Chapter 20. Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)

John Malkovich: I have seen a world that NO man should see!

Craig Schwartz: Really? Because for most people it’s a rather enjoyable experience.

Being John Malkovich

The Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) is a system monitoring and management interface provided by Asterisk. It allows live monitoring of events that occur in the system, as well enabling you to request that Asterisk perform some action. The actions that are available are wide-ranging and include things such as returning status information and originating new calls. Many interesting applications have been developed on top of Asterisk that take advantage of the AMI as their primary interface to Asterisk.

Quick Start

This section is for getting your hands dirty with the AMI as quickly as possible. First, put the following configuration in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf:

; Turn on the AMI and ask it to only accept connections from localhost.
enabled = yes
webenabled = yes
bindaddr =

; Create an account called "hello", with a password of "world"


This sample configuration is set up to only allow local connections to the AMI. If you intend on making this interface available over a network, it is strongly recommended that you only do so using TLS. The use of TLS is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

Once the AMI configuration is ready, enable the built-in HTTP server by putting the following contents in /etc/asterisk/http.conf:

; Enable the built-in HTTP server, and only listen for connections on localhost.
enabled = yes
bindaddr =

AMI over TCP

There are multiple ways to connect to the AMI, but a TCP socket is the most common. We will use telnet to demonstrate AMI connectivity. This example shows these steps:

  1. Connect to the AMI over a TCP socket on port 5038.

  2. Log in using the Login action.

  3. Execute the Ping action.

  4. Log off using the Logoff action.

Here’s how the AMI responds to those actions:

$ telnet localhost 5038
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/1.1
Action: Login
Username: hello
Secret: world

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

Action: Ping

Response: Success
Ping: Pong
Timestamp: 1282739190.454046

Action: Logoff

Response: Goodbye
Message: Thanks for all the fish.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Once you have this working, you have verified that AMI is accepting connections via a TCP connection.


It is also possible to use the AMI over HTTP. In this section we will perform the same actions as before, but over HTTP instead of the native TCP interface to the AMI. The responses will be delivered over HTTP in the same format as the previous example, since the rawman encoding type is being used. AMI-over-HTTP responses can be encoded in other formats, such as XML. These response-formatting options are covered in AMI over HTTP.


Accounts used for connecting to the AMI over HTTP are the same accounts configured in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf.

This example demonstrates how to access the AMI over HTTP, log in, execute the Ping action, and log off:

$ wget "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=world" 
> --save-cookies cookies.txt -O -

--2010-08-31 12:34:23--
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:8088... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 55 [text/plain]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

2010-08-31 12:34:23 (662 KB/s) - written to stdout [55/55]

$ wget "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=ping" --load-cookies cookies.txt -O -

--2010-08-31 12:34:23--
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:8088... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 63 [text/plain]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

Response: Success
Ping: Pong
Timestamp: 1283258063.040293

2010-08-31 12:34:23 (775 KB/s) - written to stdout [63/63]

$ wget "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=logoff" --load-cookies cookies.txt -O -

--2010-08-31 12:34:23--
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:8088... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 56 [text/plain]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

Response: Goodbye
Message: Thanks for all the fish.

2010-08-31 12:34:23 (696 KB/s) - written to stdout [56/56]

The HTTP interface to AMI lets you integrate Asterisk call control into a web service.


The section Quick Start showed a very basic set of configuration files to get you started. However, there are many more options available for the AMI.


The main configuration file for the AMI is /etc/asterisk/manager.conf. The [general] section contains options (listed in Table 20-1) that control the overall operation of the AMI. Any other sections in the manager.conf file will define accounts for logging in and using the AMI.

