Chapter 5. User Device Configuration

I don’t always know what I’m talking about, but I know I’m right.

Muhammad Ali

In this chapter we’ll delve into the user devices that you might want to connect to Asterisk, typically VoIP telephones of some sort. Configuring a channel in Asterisk for the device to connect through is relatively straightforward, but you also need to configure the device itself so it knows where to send its calls.[42] In other words, there are two parts to configuring a device on Asterisk: 1) telling Asterisk about the device, and 2) telling the device about Asterisk.

While most devices will have a web-based interface for defining parameters, if you’re putting more than one or two phones into production we recommend using a server-based configuration process, wherein the set is only told the location of a file server. The set will identify itself and download customized files that define the required parameters for that telephone. As an example, these could be XML files on an FTP server. The exact download process and syntax of these files will differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. In this chapter we will only talk about the configuration of sets from the perspective of Asterisk.

Telephone Naming Concepts

Before we get started with configuring Asterisk for our telephones, we are going to recommend some best practices regarding telephone naming, abstracting the concepts of users, extension numbers, and telephones from each other.

In Asterisk, all the system cares about is the channel name. There is really no concept of a user at all,[43] and extensions are simply ways of directing call flow through the system. For example, your dialplan might inform Asterisk that when extension number 100 is requested it should call the phone on my desk, but extension 100 could just as easily call a company voicemail box, play back a prompt, or join a conference room. We can even specify that extension 100 should ring the device on my desk from Monday to Friday between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M., but ring a device on someone else’s desk the rest of the time. Inversely, when a call is made from a device during business hours, the callerID could show a daytime number, and the rest of the time could show an after-hours number (many reception desks become security desks at night).

The abstraction between the name of an extension and what that extension does is a powerful concept in Asterisk, as extension 100 could do a number of things depending on any number of variables that are programmed into the system. This is especially relevant in the context of features such as hot-desking.

Hot-desking is a feature that allows someone to log into a device and receive his calls at that device. Let’s say we have three sales agents who typically work outside of the office, but spend a couple of days each month in the office to do paperwork. Since they are unlikely to be on-site at the same time, instead of having a separate telephone for each of those three sales agents, they could share a single office phone (or on a larger scale, a dozen folks could share a pool of, say, three phones). This scenario illustrates the convenience (and necessity) of allowing the system to separate the concept of a user and extension from the physical phone.

So what are some examples of bad names for telephone devices? Something like a person’s name, such as [SimonLeBon], would be a poor name for a telephone as the phone may also be used by Joan Jett and Rick Astley. The same reasoning can be applied to why you would not want to name a phone based on an extension number: a phone name of [100] would be a poor choice since you might want to reprovision the device for extension 160 in the future, or it might be used by several people with different extensions in a hot-desking solution. Using numeric account names is also very bad from a security perspective and is discussed in more detail in Chapter 26.

A popular way to name a phone is using the MAC address of the device. This is a unique identifier specific to the phone that follows it where it goes and doesn’t directly relate to the user operating the phone or the extension number currently associated with it. Some corporations have stickers they place on their equipment with a bar code and other information that allows them to keep stock of provisioned equipment; these unique codes would also be an acceptable choice to use for phone names as they don’t provide any logical relation to a particular person, but do provide specific information about the devices themselves.

The choice is yours as to how you want to name your phones, but we primarily want to abstract any concept of the telephone being owned by a person, or even its location in the network, since these concepts are outside the realm of Asterisk and can change at any time.

Throughout this book, you’ll see us using phone names that look like MAC addresses (such as 0000FFFF0001 and 0000FFFF0002) to differentiate between devices. You will want to use phone names that match the hardware you are using (or some other string that is unique to the device you are registering).

As a final consideration, we should make it clear that what we are suggesting regarding device names is not a technical requirement. You are free to name your devices anything you want, as long as they meet the requirements of Asterisk’s naming conventions for devices (stay with alphanumeric characters with no spaces and you’ll be fine).

Hardphones, Softphones, and ATAs

There are three types of endpoints you would typically provide your users with that could serve as a telephone set. They are popularly referred to as hardphones, softphones, and Analog Terminal Adaptors (ATAs).

A hardphone is a physical device. It looks just like an office telephone: it has a handset, numbered buttons, etc. It connects directly to the network, and it’s what people are referring to when they talk about a VoIP telephone (or a SIP telephone).

A softphone is a software application that runs on a laptop or desktop. The audio must pass through the PC’s sound system, so you normally need a headset that will work well with telephony applications. More recently, softphone applications have been written for smart phones that allow you to connect to other networks other than just the cellular network. The interface of the softphone is often styled to look like a physical telephone, but this is not necessary.

