Chapter . Building an Enterprise Framework

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

Rich Cook

There is no such thing as perfect design. The Flex framework is evolving, and we are grateful that software engineers from the Flex team made this framework extendable. Because this book covers the use of the Flex framework in enterprise software development, we will identify and enhance those components that are widely used in business RIA.

For the majority of the enterprise applications, development comes down to a few major activities:

  • Creating data grids

  • Working with forms

  • Validating data

  • Printing

If you, the architect, can achieve improvements in each of these areas by automating common tasks, application developers will spend less time writing the same mundane code over and over again. The key is to encapsulate such code inside reusable Flex components, to create smarter components that can be collected into libraries.

Chapter 1 reviewed such architectural frameworks as Cairngorm, PureMVC, and Mate, which mainly helped with separating the code into tiers, but now you’ll learn how to build another type of framework by enhancing existing Flex components. Specifically, this chapter demonstrates how to build a framework that radically simplifies creation of data entry applications by:

  • Identifying common reusable components, which in turn reduces the number of errors inevitably introduced during manual coding

  • Encapsulating implementation of architectural patterns inside selected components

  • Defining best practices and implementing them in concrete components rather than just describing them on paper

You’ll learn how to inherit your components from the existing ones, starting with the basic techniques, while extending a simple CheckBox, then approaching the more complex ComboBox component. The remainder of the chapter is devoted to extending components that every enterprise application relies on, namely DataGrid, Form, and Validator.

By providing a framework that integrates the work of programmers, business analysts, designers, and advanced users, you can drastically simplify the development of enterprise applications.

Every web developer is familiar with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which let designers define and change the look and feel of the applications without the need to learn programming. As you’ll learn in this chapter, Business Style Sheets (BSS) serve a similar role for enterprise application developers, enabling software developers to attach a remote data set to a component with minimum coding. For example, you’ll see how a simple resource file can instruct a ComboBox (or any other component) on where to get and how to display the data. Think of it as a data skinning. With BSS, you can develop artifacts that are highly reusable across enterprise applications.

Along the way, you’ll learn more about BSS and other techniques for enhancing and automating Flex components. Although you won’t be able to build an entire framework here (the challenges of printing and reporting are covered in the last chapter), you’ll get a good start in mastering valuable skills that any Flex architect and component developer must have.

Upgrading Existing Flex Components

Flex evolved as a Flash framework from the HTML object model, and the base set of Flex controls capitalized on the simplicity of HTML. The price that Flex developers have to pay for this is that each control has its own (different) set of properties and behaviors. This can make building an enterprise framework a challenge. Consider a CheckBox control as an example. To quickly and easily integrate CheckBox into a variety of frameworks, developers would prefer the component to have a unified property value (on or off) that’s easily bindable to application data. Currently, Flex’s CheckBox has a property called selected and developers need to write code converting Yes/No data into the true or false that the selected property expects. If you later use another control, you must then convert these Yes/No values into the form that the new control requires. Clearly some common ground would reduce the amount of redundant coding.

The sections that follow will take a closer look at the CheckBox as well as other major Flex components that every application needs, and identify what they are missing and how to enhance them.

Introducing Component Library clear.swc

As you may remember from Chapter 1, Clear Toolkit’s component library, clear.swc, contains a number of enhanced Flex components (Figure 30). Specifically, this component library consists of three packages:

  • com.farata.components

  • com.farata.grid

  • com.farata.printing

The com.farata.components package from clear.swc
Figure 30. The com.farata.components package from clear.swc

To demonstrate how you can extend components, in the following sections we’ll explain how we built some of the components from the package com.farata.components. Later you can use these discussions for reference, if you decide to build a similar (or better) library of components. (Some of the classes from the other two packages will be discussed in Chapter 11 of this book.)


You can find the source code of all components described in this chapter in the clear.swc component library. The code of some of the components explained here was simplified to make explanations of the process of extending Flex components easier. Neither this chapter nor the book as a whole is meant to be a manual for the open source clear.swc library. If you just want to use clear.swc components, refer to, where the ASDoc-style API and the source code of each component from clear.swc are available.

You can use clear.swc independently by linking it to your Flex project. To help you understand how its components can help you, the following sections examine simplified versions of some of the library’s controls.

Creating a Value-Aware CheckBox

The CheckBox in Example 55 has been enhanced with additional value and text properties. You can specify which value should trigger turning this control into the on/off position.

Example 55. CheckBox with value and text properties
package com.farata.controls {

    import mx.controls.CheckBox;

    public class CheckBox extends mx.controls.CheckBox {

        public var onValue:Object=true;
        public var offValue:Object=false;
        private var _value:*;

        public function set text(o:Object):void {
            value = o;
        public function get text():Object {
            return value;

        public function set value(val:*) :void {
            _value = val;
            dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent (FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT));

        public function get value():Object  {
           return selected?onValue:offValue;

        override protected function commitProperties():void {
            if (_value!==undefined)
                selected = (_value == onValue);

This CheckBox will automatically switch itself into a selected or unselected state: just add it to your view, set the on and off values, and either assign a string or an Object value to it. You should note that the value setter calls the function invalidateProperties(), which internally schedules the invocation of the function commitProperties() on the next UI refresh cycle.

The commitProperties() function enables you to make changes to all the properties of a component in one shot. That’s why we set the value of the selected property based on the result of the comparison of _value and onValue in this function.

Example 56 is a test application illustrating how to use this CheckBox, with the resulting interface shown in Figure 31. To run a test, click the first Set OnValue= button to teach the CheckBox to turn itself on when the value Male is assigned, and off when its property text has the value of Female. Then, click the first or second cbx_test.text button to assign a value to the newly introduced property text of this CheckBox, and watch how its state changes.

Example 56. Test application for the value-aware CheckBox
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    xmlns:clear="com.farata.controls.*" layout="vertical">

    <clear:CheckBox id="cbx_test" label="Assign me a value" />

    <mx:Button label="Set OnValue='Male' and offValue='Female'"

    <mx:Button label="cbx_test.text='Male'" click="cbx_test.text='Male'" />
    <mx:Button label="cbx_test.text='Female'" click="cbx_test.text='Female'" />

    <mx:Button label="Set OnValue=Number('1') and offValue=Number('0')"

    <mx:Button label="cbx_test.value='Number('1')'"
            click="cbx_test.value =new Number('1')" />
    <mx:Button label="cbx_test. value='Number('0')"
            click="cbx_test.value =new Number('0')" />

Testing the value-aware CheckBox
Figure 31. Testing the value-aware CheckBox

Creating a Centered CheckBox

This example demonstrates how to create a CheckBox that can center itself horizontally in any container, including a data grid cell.

Although you could introduce an item renderer that uses a CheckBox inside an HBox with the style horizontalAlign set to center, using a container inside the item rendered negatively affects the data grid control’s performance.

The better approach is to extend the styling of the CheckBox itself. Example 57 is a code extension that “teaches” a standard Flex CheckBox to respond to the textAlign style if the label property of the CheckBox is not defined.

Example 57. Self-centering solution for CheckBox
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
      unscaledHeight:Number):void {

    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
    if (currentIcon) {
        var style:String = getStyle("textAlign");
        if ((!label) && (style=="center") ) {
            currentIcon.x = (unscaledWidth - currentIcon.measuredWidth)/2;

In the example code, the x coordinate of the CheckBox icon will always be located in the center of the enclosing container. Because no additional container is introduced, you can use this approach in the DataGridColumn item renderer, which is a style selector. When you use this enhanced CheckBox as a column item renderer, textAlign automatically becomes a style of this style selector, and you can simply set textAlign=center on DataGridColumn.


While developing enhanced components for the enterprise business framework, concentrate on identifying reusable functionality that application developers often need, program it once, and incorporate it in the component itself.

Creating a Protected CheckBox

The standard Flex CheckBox has a Boolean property called enabled that is handy when you want to disable the control. Unfortunately, a disabled CheckBox is rendered as grayed out. What if you want to use a CheckBox in some noneditable container, say in a DataGridColumn, and you want it to be nonupdateable but look normal?

The answer is to use a new class called CheckBoxProtected, which includes an additional property updateable. Its trick is to suppress standard keyboard and mouse-click processing. Overriding event handlers by adding the following:

if (!updateable) return;

works like a charm! Example 58 lists the complete code.

Example 58. Class CheckBoxProtected
package com.farata.controls
    import mx.controls.CheckBox;

    public class CheckBoxProtected extends mx.controls.CheckBox {

    public var updateable:Boolean = true;

    public function CheckBoxProtected() {
        addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    private function onClick (event:MouseEvent):void {
        dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
    override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            if (!updateable) return;
    override protected function keyUpHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
            if (!updateable) return;
    override protected function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
           if (!updateable)return;
    override protected function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
             if (!updateable)return;
    override protected function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
            if (!updateable)return;

To test the protected CheckBox, use Example 59.

Example 59. Test application for CheckBoxProtected
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    xmlns:clear="com.farata.controls.*" layout="vertical">

 <clear:CheckBoxProtected updateable="false"
                label="I am protected" fontSize="18"/>
 <mx:CheckBox enabled="false"
                label="I am disabled" fontSize="18"/>


Running this application produces the results in Figure 32, which shows the difference between the protected and disabled checkboxes.

Running the CheckBoxProtected application
Figure 32. Running the CheckBoxProtected application

Why not use the extensibility of the Flex framework to its fullest? This chapter is about what you can do with Flex components. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll make your own decisions about what you want to do with them.

For example, think of a CheckBox with a third state. The underlying data can be Yes, No, or null. If the value is null (the third state), the CheckBox needs to display a different image, such as a little question mark inside. In addition to supporting three states (selected, unselected, and null), this control should allow an easy switch from one state to another. Such an enhancement includes a skinning task—create a new skin (with a question mark) in Photoshop and ensure that the control switches to this state are based on the underlying data. For a working example, see CheckBox3Stated in the clear.swc component library.

Upgrading ComboBox

The CheckBox is easiest to enhance because it’s one of the simplest controls, having only two states (on or off). You can apply the same principles to a more advanced ComboBox, however. Identify reusable functionality, program it once, and incorporate it into the component.

What if, for example, you need to programmatically request a specific value to be selected in a ComboBox? The traditional approach is to write code that loops through the list of items in the ComboBox data provider and manually works with the selectedIndex property. To set Texas as a selected value of a ComboBox that renders states, you could use:

var val:String; val= 'Texas' ;
for (var i: int = 0; i < cbx.dataProdider.length; i++) {
 if ( val == cbx_states.dataProvider[i].[cbx_states.labelField])
      cbx_states.selectedIndex = i;

The downside of this approach is that if your application has 50 ComboBox controls, several developers will be writing similar loops instead of a single line, such as cbx_states.value="Texas".

Unfortunately, ComboBox does not provide a specific property that contains the selected value. It has such properties as labelField, selectedIndex, and selectedItem. Which one of them is actually a data field? How do you search by value? Do you really care about the number of the selected row in the ComboBox? Not at all—you need to know the selected value.

