Accent light, 91

Access laws, 246

Ackerman, Diane, 5, 104

Acoustic foam, 117


advancing, 5152

anticipating, 35, 57, 70, 211

capturing uncontrolled, 20

cutting into-frame/out-of-frame, 48, 50

cutting on, 4950

factors altering speed of, 53

involving camera in, 72

jump cuts, 37, 50

matched, 3537, 49

overlapping, 35, 36, 37, 49

in shooting, 31

staging, 7475

Action-reaction shooting, 3233, 36

Actual malice, 239

Ad-lib standups, 298

Aerial shots, 31

Akin, Luan, 218

Alleged, use of, 241242

Allen, Murray R., 115

Alles, Brett, 134

Altman, Robert, 7

Amber filters, 8485, 86

Anchor Growth Model, 311


anchor debrief, 313

closes by, 147148, 229230

intros to live shots, 228229

reporters evolving into, 313314

working with, 325

Antenna placement, 111112

Aperture, 290291

Apparent authority, 242243

Artificial light, role of, 87

Assignment editor, 199, 316

conceptualizing packages and, 317319

Associate producer, 184

Audience reaction

cutting for, 5657

in field reporting, 303


relationship with, 307308, 309311

spot news and, 221

in visual storytelling, 21, 164165, 167, 205, 207

Audio-video linkage, 326327

Authority figures, 1516, 212

Axis line, 33, 4041, 70, 72


Background light, 91

Backlight, 91

Backpack journalism, 180

Balanced lighting, 97

Bamber, James, 10

Barndoors, 99

Barton, Darrell, 120, 211


charging, 77

dead, 79

Beckman, Rich, 268

Berglund, Lisa, 186187

Bickham, Jack, 12

Bidirectional microphone, 107

Bledsoe, Greg, 187

Blimp, 117

Block the shot, 191

Blue eyes, 222

Bluem, William, 100

Bodie, Ken, 176

Body language

in field reporting, 305, 311312

during interviews, 132133, 135136

Body movement, preplanned, 66

BOPSA (bunch of people sitting around), 327

Bounce lighting, 93

Brandon, Bob, 70

Breaking and entering, 272

Brittain, Donald, 157

Broadlighting, 91

Brokaw, Tom, 176

Brown, Bill, 321322

Brownlee, Shannon, 9

Busse, Mary McCormick, 39

Butterfly light, 8889


Camera angles

psychological impact of, 42

variations in, 4142

Camera-mounted filters, 8485

Camera movement, 28

avoiding unplanned, 67

to enhance storytelling, 39

Camerapersons, 182

Cameras, 286288

balance of, 66

banned in federal courts, 248249

care with, 295

edit in the camera, 71, 223

handheld, 6567, 211

involving in action, 72

role in courtroom television, 247248

standing before, 313

thinking, 3940

viewfinder, 79, 286

in visual storytelling, 199, 200

white balance and, 78, 287

Caps, writing stories in, 147, 148

Carlson, Mark, 205206

Carpenter, John, 7

CGs, 226