An ATA is designed to allow traditional analog telephones (and other analog devices, such as fax machines, cordless phones, paging amplifiers, and such) to connect to a SIP network,[44] and will typically be a sandwich-sized box that contains an RJ-11 connector for the phone (commonly referred to as an FXS port), an RJ-45 connector for the network, and a power connector. Some ATAs may support more than one phone.

Hardphones have the advantage that the handsets have good acoustic properties for voice communications. Any decent-quality telephone is engineered to pick up the frequencies of the human voice, filter out unwanted background noise, and normalize the resulting waveform. People have been using telephones for as long as the telephone network has existed, and we tend to like what is familiar, so having a device that communicates with Asterisk using a familiar interface will be attractive to many users. Also, a hardphone does not require your computer to be running all the time.

Disadvantages to hardphones include that they are nonportable and expensive, relative to the many quality softphones on the market today that are available for free. Also, the extra clutter on your desk may not be desirable if you have limited work space, and if you move around a lot and are not generally at the same location, a hardphone is not likely to suit your needs (although, one at each location you frequent might be a valid solution).

Softphones solve the portability issue by being installed on a device that is likely already moving with you, such as your laptop or smart phone. Also, their minimal cost (typically free, or around the $30 price range for a fully featured one) is attractive. Because many softphones are free, it is likely that the first telephone set you connect to Asterisk will be a softphone. Also, because softphones are just software, they are easy to install and upgrade, and they commonly have other features that utilize other peripherals, like a webcam for video calling, or perhaps an ability to load files from your desktop for faxing.

Some of the disadvantages of softphones are the not-always-on nature of the devices, the necessity to put on a headset each time you take a call, and the fact that many PCs will at random times during the day choose to do something other than what the user wants them to do, which might cause the softphone to stop working while some background task hogs the CPU.

ATAs have the advantage of allowing you to connect to your SIP network analog devices,[45] such as cordless phones (which are still superior in many cases to more advanced types of wireless phones[46]), paging amplifiers, and ringers. ATAs can also sometimes be used to connect to old wiring, where a network connection might not function correctly.

The main disadvantage of an ATA is that you will not get the same features through an analog line as you would from a SIP telephone. This is technology that is over a century old.

With Asterisk, we don’t necessarily need to make the choice between having a softphone, a hardphone, or an ATA; it’s entirely possible and quite common to have a single extension number that rings multiple devices at the same time, such as a desk phone, the softphone on a laptop, a cell phone, and perhaps a strobe light in the back of the factory (where there is too much noise for a ringer to be heard).

Asterisk will happily allow you to interact with the outside world in ways that were scarcely dreamed of only a few years ago. As we see more unification of communications applications with the popularity of social networks, communities such as Skype, and more focus on network-based services such as those provided by Google, the flexibility and popularity of software-based endpoints will continue to grow. The blurring of the lines between voice and applications is constantly evolving, and softphones are well positioned to rapidly respond to these changes.

We still like a desk phone, though.

Configuring Asterisk

In this section we’ll cover how to create the sip.conf and iax.conf configuration files in the /etc/asterisk/ directory, which are used for defining the parameters by which SIP and IAX2 devices can communicate with your system.


Asterisk allows devices using many different protocols to speak to it (and therefore to each other). However, the SIP and IAX2 protocols are the most popular and mature VoIP modules, so we will focus our attention on them. For your first Asterisk build, you might be best off not bothering with the other protocols (such as Skinny/SCCP, Unistim, H.323, and MGCP), and getting comfortable working with SIP and IAX2 first. The configuration for the other protocols is similar, and the sample configuration files are full of information and examples, so once you have the basics down, other protocols should be fairly easy to work with.

The channel configuration files, such as sip.conf and iax.conf, contain the configuration for the channel driver, such as or, along with the information and credentials required for a telephony device to contact and interact with Asterisk.

Common information about the channel driver is contained at the top of the configuration file, in the [general] section. All section names are encased in square brackets, including device names. Anything that follows a section name (or device definition, which for our purposes is essentially the same thing) is applied to that section. The [general] section can also contain information to define defaults for device configurations, which are overridden in the section for each device, or in a template. Asterisk also comes with defaults that are hardcoded, so while some settings are mandatory, many other settings can be ignored as long as you are happy with the defaults.


Asterisk will check for parameters in the following order:

  1. Check the specific section for the relevant channel.

  2. Check the template for the section.

  3. Check the [general] section.

  4. Use the hardcoded defaults.

This means that just because you didn’t specify a setting for a particular parameter doesn’t mean your device isn’t going to have a setting for that parameter. If you are not sure, set the parameter explicitly in the section of the configuration file that deals with that specific channel, or in the relevant template.

