8.5    Discrete-Time Certainty-Equivalent Filters (CEFs)

In this section, we present the discrete-time counterpart of the the results of Section 8.3.1 which we referred to as “certainty-equivalent” worst-case estimators. It is also similarly apparent that the filter gain derived in equation (8.72) may depend on the estimated state, and this will present a serious stumbling block in implementation. Therefore, in this section we derive results in which the gain matrices are not functions of the state x, but of ˆx and y only. The estimator is constructed on the assumption that the asymptotic value of ˆx equals x. We first construct the estimator for the 1-DOF case, and then we discuss the 2-DOF case.

We reconsider the nonlinear discrete-time affine causal state-space system defined on a state-space X ⊆ ℜn with zero-input:



where x ∈ X is the state vector, w ∈ W ⊂ ℓ2([k0, ), r) is the disturbance or noise signal, which belongs to the set W of admissible disturbances and noise signals, the output y ∈ Y ⊂ ℜm is the measured output of the system, which belongs to the set Y of measured outputs, while z ∈ ℜs is the output to be estimated. The functions f : χ → χ, g1 : χ → Mn×r, where Mi×j(χ) is the ring of i×j matrices over X, h2 : Xm, and k21 : XMm×r(X ) are real C functions of x. Furthermore, we assume without any loss of generality that the system (8.78) has a unique equilibrium-point at x = 0 such that f(0) = 0, h2(0) = 0.

Assumption 8.5.1 The system matrices are such that


Again, the discrete-time H nonlinear filtering problem (D H I N L F P ) is to synthesize a filter, Fk, for estimating the state xk from available observations Yk{yi, i ≤ k} over a time horizon [k0, ), such that


and the 2-gain from the disturbance/noise signal w to the estimation error output ˜z (to be defined later) is less than or equal to a desired number γ > 0, i.e.,



for all w ∈ W, for all x0 ∈ OX.

There are various notions of observability, however for our purpose, we shall adopt the following which also generalizes the notion of “zero-state observability.

Definition 8.5.1 For the nonlinear system (8.78), we say that it is locally zero-input observable if for all states xk1, xk2 ∈ U ⊂ X and input w(.) 0,


where y(., xki, w), i = 1, 2 is the output of the system with the initial condition x(k0) = xki. Moreover, the system is said to be zero-input observable if it is locally zero-input observable at each x0 X or U = X.

We now propose the following class of estimators:



where ˆz=ˆym is the estimated output, ˜zkm is the new estimation error or penalty variable, ˆw is the estimated worst-case system noise and ˆL:X×YMn×m is the gain-matrix of the filter. We first determine w, and accordingly, define the Hamiltonian function H : X × Y × W × Mn×m × ℜ → ℜ corresponding to (8.80) and the cost functional






for some smooth function V : X × Y → ℜ, where x = xk, y = yk, w = wk and the adjoint variable p is set as p = V. Applying now the necessary condition for the worst-case noise, we get








Moreover, since


is nonsingular about (ˆx, w, y) = (0, 0, 0), equation (8.84) has a unique solution ŵ = α(ˆx, y), α(0, 0) = 0 in the neighborhood N × W × Y of (x, w, y) = (0, 0, 0) by the Implicit-function Theorem [234].

Now substitute ŵ in the expression for H(., ., ., .) (8.82), to get


and let



Then by Taylor’s theorem [267], we can expand H(., ., ., .) about (L,ˆw) as



Thus, taking L as in (8.85) and ŵ = α(ˆx, y) and if the conditions





hold, we see that the saddle-point conditions


are locally satisfied. Moreover, setting


gives the DHJIE:



Consequently, we have the following result.

Proposition 8.5.1 Consider the discrete-time nonlinear system (8.78) and the D H I N L F P for it. Suppose Assumption 8.5.1 holds, the plant Σda is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium point x = 0 and zero-input observable. Further, suppose there exists a C2 positive-semidefinite function V : N × Y → ℜ+ locally defined in a neighborhood N × Y ⊂ X × Y of the origin (ˆx, y) = (0, 0), and a matrix function L : N × Y → Mn×m, satisfying the DHJIE (8.89) together with the side-conditions (8.85), (8.87), (8.88). Then the filter dacef1 solves the D H I N L F P for the system locally in N.

Proof: The first part of the theorem on the existence of the saddle-point solutions (ˆw,L) has already been shown above. It remains to show that the 2-gain condition (8.79) is satisfied and the filter provides asymptotic estimates.