Let’s revisit the earlier code snippet. The labelField of a ComboBox knows the name of the property from the objects stored in the backing collection. But what about the data field that corresponds to this label (in the case of Texas, a good candidate to be considered as the ComboBox data could be TX)? Currently, finding such data is the application programmer’s responsibility.

Even if you are OK with writing these loops, considering the asynchronous nature of populating data providers, this code may need to wait until the data arrives from the server. It would be nice, though, if you could simply assign the value to a ComboBox without the need to worry about asynchronous flows of events.

Consider a List control, the brother of the ComboBox. Say the user selected five items, and then decided to filter the backing data collection. The user’s selections will be lost. The List could benefit from yet another property that would remember selected values and could be used without worrying about the time of the data arrival.

Example 60 offers a solution: the class ComboBoxBase, which extends ComboBox by adding the value property (don’t confuse it with <mx:ComboBoxBase>). After introducing the value property, it uses the dataField property to tell the ComboBox the name of the data field in the object of its underlying data collection that corresponds to this value. The new dataField property enables you to use any arbitrary object property as ComboBox data.

You’ll also notice one more public property: keyField, which is technically a synonym of dataField. You can use keyField to avoid naming conflicts in situations where the ComboBoxBase or its subclasses are used inside other objects (say, DataGridColumn) that also have a property called dataField.

Example 60. Class com.farata.control.ComboBoxBase
package com.farata.controls {

    import mx.collections.CursorBookmark;
    import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
    import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
    import mx.controls.ComboBox;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData;
    import mx.controls.listClasses.ListData;
    import mx.core.mx_internal;
    use namespace mx_internal;

    public class ComboBoxBase extends ComboBox {

    public function ComboBoxBase() {
        addEventListener("change", onChange);

    // Allow control to change dataProvider data on change
    private function onChange(event:Event):void {
         if (listData is DataGridListData) {
             data[DataGridListData(listData).dataField] = value;
         }else if (listData is ListData && ListData(listData).labelField in data) {
             data[ListData(listData).labelField] = value;

    protected function applyValue(value:Object):void {
       if ((value != null) && (dataProvider != null)) {
             var cursor:IViewCursor = (dataProvider as ICollectionView).createCursor();
                var i:uint = 0;
                for ( CursorBookmark.FIRST ); !cursor.afterLast;
                                                    cursor.moveNext(), i++) {
                    var entry:Object = cursor.current;
                    if ( !entry ) continue;
                    if ( (dataField in entry && value == entry[dataField])) {
                        selectedIndex = i;
            selectedIndex = -1;

    private var _dataField:String = "data";
    private var _dataFieldChanged:Boolean = false;

    [Inspectable(category="Data", defaultValue="data")]

    public function get dataField():String { return _dataField; }
    public function set dataField(value:String):void {
        if ( _dataField == value)

        _dataField = value;
        _dataFieldChanged = true;
        dispatchEvent(new Event("dataFieldChanged"));

    public function get keyField():String { return _dataField; }

    public function set keyField(value:String):void {
        if ( _dataField == value)
        dataField = value;

    private var _candidateValue:Object = null;
    private var _valueChanged:Boolean  = false;

    [Inspectable(defaultValue="0", category="General", verbose="1")]

    public function set value(value:Object) : void {
            if (value == this.value)

         _candidateValue = value;
         _valueChanged = true;

    override public function get value():Object {
         if (editable)
            return text;

         var item:Object = selectedItem;

         if (item == null )
            return null;

         return dataField in item ? item[dataField] : null/*item[labelField]*/;

    override public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void {
           if ( !_valueChanged ) {
               _candidateValue = this.value;
               _valueChanged = true;
           super.dataProvider = value;

    override public function set data(data:Object):void { = data;
         if (listData is DataGridListData) {
           _candidateValue = data[DataGridListData(listData).dataField];
           _valueChanged = true;
         }else if (listData is ListData && ListData(listData).labelField in data) {
           _candidateValue = data[ListData(listData).labelField];
           _valueChanged = true;

    override protected function commitProperties():void {
         if (_dataFieldChanged) {
               if (!_valueChanged && !editable)
               dispatchEvent( new Event(Event.CHANGE) );

                _dataFieldChanged = false;

         if (_valueChanged) {
             _candidateValue = null;
             _valueChanged = false;

    public function lookupValue(value:Object, lookupField:String = null):Object {
      var result:Object = null;
      var cursor:IViewCursor = collectionIterator;
      for (;!cursor.afterLast;cursor.moveNext()) {
           var entry:Object = cursor.current;
           if ( value == entry[dataField] ) {
              result = !lookupField ? entry[labelField] : entry[lookupField];
              return result;
      return result;

The new property value is assigned in the following setter function:

[Inspectable(defaultValue="0", category="General", verbose="1")]
 public function set value(value:Object) : void {
    if (value == this.value)

   _candidateValue = value;
   _valueChanged = true;

Notice that when the function turns on the flag _valueChanged, invalidateProperties() internally schedules a call to the method commitProperties() to ensure that all changes will be applied in the required sequence. In the example, the code in the commitProperties() function ensures that the value of the dataField is processed before explicit changes to the value property, if any.

ComboBox is an asynchronous control that can be populated by making a server-side call. There is no guarantee that the remote data has arrived by the time that you assign some data to the value property. The _candidateValue in the value setter is a temporary variable supporting deferred assignment in the method commitProperties().

The function commitProperties() broadcasts the notification that the value has been changed (in case some other application object is bound to this value) and passes the _candidateValue to the method applyValue():

override protected function commitProperties():void {
         if (_dataFieldChanged) {
               if (!_valueChanged && !editable)
              dispatchEvent( new Event(Event.CHANGE) );

               _dataFieldChanged = false;

         if (_valueChanged) {
             _candidateValue = null;
             _valueChanged = false;

The method applyValue() loops through the collection in the dataProvider using the IViewCursor iterator. When this code finds the object in the data collection that has a property specified in the dataField with the same value as the argument of this function, it marks this row as selected:

protected function applyValue(value:Object):void {
       if ((value != null) && (dataProvider != null)) {
           var cursor:IViewCursor = (dataProvider as ICollectionView).createCursor();
                var i:uint = 0;
                for ( CursorBookmark.FIRST ); !cursor.afterLast;
                                                    cursor.moveNext(), i++) {
                    var entry:Object = cursor.current;
                    if ( !entry ) continue;
                    if ( (dataField in entry && value == entry[dataField])) {
                        selectedIndex = i;
       selectedIndex = -1;

Tags such as:

[Inspectable(defaultValue="0",category="General", verbose="1")]Inspectable tag

ensure that corresponding properties will appear in property sheets of ComboBoxBase in Flash Builder’s design mode (in this case, under the category General with specified initial values in defaultValue and verbose).

Meta tags such as [Bindable("dataFieldChanged")] ensure that the dataFieldChange event will be dispatched (to those who care) whenever the value of the dataField changes.

In Example 61, the small application TestComboBoxApp.mxml demonstrates the use of the ComboBoxBase component.

Example 61. Using the ComboBoxBase component
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    xmlns:clear="com.farata.controls.*" layout="vertical">
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="cbData">
            <mx:Object label="Adobe" data="ADBE" taxID="1111"/>
            <mx:Object label="Microsoft" data="MSFT"  taxID="2222"/>
            <mx:Object label="Farata Systems" data="FS"  taxID="3333"/>

    <clear:ComboBoxBase  dataProvider="{cbData}" value="FS"/>

    <clear:ComboBoxBase  dataProvider="{cbData}" dataField="taxID" value="3333"/>


Both drop-downs use the same dataProvider. When you run Example 61’s application, you’ll see a window similar to Figure 33.

Running an application with two ComboBoxBase components
Figure 33. Running an application with two ComboBoxBase components

The first ComboBoxBase shows “Farata Systems” because of the assignment value="FS", which compares it with values in the data field of the objects from the cbData collection.

The second drop-down sets dataField="taxID", which instructs the ComboBox to use the value of the taxID property in the underlying data collection. If the code assigns a new value to taxID—e.g., an external data feed—the selection in the ComboBox will change accordingly. This behavior better relates to the real-world situations in which a collection of DTOs with multiple properties arrives from the server and has to be used with one or more ComboBox controls that may consider different DTO properties as their data.

Resources As Properties of UI Controls

An even more flexible solution for enhancing components to better support your enterprise framework is the use of a programming technique that we call data styling or Business Style Sheets (BSS), as mentioned earlier. The basic process is to create small files, called resources, and attach them as a property to a regular UI component as well as a DataGrid column.

Example 62 illustrates this BSS technique and contains a small MXML file called YesNoCheckBoxResource.mxml.

Example 62. A CheckBox resource (see YesNoCheckBoxResource.mxml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns="com.farata.resources" xmlns:mx=""
    offValue = "N"
    onValue = "Y"


Doesn’t it look like a style to you? You can easily make it specific to a locale by, for example, changing the on/off values of Y/N to Д/Η, which mean Да/Ηет (which you might be more familiar with as Da/Nyet) in Russian, or Si/No for Spanish. When you think of such resources as entities that are separate from the application components, you begin to see the flexibility of the technique. Isn’t such functionality similar to what CSS is about?

As a matter of fact, it’s more sophisticated than CSS, because this resource is a mix of styles and properties, as illustrated in Example 63. Called StateComboBoxResource.mxml, this resource demonstrates using properties (e.g., dataProvider) in a BSS. Such a resource can contain a list of values, such as names and abbreviations of states.

Example 63. StateComboBoxResource with hardcoded states
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns="com.farata.resources" xmlns:mx=""
            <mx:Object data="AL" label="Alabama" />
            <mx:Object data="AZ" label="Arizona" />
            <mx:Object data="CA" label="California" />
            <mx:Object data="CO" label="Colorado" />
            <mx:Object data="CT" label="Connecticut" />
            <mx:Object data="DE" label="Delaware" />
            <mx:Object data="FL" label="Florida" />
            <mx:Object data="GA" label="Georgia" />
            <mx:Object data="WY" label="Wyoming" />

Yet another example of a resource, Example 64 contains a reference to a remote destination for automatic retrieval of dynamic data coming from a DBMS.

Example 64. Sample DepartmentComboResource configured for a remote destination
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns="com.farata.resources" xmlns:mx=""

As a matter of fact, you can’t tell from this code whether the data is coming from a DBMS or from somewhere else. That data is cleanly separated from the instances of the ComboBox objects associated with this particular resource and can be cached either globally (if the data needs to be retrieved once) or according to the framework caching specifications. When developing a business framework, you may allow, for example, lookup objects to be loaded once per application or once per view. This flexibility doesn’t exist in singleton-based architectural frameworks. Frameworks built using the resource technique/BSS, however, do allow the flexibility to look up objects.

Based on this resource file, you can say only that the data comes back from a remote destination called Employee, which is either a name of a class or a class factory. You can also see that the method getDepartments() will return the data containing DEPT_ID and DEPT_NAME, which will be used with the enhanced ComboBox described earlier in this chapter (Example 60).