This concept should make more sense as you read on.

How Channel Configuration Files Work with the Dialplan

While we haven’t discussed Asterisk dialplans yet, it is useful to be able to visualize the relationship between the channel configuration files (sip.conf, iax.conf) and the dialplan (extensions.conf). The dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system: it controls how call logic is applied to any connection from any channel, such as what happens when a device dials extension 101 or an incoming call from an external provider is routed. Both the relevant channel configuration file and the extensions.conf file play a role in most calls routed through the system. Figure 5-1 provides a graphical representation of the relationship between the sip.conf and extensions.conf files.

When a call comes into Asterisk, the identity of the incoming call is matched in the channel configuration file for the protocol in use (e.g., sip.conf). The channel configuration file also handles authentication and defines where that channel will enter the dialplan.

Once Asterisk has determined how to handle the channel, it will pass call control to the correct context in the dialplan. The context parameter in the channel configuration file tells the channel where it will enter the dialplan (which contains all the information about how to handle and route the call).

Relationship of sip.conf to extensions.conf

Figure 5-1. Relationship of sip.conf to extensions.conf

Conversely, if the dialplan has been programmed to dial another device when the request for extension number 101 is being processed, a request to dial telephony device 0000FFFF0002 will use the channel configuration file to determine how to pass the call back out of the dialplan to the telephone on the network (including such details as authentication, codec, and so forth).

A key point to remember is that the channel configuration files control not only how calls enter the system, but also how they leave the system. So, for example, if one set calls another set, the channel configuration file is used not only to pass the call through to the dialplan, but also to direct the call from the dialplan to the destination.


The SIP[47] channel module is arguably the most mature and feature-rich of all the channel modules in Asterisk. This is due to the enormous popularity of the SIP protocol, which has taken over the VoIP/telecom industry and been implemented in thousands of devices and PBXs. If you look through the sip.conf.sample file in the ./configs subdirectory of your Asterisk source you will notice a wealth of options available. Fortunately, the default options are normally all you need, and therefore you can create a very simple configuration file that will allow most standard SIP telephones to connect with Asterisk.

The first thing you need to do is create a configuration file in your /etc/asterisk directory called sip.conf.

Paste or type the following information into the file:

context=unauthenticated         ; default context for incoming calls
allowguest=no                   ; disable unauthenticated calls
srvlookup=yes                   ; enabled DNS SRV record lookup on outbound calls
udpbindaddr=             ; listen for UDP requests on all interfaces
tcpenable=no                    ; disable TCP support

[office-phone](!)   ; create a template for our devices
type=friend         ; the channel driver will match on username first, IP second
context=LocalSets   ; this is where calls from the device will enter the dialplan
host=dynamic        ; the device will register with asterisk
nat=yes             ; assume device is behind NAT
                    ; *** NAT stands for Network Address Translation, which allows  
                    ; multiple internal devices to share an external IP address.
secret=s3CuR#p@s5   ; a secure password for this device -- DON'T USE THIS PASSWORD!
dtmfmode=auto       ; accept touch-tones from the devices, negotiated automatically
disallow=all        ; reset which voice codecs this device will accept or offer
allow=ulaw          ; which audio codecs to accept from, and request to, the device
allow=alaw          ; in the order we prefer

; define a device name and use the office-phone template

; define another device name using the same template

Open the sip.conf file you’ve just created, and we’ll go over each item.

We’ve created four sections, the first one being the [general] section. This is a standard section that appears at the top of the configuration file for all channel modules, and must always be named in this way. The [general] section contains general configuration options for how that protocol relates to your system, and can be used to define default parameters as well.

For example, we’ve defined the default context as unauthenticated, to ensure that we have explicitly declared where unauthenticated guest calls will enter the dialplan (rather than leaving that to chance). We’ve named it unauthenticated to make it obvious that calls processed in this context are not trusted, and thus should not be able to do things such as make outbound calls to the PSTN (which could potentially cost money, or represent identity theft). You should be aware that we could have used any name we wanted, and also that there needs to be an identically named context in extensions.conf to define the call flow for unauthenticated calls.

The next option is allowguest, which we’ve disabled as we don’t want to accept any unauthenticated calls at this time. Keep in mind that for some channels you may actually want to accept unauthenticated calls. A common use for allowing unauthenticated calls is for companies that allow dialing by uniform resource identifiers (URIs), like email addresses. If we wanted to allow customers to call us from their phones without having to authenticate, we could enable guest calls and handle them in the unauthenticated context defined by the previous option.


