Statistical Estimation



Point estimators are sample statistics that are designed to yield numerical estimates of certain characteristics of interest of the parent distribution. While in testing hypotheses we are generally interested in drawing general conclusions about the characteristics of the distribution, for example, whether its expected value (mean) is positive or negative, in problems of estimation we are concerned with the actual value of the characteristic. Generally, we can formulate, as in testing of hypotheses, a statistical model that expresses the available information concerning the type of distribution under consideration. In this connection, we distinguish between parametric and nonparametric (or distribution free) models. Parametric models specify parametric families of distributions. It is assumed in these cases that the observations in the sample are generated from a parent distribution that belongs to the prescribed family. The estimators that are applied in parametric models depend in their structure and properties on the specific parametric family under consideration. On the other hand, if we do not wish, for various reasons, to subject the estimation procedure to strong assumptions concerning the family to which the parent distribution belongs, a distribution free procedure may be more reasonable. In Example 5.1, we illustrate some of these ideas.

This chapter is devoted to the theory and applications of these types of estimators: unbiased, maximum likelihood, equivariant, moment equations, pretest, and robust estimators.


5.2.1 General Definition and Example

Unbiased estimators of a characteristic θ(F) of F in inline is an estimator inline.jpg(X) satisfying

(5.2.1) numbered Display Equation

where X is a random vector representing the sample random variables. For example, if θ (F) = EF{X}, assuming that EF{|X|} < ∞ for all F inline inline, then the sample mean inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator of θ(F). Moreover, if VF{X} < ∞ for all F inline inline.jpg then the sample variance inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator of VF{X}. We note that all the examples of unbiased estimators given here are distribution free. They are valid for any distribution for which the expectation or the variance exist. For parametric models one can do better by using unbiased estimators which are functions of the minimal sufficient statistics. The comparison of unbiased estimators is in terms of their variances. Of two unbiased estimators, the one having a smaller variance is considered better, or more efficient. One reason for preferring the unbiased estimator with the smaller variance is in the connection between the variance of the estimator and the probability that it belongs to a fixed–width interval centered at the unknown characteristic. In Example 5.2, we illustrate a case in which the distribution–free estimator of the expectation is inefficient.

5.2.2 Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators

In Example 5.2, one can see a case where an unbiased estimator, which is not a function of the minimal sufficient statistic (m.s.s.), has a larger variance than the one based on the m.s.s. The question is whether this result holds generally. The main theorem of this section establishes that if a family of distribution functions admits a complete sufficient statistic then the minimum variance unbiased estimator (MVUE) is unique, with probability one, and is a function of that statistic. The following is the fundamental theorem of the theory of unbiased estimation. It was proven by Rao (1945, 1947, 1949), Blackwell (1947), and Lehmann and Scheffé (1950).

Theorem 5.2.1 (The Rao–Blackwell–Lehmann–Scheffé Theorem) Let inline = {F(x;θ);θ inline Θ} be a parametric family of distributions of a random vector X = (X1, …, Xn). Suppose that ω = g(θ) has an unbiased estimator inline.jpg(X). If inline admits a (minimal) sufficient statistic T(X) then

(5.2.2) numbered Display Equation

is an unbiased estimator of ω and

(5.2.3) numbered Display Equation

for all θ inline Θ. Furthermore, if T(X) is a complete sufficient statistic then inline.jpg is essentially the unique minimum variance, unbiased (MVU) estimator, for each θ in Θ.

Proof. (i) Since T(X) is a sufficient statistic, the conditional expectation E{inline.jpg(X)| T(X)} does not depend on θ and is therefore a statistic. Moreover, according to the law of the iterated expectations and since inline.jpg(X) is unbiased, we obtain

(5.2.4) numbered Display Equation

Hence, inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator of g(θ). By the law of the total variance,

(5.2.5) numbered Display Equation

The second term on the RHS of (5.2.5) is the variance of inline.jpg. Moreover, Var{inline.jpg(X)| T(X)} ≥ 0 with probability one for each θ in Θ. Hence, the first term on the RHS of (5.2.5) is nonnegative. This establishes (5.2.3).

(ii) Let T(X) be a complete sufficient statistic and assume that inline.jpg = inline1(T(X)). Let inline.jpg(X) be any unbiased estimator of ω = g(θ), which depends on T(X), i.e., inline.jpg(X) = inline2(T(X)). Then, Eθ {inline.jpg} = Eθ {inline.jpg(X)} for all θ. Or, equivalently

(5.2.6) numbered Display Equation

Hence, from the completeness of T(X), inline1(T) = inline2(T) with probability one for each θ inline Θ. This proves that inline.jpg = inline1(T) is essentially unique and implies also that inline.jpg has the minimal variance at each θ.        QED

Part (i) of the above theorem provides also a method of constructing MVUEs. One starts with any unbiased estimator, as simple as possible, and then determines its conditional expectation, given T(X). This procedure of deriving MVUEs is called in the literature “Rao–Blackwellization.” Example 5.3 illustrates this method.

In the following section, we prove and illustrate an information lower bound for variances of unbiased estimators. This lower bound plays an important role in the theory of statistical inference.

5.2.3 The Cramér–Rao Lower Bound for the One–Parameter Case

The following theorem was first proven by Fréchet (1943) and then by Rao (1945) and Cramér (1946). Although conditions (i)–(iii), (v) of the following theorem coincide with conditions (3.7.8) we restate them. Conditions (i)–(iv) will be labeled the Cramér–Rao (CR) regularity conditions.

Theorem 5.2.2. Let inline be a one–parameter family of distributions of a random vector X = (X1, …, Xn), having probability density functions (p.d.f.s) f(x;θ), θ inline Θ. Let ω (θ) be a differentiable function of θ and inline.jpg(X) an unbiased estimator of ω (θ). Assume that the following regularity conditions hold:

(i) Θ is an open interval on the real line.
(ii) inline.jpg f(x;θ) exists (finite) for every x and every θ in Θ, and {x: f(x;θ) > 0} does not depend on θ.
(iii) For each θ in Θ, there exists a δ > 0 and a positive integrable function G(x;θ) such that for all inline inline (θδ, θ + δ)

Unnumbered Display Equation

(iv) For each θ in Θ, there exists a δ′ > 0 and a positive integrable function H(x;θ) such that, for all inline inline (θδ′;θ + δ′)

Unnumbered Display Equation

(v) 0 < In(θ) = Eθ inline.jpg.


(5.2.7) numbered Display Equation

Proof. Consider the covariance, for a given θ value, between inline.jpg log f(X;θ) and inline.jpg(X). We have shown in (3.7.3) that under the above regularity conditions Eθ inline.jpg. Hence,

(5.2.8) numbered Display Equation

The interchange of differentiation and integration is justified by condition (iv). On the other hand, by the Schwarz inequality

(5.2.9) numbered Display Equation

since the variance of inline.jpg is equal to the Fisher information function In(θ), and the square of the coefficient of correlation between inline.jpg(X) and inline.jpg cannot exceed 1. From (5.2.8) and (5.2.9), we obtain the Cramér – Rao inequality (5.2.7).        QED

We show that if an unbiased estimator inline.jpg(X) has a distribution of the one–parameter exponential type, then the variance of inline.jpg(X) attains the Cramér – Rao lower bound. Indeed, let

(5.2.10) numbered Display Equation

where inline (θ) and K(θ) are differentiable, and inline′(θ) ≠ 0 for all θ then

(5.2.11) numbered Display Equation


(5.2.12) numbered Display Equation

Since inline.jpg(X) is a sufficient statistic, In(θ) is equal to

(5.2.13) numbered Display Equation

Moreover, inline.jpg(X) is an unbiased estimator of g(θ) = +K′(θ)/inline′(θ). Hence, we readily obtain that

(5.2.14) numbered Display Equation

We ask now the question: if the variance of an unbiased estimator inline.jpg(X) attains the Cramér – Rao lower bound, can we infer that its distribution is of the one–parameter exponential type? Joshi (1976) provided a counter example. However, under the right regularity conditions the above implication can be made. These conditions were given first by Wijsman (1973) and then generalized by Joshi (1976).

Bhattacharyya (1946) generalized the Cramér – Rao lower bound to (regular) cases where ω (θ) is k–times differentiable at all θ. This generalization shows that, under further regularity conditions, if ωi(θ) is the ith derivative of ω(θ) and V is a k × k positive definite matrix, for all θ, with elements

Unnumbered Display Equation


(5.2.15) numbered Display Equation

Fend (1959) has proven that if the distribution of X belongs to the one–parameter exponential family, and if the variance of an unbiased estimator of ω(θ), inline.jpg(X), attains the kth order Bhattacharyya lower bound (BLB) for all θ, but does not attain the (k – 1)st lower bound, then inline.jpg(X) is a polynomial of degree k in U(X).

5.2.4 Extension of the Cramér – Rao Inequality to Multiparameter Cases

The Cramér – Rao inequality can be generalized to estimation problems in k–parameter models in the following manner. Suppose that inline is a family of distribution functions having density functions (or probability functions) f(x;θ) where θ = (θ1, …, θk)′ is a k–dimensional vector. Let I(θ) denote a k × k Fisher information matrix, with elements

Unnumbered Display Equation

i, j = 1, …, k. We obviously assume that for each θ in the parameter space Θ, Iij(θ) is finite. It is easy to show that the matrix I(θ) is nonnegative definite. We will assume, however, that the Fisher information matrix is positive definite. Furthermore, let g1(θ), …, gr(θ) be r parametric functions r = 1, 2, …, k. Define the matrix of partial derivatives

(5.2.16) numbered Display Equation

where Dij(θ) = inline.jpg. Let inline.jpg(X) be an r–dimensional vector of unbiased estimators of g1(θ), …, gr(θ), i.e., inline.jpg(X) = (inline.jpg1(X), …, inline.jpgr(X)). Let inline.jpg (inline.jpg) denote the variance – covariance matrix of inline.jpg(X). The Cramér – Rao inequality can then be generalized, under regularity conditions similar to those of the theorem, to yield the inequality

(5.2.17) numbered Display Equation

in the sense that inline.jpg (inline.jpg) – D(θ)(I(θ))−1D′(θ) is a nonnegative definite matrix. In the special case of one parameter function g(θ), if inline.jpg(X) is an unbiased estimator of g(θ) then

(5.2.18) numbered Display Equation

where inline.jpg g(θ) = inline.jpg.

5.2.5 General Inequalities of the Cramér – Rao Type

The Cramér – Rao inequality is based on four stringent assumptions concerning the family of distributions under consideration. These assumptions may not be fulfilled in cases of practical interest. In order to overcome this difficulty, several studies were performed and various different general inequalities were suggested. Blyth and Roberts (1972) provided a general theoretical framework for these generalizations. We present here the essential results.

Let X1, …, Xn be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables having a common distribution F that belongs to a one–parameter family inline, having p.d.f. f(x;θ), θ inline Θ. Suppose that g(θ) is a parametric function considered for estimation. Let T(X) be a sufficient statistic for inline and let inline.jpg(T) be an unbiased estimator of g(θ). Let W(T;θ) be a real–valued random variable such that Varθ {W(T;θ)} > 0 and finite for every θ. We also assume that 0 < Varθ {inline.jpg(T)} < ∞ for each θ in Θ. Then, from the Schwarz inequality, we obtain

(5.2.19) numbered Display Equation

for every θ inline Θ. We recall that for the Cramér – Rao inequality, we have used

(5.2.20) numbered Display Equation

where h(t;θ) is the p.d.f. of T at θ.