In addition to such resources, however, you need a mechanism of attaching them to Flex UI components. To teach a ComboBox to work with resources, add a resource property to it:

private var _resource:Object;
public function get resource():Object
    return _resource;

public function set resource(value:Object):void {
    _resource = value;
    var objInst:*  = ResourceBase.getResourceInstance(value);

The section The Base Class for Resources will describe in detail the ResourceBase class. For now, concentrate on the fact that the resource property enables you to write something like this:

<fx:ComboBox resource="{DepartmentComboResource}"

Each of the enhanced UI components in your framework should include such a property. Because interfaces don’t allow default implementation of such a setter and getter and because ActionScript does not support multiple inheritances, the easiest way to include this implementation of the resource property to each control is by using the language compile-time directive #include, which includes the contents of the external file—say,—into the code of your components:

#include ""

Styles Versus Properties

Before going too deep into the BSS and resources approach, you need to understand some key differences between styles and properties. For instance, although simple dot notation (myObject.resource=value) is valid Flex syntax for properties, it is not allowed for styles. Instead, application programmers have to use the function setStyle(). Suffice it to say that the StyleManager handles styles that can be cascading, yet properties can’t cascade. From the framework developer’s point of view, properties allow defining classes with getters and setters and take advantage of inheritance. With styles, you can’t do this. On the other hand, you can’t add properties (i.e., value and destination) to styles.

The designers of the Flex framework separated styles from properties for easier separation of internal processes; if an application code changes the style, the Flex framework performs some underground work to ensure that cascading style conventions are properly applied—for example, a global style that dictates that the Verdana font family is properly overridden by the style applied to a Panel or its child.

From an enterprise framework designer’s perspective, this means that if you create a base class for the styles, and some time later decide to change it, the change may affect all derived classes. Suppose that you subclass ComboBox and define some new styles in the derived MyComboBox and then later change the style of the ComboBox. For the descendant class, this means that now code changes are required to properly (according to the changed rules) apply the overridden and added styles.

All this explains why every book and product manual keeps warning that styles are expensive and you should limit the use of the setSyle() function during runtime. With properties, life is a lot easier.

A beneficial framework would allow application programmers to define a small named set of application-specific styles and properties and the ability to govern the work of the UI control with selectors.

To accomplish this, get into the DataGrid state of mind. Have you ever thought of how a DataGridColumn object sets its own width, height, and other values? The DataGridColumn class is a descendant of a style selector called CSSStyleSelector, which means that it can be used to modify styles but not properties.

DataGrid examines every DataGridColumn and asks itself, “Do I have the same as this column object in my cache?” If it does not, it answers, “Nope, there’s nothing I can reuse. I need to create a new class factory to supply a new item renderer.” After this is done, the DataGrid code assigns the supplied DataGridColumn to the item renderer as a style. (Search for renderer.styleName=c in the code of to see for yourself.) At this point, all the specified column’s styles (height, width, color, and text alignment) are applied as styles to the item renderer.

Treat DataGridColumn as a CSS style selector that also includes a limited number of properties (i.e., itemRenderer). DataGrid creates one instance of such a selector object and then reapplies it to every cell in this column.

Unfortunately, designing a DataGrid this way makes it next to impossible to externalize this CSS style selector, and you can’t extend the properties of the data grid column to make them specific to the item renderer. Say you wanted to use a CheckBox with a property value (on/off) as an item renderer. Tough luck—DataGridColumn is not a dynamic object and you can’t just add this as a new property.

Flex is an extendable framework, however, and what you can add is a new resource class with behaviors more to your liking. In fact, that’s exactly what the ResourceBase class does, and it’s described next.

The Base Class for Resources

Example 65 depicts the class ResourceBase, which serves as a base class for all resources for all components. This class can tell properties from styles. In Chapter 2, you learned about a class factory that accepts a class or a function name to create instances of objects. We applied that same technique here: with ResourceBase, a resource instance can be created from a class factory or a class.

Technically, the ResourceBase class applies specified values as either properties or resources.

Example 65. The ResourceBase class
package com.farata.resources {
    import com.farata.controls.TextInput;

    import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;

    import mx.core.ClassFactory;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.utils.StringUtil;

    public dynamic class ResourceBase {
        public var resourceProps:Array = [];
        public var resourceStyles:Array = [];

    public function load(source:Object):void {
        for each(var propName:String in resourceProps) {
            try    {
                if( source[propName])
                    this[propName]= source[propName] ;
            catch (e:Error) {}
        for each(var styleName:String in resourceStyles){
            try    {
                    this[styleName] = source.getStyle(styleName);
            catch (e:Error){}

    public function apply(target:Object):void         {
        try {
            for each(var propName:String in resourceProps)
                if (this[propName]!=undefined)
                    target[propName] = this[propName];
        } catch (e:Error) {
            var error:String = mx.utils.StringUtil.substitute(
          "Incompatible resource class. Can not apply
             property {0} of {1} to {2}",
              [propName,this.toString(), target.toString()]    );
           throw new Error(error);
        try {

            for each(var styleName:String in resourceStyles)
                    target.setStyle(styleName, this[styleName]);

    public static function getResourceInstance(value:Object,
                                styleOwner:Object=null):*    {
        var resClass:Object;
        if(value is Class) {
            resClass = Class(value);
            if (styleOwner) {
                try     {
                    var result:* = new resClass(styleOwner);
                    return result;
                catch (e:Error) {
                    return new resClass();
                return new resClass();
        else if(value is ResourceBase)
            return value;
        else if(value is ClassFactory)
            return ClassFactory(value).newInstance();
        else  if (value != null)     {
            var v:String = String(value).replace(/{/,"");
            v = v.replace(/}/,"");
            resClass = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.getDefinition(v);
            if (styleOwner) {
                try    {
                    var result2:* = new resClass(styleOwner);
                    return result2;
                catch (e:Error)    {
                    return new resClass();
                return new resClass();
    public function get itemEditor() : UIComponent {
        return new TextInput();

When application programmers design a resource for a particular type of Flex UI control, they simply extend it from a ResourceBase class (or build an MXML component based on it) and specify the names of the variables and their default values, if need be.

The ResourceBase class relies on two arrays: resourceProps and resourceStyles. When application developers create concrete resources, they also must populate these arrays. Example 66 illustrates the implementation of a sample class called ComboBoxResource. Note how the array resourceProps is populated with the data in the constructor.

Example 66. Sample ComboBoxResource class
package com.farata.resources {
    import mx.core.IFactory;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
    import mx.styles.StyleManager;
    import com.farata.controls.ComboBox;

    dynamic public class ComboBoxResource extends ResourceBase {
        public var autoFill :Boolean = false;
        public var keyField : String = "data";
        public var destination:String=null;
        public var dropdownWidth : int = 0;
        public var editable:Boolean = false;
        public var itemRenderer:IFactory = null;
        public var labelFunction : Function = null;
        public var labelField : String = "label";
        public var dataField : String = "label";
        public var method : String = null;
        public var width:int=-1;
        public var dataProvider : Object;

        public function ComboBoxResource(styleOwner:Object=null) {
            resourceProps.push("autoFill", "keyField", "destination",
              "dropdownWidth", "editable","itemRenderer", "labelField",
           "labelFunction","method", "dataProvider", "width");

            var sd:CSSStyleDeclaration =
            if (!sd)        {
                sd = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
                   sd, false);
                sd.setStyle("paddingBottom", 0);
                sd.setStyle("paddingTop", 0);
            if ( styleOwner!= null )
                load( styleOwner );
        override public function get itemEditor() :UIComponent {
                return new ComboBox();

This class has to be written once for your enterprise framework, and after that any junior programmer can easily create and update resources such as StateComboResource or DepartmentComboResource, shown earlier in this chapter in Examples 63 and 64.

Similarly to CSS, resources should be compiled into a separate .swf file. They can be loaded and reloaded during the runtime. You can find out more about class loaders in Chapter 7.

DataGrid with Resources

The most interesting part about these resources is that you can attach them not only to regular controls, but also to such dynamic controls as DataGridColumn. For example, the following code snippet instructs the DataGridColumn (it was also enhanced and is available in clear.swc) to turn itself into a ComboBox and populate itself based on the configured resource DepartmentComboResource shown in Example 64:

<fx:DataGridColumn dataField="DEPT_ID" editable="false"

A resource attached to a DataGridColumn not only sets a column’s properties but also identifies the item renderer and editor for this column.

As discussed in Chapter 2, class factories become extremely powerful if you use them as item renderers for a data grid column. Using this methodology, you can also encapsulate a number of properties and styles in the object provided by the factory. For example, you can enable the support of resources on the enhanced DataGridColumn object by adding the code fragment in Example 67.

Example 67. Enabling resources support in DataGridColumn
private var _resource:Object;
public function set resource(value:Object):void{
    _resource = ResourceBase.getResourceInstance(value, this);
    if(labelFunction==null) {
        getLabelFunctionByResource(_resource, this);

public function get resource():Object{
    return _resource;
public static function getLabelFunctionByResource(resourceRef:Object,
                                              column:Object):void {
    var resource:ResourceBase = resourceRef as ResourceBase;
    if (resource) {
        if(resource.hasOwnProperty("destination") &&
                function(ev:Event, collection:Object):void {
                    collectionLoaded(collection, column);
        else if (resource.hasOwnProperty("dataProvider") &&
                                      resource["dataProvider"]) {
                safeGetProperty(resource, "labelField", "label"),
                safeGetProperty(resource, "keyField", "data")
private static function collectionLoaded(collection:Object, column:Object,
                  labelField:String = null, dataField:String = null):void {
    if (null == collection) return;
    labelField =
        labelField ?
            labelField :
            (column["labelField"] != null ?
                column.labelField :
                (column.resource.labelField ?
                    column.resource.labelField : "label"));

    if (!dataField)
        dataField = column.resource.keyField ?
                    column.resource.keyField : column.dataField;

    collection = CollectionUtils.toCollection(collection);

    const options:Dictionary = new Dictionary();

    // copy only when collection is non empty
    if (collection != null && collection.length > 0 ) {
        const cursor:IViewCursor = collection.createCursor();
        do {
    options[cursor.current[dataField]] =
        } while(cursor.moveNext())

    column.labelFunction = function(data:Object, col:Object):String {
        var key:* = data is String || data is Number ? data :
        var res:String = options[key];
        return res != null ? res : '' + key;

Suppose that you have a DataGrid and a ComboBox with the values 1, 2, and 3 that should be displayed as John, Paul, and Mary. These values are asynchronously retrieved from a remote DBMS. You can’t be sure, however, whether John, Paul, and Mary will arrive before or after the DataGrid gets populated. The example code extends the DataGridColumn with the property resource and checks whether the application developer supplied a labelFunction. If not, the code tries to “figure out” the labelFunction from the resource itself.

If resource has the destination set and the method is defined as the DepartmentComboResource as in Example 64, the code loads the Collection and after that, creates the labelFunction (see the collectionLoaded() method) based on the loaded data.