You may be wondering why you might ever want to allow unauthenticated calls. The reason is that if you publish your SIP URI on your business cards (e.g., sip:[email protected]), calls to that URI will fail if your unauthenticated context simply hangs up. What you want instead is for your unauthenticated context to put incoming calls into a controlled environment. You may wish to allow the calls, but you won’t necessarily trust them.[48]

The srvlookup option is used to enable Asterisk to perform a lookup via a DNS SRV record, which is typically used for outbound connections to service providers. We’ll talk more about Asterisk and DNS in Chapter 12.

The udpbindaddr[49]option takes the value of an IP address or to tell Asterisk which network interface it should listen to for requests carried by the UDP network transport protocol (which is the protocol that actually carries the voice channels). By defining, we’re instructing the channel driver to listen on all available interfaces. Alternatively, we could limit VoIP connections for this protocol to a single interface by defining the IP address of a specific network interface on our system.


Currently in Asterisk the udpbindaddr and tcpbindaddr options are an all-or-one proposition. In other words, if you have three NICs in your system, you can’t restrict VoIP traffic to two of them: it’s either one only, or all of them.

The tcpenable option allows us to accept requests via the TCP network transport protocol. For now we’ve disabled it, as the UDP method is currently more mature (and more popular) and we’re attempting to eliminate as many barriers as possible. Having said that, feel free to test TCP support once you’re comfortable configuring your devices.


There are also tlsenable and tlsbindaddr options for enabling SIP over TLS (encrypted SIP). We’ll cover the configuration of SIP with TLS in Chapter 7.

The next section we’ve defined is a template we have chosen to name [office-phone](!). We’ve created it as a template so that we can use the values within it for all of our devices.


Following the section name with (!) tells Asterisk to treat this section as a template. By doing this we eliminate the need to repetitively add and change configuration options for every device we choose to define. Templates are extremely useful and are available in all of Asterisk’s configuration files. If you want to change something for an individual device that was previously defined in the template for that device, you can do that under the section header, and it will override what was defined by the template. It is not necessary to use templates, but they are extremely handy, and we use them extensively.

In the [office-phone] template we’ve defined several options required for authentication and control of calls to and from devices that use that template. The first option we’ve configured is the type, which we’ve set to friend. This tells the channel driver to attempt to match on name first, and then IP address.

When a request from a telephone is received and authenticated by Asterisk, the requested extension number is handled by the dialplan in the context defined in the device configuration; in our case, the context named LocalSets.

The host option is used when we need to send a request to the telephone (such as when we want to call someone). Asterisk needs to know where the device is on the network. By defining the value as dynamic, we let Asterisk know that the telephone will tell us where it is on the network instead of having its location defined statically. If we wanted to define the address statically, we could replace dynamic with an IP address such as

The nat option is used to tell Asterisk to enable some tricks to make phone calls work when a SIP phone may be located behind a NAT. This is important because the SIP protocol includes IP addresses in messages. If a phone is on a private network, it may end up placing private addresses in SIP messages, which are often not useful.

The password for the device is defined by the secret parameter. While this is not strictly required, you should note that it is quite common for unsavory folks to run phishing scripts that look for exposed VoIP accounts with insecure passwords and simple device names (such as a device name of 100 with a password of 1234). By utilizing an uncommon device name such as a MAC address, and a password that is a little harder to guess, we can significantly lower the risk to our system should we need to expose it to the outside world.


You can generate a secure password using one of several password generators available on the Internet and on your operating system. Here is a simple script that you can run at your console to generate one:

$ dd if=/dev/random count=1 bs=8 2>/dev/null | base64 | sed -e 's/=*$//'


Do not use the password we have defined in the example. This book will be available online and can be downloaded by anyone, and that particular password is almost certain to become one of the first passwords added to the list employed by VoIP phishing scripts in brute-force password attacks. If your SIP ports are exposed to the Internet and you use simple passwords, rest assured that you will eventually be defrauded.

The dtmfmode option is used to define which DTMF (touch-tone) format Asterisk should expect to be sent by the telephone. The four options are: info, inband, rfc2833, and auto. The info value means to use the SIP INFO method, inband is for inband audio tones, and rfc2833 is for the out-of-band method defined by that RFC. Using auto allows Asterisk to automatically determine which DTMF mode to use (it prefers rfc2833 if available).

The last two options, disallow and allow (sip.conf), are used to control which audio codecs are accepted from and offered to the telephone. By defining disallow=all first, we’re telling Asterisk to reset any previously defined codec definitions in the [general] section (or the internal defaults); then we explicitly declare which codecs we’ll accept (and the order we prefer). In our example we’ve enabled both ulaw and alaw, with ulaw most preferred (if you are outside of Canada or the US, you’ll likely want to declare alaw first).

