes timer for pop-up msg; window icon.
New in 2.1: updated to run under Python 3.X (2.X no longer supported)

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.simpledialog import askinteger
import math, time, sys

# Option configuration classes

class ClockConfig:
    # defaults--override in instance or subclass
    size = 200                                        # width=height
    bg, fg = 'beige', 'brown'                         # face, tick colors
    hh, mh, sh, cog = 'black', 'navy', 'blue', 'red'  # clock hands, center
    picture = None                                    # face photo file

class PhotoClockConfig(ClockConfig):
    # sample configuration
    size    = 320
    picture = '../gifs/ora-pp.gif'
    bg, hh, mh = 'white', 'blue', 'orange'

# Digital display object

class DigitalDisplay(Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.hour = Label(self)
        self.mins = Label(self)
        self.secs = Label(self)
        self.ampm = Label(self)
        for label in self.hour, self.mins, self.secs, self.ampm:
            label.config(bd=4, relief=SUNKEN,, fg=cfg.fg)
            label.pack(side=LEFT)  # TBD: could expand, and scale font on resize

    def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):
        mins = str(mins).zfill(2)                          # or '%02d' % x
        self.hour.config(text=str(hour), width=4)
        self.mins.config(text=str(mins), width=4)
        self.secs.config(text=str(secs), width=4)
        self.ampm.config(text=str(ampm), width=4)

    def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
        pass  # nothing to redraw here

# Analog display object

class AnalogDisplay(Canvas):
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg):
        Canvas.__init__(self, parent,
                        width=cfg.size, height=cfg.size,
        self.hourHand = self.minsHand = self.secsHand = self.cog = None

    def drawClockface(self, cfg):                         # on start and resize
        if cfg.picture:                                   # draw ovals, picture
                self.image = PhotoImage(file=cfg.picture)          # bkground
                self.image = BitmapImage(file=cfg.picture)         # save ref
            imgx = (cfg.size - self.image.width())  // 2           # center it
            imgy = (cfg.size - self.image.height()) // 2           # 3.x // div
            self.create_image(imgx+1, imgy+1,  anchor=NW, image=self.image)
        originX = originY = radius = cfg.size // 2                 # 3.x // div
        for i in range(60):
            x, y = self.point(i, 60, radius-6, originX, originY)
            self.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill=cfg.fg)   # mins
        for i in range(12):
            x, y = self.point(i, 12, radius-6, originX, originY)
            self.create_rectangle(x-3, y-3, x+3, y+3, fill=cfg.fg)   # hours
        self.ampm = self.create_text(3, 3, anchor=NW, fill=cfg.fg)

    def point(self, tick, units, radius, originX, originY):
        angle = tick * (360.0 / units)
        radiansPerDegree = math.pi / 180
        pointX = int( round( radius * math.sin(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
        pointY = int( round( radius * math.cos(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
        return (pointX + originX+1), (originY+1 - pointY)

    def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):        # on timer callback
        if self.cog:                                        # redraw hands, cog
        originX = originY = radius = cfg.size // 2          # 3.x div
        hour = hour + (mins / 60.0)
        hx, hy = self.point(hour, 12, (radius * .80), originX, originY)
        mx, my = self.point(mins, 60, (radius * .90), originX, originY)
        sx, sy = self.point(secs, 60, (radius * .95), originX, originY)
        self.hourHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, hx, hy,
                             width=(cfg.size * .04),
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(25,25,15), fill=cfg.hh)
        self.minsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, mx, my,
                             width=(cfg.size * .03),
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(20,20,10),
        self.secsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, sx, sy,
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(5,10,5),
        cogsz = cfg.size * .01
        self.cog = self.create_oval(originX-cogsz, originY+cogsz,
                                    originX+cogsz, originY-cogsz, fill=cfg.cog)
        self.dchars(self.ampm, 0, END)
        self.insert(self.ampm, END, ampm)

    def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
        newSize = min(newWidth, newHeight)
        #print('analog onResize', cfg.size+4, newSize)
        if newSize != cfg.size+4:
            cfg.size = newSize-4
            self.drawClockface(cfg)  # onUpdate called next