Chapman and Robbins (1951) and Kiefer (1952) considered a family of random variables Winline (T;θ), where inline ranges over Θ and is given by the likelihood ratio Winline (T;θ) = inline.jpg. The inequality (5.2.19) then becomes

(5.2.21) numbered Display Equation

One obtains then that (5.2.21) holds for each inline in Θ. Hence, considering the supremum of the RHS of (5.2.21) over all values of inline, we obtain

(5.2.22) numbered Display Equation

where A(θ, inline) = Varθ {Winline (T;θ)}. Indeed,

(5.2.23) numbered Display Equation

This inequality requires that all the p.d.f.s of T, i.e., h(t;θ), θ inline Θ, will be positive on the same set, which is independent of any unknown parameter. Such a condition restricts the application of the Chapman – Robbins inequality. We cannot consider it, for example, in the case of a life–testing model in which the family inline is that of location–parameter exponential distributions, i.e., f(x;θ) = I { xθ } exp{-(xθ)}, with 0 < θ < ∞. However, one can consider the variable Winline (T;θ) for all inline values such that h(t;inline) = 0 on the set Nθ = {t: h(t;θ) = 0}. In the above location–parameter example, we can restrict attention to the set of inline values that are greater than Θ. If we denote this set by C(θ) then we have the Chapman – Robbins inequality as follow:

(5.2.24) numbered Display Equation

The Chapman – Robbins inequality is applicable, as we have seen in the previous example, in cases where the Cramér – Rao inequality is inapplicable. On the other hand, we can apply the Chapman – Robbins inequality also in cases satisfying the Cramér – Rao regularity conditions. The question is then, what is the relationship between the Chapman – Robbins lower bound and Cramér – Rao lower bound. Chapman and Robbins (1951) have shown that their lower bound is greater than or equal to the Cramér – Rao lower bound for all θ.


Let inline.jpg1(X) and inline.jpg2(X) be two unbiased estimators of g(θ). Assume that the density functions and the estimators satisfy the Cramér – Rao regularity conditions. The relative efficiency of inline.jpg1(X) to inline.jpg2(X) is defined as the ratio of their variances,

(5.3.1) numbered Display Equation

where inline.jpg is the variance of inline.jpgi(X) at θ. In order to compare all the unbiased estimators of g(θ) on the same basis, we replace inline.jpg by the Cramér – Rao lower bound (5.2.7). In this manner, we obtain the efficiency function

(5.3.2) numbered Display Equation

for all θ inline Θ. This function assumes values between zero and one. It is equal to one, for all θ, if and only if inline.jpg attains the Cramér – Rao lower bound, or equivalently, if the distribution of inline.jpg(X) is of the exponential type.

Consider the covariance between inline.jpg(X) and the score function S(X;θ) = inline.jpg log f(x;θ). As we have shown in the proof of the Cramér – Rao inequality that

(5.3.3) numbered Display Equation

where ρθ (inline.jpg, S) is the coefficient of correlation between the estimator inline.jpg and the score function, S(X;θ), at θ. Hence, the efficiency function is

(5.3.4) numbered Display Equation

Moreover, the relative efficiency of two unbiased estimators inline.jpg1 and inline.jpg2 is given by

(5.3.5) numbered Display Equation

This relative efficiency can be expressed also in terms of the ratio of the Fisher information functions obtained from the corresponding distributions of the estimators. That is, if h(inline.jpgi;θ), i = 1, 2, is the p.d.f. of inline.jpgi and Iinline.jpgi (θ) = inline.jpg then

(5.3.6) numbered Display Equation

It is a straightforward matter to show that for every unbiased estimator inline.jpg of g(θ) and under the Cramér – Rao regularity conditions

(5.3.7) numbered Display Equation

Thus, the relative efficiency function (5.3.6) can be written, for cases satisfying the Cramér – Rao regularity condition, in the form

(5.3.8) numbered Display Equation

where inline.jpg1(X) and inline.jpg2(X) are unbiased estimators of g1(θ) and g2(θ), respectively. If the two estimators are unbiased estimators of the same function g(θ) then (5.3.8) is reduced to (5.3.1). The relative efficiency function (5.3.8) is known as the Pitman relative efficiency. It relates both the variances and the derivatives of the bias functions of the two estimators (see Pitman, 1948).

The information function of an estimator can be generalized to the multiparameter regular case (see Bhapkar, 1972). Let θ = (θ1, …, θk) be a vector of k–parameters and I(θ) be the Fisher information matrix (corresponding to one observation). If g1(θ), …, gr(θ), 1 ≤ rk, are functions satisfying the required differentiability conditions and inline.jpg1(X), …, inline.jpgr(X) are the corresponding unbiased estimators then, from (5.2.18),

(5.3.9) numbered Display Equation

where n is the sample size. Note that if r = k then D(θ) is nonsingular (the parametric functions g1(θ), …, gk(θ) are linearly independent), and we can express the above inequality in the form

(5.3.10) numbered Display Equation

Accordingly, and in analogy to (5.3.7), we define the amount of information in the vector estimator inline.jpg as

(5.3.11) numbered Display Equation

If 1 ≤ r < k but D(θ) is of full rank r, then

(5.3.12) numbered Display Equation

The efficiency function of a multiparameter estimator is thus defined by DeGroot and Raghavachari (1970) as

(5.3.13) numbered Display Equation

In Example 5.9, we illustrate the computation needed to determine this efficiency function.


Best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) are linear combinations of the observations that yield unbiased estimates of the unknown parameters with minimal variance. As we have seen in Section 5.3, the uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimators (if they exist) are in many cases nonlinear functions of the observations. Accordingly, if we confine attention to linear estimators, the variance of the BLUE will not be smaller than that of the UMVU. On the other hand, BLUEs may exist when UMVU estimators do not exist. For example, if X1, …, Xn and i.i.d. random variables having a Weibull distribution G1/β(λ, 1) and both λ and β are unknown 0 < λ, β < ∞, the m.s.s. is the order statistic (X(1), …, X(n)). Suppose that we wish to estimate the parametric functions μ = inline.jpg log λ and σ = inline.jpg. There are no UMVU estimators of μ and σ. However, there are BLUEs of these parameters.

5.4.1 BLUEs of the Mean

We start with the case where the n random variables have the same unknown mean, μ and the covariance matrix is known. Thus, let X = (X1, …, Xn)′ be a random vector; E{X} = μ 1, 1′ = (1, 1, …, 1); μ is unknown (real). The covariance of X is inline.jpg. We assume that inline.jpg is finite and nonsingular. A linear estimator of μ is a linear function inline.jpg = λX, where λ is a vector of known constants. The expected value of inline.jpg is μ if, and only if, λ1 = 1. We thus consider the class of all such unbiased estimators and look for the one with the smallest variance. Such an estimator is called best linear unbiased (BLUE). The variance of inline.jpg is V {λX} = λinline.jpg, λ. We, therefore, determine λ0 that minimizes this variance and satisfies the condition of unbiasedness. Thus, we have to minimize the Lagrangian

(5.4.1) numbered Display Equation

It is simple to show that the minimizing vector is unique and is given by

(5.4.2) numbered Display Equation

Correspondingly, the BLUE is

(5.4.3) numbered Display Equation

Note that this BLUE can be obtained also by minimizing the quadratic form

(5.4.4) numbered Display Equation

In Example 5.12, we illustrate a BLUE of the form (5.4.3).

5.4.2 Least–Squares and BLUEs in Linear Models

Consider the problem of estimating a vector of parameters in cases where the means of the observations are linear combinations of the unknown parameters. Such models are called linear models. The literature on estimating parameters in linear models is so vast that it would be impractical to try listing here all the major studies. We mention, however, the books of Rao (1973), Graybill (1961, 1976), Anderson (1958), Searle (1971), Seber (1977), Draper and Smith (1966), and Sen and Srivastava (1990). We provide here a short exposition of the least–squares theory for cases of full linear rank.

Linear models of full rank. Suppose that the random vector X has expectation

(5.4.5) numbered Display Equation

where X is an n × 1 vector, A is an n × p matrix of known constants, and β a p × 1 vector of unknown parameters. We furthermore assume that 1 ≤ pn and A is a matrix of full rank, p. The covariance matrix of X is inline.jpg, = σ2I, where σ2 is unknown, 0 < σ2 < ∞. An estimator of β that minimizes the quadratic form

(5.4.6) numbered Display Equation

is called the least–squares estimator (LSE). This estimator was discussed in Example 2.13 and in Section 4.6 in connection with testing in normal regression models. The notation here is different from that of Section 4.6 in order to keep it in agreement with the previous notation of the present section. As given by (4.6.5), the LSE of β is

(5.4.7) numbered Display Equation

Note that inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator of β. To verify it, substitute Aβ in (5.3.7) instead of X. Furthermore, if BX is an arbitrary unbiased estimator of β (B a p × n matrix of specified constants) then B should satisfy the condition BA = I. Moreover, the covariance matrix of BX can be expressed in the following manner. Write B = BS−1A′ + S−1A′, where S = AA. Accordingly, the covariance matrix of BX is

(5.4.8) numbered Display Equation

where C = BS−1A′, inline.jpg is the LSE and inline.jpg (CX, inline.jpg) is the covariance matrix of CX and inline.jpg. This covariance matrix is

(5.4.9) numbered Display Equation

since BA = I. Thus, the covariance matrix of an arbitrary unbiased estimator of β can be expressed as the sum of two covariance matrices, one of the LSE, inline.jpg, and one of CX. inline.jpg,(CX) is a nonnegative definite matrix. Obviously, when B = S−1A′ the covariance matrix of CX is 0. Otherwise, all the components of inline.jpg have variances which are smaller than or equal to that of BX. Moreover, any linear combination of the components of inline.jpg has a variance not exceeding that of BX. It means that the LSE, inline.jpg, is also BLUE. We have thus proven the celebrated following theorem.

Gauss – Markov Theorem If X = Aβ + inline, where A is a matrix of full rank, E{inline} = 0 and inline.jpg(inline) = σ2I, then the BLUE of any linear combination λβ is λinline.jpg, where λ is a vector of constants and inline.jpg is the LSE of β. Moreover,

(5.4.10) numbered Display Equation

where S = AA.

Note that an unbiased estimator of σ2 is

(5.4.11) numbered Display Equation

If the covariance of X is σ2V, where V is a known symmetric positive definite matrix then, after making the factorization V = DD′ and the transformation Y = D−1X the problem is reduced to the one with covariance matrix proportional to I. Substituting D−1X for X and D−1A for A in (5.3.7), we obtain the general formula

(5.4.12) numbered Display Equation

The estimator (5.4.12) is the BLUE of β and can be considered as the multidimensional generalization of (5.4.3).