For this, let V ≥ 0 be a C2 solution of the DHJIE (8.89) and reconsider equation (8.86). Since the conditions (8.87) and (8.88) are satisfied about ˆx = 0, by the Inverse-function Theorem [234], there exists a neighborhood U ⊂ N × W of (ˆx, w) = (0, 0) for which they are also satisfied. Consequently, we immediately have the important inequality



Summing now from k = k0 to , we get that the 2-gain condition (8.79) is satisfied:



Moreover, setting wk 0 in (8.90), implies that V(ˆxk+1,yk)V(ˆxk,yk1)12˜zk2 and hence the estimator dynamics is stable. In addition,


By the zero-input observability of the system Σda, this implies that x = ˆx. □

8.5.1    2-DOF Proportional-Derivative (PD) CEFs

Next, we extend the above certainty-equivalent design to the 2-DOF case. In this regard, we assume that the time derivative yk − yk−1 is available (or equivalently yk−1 is available), and consider the following class of filters:


where ź m is the estimated output of the filter, ˜z ∈ ℜs is the error or penalty variable, while L1:X×X×Y×Yn×m,L2:X×X×Y×Yn×m, are the proportional and derivative gains of the filter respectively, and all the other variables and functions have their corresponding previous meanings and dimensions. As in the previous section, we can define the corresponding Hamiltonian function H:X×X×Y×Yn×m×n×m× for the filter as



for some smooth function ˜V:X×X×Y×Y and where


Notice that, in the above and subsequently, we only use the subscripts k, k1 to distinguish the variables, otherwise, the functions are smooth in the variables x,xk1,y,yk1,w, etc.

Similarly, applying the necessary condition for the worst-case noise, we have



Morever, since


is nonsingular about (x,xk1,w,y,yk1,) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), then again by the Impilicit-function Theorem, (8.93) has a unique solution w=(x,xk1,y,yk1,),α(0,0,0,0)=0 locally about (x,xk1,w,y,yk1,) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0).

Substitute now w into (8.92) to get



and let



Then, it can be shown using Taylor-series expansion similar to (8.86) and if the conditions







are locally satisfied, then the saddle-point conditions


are locally satisfied also.

Finally, setting


yields the DHJIE





With the above analysis, we have the following result.

Theorem 8.5.1 Consider the discrete-time nonlinear system (8.78) and the DHINLF P for it. Suppose Assumption 8.5.1 holds, the plant Σda is locally asymptotically stable about the equilibrium point x = 0 and zero-input observable. Further, suppose there exists a C2 positive-semidefinite function V : Ń × Ń × Ý → ℜ+ locally defined in a neighborhood Ń × Ń × Ý × Ý of the origin (x,xk1,y) = (0, 0, 0), and matrix functions Ĺ1, Ĺ2 ∈ Mn×m, satisfying the DHJIE (8.99) together with the side-conditions (8.93), (8.95), (8.97)-(8.98). Then the filter dacef2 solves the D H I N L F P for the system locally in Ń.

Proof: We simply repeat the steps of the proof of Proposition 8.5.1. □

8.5.2    Approximate and Explicit Solution

It is hard to appreciate the results of Sections 8.5, 8.5.1, since the filter gains L, Ĺi, i = 1, 2, are given implicitly. Therefore, in this subsection, we address this difficulty and derive approximate explicit solutions. More specifically, we shall rederive explicitly the results of Proposition 8.5.1 and Theorem 8.5.1. We begin with the 1-DOF filter dacef1. Accordingly, consider the Hamiltonian function H(., ., ., .) given by (8.82) and expand it in Taylor-series about f(ˆx) up to first-order. Denoting this approximation by ˆH(., ., ., .) and the corresponding values of L, V and w by ˆL,ˆV, and ŵ respectively, we get




ˆυ =g1(ˆx)ˆw+L(ˆx,y)(yh2(ˆx)k21(ˆx)ˆw),limυ0O(ˆυ2)ˆυ2=0.

Now applying the necessary condition for the worst-case noise, we get



Consequently, substituting ŵ into (8.100) and assuming the conditions of Assumption 8.5.1 hold, we get


Next, we complete the squares with respect to ˆL in ˆH(., ., ŵ , .) to minimize it, i.e.,


Thus, setting ˆL* as



minimizes Ĥ (., ., ., .) and renders the saddle-point condition



Substitute now ˆL* as given by (8.102) in the expression for Ĥ (., ., ., .) and complete the squares in ŵ to obtain:


Similarly, substituting ŵ = ŵ as given in (8.101), we see that the second saddle-point condition


is also satisfied. Therefore, the pair (ˆw*,ˆL*) constitute a unique saddle-point solution to the two-person zero-sum dynamic game corresponding to the Hamiltonian Ĥ (., ., ., .). Finally, setting


yields the following DHJIE:



or equivalently the DHJIE:



Consequently, we have the following approximate counterpart of Proposition 8.5.1.

