Chapter 18

Using Newer Methods and Resources to Enhance Your Project Management


Bullet Looking at Agile project management

Bullet Recognizing software’s role in project planning and control

Bullet Supporting project management with social media

A major part of project management is information — getting it, storing it, analyzing it, and sharing it. But the key to successful project management is using this information to guide and encourage people’s performance.

Today’s technology provides easier and more affordable ways to handle information. For example, computer software allows you to enter, store, and analyze information and then present the results in professional formats. In addition, different types of social media provide vehicles for quickly sharing project information with a wide range of audiences. However, technology alone can’t ensure focused and committed team performance. In fact, if not used appropriately, excessive reliance on today’s technology can actually result in decreased morale, confused and disorganized team members, and reduced performance.

In this chapter, we discuss the Agile approach to project management, one of the newer entries in the marketplace of project management methodologies that promises to be more flexible and responsive than the traditional Waterfall model. We explore the different types of software that are available and how they can help you plan and manage your projects more effectively. Finally, we discuss a few of the many different types of social media currently available, review their benefits and drawbacks, and suggest how you may use them to support your project planning and management.

Taking a Look at the Agile Approach to Project Management

Project management, as we know it today, began in the mid-1950s with the development by the U.S. Defense Department and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company of the Polaris missile system. The initial project management tools and techniques used on that program, such as the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and the critical path method (CPM; see Chapter 7 for more on these approaches), were designed to support the planning and management of a large, technically complex program with a very aggressive schedule and a heavy reliance on the use of contractors (see Chapter 1 for the difference between a project and a program).

As time passed, people began to use these techniques to plan and manage projects of different types and sizes and projects with a greater risk that client needs, project products, and other project parameters might unexpectedly change while the project was underway. The demands these different situations placed on project teams led people to seek more flexible and adaptable tools and techniques. Agile is one of the techniques that emerged. In this section, we introduce the elements of Agile and compare it to the traditional Waterfall approach.

Understanding what drives the Agile approach

Agile project management is a flexible, interactive method of planning, performing, and tracking the activities involved in continuous development, improvement, and delivery of a product. While initially used primarily for software development projects, in the years since 2001, Agile approaches have been used on projects in everything from construction to marketing, finance to education, book publishing to engineering, manufacturing to event planning, and many others.

The word “agile” (defined as “able to move quickly and easily” and “able to think and understand quickly”) was first used to describe this method in 2001, when a group of software designers published the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development” shown in Table 18-1.

TABLE 18-1 Manifesto for Agile Software Development

More Valued

Less Valued

Individuals and interactions

Processes and tools

Working software

Comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration

Contract negotiation

Responding to change

Following a plan

© 2001, Kent Beck, Mike Beedle, Arie van Bennekum, Alistair Cockburn, Ward Cunningham, Martin Fowler, James Grenning, Jim Highsmith, Andrew Hunt, Ron Jeffries, Jon Kern, Brian Marick, Robert C. Martin, Steve Mellor, Ken Schwaber, Jeff Sutherland, Dave Thomas. This declaration may be freely copied in any form, but only in its entirety through this notice.


As described in Table 18-1, the main premises of Agile are the following:

  • People and their collaboration, communication, and commitment to the project and to one another are the most important resources for a project’s success.
  • The success of a project is measured by the extent to which the products it produces successfully meet the client’s needs and expectations.
  • An understanding of the client’s true needs and what it will take to address them is best achieved through mutual collaboration between the client and the project team.
  • Rather than refusing to acknowledge when changes occur that will affect your project, successfully meeting your client’s needs requires that you identify the changes and assess their potential impact on your project at the earliest possible time and appropriately respond to them effectively and efficiently.

Tip The authors of the manifesto prepared a set of 12 working guidelines that they felt embodied the principles laid out in the manifesto. You can view these principles at

Taking a look at the elements of Agile when implemented through Scrum

Agile is a set of values and principles that describe a product environment that emphasizes continuous improvement of the product, the use of capable and highly motivated team members, frequent interaction between the design team and the customer, a willingness to accept and deal with changes as they occur, and the frequent delivery of working software to the customer throughout the project. However, because it doesn’t include a specific set of procedures, actors, and items to be produced, Agile must be implemented through the use of an Agile framework.