As is illustrated in Example 5.10, when V is an arbitrary positive definite matrix, the BLUE (5.3.12) is not necessarily equivalent to the LSE (5.3.7). The conditions under which the two estimators are equivalent were studied by Watson (1967) and Zyskind (1967). The main result is that the BLUE and the LSE coincide when the rank of A is p, 1 ≤ pn, if and only if there exist p eigenvectors of V which form a basis in the linear space spanned by the columns of A. Haberman (1974) proved the following interesting inequality. Let inline.jpg, where (c1, …, cp) are given constants. Let inline.jpg and θ* be, correspondingly, the BLUE and LSE of θ. If τ is the ratio of the largest to the smallest eigenvalues of V then

(5.4.13) numbered Display Equation

5.4.3 Best Linear Combinations of Order Statistics

Best linear combinations of order statistics are particularly attractive estimates when the family of distributions under consideration depends on location and scale parameters and the sample is relatively small. More specifically, suppose that inline is a location– and scale–parameter family, with p.d.f.s

Unnumbered Display Equation

where -∞ < μ < ∞ and 0 < σ < ∞. Let U = (Xμ)/σ be the standardized random variable corresponding to X. Suppose that X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. and let X* = (X(1), …, X(n))′ be the corresponding order statistic. Note that

Unnumbered Display Equation

where U1, …, Un are i.i.d. standard variables and (U(1), …, Un the corresponding order statistic. The p.d.f. of U is inline(u). If the covariance matrix, V, of the order statistic (U(1), …, Un exists, and if α = (α1, …, αn)′ denotes the vector of expectations of this order statistic, i.e., αi = E{U(i)}, i = 1, …, n, then we have the linear model

(5.4.14) numbered Display Equation

where E{inline* } = 0 and inline.jpg (inline* ) = V. This covariance matrix is known. Hence, according to (5.3.12), the BLUE of (μ, σ) is

(5.4.15) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

then the BLUE can be written as

(5.4.16) numbered Display Equation

The variances and covariances of these BLUEs are

(5.4.17) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

As will be illustrated in the following example the proposed BLUE, based on all the n order statistics, becomes impractical in certain situations.

Example 5.11 illustrates an estimation problem for which the BLUE based on all the n order statistics can be determined only numerically, provided the sample is not too large. Various methods have been developed to approximate the BLUEs by linear combinations of a small number of selected order statistics. Asymptotic (large sample) theory has been applied in the theory leading to the optimal choice of selected set of k, k < n, order statistics. This choice of order statistics is also called spacing. For the theories and methods used for the determination of the optimal spacing see the book of Sarhan and Greenberg (1962).


The method of ridge regression was introduced by Hoerl (1962) and by Hoerl and Kennard (1970). A considerable number of papers have been written on the subject since then. In particular see the papers of Marquardt (1970), Stone and Conniffe (1973), and others. The main objective of the ridge regression method is to overcome a phenomenon of possible instability of least–squares estimates, when the matrix of coefficients S = AA has a large spread of the eigenvalues. To be more specific, consider again the linear model of full rank: X = Aβ + inline, where E{inline} = 0 and inline.jpg, (inline) = σ2I. We have seen that the LSE of β, inline.jpg = S−1AX, minimizes the squared distance between the observed random vector X and the estimate of its expectation Aβ, i.e., ||X – AB||2. ||a|| denotes the Euclidean length of the vector a, i.e., ||a|| = inline.jpg. As we have shown in Section 5.3.2, the LSE in the present model is BLUE of β. However, if A is ill–conditioned, in the sense that the positive definite matrix S = AA has large spread of the eigenvalues, with some being close to zero, then the LSE inline.jpg may be with high probability very far from β. Indeed, if L2 = ||inline.jpgβ ||2 then

(5.5.1) numbered Display Equation

Let P be an orthogonal matrix that diagonalizes S, i.e., PSP′ = Λ, where Λ is a diagonal matrix consisting of the eigenvalues (λ1, …, λp) of S (all positive). Accordingly

(5.5.2) numbered Display Equation

We see that E{L2} ≥ inline.jpg, where λmin is the smallest eigenvalue. A very large value of E{L2} means that at least one of the components of β has a large variance. This implies that the corresponding value of βi may with high probability be far from the true value. The matrix A in experimental situations often represents the levels of certain factors and is generally under control of the experimenter. A good design will set the levels of the factors so that the columns of A will be orthogonal. In this case S = I, λ1 = … = λp = 1 and E{L2} attains the minimum possible value pσ2 for the LSE. In many practical cases, however, X is observed with an ill–conditioned coefficient matrix A. In this case, all the unbiased estimators of β are expected to have large values of L2. The way to overcome this deficiency is to consider biased estimators of β which are not affected strongly by small eigenvalues. Hoerl (1962) suggested the class of biased estimators

(5.5.3) numbered Display Equation

with k ≥ 0, called the ridge regression estimators. It can be shown for every k > 0, inline.jpg*(k) has smaller length than the LSE inline.jpg, i.e., ||inline.jpg*(k)|| < ||inline.jpg||. The ridge estimator is compared to the LSE. If we graph the values of inline.jpg(k) as functions of k we often see that the estimates are very sensitive to changes in the values of k close to zero, while eventually as k grows the estimates stabilize. The graphs of inline.jpg(k) for i = 1, …, k are called the ridge trace. It is recommended by Hoerl and Kennard (1970) to choose the value of k at which the estimates start to stabilize.

Among all (biased) estimators B of β that lie at a fixed distance from the origin the ridge estimator β*(k), for a proper choice of k, minimizes the residual sum of squares ||X – AB||2. For proofs of these geometrical properties, see Hoerl and Kennard (1970). The sum of mean–squared errors (MSEs) of the components of inline.jpg*(k) is

(5.5.4) numbered Display Equation

where γ = Hβ and H is the orthogonal matrix diagonalizing AA. E{L2(k)} is a differentiable function of k, having a unique minimum k(0)(γ). Moreover, E{L2(k0(β))} < E{L2(0)}, where E{L2(0)} is the sum of variances of the LSE components, as in (5.4.2). The problem is that the value of k0(γ) depends on γ and if k is chosen too far from k0(γ), E{L2(k)} may be greater than E{L2(0)}. Thus, a crucial problem in applying the ridge–regression method is the choice of a flattening factor k. Hoerl, Kennard, and Baldwin (1975) studied the characteristics of the estimator obtained by substituting in (5.4.3) an estimate of the optimal k0(γ). They considered the estimator

(5.5.5) numbered Display Equation

where inline.jpg is the LSE and inline.jpg2 is the estimate of the variance around the regression line, as in (5.4.11). The estimator inline.jpg*(inline.jpg) is not linear in X, since k is a nonlinear function of X. Most of the results proven for a fixed value of k do not necessarily hold when k is random, as in (5.5.5). For this reason Hoerl, Kennard, and Baldwin performed extensive simulation experiments to obtain estimates of the important characteristics of inline.jpg*(inline.jpg). They found that with probability greater than 0.5 the ridge–type estimator inline.jpg*(inline.jpg) is closer (has smaller distance norm) to the true β than the LSE. Moreover, this probability increases as the dimension p of the factor space increases and as the spread of the eigenvalues of S increases. The ridge type estimator inline.jpg*(inline.jpg) are similar to other types of nonlinear estimators (James – Stein, Bayes, and other types) designed to reduce the MSE. These are discussed in Chapter 8.

A more general class of ridge–type estimators called the generalized ridge regression estimators is given by

(5.5.6) numbered Display Equation

where C is a positive definite matrix chosen so that AA + C is nonsingular. [The class is actually defined also for AA + C singular with a Moore – Penrose generalized inverse replacing (AA + C)−1; see Marquardt (1970).]


5.6.1 Definition and Examples

In Section 3.3, we introduced the notion of the likelihood function, L(θ;x) defined over a parameter space Θ, and studied some of its properties. We develop here an estimation theory based on the likelihood function.

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of θ is a value of θ at which the likelihood function L(θ;x) attains its supremum (or maximum). We remark that if the family inline admits a nontrivial sufficient statistic T(X) then the MLE is a function of T(X). This is implied immediately from the Neyman – Fisher Factorization Theorem. Indeed, in this case,

Unnumbered Display Equation

where h(x) > 0 with probability one. Hence, the kernel of the likelihood function can be written as L*(θ;x) = g(T(x);θ). Accordingly, the value θ that maximizes it depends on T(X). We also notice that although the MLE is a function of the sufficient statistic, the converse is not always true. An MLE is not necessarily a sufficient statistic.

5.6.2 MLEs in Exponential Type Families

Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a k–parameter exponential type family, with a p.d.f. of the form (2.16.2). The likelihood function of the natural parameters is

(5.6.1) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

The MLEs of inline1, …, inlinek are obtained by solving the system of k equations

(5.6.2) numbered Display Equation

Note that whenever the expectations exist, Einline {Ui(X)} = ∂ K(inline)/∂ inlinei for each i = 1, …, k. Hence, if X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. Einlineinline.jpg, for each i = 1, …, k, where inline is the vector of MLEs. For all points inline in the interior of the parameter space n, the matrix inline.jpg exists and is positive definite for all inline since K(inline) is convex. Thus, the root inline of (5.6.2) is unique and is a m.s.s.

5.6.3 The Invariance Principle

If the vector θ = (θ1, …, θk) is reparametrized by a one–to–one transformation inline1 = g1(θ), …, inlinek = gk(θ) then the MLEs of inlinei are obtained by substituting in the g–functions the MLEs of θ. This is obviously true when the transformation θinline is one–to–one. Indeed, if θ1 = inline.jpg then the likelihood function L(θ;x) can be expressed as a function of inline, inline.jpg. If (inline.jpg1, …, inline.jpgk) is a point at which L(θ, x) attains its supremum, and if inline = (g1(inline.jpg), …, gk(inline.jpg)) then, since the transformation is one–to–one,

(5.6.3) numbered Display Equation

where L*(inline;x) is the likelihood, as a function of inline. This result can be extended to general transformations, not necessarily one–to–one, by a proper redefinition of the concept of MLE over the space of the inline–values. Let inline = g(θ) be a vector valued function of θ; i.e., inline = g(θ) = (g1(θ), …, gk(θ)) where the dimension of g(θ), r, does not exceed that of θ, k.

Following Zehna (1966), we introduce the notion of the profile likelihood function of inline = (inline1, …, inliner). Define the cosets of θ–values

(5.6.4) numbered Display Equation

and let L(θ;x) be the likelihood function of θ given X. The profile likelihood of inline given X is defined as

(5.6.5) numbered Display Equation

Obviously, in the one–to–one case L*(θ;x) = inline.jpg. Generally, we define the MLE of inline to be the value at which L*(inline; x) attains its supremum. It is easy then to prove that if inline.jpg is an MLE of θ and inline = g(inline.jpg), then inline is an MLE of inline, i.e.,

(5.6.6) numbered Display Equation

5.6.4 MLE of the Parameters of Tolerance Distributions

Suppose that k–independent experiments are performed at controllable real–valued experimental levels (dosages) -∞ < x1 < … < xk < ∞. At each of these levels nj Bernoulli trials are performed (j = 1, …, k). The success probabilities of these Bernoulli trials are increasing functions F(x) of x. These functions, called tolerance distributions, are the expected proportion of (individuals) units in a population whose tolerance against the applied dosage does not exceed the level x. The model thus consists of k–independent random variables J1, …, Jk such that JiB(ni, F(xi;θ)), i = 1, …, k, where θ = (θ1, …, θr), 1 ≤ r < k, is a vector of unknown parameters. The problem is to estimate θ. Frequently applied models are

(5.6.7) numbered Display Equation

We remark that in some of the modern literature the tolerance distributions are called link functions (see Lindsey, 1996). Generally, if F(α + βxi) is the success probability at level xi, the likelihood function of (α, β), given J1, …, Jk and x1, …, xk, n1, …, nk, is

(5.6.8) numbered Display Equation

and the log–likelihood function is

Unnumbered Display Equation

The MLE of α and β are the roots of the nonlinear equations

(5.6.9) numbered Display Equation

where f(z) = F′(z) is the p.d.f. of the standardized distribution F(z) and inline.jpg(z) = 1 – F(z).

