Mixed2/ Nonlinear Filtering

The H nonlinear filter has been discussed in Chapter 8, and its advantages over the Kalman-filter have been mentioned. In this chapter, we discuss the mixed H2/H-criterion approach for estimating the states of an affine nonlinear system in the spirit of Reference [179]. Many authors have considered mixed H2/H-filtering techniques for linear systems [162, 257], [269]-[282], which enjoy the advantages of both Kalman-filtering and H-filtering. In particular, the paper [257] considers a differential game approach to the problem, which is attractive and transparent. In this chapter, we present counterpart results for nonlinear systems using a combination of the differential game approach with a dissipative system’s perspective. We discuss both the continuous-time and discrete-time problems.

12.1  Continuous-Time Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering

The general set-up for the mixed H2/H-filtering problem is shown Figure 12.1, where the plant is represented by an affine nonlinear system Σa, while F is the filter. The filter processes the measurement output y from the plant which is also corrupted by the noise signal w, and generates an estimate ˆz of the desired variable z. The noise signal w entering the plant is comprised of two components,


Set-Up for Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering

w=(w0w1), with w0S a bounded-spectral signal (e.g., a white Gaussian noise signal); and w1 ∈ P is a bounded-power signal or L2-signal. Thus, the induced-norm (or gain) from the input w0 to z (the output error) is the L2-norm of the interconnected system F ◦ Σa, i.e.,



while the induced norm from w1 to z is the L-norm of Pa, i.e.,



The objective is to synthesize a filter, F, for estimating the state x(t) or a function of it, z = h1(x), from observations of y(τ) up to time t over a time horizon [t0, T ], i.e.,


such that the above pair of norms (12.1), (12.2) are minimized, while at the same time achieving asymptotic zero estimation error with w ≡ 0. In this context, the above norms will be interpreted as the H2 and H-norms of the interconnected system.

However, in this chapter, we do not solve the above problem, instead we solve an associated H2/H-filtering problem in which there is a single exogenous input wL2[t0, T ] and an associated H2-cost which represents the output energy of the system in z. More specifically, we seek to synthesize a filter, F, for estimating the state x(t) or a function of it, z = h1(x), from the observations Yt such that the L2-gain from the input w to the penalty function z (to be defined later) as well as the output energy defined by zH2 are minimized, and at the same time achieving asymptotic zero estimation error with w ≡ 0.

Accordingly, the plant is represented by an affine nonlinear causal state-space system defined on a manifold Xn with zero control input:



where xX is the state vector, wWL2([t0,),r) is an unknown disturbance (or noise) signal, which belongs to W, the set of admissible noise/disturbance signals, yYm is the measured output (or observation) of the system, and belongs to Y, the set of admissible outputs, zs is the output of the system that is to be estimated.

The functions f:XV(X),g1:XMn×r(X),h1:Xs,h2:Xm and k21:XMn×r(X) are real C-functions of x. Furthermore, we assume without any loss of generality that the system (12.3) has a unique equilibrium-point at x = 0 such that f(0) = 0, h1(0) = 0, h2(0) = 0. We also assume that there exists a unique solution x(t, t0, x0, w), ∀t ∈ ℜ for the system for all initial conditions x0 and all wW.

Again, since it is difficult to minimize exactly the H-norm, in practice we settle for a suboptimal problem, which is to minimize zH2 while rendering FaHγ. For nonlinear systems, this H-constraint is interpreted as the L2-gain constraint and is defined as



More formally, we define the local nonlinear (suboptimal) mixed H2/H-filtering or state estimation problem as follows.

Definition 12.1.1 (Mixed H2/H (Suboptimal) Nonlinear Filtering Problem (MH2HINLFP)). Given the plant Σa and a number γ > 0, find a filter F:YX such that


and the output energy zL2 is minimized while the constraint (12.4) is satisfied for all γγ, for all wW and for all initial conditions x(t0) ∈ O. In addition with w ≡ 0, limt→∞ z(t) = 0.

Moreover, if the above conditions are satisfied for all x(t0) ∈ X, we say that F solves the MH2HINLFP globally.

Remark 12.1.1 The problem defined above is the finite-horizon filtering problem. We have the infinite-horizon problem if we let T →∞.

