Chapter 8. Performance Improvement: Selected Topics

We have to stop optimizing for programmers and start optimizing for users.

Jeff Atwood

The greatest performance improvement of all is when a system goes from not working to working.

John Ousterhout

People consider your web application fast for one of two reasons: either it’s actually fast or it gives an impression of being fast. Ideally, you should do your best to create an RIA that is very responsive, but if you hit the ceiling imposed by a technology you’re using, at least try to improve the perceived performance of the system. To draw an analogy to the weather, the temperature may be cool, but it “feels like” freezing. No matter how slow your RIA is, it should never feel like freezing.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use application preloaders to make the first page of your RIA appear on the display as soon as possible while loading the rest of the application in the background.

Once loaded on the user’s machine, your application should use its memory efficiently. To help you identify trouble spots, we’ll discuss possible drains on performance, such as memory leaks, garbage collectors, complex containers, event listeners, and closures. For example, if your application experiences memory leaks, Flash Builder’s profiler may help. With it, you can monitor the number of object instances to ensure that you don’t have memory leaks. The monitoring of your application performance must be done continuously from the start of your project.

In Chapter 7, you learned that cutting a monolithic application into modules, libraries, and subapplications can substantially minimize the initial download time of an RIA. In this chapter, we’ll build on that technique. Specifically, you’ll learn how you can use small Flash modules and link application libraries that are made with the same version of the Flex SDK. You’ll also investigate the advantages of resource-shared libraries, including how to use them with modules and how to optimize them.

Planning for Modularization

After deciding to use the module and library approach, carefully review all resources besides the ActionScript or MXML code—namely images, sound, and movies (.swf files)—to decide whether you really need to embed them. The rule of thumb is that unless the image must be displayed on the first page, it should not be embedded. It is almost never worthwhile to embed any sizable sound or .swf in the Flex application, as they can use streaming and provide much better control of the execution by starting to play when just enough data is loaded.


Embedded images required in your RIA should be located in a separate Flash Builder project and loaded as RSLs.

The next part is to separate stylesheets and skins into modules. Doing so offers three advantages: first, it separates the work of the designers from the application developers. Second, removing stylesheets and skins from the compilation process significantly reduces rebuild time during development, because the cost of resource transcoding (compilation of fonts and styles) is high. Third, keeping skins and stylesheets outside of the modules simplifies initialization and eliminates unnecessary reloading and reapplying of CSS, thus making module initialization faster and safer.

Precompile CSS into a SWF file (right-click on the file to see this option) and then load it from the main application using the StyleManager class.

RSLs do introduce performance issues, however. They are loaded one by one and thus impose a “round-trip” effect. Breaking a monolithic application into 10 RSLs results in additional round-trip requests to the server and, as a result, slightly increases the initial load time. A solution to this problem is to use smarter loading of multiple RSLs by modifying the source code of the RSLListLoader class available in the SDK and placing it in your application (we’ll cover this later in this chapter). Special care has to be taken in that case to ensure that framework libraries that other elements depend upon are loaded first.

Another rule of thumb for large applications is to make the first page as light and free of dependencies as possible. In other words, keep the first page super small. Once all of the system and CSS RSLs are loaded and the application enters the preinitialize event, you can start loading the rest of the application code. We recommend that you use the portal approach discussed in Chapter 7 as a starting point for any large application, as it provides a clean break between applications. We’ll cover this topic in the section Optimizing RSL Loading.

It Takes Two to Perform

Fast applications are your goal, but how do you get there? On one hand, the RIA deployed on the server should consist of a number of relatively small .swf, .swc, and asset files. On the other, ideally, the end users should use fast and reliable network connections. First, let’s define how fast your RIA should appear, and then we’ll look at how quickly the data arrives to the user’s machine.

The major difference between an internal enterprise and a consumer-facing RIA is that the former runs on fast and reliable networks with predictable speed and the latter runs in a Wild West with unknown bandwidth. You have to set the proper expectations of your RIA download speed from the very start. To do that you need an SLA.

SLA stands for service level agreement, and the stakeholders of your project should sign off on an agreement that states the acceptable delivery speed of your application and data. If your application will run on, say, a 15 Mbps intranet, the main page of the application should appear in less than about 7 seconds. If yours is a consumer-facing application, you can reasonably expect that the users have a network connection with 1 Mbps bandwidth. To put yourself into their shoes, run special tests emulating such a slow speed; for example, you could use the HTTP proxy and monitor Charles (see the sidebar Troubleshooting with Charles in Chapter 4) or a hardware network emulator. To keep initial response time for the application, you need to make sure that the initially downloadable portion of your application is smaller than 1 MB.

After an enterprise application is downloaded, often it starts bringing some serious amounts of data from the server. The data should arrive quickly, and safe and sound. RIA applications are extremely susceptible to network problems. Even a small probability of lost or misdelivered packages becomes significant when multiplied by the sheer number of the small data packages involved. Lost, duplicate, and reordered packages, combined with high latency and low bandwidth, cause significant issues for applications fully tested only on reliable intranets and then released in the wild of unreliable WAN communications.


The authors of this book use several Linux boxes (both virtual and physical ones) to simulate WAN problems. The setup of a testing environment can be tedious, and you might want to consider using a simple portable appliance that will turn the simulation of a slow environment into a trivial task. One such portable, inexpensive, and easy-to-use network simulators is called Mini Maxwell.

Purposely increasing (with software or hardware) the simulated latency up to a realistic 200 ms and the package loss to an unrealistic 10 percent will quickly expose the problems in error-handling code. It will also give you a quick feel for the robustness of the code. Then you should check to see whether duplicate or out-of-sequence packages affect your application as described in Chapter 5.

While consulting one of our customers, a foreign exchange trading company, we had to enhance the endpoints in the RTMP protocols to ensure that out-of-sequence messages and network congestions were dealt with properly. But the remedies depend on the communication protocols used by RIA.

Obviously, with SOAP web services and similar high-level protocols, you have very loosely bound communications, making implementation of a QoS layer impossible. As the number of simultaneous HTTPRequests per domain is limited by the web browsers, the latency can cause performance slowdown and timeouts. Missing communication packages escalate the connection-starving issue even further.


LCDS 3.0 introduced QoS improvements at the protocol level. To learn more, get familiar with the new parameters in the Data Management configuration files.

If you use one of the AMF implementations for data-intensive applications, they will perform a lot faster (the .swf arrival time remains the same). With AMF, the latency is less of a problem, as Flex would automatically batch server requests together. Implementing symmetrical checkpoints on both client and server endpoints allows the processing of lost and duplicate packages. The lost packages remain a problem, as they cause request timeouts.

Robustness of an RIA improves if you move from HTTP/SOAP/REST to either RTMP or BlazeDS long-polling connected protocols. Keeping open connections and two-way sockets is ideal for high performance and reliable protocols. Comparing these to HTTPRequests is like comparing a highway with multiple lanes going in each direction to a single-lane dirt road.

More and more enterprise applications are built using always-connected protocols for tasks ranging from regular RPC to modules loading implementing streaming (the same thing as movie streaming). As these protocols evolve, you’ll see more open source products that provide transparent implementations using a mixture of protocols. Meanwhile, we can mix protocols using such Flex techniques as configuring the fallback channels.

Application Startup and Preloaders

Perceived performance is as important as actual performance. While a large Flex application loads, users may experience unpleasant delays. Rather than frustrate them with inactivity, give the users something productive to work on. This can be a main window of your application or just a logon view. The point is that this very first view should be extremely lightweight and arrive on the user’s machine even before the Flex frameworks and the rest of the application code starts downloading. Giving users the ability to start working quickly with partially loaded code gives a perception that your application loads faster.

In this section, you’ll learn how to create and load a rapidly arriving logon screen to keep the user occupied immediately. Here are the four challenges you face:

  • The logon screen has to be very lightweight. It must be under 50 KB, so using classes from the Flex framework is out of the question.

  • The application shouldn’t be able to remove the logon window upon load, as the user must log in first.

  • If the user completes logging in before the application finishes its load, the standard progress bar has to appear.

  • The application should be able to reuse the same lightweight logon window if the user decides to log out at any time during the session.

Dissecting LightweightPreloader.swf

The sample application that will demonstrate how these challenges are resolved is located in the Eclipse Dynamic Web Project and is called lightweight-preloader. This application is deployed under the server. Note that the interactive login window (Figure 8-1) arrives from the server very fast, even though the large application .swf file continues downloading, and this process may or may not be complete by the time the user enters her credentials and clicks the Login button.

Login view of lightweight preloader
Figure 8-1. Login view of lightweight preloader

This view was created in Photoshop and then saved as an image. Figure 8-2 depicts the directory structure of the Flash Builder project lightweight-preloader. In particular, the assets directory has the image file logon.psd created in Photoshop and saved as a lighter logon.png. At this point, any Flash developer can open this file in Flash Professional IDE and add a couple of text fields and a button, saving it as a Flash movie. This window can be saved in binary formats (.fla and .swf), but we’ve exported this file into a program written in ActionScript.

This generated ActionScript code may not be pretty, and you might want to manually edit it, which we did. The final version of this code (class LightweightPreloader) is shown in Example 8-2.

