Wiley Series on
Adaptive and Cognitive Dynamic Systems

Editor: Simon Haykin

Adali and Haykin · Adaptive Signal Processing: Next Generation Solutions

Beckerman · Adaptive Cooperative Systems

Candy · Model-Based Signal Processing

Chen, Haykin, Eggermont, and Becker · Correlative Learning: A Basis for Brain and Adaptive Systems

Chen and Gu · Control-Oriented System Identification: An H Approach

Cherkassky and Mulier · Learning from Data: Concepts, Theory, and Methods

Cirrincione and Cirrincione · Neural Based Orthogonal Data Fitting: The EXIN Neural Networks

Costa and Haykin · Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Channel Models: Theory and Practice

Diamantaras and Kung · Principal Component Neural Networks: Theory and Applications

Haykin · Unsupervised Adaptive Filtering: Blind Source Separation

Haykin · Unsupervised Adaptive Filtering: Blind Deconvolution

Haykin and Liu · Handbook on Array Processing and Sensor Networks

Haykin and Puthussarypady · Chaotic Dynamics of Sea Clutter

Haykin and Widrow · Least Mean-Square Adaptive Filters

Hossain, Le, and Niyato · Radio Resource Management in Multi-Tier Cellular Wireless Networks

Hrycej · Neurocontrol: Towards an Industrial Control Methodology

Hyvärinen, Karhunen, and Oja · Independent Component Analysis

Kristić, Kanellakopoulos, and Kokotović · Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design

Mann · Intelligent Image Processing

Nikias and Shao · Signal Processing with Alpha-Stable Distributions and Applications

Passino and Burgess · Stability Analysis of Discrete Event Systems

Sánchez-Peña and Sznaier · Robust Systems Theory and Applications

Sandberg, Lo, Fancourt, Principe, Katagairi, and Haykin · Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives

Sellathurai and Haykin · Space-Time Layered Information Processing for Wireless Communications

Spooner, Maggiore, Ordóñez, and Passino · Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear Systems: Neural and Fuzzy Approximator Techniques

Tao · Adaptive Control Design and Analysis

Tao and Kokotović · Adaptive Control of Systems with Actuator and Sensor Nonlinearities

Tsoukalas and Uhrig · Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering

Van Hulle · Faithful Representations and Topographic Maps: From Distortion- to Information-Based Self-Organization

Vapnik · Statistical Learning Theory

Werbos · The Roots of Backpropagation: From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks and Political Forecasting

Yee and Haykin · Regularized Radial Bias Function Networks: Theory and Applications

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