Character, 173175

Charge-coupled device (CCD), 286

Chiang, Harriet, 247


interviews of, 133134

juveniles as news sources, 246

Chimera®, 88, 93, 96

Circles of confusion, 291

Clark, Roy Peter, 45

Clarkson, Rich, 210

Close, 19

by anchors, 147148, 229230

to package, 154

by reporter, 147148, 229

Close-up (CU), 9, 26, 27, 39

depth of field in, 95

of people, 72

shooting effective, 95

Closing shot, 19, 154

Closing sound, 19

Cochran, Johnnie, 170

Code of ethics

individual, 277278

National Press Photographers Association, 280281

Radio Television Digital News Association, 278280

of Society of Professional Journalists, 267

Cold cuts, 56

Cold weather, shooting in, 7677

Color balance, 78

Color bars, 78

Color temperature, 8385

Combination shots, 29

Comings, Ron, 21

Command post, 221222

Commitment, story, 11, 199

Communication, 11, 25

establishing, 6869

feelings about story, 303304

video editing and, 57

Community-oriented journalism, 203204, 320321

Composition, 43

pace and, 5354

pointers for wide screen, 64

problems with, 79

rule of thirds, 6163

rules of, 6164

Compression, 290

Condenser microphones, 106

Confidential sources, protecting, 272

Contract with public, 266267

Contrast, 294

and comparison, 43

control, 89, 91

problems, 79, 294

Conversational delivery, in field reporting, 307308

Cookies, 99

Copy, marking, 305306

Copyright, 237, 251257

definition of, 252

duration of, 252, 257

government and, 256257

notice of, 252

obtaining when necessary, 256

ownership and, 237254

registration of, 252253

works made for hire and, 257

Correspondent, 184

Courtroom television, 247251

cameras banned in federal courts, 248249

do’s and don’ts regarding, 250251

questioning jurors about verdict, 251

role of cameras in, 247248

standards for coverage, 249250

states allowing media coverage, 248

Crew sizes, 180184

Croshaw, Gary, 62

Crossroll, 145, 220, 222

editing instructions for, 224225

Crouse, Chuck, 154

Crowd shot, 34

Cultural influences, in visual storytelling, 1011

Curiosity in storytelling, 204


inadvertent, 241

motivated, 38

shooting, 33, 3738

in video editing, 50, 54

Cut-in shots, 3435


cold, 56

flash, 56

jump, 37, 50

pop, 5051, 70

in video editing, 48


on action, 4950

for audience reaction, 5657

to condense time, 53

into-frame/out-of-frame action, 48, 50

parallel, 52

at rest, 4950


Day care center, 242

Daylight, 83, 85, 87

Decibels (dB), 107

Defamation, 238, 241

Delozier, Dave, 186187

Demonstration standup, 301303

Depth of field (DOF)