12.1.1  Solution to the Finite-Horizon Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering Problem

To solve the MH2HINLFP, we similarly consider the following Kalman-Luenberger filter structure



where ˆxX is the estimated state, L(., .) ∈ Mn×m(X ×) is the error-gain matrix which is smooth and has to be determined, and ˆz ∈ ℜs is the estimated output of the filter. We can now define the estimation error or penalty variable, z, which has to be controlled as:


Then we combine the plant (12.3) and estimator (12.5) dynamics to obtain the following augmented system:





The problem can then be formulated as a two-player nonzero-sum differential game (from Chapter 3, see also [59]) with two cost functionals:





Here, the first functional is associated with the H-constraint criterion, while the second functional is related to the output energy of the system or H2-criterion. It can easily be seen that, by making J1 ≥ 0 then the H-constraint ‖F ◦ PaHγ is satisfied. A Nash-equilibrium solution [59] to the above game is said to exist if we can find a pair of strategies (L, w) such that





To arrive at a solution to this problem, we form the Hamiltonian function Hi : T (X × XW × Mn×m → ℜ, i = 1, 2, associated with the two cost functionals:





with the adjoint variables p1=YTx,p2=VTx respectively, for some smooth functions Y, V : X × X × ℜ → ℜ and where Yx,Vx are the row-vectors of first partial-derivatives of the functions with respect to (wrt) x respectively. The following theorem from Chapter 3 then gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a Nash-equilibrium solution to the above game.

Theorem 12.1.1 Consider the two-player nonzero-sum dynamic game (12.7)-(12.8),(12.6) of fixed duration [t0, T ] under closed-loop memoryless perfect state information pattern. A pair of strategies (w , L ) provides a feedback Nash-equilibrium solution to the game, if there exists a pair of C1-functions (in both arguments) Y, V: X × X × ℜ → ℜ, satisfying the pair of HJIEs:





Based on the above theorem, it is now easy to find the above Nash-equilibrium pair for our game. The following theorem gives sufficient conditions for the solvability of the MH2HINLFP. For simplicity we make the following assumption on the plant.

Assumption 12.1.1 The system matrices are such that


Remark 12.1.2 The first of the above assumptions means that the measurement noise and the system noise are independent.

Theorem 12.1.2 Consider the nonlinear system (12.3) and the MH2HINLFP for it. Suppose the function h1 is one-to-one (or injective) and the plant Σa is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium point x = 0. Further, suppose there exists a pair of C1 (with respect to both arguments) negative and positive-definite functions Y, V : N × N × ℜ → ℜ respectively, locally defined in a neighborhood N × NX × X of the origin x = 0, and a matrix function L : N × ℜ → Mn×m satisfying the following pair of coupled HJIEs:





together with the coupling condition




(i)  there exists locally a Nash-equilibrium solution (w, L) for the game (12.7), (12.8), (12.6);

(ii)  the augmented system (12.6) is dissipative with respect to the supply-rate s(w,z)=12(γ2w2z2) and hence has finite L2-gain from w to z less or equal to γ;

(iii)  the optimal costs or performance objectives of the game are J1(L,w)=Y(x0,t0)andJ2(L,w)=V(x0,t0);

(iv)  the filter Σaf with the gain matrix L(ˆx,t) satisfying (12.17) solves the infinite-horizon MH2HINLF P for the system locally in N.

Proof: Assume there exist definite solutions Y, V to the HJIEs (12.15)-(12.16), and (i) consider the Hamiltonian function H1(., ., ., .) first:


where some of the arguments have been suppressed for brevity. Since it is quadratic and convex in w, we can apply the necessary condition for optimality, i.e.,


to get



Substituting now w in the expression for H2(., ., ., .) (12.12), we get


Then completing the squares for L in the above expression for H2(., ., ., .), we get


Thus, choosing L according to (12.17) minimizes H2(., ., ., .) and renders the Nash-equilibrium condition


satisfied. Moreover, substituting (w, L ) in (12.14) gives the HJIE (12.16).

Next, substitute L as given by (12.17) in the expression for H1(., ., ., .) and complete the squares to obtain:


Substituting now w = w as given by (12.18), we see that the second Nash-equilibrium condition


is also satisfied. Therefore, the pair (w, L ) constitute a Nash-equilibrium solution to the two-player nonzero-sum dynamic game. Moreover, substituting (w, L ) in (12.13) gives the HJIE (12.15).

(ii) Consider the HJIE (12.15) and rewrite as:



for some function Y=Y>0. Integrating now the last expression above from t = t0 and x(t0) to t = T and x(T), we get the dissipation-inequality:



and hence the result.

(iii) Consider the cost functional J1(L, w) first, and rewrite it as


where use has been made of the HJIE (12.15) in the above manipulations. Substitute now (L, w) as given by (12.17), (12.18) respectively to get the result.

Similarly, consider the cost functional J2(L, w) and rewrite it as


Then substituting (L, w) as given by (12.17), (12.18) respectively, and using the HJIE (12.16) the result also follows.

