Abbreviations and Acronyms

ACCadaptive cruise control
ADASadvanced driver assistance system
AUVautonomous underwater vehicle
BAbundle adjustment
BCMbrightness constancy model
BoWbag of words
CANcontroller area network
CLAHEcontrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
COTScrown of thorns starfish
DCTdiscrete cosine transforms
DOFdegree of freedom
DVLDoppler velocity log
EKFextended Kalman filter
ESCelectronic stability control
FCAforward collision avoidance
FEMfinite element method
FFTfast Fourier transform
FIRfar infrared
FLSforward-looking sonar
GAglobal alignment
GDIMgeneralized dynamic image model
GLCMgray level co-occurrence matrix
GPSglobal positioning system
GPUgraphical processing unit
HDRhigh dynamic range
HOGhistogram of gradients
HOVhuman operated vehicle
HSVhue saturation value
KPCAkernel principal component analysis
LBLlong baseline
LBPlocal binary patterns
LCAlane change assistance
LDAlinear discriminant analysis
LDWlane departure warning
LHClocal homogeneity coefficient
LKSlane keeping system
LMedSleast median of squares
MEXMATLAB executable
MLSmoving least squares
MRmaximum response
MSTminimum spanning tree
NCCnormalized chromaticity coordinates
NDTnormal distribution transform
NIRnear infrared
OVVonline visual vocabularies
PCAprincipal component analysis
PDWMDprobability density weighted mean distance
PNNprobabilistic neural network
RANSACrandom sample consensus
RBFradial basis function
RODregion of difference
ROIregion of interest
ROVremotely operated vehicle
SDFsigned distance function
SEFseam-eliminating function
SIFTscale invariant feature transform
SLAMsimultaneous localization and mapping
SNRsignal-to-noise ratio
SSDsum of squared differences
SURFspeeded up robust features
SVMsupport vector machine
TJAtraffic jam assist
TSRtraffic sign recognition
TVtotal variation
UDFunsigned distance function
USBLultra short base line
UUVunmanned underwater vehicle
UVunderwater vehicle
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