The resource may either come with a populated dataProvider as in Example 63, or the data for the dataProvider may be loaded from the server. When the dataProvider is populated, the collectionLoaded() method examines the dataProvider’s data and creates the labelFunction. The following code attaches a labelFunction on the fly as a dynamic function that gets the data and, by the key, finds the text to display on the grid:

column.labelFunction = function(data:Object, col:Object):String {
        var key:* = data is String || data is Number ? data :
var res:String = options[key];
        return res != null ? res : '' + key;

This closure uses the dictionary options defined outside. The code above this closure traverses the data provider and creates the following entries in the dictionary:

1, John
2, Paul
3, Mary

Hence the value of the res returned by this label function will be John, Paul, or Mary.

These few lines of code provide a generic solution for the real-life situations that benefit from having asynchronously loaded code tables that can be programmed by junior developers. This code works the same way as translating the data value into John and Mary, Alaska and Pennsylvania, or department names.


With resources, the properties and styles of UI controls become available not only to developers who write these classes but also to outsiders, in a fashion similar to CSS. The examples of resources from the previous section clearly show that they are self-contained, easy-to-understand artifacts that can be used by anyone as BSS.

You can create a resource as a collection of styles, properties, and event listeners that also allows the provision of a class name to be used with it. You can also create a class factory that will produce instances of such resources.

Technically, any resource is an abstract class factory that can play the same role that XML-based configurable properties play in the Java EE world. But this solution requires compilation and linkage of all resources, which makes it closer to configuring Java objects using annotations. Just to remind you, in Flex, CSS also get compiled.

To summarize, resources offer the following advantages:

  • They are compiled and work fast.

  • Because they are simple to understand, junior programmers can work with them.

  • You can inherit one resource from another; Flash Builder will offer you context-sensitive help, and Flex compiler will help you to identify data type errors.

  • You can attach resources to a DataGridColumn and use them as a replacement for item renderers.

Resources are a good start for automation of programming. In Chapter 6, you’ll get familiar with yet another useful Flex component: DataCollection, a hybrid of ArrayCollection and RemoteObject, which is yet another step toward reducing manual programming.

Data Forms

In this section, you’ll continue adding components to the enterprise framework. It’s hard to find an enterprise application that does not use forms, which makes the Flex form component a perfect candidate for possible enhancements. Each form has some underlying model object, and the form elements are bound to the data fields in the model. Flex 3 supports only one-way data binding: changes on a form automatically propagate to the fields in the data model. But if you want to update the form when the data model changes, you have to manually program it using the curly braces syntax in one direction and BindingUtils.bindProperty() in another.

Flex 4 introduces a new feature: two-way binding. Add an @ sign to the binding expression (@{expression}) and notifications about data modifications are sent in both directions—from the form to the model and back. Although this helps in basic cases where a text field on the form is bound to a text property in a model object, two-way binding doesn’t have much use if you’d like to use data types other than String.

For example, two-way binding won’t help that much in forms that use the standard Flex <mx:CheckBox> component. What are you going to bind here? The server-side application has to receive 1 if the CheckBox was selected and 0 if not. You can’t just bind its property selected to a numeric data property on the underlying object. To really appreciate two-way binding, you need to use a different set of components, similar to the ones that you have been building in this chapter.

Binding does not work in cases when the model is a moving target. Consider a typical master/detail scenario: the user double-clicks on a row in a DataGrid and details about the selected row are displayed in a form. Back in Chapter 1, you saw an example of this: double-clicking a grid row in Figure 1-19 opened up a form that displayed the details for the employee selected in a grid. This magic was done with the enhanced form component that you are about to review.

The scenario with binding a form to a DataGrid row has to deal with a moving model; the user selects another row. Now what? The binding source is different now and you need to think of another way of refreshing the form data.

When you define data binding using an elegant and simple notation with curly braces, the compiler generates additional code to support it. But in the end, an implementation of the Observer design pattern is needed, and “someone” has to write the code to dispatch events to notify registered dependents when the property in the object changes. In Java, this someone is a programmer; in Flex it’s the compiler, which also registers event listeners with the model.

Flex offers the Form class, which an application programmer binds to an object representing the data model. The user changes the data in the UI form, and the model gets changed, too. But the original Form implementation does not have a means of tracking the data changes.

It would be nice if the Form control (bound to its model of type DataCollection) could support similar functionality, with automatic tracking of all changes compatible with the ChangeObject class that is implemented with remote data service. Implementing such functionality is the first of the enhancements you’ll make.

The second improvement belongs to the domain of data validation. The enhanced data form should be smart enough to be able to validate not just individual form items, but the form in its entirety, too. The data form should offer an API for storing and accessing its validators inside the form rather than in an external global object. This way the form becomes a self-contained black box that has everything it needs. (For details on what can be improved in the validation process, see the section Validation.)

During the initial interviewing of business users, software developers should be able to quickly create layouts to demonstrate and approve the raw functionality without waiting for designers to come up with the proper pixel-perfect controls and layouts. Hence your third target will be making the prototyping of the views developer-friendly. Besides needing to have uniform controls, software developers working on prototypes would appreciate not being required to give definitive answers as to which control to put on the data form. The first cut of the form may use a TextInput control, but the next version may use a ComboBox instead. You want to come up with some UI-neutral creature (call it a data form item) that will allow a lack of specificity, like, “I’m a TextInput”, or “I’m a ComboBox”. Instead, developers will be able to create prototypes with generic data items with easily attachable resources.

The DataForm Component

The solution that addresses your three improvements is a new component called DataForm (Example 68). It’s a subclass of a Flex Form, and its code implements two-way binding and includes a new property, dataProvider. Its function validateAll() supports data validation, as explained in the next sections. This DataForm component will properly respond to data changes, propagating them to its data provider.

Example 68. Class DataForm
package com.farata.controls{
import com.farata.controls.dataFormClasses.DataFormItem;


import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
import mx.containers.Form;
import mx.core.Container;
import mx.core.mx_internal;

public dynamic class DataForm extends Form{
    use namespace mx_internal;
    private var _initialized:Boolean = false;
    private var _readOnly:Boolean = false;
    private var _readOnlySet:Boolean = false;

    public function DataForm(){
        addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, creationCompleteHandler);

    private var collection:ICollectionView;
    public function get validators() :Array {
        var _validators :Array = [];
        for each(var item:DataFormItem in items)
            for (var i:int=0; i < item.validators.length;i++)    {
        return _validators;
    public function validateAll(suppressEvents:Boolean=false):Array {
        var _validators :Array = validators;
        var data:Object = collection[0];
        var result:Array = [];
        for (var i:int=0; i < _validators.length;i++) {
            if ( _validators[i].enabled ) {
                var v : * = _validators[i].validate(data, suppressEvents);
                if ( v.type != ValidationResultEvent.VALID)
                    result.push( v );
        return result;

    [Inspectable(category="Data", defaultValue="undefined")]

     *  The dataProvider property sets of data to be displayed in the form.
     *  This property lets you use most types of objects as data providers.
    public function get dataProvider():Object{
        return collection;

    public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void{
        if (collection){

        if (value is Array){
            collection = new  ArrayCollection(value as Array);
        else if (value is ICollectionView){
            collection = ICollectionView(value);
        else if (value is XML){
            var xl:XMLList = new XMLList();
            xl += value;
            collection = new XMLListCollection(xl);
            // convert it to an array containing this one item
            var tmp:Array = [];
            if (value != null)
            collection = new ArrayCollection(tmp);


    public function set readOnly(f:Boolean):void{
        if( _readOnly==f ) return;
        _readOnly = f;
        _readOnlySet = true;

    public function get readOnly():Boolean{
        return _readOnly;

     *  This function handles CollectionEvents dispatched from the data provider
     *  as the data changes.
     *  Updates the renderers, selected indices and scrollbars as needed.
     *  @param event The CollectionEvent.
    protected function collectionChangeHandler(event:Event):void{

    private function commitReadOnly():void{
        if( !_readOnlySet ) return;
        if( !_initialized ) return;
        _readOnlySet = false;
        for each(var item:DataFormItem in items)
            item.readOnly = _readOnly;

    private function distributeData():void {
        if((collection != null) && (collection.length < 0)) {
            for (var i:int=0; i<items.length; i++)    {
                DataFormItem(items[i]).data = this.collection[0];

    private var items:Array = new Array();
    private function creationCompleteHandler(evt:Event):void{

    override protected function createChildren():void{
        _initialized = true;
    private function enumerateChildren(parent:Object):void{
        if(parent is DataFormItem){
        if(parent is Container){
            var children:Array = parent.getChildren();
            for(var i:int = 0; i < children.length; i++){

Let’s walk through the code of the class DataForm. Examine the setter dataProvider in the example code. It always wraps up the provided data into a collection. This is needed to ensure that the DataForm supports working with remote data services the same way that DataGrid does. It checks the data type of the value. It wraps an Array into an ArrayCollection, and XML turns into XMLListCollection. If you need to change the backing collection that stores the data of a form, just point the collection variable at the new data.

If a single object is given as a dataProvider, turn it into a one-element array and then into a collection object. A good example of such case is an instance of a Model, which is an ObjectProxy (see Chapter 2) that knows how to dispatch events about changes of its properties.

Once in a while, application developers need to render noneditable forms; hence, the DataForm class defines the readOnly property.

The changes of the underlying data are propagated to the form in the method collectionChangeHandler(). The data can be modified either in the dataProvider or from the UI, and the DataForm ensures that each visible DataFormItem object (items[i]) knows about it. This is done in the function distributeData():

private function distributeData():void {
    if((collection != null) && (collection.length < 0)) {
        for (var i:int=0; i<items.length; i++)    {
            DataFormItem(items[i]).data = this.collection[0];

This code always works with the element 0 of the collection, because the form always has one object with data that is bound to the form. Such a design resembles the functionality of the data variable of the Flex DataGrid, which for each column provides a reference to the object that represents the entire row.

Again, we need the data to be wrapped into a collection to support DataCollection or DataService from LCDS.

Technically, a DataForm class is a VBox that lays out its children vertically in two columns and automatically aligns the labels of the form items. This DataForm needs to allow nesting—containing items that are also instances of the DataForm object. A recursive function, enumerateChildren(), loops through the children of the form, and if it finds a DataFormItem, it just adds it to the array items. But if the child is a container, the function loops through its children and adds them to the same items array. In the end, the property items contains all DataFormItems that have to be populated.

Notice that the function validateAll() is encapsulated inside the DataForm; in the Flex framework, it is located in the class Validator. There, the validation functionality was external to Form elements and you’d need to give an array of validators that were tightly coupled with specific form fields.

Our DataForm component is self-sufficient; its validators are embedded inside, and reusing the same form in different views or applications is easier compared to the original Flex Form object, which relies on external validators.

The DataFormItem Component

The DataFormItem, an extension of the Flex FormItem, is the next component of the framework. This component should be a bit more humble than its ancestor, though. The DataFormItem should not know too much about its representation and should be able to render any UI component. The design of new Flex 4 components has also been shifted toward separation between their UI and functionality.