aperture size influences on, 291

in close-ups, 95

great, 292

maximum, 293

other factors influencing, 291293

shallow, 292, 293

Details, 174175

DeTarsio, John, 1617, 65, 68, 73, 75, 95, 135, 187

Dichroic filter, 85

Diffusion, light, 9293

Digital media, 287288

accomplishments of, 1

excelling in multiple capacities in, 23

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 251, 253

Directional patterns of microphones, 106107

Direct observation reporting, 136137

Director of photography (DP), 182

Dissolves, 38, 57

Distancing, 78

Distortion, 116

Dmytryk, Edward, 9, 33, 202

Dolly shots, 30

Donahue, Art, 126, 204

Dotson, Bob, 9, 13, 1819, 21, 133, 155, 205, 207

Drew, Doug, 105

Drivers, 184

Dropouts, 111

Durant, Will, 204

Dynamic microphone, 106


Earphones, 116

Editing. See also Video editing

instructions for crossroll, 224225

reportorial, 1314

videotape and, 78

Edit in the camera, 71, 223

Editorial arrangement, 47

Editorial selection, 47

Edit points, 4849

Effects standups, 303

Electronic new gathering (ENG), 108, 114, 226

Ellerbee, Linda, 89


communicating feelings about story, 303304

visual storytelling and, 67, 77, 208209, 212213

Entrapment, 272

Establishing shots, 3132, 33

Estlow, Edward, 247

Ethics, 264281

of accepting favors, 274

of breaking and entering, 272

case studies in, 271275

competition and, 264266

contract with public and, 266267

cooperating with police and, 274

definition of, 264

of destroying police evidence, 273

editorial control of news content and, 273

entrapment and, 272

file video and, 277

hostage coverage and, 271272

illegally obtained information and, 273

image manipulation and, 267270

invasion of privacy and, 272

legal issues and, 271

licensing and, 266

material from outside sources and, 277

misrepresentation and, 274

private lives of public officials and, 274

protecting confidential sources and, 272

of reenactments, 275277

reporting in context and, 274275

of reverse-angle questions, 275

situational, 266

staging and, 275, 276

suicide attempts and, 266, 273

surveillance photography and, 271

televising executions, 273

trespass and, 271

violence and, 272


lighting, 98

in visual storytelling, 210

Excuses in storytelling, 203

Executions, televising, 273

Exposure, 9596

problems with, 78, 294295

Extreme close-up (ECU), 26, 27

Extreme long shot (ELS), 26, 27

Eye level, photographing people at, 42

Eye reflections, 93


Fades, 58

Fair use, 254255

False reverse, 37

avoiding, 4041

editing to eliminate, 5455

shooting to eliminate, 72

Farkas, Ray, 4, 8, 158

Farr, Glenn, 46

Fatal fire, 242

Favors, accepting, 274

Feathering, 28, 68

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 110, 111, 245

Field, shooting in, 6179

Field equipment, protecting, 7677, 79

Field reporting, 297314

anchor debrief in, 313

appearance and, 308309

audience reaction in, 303

body language in, 305, 311312

communicating feelings about story, 303304

conversational delivery in, 307308

delivering from studio and, 304

developing interesting qualities and, 297

experience into reports and, 305

learning to relax in, 307

lighting for high-definition TV and, 268, 309

marking copy and, 305306

multidimensional, 305

posture in, 312

relationship with audience in, 307308, 309311

reporters evolving into anchors and, 313314

senses and, 304

split-focus presentation in, 312313

standing before camera in, 313

standups and, 297303

File video

freshening of, 327, 328

identification of, 277

Fill lights, 85, 8991

Filmic time, 53

Filters, 8387

amber, 8485, 86

camera-mounted, 8485

dichroic, 85

factors, 86

high-pass, 117118

light-mounted, 85

neutral density, 85, 293

situations and discussion with, 86

used in combination, 8687

window-mounted, 85

wrong, 78

First Amendment, 237, 238

Fisher, Tim, 201

Fixer, local, 184

Flags, 99

Flash cuts, 56

Flat lighting, 92

Flip wipes, 57

Fluorescent (FL) filters, 85

Focal length, lens, 289290

Focus, 288289

circles of confusion and, 291

for package, 151

problems with, 78

in visual storytelling, 1213, 1415, 199

Focus statement, 1112, 17, 199, 318

Four-person crews, 181

Fourth Amendment, 237, 240

Freedom of Information requests, 257

Frequencies, 111

Frequency response of microphones, 107

F/stops, 290291

Futures file, 319


Generic video, 241

Gibson, Steve, 237

Glamour lighting, 89

Goheen, John, 17

Golden hour, 191

Golden Spots, 6163

Good news-bad news syndrome, 321322

Good taste, 213

Grab shots, 52

Graphics, live, 228

Gray scale, 293

Great depth of field, 292

Gregg, David, 217

Grierson, John, 201

Griffith, Thomas, 7

Group discussions, recording, 120

Gyro-lens, 31


Halberstam, David, 267

Hall, Ned, 104, 114

Hall, Robert, 208

Hanchett, Jim, 131

Handheld cameras, 6567, 211

Handheld microphones, 74, 76, 108

Hart, John, 175, 176

Hatchet light, 88

Hatteberg, Larry, 12, 13, 126, 155, 201

Haydock, John, 158

Head-on shot, 54

Heat, 73

Helicopter live shots, 217218, 226, 227

Help, asking for, 187

Heroes, 175

Hertz (Hz), 107

Hidden microphones, 243

Hidden voice recorders, 245

High-angle shots, 42

High-contrast image, 294

High-definition TV (HDTV)