# Clock composite object

ChecksPerSec = 10  # second change timer

class Clock(Frame):
    def __init__(self, config=ClockConfig, parent=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.cfg = config
        self.makeWidgets(parent)                     # children are packed but
        self.labelOn = 0                             # clients pack or grid me
        self.display = self.digitalDisplay
        self.lastSec = self.lastMin = −1
        self.countdownSeconds = 0

    def makeWidgets(self, parent):
        self.digitalDisplay = DigitalDisplay(self, self.cfg)
        self.analogDisplay  = AnalogDisplay(self,  self.cfg)
        self.dateLabel      = Label(self, bd=3, bg='red', fg='blue')
        parent.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.onSwitchMode)
        parent.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.onToggleLabel)
        parent.bind('<Configure>',     self.onResize)
        parent.bind('<KeyPress-s>',    self.onCountdownSec)
        parent.bind('<KeyPress-m>',    self.onCountdownMin)

    def onSwitchMode(self, event):
        if self.display == self.analogDisplay:
            self.display = self.digitalDisplay
            self.display = self.analogDisplay
        self.display.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

    def onToggleLabel(self, event):
        self.labelOn += 1
        if self.labelOn % 2:
            self.dateLabel.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

    def onResize(self, event):
        if event.widget == self.display:
            self.display.onResize(event.width, event.height, self.cfg)

    def onTimer(self):
        secsSinceEpoch = time.time()
        timeTuple      = time.localtime(secsSinceEpoch)
        hour, min, sec = timeTuple[3:6]
        if sec != self.lastSec:
            self.lastSec = sec
            ampm = ((hour >= 12) and 'PM') or 'AM'               # 0...23
            hour = (hour % 12) or 12                             # 12..11
            self.display.onUpdate(hour, min, sec, ampm, self.cfg)
            self.countdownSeconds -= 1
            if self.countdownSeconds == 0:
                self.onCountdownExpire()                # countdown timer
        self.after(1000 // ChecksPerSec, self.onTimer)  # run N times per second
                                                        # 3.x // trunc int div
    def onCountdownSec(self, event):
        secs = askinteger('Countdown', 'Seconds?')
        if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs

    def onCountdownMin(self, event):
        secs = askinteger('Countdown', 'Minutes')
        if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs * 60

    def onCountdownExpire(self):
        # caveat: only one active, no progress indicator
        win = Toplevel()
        msg = Button(win, text='Timer Expired!', command=win.destroy)
        msg.config(font=('courier', 80, 'normal'), fg='white', bg='navy')
        msg.config(padx=10, pady=10)
        msg.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        win.lift()                             # raise above siblings
        if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':          # full screen on Windows

# Standalone clocks

appname = 'PyClock 2.1'

# use new custom Tk, Toplevel for icons, etc.
from import PopupWindow, MainWindow

class ClockPopup(PopupWindow):
    def __init__(self, config=ClockConfig, name=''):
        PopupWindow.__init__(self, appname, name)
        clock = Clock(config, self)
        clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

class ClockMain(MainWindow):
    def __init__(self, config=ClockConfig, name=''):
        MainWindow.__init__(self, appname, name)
        clock = Clock(config, self)
        clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

# b/w compat: manual window borders, passed-in parent

class ClockWindow(Clock):
    def __init__(self, config=ClockConfig, parent=None, name=''):
        Clock.__init__(self, config, parent)
        self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        title = appname
        if name: title = appname + ' - ' + name
        self.master.title(title)                # master=parent or default
        self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)

# Program run

if __name__ == '__main__':
    def getOptions(config, argv):
        for attr in dir(ClockConfig):              # fill default config obj,
            try:                                   # from "-attr val" cmd args
                ix = argv.index('-' + attr)        # will skip __x__ internals
                if ix in range(1, len(argv)-1):
                    if type(getattr(ClockConfig, attr)) == int:
                        setattr(config, attr, int(argv[ix+1]))
                        setattr(config, attr, argv[ix+1])

   #config = PhotoClockConfig()
    config = ClockConfig()
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        getOptions(config, sys.argv)         # -size n -bg 'blue'...
   #myclock = ClockWindow(config, Tk())      # parent is Tk root if standalone
   #myclock = ClockPopup(ClockConfig(), 'popup')
    myclock = ClockMain(config)

And finally, Example 11-13 shows the module that is actually run from the PyDemos launcher script—it predefines a handful of clock styles and runs seven of them at once, attached to new top-level windows for a demo effect (though one clock per screen is usually enough in practice, even for me!).

Example 11-13.
# precoded clock configuration styles

from clock import *
from tkinter import mainloop

gifdir = '../gifs/'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from sys import argv
    if len(argv) > 1:
        gifdir = argv[1] + '/'

class PPClockBig(PhotoClockConfig):
    picture, bg, fg = gifdir + 'ora-pp.gif', 'navy', 'green'

class PPClockSmall(ClockConfig):
    size    = 175
    picture = gifdir + 'ora-pp.gif'
    bg, fg, hh, mh = 'white', 'red', 'blue', 'orange'

class GilliganClock(ClockConfig):
    size    = 550
    picture = gifdir + 'gilligan.gif'
    bg, fg, hh, mh = 'black', 'white', 'green', 'yellow'

class LP4EClock(GilliganClock):
    size = 700
    picture = gifdir + 'ora-lp4e.gif'
    bg = 'navy'

class LP4EClockSmall(LP4EClock):
    size, fg = 350, 'orange'