At least half of the controls on a typical form are text fields. Some of them use masks to enter formatted values, like phone numbers. The rest of the form items most likely are nothing but checkboxes and radio buttons. For these controls (and whatever else you may need), just use resources. Forms also use combo boxes. The earlier section DataGrid with Resources showed you how class factory–based resources can be used to place combo boxes and other components inside the DataGrid. Now you’ll see how to enable forms to have flexible form items using the same technique.

The DataFormItem is a binding object that is created for each control placed inside the DataForm. It has functionality somewhat similar to that of BindingUtils to support two-way binding and resolve circular references. The DataFormItem has two major functions:

  • Attach an individual control internally to the instance of DataFormItemEditor to listen to the changes in the underlying control

  • Create a UI control (either a default one, or according to the requested masked input or resource)

The first function requires the DataFormItem control to support the syntax of encapsulating other controls, as it’s implemented in FormItem, for example:

<lib:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_ID" label="Emp Id:">

In this case, the DataFormItem performs binding functions; in the Flex framework, <mx:FormItem> would set or get the value in the encapsulated UI component, but now the DataFormItem will perform the binding duties. Assignment of any object to the dataField property item of the DataFormItem will automatically pass this value to the enclosed components. If an application developer decides to use a chart as a form item, for example, the data assigned to the DataFormItem will be given for processing to the chart object. The point is that application developers would use this control in a uniform way regardless of what object is encapsulated in the DataFormItem.

The second function, creating a UI control, is implemented with the help of resources, which not only allow specifying the styling of the component, but also can define what component to use. If you go back to the code of the class ResourceBase, you’ll find a better itemEditor that can be used for the creation of controls. Actually, this gives you two flexible ways of creating controls for the form: either specify a resource name, or specify a component as itemEditor=myCustomComponent. If neither of these ways is engaged, a default TextInput control will be created.

The previous code looks somewhat similar to the original FormItem, but it adds new powerful properties to the component that represents the form item. The data of the form item is stored in the EMP_ID property of the data collection specified in the dataProvider of the DataForm. The label property plays the same role as in FormItem.

The source code of the DataFormItem component is shown in Example 69. It starts with defining properties, as in DataGrid: dataField, valueName, and itemEditor. The DataGridItem can create an itemEditor from a String, an Object, or a class factory. It also defines an array validator, which will be described later in this chapter.

Example 69. Class DataFormItem
package com.farata.controls.dataFormClasses {
    import com.farata.controls.DataForm;
    import csom.farata.controls.MaskedInput;
    import com.farata.core.UIClassFactory;
    import com.farata.resources.ResourceBase;
    import com.farata.validators.ValidationRule;

    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;

    import mx.containers.FormItem;
    import mx.validators.Validator;

    dynamic public class DataFormItem extends FormItem {
        public function DataFormItem()    {

        private var _itemEditor:IEventDispatcher; //DataFormItemEditor;

        mx_internal var owner:DataForm;

        private var _dataField:String;
        private var _dataFieldAssigned:Boolean = false;
        private var _labelAssigned:Boolean = false;
        private var _valueName:String = null;
        private var _readOnly:Boolean = false;
        private var _readOnlySet:Boolean = false;

        public function set readOnly(f:Boolean):void{
            if( _readOnly==f ) return;
            _readOnly = f;
            _readOnlySet = true;

        public function get readOnly():Boolean {
            return _readOnly;

        public function set dataField(value:String):void {
            _dataField = value;
            _dataFieldAssigned = true;

        public function get dataField():String{
            return _dataField;

        override public function set label(value:String):void  {
            super.label = value;
            _labelAssigned = true;

        public function set valueName(value:String):void {
            _valueName = value;

        public function get valueName():String {
            return _valueName;

        override public function set data(value:Object):void {
   = value;
                if (_itemEditor["data"] != value[_dataField])
                    _itemEditor["data"] = value[_dataField];

            for ( var i : int = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
                if ( validators[i] is ValidationRule && data)
                    validators[i]["data"]= data;

        override protected function createChildren():void{
            if(this.getChildren().length > 0) {
                _itemEditor = new DataFormItemEditor(this.getChildAt(0), this);
                _itemEditor.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, dataChangeHandler);

        public function get itemEditor():Object {
            return _itemEditor;

        private var _validators :Array = [];

        public function get validators() :Array {
            return _validators;
        public function set validators(val :Array ): void {
            _validators = val;

        public var _dirtyItemEditor:Object;

        public function set itemEditor(value:Object):void{
            _dirtyItemEditor = null;
         if(value is String){
           var clazz:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(value as String));
              _dirtyItemEditor = new clazz();
            if(value is Class)
                _dirtyItemEditor = new value();
            if(value is UIClassFactory)
                _dirtyItemEditor = value.newInstance();
            if(value is DisplayObject)
                _dirtyItemEditor = value;

       private function dataChangeHandler(evt:Event):void{
            if (["data"]!==undefined)    {
                if (data != null) {
                    data[_dataField] =["data"];

        private var _resource:Object;
        public function set resource(value:Object):void {
            _resource = ResourceBase.getResourceInstance(value);

        public function get resource():Object{
            return _resource;

        private function commitReadOnly():void{
            if( _itemEditor==null ) return;
            if( !_readOnlySet ) return;
        if( Object(_itemEditor).hasOwnProperty("readOnly") )
            Object(_itemEditor).readOnly = _readOnly;
            _readOnlySet = false;

        override protected function commitProperties():void{
            if(itemEditor == null) //no child controls and no editor from resource
                var control:Object = _dirtyItemEditor;
                if(!control && getChildren().length > 0)
                    control = getChildAt(0);  //user placed control inside
                    control = itemEditorFactory(resource as ResourceBase);

                if( (control is MaskedInput) && hasOwnProperty("formatString"))
                    control.inputMask = this["formatString"];

                //Binding wrapper to move data back and force
                _itemEditor = new
                _itemEditor.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, dataChangeHandler);
        } else
                control = itemEditor.dataSourceObject;


        for ( var i : int = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
            var validator : Validator = validators[i] as Validator;
   = (_itemEditor as DataFormItemEditor).valueName;
            validator.source = control;
            if ( validator is ValidationRule && data)
                validator["data"]= data;
        protected function itemEditorFactory(resource : ResourceBase =
            var result:Object = null;
            if (resource && ! type)
                result = resource.itemEditor;
            else {
                switch(type)    {
                case "checkbox":
                    result = new CheckBox();
                    if (!resource) {
                        resource = new CheckBoxResource(this);
                case "radiobutton":
                    result = new RadioButtonGroupBox();
                    if (!resource) {
                        resource = new RadioButtonGroupBoxResource(this);
                case "combobox":
                    result = new ComboBox();
                    if (!resource) {
                        resource = new ComboBoxResource(this);
                case "date":
                    result = new DateField();
                    if (formatString) (result as DateField).formatString =
                case "datetime":
                    result = new DateTimeField();
                    if (formatString) (result as DateTimeField).formatString =
                case "mask":
                    result = new MaskedInput();
            if(result == null && formatString)
                result = guessControlFromFormat(formatString);
            if(result == null)
                result = new TextInput();
            return result;

        protected function guessControlFromFormat(format:String):Object{
            var result:Object = null;
            if(format.toLowerCase().indexOf("currency") != -1)
                result = new NumericInput();
            else if(format.toLowerCase().indexOf("date") != -1){
                result = new DateField();
                (result as DateField).formatString = format;
                result = new MaskedInput();
                (result as MaskedInput).inputMask = format;
            return result;

You’ll see in the example code that you can use an instance of a String, an Object, a class factory, or a UI control as an itemEditor property of the DataFormItem. The function createChildren() adds event listeners for CHANGE and VALUE_COMMIT events, and when any of these events is dispatched, the dataChangeHandler() pushes the provided value from the data attribute of the UI control used in the form item into the data.dataField property of the object in the underlying collection.

The resource setter allows application developers to use resources the same way as was done with a DataGrid earlier in this chapter.

The function commitReadonly() ensures that the readOnly property on the form item can be set only after the item is created.

The function itemEditorFactory() supports creation of the form item components from a resource based on the value of the variable type. The guessControlFromFormat() is a function that can be extended based on the application needs, but in the previous code, it just uses a NumericInput component if the currency format was requested and DateField if the date format has been specified. If an unknown format was specified, this code assumes that the application developer needs a mask; hence the MaskedInput will be created.

Remember that Flex schedules a call to the function commitProperties() to coordinate modifications to component properties when a component is created. It’s also called as a result of the application code calling invalidateProperties(). The function commitProperties() checks whether the itemEditor is defined. If it is not, it’ll be created and the event listeners will be added. If the itemEditor exists, the code extracts from it the UI control used with this form item.

Next, the data form item instantiates the validators specified by the application developers. This code binds all provided validators to the data form item:

for ( var i : int = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
    var validator : Validator = validators[i] as Validator; = (_itemEditor as DataFormItemEditor).valueName;
    validator.source = control;
    if ( validator is ValidationRule && data)
        validator["data"]= data;

The next section discusses the benefits of hiding validators inside the components and offers a sample application that shows how to use them and the functionality of the ValidationRule class. Meanwhile, Example 70 demonstrates how an application developer could use the DataForm, the DataFormItem, and resources. Please note that by default, DataFormItem renders a TextInput component.

Example 70. Code fragment that uses DataForm and DataFormItem
<lib:DataForm dataProvider="employeeDAO">
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_ID" label="Emp Id:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_FNAME" label="First Name:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="STREET" label="Street:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="CITY" label="City:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="BIRTH_DATE" label="Birth Date:"
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_HEALTH_INS" label="Health:"
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="STATUS" label="Status:"

            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="MANAGER_ID" label="Manager Id:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_LNAME" label="Last Name:"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="STATE" label="State:"
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="SALARY" label="Salary:"
                    formatString="currency" textAlign="right"/>
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="START_DATE" label="Start Date:"
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_LIFE_INS" label="Life:"
            <lib:DataFormItem dataField="SEX" label="Sex:"

           <lib:DataFormItem dataField="DEPT_ID" label="Department:"
           <lib:DataFormItem dataField="SS_NUMBER" label="Ss Number:"
           itemEditor="{com.theriabook.controls.MaskedInput}" formatString="ssn"/>
           <lib:DataFormItem dataField="ZIP_CODE" label="Zip Code:"
           <lib:DataFormItem dataField="PHONE" label="Phone Number:"
          itemEditor="{com.theriabook.controls.MaskedInput}" formatString="phone">

                <mx:PhoneNumberValidator  wrongLengthError="keep typing"/>
        <lib:DataFormItem dataField="TERMINATION_DATE"
                   label="Termination Date:" formatString="shortDate"/>
        <lib:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_DAY_CARE" label="Day Care:"

This code is an extract from the Café Townsend application (Clear Data Builder’s version) from Chapter 1. Run the application Employee_getEmployees_GridFormTest.mxml, double-click on a grid row, and you’ll see the DataForm in action. In the next section of this chapter, you’ll see other working examples of DataForm and DataGrid with validators.


Like data forms and components in general, the Flex Validator could use some enhancement to make it more flexible for your application developers. In Flex, validation seems to have been designed with an assumption that software developers will mainly use it with forms and that each validator class will be dependent on and attached to only one field. Say you have a form with two email fields. The Flex framework forces you to create two instances of the EmailValidator object, one per field.