field lighting for, 268, 309

lighting for, 89, 91, 9394, 268

High-pass filter, 117118

HMI lights, 92

Hostage coverage, 271272


Illustrative video, 200201

Images, 202

ethics and manipulation of, 267270

high-contrast, 294

versus words in visual storytelling, 7, 1011

Impedance of microphones, 107

Incoming sound, 56

Information. See also Freedom of Information requests

gathering for spot news, 219222

illegally obtained, 273

immediacy versus, 220221

In re Express - News, 251

Insert shots, 32, 34, 51

Instincts, 64, 210211

Interference, 110111


legal issues and, 237, 253255

reporting, 319

Internet Service Provider (ISP), 255

Interviews, 126137

backup recording of, 136

body language during, 132133, 135136

of children, 133134

controlling, 133

direct observation reporting and, 136137

establishing trust during, 126

good manners during, 127

hardware and, 128

hesitation during, 131

homework for, 127128

lighting for, 9293

listening during, 129, 185186

live, 223

non-interview, 75

off screen, 64

pitch reporting opportunities, 131

prearrange signals between reporter and photographer, 131132

process, 75

questions, 3, 75, 127131, 133

react without appearing to agree, 132133

simultaneously shooting and conducting, 7576

sit-down, 75, 9293, 130

Skype, 228

talking head, 134135

two-person, 121

viewers’ perception of, 135


to live shots, 144145, 228229

to packages, 145

reporter, 220

Invasion of privacy, 240241, 272

Inverse-square law of light, 8990

Iris, 78, 290


Jennings, Peter, 155

Jones, Warren, 133

Jump cuts, 37, 50

Juveniles as news sources, 246


Kahn, Michael, 38

Kann, Peter R., 157

Karabell, Shellie, 11

Karl, Jonathan, 301302

Key, 223

Key light, 8891, 93

Kilohertz (kHz), 107


Landess, Mike, 10

Landlord-tenant dispute, 242243

Larson, John, 76, 163, 181, 185, 188, 190, 193

Lavaliere microphones, 74, 109, 223, 306

Law, 238. See also Legal issues

Lead, 18, 151152

Lead-in, 151

Lean, David, 55, 202

Legal issues, 237258

access laws, 246

alleged, use of, 241242

apparent authority as, 242243

common sense regarding, 258

copyright as, 237, 251257

courtroom television and, 247251

defamation as, 238, 241

ethics and, 271

fair use as, 254255

gathering news and, 238

Internet and, 237, 253255

invasion of privacy as, 240241

libel as, 238240

New York Times v. Sullivan, 239

plagiarism as, 175, 255256

slander as, 238

subpoenas and shield laws as, 246

sunshine laws, 246

technology and, 243244

telephone recordings as, 244245

two-party consent as, 245

Lehrer, Jim, 8

Lens, 288295

aperture, 290291

avoiding automatic settings, 293295

cap, 79

depth of field and, 291293

focal length, 289290

f/stops, 290291

long or telephoto, 290

macro, 288

node, 289

perspective, 290

rack focus, 288

t/stop, 291

wide-angle, 290

zoom, 67, 288289

Lessenberry, Jack, 268

Libel, 238240

assuming highest standard and, 239

dealing with police and, 239240

evaluating sources to eliminate malice, 239

truth of statements and, 238

Licensing, 266

Light and lighting, 82100

accent, 91

artificial, role of, 87

background, 91

backlight, 91

balanced, 97

basic patterns in, 87

bounce, 93

broadlighting, 91

butterfly, 8889

cautions in using, 99100

color temperature of, 8385

contrast control in, 89, 91

contrast problems and, 79, 294

controlling, 8285

diffusion, 9293

essential equipment for, 96

etiquette, 98

exposure, 9596

fill, 85, 8991

flat, 92

glamour, 89

hatchet, 88

for high-definition TV, 89, 91, 9394, 268, 309

HMI, 92

for interviews, 9293

inverse-square law of, 8990

key, 8891, 93

large-scale, 99

mixing sources in, 87

for news conference, 9798

ratios, 91

separation, 91

setting up, in cooperation with other crews, 98

short, 91

side, 88

side-rear, 88

situations and discussion with, 86

specular, 87

spot news at night, 9899

for subjects with dark skin, 99

in sunlight, 9697

top, 88

tungsten halogen, 83

umbrella, 9293

Light-mounted filters, 85

Limited invitation, 243, 246

Lippman, Walter, 267, 321

Listening during interviews, 129, 185186

Live sequence, 145

Live shots, 217234. See also Shots anchor close and, 229230

final thought on, 234

graphics, 228

helicopter, 217218, 226, 227

interviews, 223

intros to, 144145, 228229

narration in, 225227

natural sounds in, 224

from newsroom, 227228

parting advice on, 233234

phoners, 228, 231

reasons for going live, 230

reasons for not going live, 230231

reference video in, 224

reporter close and, 229

reporter intros for, 220

skills for, 218219

spot news and, 219222

television formats, 222225

Live teases, 231233

content of, 232233

mechanics of, 232

movement in, 233

surroundings in, 233

Live/VTR SOT PKG/Live (Live/Video Package/Live), 225

Live VTR VO/Live (Live/Voice-Over-Video/Live), 223224

Live/VTR VO/SOT/VTR VO/Live (Live/Voice-Over-Video/Sound on Tape/Voice Over/Live), 224225