While several such frameworks are available, the most commonly used is Scrum. Scrum is an Agile framework because it adheres to the general principles and guidelines contained in the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development” (see the previous section). It supports iterative and incremental project delivery using frequent feedback and collaborative decision-making, and it’s characterized by transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

The actual use of the Scrum technique is relatively straightforward. Following are the main components of the process:

  • Scrum master: Keeps the process and advocates for and protects the team (often, a project manager assumes this role).
  • Product owner: Represents the customer and has authority to make decisions.
  • Team (usually 7–10 people): Includes people with all the skills required for the project and is jointly responsible for delivering the product.
  • Backlog: A prioritized list of tasks and requirements the final product needs (created and maintained by the product owner).
  • Sprint (usually 1-4 weeks): A predetermined amount of time the team has to complete the features selected. The Sprint has five different types of meetings:
    • Backlog grooming (also called backlog refinement): Creating, adding, and removing items from the backlog.
    • Sprint planning: A meeting with the team to select a set of work from the product backlog to deliver during a Sprint. This meeting normally takes four hours to a full day.
    • Daily Scrum (also called the daily standup): A short meeting for the development team to share progress and challenges and plan work for the day. Ideally the team members are in the same place, the meeting usually lasts no more than 15 minutes, is held at the same time and place each day, and addresses the following questions:
      • What did you accomplish yesterday?
      • What are you planning to accomplish today?
      • What, if anything, is blocking your progress?
    • Sprint review meeting: A meeting in which the team demonstrates to the product owner what it has completed during the Sprint.
    • Sprint retrospective meeting: A meeting during which the team looks for ways to improve the product and the process based on a review of the actual performance of the development team.

Tip For more information on the different activities you perform when you manage your project using Agile as implemented through Scrum, see Agile Project Management For Dummies and Scrum For Dummies, both written by Mark C. Layton and published by Wiley.

Comparing the Agile and traditional (Waterfall) approaches

Agile was developed for projects requiring significant flexibility and speed and is composed of short delivery cycles. Agile may be best-suited for projects requiring less control and real-time communication within self-motivated team settings. Agile is highly iterative, allowing for rapid adjustments throughout a project.

On the other hand, the Waterfall methodology (covered in the rest of this book) is sequential in nature. It’s comprised of static phases executed one after the other in a specific order. Waterfall allows for increased control throughout each phase but can be less flexible if scope changes are requested later.

Table 18-2 presents a comparison of how each project management approach addresses certain important issues during the life of a project. As the table indicates, in general, the Waterfall approach is the more rigid of the two, with less flexibility to deal with issues that weren’t identified at the outset.

Remember The choice of which approach you use to manage a particular project depends on the characteristics of that project. If you expect the project to be orderly and predictable, with requirements that are very well known, clearly defined, and fixed and customers who know what they want in advance, you may consider using a Waterfall methodology. However, if the project is one where the final product isn’t clearly defined, your clients need the ability to change scope after the project gets underway, and/or rapid deployment is the goal, you may choose to use an Agile approach.

TABLE 18-2 Selected Characteristics of the Waterfall and Agile Project Management Approaches



Requirements are defined before development begins.

Requirements are set and changed frequently during delivery.

Plans are developed for the eventual deliverable, and a single product is delivered at the end of the project timeline.

Deliveries of customer-valued subsets of the final product occur frequently.

Change is constrained as much as possible.

Change is incorporated in real time throughout the performance of the project.

Key stakeholders are involved at specific milestones.

Key stakeholders are continuously involved.

Risk and cost are controlled by detailed planning of mostly known considerations.

Risk and cost are controlled as requirements and constraints emerge.

Using Computer Software Effectively

Warning Today’s software for special analyses and reporting looks so good that you may be tempted to believe it’s all you need to ensure your project’s success. However, even though the software works effectively and efficiently, it can’t perform the following essential tasks:

  • Ensure that information is appropriately defined, timely, and accurate: In most instances, people enter information to support project planning and control into a computer program. You can typically configure the software to check for correctness of format or internal consistency, but the software can’t ensure the quality and integrity of the data.