The Flash Builder project lightweight-preloader
Figure 8-2. The Flash Builder project lightweight-preloader

The text elements shown in Figure 8-1 are not Flex components. Example 8-1 shows the ActionScript class that uses the logon.png file.

Example 8-1. The background of the login view
package com.farata.preloading{
    import flash.display.Bitmap;

    public class PanelBackground extends Bitmap
        public function PanelBackground ()
            smoothing = true;

The logon.png image is 21 KB, and you can reduce this size further by lowering the resolution of the image. The ActionScript class LightweightPreloader that uses the PanelBackground class adds another 6 KB, bringing the total size of the precompiled LightweightPreloader.swf to a mere 27 KB. This file will be loaded by the Flex Preloader in parallel with the larger MainApplication.swf file.

The fragment of the code of LightweightPreloader is shown in Example 8-2. The total size of this class is 326 lines of code. Most of this code was exported from Flash Pro, but some additional coding was needed. Even though it’s tempting to use Flex and create such a simple view in a dozen of lines of code, you need to understand that keeping down the size of the very first preloaded .swf file is a lot more important than minimizing the amount of manual coding. This is the only case where we are advocating manual coding versus the automation offered by Flex.

Using Flash Catalyst for generation of the code of LightweightPreloader from a Photoshop image is also not advisable in this case, because Flash Catalyst uses Flex framework objects, which would substantially increase the size of LightweightPreloader.swf. Note that the import section of Example 8-2 doesn’t include any of the classes from the Flex framework.

Example 8-2.
    import com.farata.preloading.BitmapLoginButton;
    import com.farata.preloading.ILoginWindow;
    import com.farata.preloading.LoginButtonNormal;
    import com.farata.preloading.LoginEvent;
    import com.farata.preloading.PanelBackground;

    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
    import flash.ui.Keyboard;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    public class LightweightPreloader extends Sprite
        implements ILoginWindow{
        public static const loginURL:String = "login";
        public static const LOGIN_INCORRECT_MESSAGE:String =
                                "Failed. Use your credentials";
        public static const HTTP_ERROR_MESSAGE:String =
                                "Connection error. Please try again.";

        private var testMode:Boolean = true; //No server data available
        private var loginField:TextField;
        private var passwordField:TextField;
        private var messageField:TextField;
        private var loginButton:DisplayObject;
        public var background:PanelBackground;
        private var focuses:Array = new Array ();
        private var focuseMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary ();

        private function doInit ():void{
            background = new PanelBackground ();
            addChild (background);

            loginField = new TextField ();
            addChild (loginField);
            configureTextField (loginField);

            passwordField = new TextField ();
            addChild (passwordField);
            configureTextField (passwordField);
            passwordField.displayAsPassword = true;

            messageField = new TextField ();
            addChild (messageField);
            messageField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
            var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat ("_sans", 12, 0xFF0000);
            format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
            messageField.defaultTextFormat = format;
            messageField.selectable = false;
            messageField.width = 300;
            messageField.height = 20;

            loginButton = new BitmapLoginButton ();
            addChild (loginButton);
            loginButton.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,
            loginButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);
            loginButton.addEventListener (FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE,
            loginButton.addEventListener (FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut);
            focuses.push (loginButton);
            focuseMap [loginButton] = true;

            var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal( "USER_INFO");
            if (so.size > 0) {
                try {
                    var arr:Array =;
                    loginField.text = arr[0];
                    passwordField.text = arr[1];
                catch(error:Error) {
                   //Error processing goes here

            if (stage != null) {
                stage.stageFocusRect = false;
                stage.focus = loginField;
                focus = loginField;
        private function doLayout ():void{
            loginField.x = 230;
            loginField.y = 110;

            passwordField.x = 232;
            passwordField.y = 163;

            loginButton.y = 200;
            loginButton.x = (background.width - loginButton.width) / 2;

            messageField.y = 215;
            messageField.x = 65;

        private function onEnterPress (event:KeyboardEvent):void{
            if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){
                onLogin ();

        private function onButtonKeyboardPress (event:KeyboardEvent):void{
            if ((event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER) ||
                (event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE)) {
                onLogin ();

        private function onButtonClick (event:MouseEvent):void {
            onLogin ();

        private function onLogin ():void{
            if (testMode) {
                onLoginResult ();
            else {
                    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest (loginURL);

                    var thisURL:String = loaderInfo.url;
                    if (thisURL.indexOf ("file") < 0) {
                        var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables ();
                        variables.user = loginField.text;
                        variables.password = passwordField.text;
                        variables.application = "Client Reports";
               = variables;

                    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader (request);

                    loader.addEventListener (SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,
                    loader.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);
                    loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoginResult);
                    loader.load (request);
                catch (e:Error) {
                    messageField.text = HTTP_ERROR_MESSAGE;

        private function onLoginResult (event:Event = null):void{
            if (testMode) {
                dispatchEvent (new LoginEvent (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, "test",
            else {
                var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
                if (loader.dataFormat == URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT) {
                    var response:String =;
                    var responseXML:XML = new XML (response);
                    var status:String = responseXML.status [0];
                    if (status == "1"){
                        var so:SharedObject =
               = new Array (loginField.text,
                        dispatchEvent (new LoginEvent (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN,
                               "no session available", // no sessionID for now
                    } else
                        messageField.text = LOGIN_INCORRECT_MESSAGE;
                    messageField.text = HTTP_ERROR_MESSAGE;

This class extends flash.display.Sprite, a very light display node that can have children and display graphics. It adds the image displayed earlier in Figure 8-1 as a background (see the method doInit() in Example 8-2):

background = new PanelBackground ();
addChild (background);

On top of this background, doInit() adds a couple of flash.text.TextField controls and a subclass of the flash.display.SimpleButton, as shown in Example 8-3.

Example 8-3.
package com.farata.preloading{
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;

    public class BitmapLoginButton extends SimpleButton{

        public function BitmapLoginButton (){
            super(new LoginButtonNormal (),
                    new LoginButtonOver (),
                    new LoginButtonPress (),
                    new LoginButtonNormal ());
            useHandCursor = false;

The constructor of SimpleButton takes tiny wrapper classes with images representing different states of the button, as shown in Example 8-4.

Example 8-4.
package com.farata.preloading{
    import flash.display.Bitmap;

    public class LoginButtonOver extends Bitmap{

        public function LoginButtonOver (){
            smoothing = true;

This is pretty much it; the graphic portion is taken care of.

The login functionality in a typical Flex application should be initiated from inside the Flex code and not from the HTML wrapper. This will allow you to minimize the vulnerability of the application as you eliminate the step in which the user’s credentials have to be passed from JavaScript to the embedded .swf file.

The LightweightPreloader from Example 8-2 contains Example 8-5’s code in its onLogin() method.

Example 8-5. Authenticating the user from ActionScript
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest (loginURL);

        var thisURL:String = loaderInfo.url;
        if (thisURL.indexOf ("file") < 0) {
            var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables ();
            variables.user = loginField.text;
            variables.password = passwordField.text;
            variables.application = "Client Reports";
   = variables;

        var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader (request);

        loader.addEventListener (SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,
        loader.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);
        loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoginResult);
        loader.load (request);

The code in Example 8-5 creates a URLRequest object, wrapping the values entered in the Flex view. The URLLoader makes a request to the specified URL that authenticates the user and returns a piece of XML describing the user’s role and any other business-specific authorization parameters provided by your web access management system, such as SiteMinder from CA. No sensitive data exchange between JavaScript and the .swf file is required.

The function onLoginResult() gets the user’s data from the server, and saves this as an XML object on the local disk via a SharedObject API, providing functionality similar to cookies.

The Main SWF Talks to LightweightPreloader.swf

The main application (Example 8-6) was written with the use of the Flex framework, and it communicates with the external LightweightPreloader.swf via an additional class called LoginPreloader, shown in Example 8-7. We’ve embedded several images into the MainApplication.mxml file just to make the .swf file extremely heavy (10 MB) to illustrate that the login window appears quickly, and the main application may continue loading even after the user enters login credentials and presses the Login button.

Note the line preloader="com.farata.preloading.LoginPreloader" in the fourth line of MainApplication.mxml in the example.