Lockstep, walk in, 67

Long or telephoto lens, 290

Long shot (LS), 18, 26, 27

Loveless, Tom, 20

Low-angle shots, 42

Lowel Rifa®, 88, 93, 96

Lowercase, writing stories in, 147, 148


MacNeil, Robert, 8

Macro-focusing, 288

Macro lens, 288

Malice, 239

Mark the shot, 191

Master shots, 3435

Matched action, 3537, 49

Mathis, Chris, 208

Maximum depth of field, 293

McGaugh, James, 5

McKee, Robert, 7

McPhee, John, 175

Medium close-up (MCU), 26, 39

Medium shot (MS), 26, 27

Microphones, 106121

bidirectional, 107

cautions for, 121

choosing, 107

condenser, 106

directional patterns of, 106107

dynamic, 106

frequency response of, 107

group discussions, recording, 120

handheld, 74, 76, 108

hearing differently, 118119

hidden, 243

impedance of, 107

lavaliere, 74, 109, 223, 306

mixer, 112113

news conferences, covering, 120

placement of, 113116

plant, 110

recording levels, monitoring, 116

ribbon, 106

room tone and, 121

shotgun, 74, 76, 109, 244

sound perspective and, 119

sound with earphones, monitoring, 116

stereo, 119120

for two-person interview, 121

for video journalist, 108109

wind noise and, 79, 117118

wireless, 74, 112, 128129

wireless transmitter-receiver, 110112

Mike flags, 74, 109

Misrepresentation, 274

Mitchell, James D., 9

Mitchell, Ron, 157

Mixer, 112113

Moments, 165

Montoya, Fidel, 19

Mood, 68, 324

Moon, Bob, 155

Morton, Bruce, 17

Motivated cutaways, 38


staging versus, 7475

viewers to watch, 201

Moving shots, 29

Moyers, Bill, 128129

Mudd, Roger, 176

Multidimensional reporting, 305

Multimedia journalists (MMJs), 193194

Murrow, Edward R., 7, 267


Naked live, 222

Narration, 225227

sound bites in, 226

video in, 227

Nash, Barry, 297, 307

National Center for State Courts, 251

National Press Photographers Association (NPPA), 271, 280281

Nat sound (natural sounds), 1920, 112, 121

in live shots, 224

in packages, 158

Negative-action shot, 54, 67

Negligence, 238

Neutral density (ND) filters, 85, 293

News conferences

covering, 120

lighting for, 9798

News content, editorial control of, 273

News philosophy, 213, 316, 320325

caring about communities in, 321

good news-bad news syndrome, 321322

image manipulation and, 267268

monitoring story count in each segment, 324325

news sources in, 322323

of producer, 323324

sense of community in, 320321

story follow-up in, 323

of video editing, 47

viewer mood and, 324

News planner, 319

News sources

evaluating to eliminate malice, 239

juveniles as, 246

in news philosophy, 322323

perception of, 311312

New York Times v. Sullivan, 239

Node, 289

Non-interview interviews, 75

Nonvisual story, reporting, 209210

Notice and take-down provision, 255


Objective camera, 32

Ohm, 107

Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968), 245

Omnidirectional pattern, 106

One-eyed talking heads, 135

One-man band (OMB), 180, 189

One-party consent, 245

One-person band, 75

One-person crews, 180

One shot, 34

Open shade, 96

Optical center, 289

Optical effects, 50, 54, 5758

Outside sources, material from, 277

Overlapping action, 35, 36, 37, 49



composition and, 5354

content and, 53

mood and, 68


assignment editor in conceptualizing, 317319

beginning of, 151

close to, 154

definition of, 144, 150

focus for, 151

high standards for, 157

intros to, 145

lead for, 151152

middle or main body of, 152154

natural sound in, 158

preplanning, 154155

scripts, 145147

spot news, 156157

in visual storytelling, 1718

writing, 150158

Pack journalism, 98

Panning, 2829

with purpose, 29

rules for, 28

too much, 79

Parallel cutting, 52

Pelley, Scott, 20


BOPSA, 327

consideration for, 79

facial close-ups of, 72

once removed, 222

photographing at eye level, 42

in visual storytelling, 1516, 201, 202, 212

working with, 7375

Personal appearance and conduct, 210, 308309

Perspective, 3031

human, 8

sound, 119

Peters, Tom, 7

Petit, Tom, 176

Phoners, 228, 231


breathing control of, 66

common mistakes of, 7879

photojournalists compared to, 8, 12, 286

prearrange signals between reporter and, 131132

preplanned body movement of, 66

wide stance of, 66


ethics and surveillance, 271

multiple camera, 3435

Photojournalists, photographers compared to, 8, 12, 286

Pickup shots, 34

PIO (Public Information Officer), 221222

Plagiarism, 175, 255256

Plant microphone, 110

Point of view (POV)