    Suppose you use a computer program to maintain records of labor hours that team members charge to your project. You can program the computer to reject hours that are inadvertently charged with an invalid project code. However, you can’t program the computer to recognize hours charged to the wrong project with a valid code.

  • Make decisions: Software can help you objectively determine the theoretical results of several possible courses of action. However, software can’t effectively take into account all the objective and subjective considerations that you must weigh before making a final decision.
  • Create and sustain dynamic interpersonal relationships: Despite people’s obsession with email, texting, and other types of computer-based communication, computers don’t foster close, trusting relationships among people. If anything, technology makes relationships more difficult to develop because it removes your ability to see facial expressions and body language.

So how can computer software help you during the life of a project? This section looks at what different types of software are available, how software can help you manage your project, and how to introduce software into your work environment.

Looking at your software options

When your project is sufficiently complex, you can use software for a wide variety of tasks, including storing and retrieving important information, analyzing and updating that information, and preparing presentations and reports that describe and visualize the information and results of the analyses.

The available software falls into two categories: standalone specialty software and integrated project management software. Each type has benefits and drawbacks, as we discuss in the following sections.

Standalone specialty software

Standalone specialty software consists of separate packages that perform one or two functions very well. The following types of specialized software can support your project planning and performance:

  • Word processing: Useful for preparing the narrative portions of project plans, maintaining a project log, creating progress reports, and preparing written project communications (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or LibreOffice Writer, for example)
  • Business graphics and presentation: Useful for preparing overheads and slide shows for project presentations and developing charts and artwork for written reports and publications (Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or LibreOffice Impress, for example)
  • Spreadsheet: Useful for storing moderate amounts of data, performing repetitive calculations, running statistical analyses, and presenting information in chart formats (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or LibreOffice Calc, for example)
  • Database: Useful for storing and retrieving large amounts of data for analysis and presentation (Microsoft Access or LibreOffice Base, for example)
  • Accounting: Useful for keeping records of project income and expenses (QuickBooks Microsoft Dynamics, for example)
  • Time and information management: Useful for scheduling your calendar, maintaining a to-do list, storing your contacts, and managing your email (Microsoft Outlook or Google Workspace, for example)

Note: Many vendors offer software packages in the preceding categories. However, it is important to consider that organizations each have their own preferences and biases, budgetary constraints, and tolerances for cutting/bleeding edge vs. more tried and true applications and vendors. Many organizations have the infrastructure and expertise in-house to maintain an on-premises solution, whereas others prefer a cloud-based offering (each has benefits and drawbacks concerning cost, security risk, and resource requirements). With that said, Microsoft still reigns supreme with the majority of companies, although many of the cloud-based offerings—particularly ones with native smartphone or tablet apps for convenience and ease-of-access—are very compelling and become more popular with each passing day.

Tip Initially, specialty packages performed one or two functions very well. As they’ve evolved, however, they’ve expanded to include capabilities that support their primary functions, for example:

  • Word processing packages now possess some spreadsheet, business graphics, and database capabilities.
  • Spreadsheet packages now have some business graphics and word processing capabilities.
  • Database packages now have some spreadsheet, word processing, and data visualization capabilities.
  • Depending on the vendor, interaction between the different packages is possible, if not likely.

In general, specialty packages offer the following benefits:

  • They offer powerful capabilities in their areas of specialty. For example, a business graphics and presentation package makes it relatively easy to prepare professional quality presentations that effectively share information and stimulate your audience’s interest.
  • You most likely have several packages already on your computer or readily available from your IT department. Having these packages already available means you can use them immediately for no additional cost.
  • People probably know how to use many of the common specialty packages. As a result, people are more apt to use them and use them correctly. Also, you save time and money because people don’t require special training to use them.