Table 20-1. Options in the manager.conf [general] section

enabledyesEnables the AMI. The default is no.
webenabledyesAllows access to the AMI through the built-in HTTP server. The default is no.[a]
port5038Sets the port number to listen on for AMI connections. The default is 5038.
bindaddr127.0.0.1Sets the address to listen on for AMI connections. The default is to listen on all addresses ( However, it is highly recommended to set this to
tlsenableyesEnables listening for AMI connections using TLS. The default is no. It is highly recommended to only expose connectivity via TLS outside of the local machine.[b]
tlsbindport5039Sets the port to listen on for TLS connections to the AMI. The default is 5039.
tlsbindaddr0.0.0.0Sets the address to listen on for TLS-based AMI connections. The default is to listen on all addresses (
tlscertfile/var/lib/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pemSets the path to the server certificate for TLS. This is required if tlsenable is set to yes.
tlsprivatekey/var/lib/asterisk/keys/private.pemSets the path to the private key for TLS. If this is not specified, the tlscertfile will be checked to see if it also contains the private key.
tlscipher<cipher string>Specifies a list of ciphers for OpenSSL to use. Setting this is optional. To see a list of available ciphers, run openssl ciphers -v at the command line.
allowmultipleloginnoAllows the same account to make more than one connection at the same time. The default is yes.
displayconnectsyesReports connections to the AMI as verbose messages printed to the Asterisk console. This is usually useful, but it can get in the way on a system that uses scripts that make a lot of connections to the AMI. The default is yes.
timestampeventsnoAdds a Unix epoch-based timestamp to every event reported to the AMI. The default is no.
brokeneventsactionnoRestores previously broken behavior for the Events AMI action, where a response would not be sent in some circumstances. This option is there for the sake of backward-compatibility for applications that worked around a bug and should not be used unless absolutely necessary. The default is no.
channelvarsVAR1,VAR2,VAR3[,VAR4[...]]Specifies a list of channel variables to include with all manager events that are channel-oriented. The default is to include no channel variables.
debugnoEnables some additional debugging in the AMI code. This is primarily there for developers of the Asterisk C code. The default is no.
httptimeout60Sets the HTTP timeout, in seconds. This timeout affects users of the AMI over HTTP: it sets the Max-Age of the HTTP cookie, sets how long events are cached to allow retrieval of the events over HTTP using the WaitEvents action, and the amount of time that the HTTP server keeps a session alive after completing an AMI action. The default is 60 seconds.

[a] To access the AMI over HTTP, the built-in HTTP server must also be configured in /etc/asterisk/http.conf.

[b] The OpenSSL development package must be installed for Asterisk to be able to use encryption. On Ubuntu, the package is libssl-dev. On CentOS, the package is openssl-devel.

The manager.conf configuration file also contains the configuration of AMI user accounts. An account is created by adding a section with the username inside square brackets. Within each [username] section there are options that can be set that will apply only to that account. Table 20-2 lists the options available in a [username] section.

Table 20-2. Options for [username] sections

secretpasswordSets the password used for authentication. This must be set.
deny0.0.0.0/ an IP address Access Control List (ACL) for addresses that should be denied the ability to authenticate as this user. By default this option is not set.
permit192.168.1.0/ an IP address ACL for addresses that should be allowed to authenticate as this user. As with deny, by default this option is not set. Without these options set, any IP address that can reach the AMI will be allowed to authenticate as this user.
writetimeout100Sets the timeout used by Asterisk when writing data to the AMI connection for this user. This option is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 100.
displayconnectsyesAlso available in the [general] section (refer to Table 20-1), but can be controlled on a per-user basis.
readsystem,call[,...]Defines which manager events this user will receive. By default, the user will receive no events. Table 20-3 covers the available permission types for the read and write options.
writesystem,call[,...]Defines which manager actions this user is allowed to execute. By default, the user will not be able to execute any actions. Table 20-3 covers the available permission types for the read and write options.
eventfilter!Channel: DAHDI*

Used to provide a whitelist- or blacklist-style filtering of manager events before they are delivered to the AMI client application. Filters are specified using a regular expression. A specified filter is a whitelist filter unless preceded by an exclamation point.[a]

[a] If no filters are specified, all events that are allowed based on the read option will be delivered. If only whitelist filters have been specified, only events that match one of the filters will be delivered. If there are only blacklist-style filters, all events that do not match any of the filters will be delivered. Finally, if there is a mix of whitelist- and blacklist-style filters, the whitelist filters will be processed first, and then the blacklist filters.

As discussed in Table 20-2, the read and write options set which manager actions and manager events a particular user has access to. Table 20-3 shows the available permission values that can be specified for these options.

