Windows System Programming

Fourth Edition

Johnson M. Hart


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  Windows system programming / Johnson M. Hart.
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To Andrew and William





Program Runs


About the Author

CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Windows

Operating System Essentials

Windows Evolution

Windows Versions

The Windows Market Role

Windows, Standards, and Open Systems

Windows Principles

32-bit and 64-bit Source Code Portability

The Standard C Library: When to Use It for File Processing

What You Need to Use This Book

Example: A Simple Sequential File Copy



CHAPTER 2 Using the Windows File System and Character I/O

The Windows File Systems

File Naming

Opening, Reading, Writing, and Closing Files

Interlude: Unicode and Generic Characters

Unicode Strategies

Example: Error Processing

Standard Devices

Example: Copying Multiple Files to Standard Output

Example: Simple File Encryption

File and Directory Management

Console I/O

Example: Printing and Prompting

Example: Printing the Current Directory



CHAPTER 3 Advanced File and Directory Processing, and the Registry

The 64-Bit File System

File Pointers

Getting the File Size

Example: Random Record Updates

File Attributes and Directory Processing

Example: Listing File Attributes

Example: Setting File Times

File Processing Strategies

File Locking

The Registry

Registry Management

Example: Listing Registry Keys and Contents



CHAPTER 4 Exception Handling

Exceptions and Their Handlers

Floating-Point Exceptions

Errors and Exceptions

Example: Treating Errors as Exceptions

Termination Handlers

Example: Using Termination Handlers to Improve Program Quality

Example: Using a Filter Function

Console Control Handlers

Example: A Console Control Handler

Vectored Exception Handling



CHAPTER 5 Memory Management, Memory-Mapped Files, and DLLs

Windows Memory Management Architecture


Managing Heap Memory

Example: Sorting Files with a Binary Search Tree

Memory-Mapped Files

Example: Sequential File Processing with Mapped Files

Example: Sorting a Memory-Mapped File

Example: Using Based Pointers

Dynamic Link Libraries

Example: Explicitly Linking a File Conversion Function

The DLL Entry Point

DLL Version Management



CHAPTER 6 Process Management

Windows Processes and Threads

Process Creation

Process Identities

Duplicating Handles

Exiting and Terminating a Process

Waiting for a Process to Terminate

Environment Blocks and Strings

Example: Parallel Pattern Searching

Processes in a Multiprocessor Environment

Process Execution Times

Example: Process Execution Times

Generating Console Control Events

Example: Simple Job Management

Example: Using Job Objects



CHAPTER 7 Threads and Scheduling

Thread Overview

Thread Basics

Thread Management

Using the C Library in Threads

Example: Multithreaded Pattern Searching

Performance Impact

The Boss/Worker and Other Threading Models

Example: Merge-Sort—Exploiting Multiple Processors

Introduction to Program Parallelism

Thread Local Storage

Process and Thread Priority and Scheduling

Thread States

Pitfalls and Common Mistakes

Timed Waits




CHAPTER 8 Thread Synchronization

The Need for Thread Synchronization

Thread Synchronization Objects


A CRITICAL_SECTION for Protecting Shared Variables

Example: A Simple Producer/Consumer System




Example: A Producer/Consumer System

More Mutex and CRITICAL_SECTION Guidelines

More Interlocked Functions

Memory Management Performance Considerations



CHAPTER 9 Locking, Performance, and NT6 Enhancements

Synchronization Performance Impact

A Model Program for Performance Experimentation

Tuning Multiprocessor Performance with CS Spin Counts

NT6 Slim Reader/Writer Locks

Thread Pools to Reduce Thread Contention

I/O Completion Ports

NT6 Thread Pools

Summary: Locking Performance

Parallelism Revisited

Processor Affinity

Performance Guidelines and Pitfalls



CHAPTER 10 Advanced Thread Synchronization

The Condition Variable Model and Safety Properties

Using SignalObjectAndWait

Example: A Threshold Barrier Object

A Queue Object

Example: Using Queues in a Multistage Pipeline

Windows NT6 Condition Variables

Asynchronous Procedure Calls

Queuing Asynchronous Procedure Calls

Alertable Wait States

Safe Thread Cancellation

Pthreads for Application Portability

Thread Stacks and the Number of Threads

Hints for Designing, Debugging, and Testing

Beyond the Windows API



CHAPTER 11 Interprocess Communication

Anonymous Pipes

Example: I/O Redirection Using an Anonymous Pipe

Named Pipes

Named Pipe Transaction Functions

Example: A Client/Server Command Line Processor

Comments on the Client/Server Command Line Processor


Pipe and Mailslot Creation, Connection, and Naming

Example: A Server That Clients Can Locate



CHAPTER 12 Network Programming with Windows Sockets

Windows Sockets

Socket Server Functions

Socket Client Functions

Comparing Named Pipes and Sockets

Example: A Socket Message Receive Function

Example: A Socket-Based Client

Example: A Socket-Based Server with New Features

In-Process Servers

Line-Oriented Messages, DLL Entry Points, and TLS

Example: A Thread-Safe DLL for Socket Messages

Example: An Alternative Thread-Safe DLL Strategy


Berkeley Sockets versus Windows Sockets

Overlapped I/O with Windows Sockets

Windows Sockets Additional Features



CHAPTER 13 Windows Services

Writing Windows Services—Overview

The main() Function

ServiceMain() Functions

The Service Control Handler

Event Logging

Example: A Service “Wrapper”