class Pyref4EClock(ClockConfig):
    size, picture = 400, gifdir + 'ora-pyref4e.gif'
    bg, fg, hh    = 'black', 'gold', 'brown'

class GreyClock(ClockConfig):
    bg, fg, hh, mh, sh = 'grey', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'white'

class PinkClock(ClockConfig):
    bg, fg, hh, mh, sh = 'pink', 'yellow', 'purple', 'orange', 'yellow'

class PythonPoweredClock(ClockConfig):
    bg, size, picture = 'white', 175, gifdir + 'pythonPowered.gif'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = Tk()
    for configClass in [
        ClockPopup(configClass, configClass.__name__)
    Button(root, text='Quit Clocks', command=root.quit).pack()

Running this script creates the multiple clock display of Figure 11-24. Its configurations support numerous options; judging from the seven clocks on the display, though, it’s time to move on to our last example.

PyToe: A Tic-Tac-Toe Game Widget

Finally, a bit of fun to close out this chapter. Our last example, PyToe, implements an artificially intelligent tic-tac-toe (sometimes called “naughts and crosses”) game-playing program in Python. Most readers are probably familiar with this simple game, so I won’t dwell on its details. In short, players take turns marking board positions, in an attempt to occupy an entire row, column, or diagonal. The first player to fill such a pattern wins.

In PyToe, board positions are marked with mouse clicks, and one of the players is a Python program. The game board itself is displayed with a simple tkinter GUI; by default, PyToe builds a 3 × 3 game board (the standard tic-tac-toe setup), but it can be configured to build and play an arbitrary N × N game.

When it comes time for the computer to select a move, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are used to score potential moves and search a tree of candidate moves and countermoves. This is a fairly simple problem as gaming programs go, and the heuristics used to pick moves are not perfect. Still, PyToe is usually smart enough to spot wins a few moves in advance of the user.

Running PyToe

PyToe’s GUI is implemented as a frame of expandable packed labels, with mouse-click bindings on the labels to catch user moves. The label’s text is configured with the player’s mark after each move, computer or user. The GuiMaker class we coded earlier in the prior chapter (Example 10-3) is also reused here again to add a simple menu bar at the top (but no toolbar is drawn at the bottom, because PyToe leaves its format descriptor empty). By default, the user’s mark is “X” and PyToe’s is “O.” Figure 11-25 shows PyToe run from PyGadgets with its status pop-up dialog, on the verge of beating me one of two ways.

PyToe thinking its way to a win
Figure 11-25. PyToe thinking its way to a win

Figure 11-26 shows PyToe’s help pop-up dialog, which lists its command-line configuration options. You can specify colors and font sizes for board labels, the player who moves first, the mark of the user (“X” or “O”), the board size (to override the 3 × 3 default), and the move selection strategy for the computer (e.g., “Minimax” performs a move tree search to spot wins and losses, and “Expert1” and “Expert2” use static scoring heuristics functions).

PyToe help pop up with options info
Figure 11-26. PyToe help pop up with options info

The AI gaming techniques used in PyToe are CPU intensive, and some computer move selection schemes take longer than others, but their speed varies mostly with the speed of your computer. Move selection delays are fractions of a second long on my machine for a 3 × 3 game board, for all “-mode” move-selection strategy options.

Figure 11-27 shows an alternative PyToe configuration (shown running its top-level script directly with no arguments), just after it beat me. Despite the scenes captured for this book, under some move selection options, I do still win once in a while. In larger boards and more complex games, PyToe’s move selection algorithms become even more useful.

An alternative layout
Figure 11-27. An alternative layout

PyToe Source Code (External)

PyToe is a big system that assumes some AI background knowledge and doesn’t really demonstrate anything new in terms of GUIs. Moreover, it was written for Python 2.X over a decade ago, and though ported to 3.X for this edition, some of it might be better recoded from scratch today. Partly because of that, but mostly because I have a page limit for this book, I’m going to refer you to the book’s examples distribution package for its source code instead of listing it here. Please see these two files in the examples distribution for PyToe implementation details:


A top-level wrapper script


The meat of the implementation

If you do look, though, probably the best hint I can give you is that the data structure used to represent board state is the crux of the matter. That is, if you understand the way boards are modeled, the rest of the code comes naturally.