Now that we’re finished with our template, we can define our device names and, utilizing the office-phone template, greatly simplify the amount of details required under each device section. The device name is defined in the square brackets, and the template to be applied is defined in the parentheses following the device name. We can add additional options to the device name by specifying them below the device name:

[0000FFFF0003](office-phone) ; template must be on same line and no space between

As far as the SIP module in Asterisk can tell, it will end up reading this in as if it was a section defined like this, which is a configuration section with all of the options specified from the template first:


; These options came from the template section.

; These options came from the specific section.
secret=@N0th3rP4S5 ; Overrides the secret from the template
allow=gsm          ; Adds gsm to the list of allowed codecs

Note that if you specify an option that was also specified in the template, the module will see that option twice. For most options, it will override the value in the template, but for some, such as type, allow, and disallow, it will not.


IAX2 stands for the Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol, version 2. It was originally developed to connect Asterisk systems together across different physical networks, and especially those behind firewalls and NAT devices. IAX2 was designed to limit the number of ports required to carry VoIP calls across a firewall, and to easily traverse networks that employed NAT devices (which historically have been problematic for the SIP protocol). As Asterisk has developed over the years, the IAX2 protocol has matured. It was standardized in an IETF RFC in 2009,[50] but IAX2 has not become popular with hardware vendors, possibly due to the relative recency of the RFC, and certainly due to the fact that SIP is far and away the most recognized VoIP protocol in terms of mind-share (i.e., nontechnical folks have probably heard of SIP). IAX2, however, has advantages that make it a protocol worth discussing.

One of the primary advantages of IAX is single-port firewall penetration. All traffic, including signaling and audio data, is transferred over a single UDP port (4569), which can greatly simplify securing the VoIP network.[51]

Another advantage is IAX2 trunking, which encapsulates packets for several voice frames into the same datagram using a single IAX2 header. The benefit of this is a reduction in the amount of overhead required to send many simultaneous calls between two endpoints. The amount of bandwidth saved with IAX2 trunking when sending just a couple of calls between locations is pretty insignificant, but when you start scaling to the size of dozens or hundreds of calls, the savings can be substantial.

For now, we’re only interested in the minimal configuration required to get our IAX2 endpoints talking to each other, so let’s explore what we need to configure in iax.conf to do so.

First, we need to create our iax.conf file in the /etc/asterisk configuration directory and add the following configuration information to the file:

autokill=yes   ; don't stall for a long time if other endpoint doesn't respond
srvlookup=yes  ; enable DNS SRV lookups for outbound calls

[office-phone](!)    ; template for IAX-based office phones
type=friend          ; Asterisk will allow calls to and from this phone
host=dynamic         ; inform Asterisk that the phone will tell us where
                     ;   it is on the network
secret=my5UP3rp@s5!  ; a secure password -- which means DON'T USE THIS ONE!
context=LocalSets    ; the context where incoming requests will enter the dialplan
disallow=all         ; reset the available voice codecs
allow=ulaw           ; prefer the ulaw codec
allow=alaw           ; but also allow the alaw codec

[0000FFFF0004](office-phone) ; define our first phone with the office-phone template

[0000FFFF0005](office-phone) ; define another phone with our office-phone template

Let’s go over the options we added to this file, starting first with the [general] section. This is where we define our default configuration, our global options, and our general channel driver setup. There are many options we can define here, and we encourage you to check out the iax.conf.sample file in the configs directory of your Asterisk source,[52] but since we’re looking for a straightforward configuration, we’re going to allow many of the default options to be applied.

One option we have added is autokill, which is used to instruct the channel driver not to wait around too long on stalled connections. Also, srvlookup has been enabled to allow DNS SRV lookups for outgoing calls.

The next section we’ve defined is named [office-phone](!), which is a template that contains the options we’ll apply to our IAX phones and the authentication information required for communication between the phones and Asterisk.


As mentioned in the preceding section, following the section name with (!) tells Asterisk to treat this section as a template. Templates are useful, so use them(!).

The first option we’ve configured in our template is the type. We’ve defined the type to be friend, which informs Asterisk that we plan on placing calls to the phone and that we expect to receive requests (calls) from the phone.


The other two types are user and peer. In IAX2, a friend is a combination of both a user and a peer, which is common for telephones because we expect to send calls to them, and to receive requests for placing calls from them. We could alternatively define two separate sections with the same name with types of user and peer, and then define only the required information for each of those types; or if we only ever expected to send calls to or place calls using a section (such as in the case of an inbound- or outbound-only service provider), we would define it as only either a user or a peer. However, in the vast majority of cases, just utilizing the type of friend is the most logical choice.