Warning Keep in mind that specialty packages have the following potential drawbacks:

  • They’re likely to encourage piecemeal approaches to project planning and control, which may omit certain key steps. You can use a business graphics package to draw a Gantt chart (see Chapter 7); however, ensuring that your schedule is feasible requires you to consider the effect of activity interdependencies when you prepare it. A business graphics package typically can’t dynamically perform that function for you.
  • They don’t integrate easily. For example, you can depict your project’s schedule in a Gantt chart in a graphics package and display personnel hours over the duration of each task in a spreadsheet. However, if a team member is unexpectedly out for a week, you have to make separate changes by revising the person’s hours in the spreadsheet and then changing the Gantt chart in the graphics package to reflect new activity start and end dates (as opposed to making the change in one that automatically updates the other). Even though some programs can share data directly with other programs, this process is often cumbersome.

Integrated project management software

Integrated project management software combines database, spreadsheet, graphics, and word processing capabilities to support many of the activities normally associated with planning and performing your project. An example of an integrated package is Microsoft Project, although hundreds of such packages of all shapes and sizes are on the market today.

A typical integrated project management package allows you to:

  • Create a hierarchical list of activities and their components.
  • Define and store key information about your project, activities, and resources.
  • Define activity interdependencies (see Chapter 7 for details on activity interdependencies).
  • Develop schedules by considering activity durations, activity interdependencies, and resource requirements and availability.
  • Display your plan for performing project activities in a network diagram (see Chapter 7).
  • Display a schedule in Gantt chart and table formats (see Chapter 7).
  • Assign people to work on project activities for specific levels of effort at certain times.
  • Schedule other resources for project activities at specified times.
  • Determine your overall project budget (see Chapter 9 for how to prepare project budgets).
  • Determine the effect of changes on the project’s schedule and resources.
  • Monitor activity start and end dates and milestone dates.
  • Monitor person-hours and resource costs.
  • Present planning and tracking information in a wide array of graphs and tables.
  • Create budgetary and schedule baselines for tracking and retrospective review.
  • Permit project teams to collaborate and access project information from anywhere, day or night.

Tip As you may have guessed, integrated project management packages offer benefits as well as drawbacks. The benefits include the following:

  • The package’s functions are linked. For example, if you enter personnel requirements one time, the program considers them when developing schedule and resource budgets and when reporting project progress.
  • Packages typically have a variety of predesigned report templates. Having predesigned report templates allows you to use formats that are proven to be effective and likely to be familiar to your audience. It also saves you time and money when preparing and distributing your reports.

Warning Integrated project management packages also have these drawbacks:

  • The package may not be immediately available and may come with added cost. If it isn’t currently available, you have to devote time and money to buy and install the software before you can use it to support project planning and control.
  • Most people require training to become comfortable with the package. Training takes additional time and money.
  • Having a wide range of capabilities in a software package doesn’t guarantee that you’ll use them correctly. Remember the old adage: Garbage in, garbage out. Even the most advanced software package can’t help your project if people don’t submit accurate and timely data.

Remember If you decide to use an integrated project management package, consider the following factors when choosing which one:

  • Types and formats of reports: Choose a package that supports your reports and means of reporting with minimum customization.
  • Your team members’ and stakeholders’ general comfort and familiarity with computers and software: Will they take the time and effort to learn and then use the package? Having a package with state-of-the-art analysis and reporting capabilities is no help if people don’t know how (or are unwilling) to use it.
  • Your organization’s present software: If several software packages are equal in most aspects, choose a package that’s already available and in use because team members most likely have experience with it.
  • Your organization’s existing systems to record labor hours and expenses: If your organization has such systems, consider a package that can easily interface with them. If the organization doesn’t have these systems, consider a package that can store the information you need.
  • Your organization’s existing project management procedures and practices: Try to find a package that supports as many of the existing project management activities as possible. This will make the process of incorporating the software into the organization’s operations smoother, because people won’t have to find ways to continue performing project management tasks that the system doesn’t support, and there will be less need to modify existing practices to conform to the capabilities of the new software.
  • The project environment in your organization: What’s the size of the human resource pool for projects, the number and typical size of projects, and so on? Choose a package that has the necessary capacity and speed.
  • Software used by clients and companies you work with: Choosing a package that allows you to communicate and coordinate easily with your customers’ and collaborators’ software saves you time and money.