In real life, though, you may also need to come up with validating conditions based on relationships between multiple fields, as well as to highlight invalid values in more than one field. For example, you might want to set the date validator to a field and check whether the entered date falls into the time interval specified in the start and end date fields. If the date is invalid, you may want to highlight all form fields.

In other words, you may need to do more than validate an object property. You may need the ability to write validation rules in a function that can be associated not only with the UI control but also with the underlying data, that is, with data displayed in a row in a DataGrid.

Yet another issue of the Flex Validator is its limitations regarding view states of automatically generated UI controls. Everything would be a lot easier if validators could live inside the UI controls, in which case they would be automatically added to view states along with the hosting controls.

Having a convenient means of validation on the client is an important part of the enterprise Flex framework. Consider, for example, an RIA for opening new customer accounts in a bank or an insurance company. This business process often starts with filling multiple sections in a mile-long application form. In Flex, such an application may turn into a ViewStack of custom components with, say, 5 forms totaling 50 fields. These custom components and validators are physically stored in separate files. Each section in a paper form can be represented as the content of one section in an Accordion or other navigator. Say you have total of 50 validators, but realistically, you’d like to engage only those validators that are relevant to the open section of the Accordion.

If an application developer decides to move a field from one custom component to another, she needs to make appropriate changes in the code to synchronize the old validators with a relocated field.

What are some of the form fields that are used with view states? How would you validate these moving targets? If you are adding three fields when the currentState="Details", you’d need to write AddChild statements manually in the state section Details.

Say 40 out of these 50 validators are permanent, and the other 10 are used once in a while. But you don’t want to use even these 40 simultaneously; hence you need to create, say, 2 arrays having 20 elements each, and keep adding/removing temporary validators to these arrays according to view state changes.

Even though it seems that Flex separates validators and field to validate, this is not a real separation but rather a tight coupling. What’s the solution? For the customer accounts example, you want a ViewStack with 5 custom components, each of which has 1 DataForm whose elements have access to the entire set of 50 fields, but that validates only its own set of 10. In other words, all 5 forms will have access to the same 50-field dataProvider. If during account opening the user entered 65 in the field age on the first form, the fifth form may show fields with options to open a pension plan account, which won’t be visible for younger customers.

That’s why each form needs to have access to all data, but when you need to validate only the fields that are visible on the screen at the moment, you should be able to do this on behalf of this particular DataForm. To accomplish all this, we created a new class called ValidationRule. Our goal is not to replace existing Flex validation routines, but rather to offer you an alternative solution that can be used with forms and list-based controls. The next section demonstrates a sample application that uses the class ValidationRule. After that, you can take a look at the code under the hood.

Sample Application: DataFormValidation

The DataFormValidation.mxml application (Figure 34) has two DataForm containers located inside the HBox. Pressing the Save button initiates the validation of both forms and displays the message regardless of whether the entered data is valid.

Running the DataFormValidation application
Figure 34. Running the DataFormValidation application

Example 71 shows the code of the DataFormValidation.mxml application that created these forms.

Example 71. DataFormValidation.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application width="100%" height="100%" layout="vertical"
    <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="white">
         <mx:Label text="Submit Vacation Request"
            fontWeight="bold" fontSize="16" fontStyle="italic"
            paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="10"

        <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" >
        <fx:DataForm id="left" width="100%" dataProvider="{vacationRequestDTO}">
          <fx:DataFormItem label="Employee Name: " fontWeight="bold"
             dataField="EMPLOYEE_NAME" required="true"
             validators="{[nameValidator, requiredValidator]}">
            <mx:TextInput  fontWeight="normal" />
          <fx:DataFormItem label="Employee Email: " fontWeight="bold"
              dataField="EMPLOYEE_EMAIL" required="true"
                <mx:TextInput   fontWeight="normal"/>
           <fx:DataFormItem label="Employee Email: " fontWeight="bold"
               dataField="MANAGER_EMAIL" required="true"
             <mx:TextInput   fontWeight="normal"/>
           <fx:DataFormItem label="Department: " fontWeight="bold"
              dataField="DEPARTMENT" required="true"
             <fx:TextInput fontWeight="normal"/>
           <mx:Spacer height="10"/>
           <fx:DataFormItem label="Description: " fontWeight="bold"
            <mx:TextArea width="200"  height="80" fontWeight="normal" />

        <fx:DataForm id="right" width="100%" dataProvider="{vacationRequestDTO}">
            <fx:DataFormItem label="Start Date: " fontWeight="bold"
                dataField="START_DATE"  valueName="selectedDate" required="true">
                <mx:DateField fontWeight="normal"/>
            <fx:DataFormItem label="End Date: " fontWeight="bold"
                 dataField="END_DATE" valueName="selectedDate" required="true">
                <fx:DateField  fontWeight="normal"/>
                         errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later
                             than Start Date $[START_DATE]">
                         errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later
                             than today">
            <fx:DataFormItem label="Request Status: " fontWeight="bold"
                <mx:Label  fontWeight="normal"/>
    <mx:Button label="Save" click="onSave()"/>

            import com.farata.datasource.dto.VacationRequestDTO;
            import mx.utils.UIDUtil;

            [Bindable] private var vacationRequestDTO:VacationRequestDTO ;
            private function afterToday( val: Object) : Boolean {
                var b : Boolean = val.END_DATE > new Date();
                return b;
            private function afterStartDate( val: Object) : Boolean {
                var b : Boolean = val.END_DATE > val.START_DATE;
                return b;

            private function onCreationComplete():void {
                // create a new vacation request
                vacationRequestDTO = new VacationRequestDTO;
                vacationRequestDTO.REQUEST_ID = UIDUtil.createUID();
                vacationRequestDTO.STATUS = "Created";
                vacationRequestDTO.START_DATE =
                              new Date(new Date().time + 1000 * 3600 * 24);
                vacationRequestDTO.EMPLOYEE_NAME = "Joe P";
                vacationRequestDTO.EMPLOYEE_EMAIL = "[email protected]";
                vacationRequestDTO.VACATION_TYPE = "L"; //Unpaid leave - default

            private function onSave():void    {
                if (isDataValid()) {
          "Validation succeeded");
                } else {
          "Validation failed");

            private function isDataValid():Boolean {
                var failedLeft:Array = left.validateAll();
                var failedRight:Array = right.validateAll();
                return ((failedLeft.length == 0)&&(failedRight.length == 0));

    <mx:StringValidator id="nameValidator" minLength="6"
                  requiredFieldError="Provide your name, more than 5 symbols" />
    <mx:EmailValidator id="emailValidator"
                  requiredFieldError="Provide correct email" />
    <mx:StringValidator id="requiredValidator"
                  requiredFieldError="Provide non-empty value here" />

On the creationComplete event, this application creates an instance of the vacationRequestDTO that is used as a dataProvider for both left and right data forms.

This code uses a mix of standard Flex validators (StringValidator, EmailValidator) and subclasses of ValidatorRule. Note that both email fields use the same instance of the EmailValidator, which is not possible with regular Flex validation routines:

<fx:DataFormItem label="Employee Email: " fontWeight="bold"
              dataField="EMPLOYEE_EMAIL" required="true"
                <mx:TextInput   fontWeight="normal"/>
           <fx:DataFormItem label="Employee Email: " fontWeight="bold"
               dataField="MANAGER_EMAIL" required="true"
             <mx:TextInput   fontWeight="normal"/>

Notice that these validators are encapsulated inside the DataFormItem. If application programmers decide to add or remove some of the form item when the view state changes, they don’t need to program anything special to ensure that validators work properly! The form item end date encapsulates two validation rules that are given as the closures afterStartDate and afterToday:

<fx:DataFormItem label="End Date: " fontWeight="bold"
                 dataField="END_DATE" valueName="selectedDate" required="true">
                <fx:DateField  fontWeight="normal"/>
                         errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later
                             than Start Date $[START_DATE]">
                         errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later
                             than today">


private function afterToday( val: Object) : Boolean {
    var b : Boolean = val.END_DATE > new Date();
    return b;

private function afterStartDate( val: Object) : Boolean {
    var b : Boolean = val.END_DATE > val.START_DATE;
    return b;

The example code does not include standard Flex validators inside <fx:validators>, but this is supported, too. For example, you can add the following line in the validators section of a DataFormItem right under the <mx:Array> tag:

<mx:StringValidator id="requiredValidator"
                  requiredFieldError="Provide non-empty value here" />

If you do it, you’ll have three validators bound to the same form item, End Date: one standard Flex validator and two functions with validation rules.

From the application programmer’s perspective, using such validation rules is simple. It allows reusing validators, which can be nicely encapsulated inside the form items.

For brevity, the function onSave() just displays a message box stating that the validation failed:"Validation failed");

But if you run this application through a debugger and place a breakpoint inside the function isDataValid(), you’ll see all validation errors in the failedLeft and failedRight arrays (Figure 35).

The next question is, “How does all this work?”

Debugger’s view of validation errors
Figure 35. Debugger’s view of validation errors

The ValidationRule Class Explained

Enhancing the original Flex validators, the new ValidationRule extends the Flex Validator and is known to clear.swc’s UI controls. With it, developers can attach any number of validation rules to any field of a form or a list-based component. This means you can attach validation rules not only on the field level, but also on the parent level, such as to a specific DataGrid column or to an entire row.

When we designed the class, our approach was to separate (for real) validation rules from the UI component they validate. We also made them reusable to spare application developers from copy/pasting the same rule repeatedly. With the ValidationRule class, you can instantiate each rule once and reuse it across the entire application. Our goal was to move away from one-to-one relationships between a validator and a single property of a form field, to many-to-many relationships where each field can request multiple validators and vice versa.

If you don’t need to perform cross-field validation in the form, you can continue using the original Flex validator classes. If you need to validate interdependent fields—if, say, the amount field has a value greater than $10K, and you need to block overnight delivery of the order field until additional approval is provided—use our more flexible extension, ValidationRule.

We still want to be able to reuse the validators (EmailValidator, StringValidator, etc.) that come with Flex, but they should be wrapped in our ValidationRule class. On the other hand, with the ValidationRule class, the application developers should also be able to write validation rules as regular functions, which requires less coding.

The source code of the ValidationRule class that supports all this functionality is listed in Example 72.