Let inline.jpgi = Ji/ni, i = 1, …, k, and define the function

(5.6.10) numbered Display Equation

Accordingly, the MLEs of α and β are the roots inline.jpg and inline.jpg of the equations

(5.6.11) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

The solution of this system of (generally nonlinear) equations according to the Newton – Raphson method proceeds as follows. Let inline.jpg0 and inline.jpg0 be an initial solution. The adjustment after the jth iteration (j = 0, 1, …) is inline.jpgj + 1 = inline.jpgj + δ αj and inline.jpgj + 1 = inline.jpgj + δ βj, where δ αj and δ βj are solutions of the linear equations

(5.6.12) numbered Display Equation


(5.6.13) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

and G′(z;inline.jpg) = inline.jpg. The linear equations (5.6.12) resemble the normal equations in weighted least–squares estimation. However, in the present problems the weights depend on the unknown parameters α and β. In each iteration, the current estimates of α and β are substituted. For applications of this procedure in statistical reliability and bioassay quantal response analysis, see Finney (1964), Gross and Clark (1975), and Zacks (1997).


5.7.1 The Structure of Equivariant Estimators

Certain families of distributions have structural properties that are preserved under transformations of the random variables. For example, if X has an absolutely continuous distribution belonging to a family inline.jpg which depends on location and scale parameters, i.e., its p.d.f. is f(x;μ, σ) = inline.jpg, where -∞ < μ < ∞ and 0 < σ < ∞, then any real–affine transformation of X, given by

Unnumbered Display Equation

yields a random variable Y = α + β X with p.d.f. f(y;μ, σ) = inline.jpg, where inline.jpg = α + β μ and inline.jpg = β σ. Thus, the distribution of Y belongs to the same family inline.jpg. The family inline.jpg is preserved under transformations belonging to the group inline = {[α, β]; -∞ < α < ∞, 0 < β < ∞ } of real–affine transformations.

In this section, we present the elements of the theory of families of distributions and corresponding estimators having structural properties that are preserved under certain groups of transformations. For a comprehensive treatment of the theory and its geometrical interpretation, see the book of Fraser (1968). Advanced treatment of the subject can be found in Berk (1967), Hall, Wijsman, and Ghosh (1965), Wijsman (1990), and Eaton (1989). We require that every element g of inline be a one–to–one transformation of inline onto inline. Accordingly, the sample space structure does not change under these transformations. Moreover, if inline is the Borel σ–field on inline then, for all g inline inline.jpg, we require that Pθ [gB] will be well defined for all B inline inline and θ inline Θ. Furthermore, as seen in the above example of the location and scale parameter distributions, if θ is a parameter of the distribution of X the parameter of Y = gX is inline.jpgθ, where inline.jpg is a transformation on the parameter space Θ defined by the relationship

(5.7.1) numbered Display Equation

In the example of real–affine transformations, if g = [α, β] and θ = (μ, σ), then inline.jpg(μ, σ) = (α + β μ, β σ). We note that inline.jpgΘ = Θ for every inline.jpg corresponding to g in inline. Suppose that X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables whose distribution F belongs to a family inline.jpg that is preserved under transformations belonging to a group inline. If T(X1, …, Xn) is a statistic, then we define the transformations inline.jpg on the range inline.jpg of T(X1, …, Xn), corresponding to transformations g of inline, by

(5.7.2) numbered Display Equation

A statistic S(X1, …, Xn) is called invariant with respect to inline if

(5.7.3) numbered Display Equation

A coset of x0 with respect to inline is the set of all points that can be obtained as images of x0, i.e.,

Unnumbered Display Equation

Such a coset is called also an orbit of inline in inline through x0. If x0 = (x01, …, x0n) is a given vector, the orbit of inline in inline.jpg(n) through x0 is the coset

Unnumbered Display Equation

If x(1) and x(2) belong to the same orbit and S(x) = S(x1, …, xn) is invariant with respect to inline then S(x(1)) = S(x(2)). A statistic U(X) = U(X1, …, Xn) is called maximal invariant if it is invariant and if X(1) and X(2) belong to two different orbits then U(X(1)) ≠ U(X(2)). Every invariant statistic is a function of a maximal invariant statistic.

If inline.jpg(X1, …, Xn) is an estimator of θ, it would be often desirable to have the property that the estimator reacts to transformations of inline in the same manner as the parameters θ do, i.e.,

(5.7.4) numbered Display Equation

5.7.2 Minimum MSE Equivariant Estimators

Estimators satisfying (5.7.4) are called equivariant. The objective is to derive an equivariant estimator having a minimum MSE or another optimal property. The algebraic structure of the problem allows us often to search for such optimal estimators in a systematic manner.

5.7.3 Minimum Risk Equivariant Estimators

A loss function L(inline.jpg(X), θ) is called invariant under inline if

(5.7.5) numbered Display Equation

for all θ inline Θ and all g inline inline.

The coset C(θ0) = {θ;θ = inline.jpgθ0, g inline inline} is called an orbit of inline through θ0 in Θ. We show now that if inline.jpg(X) is an equivariant estimator and L(inline.jpg(X), θ) is an invariant loss function then the risk function R(inline.jpg, θ) = E{L(inline.jpg(X), θ)} is constant on each orbit of inline in Θ. Indeed, for any g inline inline, if the distribution of X is F(x;θ) and the distribution of Y = gX is F(y;inline.jpgθ), then if inline.jpg is equivariant

(5.7.6) numbered Display Equation

Thus, whenever the structure of the model is such that Θ contains only one orbit with respect to inline, and there exist equivariant estimators with finite risk, then each such equivariant estimator has a constant risk function. In Example 5.23, we illustrate such cases. We consider there the location and scale parameter family of the normal distributions N(μ, σ). This family has a parameter space Θ, which has only one orbit with respect to the group inline of real–affine transformations. If the parameter space has various orbits, as in the case of Example 5.24, there is no global uniformly minimum risk equivariant estimator, but only locally for each orbit. In Example 5.26, we construct uniformly minimum risk equivariant estimators of the scale and shape parameters of Weibull distributions for a group of transformations and a corresponding invariant loss function.

5.7.4 The Pitman Estimators

We develop here the minimum MSE equivariant estimators for the special models of location parameters and location and scale parameters. These estimators are called the Pitman estimators.

Consider first the family inline.jpg of location parameters distributions, i.e., every p.d.f. of inline.jpg is given by f(x;θ) = inline (x-θ), -∞ < θ < ∞. inline(x) is the standard p.d.f. According to our previous discussion, we consider the group inline of real translations. Let inline.jpg(X) be an equivariant estimator of θ. Then, writing T = (inline.jpg, X(1)-inline.jpg, …, X(n)-inline.jpg), where X(1) ≤ … ≤ X(n), for any equivariant estimator, d(X), of θ, we have

Unnumbered Display Equation

Note that U = (X(1)inline.jpg, …, X(n)inline.jpg has a distribution that does not depend on θ. Moreover, since inline.jpg(X) is an equivariant estimator, we can write

Unnumbered Display Equation

Thus, the MSE of d(X) is

(5.7.7) numbered Display Equation

It follows immediately that the function inline(U) which minimizes the MSE is the conditional expectation

(5.7.8) numbered Display Equation

Thus, the minimum MSE equivariant estimator is

(5.7.9) numbered Display Equation

This is a generalized form of the Pitman estimator. The well–known specific form of the Pitman estimator is obtained by starting with inline.jpg(X) = X(1). In this case, F(Y) = Y(1), where Y(1) is the minimum of a sample from a standard distribution. Formula (5.7.9) is then reduced to the special form

(5.7.10) numbered Display Equation

where Y(i) = X(i)X(1), i = 2, …, n. In the derivation of (5.7.9), we have assumed that the MSE of d(X) exists. A minimum risk equivariant estimator may not exist. Finally, we mentioned that the minimum MSE equivariant estimators are unbiased. Indeed

(5.7.11) numbered Display Equation

If inline.jpg is a scale and location family of distribution, with p.d.f.s of the form

Unnumbered Display Equation

where inline(u) is a p.d.f., then every equivariant estimator of μ with respect to the group inline of real–affine transformations can be expressed in the form

(5.7.12) numbered Display Equation

where X(1) ≤ … ≤ X(n) is the order statistic, X(2)X(1) > 0 and Z = (Z3, …, Zn)′, with Zi = (X(i)X(1))/(X(2)X(1)). The MSE of inline.jpg(X) is given by

(5.7.13) numbered Display Equation

where E0{·} designates an expectation with respect to the standard distribution (μ = 0, σ = 1). An optimal choice of inline(Z) is such for which E0{[X(1) + (X(2)X(1))inline(Z)]2| Z} is minimal. Thus, the minimum MSE equivariant estimator of μ is

(5.7.14) numbered Display Equation


(5.7.15) numbered Display Equation

Equivalently, the Pitman estimator of the location parameter is expressed as

(5.7.16) numbered Display Equation

In a similar manner, we show that the minimum MSE equivariant estimator for σ is inline.jpg0(Xn) = (X(2)-X(1))inline0(Z3, …, Zn), where

(5.7.17) numbered Display Equation

Indeed, inline0(Z) minimizes E0{(U2inline (Z) – 1)2| Z}. Accordingly, the Pitman estimator of the scale parameter, σ, is

(5.7.18) numbered Display Equation


5.8.1 Moment–Equations Estimators

Suppose that inline.jpg is a family of distributions depending on k real parameters, θ1, …, θk, 1 ≤ k. Suppose that the moments μr, 1 ≤ rk, exist and are given by some specified functions

Unnumbered Display Equation

If X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables having a distribution in inline.jpg, the sample moments Mr = inline.jpg are unbiased estimators of μ r (1 ≤ rk) and by the laws of large numbers (see Section 1.11) they converge almost surely to μr as n → ∞. The roots of the system of equations

(5.8.1) numbered Display Equation

are called the moment–equations estimators (MEEs) of θ1, …, θk.

In Examples 5.28 – 5.29, we discuss cases where both the MLE and the MEE can be easily determined, but the MLE exhibiting better characteristics. The question is then, why should we consider the MEEs at all? The reasons for considering MEEs are as follows:

1. By using the method of moment equations one can often easily determine consistent estimators having asymptotically normal distributions. These notions of consistency and asymptotic normality are defined and discussed in Chapter 7.
2. There are cases in which it is difficult to determine the MLEs, while the MEEs can be readily determined, and can be used as a first approximation in an iterative algorithm.
3. There are cases in which MLEs do not exist, while MEEs do exist.

5.8.2 General Theory of Estimating Functions

Both the MLE and the MME are special cases of a class of estimators called estimating functions estimator. A function g(X;θ), X inline inline.jpg(n) and θ inline Θ, is called an estimating function, if the root inline.jpg(X) of the equation

(5.8.2) numbered Display Equation

belongs to Θ; i.e., inline.jpg(X) is an estimator of θ. Note that if θ is a k–dimensional vector then (5.8.2) is a system of k–independent equations in θ. In other words, g(X, θ) is a k–dimensional vector function, i.e.,

Unnumbered Display Equation

inline.jpg(X) is the simultaneous solution of

(5.8.3) numbered Display Equation

In the MEE case, gi(X, θ) = Mi(θ1, …, θk) – mi (i = 1, …, k). In the MLE case,

Unnumbered Display Equation

In both cases, Eθ{g(X, θ)} = 0 for all θ, under the CR regularity conditions (see Theorem 5.2.2).