movement, 39

shot, 32, 51


cooperating with, 274

dealing with, 239240

destroying police evidence, 273

Pool coverage, 249

Pop cuts, 5051, 70

Posture, 312

Premack, John, 42, 63, 96, 135

Preparation, 211

Preproducing, 185

Privacy, invasion of, 240241, 272

Process interviews, 75

Producers, 182, 319

control over visuals and, 327

freshening of file video by, 327, 328

news philosophy of, 323324

using talking heads with purpose, 327328

working with anchors, 325

Prop standup, 301

Public officials, private lives of, 274


Quest, 171173


anticipating, 130131

avoiding easy, 129130

around Five W’s, 130

framing, 128

interview, 3, 75, 127131, 133

of jurors about verdict, 251

reverse-angle, 275

two-part, 130


Rack focus, 288

Raddatz, Martha, 155

Radio frequencies (RF), 111

Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), 248249, 278280

Rather, Dan, 198

Reaction shot, 3233, 51

Reader, 140141

Reaves, Gary, 207209

Reenactments, 275277

Reestablishing shot, 32

Reference or location standup, 300

Remotes, 230


closes by, 147148, 229

evolving into anchors, 313314

intros for live shots, 220

prearrange signals between photographers and, 131132

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, 245

Reporting. See also Field reporting in context, 274275

damage, 79

direct observation, 136137

Internet, 319

multidimensional, 305

on multiple platforms, 202203

nonvisual story, 209210

pitch reporting opportunities, 131

spot news, 210213

storytelling compared to, 6, 176, 208

Reportorial editing, 1314

Reprises, 191192

Restaurant, entering, 243

Reuven, Frank, 89

Reveal or transition standup, 300301

Reveal shot, 3839, 67

Reverse-angle questions, 275

Reverse-angle shot, 33, 39

Rhythm, 170171

Ribbon microphone, 106

Room tone, 121

Rule of thirds, 6163

Ryan, Cornelius, 128


Safety, shooting and, 77, 78, 212

Samples, Bill, 133

Samuelson, Robert J., 202203

Satellite trucks, 225, 226

Scanlan, Chip, 174175, 255

Scanners, 219

Screen direction, 40, 54

Screen space, 6364


package, 145147

television format, 140148

voice-over, 141142

Security, 184

Seeing beyond obvious, 204

Selective perception, 48

Sellers, David, 248

Senses, 9, 304

Separation light, 91

Sequences, 2526

live, 145

shooting, 21, 3537, 69, 211

Sequential video, 199

Shakiness, 31, 66, 78

Shallow depth of field, 292, 293

Shapiro, Mathias, 301

Shield laws, 246

Shoot and move, 51, 70


action in, 31

action-reaction, 3233, 36

avoiding indiscriminate, 71

in cold weather, 7677

cutaways, 33, 3738

effective close-ups, 95

to eliminate false reverse, 72

essentials first, 211

in field, 6179

only needed shots, 7071

safety and, 77, 78, 212

sequences, 21, 3537, 69, 211

showing viewers what you want them to see, 62

spot news, 15, 3537, 67, 210213

thinking before, 62, 69

video, 286295

writing in head during, 187188

writing to inform, 188

Short lighting, 91

Shotgun microphones, 74, 76, 109, 244

Shots, 25. See also Live shots aerial, 31

basic, 2628

block the shot, 191

camera movement and, 28

close-up, 9, 26, 27

closing, 19, 154

combination, 29

crowd, 34

cut-in, 3435

dolly, 30

establishing, 3132, 33

extreme close-up, 26, 27

extreme long, 26, 27

grab, 52

head-on, 54

high-angle, 42

insert, 32, 34, 51

length of, 25, 47

long, 18, 26, 27

low-angle, 42

mark the shot, 191

master, 3435

medium, 26, 27

medium close-up, 26, 39

moving, 29

negative-action, 54, 67

one, 34

order and continuity, 5253

pan, 2829

perspective, 3031

pickup, 34

point of view (POV), 32, 51