Proposition 8.5.2 Consider the discrete-time nonlinear system (8.78) and the DHINLF P for it. Suppose Assumption 8.5.1 holds, the plant Σda is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium point x = 0 and zero-input observable. Further, suppose there exists a C1 positive-semidefinite ˆV:ˆN׈Y+ locally defined in a neighborhood ˆN׈YX×Y of the origin (ˆx,y) = (0, 0), and a matrix function ˆL:ˆN׈YMn×m, satisfying the following DHJIE (8.103) or (8.104) together with the side-conditions (8.102). Then, the filter dacef1 solves the D H I N L F P for the system locally in ˆN.

Proof: The first part of the theorem on the existence of the saddle-point solutions (ˆw*,ˆL*) has already been shown above. It remains to show that the 2-gain condition (8.79) is satisfied and the filter provides asymptotic estimates.

Accordingly, assume there exists a smooth solution ˆV 0 to the DHJIE (8.103), and consider the time variation of ˆV along the trajectories of the filter dacef1, (8.80), with ˆL=ˆL, i.e.,


where use has been made of the Taylor-series approximation, equation (8.102), and the DHJIE (8.103). Finally, the above inequality clearly implies the infinitesimal dissipation inequality [183]:


Therefore, the filter (8.80) provides locally 2-gain from ˆw to ˜z less or equal to γ. The remaining arguments are the same as in the proof of Proposition 8.5.1. □

Next, we extend the above approximation procedure to the 2-DOF filter dacef1 to arrive at the following result which is the approximate counterpart of Theorem 8.5.1.

Theorem 8.5.2 Consider the discrete-time nonlinear system (8.78) and the DHINLFP for it. Suppose Assumption 8.5.1 holds, the plant Σda is locally asymptotically-stable about the equilibrium point x = 0 and zero-input observable. Further, suppose there exists a C1 positive-semidefinite function ˆV:ˆN׈N׈Y+ locally defined in a neighborhood ˆN׈N׈Y׈Y of the origin (x,xk1,y)=(0,0,0), and matrix functions ˆL1Mn×m,ˆL2Mn×m, satisfying the DHJIE:



together with the coupling conditions





whereΔy=ykyk1,Δh2(x)=h2(xk)h2(xk1). Then the filter dacef1 solves the DHINLF P for the system locally in ˆN.

Proof: (Sketch) We can similarly write the first-order Taylor-series approximation of H as


where ˆw,ˆL1 and ˆL2 are the corresponding approximate values of w,L1 and L2 respectively. Then we can also calculate the approximate estimated worst-case system noise, ˆww, as


Subsequently, going through the rest of the steps of the proof as in Proposition 8.5.2, we get (8.106), (8.107), and setting


yields the DHJIE (8.105). □

We consider a simple example.

Example 8.5.1 We consider the following scalar system


where wk = w0k + 0.1 sin(20πk) and w0 is a zero-mean Gaussian white-noise.

We compute the approximate solutions of the DHJIEs (8.104) and (8.105) using an iterative process and then calculate the filter gains respectively. We outline each case below. 1-DOF Filter_

Let γ = 1 and since g1(x) = 0, we assume ˜V0(ˆx,y)=12(ˆx2+y2) and compute





The filter is then simulated with a different initial condition from the system, and the results of the simulation are shown in Figure 8.8.

2-DOF Filter

Similarly, we compute an approximate solution of the DHJIE (8.105) starting with the initial guess ˆV(x,y)=12(x2+y2) and γ = 1. Moreover, we can neglect the last term in (8.105) since it is negative; hence the approximate solution we obtain will correspond to the solution of the DHJI-inequality corresponding to (8.105):


1-DOF Discrete-Time H-Filter Performance with Unknown Initial Condition; Reprinted from Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 818-833, © 2010, “2-DOF Discrete-time nonlinear H filtering,” by M. D. S. Aliyu and E. K. Boukas, with permission from Wiley Blackwell.


using an iterative procedure [23], and compute the filter gains as





This filter is simulated with the same initial condition as the 1-DOF filter above and the results of the simulation are shown similarly on Figure 8.9. The results of the simulations show that the 2-DOF filter has slightly improved performance over the 1-DOF filter.