An estimating function g(X, θ) is called unbiased if Eθ {g(X;θ)} = 0 for all θ. The information in an estimating function g(X, θ) is defined as

(5.8.4) numbered Display Equation

For example, if g(X, θ) is the score function S(X, θ), then under the regularity conditions (3.7.2), inline.jpg = -I(θ) and Eθ {S2(X;θ)} = I(θ), where I(θ) is the Fisher information function. A basic result of is that Ig(θ) ≤ I(θ) for all unbiased estimating functions.

The CR regularity conditions are now generalized for estimating functions. The regularity conditions for estimating functions are as follows:

(i) inline.jpg exists for all θ, for almost all x (with probability one).
(ii) inline g(x, θ)d F(x, θ) is differentiable with respect to θ under the integral sign, for all θ.
(iii) Eθ inline.jpg ≠ 0 and exists for all θ.
(iv) Eθ {g2(X, θ)} < ∞ for all θ.

Let T be a sufficient statistic for a parametric family inline. Bhapkar (1972) proved that, for any unbiased estimating function g, if

Unnumbered Display Equation

then Ig(θ) ≤ Ig* (θ) for all θ with equality if and only if g* inline inlineT. This is a generalization of the Blackwell – Rao Theorem to unbiased estimating functions. Under the regularity conditions, the score function S(X, θ) = inline.jpg log f(X, θ) depends on X only through the likelihood statistic T(X), which is minimal sufficient. Thus, the score function is most informative among the unbiased estimating functions that satisfy the regularity conditions. If θ is a vector parameter, then the information in g is

(5.8.5) numbered Display Equation


(5.8.6) numbered Display Equation


(5.8.7) numbered Display Equation

where g(X, θ) = (g1(X, θ), …, gk(X, θ))′ is a vector of k estimating functions, for estimating the k components of θ.

We can show that I(θ) = Ig(θ) is a nonnegative definite matrix, and I(θ) is the Fisher information matrix.

Various applications of the theory of estimating functions can be found in Godambe (1991).


Pretest estimators (PTEs) are estimators of the parameters, or functions of the parameters of a distribution, which combine testing of some hypothesis (es) and estimation for the purpose of reducing the MSE of the estimator. The idea of preliminary testing has been employed informally in statistical methodology in many different ways and forms. Statistical inference is often based on some model, which assumes a certain set of assumptions. If the model is correct, or adequately fits the empirical data, the statistician may approach the problem of estimating the parameters of interest in a certain manner. However, if the model is rejectable by the data the estimation of the parameter of interest may have to follow a different procedure. An estimation procedure that assumes one of two alternative forms, according to the result of a test of some hypothesis, is called a pretest estimation procedure.

PTEs have been studied in various estimation problems, in particular in various least–squares estimation problems for linear models. As we have seen in Section 4.6, if some of the parameters of a linear model can be assumed to be zero (or negligible), the LSE should be modified, according to formula (4.6.14). Accordingly, if inline.jpg denotes the unconstrained LSE of a full–rank model and β* the constrained LSE (4.6.14), the PRE of β is

(5.9.1) numbered Display Equation

where A denotes the acceptance set of the hypothesis H0: βr + 1 = βr + 2 = … = β p = 0; and inline the complement of A. An extensive study of PREs for linear models, of the form (5.8.5), is presented in the book of Judge and Bock (1978). The reader is referred also to the review paper of Billah and Saleh (1998).


In this section, we provide some new developments concerning the estimation of the location parameter, μ, and the scale parameter, σ, in a parametric family, inline.jpg, whose p.d.f.s are of the form f(x;μ, σ) = inline.jpg, and f(-x) = f(x) for all -∞ < x < ∞. We have seen in various examples before that an estimator of μ, or of σ, which has small MSE for one family may not be as good for another. We provide below some variance comparisons of the sample mean, inline.jpg, and the sample median, Me, for the following families: normal, mixture of normal and rectangular, t[ν], Laplace and Cauchy. The mixtures of normal and rectangular distributions will be denoted by (1 – α)N + α R(-3σ, 3σ). Such a family of mixtures has the standard density function

Unnumbered Display Equation

The t[ν] distributions have a standard p.d.f. as given in (2.13.5). The asymptotic (large sample) variance of the sample median, Me, is given by the formula (7.9.3)

(5.10.1) numbered Display Equation

provided f(0) > 0, and f(x) is continuous at x = 0.

Table 5.1 Asymptotic Variances of inline.jpg and Me


In Table 5.1, we provide the asymptotic variances of inline.jpg and Me and their ratio E = AV{inline.jpg}/AV{Me}, for the families mentioned above. We see that the sample mean inline.jpg which is a very good estimator of the location parameter, μ, when inline.jpg is the family of normal distributions loses its efficiency when inline.jpg deviates from normality. The reason is that the sample mean is very sensitive to deviations in the sample of the extreme values. The sample mean performs badly when the sample is drawn from a distribution having heavy tails (relatively high probabilities of large deviations from the median of the distribution). This phenomenon becomes very pronounced in the case of the Cauchy family. One can verify (Fisz, 1963, p. 156) that if X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables having a common Cauchy distribution than the sample mean inline.jpg has the same Cauchy distribution, irrespective of the sample size. Furthermore, the Cauchy distribution does not have moments, or we can say that the variance of inline.jpg is infinite. In order to avoid such possibly severe consequences due to the use of inline.jpg as an estimator of μ, when the statistician specifies the model erroneously, several types of less sensitive estimators of μ and σ were developed. These estimators are called robust in the sense that their performance is similar, in terms of the sampling variances and other characteristics, over a wide range of families of distributions. We provide now a few such robust estimators of the location parameter:

1. α –Trimmed Means: The sample is ordered to obtain X(1) ≤ … ≤ X(n). A proportion α of the smallest and largest values are removed and the mean of the remaining (1 – α)n of the values is determined. If [nα] denotes the largest integer not exceeding and if p = 1 + [nα] – nα then the α–trimmed mean is

(5.10.2) numbered Display Equation

The median, Me is a special case, when α → 0.5.

2. Linear Combinations of Selected Order Statistics: This is a class of estimates which are linear combinations, with some specified weights of some selected order statistics. Gastwirth (1977) suggested the estimator

(5.10.3) numbered Display Equation

Another such estimator is called the trimean and is given by

Unnumbered Display Equation

3. M –Estimates: The MLE estimates of μ and σ are the simultaneous solutions of the equations

(5.10.4) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

In analogy to the MLE solution and, in order to avoid strong dependence on a particular form of f(x), a general class of M–estimators is defined as the simultaneous solution of

(5.10.5) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

for suitably chosen inline(·) and χ(·) functions. Huber (1964) proposed the M–estimators for which

(5.10.6) numbered Display Equation


(5.10.7) numbered Display Equation


Unnumbered Display Equation

The determination of Huber’s M–estimators requires numerical iterative solutions. It is customary to start with the initial solution of μ = Me and σ = (Q3Q1)/1.35, where Q3Q1 is the interquartile range, or inline.jpg. Values of k are usually taken in the interval [1, 2].

Other M–estimators were introduced by considering a different kind of inline(·) function. Having estimated the value of γ by inline.jpg, use the estimator

Unnumbered Display Equation

where the “outer–mean” is the mean of the extreme values in the sample. The reader is referred to the Princeton Study (Andrews et al., 1972) for a comprehensive examination of these and many other robust estimators of the location parameter. Another important article on the subject is that of Huber (1964, 1967).

Robust estimators of the scale parameter, σ, are not as well developed as those of the location parameter. The estimators that are used are

Unnumbered Display Equation

Further developments have been recently attained in the area of robust estimation of regression coefficients in multiple regression problems.


Example 5.1. In the production of concrete, it is required that the proportion of concrete cubes (of specified dimensions) having compressive strength not smaller than ξ0 be at least 0.95. In other words, if X is a random variable representing the compressive strength of a concrete cube, we require that P{Xξ0} = 0.95. This probability is a numerical characteristic of the distribution of X. Let X1, …, Xn be a sample of i.i.d. random variables representing the compressive strength of n randomly chosen cubes from the production process under consideration. If we do not wish to subject the estimation of p0 = P{Xξ0} to strong assumptions concerning the distribution of X we can estimate this probability by the proportion of cubes in the sample whose strength is at least ξ0; i.e.,

Unnumbered Display Equation

We note that ninline.jpg has the binomial distribution B(n, p0). Thus, properties of the estimator inline.jpg can be deduced from this binomial distribution.

A commonly accepted model for the compressive strength is the family of log–normal distributions. If we are willing to commit the estimation procedure to this model we can obtain estimators of p0 which are more efficient than inline.jpg, provided the model is correct. Let Yi = log Xi, i = 1, …, and let inline.jpgn = inline.jpg. Let η0 = log ξ0. Then, an estimator of p0 can be

Unnumbered Display Equation

where Φ(u) is the standard normal c.d.f. Note that inline.jpgn and Sn are the sample statistics that are substituted to estimate the unknown parameters (ξ, σ). Moreover, (inline.jpgn, Sn) is a m.s.s. for the family of log–normal distributions. The estimator we have exhibited depends on the sample values only through the m.s.s. As will be shown later the estimator inline.jpg has certain optimal properties in large samples, and even in small samples it is a reasonable estimator to use, provided the statistical model used is adequate for the real phenomenon at hand.           inline.jpg

Example 5.2. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a rectangular distribution R(0, θ), 0 < θ < ∞. Suppose that the characteristic of interest is the expectation μ = θ/2. The unbiased estimator inline.jpg = inline.jpgn has a variance

Unnumbered Display Equation

On the other hand, consider the m.s.s. X(n) = inline.jpg. The expected value of X(n) is

Unnumbered Display Equation

Hence, the estimator inline.jpg = inline.jpg is also an unbiased estimator of μ. The variance of inline.jpg is

Unnumbered Display Equation

Thus, Vθ {inline.jpg} < Vθ {inline.jpgn} for all n ≥ 2, and inline.jpg is a better estimator than inline.jpgn. We note that inline.jpg depends on the m.s.s. X(n), while inline.jpgn is not a sufficient statistic. This is the main reason for the superiority of inline.jpg over inline.jpgn. The theoretical justification is provided in the Rao – Blackwell Theorem.          inline.jpg

Example 5.3. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common normal distribution, i.e., inline = {N(ξ, σ2); -∞ < ξ < ∞, 0 < σ < ∞ }. Both the mean ξ and the variance σ2 are unknown. We wish to estimate unbiasedly the probability g(ξ, σ) = Pξ, σ{Xξ0}. Without loss of generality, assume that ξ0 = 0, which implies that g(ξ, σ) = Φ (ξ /σ). Let inline.jpgn = inline.jpg and inline.jpg be the sample mean and variance. (inline.jpg, S2) is a complete sufficient statistic. According to the Rao – Blackwell Theorem, there exists an essentially unique unbiased estimator of Φ (ξ /σ) that is a function of the complete sufficient statistic. We prove now that this UMVU estimator is

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The proof is based on the following result (Ellison, 1964). If U and V are independent random variables inline.jpg and inline.jpg theninline.jpg. Let ν = n – 1 and V = inline.jpg. Accordingly

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where inline.jpg is independent of (inline.jpg, S). Thus, by substituting in the expression for w(inline.jpg, S), we obtain

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with N1(0, 1) and N2(0, 1) independent standard normal random variables. Thus,

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We provide an additional example that illustrates the Rao – Blackwellization method.          inline.jpg

Example 5.4. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables, having a common Poisson distribution, P(λ), 0 < λ < ∞. We wish to estimate unbiasedly the Poisson probability p(k;λ) = e– λλk/k! An unbiased estimator of p(k;λ) based on one observation is

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Obviously, this estimator is inefficient. According to the Rao – Blackwell Theorem the MVUE of p(k;λ) is

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where Tn = ∑ Xi is the complete sufficient statistic. If Tn > 0 the conditional distribution of X1, given Tn is the binomial inline.jpg. Accordingly, the MVUE of p(k;λ) is

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where inline.jpg is the p.d.f. of the Binomial distribution inline.jpg.          inline.jpg

Example 5.5. We have seen in Section 3.6 that if the m.s.s. S(X) is incomplete, there is reason to find an ancillary statistic A(X) and base the inference on the conditional distribution of S(X), given A(X). We illustrate in the following example a case where such an analysis does not improve.

Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a rectangular distribution in

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A likelihood function for θ is

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where X(1) < … < X(n) is the order statistic. A m.s.s. is (X(1), X(n)). This statistic, however, is incomplete. Indeed, inline.jpg, but inline.jpg for each θ.

Writing R(θ – 1, θ + 1)∼ θ – 1 + 2R(0, 1) we have X(1)θ – 1 + 2U(1) and X(n)θ – 1 + 2U(n), where U(1) and U(n) are the order statistics from R(0, 1). Moreover, E{U(1)} = inline.jpg and E{U(n)} = inline.jpg. It follows immediately that inline.jpg = inline.jpg(X(1) + X(n)) is unbiased. By the Blackwell – Rao Theorem it cannot be improved by conditioning on the sufficient statistic.

We develop now the conditional distribution of inline.jpg, given the ancillary statistic W = X(n)X(1). The p.d.f. of W is

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The transformation (X(1), Xn → (inline.jpg, W) is one to one. The joint p.d.f. of (inline.jpg, W) is

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That is, inline.jpg| WRinline.jpg. Thus,

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We have seen already that inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator. From the law of total variance, we get

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for all -∞ < θ < ∞. Thus, the variance of inline.jpg was obtained from this conditional analysis. One can obtain the same result by computing V{U(1) + U(n)}.          inline.jpg

Example 5.6. Consider the MVUE of the Poisson probabilities p(k;λ), derived in Example 5.4. We derive here the Cramér – Rao lower bound for the variance of this estimator. We first note that the Fisher information for a sample of n i.i.d. Poisson random variables is In(λ) = n/λ. Furthermore, differentiating p(k;λ) with respect to λ we obtain that inline.jpg, where p(-1;λ) ≡ 0. If inline.jpg(k;Tn) is the MVUE of p(k;λ), then according to the Cramér – Rao inequality

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Strict inequality holds for all values of λ, 0 < λ < ∞, since the distribution of inline.jpg(k;Tn) is not of the exponential type, although the distribution of Tn is Poisson. The Poisson family satisfies all the conditions of Joshi (1976) and therefore since the distribution of inline.jpg(k;Tn) is not of the exponential type, the inequality is strict. Note that V{inline.jpg(k;Tn} = inline.jpg. We can compute this variance numerically.          inline.jpg

Example 5.7. Consider again the estimation problem of Examples 5.4 and 5.5, with k = 0. The MVUE of ω (λ) = e– λ is inline.jpg(Tn) = inline.jpg. The variance of inline.jpg(Tn) can be obtained by considering the probability generating function of TnP(nλ) at t = inline.jpg. We thus obtain

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Since ω(λ) is an analytic function, we can bound the variance of inline.jpg(Tn) from below by using BLB of order k = 2 (see (5.2.15)). We obtain, inline.jpg. Hence, the lower bound for k = 2 is

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This lower bound is larger than the Cramér – Rao lower bound for all 0 < λ < ∞.          inline.jpg

Example 5.8. Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be i.i.d. vectors having a common bivariate normal distribution inline.jpg. The complete sufficient statistic for this family of bivariate normal distributions is T1(X, Y) = inline.jpg and T2(X, Y) = inline.jpg. We wish to estimate the coefficient of correlation ρ.

An unbiased estimator of ρ is given by inline.jpg. Indeed

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But E{Yi| X} = ρ Xi for all i = 1, …, n. Hence, E{inline.jpg| X} = ρ w.p.1. The unbiased estimator is, however, not an MVUE. Indeed, inline.jpg is not a function of (T1(X, Y), T2(X, Y)). The MVUE can be obtained, according to the Rao – Blackwell Theorem by determining the conditional expectation E{inline.jpg| T1, T2}.

The variance of inline.jpg is

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The Fisher information matrix in the present case is

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The inverse of the Fisher information matrix is

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The lower bound on the variances of unbiased estimators of ρ is, therefore, (1 – ρ2)2/n. The ratio of the lower bound of the variance of inline.jpg to the actual variance is inline.jpg for large n. Thus, inline.jpg is a good unbiased estimator only if ρ2 is close to zero.          inline.jpg

Example 5.9.

A. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common location–parameter exponential distribution with a p.d.f.

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The sample minimum X(1) is a complete sufficient statistic. X(1) is distributed like θ + G(n, 1). Hence, E{X(1)} = inline.jpg and the MVUE of θ is inline.jpg(X(1)) = inline.jpg. The variance of this estimator is

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In the present case, the Fisher information I(θ) does not exist. We derive now the modified Chapman – Robbins lower bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator of θ. Notice first that Winline (X(1);θ) = I{X(1)inline } en(inlineθ), where T = X(1), for all inlineθ. It is then easy to prove that

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The function x2/(enx – 1) assumes a unique maximum over (0, ∞) at the root of the equation enx}(2 – nx) = 2. This root is approximately x0 = inline.jpg. This approximation yields

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B. Consider the case of a random sample from R(0, θ), 0 < θ < ∞. As shown in Example 3.11 A, In(θ) = inline.jpg. The UMVU estimator of θ is inline.jpgn = inline.jpg. The variance of inline.jpgn is Vθ {inline.jpgn} = inline.jpg. Thus, in this nonregular case

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Example 5.10. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having the normal distribution N(θ, σ2) and Y1, …, Yn i.i.d. random variables having the normal distribution N(γ θ2, σ2), where -∞ < θ, γ < ∞, and 0 < σ < ∞. The vector X = (X1, …, Xn)′ is independent of Y = (Y1, …, Yn)′. A m.s.s. is (inline.jpgn, inline.jpgn, Qn), where inline.jpgn = inline.jpg, and inline.jpg. The Fisher information matrix can be obtained from the likelihood function

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The covariance matrix of the score functions is

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Consider the reparametrization g1(θ, γ, σ) = θ, g2(θ, γ, σ2) = γ θ2 and g3(θ, γ, σ) = σ2. The UMVU estimator is inline.jpg = (inline.jpgn, inline.jpgn, Qn/2(n – 1)). The variance covariance matrix of inline.jpg is

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Thus, inlineg = inline.jpg. The efficiency coefficient is inline.jpg.          inline.jpg

Example 5.11. Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be a sample of n i.i.d. vectors having a joint bivariate normal distribution

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where -∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < τ < ∞, 0 < σ < ∞, and – 1 < ρ < 1. Assume that σ2, τ2, and ρ are known. The problem is to estimate the common mean μ. We develop the formula of the BLUE of μ. In the present case,

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The BLUE of the common mean μ is according to (5.3.3)

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where inline.jpgn and inline.jpgn are the sample means and

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Since inline.jpg is known, inline.jpg is UMVU estimator.          inline.jpg

Example 5.12. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. Weibull variables, i.e., XG1/β(λ, 1), where 0 < λ, β < ∞. Both λ and β are unknown. The m.s.s. is (X(1), …, X(n)). Let Yi = log Xi, i = 1, …, n, and Y(i) = log X(i). Obviously, Y(1)Y(2) ≤ … ≤ Y(n). We obtain the linear model

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where μ = inline.jpg log λ and σ = inline.jpg; G(i) is the ith order statistic of n i.i.d. variables distributed like G(1, 1). BLUEs of μ and σ are given by (5.4.16), where α is the vector of E{log G(i)} and V is the covariance matrix of log G(i).

The p.d.f. of G(i) is

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0 ≤ x ≤ ∞. Hence,

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The integral on the RHS is proportional to the expected value of the extreme value distribution. Thus,

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where γ = 0.577216… is the Euler constant. The values of αi can be determined numerically for any n and i = 1, …, n. Similar calculations yield formulae for the elements of the covariance matrix V. The point is that, from the obtained formulae of αi and Vij, we can determine the estimates only numerically. Moreover, the matrix V is of order n × n. Thus, if the sample involves a few hundreds observation the numerical inversion of V becomes difficult, if at all possible.          inline.jpg

Example 5.13. Consider the multiple regression problem with p = 3, σ2 = 1, for which the normal equations are

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By employing the orthogonal (Helmert) transformation

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we obtain that

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That is, the eigenvalues of AA are λ1 = 2, λ2 = 0.8 and λ3 = 0.02. The LSEs of β are inline.jpg1 = -4.58625, inline.jpg2 = -5.97375, and inline.jpg3 = 11.47. The variance covariance matrix of the LSE is

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having a trace E{L2(0)} = 51.75 = inline.jpg. In order to illustrate numerically the effect of the ridge regression, assume that the true value of β is (1.5, -6.5, 0.5). Let γ = Hβ. The numerical value of γ is (-2.59809, 5.65685, -2.44949). According to (5.4.4), we can write the sum of the MSEs of the components of inline.jpg(k) by

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The estimate of k0 is inline.jpg = 0.249. In the following table, we provide some numerical results.

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We see that the minimal E{L2(k)} is minimized for k0 around 0.125. At this value of k, inline.jpg(k) is substantially different from the LSE inline.jpg(0).          inline.jpg

Example 5.14.

A. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a rectangular distribution R(0, θ), 0 < θ < ∞. A m.s.s. is the sample maximum X(n). The likelihood function is L(θ;Xn = θnI{θX(n)}. Accordingly, the MLE of θ is inline.jpg = X(n).
B. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a rectangular distribution R(θ, 3θ), where 0 < θ < ∞. The likelihood function is

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where X(1) = min {Xi} and X(n) = max {Xi}. The m.s.s. is (X(1), Xn. We note that according to the present model X(n) ≤ 3X(1). If this inequality is not satisfied then the model is incompatible with the data. It is easy to check that the MLE of θ is inline.jpg = inline.jpg. The MLE is not a sufficient statistic.

C. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a rectangular distribution R(θ, θ + 1), – ∞ < θ < ∞. The likelihood function in this case is

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Note that this likelihood function assumes a constant value 1 over the θ interval [X(n) – 1, X(1)]. Accordingly, any value of θ in this interval is an MLE. In the present case, the MLE is not unique.          inline.jpg

Example 5.15. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common Laplace (double–exponential) distribution with p.d.f.