reaction, 3233, 51

reestablishing, 32

reveal, 3839, 67

reverse-angle, 33, 39

in telling story, 3133

three, 34

tilt, 29

tracking, 29, 30, 38

transition, 3839, 5556

trucking, 29

two, 34, 223

zoom, 3031, 6768

Side light, 88

Side-rear lighting, 88

Silva, Mike, 217, 218

Sit-down interviews, 75, 9293, 130

Situational ethics, 266

Sixth Amendment, 237, 247

Six- to eight-person crews, 181182, 184

Skype interviews, 228

Slander, 238

Snap zooming, 3637, 68, 211

SOT, 142, 224

Sound, 104123

closing, 19

distortion, 116

gathering great, 186187

incoming, 56

natural, 1920, 112, 121, 158, 224

perspective, 119

problems with, 79

stereo and surround, 119120

stock, 268

tips for good, 115

as transitional device in, 56

video accessories and, 122123

in visual storytelling, 1617, 1920

Sound bites

in narration, 226

in visual storytelling, 17

Sound bridge, 56

Sound overlap, 56

Sound recordists, 182

Specular light, 87

Split-focus presentation, 312313

Sports, weather and, 326, 328329

Spot news

audiences and, 221

immediacy versus information and, 220221

information-gathering for, 219222

lighting at night, 9899

live shots and, 219222

packages, 156157

reporting, 210213

shooting, 15, 3537, 67, 210213

Staging, 302

ethics and, 275, 276

versus motivating, 7475

Standups, 297303

ad-lib, 298

demonstration, 301303

doing something in, 299

effects, 303

keeping attention on story and, 299

photographing your own, 76

prop, 301

reasons for, 297300

reference or location, 300

reveal or transition, 300301

walking, 76, 233, 300301

Station as regional force, 326

Stereo and surround sound, 119120

Stock sound, 268

Storing equipment properly, 79

Storyboard, 14, 155

Story commitment, 11, 199

Story subjects, working with, 73

Storyteller, 176. See also Visual storytelling

writing like, 162176

Stringers, 319

Studio lead-in, 151

Sturholm, Phil, 5253

Subject, distraction of, 7374

Subjective camera, 32

Subpoenas, 246

Suicide attempts, 266, 273

Sullivan Rule, 239

Summary statement, 11

Sunlight, lighting in, 9697

Sunshine laws, 246

Surprises, 1617, 166170


photography, and ethics, 271

in states with one-party consent, 245

Swain, Dwight, 7


Takeaway, 11

Talent Growth Model, 310311

Talking heads, 134135

interviews, 134135

one-eyed, 135

using with purpose, 327328

Tapes. See Videotapes

Taylor, Bill, 16, 325, 326

Teamwork, 14, 165

Teases, 325326

fulfilling promise of, 326

live, 231233

Telephone recordings, 244245

Telephoto lens, 290


courtroom, 247251

horizontal format of, 61

live shot formats, 222225

Television script format, 140148

caps or lowercase in, 147, 148

intros to live shots, 144145

live intros to packages, 145

package scripts, 145147

reader, 140141

reporter and anchor closes, 147148

VO/SOT/VO format, 142143

VTR VO (voice-over video), 141142

Three-person crews, 181

Three shot, 34

Thumb suckers, 222

Tilt shot, 29


compressing, 5152

condensing, 53

making most of, 201, 210

Top lighting, 88

Toss, 144

Townley, James, 71

Tracking shot, 29, 30, 38

Transition shots, 3839, 5556

Trespass, 240241, 271

Tripod, 65

Trucking shot, 29

T/stop, 291

Tungsten halogen lights, 83

TV cutoff, 64

Two-part questions, 130

Two-party consent, 245

Two-person crews, 180181

Two-person interviews, 121

Two shot, 34, 223


Umbrella lighting, 9293

Unidirectional pattern, 106107


Vector line, 41


fluency, 202203

formats, 287288

generic, 241

labeling, 79

shooting, 286295

Video accessories, 122123

Video editing, 4658