Note the difference between the meaning of the type option in iax.conf versus sip.conf (see the sidebar SIP Configuration Matching and the type Option). In iax.conf, the meaning is much simpler: it only has to do with the direction of the phone calls.

Following the type option, we’ve set host to dynamic, which means the phone will register with us to identify where it exists on the network (so that we know where to send its calls). Alternatively, we could statically define an IP address such as where all calls will be sent to and accepted from. This will only work if the device will always have the same IP address.

The next option is secret, which defines the password.


You should make sure you are implementing a secure password here, especially if you plan on opening your system up to the outside world at all. Do not use something stupid such as 1234, or you’ll regret it. No, seriously. We’re not kidding. Not even in the lab.

The number of successful attacks on VoIP-enabled telephone systems (not just Asterisk) is on the rise, and will continue to get worse. Commonly, successful intrusions are due to weak passwords. If you get in the habit of using strong passwords now, you’ll have that much more protection in the future.


You can generate a complex password using a password generator like those available on the Internet and on your operating system. Here is a simple script that you can run at the Linux shell prompt to generate a string that’ll be suitable as a password:

$ dd if=/dev/random count=1 bs=8 2>/dev/null | base64 | sed -e 's/=*$//'


Do not use the password we have defined in the example. You can be sure that shortly after this book is published, that will be one of the first passwords a brute-force bot will try to use on your system.

The context option defines the context at which this channel will enter the dialplan. When a call is placed by a telephone and the request is received by Asterisk, it is handled by the logic defined in the context configured here within the dialplan (extensions.conf).

Following that are the disallow and allow options. These define the codecs that will be allowed for this channel (in order of preference). The directive disallow=all resets any default codecs that may have been permitted in the [general] section (or as part of the channel defaults). Then, we define the specific codecs we wish to permit with allow.


If we wanted to use specific codecs for one of our devices, we could define that codec within the device configuration section for that channel simply by adding it below the device section header:

disallow=all ; Clear previous codec settings.
allow=gsm    ; Allow only gsm.

Modifying Your Channel Configuration Files for Your Environment

Our examples so far have been based on hypothetical device names. To create actual channels based on whatever you have in your environment, you will want to change the device names in your sip.conf and iax.conf files to something that makes more sense.

For example, if you have a Polycom IP 430 set with a MAC address of 0004f2119698, you’ll want to define a device identifier in sip.conf for that device:


If you have an IAX softphone on your PC that you wish to use, your iax.conf file may want something like this:

[001b63a28ccc](office-phone) ; you could have a comment like Leif's Laptop

Remember that you can name your devices anything you want. Asterisk doesn’t care, but for ease of management, make sure you choose a naming convention that is logical, scalable, and sustainable.

Loading Your New Channel Configurations

In order to inform Asterisk of the new configurations, you will need to pass it a command that instructs it to reload the relevant configuration file. The Asterisk CLI is where you can pass various commands to a running Asterisk system.

The Asterisk CLI

The best way to see what is happening with your Asterisk system is through the Asterisk CLI. This interface provides various levels of output to let you know what is happening on your system, and offers a wealth of useful utilities to allow you to affect your running system. Begin by calling up the Asterisk CLI and reloading the configuration files for your channel modules:

$ sudo asterisk -r
*CLI> module reload
*CLI> module reload

Verify that your new channels have been loaded:

*CLI> sip show peers
*CLI> sip show users
*CLI> iax2 show peers
*CLI> iax2 show users


At this point your Asterisk system should be configured to handle registrations from the defined devices. Calls to and from the sets will not work until the configuration on the devices has been completed. Since each device is different in this regard, detailed configuration instructions for each model are outside of the scope of this book.

Testing to Ensure Your Devices Have Registered

Once your device has registered to Asterisk, you will be able to query the location and state of the device from the Asterisk CLI.


It is a common misconception that registration is how a device authenticates itself for the purpose of obtaining permission to make calls. This is incorrect. The only purpose of registration is to allow a device to identify its location on the network, so that Asterisk[53] knows where to send calls intended for that device.

Authentication for outgoing calls is an entirely separate process and always happens on a per-call basis, regardless of whether a set has registered. This means that your set may be able to make calls, but not receive them. This will normally happen when the set has not registered successfully (so Asterisk does not know where it is), and yet has the correct credentials for making calls (so Asterisk is willing to accept calls from it).

To check the registration status of a device, simply call up the Asterisk CLI:

$ sudo asterisk -r

Typing the following command returns a listing of all the peers that Asterisk knows about (regardless of their state):

*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
0000FFFF0001/0000FFFF0001    D   N      5060     Unmonitored
0000FFFF0002/0000FFFF0002    D   N      5060     Unmonitored


You may notice that the Name/username field does not always show the full name of the device. This is because this field is limited to 25 characters.