Table 20-3. Available values for AMI user account read/write options

Permission identifierreadwrite
allShorthand way of specifying that this user should have access to all available privilege options.Grants user all privilege options.
systemAllows user to receive general system information, such as notifications of configuration reloads.Allows user to perform system management commands such as Restart, Reload, or Shutdown.
callAllows user to receive events about channels on the system.Allows user to set information on channels.
logGives user access to logging information.[a]read-only
verboseGives user access to verbose logging information.[b]read-only
agentGives user access to events regarding the status of agents from the app_queue and chan_agent modules.Enables user to perform actions for managing and retrieving the status of queues and agents.
userGrants access to user-defined events, as well as events about Jabber/XMPP users.Lets user perform the UserEvent manager action, which provides the ability to request that Asterisk generate a user-defined event.[c]
configwrite-onlyAllows user to retrieve, update, and reload configuration files.
commandwrite-onlyAllows user to execute Asterisk CLI commands over the AMI.
dtmfAllows user to receive events generated as DTMF passes through the Asterisk core.[d]read-only
reportingGives user access to call-quality events, such as jitterbuffer statistics or RTCP reports.Enables user to execute a range of actions to retrieve statistics and status information from across the system.
cdrGrants user access to CDR records reported by the cdr_manager
dialplanAllows user to receive events generated when variables are set or new extensions are
originatewrite-onlyAllows user to execute the Originate action, which allows an AMI client to request that Asterisk create a new call.
agiAllows user to receive events generated when AGI commands are processed.Enables user to perform actions for managing channels that are running AGI in its asynchronous mode. AGI is discussed in more detail in Chapter 21.
ccAllows user to receive events related to Call Completion Supplementary Services (CCSS).read-only
aocLets user see Advice of Charge events generated as AOC events are received.Allows user to execute the AOCMessage manager action, for sending out AOC messages.

[a] This level has been defined, but it is not currently used anywhere in Asterisk.

[b] This level has been defined, but it is not currently used anywhere in Asterisk.

[c] The UserEvent action is a useful mechanism for having messages delivered to other AMI clients.

[d] DTMF events will not be generated in a bridged call between two channels unless generic bridging in the Asterisk core is being used. For example, if the DTMF is being transmitted with the media stream and the media stream is flowing directly between the two endpoints, Asterisk will not be able to report the DTMF events.


As we’ve seen, the Asterisk Manager Interface can be accessed over HTTP as well as TCP. To make that work, a very simple HTTP server is embedded in Asterisk. All of the options relevant to the AMI go in the [general] section of /etc/asterisk/http.conf.


Enabling access to the AMI over HTTP requires both /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and /etc/asterisk/http.conf. The AMI must be enabled in manager.conf, with the enabled option set to yes, and the manager.conf option webenabled must be set to yes to allow access over HTTP. Finally, the enabled option in http.conf must be set to yes to turn on the HTTP server itself.

The available options are listed in Table 20-4:

Table 20-4. Options in the http.conf [general] section

enabledyesEnables the built-in HTTP server. The default is no.
bindport8088Sets the port number to listen on for HTTP connections. The default is 8088.
bindaddr127.0.0.1Sets the address to listen on for HTTP connections. The default is to listen on all addresses ( However, it is highly recommended to set this to
tlsenableyesEnables listening for HTTPS connections. The default is no. It is highly recommended that you only use HTTPS if you wish to expose HTTP connectivity outside of the local machine.[a]
tlsbindport8089Sets the port to listen on for HTTPS connections. The default is 8089.
tlsbindaddr0.0.0.0Sets the address to listen on for TLS-enabled AMI connections. The default is to listen on all addresses (
tlscertfile/var/lib/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pemSets the path to the HTTPS server certificate. This is required if tlsenable is set to yes.
tlsprivatekey/var/lib/asterisk/keys/private.pemSets the path to the HTTPS private key. If this is not specified, the tlscertfile will be checked to see if it also contains the private key.
tlscipher<cipher string>Specifies a list of ciphers for OpenSSL to use. Setting this is optional. To see a list of available ciphers, run openssl ciphers -v at the command line.

[a] The OpenSSL development package must be installed for Asterisk to be able to use encryption. On Ubuntu, the package is libssl-dev. On CentOS, the package is openssl-devel.

Protocol Overview

There are two main types of messages on the Asterisk Manager Interface: manager events and manager actions.

Manager events are one-way messages sent from Asterisk to AMI clients to report something that has occurred on the system. See Figure 20-1 for a graphical representation of the transmission of manager events.

Manager events

Figure 20-1. Manager events

Manager actions are requests from a client that have associated responses that come back from Asterisk. That is, a manager action may be a request that Asterisk perform some action and return the result. For example, there is an AMI action to originate a new call. See Figure 20-2 for a graphical representation of a client sending manager actions and receiving responses.