cold cuts in, 56

communication and, 57

compressing time and advancing action in, 5152

cutaways in, 50, 54

cuts in, 48

cutting for audience reaction in, 5657

cutting into-frame/out-of-frame action, 48, 50

cutting on action or at rest in, 4950

cutting to condense time in, 53

definition of, 47

edit points and, 4849

to eliminate false reverse, 5455

flash cuts in, 56

jump cuts in, 37, 50

matched and overlapping action in, 37, 49

optical effects in, 50, 54, 5758

pace in, 5354

parallel cutting in, 52

philosophy of, 47

pop cuts in, 5051

shot order and continuity in, 5253

sound as transitional device in, 56

transition shots in, 38, 5556

for web sites, 47

as writing tool, 46

Video editor, 14

Video journalism

crew sizes for, 180184

future of, 193194

gear for, 181

international, 205

lessons learned from, 189192

microphones for, 108109

six overlooked tools for, 185188


editing process and, 78

spot checking, 79

Viewer mood, 324

Violence, 272

Visual communication, goal of, 25

Visual grammar, 25

Visual image, 202

Visual lead, 151152

Visual proof, 1415, 1819

Visuals, control over, 327

Visual storytelling, 422

achieving excellence in, 12

adapting to story demands and, 209

addressing larger issues in, 17

audiences in, 21, 164165, 167, 205, 207

capturing uncontrolled action in, 20

close in, 19

commitment in, 11, 199

cultural influences in, 1011

curiosity in, 204

emotions and, 67, 77, 208209, 212213

essence of, 199

etiquette in, 210

excuses in, 203

first sentence in, 165166, 201

focus in, 1213, 1415, 199

involving camera in, 199, 200

lead in, 18

looking for larger story in, 2122

main points in, 1819

packages in, 1718

people in, 1516, 201, 202, 212

personal appearance and conduct in, 210

planning, 1112, 68

putting it all together in, 10

renewing or jumpstarting career in, 2

reporting compared, 6, 176, 208

reporting nonvisual story, 209210

reportorial editing and, 1314

seeking gradual improvement in, 198

sense of progression in, 12

sound bites in, 17

sound in, 1617, 1920

surprises in, 1617, 166170

terms for, 12

tips for strong stories, 175176

tools for, 166175

transmitting experience through, 5, 162, 164165

value of pictorial narrative in, 89

viewers and, 207209

words versus images in, 7, 1011

working as part of team in, 14

writing in, 10, 13, 1920

Voice-over (VO), 18, 56, 141142

VO/SOT/VO format, 142143

VTR VO (voice-over video), 141142


Walking standups, 76, 233, 300301

Wallpaper video, 14

Waterman, Robert, 7


shooting in cold, 7677

sports and, 326, 328329

Weaver, Howard, 165166

Web sites, video editing for, 47

White balance, 78, 83, 287

White light, 73

White space, 19, 57, 307

Wide-angle lens, 290

Wilson, Christina, 133

Wind noise, 79, 117118

Window-mounted filters, 85

Windscreens, 79, 117

Winslow, Donald R., 268

Wipes, 38, 57

Wireless microphones, 74, 112, 128129

Wireless transmitter-receiver, 110112

antenna placement, 111112

frequencies, 111

interference, 110111

range of, 110

Woodruff, Judy, 176

Works made for hire, 257


in head during shooting, 187188

to inform shooting, 188

like storyteller, 162176

package, 150158

stories in caps and lowercase, 147, 148

video editing as tool for, 46

in visual storytelling, 10, 13, 1920

Wrong filter, 78


Zeppelin, 117

Zoom in, 67


recomposing shot during, 68

snap, 3637, 68, 211

too much, 79

Zoom lens, 67, 288289

Zoom out, 67

Zoom shots, 3031

avoid calling attention to, 67

speed and duration of, 68

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