Example 8-6. MainApplication.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
            import mx.containers.Panel;
            import com.farata.preloading.ILoginWindow;
            import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
            import mx.core.UIComponent;
            import com.farata.preloading.LoginEvent;

            public function set sessionID (value:String):void{
                // code to store app. specific session id goes here
              trace ("sessionID in Main: " + value);

              public function set loginXML (value:String):void{
                // code to process authotization XML goes here
               trace ("loginXML in Main: " + value);

            private var loginPanel:Panel;
            private var content:Sprite;

            // Embed several large images just to increase the size
            // of the main SWF to over 10 MB.
              // This is done to illustrate fast preloading
            // of the LightweightPreloader login window
            public var pic1:Class;
            public var pic2:Class;
            public var pic3:Class;
            public var pic4:Class;

            private function onLogout ():void {
                var loader:Loader = new Loader ();
                var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest
                var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext ();
                var applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain =
                context.applicationDomain = applicationDomain;
                loader.load (url, context);

            private function onLoginLoaded (event:Event):void {
                content = as Sprite;
                var component:UIComponent = new UIComponent ();
                loginPanel = new TitleWindow ();
                loginPanel.title = "Log In";

                component.addChild (content);

                PopUpManager.addPopUp(loginPanel, this, true);

                (content as ILoginWindow).activate();

                 component.width = content.width;
                component.height = content.height;

                content.addEventListener (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, onLogin);

            private function onLogin (event:LoginEvent):void {
                (content as ILoginWindow).deactivate();
                PopUpManager.removePopUp (loginPanel);
                loginPanel = null;
                content = null;


            private function passParamsToApp (event:LoginEvent):void {
                for (var i:String in event) {
                        this [i] = event [i];
                    }catch (e:Error) {
                        trace ("There is no parameter " + i +
                                     "in " + this + " defined");
    <mx:ApplicationControlBar width="100%"

        <mx:Button click="onLogout()" label="Log Out" />
            <mx:Label text="Application" />


The class LoginPreloader is a subclass of DownloadProgressBar. It cares about two things:

  • That the loading of the main application is finished and it can be displayed.

  • That the login request is complete.

If the user presses the Login button before the main application (which is 10 MB in this case) arrives, the LoginPreloader turns itself into a progress bar until the application is fully downloaded and displayed. The LoginPreloader (Example 8-7) acts as a liaison between the main application and the LightweightPreloader.

Example 8-7. Classes LoginPreloader and UnprotectedDownloadProgressBar
package com.farata.preloading{
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;
    import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;

    import mx.managers.FocusManager;
    import mx.managers.IFocusManager;
    import mx.managers.IFocusManagerComponent;
    import mx.managers.IFocusManagerContainer;
    import mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
    import flash.utils.Timer;

    public class LoginPreloader extends DownloadProgressBar {
        private var loginWindow:Sprite;
        private var event:LoginEvent;
        private var loggedIn:Boolean = false;
        private var isLoaded:Boolean = false;
        private var appInited:Boolean = false;
        private var aPreloader:Sprite;
        private var progress:UnprotectedDownloadProgressBar;
        private var _displayTime:int;

        public function LoginPreloader(){
            _displayTime = getTimer();
            MINIMUM_DISPLAY_TIME = 0;
            var loader:Loader = new Loader ();
            var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("LightweightPreloader.swf");
            var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext ();
            var applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain =
            context.applicationDomain = applicationDomain;
            loader.load (url, context);
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE,

        private function onLoginLoaded (event:Event):void{
            var content:Sprite = as Sprite;
            addChild (content);
            loginWindow = content;
            (loginWindow as ILoginWindow).activate();
            content.x = (stage.stageWidth - content.width) / 2;
            content.y = (stage.stageHeight - content.height) / 2;
            content.addEventListener (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, onLogin);

        override public function set preloader( preloader:Sprite ):void {
            preloader.addEventListener( FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE ,
                                                   initCompleteHandler );
            aPreloader = preloader;

        private function onLogin (event:LoginEvent):void
            this.event = event;
            loggedIn = true;
            (loginWindow as ILoginWindow).deactivate();
            removeChild (loginWindow);
            if (isLoaded) {
                var anApp:Object = getApplication();
                   (anApp as IFocusManagerContainer).focusManager.activate();
                dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.COMPLETE ) );
                progress = new UnprotectedDownloadProgressBar ();
                progress.isLoaded = appInited;
                progress.minTime = MINIMUM_DISPLAY_TIME - getTimer() + _displayTime;
                addChild (progress);

                progress.preloader = aPreloader;
            var xOffset:Number = Math.floor((progress.width -
                               progress.publicBorderRect.width) / 2);
            var yOffset:Number = Math.floor((progress.height -
                               progress.publicBorderRect.height) / 2);
              progress.x = (stage.stageWidth - progress.width) / 2 + xOffset;
            progress.y = (stage.stageHeight - progress.height) / 2 + yOffset;
            progress.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onProgressComplete);

        private function onProgressComplete (event:Event):void{
            progress.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onProgressComplete);
            dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.COMPLETE ) );

        private function initCompleteHandler(event:Event):void{
            appInited = true;
            var elapsedTime:int = getTimer() - _displayTime;

            if (elapsedTime < MINIMUM_DISPLAY_TIME) {
              var timer:Timer = new Timer(MINIMUM_DISPLAY_TIME - elapsedTime, 1);
              timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, flexInitComplete);
            } else{

        private function flexInitComplete( event:Event = null ):void {
            isLoaded = true;
            if (progress) {
               removeChild (progress);
           var anApp:Object = getApplication();
            if (loggedIn) {
               dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.COMPLETE ) );
             (anApp as IFocusManagerContainer).focusManager.deactivate();

        private function passParamsToApp ():void{
            var anApp:Object = getApplication();
            for (var i:String in event) {
                    anApp [i] = event [i];
                catch (e:Error) {
                    trace ("There is no parameter " + i +
                                "in " + anApp + " defined");

        private function getApplication ():Object{
            return getDefinitionByName

import mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar;
import flash.display.Sprite;

class UnprotectedDownloadProgressBar extends DownloadProgressBar{
    public var isLoaded:Boolean = false;

    public function set minTime (value:int):void{
        if (value > 0) {
            MINIMUM_DISPLAY_TIME = value;

    public function get publicBorderRect ():RoundedRectangle{
        this.backgroundColor = 0xffffff;
        return borderRect;

    public override function set preloader(value:Sprite):void{
        super.preloader = value;
        visible = true;
        if (isLoaded) {
            setProgress (100, 100);
            label = downloadingLabel;

As soon as the loading of the login window is complete, the window centers itself on the screen and starts listening to the LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, which is dispatched by LightweightPreloader when the XML with the user’s credentials arrives from the server. This XML is nicely packaged inside the LoginEvent and saved on the local disk cache under the name USER_INFO (see the method onLoginResult() in Example 8-2).

Because the LightweightPreloader was added as a child of LoginPreloader (see onLoginLoaded() in Example 8-8), the latter object will receive all events dispatched by the former.

Example 8-8. The method onLoginLoaded() of LoginPreloader
private function onLoginLoaded (event:Event):void
            var content:Sprite = as Sprite;
            addChild (content);
            loginWindow = content;
            (loginWindow as ILoginWindow).activate();
            content.x = (stage.stageWidth - content.width) / 2;
            content.y = (stage.stageHeight - content.height) / 2;
            content.addEventListener (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, onLogin);

This code also stores in loginWindow the reference to the login window, which is a subclass of Sprite, for further reuse in case the user decides to log out, which should bring the login window back on the screen. The function activate just puts the focus there.

When the ON_LOGIN event arrives, the event handler onLogin() shown in Example 8-8 has to figure out whether the download of the main application has completed and whether it’s ready for use. If it is ready, the application gets activated; otherwise, the instance of the regular progress bar UnprotectedDownloadProgressBar is created and displayed until the application is ready.

The Timer object checks for the downloading progress, and dispatches Event.COMPLETE to the application from the flexInitComplete() handler.

Supporting Logout Functionality

Besides supporting our custom preloader, the main application (Example 8-6) knows how to reuse the login component when the user decides to log out and relogin at any time during the session.

After successful login, the user will see a screen like Figure 8-3.

Even though LightweightPreloader (the login component) was intended to be used as the very first visible component of our application, we want to be able reuse its functionality later on, too.

Hence LightweightPreloader is used either by the preloader or by a PopupManager. The following fragment from the main application does this job when the user clicks the Log Out button:

private function onLogout ():void{
    var loader:Loader = new Loader ();
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("LightweightPreloader.swf");
    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext ();
    var applicationDomain:ApplicationDomain =
    context.applicationDomain = applicationDomain;
    loader.load (url, context);
    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE,

private function onLoginLoaded (event:Event):void{
    content = as Sprite;
    var component:UIComponent = new UIComponent ();
    loginPanel = new TitleWindow ();
    loginPanel.title = "Log In";

    component.addChild (content);

    PopUpManager.addPopUp(loginPanel, this, true);

     (content as ILoginWindow).activate();

    component.width = content.width;
    component.height = content.height;

    content.addEventListener (LoginEvent.ON_LOGIN, onLogin);
After the user is logged in
Figure 8-3. After the user is logged in


The call to PopupManager.addPopup() from the fragment is an example of how a Flex application can work with a Flash component.

If you have Flash programmers in your team, you can use Flash for creating lightweight components when appropriate. Not only can you create lightweight login windows in Flash, but the entire main application view can be coded in this way. As a matter of fact, all static views from your application that mostly contain the artwork and don’t pull the data from the server can be made a lot slimmer if programmed as Flash components.

All communications between LightweightPreloader, LoginPreloader, and MainApplication.mxml are handled by dispatching and listening to the custom event LoginEvent, shown in Example 8-9.