Managing Windows Services

Summary: Service Operation and Management

Example: A Service Control Shell

Sharing Kernel Objects with a Service

Notes on Debugging a Service



CHAPTER 14 Asynchronous Input/Output and Completion Ports

Overview of Windows Asynchronous I/O

Overlapped I/O

Example: Synchronizing on a File Handle

Example: File Conversion with Overlapped I/O and Multiple Buffers

Extended I/O with Completion Routines

Example: File Conversion with Extended I/O

Asynchronous I/O with Threads

Waitable Timers

Example: Using a Waitable Timer

I/O Completion Ports

Example: A Server Using I/O Completion Ports



CHAPTER 15 Securing Windows Objects

Security Attributes

Security Overview: The Security Descriptor

Security Descriptor Control Flags

Security Identifiers

Managing ACLs

Example: UNIX-Style Permission for NTFS Files

Example: Initializing Security Attributes

Reading and Changing Security Descriptors

Example: Reading File Permissions

Example: Changing File Permissions

Securing Kernel and Communication Objects

Example: Securing a Process and Its Threads

Overview of Additional Security Features



APPENDIX A Using the Sample Programs

Examples File Organization

APPENDIX B Source Code Portability: Windows, UNIX, and Linux

Source Code Portability Strategies

Windows Services for UNIX

Source Code Portability for Windows Functionality

Chapters 2 and 3: File and Directory Management

Chapter 4: Exception Handling

Chapter 5: Memory Management, Memory-Mapped Files, and DLLs

Chapter 6: Process Management

Chapter 7: Threads and Scheduling

Chapters 8–10: Thread Synchronization

Chapter 11: Interprocess Communication

Chapter 14: Asynchronous I/O

Chapter 15: Securing Windows Objects

APPENDIX C Performance Results

Test Configurations

Performance Measurements

Running the Tests




3-1 The Registry Editor 87

4-1 SEH, Blocks, and Functions 103

4-2 Exception Handling Sequence 108

5-1 Windows Memory Management Architecture 133

5-2 Memory Management in Multiple Heaps 144

5-3 A File Mapped into Process Address Space 153

5-4 Shared Memory 154

5-5 Sorting with a Memory-Mapped Index File 163

6-1 A Process and Its Threads 183

6-2 Process Handle Tables 189

6-3 File Searching Using Multiple Processes 198

7-1 Threads in a Server Environment 226

7-2 Merge-Sort with Multiple Threads 238

7-3 Thread Local Storage within a Process 245

7-4 Thread States and Transitions 250

7-5 Control Flow among Fibers in a Thread 255

8-1 Unsynchronized Threads Sharing Memory 261

8-2 Memory System Architecture 264

8-3 Synchronized Threads Sharing Memory 272

10-1 Multistage Pipeline 353

11-1 Process-to-Process Communication Using an Anonymous Pipe 381

11-2 Clients and Servers Using Named Pipes 385

11-3 Clients Using a Mailslot to Locate a Server 403

13-1 Controlling Windows Services through the SCM 471

14-1 An Asynchronous File Update Model 488

14-2 Asynchronous I/O with Completion Routines 496

15-1 Constructing a Security Descriptor 521


3-1 Lock Request Logic 83

3-2 Locks and I/O Operation 84

8-1 Summary of Event Behavior 289

8-2 Comparison of Windows Synchronization Objects 293

9-1 Mutex and CS Performance with Multiple Processors 306

11-1 Named Pipes: Creating, Connecting, and Naming 405

11-2 Mailslots: Creating, Connecting, and Naming 405

13-1 Service Types 458

13-2 Service State Values 459

13-3 Controls That a Service Accepts (Partial List) 459