Finally, (iv) follows from (i)-(iii). □

Remark 12.1.3 Notice that by virtue of (12.17), the HJIE (12.16) can also be represented in the following form:



The above result (Theorem 12.1.2) can be specialized to the linear-time-invariant (LTI) system:



where all the variables have their previous meanings, and An×n,G1n×r,C1s×n,C2m×n and D21m×r are real constant matrices. We have the following corollary to Theorem 12.1.2.

Corollary 12.1.1 Consider the LTI system Σl defined by (12.22) and the MH2HINLFP for it. Suppose C1 is full-column rank and A is Hurwitz. Suppose further, there exist a negative and a positive-definite real-symmetric solutions P1(t), P2(t), t ∈ [t0, T ] (respectively) to the coupled Riccati ordinary differential-equations (ODEs):





together with the coupling condition



for some n × m matrix function L(t) defined for all t ∈ [t0, T ]. Then:

(i)  there exists a Nash-equilibrium solution (w, L) for the game given by


(ii)  the augmented system


has H-norm from w to z less than equal to γ

(iii)  the optimal costs or performance objectives of the game are J1(L,w)=12(x0ˆx0)TP1(t0)(x0ˆx0)andJ2(L,w)=12(x0ˆx0)TP2(t0)(x0ˆx0);

(iv)  the filter Σfl with the gain matrix L(t) = L (t) satisfying (12.25) solves the finite-horizon MH2HINLFP for the system.

Proof: Take


and apply the result of the theorem. □

12.1.2  Solution to the Infinite-Horizon Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering

In this section, we discuss the infinite-horizon filtering problem, in which case we let T → ∞. In this case, we seek a time-independent gain matrix ˆL(ˆx) and functions Y,V:ˆN׈NX×X such that the HJIEs:





are satisfied together with the coupling condition:



where ˆL is the asymptotic value of L. It is also required in this case that the augmented system (12.6) is stable. Moreover, in this case, we can relax the requirement of asymptotic-stability for the original system (12.3) with a milder requirement of detectability which we define next.

Definition 12.1.2 The pair {f, h} is said to be locally zero-state detectable if there exists a neighborhood O of x = 0 such that, if x(t) is a trajectory of ˙x(t)=f(x) satisfying x(t0)O, then h(x(t)) is defined for all t ≥ t0 and h(x(t)) 0 for all t ≥ ts, for some ts ≥ t0, implies limt→∞ x(t) = 0. Moreover, the system is zero-state detectable if O=X.

Remark 12.1.4 From the above definition, it can be inferred that, if h1 is injective, then {f,h1} zero-state detectable ⇒ {f,h } zero-state detectable and conversely.

It is also desirable for a filter to be stable or admissible. The “admissibility” of a filter is defined as follows.

Definition 12.1.3 A filter F is admissible if it is asymptotically (or internally) stable for any given initial condition x(t0) of the plant Σa, and with w ≡ 0


The following proposition can now be proven along the same lines as Theorem 12.1.2.

Proposition 12.1.1 Consider the nonlinear system (12.3) and the infinite-horizon MH2HINLFP for it. Suppose the function h1 is one-to-one (or injective) and the plant Σa is zero-state detectable. Further, suppose there exists a pair of C1 negative and positive-definite functions Y,V:ˆN׈N respectively, locally defined in a neighborhood ˆN׈NX×X of the origin x=0, and a matrix function ˆL:ˆNMn×m satisfying the pair of coupled HJIEs (12.26), (12.27) together with (12.28). Then:

(i)  there exists locally a Nash-equilibrium solution (ˆw,ˆL) for the game;

(ii)  the augmented system (12.6) is dissipative with respect to the supply-rate s(w,z)=12(γ2w2z2) and hence has L2-gain from w to z less or equal to γ;

(iii)  the optimal costs or performance objectives of the game are J1(ˆL,ˆw)=Y(x0)andJ2(ˆL,ˆw)=V(x0);

(iv)  the filter Σaf with the gain matrix ˆL(ˆx)=ˆL(ˆx) satisfying (12.28) is admissible and solves the infinite-horizon MH2HINLFP locally in ˆN.