Example 8-9. LoginEvent
package com.farata.preloading{

    public dynamic class LoginEvent extends Event{
        public static const ON_LOGIN:String = "onLogin";

        public function LoginEvent(type:String, sessionID:String, xml:XML){
            this.sessionID = sessionID;
            this.loginXML = xml;

LoginEvent encapsulates the user’s session ID (an application-specific session ID that’s usually created upon application startup and is used for maintaining state on the client) and the data received from the authentication server represented as XML. Note that this is the somewhat nontraditional dynamic event described in the section Minimizing the Number of Custom Events.

The class LoginPreloader has a function that extracts the values of the parameters from the custom event and assigns them to the corresponding properties of the application object. If the application didn’t have such setters as sessionID and loginXML, the code in Example 8-10 would throw an exception. If you use the dynamic Application object described in Chapter 2, on the other hand, such application properties aren’t required. This is a typical situation for dynamically typed languages: don’t rely on the compiler, and do better testing of your application.

Example 8-10. Non-object-oriented way of data exchange between components
private function passParamsToApp (event:LoginEvent):void{
            var anApp:Object = getApplication();
            for (var i:String in event) {
                    anApp [i] = event [i];
                catch (e:Error) {
                    trace ("There is no parameter " + i +
                                "in " + anApp + " defined");

Examples 8-9 and 8-10 use dynamic typing because of a special situation: when a Flash .swf file may have a bunch of properties in the event, it dispatches. The Application object, however, may not need all these properties. The for in loop shown assigns only those dynamic properties that exist in the Application object.


Objects that use strongly typed properties perform better than dynamic ones. For a typical Flex way of exchanging data between components, implement the Mediator design pattern described in Chapter 2.

The sample application with Preloader not only demonstrates how to use pure Flash components in a Flex application for improving perceived performance, but also illustrates techniques for mixing and matching Flex and native Flash components.

Just to recap: the main application is written in Flex; the LightweightPreloader is a Flash component created in Flash Professional IDE with some manual modifications of the generated ActionScript code; and the LoginPreloader is a manually written reusable ActionScript class that loads the .swf file with the Flash login component and removes it when the functionality of this .swf is no longer needed.

Using Resource-Shared Libraries

Tricks with a tiny preloader .swf can give users the feeling that your application loads quickly, but you should also endeavor to make the main application load as quickly as possible. A typical enterprise Flex RIA consists of several .swf files (the main application, fonts and styles, and modules) as well as several .swc libraries (both yours and the Flex framework’s). Your goal with these remains the same: ensure that only a minimum portion of the code travels over the network to the end user’s machine.

Right-click on a project name in Flash Builder, select the Flex Build Path option, and you’ll see a “Library path” panel similar to the one in Figure 8-4. This panel lists only the libraries from the Flex framework (AIR applications have some additional libraries). Both the framework and the necessary libraries must be linked to your project. You set the linkage method for the Flex framework via the “Framework linkage” drop-down menu (more on this in the next section). For now, however, just concentrate on linking the Flex libraries that your project needs for successful compilation and execution. To do this, click on the plus sign by the library name (see Figure 8-4) and double-click on the link method. You can choose one of three methods:

  • RSLs

  • Merged into code

  • External

The library path of a simple Flex project
Figure 8-4. The library path of a simple Flex project

A typical enterprise application is the product of several Flash Builder projects. The main application must link the libraries that are absolutely necessary to support the first screen. Optionally, it also can include some common libraries for multiple modules that might be downloaded as a result of a user’s interactions with your RIA. Loading common RSL libraries during the application startup is not such a good idea, however, if you load modules in the application security domain and not their own subdomains (see Chapter 7). You need to manage RSLs and ensure that the RSL is loaded only once, and this can be done by the singleton ModuleManager. You’ll learn how to do this a bit later, in the section Optimizing RSL Loading.

Selecting merge-in linkage for an application or a module increases the .swf size only by the size of the classes from the library that were actually mentioned in the .swf file. This requirement has a negative side effect for dynamically created (and, therefore, not referenced in advance) objects. To have all objects available, you must declare a number of variables of each type that exists in the .swc file to ensure that all the classes that are needed (even for code that’s loaded later) are included in the .swf file.


The section Bootstrapping Libraries As Applications described the process that happens once libraries are loaded. If the linker does not find explicit references to some classes from the linkage tree originated by the Application or Module class, it might omit both necessary supporting classes and not perform some parts of the necessary initialization process. If you are developing large data-driven dynamic applications, using bootstrapping libraries instead of modules is the safer and more reusable solution.

For example, if the code in your application never uses SomeGreatClass from a library xyz.swc, its code will not be included in the .swf file during compilation. Hence if your business code “weighs” 300 KB and the xyz.swc is 100 KB, the compiled .swf file’s size won’t reach 400 KB unless each and every class from xyz.swc has been used. Merge-in linkage is justifiable only for small applications, which are not going to use most of the framework classes anyway.

Consider a RIA that consists of two Flash Builder projects: the main application (proj1 at 250 KB) and a Flex module (proj2 at 50 KB). Both of these projects use classes from the library xyz.swc. The chances are good that proj1 and proj2 need some of the same and some different classes from xyz.swc. What are your options here?

Of course, you can link xyz.swc using the merge-in option, in which case each project will include into its .swf file only those classes that are needed from xyz.swc. As you can guess, some amount of code duplication is unavoidable here. Classes that are needed in both projects will be traveling to the user’s machine twice.

But in an enterprise application with multiple .swf files, you should consider a different approach. In proj1, specify that xyz.swc should be linked as an RSL; hence none of its classes will be included into the .swf, but the entire library (100 KB) will be downloaded even before the applicationComplete event is triggered. In this case, you can safely specify in the proj2 “external” as a linkage type for xyz.swc, which means that by the time this project’s .swf file is downloaded, xyz.swf will already be there. Even though the library is created as a file with a .swc extension, its content will be deployed as a .swf file (in our case xyz.swf).

Now assume that the module from proj2 is not immediately needed at application startup. In the RSL approach, the total size of the compiled code that has to exist on the user’s machine is 250 KB +100 KB + the size of the Flex framework (500 KB or more). If the user initiates an action that requires the module from proj2, yet another 50 KB will be downloaded. (In the next section, you’ll learn a way to avoid repeatedly downloading the 500 KB of the Flex framework.)


Both RSL and external linkage imply that libraries will be available in the browser by the time an application or module needs them. The difference between the methods is that when you link a library as an RSL, the compiled .swf file contains a list of these libraries and Flash Player loads them. When you use external linkage, the compiled .swf doesn’t contain a mention of external .swf library files, because it expects that another .swf has already loaded them. For more details, refer to the section Bootstrapping Libraries As Applications in Chapter 7 or search for “IFlexModuleFactory interface” online.

As soon as a project is created, you should remove the default libraries that it doesn’t need. For example, all libraries with the Automation API in general and qtp.swc (support of the QTP testing tool from HP) are not needed unless you are planning to run automated functional tests that record and replay user interactions with your RIA. Even if you are using the automation libraries during development, don’t forget to remove them from the production build. Don’t be tempted to rely on the libraries’ merge-in linking option to limit the included classes. Although the merge-in option includes only objects that are used in the code when Flash Builder builds your project, its linker must still sift through all the libraries just to determine which are needed and which are not. (The linkage options will be discussed in detail a bit later.)


You can read more about using automation tools in Flex applications at the site

Remove datavisualization.swc from the main application. In general, this library has to be linked on the module level. Your enterprise application should consist of a small shell that will be loading modules on an as-needed basis. This shell definitely doesn’t need to link datavisualization.swc. (Later in this chapter you’ll see an example of the optimized library loader.) Consider an example when a shell application loads 10 modules and 3 of them use Flex charting classes located in datavisualization.swc. In this scenario, you should link datavisualization.swc as an RSL. But you may argue that if you do so and at some point all three charting modules need to be loaded, the data visualization RSL will be loaded three times! This would be correct unless you use an optimized way of loading modules, as described in the section Optimizing RSL Loading.

Flex Framework RSL

Before your application starts, SystemManager downloads (or loads from the local cache) all required RSL libraries and resource bundles (localization support) required by your application.

Choosing “Runtime shared library” from the “Library path” panel’s “Framework linkage” drop-down (see Figure 8-4) is simple and smart at the same time: deploy the Flex framework separately from the application .swf libraries, and on the user’s first download of the RIA, Flash Player (version 9.0.115 or later) will save the framework library in its own disk cache. It gets even better: this library is designed to work across different domains, which means that users might get this library not necessarily from your website, but from any other site that was built in Flex and deployed with the Flex framework as an RSL.


Starting from Flash Builder 4, Flex Framework RSLs are linked as RSLs by default. If you want to change this option, use the “Library path” panel of your project. Adobe will also offer hosting of these RSLs at its sites, which might be useful for the applications that have limited bandwidth and want to minimize the amount of bytes going over the wire from their servers.

These libraries are signed RSLs; their filenames end with .swz and only Adobe can sign them. If you open the rsls directory in your Flex or Flash Builder installation directory, you will find these signed libraries there. For example, the path to the rsls directory may look like:

C:Program FilesAdobeFlex Builder 3 Plug-insdks3.2.0frameworks sls

At the time of this writing, the following RSLs are located there:

  • framework_3.2.0.3958.swz

  • datavisualization_3.2.0.3958.swz

  • rpc_3.2.0.3958.swz

As you see, the filename includes the number of the Flex SDK version (3.2.0) and the number of the build (3958).