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-∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < β < ∞.

A m.s.s. in the present case is the order statistic X(1) ≤ … ≤ X(n). The likelihood function of (μ, β), given T = (X(1), …, X(n)), is

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The value of μ which minimizes inline.jpg is the sample median Me. Hence,

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Finally, by differentiating log L(Me, β;T) with respect to β, we find that the value of β that maximizes L(Me, β;T) is

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In the present case, the sample median Me and the sample mean absolute deviation from Me are the MLEs of μ and β, respectively. The MLE is not a sufficient statistic.          inline.jpg

Example 5.16. Consider the normal case in which X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables distributed like N(μ, σ2); -∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < σ2 < ∞. Both parameters are unknown. The m.s.s. is (inline.jpg, Q), where inline.jpg = inline.jpg and inline.jpg. The likelihood function can be written as

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Whatever the value of σ2 is, the likelihood function is maximized by inline.jpg = inline.jpg. It is easy to verify that the value of σ2 maximizing (5.5.9) is σ2 = Q/n.

The normal distributions under consideration can be written as a two–parameter exponential type, with p.d.f.s

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and inline.jpg. Differentiating the log–likelihood partially with respect to inline1 and inline2, we obtain that the MLEs of these (natural) parameters should satisfy the system of equations

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We note that T1/n = inline.jpg and T2/n = inline.jpg2 + inline.jpg2 where inline.jpg = inline.jpg and inline.jpg2 = Q/n are the MLEs of μ and σ2, respectively. Substituting of μ and σ2 + μ2, we obtain inline.jpg1 = inline.jpg/inline.jpg2, inline.jpg2 = -1/2inline.jpg2. In other words, the relationship between the MLEs inline.jpg1 and inline.jpg2 to the MLEs inline.jpg and inline.jpg2 is exactly like that of inline1 and inline2 to μ and σ2.          inline.jpg

Example 5.17. Consider again the model of Example 5.9. Differentiating the log–likelihood

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with respect to the parameters, we obtain the equations

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The unique solution of these equations is

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It is interesting to realize that E{inline.jpg} does not exist, and obviously inline.jpg does not have a finite variance. By the delta method one can find the asymptotic mean and variance of inline.jpg.          inline.jpg

Example 5.18. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a log–normal distribution LN(μ, σ2). The expected value of X and its variance are

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We have previously shown that the MLEs of μ and σ2 are inline.jpg = inline.jpg and inline.jpg, where Yi = log Xi, i = 1, …, n. Thus, the MLEs of ξ and D2 are

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Unnumbered Display Equation          inline.jpg

Example 5.19. Let X1, X2, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a normal distribution N(μ, σ2), – ∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < σ2 < ∞. The MLEs of μ and σ2 are inline.jpg = inline.jpgn and inline.jpg2 = inline.jpg, where Q = inline.jpg. By the invariance principle, the MLE of θ = inline.jpg is inline.jpg.          inline.jpg

Example 5.20. Consider the Weibull distributions, G1/β(λ, 1), where 0 < λ, β < ∞ are unknown. The likelihood function of (λ, β) is

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Note that the likelihood is equal to the joint p.d.f. of X multiplied by inline.jpg, which is positive with probability one. To obtain the MLEs of λ and β, we differentiate the log–likelihood partially with respect to these variables and set the derivatives equal to zero. We obtain the system of equations:

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We show now that inline.jpg is always positive and that a unique solution exists. Let x = (x1, …, xn), where 0 < xi < ∞, i = 1, …, n, and let F(β;x) =inline.jpg. Note that, for every x,

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with a strict inequality if the xi values are not all the same. Indeed, if ωi = inline.jpg and inline.jpg then inline.jpg. Hence, F(β;x) is strictly increasing in β, with probability one. Furthermore, inline.jpg and inline.jpg. Thus, the RHS of the β–equation is positive, decreasing function of β, approaching ∞ as β → 0 and approaching (log x(n)inline.jpg as β → ∞. This proves that the solution inline.jpg is unique.

The solution for β can be obtained iteratively from the recursive equation

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starting with inline.jpg0 = 1.          inline.jpg

Example 5.21. The present example was given by Stein (1962) in order to illustrate a possible anomalous property of the MLE.

Let inline.jpg be a scale–parameter family of distributions, with p.d.f.

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Note that inline.jpg. Accordingly, we choose b sufficiently large so that inline.jpg. The likelihood function of θ corresponding to one observation is thus

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The MLE of θ is inline.jpg = X. However, according to the construction of inline (x),

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The MLE here is a bad estimator for all θ.          inline.jpg

Example 5.22. Another source for anomality of the MLE is in the effect of nuisance parameters. A very well–known example of the bad effect of nuisance parameters is due to Neyman and Scott (1948). Their example is presented here.

Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be n i.i.d. random vectors having the distributions N(μi12, σ2I2), i = 1, …, n. In other words, each pair (Xi, Yi) can be considered as representing two independent random variables having a normal distribution with mean μi and variance σ2. The variance is common to all the vectors. We note that Di = XiYiN(0, 2σ2) for all i = 1, …, n. Hence, inline.jpg is an unbiased estimator of σ2. The variance of inline.jpg is inline.jpg. Thus, inline.jpg approaches the value of σ2 with probability 1 for all (μi, σ). We turn now to the MLE of σ2. The parameter space is Θ = {μ1, …, μn, σ2: – ∞ < μ i < ∞, i = 1, …, n; 0 < σ2 < ∞ }. We have to determine a point (μ1, …, μn, σ2) that maximizes the likelihood function

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We note that (xiμi)2 + (yiμi)2 is minimized by inline.jpgi = (xi + yi)/2. Thus,

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The value of σ2 that maximizes the likelihood is inline.jpg. Note that Eθ {inline.jpg2} = σ2/2 and that by the strong law of large numbers, inline.jpg2σ2/2 with probability one for each σ2.

Thus, the more information we have on σ2 (the larger the sample is) the worse the MLE becomes. It is interesting that if we do not use all the information available then the MLE may become a reasonable estimator. Note that at each given value of σ2, Mi = (Xi + Yi)/2 is a sufficient statistic for μi. Accordingly, the conditional distribution of (X, Y) given M = (M1, …, Mn)′ is independent of μ. If we consider the semi–likelihood function, which is proportional to the conditional p.d.f. of (X, Y), given M and σ2, then the value of σ2 that maximizes this semi–likelihood function coincides with the unbiased estimator inline.jpg.          inline.jpg

Example 5.23. Consider the standard logistic tolerance distribution, i.e.,

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The corresponding p.d.f. is

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The corresponding function G(z;inline.jpg) given by (5.6.10) is

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The logit, F−1(z), is given by

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Let inline.jpgi be the observed proportion of response at dosage xi. Define inline.jpgi = inline.jpg, if 0 < inline.jpgi < 1.

According to the model

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We, therefore, fit by least squares the line

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to obtain the initial estimates of α and β. After that we use the iterative procedure (5.6.12) to correct the initial estimates. For example suppose that the dosages (log dilution) are x1 = -2.5, x2 = -2.25, x3 = -2, x4 = -1.75, and x5 = -1.5. At each dosage a sample of size n = 20 is observed, and the results are

Unnumbered Table

Least–squares fitting of the regression line inline.jpgi = inline.jpg + inline.jpgxi yields the initial estimates inline.jpg = 4.893 and inline.jpg = 3.154. Since G′(z;inline.jpg) = -f(z), we define the weights

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We solve then equations (5.6.12) to obtain the corrections to the initial estimates. The first five iterations gave the following results:

j inline.jpg(j) inline.jpg(j)
0 4.89286 3.15412
1 4.93512 3.16438
2 4.93547 3.16404
3 4.93547 3.16404
4 4.93547 3.16404


Example 5.24. X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables distributed like N(μ, σ2), where -∞ < μ < ∞, 0 < σ < ∞. The group inline considered is that of the real–affine transformations. A m.s.s. is (inline.jpg, Q), where inline.jpg = inline.jpg and Q = inline.jpg. If [α, β] is an element of inline then

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If inline.jpg(inline.jpg, Q) is an equivariant estimator of μ then

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for all [α, β] inline inline. Similarly, every equivariant estimator of σ2 should satisfy the relationship

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for all [α, β] inline inline. The m.s.s. (inline.jpg, Q) is reduced by the transformation [-inline.jpg, 1] to (0, Q). This transformation is a maximal invariant reduction of (inline.jpg, Q) with respect to the subgroup of translations inline1 = {[α, 1], -∞ < α < ∞ }. The difference D(inline.jpg, Q) = inline.jpg(inline.jpg, Q)-inline.jpg is translation invariant, i.e., [α, 1]D(inline.jpg, Q) = D(inline.jpg, Q) for all [α, 1] inline inline1. Hence, D(inline.jpg, Q) is a function of the maximal invariant with respect to inline1. Accordingly, every equivariant estimator can be expressed as

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where f(Q) is a statistic depending only on Q. Similarly, we can show that every equivariant estimator of σ2 should be of the form

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where λ is a positive constant. We can also determine the equivariant estimators of μ and σ2 having the minimal MSE. We apply the result that inline.jpg and Q are independent. The MSE of inline.jpg + f(Q) for any statistic f(Q) is

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Hence, the MSE is minimized, by choosing f(Q) = 0. Accordingly, the sample mean, inline.jpg is the minimal MSE equivariant estimator of μ. Similarly, one can verify that the equivariant estimator of σ2, which has the minimal MSE, is inline.jpg2 = Q/(n + 1). Note that this estimator is biased. The UMVU estimator is Q/(n – 1) and the MLE is Q/n.          inline.jpg

Example 5.25. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common N(μ, inline.jpg) distribution. Let Y1, …, Yn be i.i.d. random variables distributed as N(μ, inline.jpg). The X and the Y vectors are independent. The two distributions have a common mean μ, -∞ < μ < ∞, and possibly different variances. The variance ratio ρ = inline.jpg is unknown. A m.s.s. is (inline.jpg, Q(X), inline.jpg, Q(Y)), where inline.jpg and inline.jpg are the sample means and Q(X) and Q(Y) are the sample sums of squares of deviations around the means. inline.jpg, Q(X), inline.jpg, and Q(Y) are mutually independent. Consider the group inline of affine transformations inline = {[α, β]: -∞ < α < ∞, -∞ < β < ∞ }. A maximal invariant statistic is V = inline.jpg. Let W = (inline.jpg, inline.jpg-inline.jpg). The vector (W, V) is also a m.s.s. Note that

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for all [α, β] inline inline. Hence, if inline.jpg(W, V) is an equivariant estimator of the common mean μ it should be of the form

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where inline (V) is a function of the maximal invariant statistic V. Indeed, inline.jpginline.jpg with probability one, and (inline.jpg(W, V) – inline.jpg)/(inline.jpginline.jpg) is an invariant statistic, with respect to inline. We derive now the MSE of inline.jpg(W, V). We prove first that every such equivariant estimator is unbiased. Indeed, for every θ = (μ, inline.jpg, ρ)

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Moreover, by Basu’s Theorem (3.6.1), V is independent of (inline.jpg, inline.jpg). Hence,

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with probability one, since the distribution of inline.jpginline.jpg is symmetric around zero. This implies the unbiasedness of inline.jpg(W, V). The variance of this estimator is

