

Activity-based costing, 196197

Analytics, for pricing, 168178


Benefits sought by customers

monetary, 7481

psychological, 7481, 92

Break-even analysis for pricing, 207243

baseline for, 223224

case studies, 209212, 225232

derivation of formula, 233234

developing charts and tables for, 235243

fixed and sunk costs with, 224225

for reaction to competition 216217

incorporating variable costs, 212213

sales curves, 220223

with incremental fixed costs, 130131, 213216

Bundling, 5055

competition and, 55

gains and losses, 93

See also Unbundling

Buying process, 11, 8287

participants in, 8687

Buy-response survey. See Price elasticity


Capitation price, 55

Change process, managing, 178180

Competition, 244267

and price discounting, 244

and price discrimination, 317318

bundling and, 55

in growth stage of product life cycle, 149150

in maturity stage of product life cycle, 151

reacting to, 251267

when to compete on price, 266267

willingness and ability to defend against, 264265

Competitive advantage, 246251, 255

Competitive information, 261265

collection and evaluation of, 261263

communication of, 263265

Conjoint analysis. See Trade-off (conjoint) analysis

Consumer surplus, 18

Contribution margin, 197199

Cost accounting, 189191

Cost justification for price discrimination, 317

Cost leadership strategy, 147149

Cost of search, 7476, 81, 83, 103


activity-based, 196197

avoidable, 186196

determining relevant, 182183

estimating relevant, 191196

improved control of, 152153

incremental, 183186, 190196

opportunity, 191196

role in pricing, 181182

sunk, 186187, 224225

See also Break-even analysis for pricing

Customer value modeling (CVM), 3638


Decision rights, 14, 164165

Decline, life cycle stage

consolidation strategy in, 155

harvesting strategy in, 154

retrenchment strategy in, 154

Demonstration projects, 179180

Depth interviews. See In-depth interviews

Differentiation, 147148, 150152

product strategy, 147148

value, 1819, 21, 26, 37, 103110, 118123

Discounts. See Price discounts

Distribution channels, reevaluation of, 153

Dynamic pricing models, 137138


Early adopters, 144

Economic value

cost of shortcuts, 3638

estimating, 2138

monetary, 2332

psychological, 3236

See also Benefits sought

Ethical constraints on pricing, 305308

Everyday low price, 97

Expectations, 9798, 111

Experience goods, 11, 7477


“Fair” profit, 307

Fair-value line, 3738

Fee-for-service, 55

Fences. See Price fences

Full-line forcing, 322


Growth, life cycle stage, 146150

price reductions in, 149150


In-depth interviews, 286288

Innovation, 141146

communicating value of with direct sales, 145146

diffusion of, 143

marketing of through distribution channels, 146

pricing in growth stage, 143150

strategy for pricing an, 143146

Innovator’s Dilemma, The, 49

In-store purchase experiments, 277279, 299300


Laboratory purchase experiments, 279280

LIFO (last-in, first-out) accounting, 187


Managerial judgment, 13

Market decline, pricing in, 153155

Market-share myth, 247248

Maturity, life cycle stage, 150153

maintaining profits in, 151

Minimum advertised price (MAP) program, 314

Monetary benefits. See Benefits sought

Monetary value, 19, 2332, 286

algorithms, 2526

drivers. See Value drivers

estimating, 2332

See also Value, perceptions of versus actual


Negative-sum game, price competition as, 245, 260261

Next best competitive alternative (NBCA), 20, 26, 64

NIFO (next-in, first-out) accounting, 187


Panel data, to estimate price elasticity 272274

Penetration pricing. See Pricing, penetration

Perceived value. See Value, perceptions of versus actual

Performance-based rebate, 115116

Positive-sum game, 245


discrimination, 315320

expectations, 9798, 111

fairness, 9091, 133, 137139, 144


policies for, 110114

preannouncing, 264

integrity, 101, 105

signaling, 322323

Price banding analysis, 112, 172173

Price communication, 8793

gain-loss framing, 9193

perceived fairness, 9091, 133, 137139, 144

proportional price evaluations, 8788

reference prices, 2123, 8790

Price competition. See Competition

Price discounts, 6470, 92, 97, 99, 114117, 172175

in competitive markets, 244

See also Promotional pricing

Price elasticity

attribute rating to measure, 283

buy-response surveys to measure, 283286, 299300

direct questioning about, 283

measurement of, 269301

selecting appropriate technique, 299300

using judgment, 295297

using Internet-based techniques, 297298