We recommend that you build Flex applications on the assumption that users already have or will be forced to install Flash Player, a version not older than 9.0.115. If you can’t do this for any reason, include pairs of libraries (.swz and corresponding .swf) in the build path, such as rpc_3.2.0.3958.swz and rpc_3.2.0.3958.swf. If the user has the player supporting signed libraries, the .swz file will be engaged. Otherwise, the unsigned fallback .swf library will be downloaded.


For a detailed description of how to use Flex framework RSLs, read the Adobe documentation.

At Farata we were involved with creating a website for an American branch of Mercedes-Benz. By examining this site with the web monitoring tool Charles, you can see which objects are downloaded to the user’s machine.


While measuring performance of a web application, you should use tools that clearly show you what’s being downloaded by the application in question. Charles does a great job monitoring AMF, and we also like the Web Developer toolbar for the Mozilla Firefox browser, available at This excellent toolbar allows you with a click of a button to enable/disable the browser’s cache, cookies, and pop-up blockers; validate CSS; inspect the DOM, images, etc.; and more.

In Figure 8-5 you can see that a number of .swf files are being downloaded to the user’s machine. We took this Charles screenshot (see Chapter 4) on a PC with a freshly installed operating system, just to ensure that no Flex applications that might have been deployed with a signed framework RSL were run from this computer. This website is a large and well-modularized RIA, and the initial download includes .swf files of approximately 162 KB, 95 KB, 52 KB, 165 KB, and 250 KB, which is the main window of this RIA plus the required shareable libraries for the rest of the application. It totals around 730 KB, which is an excellent result for such a sophisticated RIA.

But there is one more library that is coming down the pipe: framework_3.0.0.477.swz, which is highlighted in Figure 8-5.

Visiting from a new PC
Figure 8-5. Visiting from a new PC

This Flex framework RSL is pretty heavy—525 KB—but the good news is that it’s going to be downloaded only once, whenever the user of this PC runs into a Flex application deployed with a signed RSL.

Figure 8-6 depicts the second time we hit after clearing the web browser’s cache. As you can see, the .swf files are still arriving, but the .swz file is not there any longer, as it was saved in the local Flash Player’s cache on disk.


Clearing the web browser’s cache removes the cached RSLs (.swf files), but doesn’t affect the signed ones (.swz). This cache is not affected by clearing the web browser’s cache.

Visiting after the framework RSL has been cached
Figure 8-6. Visiting after the framework RSL has been cached

Isn’t it a substantial reduction of the initial size of a large RIA: from 1.3 MB down to 730 KB?

For large applications, we recommend that you always use signed framework RSLs. Flex became a popular platform for development RIA, driving adoption of the latest versions of Flash Player. The probability is high that cross-domain signed RSLs will exist on client computers within the first year after release of those libraries.

Starting from Flex 4, Adobe will officially host signed RSLs on their servers, which is an extra help for websites with limited network bandwidth. If you prefer, don’t even deploy the .swz files on your server. Unofficially, this feature exists even now: select and expand any library with the RSL linkage type, go to the edit mode, and select the button Add (see Figure 8-7). You’ll be able to specify the URL where your .swz libraries are located.

Specifying location of RSL libraries
Figure 8-7. Specifying location of RSL libraries

If the benefits of cached RSLs are so obvious, why not deploy each and every project with signed libraries? We see three reasons for this:

  • There is a remote chance that the user has a version of Flash Player older than release 9.0.115, the version where signed RSLs were introduced.

  • The initial downloadable size of the Flex application is a bit larger if it’s deployed with RSLs versus the merge-in option. At the time of this writing, no statistics are published regarding the penetration of the signed Flex RSLs, and if someone makes a wrong assumption that no users have cached RSLs, the RIA with a merge-in option would produce, say, one .swf of 1.1 MB as opposed to two files totaling 1.3 MB for virgin machines. In consumer applications, any reduction of a hundred kilobytes matters.

  • In case of the merge-in option, the client’s web browser wouldn’t need to make this extra network call to load the .swz; the entire code would be located in one .swf.

To address these valid concerns, you can:

  • Force users to upgrade to the later version of the player, if you’re working in a controlled environment. For users who can’t upgrade the player, provide fallback .swf files.

  • Repackage RSLs for distribution that would include only the classes your application needs. This technique is described on James Ward’s blog.

  • Intervene in the load process (keep in mind that the Flex framework is open source and all initialization routines can be studied and modified to your liking).

If you have the luxury of starting a new enterprise RIA from scratch rather than trying to fit a .swf file here and there in the existing HTML/JavaScript website, we recommend that you get into a “portal state of mind.” In no time, your RIA will grow and demand more and more new features, modules, and functionality. Why not expect this from the get-go?

Assume that the application you are about to develop will grow into a portal in a couple of years. Create a lightweight, shell-like Flex application that loads the rest of the modules dynamically. If you start with such a premise, you’ll naturally think of the shared resources that have to be placed into RSLs, and the rest of the business functionality will be developed as modules and reusable components.

Optimizing RSL Loading

Optimizing the loading of the RSLs is an important step in optimizing your project. Think of an application with 10 modules, 3 of which use datavisualization.swc as an RSL. To avoid redundant loading, we want to insert a singleton’s behavior in the holy grail of any Flex application, SystemManager, which gets engaged by the end of the very first application frame and starts loading RSLs.

The sample application that you’ll be studying in this section is an improved version of the projects from Chapter 7’s section Sample Flex Portal. This section’s source code includes the following Flash Builder projects: OptimizedPortal, FeedModule, ChartsModule, and PortalLib.

Creating Modules with Test Harness

Once again, here’s our main principle of building enterprise Flex applications: a lightweight shell application that loads modules when necessary. This approach leads to the creation of modularized and better-performing RIAs. But when a developer works on a particular module, to be productive, he needs to be able to quickly perform unit and functional tests on his modules without depending too much on the modules his teammates are working on.

The project FeedsModule is an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project with its own “server-side” WebContent directory. This project also includes a very simple application, TestHarness.mxml, that includes just two modules: GoogleFinancialNews and YahooFinancialNews. Let’s say Mary is responsible for the development of these two modules that later will become part of a larger OptimizedPortal. But if in Chapter 7 the portal was created for integrating various applications, here we are building it as a shell for hosting multiple modules.

To avoid having issues caused by merging module and application stylesheets, we recommend having only one CSS file on the application level. This may also save you some grief trying to figure out why modules are not being fully unloaded as the description of the unload() function promises; merged CSS may create strong references that won’t allow a garbage collector to reclaim the memory upon module unloads.

You also want to avoid linking into the module’s byte code the information from the services-config.xml file that comes with BlazeDS/LCDS. If you specify a separate services-config.xml in the compiler’s option of the module’s project, the content of such services-config.xml (configured destinations and channels) gets sucked into the compiled .swf.

On our team, all developers must submit their modules fully tested and in the minimal configuration. Example 8-11 lists the application that Mary uses for testing, and Figure 8-8 shows the results.

Example 8-11. TestHarness.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" >
    <mx:Label text="google"/>
    <mx:ModuleLoader id="mod1"
        width="800" height="300"
    <mx:Label text="yahoo"/>
    <mx:ModuleLoader  id="mod2" width="800" height="300"
Running TestHarness.mxml
Figure 8-8. Running TestHarness.mxml

Each of the modules in TestHarness has the ability to load yet another module: ChartModule. This is done by switching to the view state ChartState and calling the function loadChartSWF(). Example 8-12 shows the code of the module YahooFinancialNews.

Example 8-12. The module YahooFinancialNews
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical"
    horizontalGap="0" verticalGap="0"  width="100%" height="100%"
    paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0"

      <mx:State name="ChartState">
        <mx:RemoveChild target="{newsGrid}"/>
        <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{header}" position="after">
         <mx:ModuleLoader id="chart_swf"
          creationComplete="loadChartSWF()" width="100%" height="100%"/>

    <mx:HBox id="header"
      width="100%" height="25"
      backgroundColor="#ffffff" backgroundAlpha="0.8"
      verticalAlign="middle" color="black">

      <mx:Label htmlText="Yahoo: Effective copy of PortletInfo class:
        <mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="right" horizontalGap="3"
         <mx:Label text="Message: "/>
         <mx:TextInput id="textInput" text="{_messageText}" width="100"/>
         <mx:VRule height="20"/>
         <mx:Button label="{currentState == 'ChartState' ? 'Show Feed' :
               'Show Chart'}" click="currentState = (currentState == 'ChartState' ?
                                 '' : 'ChartState')"/>
             <mx:DropShadowFilter angle="90" distance="2"/>

    <mx:DataGrid id="newsGrid" width="100%" height="100%"
        dragEnabled="true"     creationComplete="onCreationComplete()">
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Date" dataField="pubDate" width="80"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title" dataField="title" wordWrap="true"

    <mx:HTTPService id="newsFeed" useProxy="true"
         destination="YahooFinancialNews"  concurrency="last"
        resultFormat="e4x" fault="onFault(event)"/>

        import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
        import com.farata.portal.Message;
        import mx.controls.Alert;

        private var _messageText:String;

        private function onCreationComplete():void {
            var bridge:IEventDispatcher = systemManager.loaderInfo.sharedEvents;
         BroadcastMessageEvent.BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TO_PORTLETS, messageBroadcasted );


        private function loadChartSWF():void{

        private function messageBroadcasted( event:Event ):void{
            var newEvent:BroadcastMessageEvent =
                         BroadcastMessageEvent.unmarshal( event );
            var message:Message = newEvent.message;
            _messageText = message.messageBody;

        private function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void {
   event.toString() );
               "Destination:" + event.currentTarget.destination + "
" +
               "Fault code:" + event.fault.faultCode + "
" +
               "Detail:" + event.fault.faultDetail, "News feed failure"

Click the application’s Show Chart button to make sure that loading one module from the other works fine and that they properly pick the destination from the main application’s services-config.xml file. Figure 8-9 shows the expected result.