B-1 Chapters 2 and 3: File and Directory Management 556

B-2 Chapter 4: Exception Handling 561

B-3 Chapter 5: Memory Management, Memory-Mapped Files, and DLLs 562

B-4 Chapter 6: Process Management 563

B-5 Chapter 7: Threads and Scheduling 565

B-6 Chapters 8–10: Thread Synchronization 567

B-7 Chapter 11: Interprocess Communication 569

B-8 Chapter 14: Asynchronous I/O 571

B-9 Chapter 15: Securing Windows Objects 572

C-1 File Copy Performance 580

C-2 File Conversion Performance 582

C-3 Word Counting Performance 584

C-4 Random File Record Access 586

C-5 Locking Performance 588

C-6 Multithreaded Pipeline Performance on a Four-Processor Desktop 590


1-1 cpC: File Copying with the C Library 13

1-2 cpW: File Copying with Windows, First Implementation 17

1-3 cpCF: File Copying with a Windows Convenience Function 19

2-1 ReportError: Reporting System Call Errors 39

2-2 cat: File Concatenation to Standard Output 41

2-3 cci: File Encryption with Error Reporting 44

2-4 cci_f: File Conversion Function 45

2-5 PrintMsg: Console Prompt and Print Utility Functions 54

2-6 pwd: Printing the Current Directory 55

3-1 RecordAccess: Direct File Access 66

3-2 lsW: File Listing and Directory Traversal 75

3-3 touch: Setting File Times 79

3-4 lsReg: Listing Registry Keys and Contents 92

4-1 ReportException: Exception Reporting Function 112

4-2 toupper: File Processing with Error and Exception Recovery 118

4-3 Exception: Processing Exceptions and Termination 121

4-4 Filter: Exception Filtering 123

4-5 Ctrlc: Signal Handling Program 126

5-1 sortBT: Sorting with a Binary Search Tree 145

5-2 FillTree: Tree Management Functions 147

5-3 cci_fMM: File Conversion with Memory Mapping 157

5-4 sortFL: Sorting a File with Memory Mapping 159

5-5 sortMM: Based Pointers in an Index File 163

5-6 sortMM: Creating the Index File 165

5-7 cciEL: File Conversion with Explicit Linking 173

6-1 grepMP: Parallel Searching 198

6-2 timep: Process Times 203

6-3 JobShell: Create, List, and Kill Background Jobs 206

6-4 JobMgt: Creating New Job Information 209

6-5 JobMgt: Displaying Active Jobs 211

6-6 JobMgt: Getting the Process ID from a Job Number 212

6-7 JobObjectShell: Monitoring Processes with a Job Object 217

7-1 grepMT: Multithreaded Pattern Searching 233

7-2 sortMT: Merge-Sort with Multiple Threads 239

8-1 simplePC: A Simple Producer and Consumer 274

8-2 eventPC: A Signaling Producer and Consumer 290

9-1 statsMX: Maintaining Thread Statistics 303

9-2 statsSRW_VTP: Thread Performance with a Thread Pool 320

10-1 SynchObj.h: Part 1—Threshold Barrier Definitions 345

10-2 ThbObject: Implementing the Threshold Barrier 345

10-3 SynchObj.h: Part 2—Queue Definitions 348

10-4 QueueObj: The Queue Management Functions 349

10-5 ThreeStage: A Multistage Pipeline 354

10-6 QueueObjCV: The Queue Management Functions 363

10-7 QueueObjCancel: Queue Functions Modified for Cancellation 369

11-1 Redirect: Interprocess Communication 381

11-2 clientNP: Named Pipe Connection-Oriented Client 393

11-3 serverNP: Multithreaded Named Pipe Server Program 395

11-4 SrvrBcst: Mailslot Client Thread Function 406

11-5 LocSrver: Mailslot Server 407

12-1 clientSK: Socket-Based Client 424

12-2 serverSK: Socket-Based Server with In-Process Servers 427

12-3 serverSK: Server Thread Code 431

12-4 commandIP: Sample In-Process Servers 435

12-5 SendReceiveSKST: Thread-Safe DLL 438