8.6    Robust Discrete-Time Nonlinear H-Filtering

In this section, we discuss the robust H-filtering problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear discrete-time systems described by the following model, and defined on X ⊂ ℜn:




2-DOF Discrete-Time H-Filter Performance with Unknown Initial Condition; Reprinted from Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 818-833, © 2010,“2-DOF Discrete-time nonlinear H filtering,” by M. D. S. Aliyu and E. K. Boukas, with permission from Wiley Blackwell.

where all the variables have their previous meanings. In addition, A, ΔAk ∈ ℜn×n, G ∈ ℜn×n1, g : Xn1, B ∈ ℜn×r, C1 ∈ ℜs×n, C2, ΔC2,k ∈ ℜm×n, and H ∈ ℜm×n2, h : Xn1. ΔAk is the uncertainty in the system matrix A while ΔC2,k is the uncertainty in the system output matrix C2 which are both time-varying. Moreover, the uncertainties are matched, and belong to the following set of admissible uncertainties.

Assumption 8.6.1 The admissible uncertainties of the system are structured and matched, and they belong to the following set:


where H1, H2, Fk, E are real constant matrices of appropriate dimensions, and Fk is an unknown time-varying matrix.

Whereas the nonlinearities g(.) and h(.) satisfy the following assumption.

Assumption 8.6.2 The nonlinearies g(.) and h(.) are Lipschitz continuous, i.e., for any x1, x2X, there exist constant matrices Γ1, Γ2 such that:







for some constant matrices Γ1, Γ2.

The problem is then the following.

Definition 8.6.1 (Robust Discrete-Time Nonlinear ℋ (Suboptimal) Filtering Problem (RDNLHIFP)). Given the system (8.110) and a prescribed level of noise attenuation γ > 0, find a causal filter Fk such that the ℓ2-gain from (w, x0) to the filtering error (to be defined later), ˜z, is attenuated by γ, i.e.,


and the error-dynamics (to be defined) is globally exponentially-stable for all (0, 0) = (w, x0) 2[k0, ) ⊕ X and all ΔAk, ΔC2,k ΞdΔ, k ∈ Z where ˜R=˜RT>0 > 0 is some suitable weighting matrix.

Before we present a solution to the above filtering problem, we establish the following bounded-real-lemmas for discrete-time-varying systems (see also Chapter 3) that will be required in the proof of the main result of this section.

Consider the linear discrete-time-varying system:



where xkX X is the state vector, wk ∈ ℓ2([k0, ), r) is the input vector, žk ∈ ℜs is the controlled output, and Ak,Bk,Ck are bounded time-varying matrices. The induced -norm (or H(jℜ)-norm in the context of our discussion) from (w,x0) to žk for the above system is defined by:



Then, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 8.6.1 For the linear time-varying discrete-time system (8.114) and a given γ > 0, the following statements are equivalent:

(a)  the system is exponentially stable and ‖Σdlℓ∞ < γ;

(b)  there exists a bounded time-varying matrix function Qk = QTk 0, k ≥ k0 satisfying:


and the closed-loop system


is exponentially stable;

(c)  there exists a scalar δ1 > 0 and a bounded time-varying matrix function Pk=PkT k ≥ k0 satisfying:


Proof: (a) (b) (c) has been shown in Reference [280], Theorem 3.1. To show that (a) (c), we consider the extended output zb=[Ckδ1I]xk. By exponential stability of the system, and the fact that dl0l<γ, there exists a sufficiently small number δ1 > 0 such that dll<γ for all (w, x0) 2 ⊕ X to zb. The result then follows again from Theorem 3.1, Reference [280]. □

The following lemma gives the bounded-real conditions for the system (8.110).

Lemma 8.6.2 Consider the nonlinear discrete-time system adΔ (8.110) satisfying Assumptions 8.6.1, 8.6.2. For a given γ > 0 and a weighting matrix ˜R=˜RT>0, the system is globally exponentially-stable and


for any non-zero (x0, w) X2 and for all ΔAk if there exists scalars ϵ > 0, δ1 > 0 and a bounded time-varying matrix function Qk = QTk > 0, k ≥ k0 satisfying:





Proof: The inequality (8.116) implies that Qk > δ1I ∀k ≥ k0. Moreover, since Qk is bounded, there exists a scalar δ2 > 0 such that Qk ≤ δ2I ∀k ≥ k0. Now consider the Lyapunov-function candidate:


such that


Then, it can be shown (using similar arguments as in the proof of Theorem 4.1, Reference [279]) that along any trajectory of the free-system (8.110) with wk = 0 k ≥ k0,


Therefore, by Lyapunov’s theorem [157], the free-system is globally exponentially-stable. □

We now present the solution to R D N L H I F P for the class of nonlinear discrete-time systems adΔ. For this, we need some additional assumptions on the system matrices.

Assumption 8.6.3 The system (8.110) matrices are such that

(a1)(C2, A) is detectable.