Switching to chart view
Figure 8-9. Switching to chart view

Because you want to have a test harness that will allow you to run and test these modules outside of the main portal, we’ll do a trick that will link the TestHarness application with the one and only services-config.xml of the main portal project. Example 8-13 lists the file named TestHarness-config.xml located in the FeedsModule project.

Example 8-13. TestHarness-config.xml

The very fact that a project has a file with the same name as the main application but with the suffix -config will make the Flex compiler use it as configuration file that redirects to the real services-config.xml. (Remember, you need to replace c:/farata/oreilly with the actual location of the workspace of the OptimizedPortal project.)

Open the class in the generated folder of the FeedModule project, and you’ll see a section taken from the portal project. A fragment of this section is shown here:

ServerConfig.xml =
    <service id="remoting-service">
        <destination id="AnnualGenerator">
                <channel ref="my-amf"/>
        <destination id="QuoterDataGenerator">
                <channel ref="my-amf"/>
        <channel id="my-rtmp" type="mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel">
            <endpoint uri="rtmp://{}:58010"/>

Essentially, here’s what’s happening: while building the FeedsModule project, the Flex compiler determines that it has two modules and one application and that it, therefore, must build three .swf files. It checks whether TestHarness, GoogleFinancialNews, and YahooFinancialNews have their own configuration files. TestHarness has one, so the compiler uses it in addition to flex-config.xml from the Flex SDK. GoogleFinancialNews and YahooFinancialNews do not have their own configuration files, so for them the compiler just uses the parameters listed in the flex-config.xml.

What did we achieve? We’ve created a small project that can be used for testing and debugging the modules without the information from services-config.xml. If any of you have worked on a large modularized Flex application, chances are that once in a while you ran into conflicts caused by destinations having the same names but pointing to different classes—they were created by different programmers and are located in multiple modules’ services-config.xml files. With our approach, you won’t run into such a situation.

In the next section, you’ll learn how to make your modules go easy on network bandwidth.

Creating a Shell Application with a Custom RSL Loader

Mary, the application developer, knows how to test her modules, and she’d really appreciate it if she didn’t have to coordinate with other developers who might link the same RSLs to their modules. Is it possible to have a slightly smarter application that won’t load a particular RSL with the second module if it already downloaded it with the first one?

To avoid duplication in modules, the Flex framework offers a singleton class, ModuleManager (see Chapter 7), but it falls short when it comes to RSLs. Luckily, the Flex framework is open sourced, and we’ll show you how to fix this shortcoming. Take a closer look at the problem first.

As you remember, the singleton SystemManager is the starting class that controls loading of the rest of the application’s objects. Our sample application is a portal located in the Flash Builder project OptimizedPortal. Adding the compiler’s –keep option allows you to see the generated ActionScript code for the project. The main point of interest is the class declaration in the file, located in the generated folder (Example 8-14).

Example 8-14. Generated SystemManager for OptimizedPortal

import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import mx.core.IFlexModule;
import mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory;

import mx.managers.SystemManager;

public class _OptimizedPortal_mx_managers_SystemManager
    extends mx.managers.SystemManager
    implements IFlexModuleFactory{
    // Cause the CrossDomainRSLItem class to be linked into this application.
    import mx.core.CrossDomainRSLItem; CrossDomainRSLItem;

    public function _OptimizedPortal_mx_managers_SystemManager(){

    override   public function create(... params):Object{
        if (params.length > 0 && !(params[0] is String))
            return super.create.apply(this, params);

        var mainClassName:String = params.length == 0 ?
                        "OptimizedPortal" : String(params[0]);
        var mainClass:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(mainClassName));
        if (!mainClass)
            return null;

        var instance:Object = new mainClass();
        if (instance is IFlexModule)
            (IFlexModule(instance)).moduleFactory = this;
        return instance;

    override public function info():Object{
        return {
            cdRsls: [{"rsls":["datavisualization_3.3.0.4852.swz"],
            compiledLocales: [ "en_US" ],
            compiledResourceBundleNames: [ "collections", "containers", "controls",
"core", "effects", "logging", "messaging", "skins", "styles" ],
            currentDomain: ApplicationDomain.currentDomain,
            layout: "vertical",
            mainClassName: "OptimizedPortal",
            mixins: [ "_OptimizedPortal_FlexInit",
"_richTextEditorTextAreaStyleStyle", "_ControlBarStyle", "_alertButtonStyleStyle",
"_SWFLoaderStyle", "_textAreaVScrollBarStyleStyle", "_headerDateTextStyle",
"_globalStyle", "_ListBaseStyle", "_HorizontalListStyle", "_todayStyleStyle",
"_windowStylesStyle", "_ApplicationStyle", "_ToolTipStyle", "_CursorManagerStyle",
"_opaquePanelStyle", "_TextInputStyle", "_errorTipStyle", "_dateFieldPopupStyle",
"_dataGridStylesStyle", "_popUpMenuStyle", "_headerDragProxyStyleStyle",
"_activeTabStyleStyle", "_PanelStyle", "_DragManagerStyle", "_ContainerStyle",
"_windowStatusStyle", "_ScrollBarStyle", "_swatchPanelTextFieldStyle",
"_textAreaHScrollBarStyleStyle", "_plainStyle", "_activeButtonStyleStyle",
"_advancedDataGridStylesStyle", "_comboDropdownStyle", "_ButtonStyle",
"_weekDayStyleStyle", "_linkButtonStyleStyle",
"_com_farata_portal_controls_SendMessageWatcherSetupUtil" ],
            rsls: [{url: "flex.swf", size: -1}, {url: "utilities.swf", size: -1},
{url: "fds.swf", size: -1}, {url: "PortalLib.swf", size: -1}]



Skim through this code, and you’ll see that all the information required by the linker is there. The Flex code generator created a system manager for the OptimizedPortal application that’s directly inherited from mx.managers.SystemManager, which doesn’t give us any hooks for injecting the new functionality in a kosher way. Whatever you put in the class above will be removed by code generators during the next compilation. The good news is that the Flex SDK is open sourced and you are allowed to do any surgeries to its code and even submit the changes to be considered for inclusion in upcoming releases of Flex.

The goal is to change the behavior of the SystemManager so that it won’t load duplicate instances of the same RSL if more than one module links them. (Remember the datavisualization.swc used in 3 out of 10 modules?)

Scalpel, please!

The flex_src directory of the project OptimizedPortal includes a package mx.core, which includes two classes: RSLItem and RSLListLoader. These are the classes from the Adobe Flex SDK that underwent the surgery. The class RSLListLoader sequentially loads all required libraries. The relevant fragment of this class is shown in Example 8-15.

Example 8-15. Modified Flex SDK class RSLListLoader
//                                                                              //
//  ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED                                                  //
//  Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated                                   //
//  All Rights Reserved.                                                        //
//                                                                              //
//  NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file          //
//  in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.      //
//                                                                              //

package mx.core{

import flash.utils.Dictionary;


 *  @private
 *  Utility class for loading a list of RSLs.
 *  A list of cross-domain RSLs and a list of regular RSLs
 *  can be loaded using this utility.

public class RSLListLoader{
     *  Constructor.
     *  @param rslList Array of RSLs to load.
     *  Each entry in the array is of type RSLItem or CdRSLItem.
     *  The RSLs will be loaded from index 0 to the end of the array.
    public function RSLListLoader(rslList:Array)
        this.rslList = rslList;

     *  @private
     *  The index of the RSL being loaded.
    private var currentIndex:int = 0;

     public static var  loadedRSLs:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
     *  @private
     *  The list of RSLs to load.
     *  Each entry is of type RSLNode or CdRSLNode.
    private var rslList:Array = [];

     *  Increments the current index and loads the next RSL.
    private function loadNext():void{
        if (!isDone()){

            // Load the current RSL.
            if (currentIndex < rslList.length){
                // Load RSL and have the RSL loader chain the
                // events our internal events handler or the chained
                // events handler if we don't care about them.
                if (loadedRSLs[(rslList[currentIndex] as RSLItem).url] == null){
                            listCompleteHandler, listIOErrorHandler,
                            listSecurityErrorHandler, chainedRSLErrorHandler);
                        loadedRSLs[(rslList[currentIndex] as RSLItem).url] = true;
                } else {
                    loadNext();// skip already loaded rsls

Example 8-15 adds only a few lines to the class:

public static var  loadedRSLs:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
if (loadedRSLs[(rslList[currentIndex] as RSLItem).url] == null){
loadedRSLs[(rslList[currentIndex] as RSLItem).url] = true;
loadNext();// skip already loaded rsls

but these had a dramatic effect on the RSL loading process.