Tip Check out Microsoft Project For Dummies by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio (Wiley) and Microsoft Dynamics 365 For Dummies by Renato Bellu (Wiley) for more information on effectively using these applications.

Helping your software perform at its best

No matter which type of project management software you choose (either standalone specialty software or integrated project management software), your project’s success depends on how well you coordinate and support your project planning and control activities. Table 18-3 illustrates which software supports which activities and how you can ensure that each activity is performed correctly.

TABLE 18-3 Helping Your Software Support You

Software Capability

Software to Use*

Your Responsibilities








Document project objectives (see Chapter 5)



Ensure all project objectives have measures and performance targets; ensure key people approve the objectives

Keep a record of project stakeholders (see Chapter 4)





Identify the stakeholders

Store and display the project work breakdown structure (see Chapter 6)






Identify all required activities

Display team roles and responsibilities (see Chapter 12)





Have people agree and commit to their roles and responsibilities

Develop possible schedules (see Chapter 7)


Ensure duration estimates are accurate; identify interdependencies; ensure project drivers and supporters buy into the schedules

Display schedule possibilities






Choose actual schedule dates from among the possibilities

Display the personnel needed and their required levels of effort (see Chapter 8)





Determine personnel needs; estimate people’s required levels of effort

Display planned personnel allocations over time




Choose when people will spend their hours (over time) on task assignments; decide how to deal with resource conflicts

Display funds and other non-personnel budgets (see Chapter 9)




Determine budgets; explain budgets to project team members

Keep records of actual activity and milestone dates




Develop procedures for collecting and submitting schedule-performance data (see Chapter 13); ensure people submit data on time

Keep records of work-hours charged to the project




Create charge codes; develop procedures for recording and submitting work-hour data; ensure work-hours are charged to the correct accounts; ensure data are submitted and entered on time

Keep records of funds, commitments, and expenditures





Create the charge codes; ensure expenditures are charged to the correct accounts; ensure data are submitted and entered on time

Prepare reports of schedule and resource performance (see Chapter 15)





Define report formats and timetables; select people to receive reports; interpret the reports; ensure that people read the reports they receive; develop necessary corrective actions

Prepare presentations of project progress





Choose information to be included; select people to receive reports or attend the presentations

* The following abbreviations represent the different types of software packages available: A: Accounting; BG: Business graphics; DB: Database; IPMS: Integrated project management software; S: Spreadsheet; TIM: Time and information management; and WP: Word processing.

Introducing project management software into your organization

Tip Before you rush out and buy any project management software, plan how to maximize its capabilities and avoid associated pitfalls. Do the following to help you select and install your software:

  • Be sure you have a firm grasp of project planning and control approaches before you consider any software.
  • See what software other groups in your organization are using or have used; find out what they like, what they don’t like, and why.
  • If possible, ask someone who already has a copy of the software whether you can spend a few minutes exploring its operation.
  • See if the software vendor offers a free trial (most do) so you can try the software for yourself.
  • After the package is on your computer, load a simple project or a small part of a larger project to practice (that is, enter the activities, durations, interdependencies, resources, and so on).
  • Use only a few of the program’s capabilities at first (determine the effect of small changes on your schedule, print out some simple reports, and so on) and use more capabilities as you get more comfortable with the software and feel the need for them.
  • Consider attending a formal training program, or at least familiarizing yourself with the vendor’s online knowledgebase, as you become comfortable accessing the software’s different capabilities.
  • If you’re still not comfortable choosing the project management software for your organization yourself, consider engaging the services of an outside consulting firm with experience helping organizations like yours select and implement the software.

After you’ve undertaken these steps, you can effectively use software to support your project planning and control activities. On an ongoing basis, ensure that you obtain all updates and changes to the software, and consider purchasing software upgrades that introduce significant new capabilities.