Proof: Since the proof of items (i)-(iii) is the same as in Theorem 12.1.2, we only prove (iv) here. Using similar manipulations as in the proof of Theorem 12.1.2, we get an inequality similar to (12.19). This inequality implies that with w = 0,



Therefore, by Lyapunov’s theorem, the augmented system is locally stable. Furthermore, for any trajectory of the system x(t) such that˙Y(x)0for all ttc for some tc ≥ t0, it implies that z0tc. This in turn implies h1(x)=h1(ˆx), and x(t)=ˆx(t)ttc by the injectivity of h1. This further implies that h2(x)=h2(ˆx)ttc and it is a trajectory of the free system:


By the zero-state detectability of {f, h1}, we have limtx(t)=0, and asymptotic-stability follows by LaSalle’s invariance-principle. On the other hand, if we have strict inequality, ˙Y<12z2, asymptotic-stability follows immediately from Lyapunov’s theorem, and limt→∞ z(t) = 0. Therefore, Σaf is admissible. Combining now with items (i)-(iii), the conclusion follows. □

Similarly, for the linear system Σl (12.22), we have the following corollary.

Corollary 12.1.2 Consider the LTI system Σl defined by (12.22) and the MH2HINLFP for it. Suppose C1 is full column rank and (A, C1) is detectable. Suppose further, there exist a negative and a positive-definite real-symmetric solutions P1, P2, (respectively) to the coupled algebraic-Riccati equations (AREs):





together with the coupling-condition




(i)  there exists a Nash-equilibrium solution (w, L ) for the game;

(ii)  the augmented system Σlf has H-norm from w to z less than equal to γ;

(iii)  the optimal costs or performance objectives of the game are J1(ˆL,ˆw)=12(x0ˆx0)TP1(x0ˆx0)andJ2(ˆL,ˆw)=12(x0ˆx0)TP2(x0ˆx0);

(iv)  the filter Σlf with gain-matrix ˆL=ˆLn×m satisfying (12.32) is admissible, and solves the infinite-horizon MH2HINLFP for the linear system.

We consider a simple example.

Example 12.1.1 We consider a simple example of the following scalar system:


We consider the infinite-horizon problem and the associated HJIEs. It can be seen that the system satisfies all the assumptions of Theorem 12.1.2 and Proposition 12.1.1. Then, substituting in the HJIEs (12.21), (12.26), and coupling condition (12.28), we get


Looking at the above system of PDEs, we see that there are 5 variables: vx, υˆx, yx, υˆx, l and only 3 equations. Therefore, we make the following simplifying assumption. Let


Then, the above equations reduce to








Nonlinear H2/H-Filter Performance with Unknown Initial Condition; Reprinted from Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 394-417, © 2009, “Mixed H2/H nonlinear filtering,” by M. D.S. Aliyu and E. K. Boukas, with permission from Wiley Blackwell.

Subtract now equations (12.33) and (12.34) to get





Now let


Then, if we let γ = 1, the equation governing yx (12.36) becomes




approximately solves the above PDE (locally!). This corresponds to the solution


Figure 12.2 shows the filter performance with unknown initial condition and with the measurement noise w(t) = 0.5w0 + 0.01 sin(t), where w0 is zero-mean Gaussian-white with unit variance.

12.1.3  Certainty-Equivalent Filters (CEFs)

It should be observed from the previous two sections, 12.1.1, 12.1.2, that the filter gains (12.17), (12.28) may depend on the original state of the system which is to be estimated, except for the linear case where the gains are constants. As discussed in Chapter 8, this will make the filters practically impossible to construct. Therefore, the filter equation and gains must be modified to overcome this difficulty.

Furthermore, we observe that the number of variables in the HJIEs (12.15)-(12.27) is twice the dimension of the plant. This makes them more difficult to solve considering their notoriety, and makes the scheme less attractive. Therefore, based on these observations, we consider again in this section certainty-equivalent filters which are practically implementable, and in which the governing equations are of lower-order. We begin with the following definition.

Definition 12.1.4 For the nonlinear system (12.3), we say that it is locally zero-input observable if for all states x1, x2UX and input w(.) 0


where y(., xi, w), i = 1, 2 is the output of the system with the initial condition x(t0) = xi. Moreover, the system is said to be zero-input observable, if it is locally observable at each x0 ∈ X or U=X.

Consider now as in Chapter 8, the following class of filters:



where ˜L(.,.)Mn×m is the filter gain matrix, ˜w is the estimated worst-case system noise (hence the name certainty-equivalent filter) and ˜z is the new penalty variable. Then, consider the infinite-horizon mixed H2/H dynamic game problem with the cost functionals (12.7), (12.8), and with the above filter. We can define the corresponding Hamiltonians ˜Hi:TX×W×T×Y×Mn×m,i=1,2 as


for some smooth functions ˜V,˜Y:X×Y, and where the adjoint variables are set as ˜p1=˜YTˆx,˜p2=˜VTˆx. Further, we have


and repeating similar derivation as in the previous section, we can arrive at the following result.