The static dictionary loadedRSL keeps track of already loaded RSLs (the url property of the RSLItem), and if a particular RSL that’s about to be loaded already exists there, it doesn’t bother loading it. This will prevent the loading of duplicate RSLs and will substantially reduce the download time of some enterprise Flex applications.

In the class RSLItem, we’ve changed the access level of the property url from protected to public:

public var url:String;//PATCHED - was protected


Because the source code of our versions of RSLItem and RSLListLoader is included in the project, these classes will be merged into the .swf file and have precedence over the original classes with the same names provided in Flex SDK libraries.

As a side note, we recommend not using the keyword protected. For more details, read the blog post at

“Flex open sourcing in action!” would have made a nice subtitle for this section. The very fact that the Flex SDK was open sourced gives us a chance to improve its functionality in any enterprise application and possibly even submit some of the changes to Adobe.

Now let’s run the OptimizedPortal application, which uses modified RSLLoader. Example 8-16 depicts the code of this application, but we aren’t going to give a detailed explanation of this code, because in the context of this chapter, it’s more important to understand what’s happening under the hood when the modules are being loaded.

Example 8-16. OptimizedPortal.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application layout="vertical"
    xmlns:fx="" >

    <mx:Style source="styles.css"/>
    <mx:Button id="b" label="Add module" click="addModule()"/>
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.modules.Module;
    import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
    import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;

    private var _moduleInfo:IModuleInfo;

    private function addModule() : void {
    // create the module - note, we're not loading it yet
    moduleInfo =
    // add some listeners
    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady, false, 0, true);
    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.SETUP, onModuleSetup, false, 0, true);
    _moduleInfo.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.UNLOAD,onModuleUnload,false, 0, true);
    // load the module

* The handlers for the module loading events
  private function onModuleProgress (e:ModuleEvent) : void {
          trace("ModuleEvent.PROGRESS received: " + e.bytesLoaded + " of " +
           e.bytesTotal + " loaded.");

  private function onModuleSetup (e:ModuleEvent) : void {
          trace("ModuleEvent.SETUP received");
          // cast the currentTarget
                var moduleInfo:IModuleInfo = e.currentTarget as IModuleInfo;
          trace("Calling ()");
          // grab the info and display information about it
          var info:Object =;
          for (var each:String in info) {
             trace("     " + each + " = " + info[each]);

      private function onModuleReady (e:ModuleEvent):void {
            trace("ModuleEvent.READY received");
            // cast the currentTarget
            var moduleInfo:IModuleInfo = e.currentTarget as IModuleInfo;
            // Add an instance of the module's class to the
            // display list.
            trace("Calling IModuleInfo.factory.create ()");
            this.addChild( moduleInfo.factory.create () as UIComponent);
            trace("module instance created and added to Display List");
    private function onModuleUnload (e:ModuleEvent) : void {
           trace("ModuleEvent.UNLOAD received");

    <fx:PortalCanvas  width="100%" height="100%">
                <fx:PortletConfig title="Complete Application" isModule="true"
                    preferredHeight="400" preferredWidth="850">
                <fx:PortletConfig title="Just a Module" isModule="true"
                    preferredHeight="400" preferredWidth="850">

Example 8-16 uses a number of tags from our library PortalLib, which is linked to the OptimizedPortal project; its source code comes with the sample code for this chapter (see the Preface). Following are very brief descriptions of these components:


A bunch of public variables: portletId, title, preferredWidth, showMaximized, isSingleton, props, and content, which is a DisplayObject


A component with a getter and setter for a label, a tooltip, an icon, and an associated portlet of type PortletConfig


Describes the future portlet window


Describes an icon on the portal desktop that can be clicked to create an instance of that window

For the next experiment, we’ll clear the browser’s cache and start Charles to monitor the loading process.


Flash Builder has a known issue: it sorts the libraries in the project’s build path in alphabetical order, which may produce hard-to-explain runtime errors in some cases. In particular, before running the OptimizedPortal application, Flash Builder opens its project build path. Ensure that datavisualization.swc is listed after utilities.swc; otherwise, you may see an error about TweenEffect.

Running the OptimizedPortal application displays the main view shown in Figure 8-10 really quickly, which is one of the most important goals of any RIA.

The main view of the application OptimizedPortal
Figure 8-10. The main view of the application OptimizedPortal

In Figure 8-11, Charles shows what .swf files have been loaded so far: OptimizedPortal.swf, flex.swf, utilities.swf, fds.swf, and PortalLib.swf.

Charles shows initial downloads
Figure 8-11. Charles shows initial downloads

Dragging the “Just a Module” icon from the bottom bar to the empty area of the application loads the module and populates it with the data, as you can see in Figure 8-12.

Loading the YahooFinancialNews module
Figure 8-12. Loading the YahooFinancialNews module

In Figure 8-13, Charles shows that two more .swf files were loaded: the modules YahooFinancialNews.swf and datavisualization_3.3.0.4852.swf.


For this experiment, we didn’t use a signed datavisualization.swz, because the goal here was to demonstrate the fact that even though the datavisualization library is linked as RSL to more than one module, it’ll get loaded only once.

YahooFinancialNews came with datavisualization.swf
Figure 8-13. YahooFinancialNews came with datavisualization.swf

After clicking the Show Chart (Figure 8-9) button, yet another module, ChartModule, will be loaded, which also has the datavisualization RSL in its build path. The OptimizedPortal view looks like Figure 8-14.

ChartModule is loaded
Figure 8-14. ChartModule is loaded

Charles then shows the results in Figure 8-15.

ChartModule came without datavisualization
Figure 8-15. ChartModule came without datavisualization

As you can see, ChartModule.swf has been downloaded, but its datavisualization RSL has not, because it was already downloaded by the module YahooFinancialNews—proof that you can do a smarter RSL loading to improve your portal’s performance.

In this experiment, we’ve been using datavisualization.swc as a guinea pig RSL, but you can and should apply the same technique for any business-specific RSL that your application might use.

A Grab Bag of Useful Habits

This section discusses three areas that may seriously affect performance of your application: memory leaks, Flash Builder’s Profiler, and the just-in-time compiler. At the end of this section, you’ll find a checklist of items that can help you in planning performance-tuning tasks.

Dealing with Memory Leaks

Wikipedia defines a memory leak as “a particular type of unintentional memory consumption by a computer program where the program fails to release memory when no longer needed. This condition is normally the result of a bug in a program that prevents it from freeing up memory that it no longer needs” (

Flash Player offers help in dealing with memory leaks. A special process called Garbage Collector (GC) periodically runs and removes objects from memory that the Flex application no longer uses. It counts all references to each object in memory, and when it gets down to zero, the object is removed from memory.

In some cases, two objects have references to each other, but neither of them is referred to anywhere else. In this case, the reference count never becomes zero, but Flash Player tries to identify such situations by running a slower method called mark and sweep.

Sure enough, you need to write code that nullifies reference variables that point to objects that are not needed (myGreatObj=null;): if you call addChild(), be sure not to forget about removeChild(); if you call addEventListener(), keep in mind removeEventListener().

The function addEventListener() has three more optional arguments, and if the last one is set to true, it’ll use so-called weak references with this listener, meaning that if this object has only weak references pointing to it, GC can remove it from memory.

Of course, if you ignore these recommendations, that’ll lead to littering RAM with unneeded objects, but your main target in optimization of memory consumption should be the unloading of unneeded data.


In some cases, there is not much you can do about memory leaks, and some instances of the objects get stuck in memory, gradually degrading the performance of your application.

A closure—or rather, an object representing an anonymous function—will never be garbage-collected. Here’s an example:

         function (evt:MouseEvent){//do something});

With such syntax, the object that represents the handler function gets attached to the stage as a global object. You can’t use syntax like removeEventListener("click", myHandlerFunction) here, because the closure used as an event handler didn’t have a name. Things get even worse because all objects created inside this closure won’t be garbage-collected, either.


Be careful with closures. Don’t use them just because it’s faster to create an anonymous in-place function than declaring a named one. Unless you need to have an independent function that remembers some variables’ values from its surrounding context, don’t use closures, as they may result in memory leaks.

You can’t use weak references with the listeners that use closures, as they won’t have references to the function object and will be garbage-collected.


If you add a listener to the Timer object, use a weak reference; otherwise, Flash Player will keep the reference to it as long as the timer is running.

Opportunistic garbage collector

The GC will work differently depending on the web browser your Flex application runs in. The mechanism of allocating and deallocating the memory by Flash Player can be browser-specific.

How do you determine that you have memory leaks? If you can measure available heap memory before and after GC runs, you can make a conclusion about the memory leaks. But this brings the next question: “How can you force GC?”