Example 72. The ValidationRule class
package com.farata.validators{
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import flash.utils.describeType;

    import mx.validators.ValidationResult;
    import mx.validators.Validator;

    public class ValidationRule   extends Validator{
        public var args:Array = [];
        public var wrappedRule:Function ;
        public var errorMessage : String = "[TODO] replace me";
        public var data:Object;

        public function ValidationRule() {
            required = false;
        private function combineArgs(v:Object):Array {
                var _args:Array = [v];
                if( args!=null && args.length>0 )
                    _args["push"].apply(_args, args);
                return  _args;

        public function set rule(f:Object) : void {
              if (!(f is Function)){
      ""+f, "Incorrect Validation Rule" );
              return; // You may throw an exception here

              wrappedRule = function(val:Object) :Boolean {
             return f(val);

        private function substitute( {
             var len:uint = rest.length;
            var args:Array;
            var str:String = "" + errorMessage;
            if (len == 1 && rest[0] is Array){
                args = rest[0] as Array;
                len = args.length;
                args = rest;

            for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++){
                str = str.replace(new RegExp("\$\["+i+"\]", "g"), args[i]);
            if ( args.length == 1 && args[0] is Object) {
                var o:Object = args[0];
                for each (var s:*  in o){
                    str = str.replace(new RegExp("\$\["+s+"\]", "g"), o[s]);

                var classInfo:XML = describeType(o);
                // List the object's variables, their values, and their types.
                for each (var v:XML in classInfo..variable) {
                    str = str.replace(new RegExp("\$\["+v.@name+"\]", "g"),

            // List accessors as properties
                for each (var a:XML in classInfo..accessor) {
                // Do not get the property value if it is write-only
                    if (a.@access != 'writeonly') {
                         str = str.replace(new RegExp("\$\["+a.@name+"\]",
                                                            "g"), o[a.@name]);
            return str;

    override protected function doValidation(value:Object):Array{
              var results:Array = [];

            if (!wrappedRule(data))
               results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "Error",

            return results;
       override public function validate(value:Object = null,
                   suppressEvents:Boolean = false):ValidationResultEvent{
        if (value == null)
            value = getValueFromSource();

        // If the required flag is true and there is no value,
        // we need to generate a required field error
        if (isRealValue(value) || required){
            return super.validate(value, suppressEvents);
        else {
            // Just return the valid value
            return new ValidationResultEvent(ValidationResultEvent.VALID);

The superclass Validator has two methods that will be overridden in its descendants: doValidation(), which initiates and performs the validation routine, and the function validate(), which watches required arguments and gets the values from the target UI control.

Notice that this code fragment from the DataFormValidation.mxml application:

<fx:ValidationRule rule="{afterStartDate}"
 errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later than Start Date $[START_DATE]">

mentions the name of the function afterStartDate that alternatively could have been declared inline as a closure. The function ensures that the date being validated is older than the END_DATE:

private function afterToday( val: Object) : Boolean {
    var b : Boolean = val.END_DATE > new Date();
    return b;

In this code, val points at the dataProvider of the form, which, in the sample application, is an instance of the vacationRequestDTO. An important point is that both the DataForm and the ValidationRule see the same dataProvider.

The value of the errorMessage attribute includes something that looks like a macro language: ($[END_DATE]). The function substitute() finds and replaces via regular expression the specified name (e.g., END_DATE) in all properties in the dataProvider with their values.

If dataProvider is a dynamic object, the function ValidationRule.substitute() enumerates all its properties via a for each loop. For regular classes, Flex offers a reflection mechanism using the function describeType(); give it a class name and it’ll return a definition of this class in a form of XML. Then the function substitute() gets all class variables and accessors (getters and setters) and applies the regular expression to the errorMessage text.

For example, if you deal with a dynamic object o that has a property END_DATE, the following line will replace ($[END_DATE]) in the error text with the value of this property o[s]:

str = str.replace(new RegExp("\$\["+s+"\]", "g"), o[s]);

The method substitute() is called from doValidate(), and if the user enters invalid dates (for example, if the start date is 12/10/2008 and the end date 12/06/2008), the validator will find the properties called END_DATE and START_DATE and turn this error text:

"End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later than Start Date $[START_DATE]"

into this one:

"End Date (12/06/2008) must be later than Start Date 12/10/2008"

In Chapter 2, you learned how to write class factories that can wrap functions and return them as objects. This technique is applied in the ValidationRule class, too, which supports functions as validators. If the application code uses the setter rule, the function with business-specific validation rules is expected.

The class ValidationRule has this setter:

public function set rule(f:Object) : void {
            if (!(f is Function)){
     ""+f, "Incorrect Validation Rule" );

            wrappedRule = function(val:Object) :Boolean {
        return f(val);

In the application DataFormValidation.mxml, you can easily find that this setter has been used (we already discussed the function afterStartDate earlier):

    errorMessage="End Date ($[END_DATE]) must be later
                    than Start Date $[START_DATE]">

We hope you like the simplicity that ValidationRule offers to application developers who have to validate forms. The next section examines a sample application that demonstrates the use of this class in a DataGrid control.

Embedding Validation Rules into a DataGrid

As opposed to component libraries, classes in a framework depend on each other. In this context, this means that the ValidationRule class requires an enhanced DataGrid component.


Please note that the sample application shown next uses DataGrid and DataGridItem from a different namespace. These classes are included in the clear.swc library and come with the source code accompanying the book, but due to space constraints, we won’t include the source code of these objects here.

This example is yet another version of the Café Townsend application from Chapter 1. For simplicity, the employee data hardcoded, and to run this application you don’t need to do any server-side setup.

This application is an example of a master/detail window with validators embedded inside a data grid. Figure 36 shows the phone number having the wrong number of digits in the first row of our DataGrid component. The embedded validation rule properly reports an error message that reads, “Wrong length, need 10 digit number.”

Validating the phone DataGridColumn
Figure 36. Validating the phone DataGridColumn

You can also assign validation rules to the form items that show details of the selected row. In Figure 37 you can see a validation error message stating that “Salary (9.95) is out of reasonable range.” All fields that have invalid values have red borders. While examining the source code, please note that the drop-down box “Department” was populated using a resource file.

Validating the salary DataGridColumn
Figure 37. Validating the salary DataGridColumn

The version of the Café Townsend application in Example 73 uses the custom object Employee_getEmployees_gridFormTest.

Example 73. Code of Café Townsend with validations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mx:ViewStack height="100%" width="100%" xmlns:mx=""
    xmlns:fx=""  creationPolicy="all"
<fx:DataCollection id="collection" destination="com.farata.datasource.Employee"
        method="getEmployees"  collectionChange="trace(event)"
                                                     fault="trace(event)" />
<mx:Canvas height="100%" width="100%">
    <mx:Panel title="Employee List" width="100%" height="100%">
        <fx:DataGrid id="dg"
        horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" width="100%" dataProvider="{collection}"
            editable="true" height="100%" rowHeight="25">
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="EMP_FNAME"  headerText="First Name"/>
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="EMP_LNAME"  headerText="Last Name"/>
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="DEPT_ID"   editable="false"
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="STREET"  headerText="Street"/>
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="CITY"  headerText="City"/>
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="STATE"  editable="false"
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="ZIP_CODE"  headerText="Zip Code"
                  formatString="zip" >
                    <mx:ZipCodeValidator />
            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="PHONE" headerText="Phone Number"
                  formatString="phone"  >
                        <mx:PhoneNumberValidator  wrongLengthError="Wrong
                                length, need 10 digit number"/>

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="STATUS"  headerText="Status"/>

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="SS_NUMBER" headerText="Ss Number"
                                                        formatString="ssn" >

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="SALARY" headerText="Salary"
                                  { return (data &amp;&amp;data.SALARY > 10000
                                  &amp;&amp; data.SALARY < 500000);}}"
                         errorMessage="Salary ($[SALARY]) is out of reasonable

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="START_DATE"  headerText="Start Date"
                itemEditor="mx.controls.DateField" editorDataField="selectedDate"

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="TERMINATION_DATE"
                  headerText="Termination Date" itemEditor="mx.controls.DateField"
                  editorDataField="selectedDate" formatString="shortDate">
                         errorMessage="End Date ($[TERMINATION_DATE]) must be
                                            later than Start Date $[START_DATE]">

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="BIRTH_DATE" headerText="Birth Date"
                  itemEditor="mx.controls.DateField" editorDataField="selectedDate"

               <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="BENE_HEALTH_INS"  headerText="Health"
                  resource="{YesNoCheckBoxResource}" rendererIsEditor="true"/>

            <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="BENE_LIFE_INS"  headerText="Life"
                  resource="{YesNoCheckBoxResource}"   rendererIsEditor="true"/>

                <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="BENE_DAY_CARE"  headerText="Day Care"

                <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="SEX"  headerText="Sex"
                  resource="{SexRadioResource}" rendererIsEditor="true"/>

    <fx:DataForm dataProvider="{dg.selectedItem}">
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_ID" label="Emp Id:"/>
                 <fx:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_FNAME" label="First Name:"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="STREET" label="Street:"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="CITY" label="City:"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="BIRTH_DATE" label="Birth Date:"
                       formatString="shortDate" required="true"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_HEALTH_INS" label="Health:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="STATUS" label="Status:"

                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="MANAGER_ID" label="Manager Id:"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="EMP_LNAME" label="Last Name:"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="STATE" label="State:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="SALARY" label="Salary:"
                       formatString="currency" textAlign="right">
                     <fx:ValidationRule rule="{function(data:Object):Boolean {
                            return (data &amp;&amp;data.SALARY > 10000 &amp;&amp;
                                   data.SALARY < 500000);}}"
                        errorMessage="Salary ($[SALARY]) is out
                                                           of reasonable range"/>
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="START_DATE" label="Start Date:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_LIFE_INS" label="Life:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="SEX" label="Sex:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="DEPT_ID" label="Department:"
                <fx:DataFormItem dataField="SS_NUMBER" label="Ss Number:"
                 <fx:DataFormItem dataField="ZIP_CODE" label="Zip Code:"
                        <mx:ZipCodeValidator />
               <fx:DataFormItem dataField="PHONE" label="Phone Number:"
                                        wrongLengthError="keep typing"/>
               <fx:DataFormItem dataField="TERMINATION_DATE"
                      label="Termination Date:" formatString="shortDate">
                        errorMessage="End Date ($[TERMINATION_DATE]) must be
                              later than Start Date $[START_DATE]">
               <fx:DataFormItem dataField="BENE_DAY_CARE" label="Day Care:"

<mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalAlign="middle" height="30"
 <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
 <mx:VRule strokeWidth="2" height="24"/>
 <mx:Button enabled="{dg.selectedIndex != -1}"
            click="collection.removeItemAt(dg.selectedIndex)" label="Remove"
 <mx:Button click="addItemAt(Math.max(0,dg.selectedIndex+1)) " label="Add"
            icon="@Embed('/assets/add_16x16.gif')" />
 <mx:Label text="Deleted: {collection.deletedCount}"/>
 <mx:Label text="Modified: {collection.modifiedCount}"/>

<mx:Script>    <![CDATA[
    import com.farata.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
    import com.farata.core.UIClassFactory;
    import com.farata.collections.DataCollection;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
    import com.farata.datasource.dto.EmployeeDTO;
    import com.farata.resources.*;
    import mx.validators.*;

    private var linkage:EmployeeDTO = null;

     private function fill_onClick():void {
        collection.source =;

    private function addItemAt(position:int):void    {
        var item:EmployeeDTO = new EmployeeDTO();
        collection.addItemAt(item, position);
        dg.selectedIndex = position;

    import com.farata.resources.*;
    import com.farata.controls.*;
    private function afterStartDate( val: Object) : Boolean {
        return !val.TERMINATION_DATE || val.TERMINATION_DATE > val.START_DATE;

When you review the code in Example 73, you’ll find different flavors of validation rules inside the data grid columns in this implementation of the Café Townsend application. For example, the following rule is defined as an anonymous function for the data grid column SALARY:

    <fx:DataGridColumn dataField="SALARY" headerText="Salary"
                                  { return (data &amp;&amp;data.SALARY > 10000
                                  &amp;&amp; data.SALARY < 500000);}}"
                         errorMessage="Salary ($[SALARY]) is out of reasonable

If the data grid is populated and the salary in a particular cell does not fall into the range between 10,000 and 500,000, this function returns false and this data value is considered invalid. Such cell(s) will immediately get the red border, and the error message will report the problem in the red error tip right by this cell.