For instance, the lists-based variant uses a list-of-lists to represent the board’s state, along with a simple dictionary of entry widgets for the GUI indexed by board coordinates. Clearing the board after a game is simply a matter of clearing the underlying data structures, as shown in this code excerpt from the examples named earlier:

def clearBoard(self):
    for row, col in self.label.keys():
        self.board[row][col] = Empty
        self.label[(row, col)].config(text=' ')

Similarly, picking a move, at least in random mode, is simply a matter of picking a nonempty slot in the board array and storing the machine’s mark there and in the GUI (degree is the board’s size):

def machineMove(self):
    row, col = self.pickMove()
    self.board[row][col] = self.machineMark
    self.label[(row, col)].config(text=self.machineMark)

def pickMove(self):
    empties = []
    for row in
        for col in
            if self.board[row][col] == Empty:
                empties.append((row, col))
    return random.choice(empties)

Finally, checking for an end-of-game state boils down to inspecting rows, columns, and diagonals in the two-dimensional list-of-lists board in this scheme:

def checkDraw(self, board=None):
    board = board or self.board
    for row in board:
        if Empty in row:
            return 0
    return 1 # none empty: draw or win

def checkWin(self, mark, board=None):
    board = board or self.board
    for row in board:
        if row.count(mark) ==     # check across
            return 1
    for col in range(
        for row in board:                      # check down
            if row[col] != mark:
            return 1
    for row in range(             # check diag1
        col = row                              # row == col
        if board[row][col] != mark: break
        return 1
    for row in range(             # check diag2
        col = ( - row            # row+col = degree-1
        if board[row][col] != mark: break
        return 1

def checkFinish(self):
    if self.checkWin(self.userMark):
        outcome = "You've won!"
    elif self.checkWin(self.machineMark):
        outcome = 'I win again :-)'
    elif self.checkDraw():
        outcome = 'Looks like a draw'

Other move-selection code mostly just performs other kinds of analysis on the board data structure or generates new board states to search a tree of moves and countermoves.

You’ll also find relatives of these files in the same directory that implements alternative search and move-scoring schemes, different board representations, and so on. For additional background on game scoring and searches in general, consult an AI text. It’s fun stuff, but it’s too specialized to cover well in this book.

Where to Go from Here

This concludes the GUI section of this book, but this is not an end to the book’s GUI coverage. If you want to learn more about GUIs, be sure to see the tkinter examples that appear later in this book and are described at the start of this chapter. PyMailGUI, PyCalc, and the mostly external PyForm and PyTree provide additional GUI case studies. In the next section of this book, we’ll also learn how to build user interfaces that run in web browsers—a very different concept, but another option for interface design.

Keep in mind, too, that even if you don’t see a GUI example in this book that looks very close to one you need to program, you’ve already met all the building blocks. Constructing larger GUIs for your application is really just a matter of laying out hierarchical composites of the widgets presented in this part of the text.

For instance, a complex display might be composed as a collection of radio buttons, listboxes, scales, text fields, menus, and so on—all arranged in frames or grids to achieve the desired appearance. Pop-up top-level windows, as well as independently run GUI programs linked with Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms, such as pipes, signals, and sockets, can further supplement a complex graphical interface.

Moreover, you can implement larger GUI components as Python classes and attach or extend them anywhere you need a similar interface device; see PyEdit’s role in PyView and PyMailGUI for a prime example. With a little creativity, tkinter’s widget set and Python support a virtually unlimited number of layouts.

Beyond this book, see the tkinter documentation overview in Chapter 7, the books department at Python’s website at, and the Web at large. Finally, if you catch the tkinter bug, I want to again recommend downloading and experimenting with the packages introduced in Chapter 7—especially Pmw, PIL, Tix, and ttk (Tix and ttk are a standard part of Python today). Such extensions add additional tools to the tkinter arsenal that can make your GUIs more sophisticated, with minimal coding.

[38] All of the larger examples in this book have Py at the start of their names. This is by convention in the Python world. If you shop around at, you’ll find other free software that follows this pattern too: PyOpenGL (a Python interface to the OpenGL graphics library), PyGame (a Python game development kit), and many more. I’m not sure who started this pattern, but it has turned out to be a more or less subtle way to advertise programming language preferences to the rest of the open source world. Pythonistas are nothing if not PySubtle.

[39] Interestingly, Python’s own IDLE text editor in Python 3.1 suffers from two of the same bugs described here and resolved in this edition’s PyEdit—in 3.1, IDLE positions at line 2 instead of line 1 on file opens, and its external files search (similar to PyEdit’s Grep) crashes on 3.X Unicode decoding errors when scanning the Python standard library, causing IDLE to exit altogether. Insert snarky comment about the shoemaker’s children having no shoes here…

[40] Lest that make software engineers seem too doltish, I should also note that I have been called on repeatedly to teach Python programming to physicists, all of whom had mathematical training well in advance of my own, and many of whom were still happily abusing FORTRAN common blocks and go-tos. Specialization in modern society can make novices of us all.

[41] The PyDemos script of the preceding chapter, for instance, launches seven clocks that run in the same process, and all update smoothly on my (relatively slow) Windows 7 netbook laptop. They together consume a low single-digit percentage of the CPU’s bandwidth, and often less than the Task Manager.

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