There is a trick with the LocalConnection object that can be used to request immediate garbage collection. If your program creates two instances of the LocalConnection object using the same name in the connect() call, Flash Player will initiate the process of GC.

var conn1:LocalConnection = new localConnection();
var conn2:LocalConnection = new localConnection();


It’s not typical, but you can use the LocalConnection object to send and receive data in a single .swf, for example to communicate between modules of the same Flex application.

Some web browsers force GC on their own. For example, in Internet Explorer minimizing the browser’s window causes garbage collection.

If you can force all your users to use Flash Player version 9.0.115 or later, you may use the following API to cause GC: flash.system.System.gc().

Just-in-Time Benefits and Implications

Flex compiler is actually a set of subcompilers converting your ActionScript and MXML code into different formats. For example, besides mxmlc and compc, there is a precompiler that extracts the information from the precompiled ActionScript Byte Code (ABC). You can read more about compilers at The ABC is the format that Flash Player runs. But the story doesn’t end here.

Most of the performance advances in the current version of AS3 as compared to AS2 are based on its just-in-time (JIT) compiler, which is built into Flash Player. During the .swf load process, a special byte code verifier performs a lot of code analysis to ensure that code is valid for execution: validation of code branches, type verification/linkage, early binding, constants validation.

The results of the analysis are used to produce machine-independent representation (MIR) of the code that can be used by the JIT compiler to efficiently produce machine-dependent code optimized for performance. Unlike Flash VM code, which is a classic stack machine, MIR is more like a parsed execution path prepared for easy register optimization. The MIR compiler does not process the entire class, though; it rather takes an opportunistic approach and optimizes one function at a time, which is a much simpler and faster task. For example, the following is how the source code of an ActionScript function is transformed into the assembly code of the x86 Intel processor.

In ActionScript 3:

function (x:int):int {
return x+10


getlocal 1
pushint 10


@1 arg +8// argv
@2 load [@1+4]
@3 imm 10
@4 add (@2,@3)
@5 ret @4 // @4:eax

In x86:

mov eax,(eap+8)
mov eax,(eax+4)
add eax,10

The difference in time for execution of the ABC code and x86 can be on the order of 10 to 100 times and easily justifies having an extra step such as the JIT process. In addition, the JIT process does dead code elimination, common expressions optimization, and constants folding. On the machine-code generation side, it adds optimized use of registers for local variables and instruction selection.

You need to help realize these benefits by carefully coding critical (as opposed to overoptimized) loops. For example, consider the following loop:

for (var i:int =0; I < array.length; i++) {
    if( array[i] == SomeClass.SOMECONSTANT)...

It can be optimized to produce very efficient machine code by removing calculations and references to other classes, thus keeping all references local and optimized:

var someConstant:String = SomeClass.SOMECONSTANT;
var len:int = array.length;

for (var i :int = 0; I < len; i++) {
    if (array[i] == someConstant)

JIT is great at providing machine code performance for heavy calculations, but it has to work with data types that the CPU is handling natively. At the very least, in order to make JIT effective, you should typecast to strong data types whenever possible. The cost of typecasting and fixed property access is lower than the cost of lookup, even for a single property.

JIT works only on class methods. As a result, all other class constructs—variable initialization on the class level and constructors—are processed in interpreter mode. You have to make a conscious effort to defer initialization from constructors to a later time so that JIT has a chance to perform.

Using the Flash Builder Profiler

The Flash Builder Profiler monitors memory consumption and the execution time. However, it monitors very specific execution aspects based on information available inside the Virtual Machine and currently is incomplete. For example, memory reported by the Profiler and memory reported by the OS will differ greatly, because the Profiler fails to account for the following:

  • Flash Player’s memory for code and system areas: hidden areas of properties associated with display objects

  • Memory used by JIT

  • The unfilled area of the 4 KB memory pages as a result of deallocated objects

More importantly, when showing memory used by object instances the Profiler will report the size used by object itself and not by subobjects. For example, if you are looking at 1,000 employee records, the Profiler will report the records to be of the same size, regardless of the sizes of last and first names. Only the size of the property pointing to the string values is going to be reported within the object. Actual memory used by strings will be reported separately, and it’s impossible to quantify it as belonging to employee records.

The second problem is that with deferred garbage collection there are a lot of issues with comparing memory snapshots of any sizable application. Finding holding references as opposed to circular ones is a tedious task and hopefully will be simplified in the next version of the tool.

As a result, it is usually impractical to check for memory leaks on the large application level. Most applications incorporate memory usage statistics like System.totalMemory into their logging facility to give developers an idea of possible memory issues during the development process. A much more interesting approach is to use the Profiler as a monitoring tool while developing individual modules. You also need to invoke System.gc() prior to taking memory snapshots so that irrelevant objects won’t sneak into your performance analysis.

As far as using the Profiler for performance analysis, it offers a lot more information. It will reveal the execution times of every function and cumulative times. Most importantly, it will provide insights into the true cost of excessive binding, initialization and rendering costs, and computational times. You would not be able to see the time spent in handling communications, loading code, and doing JIT and data parsing, but at least you can measure direct costs not related to the design issues but to the coding techniques.


Read about new Flash Builder 4 profiler features in the article by Jun Heider at

Performance Checklist

While planning for performance improvement of your RIA, consider the following five categories.

Startup time

To reduce startup time:

  • Use preloaders to quickly display either functional elements (logon, etc.) or some business-related news.

  • Design with modularization and optimization of .swf files (remove debug and metadata information).

  • Use RSLs, signed framework libraries.

  • Minimize initially displayed UI.

  • Externalize (don’t embed) large images and unnecessary resources.

  • Process large images to make them smaller for the Web.

UI performance

To improve user interface performance at startup:

  • Minimize usage of containers within containers (especially inside data grids). Most of the UI performance issues are derived from container measurement and layout code.

  • Defer object creation and initialization (don’t do it in constructors). If you postpone creation of UI controls up to the moment they become visible, you’ll have better performance. If you do not update the UI every time one of the properties changes but instead process them together (commitProperties()), you are most likely to execute common code sections responsible for rendering once instead of multiple times.

  • For some containers, use creationPolicy in queues for perceived initialization performance.

  • Provide adaptive user-controlled duration of effects. Although nice cinematographic effects are fine during application introduction, their timing and enablement should be controlled by users.

  • Minimize update of CSS during runtime. If you need to set a style based on data, do it early, preferably in the initialization stage of the control and not in the creationComplete event, as this minimizes the number of lookups.

  • Validate performance of data-bound controls (such as List-based controls) for scrolling and manipulation (sorting, filtering, etc.) early in development and with maximum data sets. Do not use the Flex Repeater component with sizable data sets.

  • Use the cacheAsBitmap property for fixed-size objects, but not on resizable and changeable objects.

I/O performance

To speed up I/O operations:

  • Use AMF rather than web services and XML-based protocols, especially for large (over 1 KB) result sets.

  • Use strong data types with AMF on both sides for the best performance and memory usage.

  • Use streaming for real-time information. If you have a choice, select the protocols in the following order: RTMP, AMF streaming, long polling.

  • Use lazy loading of data, especially with hierarchical data sets.

  • Try to optimize a legacy data feed; compress it on a proxy server at least, and provide an AMF wrapper at best.

Memory utilization

To use memory more efficiently:

  • Use strongly typed variables whenever possible, especially when you have a large number of instances.

  • Avoid using the XML format.

  • Provide usage-based classes for nonembedded resources. For example, when you build a photo album application, you do want to cache more than a screenful of images, so that scrolling becomes faster without reloading already scrolled images. The amount of utilized memory and common sense, however, should prevent you from keeping all images loaded.

  • Avoid unnecessary bindings (like binding used for initialization), as they produce tons of generated code and live objects. Provide initialization through your code when it is needed and has minimal performance impact.

  • Identify and minimize memory leaks using the Flash Builder Profiler.

Code execution performance

For better performance, you can make your code JIT-compliant by:

  • Minimizing references to other classes

  • Using strong data types

  • Using local variables to optimize data access

  • Keeping code out of initialization routines and constructors

Additional code performance tips are:

  • For applications working with a large amount of data, consider using the Vector data type (Flash Player 10 and later) over Array.

  • Bindings slow startup, as they require initialization of supporting classes; keep it minimal.


In this chapter, you learned how to create a small no-Flex logon (or any other) window that gets downloaded very quickly to the user’s computer, while the rest of the Flex code is still in transit.

You know how to create any application as a miniportal with a light main application that loads light modules that:

  • Don’t have the information from services-config.xml engraved into their bodies

  • Can be tested by a developer with no dependency on the work of other members of the team

You won’t think twice when it comes to modifying the code of even such a sacred cow as SystemManager to feed your needs. Well, you should think twice, but don’t get too scared if the source code of the Flex framework requires some surgery. If your version of the modified Flex SDK looks better than the original, submit it as a patch to be considered for inclusion in the future Flex build; the website is

While developing your enterprise RIA, keep a copy of the Performance Checklist handy and refer to it from the very beginning of the project.

If you’ve tried all the techniques that you know to minimize the size of a particular .swf file and you are still not satisfied with its size, as a last resort, create an ActionScript project in Flash Builder and rewrite this module without using MXML. This might help.

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