12-6 SendReceiveSKHA: Thread-Safe DLL with a State Structure 443

13-1 main: The Main Service Entry Point 455

13-2 SimpleService: A Service Wrapper 462

13-3 ServiceShell: A Service Control Program 472

14-1 cciOV: File Conversion with Overlapped I/O 488

14-2 cciEX: File Conversion with Extended I/O 497

14-3 TimeBeep: A Periodic Signal 503

14-4 serverCP: A Server Using a Completion Port 510

15-1 chmodW: Change File Permissions 528

15-2 lsFP: List File Permissions 530

15-3 InitUnSA: Initializing Security Attributes 532

15-4 ReadFilePermissions: Reading Security Attributes 537

15-5 ChangeFilePermissions: Changing Security Attributes 539

15-6 ServerNP: Securing a Named Pipe 540

Program Runs

1-1 cpC: Execution and Test 15

1-2 cpW: Execution and Test 18

1-3 cpCF: Execution and Test, with Timing 20

2-2 cat: Results, with ReportError Output 43

2-3 cci: Caesar Cipher Run and Test 45

2-6 pwd: Determining the Current Directory 56

3-1 RecordAccess: Writing, Reading, and Deleting Records 69

3-2 lsW: Listing Files and Directories 78

3-3 touch: Changing File Time and Creating New Files 79

3-4 lsReg: Listing Registry Keys, Values, and Data 96

4-2 toupper: Converting Text Files to Uppercase 120

4-4 Filter: Exception Filtering 124

4-5 Ctrlc: Interrupting Program Execution from the Console 128

5-2 sortBT: Sorting Small and Large Text Files 148

5-3 cciMM: File Conversion with Memory-Mapped Files 159

5-4 sortFL: Sorting in Memory with File Mapping 161

5-6 sortMM: Sorting Using Based Pointers and Mapping 166

5-7 cciEL: Explicit Linking to a DLL 174

6-1 grepMP: Parallel Searching 200

6-6 JobShell: Managing Multiple Processes 213

6-7 JobObjectShell: Monitoring Processes with a Job Object 216

7-1 grepMT: Multithreaded Pattern Searching 235

7-2a sortMT: Sorting with Multiple Threads 242

7-2b sortMT: Sorting with Multiple Threads and a Larger File 243

8-1 simplePC: Periodic Messages, Consumed on Demand 277

8-2 eventPC: Producing and Consuming Messages 292

9-1a statsXX: Performance with Different Locking Techniques 305

9-1b statsXX: Comparing SRW and CS Performance 312

9-1c statsMX: Using a Semaphore Throttle 315

9-2 statsSRW: Using a Thread Pool, Fast and Slow Workers 322

10-2 testTHB: Testing the Threshold Barrier Functions 347

10-5a ThreeStage[_Sig]: Mutex Broadcast and Signaling 360

10-5b ThreeStageCS[_Sig]: CS Broadcast and Signaling 361

10-6 ThreeStageCV: Condition Variable and CS Performance 366

11-1 Redirect: Using an Anonymous Pipe 383

11-3 serverNP: Servicing Several Clients 400

11-4 clientNP: Client Commands and Results 401

12-1 clientSK: Socket Client Operation 425

12-3 serverSK: Requests from Several Clients 433

13-2a SimpleService: Controlled by sc 466

13-2b SimpleServiceLog.txt: The Log File 467

13-3 ServiceShell: Managing Services 476

14-1 cciOV: Comparing Performance and Testing Results 491

14-2 cciEX: Overlapped I/O with Completion Routines 499

15-2 chmodW, lsFP: UNIX-like File Permissions 531


This book describes application development using the Microsoft Windows Application Programming Interface (API), concentrating on the core system services, including the file system, process and thread management, interprocess communication, network programming, and synchronization. The examples concentrate on realistic scenarios, and in many cases they’re based on real applications I’ve encountered in practice.