Price fences, 4445, 6370

buyer-identification fences, 6465

purchase location fences, 6566

purchase quantity fences, 6870

step discounts, 6870

time of purchase fences, 6668

Price level, 13, 118140

Price metrics, 5561

criteria for selecting, 5660

performance-based, 6061

Price promotions. See Promotional pricing

Price segmentation. See Segmentation

Price sensitivity, 13, 6468, 149, 152

measuring and estimating, 269301

Price setting, 118140

break-even analysis case studies for, 209212, 225232

estimating customer response to, 124, 131136

Price structure, 910

customer segments and, 4770

price fences, 4445, 6370

price metrics, 5561

price-offer bundles, 5055

segments to distinguish within, 4850

step discounts, 6870

Price waterfalls, 173175

Price window, 121123

Price-fixing, 310315

horizontal, 311312

resale, 312315

vertical, 312314

Price-offer configuration, 5055

optimizing an offer bundle, 5153

segment specific bundles, 5354

unbundling strategically, 5455

See also Unbundling

Price-volume tradeoff, 5, 13, 47, 124, 129131, 152, 207225


analytics, 168178

break-even analysis for, 130131, 207243

cost-based, 9

cost-plus, 23, 5, 181

customer-driven, 34, 207

ethical constraints on, 305308

for innovations, 143150

implementing strategy for, 1415, 158159

legal framework for, 308310

life cycle. See Product life cycle pricing

market-based, 207208

neutral, 129

opportunistic, 260263, 265

peak, 193194

penetration, 13, 127129, 147149

performance-based, 6061

predatory, 322323

proactive, 6, 207216

process, 12, 165166

profit-driven, 6, 61

promotions. See Promotional pricing

reactive, 216217

share-driven, 45

skim, 125127

strategic, 57

versus tactical, 98

transfer, 199204

value-based, 6, 104

Pricing policy, 12, 96117

ad hoc negotiation, 100102

development of, 99100

for brand-driven buyers (relationship buyers), 103, 105107

for convenience-driven buyers, 103, 108

for economic downturn, 114115

for outlaw customers, 112114

for power buyers, 108110

for price-driven buyers, 103, 106108

for value-driven buyers, 103105, 107

negotiation, policies for, 102103

“no exceptions,” 99

promotional pricing, 115117, 144145

responding to objections, 100110

transitioning, 112114

Pricing strategy

and product life cycle, 141156

implementation of, 1415, 158180

managing the change process, 178180

motivation for, 159160, 166178

organization of pricing function, 159166

performance measures, 175178

reasons for failure, 158159

Product life cycle pricing, 141156

in development stage, 143146

in growth stage, 146150

in market decline, 153155

in maturity stage, 150153

Promotional discrimination, 315, 318320

Promotional pricing, 115117

communicating value with, 144145

price-induced sampling, 145

pulsed, 116

See also Price discounts

Psychological benefits. See Benefits sought

Psychological value, 19, 2324, 286

trade-off (conjoint) analysis to estimate, 3236


Reference prices, 2123, 8790

Reference value, 1921, 26, 37, 64

Regression analysis

of prices, 172173

of sales data, 275276

Resale price

agreements, 312315

encouragement, 314315

maintenance, 146

policies, 313

Robinson-Patman Act, 315320, 322


Sales data, 271272, 296

analyzing, 275276

Sarbanes-Oxley, 309310

Search goods, 11, 74

Segmentation, 3870, 119121, 150

metrics for, 4445

value-based, 3845

Senior management leadership, 178179

Services, pricing for, 5758

Simulated purchase experiments, 288289, 299300

Single-price strategy, 4749

SPIN selling, 103

Store scanner data, 273275

Strategic pricing. See Pricing, strategic

Strategic pricing pyramid, 67, 17, 160

Strategic sourcing, 98


Territorial restrictions, 321

Trade-off (conjoint) analysis, 289294, 299300

illustration of, 3236


Unbundling, 5455, 93

in maturity stage of product life cycle, 151152

See also Bundling; Price-offer configuration



communication, 1112, 7293, 126

adapting to purchase context, 8182

of innovation, 143145

creation of, 79, 1746

differentiation, 1819, 21, 26, 37, 103110, 118123

economic. See Economic value

exchange, 18

See also Economic value

monetary, 19, 2332, 286

drivers. See Value drivers

estimating, 2332

perceptions of versus actual, 7, 20, 77, 90, 287

psychological, 19, 2324, 3236, 286

reference, 1921, 26, 37, 64

use, 18

Value drivers, 2332, 74, 77, 83,

algorithms, 2526

Value equivalence line, 3738

ValueScan Survey, 1, 14

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