Using Social Media to Enhance Project Management

Successful project management requires not only that you collect and analyze relevant project information but, more importantly, that you use that information in a timely and effective manner to make sure everything goes off without a hitch (or, more realistically, with as few hitches as possible). Specifically, you need to make sure your project plan looks at all relevant issues, your team members perform all project work effectively within existing constraints, and the project itself ultimately achieves the desired results.

One way to collect project-related information, as well as to keep tabs on your project and share its progress with the rest of your team, is to use social media — you know, Teams, Yammer, LinkedIn, wikis, blogs, and the like. Depending on the size and characteristics of the project and the policies and practices of the organization conducting it, the use of social media to support project planning and management may be considerable or nonexistent. This section identifies different social media tools you can use to enhance the quality and timeliness of project information sharing, together with some of their particular capabilities.

Defining social media

In its most general sense, the term social media refers to the different online technology tools (websites and applications) that enable you to share and create content easily in a two-way, dynamic interchange via the Internet.

In addition to email and instant messaging to maintain contact with and to share and obtain information from your team members, here are some of the more popular online information sharing tools you can use:

  • Online collaboration tools: Microsoft Teams has risen to the top of this category over the past couple of years as the need has grown for dispersed teams, across different geographies and time zones, to securely and reliably collaborate in real time, share media, chat individually or in groups, and videoconference and speak with others over the Internet (as opposed to using landlines or cellular service). Teams integrates easily with other Microsoft products, like Project, OneDrive (for file storage), and OneNote (for note taking), as well as non-Microsoft products.

    Many of the other tools mentioned in this book also offer embedded online collaboration capabilities, even where that is not the tool’s primary focus. For example, Smartsheet is, at its core, an online data collection, storage, and visualization tool, but offers robust automated alerting, as well as commenting and messaging between collaborators. Many cloud-based file storage sites and apps offer either native collaboration tools or integrate seamlessly with the vendor’s other collaboration tools. Google Drive is an example of a file storage service that integrates with most of Google’s complementary collaboration tools, such as Gmail, Meet, Chat, and others.

  • Social networking apps and websites: Apps and websites where people can post online profiles of their personal and business information and interests and link to others with similar interests, backgrounds, and pursuits. This assemblage of like-minded people is typically called a group or a community, depending on the site, and you can join existing ones or start your own. Social networking sites like LinkedIn ( and Yammer (, for example, can facilitate sharing information about your project and related subjects with team members and others in your project audience. You can also obtain professional and personal information and maintain relationships with those people.

    LinkedIn is the most used business- and career-oriented social networking platform. Members include current and past job-related information in their profiles, as well as personal interests and activities. In addition, its groups are made up of people from specified companies and organizations, as well as ones composed of people with particular subject matter interests. As an example, LinkedIn has roughly 14,000 groups focused on some aspect of project management. To see a complete listing, in the search box at the top of the homepage, enter “project management” and select “Groups” from the menu under the search box. For some perspective, this same search yielded approximately 6,000 groups when the 5th edition of this book was published just five years ago.

    Yammer is a social network focused on meeting the information needs of businesses and organizations. Yammer has special-interest groups and company groups, and members can send several types of short, quick messages to the general population or members of specified groups.

    Other social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on, can potentially offer some benefit, although often at the cost of decreased focus and productivity. These platforms are tailored more toward the “social” aspect of social networking.

    Warning Be sure to familiarize yourself with any relevant social media policies established by your organization, as many companies have begun restricting the types of social media allowed to be utilized with company resources and during business hours.

  • Wikis: Collections of web pages on a particular topic with dynamic content that can be maintained and updated in real time by users. Wikis can be useful as repositories of information and experience for projects currently underway, as well as to encourage collaboration among team members and between team members and audiences. Wikis are typically developed and created internally and can be organized and tailored in any way that benefits the team, the project, or the organization.
  • Blogs: Information repositories on a particular topic that are made up of short articles, or posts, and their corresponding reader comments. Blogs are useful for soliciting from or making subject matter and project-related information available to diverse audiences and geographically distributed team members.

Your team can use each of these social media vehicles throughout your project’s life to facilitate effective information sharing and build interpersonal relationships among team members and with project drivers and supporters (see Chapter 4 for details on the different types of project stakeholders that may influence your project).