Manager actions

Figure 20-2. Manager actions

Other manager actions are requests for data that Asterisk knows about. For example, there is a manager action to get a list of all active channels on the system: the details about each channel are delivered as a manager event. When the list of results is complete, a final message will be sent to indicate that the end has been reached. See Figure 20-3 for a graphical representation of a client sending this type of manager action and receiving a list of responses.

Manager actions that return a list of data

Figure 20-3. Manager actions that return a list of data

Message Encoding

All AMI messages, including manager events, manager actions, and manager action responses, are encoded in the same way. The messages are text-based, with lines terminated by a carriage return and a line-feed character. A message is terminated by a blank line:

Header1: This is the first header<CR><LF>
Header2: This is the second header<CR><LF>
Header3: This is the last header of this message<CR><LF>


Manager events always have an Event header and a Privilege header. The Event header gives the name of the event, while the Privilege header lists the privilege levels associated with the event. Any other headers included with the event are specific to the event type. Here’s an example:

Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/0004F2060EB4-00000000
Uniqueid: 1283174108.0
CallerIDNum: 2565551212
CallerIDName: Russell Bryant
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing


When executing a manager action, it must include the Action header. The Action header identifies which manager action is being executed. The rest of the headers are arguments to the manager action. Some headers are required.


To get a list of the headers associated with a particular manager action, type manager show command <Action> at the Asterisk command line. To get a full list of manager actions supported by the version of Asterisk you are running, enter manager show commands at the Asterisk CLI.

The final response to a manager action is typically a message that includes the Response header. The value of the Response header will be Success if the manager action was successfully executed. If the manager action was not successfully executed, the value of the Response header will be Error. For example:

Action: Login
Username: russell
Secret: russell

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted


In addition to the native TCP interface, it is also possible to access the Asterisk Manager Interface over HTTP. Programmers with previous experience writing applications that use web APIs will likely prefer this over the native TCP connectivity.

Authentication and session handling

There are two methods of performing authentication against the AMI over HTTP. The first is to use the Login action, similar to authentication with the native TCP interface. This is the method that was used in the quick-start example, as seen in AMI over HTTP. The second authentication option is HTTP digest authentication.[166] The next three sections discuss each of the AMI over HTTP encoding options. To indicate that HTTP digest authentication should be used, prefix the encoding type with an a.

Once successfully authenticated, Asterisk will provide a cookie that identifies the authenticated session. Here is an example response to the Login action that includes a session cookie from Asterisk:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

* About to connect() to localhost port 8088 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 8088 (#0)
> GET /rawman?action=login&username=hello&secret=worlda HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 
OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
> Host: localhost:8088
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Asterisk/1.8.0-beta4
< Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 11:51:28 GMT
< Connection: close
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
< Content-Length: 55
< Content-type: text/plain
< Cache-Control: no-cache;
< Set-Cookie: mansession_id="0e929e60"; Version=1; Max-Age=60
< Pragma: SuppressEvents

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted
* Closing connection #0

/rawman encoding

The rawman encoding type is what has been used in all the AMI over HTTP examples in this chapter so far. The responses received from requests using rawman are formatted in the exact same way that they would be if the requests were sent over a direct TCP connection to the AMI.

/manager encoding

The manager encoding type provides a response in simple HTML form. This interface is primarily useful for experimenting with the AMI. Here is an example Login using this encoding type:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/manager?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

* About to connect() to localhost port 8088 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 8088 (#0)
> GET /manager?action=login&username=hello&secret=world HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 
OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
> Host: localhost:8088
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Asterisk/1.8.0-beta4
< Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 12:19:05 GMT
< Connection: close
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
< Content-Length: 881
< Content-type: text/html
< Cache-Control: no-cache;
< Set-Cookie: mansession_id="139deda7"; Version=1; Max-Age=60
< Pragma: SuppressEvents

<title>Asterisk&trade; Manager Interface</title><body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<table align=center bgcolor="#f1f1f1" width="500">
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f1ff"><h1>Manager Tester</h1></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#f1f1ff"><form action="manager" method="post">
	Action: <select name="action">
		<option value="">-----&gt;</option>
		<option value="login">login</option>
		<option value="command">Command</option>
		<option value="waitevent">waitevent</option>
		<option value="listcommands">listcommands</option>
	or <input name="action"><br/>
	CLI Command <input name="command"><br>
	user <input name="username"> pass <input type="password" name="secret"><br>
	<input type="submit">
<tr><td>Message</td><td>Authentication accepted</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr>
* Closing connection #0