Theorem 12.1.3 Consider the nonlinear system (12.3) and the MH2HINLFP for it. Suppose the plant Σa is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium point x = 0 and zero-input observable. Further, suppose there exists a pair of C1 (with respect to both arguments) negative and positive-definite functions ˜Y,˜V:˜N×ϒ respectively, locally defined in a neighborhood ˜N×ϒX×Y of the origin (ˆx,y)=(0,0), and a matrix function ˜L:˜N×ϒMn×m satisfying the following pair of coupled HJIEs:





together with the coupling condition



Then, the filter ˜Σaf with the gain matrix ˜L(ˆx,y) satisfying (12.41) solves the infinite-horizon MH2HINLFP for the system locally in ˜N.

Proof: (Sketch) Using similar manipulations as in Theorem 12.1.2 and Prop 12.1.1, it can be shown that the existence of a solution to the coupled HJIEs (12.39), (12.40) implies the existence of a solution to the dissipation-inequality


for some smooth function ˜Y=˜Y>0. Again using similar arguments as in Theorem 12.1.2 and Prop 12.1.1, the result follows. In particular, with w ≡ 0 and ˙˜Y(ˆx,y)0˜z0, which in turn implies xˆx by the zero-input observability of the system. □

Remark 12.1.5 Comparing the HJIEs (12.39)-(12.40) with (12.26)-(12.27) we see that the dimensionality of the former is half. This is indeed significant. Moreover, the filter gain corresponding to the new HJIEs (12.41) does not depend on x.

12.2  Discrete-Time Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering

The set-up for this case is the same as the continuous-time case shown in Figure 12.1 with the difference that the variables and measurements are discrete, and is shown on Figure 12.3. Therefore, the plant is similarly described by an affine causal discrete-time nonlinear state-space system with zero input defined on an n-dimensional space X ⊆ ℜn in coordinates x = (x1, …, xn):



where xX is the state vector, wW is the disturbance or noise signal, which belongs to the set Wl2([k0,)r) of admissible disturbances or noise signals, the output ym is the measured output of the system, while zs is the output to be estimated. The functions f:XX,g1:XMn×r(X),h1:Xs,h2:Xm, and k12:XMs×p(X),k21:XMm×r(X) are real C functions of x. Furthermore, we assume without any loss of generality that the system (12.42) has a unique equilibrium-point at x = 0 such that f(0) = 0, h1(0) = h2(0) = 0.


Set-Up for Discrete-Time Mixed H2/H Nonlinear Filtering

The objective is again to synthesize a filter, Fk, for estimating the state xk (or more generally a function of it zk = h1(xk)) from observations of yi up to time k and over a time horizon [k0, K], i.e., from


such that the gains (or induced norms) from the inputs w0 := {w0,k}, w1 := {w1,k}, to the error or penalty variable z defined respectively as the l2-norm and l-norm of the interconnected system Fk Σda respectively, i.e.,


Figure 12.43)



Figure 12.44)

are minimized, where

P{w:wl,Rww(k),Sww(jω)exist for all kand all ω resp.,wP<}S{w:wl,Rww(k),Sww(jω)exist for all kand all ω resp.,Sww(jω)<}


and Rww, Sww() are the autocorrelation and power spectral-density matrices of w [152]. In addition, if the plant is stable, we replace the induced ℓ-norms above by their equivalent ℋ-subspace norms.

The above problem is the standard discrete-time mixed H2/H-filtering problem. However, as pointed out in the previous section, due to the difficulty of solving the above problem, we do not solve it either in this section. Instead, we solve the associated problem involving a single noise/disturbance signal wW2[k0,), and minimize the output energy of the system, z2, while rendering Fk  dalγ for a given number γ>0, for all wW and for all initial conditions x0OX. In addition, we also require that with wk 0, the estimation error converges to zero, i.e., limkzk=0 = 0.

Again, for the discrete-time nonlinear system (12.42), the above H constraint is interpreted as the 2-gain constraint and is represented as



for all wW, for all initial states x0OX.

The discrete-time mixed-H2/H filtering or estimation problem can then be defined formally as follows.

Definition 12.2.1 (Discrete-Time Mixed H2/H (Suboptimal) Nonlinear Filtering Problem (DMH2HINLFP)). Given the plant Σda and a number γ>0, find a filter k:YX such that


and the output energy z2 is minimized, while the constraint (12.45) is satisfied for all γγ, for all wW and all x0 ∈ O. In addition, with wk 0, we have limkzk=0.

Moreover, if the above conditions are satisfied for all x0 ∈ X, we say that Fk solves the D M H 2 H I N L F P globally.

Remark 12.2.1 The problem defined above is the finite-horizon filtering problem. We have the infinite-horizon problem if we let K → ∞.

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