Exploring how social media can support your project planning and performance

Project success depends heavily on accurate and timely information sharing, productive interpersonal relationships among the team and with other project stakeholders, and effective collaboration among team members. Social media can facilitate one-way (going from the sender to the receiver with no opportunity for clarification or confirmation) and two-way (going from the sender to the receiver and from the receiver back to the sender) information sharing. In addition, it can support passive (collecting existing data on a subject) and active (asking for and receiving certain data from an audience) data gathering (see Chapter 15 for more information on the communication process and ways to improve it).

Table 18-4 presents examples of instances where social media can be used to facilitate essential communication and relationship building activities in the various stages of a project’s life cycle.

TABLE 18-4 Using Social Media to Support Your Project Management in Its Different Life Cycle Stages

Life Cycle Phase

Information Sharing Activity

Social Media to Use

Starting the project

Finding out about project subject matter

Finding out about similar projects

Making initial announcement of project

Blogs, wikis, social networking sites

Teams, wikis, social networking sites

Teams, social networking sites

Organizing and preparing

Announcing project planning is starting

Exploring project issues

Finding lessons learned from similar projects

Recruiting project audiences

Recruiting team members

Teams, social networking sites

Teams, wikis, social networking sites, blogs

Teams, wikis, social networking sites, blogs

Teams, social networking sites

Teams, social networking sites

Carrying out the work

Announcing project kickoff

Finding out about team members

Exploring project issues

Writing progress reports

Revising project plan

Teams, social networking sites

Teams, social networking sites

Teams, wikis, social networking sites, blogs,

Teams, social networking sites, wikis

Teams, social networking sites

Closing the project

Announcing project completion

Recording lessons learned

Teams, social networking sites, wikis

Teams, social networking sites, blogs

Using social media to support your project communications

To ensure that your use of social media provides your project team with responsive communications support, consider the following questions when thinking about setting up your project’s presence on social media:

  • What types of problems will your team be addressing? Some problems may require active collaboration among team members, while others may involve one-way communication of existing data.
  • How sensitive is the content that would be shared? The platforms in use today have varying capabilities for ensuring that information is shared only with selected recipients. For instance, Teams can securely send messages and store files within your organization; however, guests from outside your organization can also be added to your Teams, affording them access to communications and media that could be sensitive. Additionally, there can be quite a large difference between blasting out an announcement to all members of your project or group within Teams and sending an announcement to all of your LinkedIn followers, which could be seen by their followers, and their followers’ followers, and so on (this is, after all, the benefit of social networks).
  • Is your communication unidirectional or bidirectional? All forms of social media discussed in this chapter can handle one-way communications effectively. Bidirectional communications are best handled with the use of collaboration tools like Teams, wikis, or by sites that can establish groups or communities.
  • Will your data gathering be active or passive? If you use passive data gathering, check to be sure the data routinely collected and maintained by the site is adequate to meet your needs.
  • What platforms do your team members use today? All things being equal, consider using platforms with which your team is familiar and that they use currently. People are more likely to make use of capabilities with which they have prior familiarity.

Tip Be sure to include in your written project communications management plan how you plan to use social media to support your project’s planning and management. Maximize the benefits and minimize the pitfalls associated with using social media by ensuring your communications plan addresses the following issues:

  • The particular tools you and your team will use to communicate different types of information
  • The person or people in charge of ensuring that everyone involved with your project follows the procedures mandated for the use of social media

Relating This Chapter to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7

Table 18-5 notes topics in this chapter that may be addressed on the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam and that are also included in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 7th Edition (PMBOK 7).

TABLE 18-5 Chapter 18 Topics in Relation to the PMP Exam and PMBOK 7


Location in This Chapter

Location in PMBOK 7


How different types of software can support your project

Using Computer Software Effectively


PMBOK 7 no longer addresses project management software (mentioned in PMBOK 6).

How social media can support your project planning and management

Using Social Media to Enhance Project Management


PMBOK 7 does not address this topic.

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