Note that the Status in our example is set to Unmonitored. This is because we are not using the qualify=yes option in our sip.conf file.

Analog Phones

There are two popular methods for connecting analog phones to Asterisk. The first is by using an ATA that most commonly connects to Asterisk using the SIP protocol. The Asterisk configuration for an ATA is the same as it would be for any other SIP-based handset. The other method is to directly connect the phones to the Asterisk server using telephony hardware from a vendor such as Digium. Digium sells telephony cards that can be added to your server to provide FXS ports for connecting analog phones (or fax machines). For the purposes of demonstrating the configuration, we’re going to show the configuration required if you had a Digium AEX440E card, which is an AEX410 half-length PCI-Express with four FXS modules and hardware-based echo cancellation.


Regardless of which hardware you are using, consult your vendor’s documentation for any hardware-specific configuration requirements.

First, ensure that both Asterisk and DAHDI are installed (refer back to How to Install It for instructions). Note that DAHDI must be installed before you install Asterisk. When you install DAHDI, be sure to install the init script as well. This will ensure that your hardware is properly initialized when the system boots up. The init script is installed from the DAHDI-tools package.

The init script uses the /etc/dahdi/modules file to determine which modules should be loaded to support the hardware in the system. The installation of the init script attempts to automatically set up this file for you, but you should check it to make sure it is correct:

# Autogenerated by tools/xpp/dahdi_genconf (Dahdi::Config::Gen::Modules) on 
# Tue Jul 27 10:31:46 2010
# If you edit this file and execute tools/xpp/dahdi_genconf again,
# your manual changes will be LOST.

There is one more configuration file required for DAHDI: /etc/dahdi/system.conf. It looks like this:

# Specify that we would like DAHDI to generate tones that are
# used in the United States.
loadzone = us
defaultzone = us

# We have 4 FXS ports; configure them to use FXO signaling.
fxoks = 1-4


This configuration assumes the card is being used in the United States. For some tips on internationalization, see Chapter 9.

If the card you are configuring does not have hardware-based echo cancellation, another line will need to be added to /etc/dahdi/system.conf to enable software-based echo cancellation:

echocanceller = mg2,1-4


MG2 is the recommended echo canceller that comes with the official DAHDI package. There is another open source echo canceller out there that is compatible with DAHDI, called OSLEC (Open Source Line Echo Canceller). Many people report very good results with the use of OSLEC. For more information about the installation of OSLEC on your system, see the website at

Now, use the init script to load the proper modules and initialize the hardware:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/dahdi start
Loading DAHDI hardware modules:
  wctdm24xxp:                                              [  OK  ]

Running dahdi_cfg:                                         [  OK  ]

Now that DAHDI has been configured, it is time to move on to the relevant configuration of Asterisk. Once Asterisk is installed, ensure that the chan_dahdi module has been installed. If it is not loaded in Asterisk, check to see if it exists in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/. If it is there, edit /etc/asterisk/modules.conf to load If the module is not present on disk, DAHDI was not installed before installing Asterisk; go back and install it now (see DAHDI for details). You can verify its presence using the following command:

*CLI> module show like
Module                         Description                              Use Count                  DAHDI Telephony Driver                   0         
1 modules loaded

Next, you must configure /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf. This is the configuration file for the chan_dahdi module, which is the interface between Asterisk and DAHDI. It should look like this:


; No trunk groups are needed in this configuration.


; The channels context is used when defining channels using the
; older deprecated method.  Don't use this as a section name.

; A template to hold common options for all phones.
usecallerid = yes
hidecallerid = no
callwaiting = no
threewaycalling = yes
transfer = yes
echocancel = yes
echotraining = yes
immediate = no
context = LocalSets
signalling = fxo_ks ; Uses FXO signaling for an FXS channel 

callerid = "Mark Michelson" <(256)555-1212>
dahdichan = 1

callerid = "David Vossel" <(256)555-2121>
dahdichan = 2

callerid = "Jason Parker" <(256)555-3434>
dahdichan = 3

callerid = "Matthew Nicholson" <(256)555-4343>
dahdichan = 4

You can verify that Asterisk has loaded your configuration by running the dahdi show channels CLI command:

*CLI> dahdi show channels
   Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret    Blocked    State     
 pseudo            default                    default                     In Service
      1            LocalSets                  default                     In Service
      2            LocalSets                  default                     In Service
      3            LocalSets                  default                     In Service
      4            LocalSets                  default                     In Service

For detailed information on a specific channel, you can run dahdi show channel 1.