(a2)[D H2 H] has full row-rank.

(a3)The matrix A is nonsingular.

Theorem 8.6.1 Consider the uncertain nonlinear discrete-time system (8.110) satisfying the Assumptions 8.6.1-8.6.3. Given γ > 0 and ˜R=˜RT>0, let ν > 0 be a small number and suppose the following conditions hold:

(a) for some constant number ϵ > 0, there exists a stabilizing solution P = P T > 0 to the stationary DARE:



such that P<γ2˜R and Iγ2˜BTP˜B>0 where


(b) there exists a bounded time-varying matrix Sk = STk 0 k ≥ k0, satisfying



and the system



is exponentially-stable, where


Then, the RNLHIF P for the system is solvable with a finite-dimensional filter. Moreover, if the above conditions are satisfied, a suitable filter is given by



where ˆLk is the gain-matrix and is given by



Proof: We note that, P1γ2˜B˜BT is positive-definite since Iγ2˜BTP˜B>0.

Thus, Z is welldefined. Similarly, Iγ2ˆMSkˆMT>0kk0 and together with Assumption 8.6.3:(a2), imply that Ĉ1SkCT1 + ˆR is nonsingular for all k ≥ k0. Consequently, equation (8.118) is welldefined.

Next, consider the filter Σdaf and rewrite its equation as:


where δAe and δC2e are defined above, and represent the uncertain and time-varying components of A and C2 (i.e., ΔAk and ΔC2k) respectively, that are compensated in the estimator.

Then the dynamics of the state estimation error ˜xk:=xkˆxk is given by



where ˜z:=zˆz is the output estimation error. Now combine the system (8.110) and the error-dynamics (8.122) into the following augmented system:




Then, by Assumption 8.6.2


Further, define





and Ê1 is such that


Also, let Qk = γ−2Sk and


Then by standard matrix manipulations, it can be shown that




Moreover, since A is nonsingular, in view of (8.117) and the definition of δAe, δC2e, it implies that


It remains to show that Π22 = 0. Using similar arguments as in Reference [89] (Theorem 3.1), it follows from (8.123) that Qk satisfies the DRE:





Now, from (8.123) using some matrix manipulations we get


and the gain matrix ˆLk from (8.121) can be rewritten as



Thus, from (8.124) and (8.125), it follows that T22 = 0, and hence we conclude from (8.123) that




R^=[ P00γ2R˜P ]>0.

Next, we show that, Xk is such that the time-varying system

ρk+1=A^aρk=[ A^a+( A^aXkC^aT(IC^aXkC^a)1C^a ]ρk


is exponentially-stable. Let

A^a:=[ A¯0A2k ]

where A2k is as defined in (8.119), ‘⋆’ denotes a bounded but otherwise unimportant term, and


Ā is Schur-stable2 since P is a stabilizing solution of (8.117). Moreover, by exponential-stability of the system (8.119), it follows that (8.127) is also exponentially-stable. Therefore, Xk is the stabilizing solution of (8.124). Consequently, by Lemma 8.6.1 there exists a scalar δ1 > 0 and a bounded time-varying matrix Yk = Y Tk > 0 k ≥ k0 such that


Noting that

C^aTC^a=C^aTC^a+ϵ2EaTEa+Γ^TΓ^+[ vI000 ],

we see that Yk satisfies the following inequality:


In addition,


Finally, application of Lemma 8.6.2 and using the definition of B^a imply that the error-dynamics (8.122) are exponentially-stable and

z˜l22γ{ w l22+x0TR˜x0 }

for all (0,0)(x0,w)Xl2 and all ΔAk,ΔC2,kΞd,Δ.

8.7    Notes and Bibliography

The material of Section 8.1 is based on the Reference [66], while the material in Section 8.4 is based on the Reference [15]. An alternative to the solution of the discrete-time problem is also presented in Reference [244] under some simplifying assumptions. The materials of Sections 8.3 and 8.5 on 2-DOF and certainty equivalent filters are based on the References [22, 23, 24]. In particular continuous-time and discrete-time 2-DOF proportional-integral (PI) filters which are the counterpart of the PD filters presented in the chapter, are discussed in [22] and [24] respectively.

Furthermore, the results on R N L H I F P - Section 8.2 are based on the reference [211], while the discrete-time case in Section 8.6 is based on [279]. Lastly, comparison of simulation results between the H filter and the extended-Kalman-filter can be found in the same references.

1A second-order Taylor-series approximation would be more accurate, but the solutions become more complicated. Moreover, the first-order method gives a solution that is close to the continuous-time case [66].

2Eigenvalues of Ā are inside the unit circle.

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