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Since Eθ {(inline.jpginline.jpg)inline (V)} = 0, we obtain that

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The distribution of inline.jpgμ depends only on inline.jpg. The maximal invariant statistic V is independent of μ and inline.jpg. It follows from Basu’s Theorem that (inline.jpgμ) and inline (V) are independent. Moreover, the conditional distribution of inline.jpgμ given inline.jpginline.jpg is the normal distribution inline.jpg. Thus,

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The conditional distribution of (inline.jpg-inline.jpg)2 given V is the gamma distribution G(λ, ν) with

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where Z1 = Q(X)/(inline.jpginline.jpg)2 and Z2 = Q(Y)/(inline.jpginline.jpg)2. We thus obtain the expression

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We see that in the present example the variance divided by inline.jpg/n depends not only on the particular function inline (Z1, Z2) but also on the (nuisance) parameter ρ = inline.jpg. This is due to the fact that ρ is invariant with respect to inline. Thus, if ρ is unknown there is no equivariant estimator having minimum variance for all θ values. There are several papers in which this problem is studied (Brown and Cohen, 1974; Cohen and Sackrowitz, 1974; Kubokawa, 1987; Zacks, 1970a).          inline.jpg

Example 5.26. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common Weibull distribution G1/ββ, 1), where 0 < λ, β < ∞. Note that the parametrization here is different from that of Example 5.20. The present parametrization yields the desired structural properties. The m.s.s. is the order statistic, T(X) = (X(1), …, X(n)), where X(1) ≤ … ≤ X(n). Let inline.jpg(T) and inline.jpg(T) be the MLEs of λ and β, respectively. We obtain the values of these estimators as in Example 5.20, with proper modification of the likelihood function. Define the group of transformations

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Note that the distribution of [a, b]X is as that of aλ1/bG1/β b (1, 1) or as that of G1/β b((aλ1/b)-bβ, 1). Accordingly, if X→ [a, b]X then the parametric point (λ, β) is transformed to

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It is easy to verify that

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The reduction of the m.s.s. T by the transformation [inline.jpg, inline.jpg]−1 yields the maximal invariant U(T)

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where G(1) ≤ … ≤ G(n) is the order statistic of n i.i.d. E(1) random variables. The distribution of U(T) does not depend on (λ, β). Thus, inline.jpg is distributed independently of (λ, β) and so is that of inline.jpg/β.

Let inline.jpg = F(inline.jpg, inline.jpg, U(T)) and inline.jpg = G(inline.jpg, inline.jpg, U(T)) be equivariant estimators of λ and β respectively. According to the definition of equivariance

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Accordingly, every equivariant estimator of λ is of the form

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Similarly, every equivariant estimator β is of the form

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Note that the relationship between the class of all equivariant estimators (inline.jpg, inline.jpg) and the MLEs (inline.jpg, inline.jpg). In particular, if we choose inline (U(T)) = 1 w.p.l and H(U(T)) = 1 w.p.l we obtain that the MLEs inline.jpg and inline.jpg are equivariant. This property also follows from the fact that the MLE of inline.jpg is inline.jpg for all [a, b] in inline. We will consider now the problem of choosing the functions H(U(T)) and inline (U(T)) to minimize the risk of the equivariant estimator. For this purpose we consider a quadratic loss function in the logarithms, i.e.,

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It is easy to check that this loss function is invariant with respect to inline. Furthermore, the risk function does not depend on (λ, β). We can, therefore, choose inline and H to minimize the risk. The conditional risk function, given U(T), when inline (U(T)) = inline and H(U(T)) = H, is

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Since inline.jpg and inline.jpg are ancillary statistics, and since T is a complete sufficient statistic, we infer from Basu’s Theorem that inline.jpg and inline.jpg are independent of U(T). Hence, the conditional expectations are equal to the total expectations. Partial differentiation with respect to H and inline yields the system of equations:

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From equation (II), we immediately obtain the expression

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Substituting this inline0 in (I), we obtain the equation

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This equation can be solved numerically to obtain the optimal constant H0. Thus, by choosing the functions inline(U) and H(U) equal (with probability one) to the constants inline0 and H0, respectively, we obtain the minimum MSE equivariant estimators. We can estimate inline0 and H0 by simulation, using the special values of λ = 1 and β = 1.          inline.jpg

Example 5.27. As in Example 5.15, let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d random variables having a Laplace distribution with a location parameter μ and scale parameter β, where -∞ < μ < ∞ and 0 < β < ∞. The two moments of this distribution are

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The sample moments are M1 = inline.jpg and M2 = inline.jpg. Accordingly, the MEEs of μ and β are

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where inline.jpg2 = M2inline.jpg. It is interesting to compare these MEEs to the MLEs of μ and β that were derived in Example 5.15. The MLE of μ is the sample median Me, while the MEE of μ is the sample mean inline.jpg. The MEE is an unbiased estimator of μ, with variance V{inline.jpg} = 2β2/n. The median is also an unbiased estimator of μ. Indeed, let n = 2m + 1 then Meμ + β Y(m + 1), where Y(m + 1) is the (m + 1)st order statistic of a sample of n = 2m + 1 i.i.d. random variables having a standard Laplace distribution (μ = 0, β = 1). The p.d.f. of Y(m + 1) is

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It is easy to verify that g(-y) = g(y) for all -∞ < y < ∞. Hence, E{Y(m + 1)} = 0 and E{Me} = μ. The variance of Me, for m≥ 1, is

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Thus, for β = 1, one obtains the following values for the variances of the estimators:

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We see that the variance of Me in small samples is about half the variance of inline.jpgn. As will be shown in Section 5.10, as n → ∞, the ratio of the asymptotic variances approaches 1/2. It is also interesting to compare the expectations and MSE of the MLE and MEE of the scale parameter β.          inline.jpg

Example 5.28. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common log–normal distribution LN(μ, σ2), -∞ < μ < ∞, and 0 < σ2 < ∞. Let Yi = log Xi, i = 1, …, n; inline.jpgn = inline.jpg and inline.jpg. inline.jpgn and inline.jpg are the MLEs of μ and σ2, respectively. We derive now the MEEs of μ and σ2. The first two moments of LN(μ, σ2) are

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Accordingly, the MEEs of μ and σ2 are

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where M1 = inline.jpgn and M2 = inline.jpg are the sample moments. Note that the MEEs inline.jpg and inline.jpg2 are not functions of the minimal sufficient statistics inline.jpgn and inline.jpg2, and therefore are expected to have larger MSEs than those of the MLEs.          inline.jpg

Example 5.29. In Example 5.20, we discussed the problem of determining the values of the MLEs of the parameters λ and β of the Weibull distribution, where X1, …, Xn are i.i.d. like G1/β(λ, 1) where 0 < β, λ < ∞. The MEEs are obtained in the following manner. According to Table 2.2, the first two moments of G1/β(λ, 1) are

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Thus, we set the moment equations

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Accordingly, the MEE inline.jpg is the root of the equation

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The solution of this equation can be obtained numerically. After solving for inline.jpg, one obtains inline.jpg as follows:

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We illustrate this solution with the numbers in the sample of Example 5.14. In that sample, n = 50, inline.jpg = 46.6897, and inline.jpg = 50.9335. Thus, M1 = .9338 and M2 = 1.0187. Equation (5.8.9) becomes

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The solution should be in the neighborhood of β = 2, since 2 × 1.71195 = 3.4239 and inline.jpg = π = 3.14195…. In the following table, we approximate the solution:

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Accordingly, the MEE of β is approximately inline.jpg = 2.67 and that of λ is approximately inline.jpg = 0.877. The values of the MLE of β and λ, obtained in Example 5.20, are 1.875 and 0.839, respectively. The MLEs are closer to the true values, but are more difficult to obtain.          inline.jpg

Example 5.30.

A. Let (X1, Y1), …, (Xn, Yn) be i.i.d. random vectors having a bivariate normal distribution N(0, R), where R = inline.jpg. Accordingly, an estimator of ρ is the sample mixed moment M11 = inline.jpg. This is also an unbiased estimator of ρ. There is no UMVU estimator of ρ, since the family of all such distributions is incomplete.

The likelihood function of ρ is

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where QX = inline.jpg. Note that the m.s.s. is T = (QX + QY, PXY). The maximal likelihood estimator of ρ is a real solution of the cubic equation

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where S = Qx + Qy. In the present example, the MEE is a very simple estimator. There are many different unbiased estimators of ρ. The MEE is one such unbiased estimator. Another one is

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B. Consider the model of Example 5.10. The likelihood function is

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-∞ < θ, γ < ∞, 0 < σ2 < ∞. The MEE of σ2 is inline.jpg. Similarly, we find that the MEEs of θ and γ are

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The MLEs are the same.          inline.jpg

Example 5.31. Let X1, …, Xn be i.i.d. random variables having a common N(μ, σ2) distribution. The problem is to estimate the variance σ2. If μ = 0 then the minimum MSE equivariant estimator of σ2 is inline.jpg. On the other hand, if μ is unknown the minimum MSE equivariant estimator of σ2 is inline.jpg, where inline.jpg. One could suggest to test first the hypothesis H0: μ = 0, σ arbitrary, against H1: μ ≠ 0, σ arbitrary, at some level of significance α. If H0 is accepted the estimator is inline.jpg, otherwise, it is inline.jpg. Suppose that the preliminary test is the t–test. Thus, the estimator of σ2 assumes the form:

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where inline.jpg is the sample variance. Note that this PTE is not translation invariant, since neither the t–test of H0 is translation invariant, nor is inline.jpg. The estimator σ2 may have smaller MSE values than those of inline.jpg or of inline.jpg, on some intervals of (μ, σ2) values. Actually, inline.jpg2 has smaller MSE than that of inline.jpg for all (μ, σ2) if inline.jpg. This corresponds to (when n is large) a value of α approximately equal to α = 0.3173.          inline.jpg

Example 5.32. Let X1, …, Xn be a sample of i.i.d. random variables from N(μ, inline.jpg) and let Y1, …, Yn be a sample of i.i.d. random variables from N(μ, inline.jpg). The X and Y vectors are independent. The problem is to estimate the common mean μ. In Example 5.24, we studied the MSE of equivariant estimators of the common mean μ. In Chapter 8, we will discuss the problem of determining an optimal equivariant estimator of μ in a Bayesian framework. We present here a PTE of μ. Let ρ = inline.jpg. If ρ = 1 then the UMVU estimator of μ is inline.jpg1 = (inline.jpg + inline.jpg)/2, where inline.jpg and inline.jpg are the sample means. When ρ is unknown then a reasonably good unbiased estimator of μ is inline.jpgR = (inline.jpg R + inline.jpg)/(R + 1), where R = inline.jpg is the ratio of the sample variances inline.jpg to inline.jpg. A PTE of μ can be based on a preliminary test of H0: ρ = 1, μ, σ1, σ2 arbitrary against H1: ρ ≠ 1, μ, σ1, σ2 arbitrary. If we apply the F–test, we obtain the PTE

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This estimator is unbiased, since inline.jpg and inline.jpg are independent of R. Furthermore,

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Hence, since E{inline.jpg| R} = μ for all R, we obtain from the law of total variance that the variance of the PTE is

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where R* = F1 – α[n – 1, n – 1], and fρ (R) is the p.d.f. of ρ F[n – 1, n – 1] at R. Closed formulae in cases of small n were given by Zacks (1966).          inline.jpg

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