/mxml encoding

The mxml encoding type provides responses to manager actions encoded in XML. Here is an example Login using the mxml encoding type:

$ curl -v "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=login&username=hello&secret=world"

* About to connect() to localhost port 8088 (#0)
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 8088 (#0)
> GET /mxml?action=login&username=hello&secret=world HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 
OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
> Host: localhost:8088
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: Asterisk/1.8.0-beta4
< Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 12:26:58 GMT
< Connection: close
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
< Content-Length: 146
< Content-type: text/xml
< Cache-Control: no-cache;
< Set-Cookie: mansession_id="536d17a4"; Version=1; Max-Age=60
< Pragma: SuppressEvents

<response type='object' id='unknown'>
<generic response='Success' message='Authentication accepted' />
* Closing connection #0

Manager events

When connected to the native TCP interface for the AMI, manager events are delivered asynchronously. When using the AMI over HTTP, events must be retrieved by polling for them. Events are retrieved over HTTP by executing the WaitEvent manager action. The following example shows how events can be retrieved using the WaitEvent manager action. The steps are:

  1. Start an HTTP AMI session using the Login action.

  2. Register a SIP phone to Asterisk to generate a manager event.

  3. Retrieve the manager event using the WaitEvent action.

The interaction looks like this:

$ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt 
> "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=login&username=hello&secret=world" -O -

<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic response='Success' message='Authentication accepted' />

$ wget --load-cookies cookies.txt "http://localhost:8088/mxml?action=waitevent" -O -

<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic response='Success' message='Waiting for Event completed.' />
<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic event='PeerStatus' privilege='system,all' 
             channeltype='SIP' peer='SIP/0000FFFF0004' 
             peerstatus='Registered' address='' />
<response type='object' id='unknown'>
    <generic event='WaitEventComplete' />

Development Frameworks

Many application developers write code that directly interfaces with the AMI. However, there are a number of existing libraries that aim to make writing AMI applications easier. Table 20-5 lists a few that we know are being used successfully. If you search around for Asterisk libraries in any other popular programming language of your choice, you are likely to find one that exists.

Table 20-5. AMI development frameworks



Computer-Supported Telecommunications Applications (CSTA) is a standard for Computer Telephony Integration (CTI). One of the biggest benefits of CSTA is that it is used by multiple manufacturers. Some of what is provided by CSTA can be mapped to operations available in the AMI. There have been multiple efforts to provide a CSTA interface to Asterisk. One of these efforts is the Open CSTA project. While none of the authors have experience with this CSTA interface to Asterisk, it is certainly worth considering if you have CSTA experience or an existing CSTA application you would like to integrate with Asterisk.

Interesting Applications

Many useful applications have been developed that take advantage of the AMI. Here are a couple of examples.


The AsteriskGUI is an open source PBX administration interface developed by Digium. It is intended for use on small installations. The AsteriskGUI is written entirely in HTML and JavaScript and uses the AMI over HTTP for all interaction with Asterisk. It has been especially popular for use in resource-constrained embedded Asterisk environments, since it does not require additional software to run on the Asterisk server. Figure 20-4 shows a page from the AsteriskGUI.

The AsteriskGUI can be obtained from the Digium subversion server:

$ svn co

It is also bundled as an option with the AsteriskNOW distribution.


Figure 20-4. AsteriskGUI

Flash Operator Panel

Flash Operator Panel is an application that runs in a web browser using Flash. It is primarily used as an interface to see which extensions are currently ringing or in use. It also includes the ability to monitor conference room and call queue status. Some call actions can be performed as well, such as barging into a call and transferring calls. Figure 20-5 shows a screenshot of the Flash Operator Panel interface.

Downloads and more detailed information on Flash Operator Panel can be found at

Flash Operator Panel

Figure 20-5. Flash Operator Panel


The Asterisk Manager Interface provides an API for monitoring events from an Asterisk system, as well as requesting that Asterisk perform a wide range of actions. An HTTP interface has been provided and a number of frameworks have been developed that make it easier to develop applications. All of this information, as well as the examples we looked at at the end of this chapter, should help get you thinking about what new applications you might be able to build using the Asterisk Manager Interface.

[166] At the time of writing, there is a problem with HTTP digest authentication that prevents it from working properly. Issue 18598 in the Asterisk project issue tracker has been opened for this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed by the time you read this.

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