The Win32/Win64 API, or the Windows API, is supported by Microsoft’s family of 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems; versions currently supported and widely used include Windows 7, XP, Vista, Server 2003, Server 2008, and CE. Older Windows family members include Windows 2000, NT, Me, 98, and 95; these systems are obsolete, but many topics in this book still apply to these older systems.

The Windows API is an important factor for application development, frequently replacing the POSIX API (supported by UNIX and Linux) as the preferred API for applications targeted at desktop, server, and embedded systems now and for the indefinite future. Many programmers, regardless of experience level, need to learn the Windows API quickly, and this book is designed for them to do so.

Objectives and Approach

The objectives I’ve set for the book are to explain what Windows is, show how to use it in realistic situations, and do so as quickly as possible without burdening you with unnecessary detail. This book is not a reference guide, but it explains the central features of the most important functions and shows how to use them together in practical programming situations. Equipped with this knowledge, you will be able to use the comprehensive Microsoft reference documentation to explore details, advanced options, and the more obscure functions as requirements or interests dictate. I have found the Windows API easy to learn using this approach and have greatly enjoyed developing Windows programs, despite occasional frustration. This enthusiasm will show through at times, as it should. This does not mean that I feel that Windows is necessarily better than other operating system (OS) APIs, but it certainly has many attractive features and improves significantly with each major new release.

Many Windows books spend a great deal of time explaining how processes, virtual memory, interprocess communication, and preemptive scheduling work without showing how to use them in realistic situations. A programmer experienced in UNIX, Linux, IBM MVS, or another OS will be familiar with these concepts and will be impatient to find out how they are implemented in Windows. Most Windows books also spend a great deal of space on the important topic of user interface programming. This book intentionally avoids the user interface, beyond discussing simple character-based console I/O, in the interest of concentrating on the important core features.

I’ve taken the point of view that Windows is just an OS API, providing a well-understood set of features. Many programmers, regardless of experience level, need to learn Windows quickly. Furthermore, understanding the Windows API is invaluable background for programmers developing for the Microsoft .NET Framework.

The Windows systems, when compared with other systems, have good, bad, and average features and quality. Recent releases (Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008) provide new features, such as condition variables, that both improve performance and simplify programming. The purpose of this book is to show how to use those features efficiently and in realistic situations to develop practical, high-quality, and high-performance applications.


I’ve enjoyed receiving valuable input, ideas, and feedback from readers in all areas of the target audience, which includes:

• Anyone who wants to learn about Windows application development quickly, regardless of previous experience.