Some of the validation rules were repeated both in the DataGrid and DataForm, but this doesn’t have to be the case. The same instances of the ValidationRule class can be reused as in the DataFormValidation application.

The data for this sample application is hardcoded in, which starts as follows:

public class Test{

        public function Test(){
        static public function get data() : Array {
            var e : EmployeeDTO = new EmployeeDTO;
            e.EMP_FNAME = "Yakov";
            e.EMP_LNAME = "Fain";
            e.BENE_DAY_CARE = "Y";
            e.BENE_HEALTH_INS = "Y";
            e.BENE_LIFE_INS = "N";

If you’d like to have a deeper understanding of how <fx:DataGridColumn> works with embedded validators, please examine the source code of the classes com.farata.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItem and com.farata.controls.DataGrid that are included with the source code accompanying this chapter.

We had to jump through a number of hoops to allow Flex validators to communicate with the DataGrid, as the Validator class expects to work only with subclasses of the UIComponent that are focusable controls with borders. It’s understandable—who needs to validate, say, a Label?

But we wanted to be able to display a red border around the cell that has an invalid value and a standard error tip when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the DataGrid cell. Hence we had to make appropriate changes and replace the original DataGrid.itemRenderer with our own, which implements the IValidatorListener interface. An itemRenderer on the DataGrid level affects all its columns:

<fx:DataGrid id="dg"
    itemRenderer="{new UIClassFactory(

We’ve included this replacement of the DataGridItemRenderer in the demo application just to show that you can substitute the base classes from the Flex framework with your own. But as a developer of a business framework, you should hide such code in the base components, which in this case would have been a constructor of your enhanced DataGrid.

Besides validation rules, it is worth noting how master/detail relationships are implemented with just one line:

<fx:DataForm dataProvider="{dg.selectedItem}">

A selected row in a DataGrid (master) is a dataProvider for a DataForm (detail). With original Flex DataGrid and Form components, it would take a lot more coding to properly rebind the object representing a selected row that changes whenever the user selects a different one.

Once again, a well-designed framework should allow application developers to write less code. The code of this version of Café Townsend is an example of what can be done in only about 160 lines of code. It implements master/detail relationships, performs a lot of custom validations, and uses Business Style Sheets. Adding a couple dozen lines of code can turn this application into a CRUD built on the powerful DataCollection class that will be discussed in Chapter 6.

Minimizing the Number of Custom Events

Until now, you’ve concentrated on building rich components for a business framework. We Flex architects also recommend some coding techniques that serve the same goal as these components: enabling application developers to write less code. In this section, you’ll see how to minimize the number of custom event classes in any application.

Flex is all about event-driven development. Create loosely coupled custom components and let them send events to each other, as in the mediator pattern example from Chapter 2. You can create new events for every occasion. If an event does not need to carry any additional data, just give it a name, specify its type as, and define the meta tag to help Flash Builder list this event in its type-ahead prompts and dispatch it when appropriate. If your new event needs to carry some data, create an ActionScript class extending, define a variable in this subclass to store application data, and override the method clone().

Currently, for a midsize Flex application that includes about 30 views, where each view has two components that can send/receive just one custom event, for example, you face the need to write 60 custom event classes that look pretty much the same. We’ll show you how to get away with just one custom event class for the entire application.

To illustrate the concept, we’ve created a simple application that defines one event class that can serve multiple purposes. This application consists of two modules (GreenModule, shown in Figure 38, and RedModule) that are loaded in the same area of the main application upon the click of one of the load buttons. It also has one universal event class called ExEvent.

The GreenModule is loaded
Figure 38. The GreenModule is loaded

Clicking any Send button creates an instance of this event that’s ready to carry an application-specific payload: a DTO, a couple of String variables, or any other object.

Figure 38’s example uses an ActionScript class called GirlfriendDTO. No Cairngorm-style mapping is required between the event being sent and the modules. For example, if you send a Green event to the RedModule, nothing happens, as the latter is not listening to the Green event.

This application and its source code are deployed at

Flash Builder’s project has a folder called modules that contains two modules: RedModule and GreenModule. The red one is listening for the arrival of the girlfriend’s first and last name, packaged in our single event class as the two separate strings listed in Example 74.

Example 74. RedModule.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
    width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="onCreationComplete(event)">
    <mx:TextArea id="display" backgroundColor="#FF4949"  width="100%" height="100%"
    private function onCreationComplete(evt:Event):void{
        this.addEventListener("RedGirlfriend", onRedGirlfriend);

    private function onRedGirlfriend(evt:ExEvent):void{
        display.text="My girlfriend is "+ evt.fName+ " " + evt.lName ;

The green module (Example 75) expects the girlfriend’s name in the form of GirlfriendDTO (Example 76).

Example 75. GreenModule.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
   width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="onCreationComplete(event)">
    <mx:TextArea id="display" backgroundColor="#9CE29C" width="100%"
                   height="100%" color="#070707" fontSize="28"/>
        import dto.GirlfriendDTO;

        private function onCreationComplete(evt:Event):void{
          this.addEventListener("GreenGirlfriend", onGreenGirlfriend);

        private function onGreenGirlfriend(evt:ExEvent):void{
         var myGirlfriend:GirlfriendDTO=evt["girlfriend"];

         display.text="My girlfriend is "+ myGirlfriend.fName+ " " +
                                                 myGirlfriend.lName ;

The GirlfriendDTO is pretty straightforward, too, as Example 76 shows.

Example 76. GirlfriendDTO
package dto
 * This is a sample data transfer object (a.k.a. value object)
    public class GirlfriendDTO {
         public var fName:String; // First name
         public var lName:String; // Last name

The next step is to create a single but universal event class. It will be based on the DynamicEvent class, which allows you to add any properties to the event object on the fly. For the example, GirlfriendDTO is the object. Here’s how a dynamic event can carry the GirlfriendDTO:

var myDTO:GirlfriendDTO=new GirlfriendDTO();

var greenEvent:ExEvent=new ExEvent("GreenGirlfriend");

Sending any arbitrary variables with this event will be straightforward:

var redEvent:ExEvent=new ExEvent("RedGirlfriend");


The ExEvent is a subclass of DynamicEvent, which has a little enhancement eliminating manual programming of the property Event.preventDefault:

    public dynamic class ExEvent extends DynamicEvent{
        private var m_preventDefault:Boolean;

        public function ExEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false,
                                          cancelable:Boolean = false)     {
            super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
            m_preventDefault = false;

         public override function preventDefault():void         {
            m_preventDefault = true;

        public override function isDefaultPrevented():Boolean     {
            return m_preventDefault;

The function preventDefault() is overridden, because the class DynamicEvent does not automatically process preventDefault in cloned events.

The code of the following test application loads modules, and then the user can send any event to whatever module is loaded at the moment. Of course, if the currently loaded module does not have a listener for the event you’re sending, tough luck. But the good news is that it won’t break the application either, as shown in Example 77.

Example 77. An application that tests the generic event ExEvent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical"
    <mx:Button label="Load the Green Module"
    <mx:Button label="Load the Red module"
    <mx:Button label="Send Green Event with Object" click="sendGreen()"/>
    <mx:Button label="Send Red Event Event with two strings" click="sendRed()"/>


<mx:Panel width="100%" height="100%" title="A module placeholder"
  <mx:ModuleLoader id="theModulePlaceholder" width="100%" height="100%"/>
        import dto.GirlfriendDTO;
        //Load the module specified in the moduleURL
        private function loadMyModule(moduleURL:String):void{

        // Sending generic ExEvent, adding an object that contains
        // the name of the girlfriend
        private function sendGreen():void{

            // Strongly typed DTO - better performance and readability,
            // but its structure has to be known for both parties -
            // the main application and the module
            var myDTO:GirlfriendDTO=new GirlfriendDTO();

            if (theModulePlaceholder.child !=null){
                var greenEvent:ExEvent=new


    // Sending a generic ExEvent that holds the name of the girlfriend
    // as two separate variables
        private function sendRed():void{
                var redEvent:ExEvent=new ExEvent("RedGirlfriend");


                if (theModulePlaceholder.child !=null){

The function sendGreen() sends an instance of ExEvent, carrying the DTO inside. The sendRed() function just adds two properties, fName and lName, to the instance of ExEvent.

Instead of using a DTO, you could’ve used a weakly typed data transfer object:

var myDTO:Object={fname:"Mary",lname:"Poppins"};

But this approach might result in a slightly slower performance and the code would be less readable. On the plus side, there would be no need to explicitly define and share the class structure of the DTO between the application (the mediator) and the module. You can use this technique for creating quick-and-dirty prototypes.

To summarize, using a single dynamic event spares you from the tedious coding of dozens of similar event classes. On the negative side, because this solution does not use the meta tag Event declaring the names of the events, Flash Builder won’t be able to help you with the name of the event in its type-ahead help.

In the vast majority of RIAs, you can afford to lose a couple of milliseconds caused by using a dynamic event. Using a single dynamic event is one more step toward minimizing the code to be written for your project.


In this chapter, you learned by example how to start enhancing the Flex framework with customized components and classes, such as CheckBox, ComboBox, DataGrid, DataForm, DataFormItem, and ValidationRule. You also saw how to use these components in your applications. The source code for this chapter comes as two Flash Builder projects—the Business Framework, which includes the sample applications discussed in this chapter, and the Business Framework Library, which includes a number of enhanced Flex components (some of them were shown here in simplified form) that can be used in your projects as well.

The clear.swc component library is offered for free under the MIT license as a part of the open source framework Clear Toolkit—just keep the comments in the source code giving credit to Farata Systems as the original creator of this code. You can find the up-to-date information about all components included in Clear Toolkit by visiting the popular open source repository SourceForge, or, to be more specific, the following URL: Make sure that you’ve tested these components thoroughly before using them in production systems.

In this chapter, we reviewed and explained why and how we extended several Flex components. We started with simpler CheckBox and ComboBox components, just because it was easier to illustrate the process of extending components. But then we did some heavy lifting and extended such important components as Form and Validator. You’ve seen a working example application that would integrate validators into DataForm and DataGrid components.

Besides extending components, we’ve shown you some best practices (using resources and writing applications) that use only one event class and thus greatly minimize the amount of code that Flex developers have to write.

You’ll see more of extended components in Chapters 6, 9, and 11. Next we’ll discuss convenient third-party tools that can be handy for any Flex team working on an enterprise project.

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