A Basic Dialplan to Test Your Devices

We’re not going to dive too deeply into the dialplan just yet, but an initial dialplan that you can use to test your newly registered devices will be helpful. Place the following contents in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf:


exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/0000FFFF0001) ; Replace 0000FFFF0001 with your device name

exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/0000FFFF0002) ; Replace 0000FFFF0002 with your device name

; These will allow you to dial each of the 4 analog phones configured
; in the previous section.
exten => 102,1,Dial(DAHDI/1)
exten => 103,1,Dial(DAHDI/2)
exten => 104,1,Dial(DAHDI/3)
exten => 105,1,Dial(DAHDI/4)

exten => 200,1,Answer()
    same => n,Playback(hello-world)
    same => n,Hangup()

This basic dialplan will allow you to dial your SIP devices using extensions 100 and 101. The four lines of the analog card can be dialed with extensions 102 through 105, respectively. You can also listen to the hello-world prompt that was created for this book by dialing extension 200. All of these extensions are arbitrary numbers, and could be anything you want. Also, this is by no means a complete dialplan; we’ll develop it further in later chapters.

You will need to reload your dialplan before changes will take effect in Asterisk. You can reload it from the Linux shell:

$ sudo asterisk -rx "dialplan reload"

or from the Asterisk CLI:

*CLI> dialplan reload

You should now be able to dial between your two new extensions. Open up the CLI in order to see the call progression. You should see something like this (and the set you are calling should ring):

    -- Executing [100@LocalSets:1] Dial("SIP/0000FFFF0001-0000000c", 
       "SIP/0000FFFF0001") in new stack
    -- Called 0000FFFF0001
    -- SIP/0000FFFF0001-0000000d is ringing

If this does not happen, you are going to need to review your configuration and ensure you have not made any typos.

Under the Hood: Your First Call

In order to get you thinking about what is happening under the hood, we’re going to briefly cover some of what is actually happening with the SIP protocol when two sets on the same Asterisk system call each other.

Asterisk as a B2BUA

Bear in mind that there are actually two calls going on here: one from the originating set to Asterisk, and another from Asterisk to the destination set. SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol, and from the perspective of the protocol there are two calls happening. The SIP protocol is not aware that Asterisk is bridging the calls; each set understands its connection to Asterisk, with no real knowledge of the set on the other side. It is for this reason that Asterisk is often referred to as a B2BUA (Back to Back User Agent). This is also why it is so easy to bridge different protocols together using Asterisk.

For the call you just made, the dialogs shown in Figure 5-2 will have taken place.

For more details on how SIP messaging works, please refer to Appendix B and the SIP RFC at

SIP dialogs

Figure 5-2. SIP dialogs


In this chapter we learned best practices for device naming by abstracting the concepts of users, extension numbers, and devices, and how to define the device configuration and authentication parameters in the channel configuration files. Next, we’ll delve into the magic of Asterisk that is the dialplan, and see how simple things can create great results.

[42] This has nothing to do with Asterisk configuration, and each hardware manufacturer will have its own tools to allow you to configure its devices.

[43] Actually, Asterisk does try to implement and abstract the concepts of users and devices internally by using the users.conf file; however, it is typically only used by the Asterisk GUI. Abstracting the concepts logically using the dialplan is easier to understand and far more flexible.

[44] Or any other network, for that matter. ATAs could more formally be said to be analog-to-digital gateways, where the nature of the digital protocol may vary (e.g., proprietary ATAs on traditional PBXs).

[45] An ATA is not the only way to connect analog phones. Hardware vendors such as Digium sell cards that go in the Asterisk server and provide analog telephony ports.

[46] For a really awesome cordless analog phone, you want to check out the EnGenius DuraFon devices, which are expensive, but impressive.

[47] The SIP RFC is a long read, but about the first 25 pages are a good introduction. Check it out at

[48] The whole concept of security and trust on a VoIP network is something that can become quite complex. Spammers are already hard at work figuring out this technology, and you need to be aware of the concepts. We’ll cover this in more depth later in the book, such as in Chapter 7 and Chapter 26.

[49] The complement to this option is tcpbindaddr, used for listening for requests carried via the TCP network transport protocol.

[51] SIP, which has separate signaling and voice data protocols and ports, requires port 5060 for signaling, and at least two RTP ports for every active call for voice. By default, Asterisk uses ports 5060 for SIP and 10,000 through 20,000 for RTP, although that can be tuned with the rtp.conf file.

[52] We also encourage you to read sip.conf in this chapter, as it contains many concepts that apply equally to other Asterisk configuration files.

[53] Or any other SIP registrar server, for that matter.

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