• Programmers and software engineers who want to port existing Linux or UNIX (the POSIX API) applications to Windows. Frequently, the source code must continue to support POSIX; that is, source code portability is a requirement. The book frequently compares Windows, POSIX, and standard C library functions and programming models.

• Developers starting new projects who are not constrained by the need to port existing code. Many aspects of program design and implementation are covered, and Windows functions are used to create useful applications and to solve common programming problems.

• Application architects and designers who need to understand Windows capabilities and principles.

• Programmers using COM and the .NET Framework, who will find much of the information here helpful in understanding topics such as dynamic link libraries (DLLs), thread usage and models, interfaces, and synchronization.

• Computer science students at the upper-class undergraduate or beginning graduate level in courses covering systems programming or application development. This book will also be useful to those who are learning multithreaded programming or need to build networked applications. This book would be a useful complementary text to a classic book such as Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (by W. Richard Stevens and Stephen A. Rago) so that students could compare Windows and UNIX. Students in OS courses will find this book to be a useful supplement because it illustrates how a commercially important OS provides essential functionality.

The only other assumption, implicit in all the others, is a knowledge of C or C++ programming.

Windows Progress Since the Previous Editions

The first edition of this book, titled Win32 System Programming, was published in 1997 and was updated with the second edition (2000) and the third edition (2004). Much has changed, and much has stayed the same since these previous editions, and Windows has been part of ongoing, rapid progress in computing technology. The outstanding factors to me that explain the fourth edition changes are the following:

• The Windows API is extremely stable. Programs written in 1997 continue to run on the latest Windows releases, and Windows skills learned now or even years ago will be valuable for decades to come.

• Nonetheless, the API has expanded, and there are new features and functions that are useful and sometimes mandatory. Three examples of many that come to mind and have been important in my work are (1) the ability to work easily with large files and large, 64-bit address spaces, (2) thread pools, and (3) the new condition variables that efficiently solve an important synchronization problem.

• Windows scales from phones to handheld and embedded devices to laptops and desktop systems and up to the largest servers.

• Windows has grown and scaled from the modest resources required in 1997 (16MB of RAM and 250MB of free disk space!) to operate efficiently on systems orders of magnitude larger and faster but often cheaper.

• 64-bit systems, multicore processors, and large file systems are common, and our application programs must be able to exploit these systems. Frequently, the programs must also continue to run on 32-bit systems.

Changes in the Fourth Edition

This fourth edition presents extensive new material along with updates and reorganization to keep up with recent progress and:

• Covers important new features in Windows 7, Vista, and Server 2008.

• Demonstrates example program operation and performance with screenshots.

• Describes and illustrates techniques to assure that relevant applications scale to run on 64-bit systems and can use large files. Enhancements throughout the book address this issue.

• Eliminates discussion of Windows 95, 98, and Me (the “Windows 9x” family), as well as NT and other obsolete systems. Program examples freely exploit features supported only in current Windows versions.

• Provides enhanced coverage of threads, synchronization, and parallelism, including performance, scalability, and reliability considerations.

• Emphasizes the important role and new features of Windows servers running high-performance, scalable, multithreaded applications.

• Studies performance implications of different program designs, especially in file access and multithreaded applications with synchronization and parallel programs running on multicore systems.

• Addresses source code portability to assure operation on Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems. Appendix B is enhanced from the previous versions to help those who need to build code, usually for server applications, that will run on multiple target platforms.

• Incorporates large quantities of excellent reader and reviewer feedback to fix defects, improve explanations, improve the organization, and address numerous details, large and small.


Chapters are organized topically so that the features required in even a single-threaded application are covered first, followed by process and thread management features, and finally network programming in a multithreaded environment. This organization allows you to advance logically from file systems to memory management and file mapping, and then to processes, threads, and synchronization, followed by interprocess and network communication and security. This organization also allows the examples to evolve in a natural way, much as a developer might create a simple prototype and then add additional capability. The advanced features, such as asynchronous I/O and security, appear last.

Within each chapter, after introducing the functionality area, such as process management or memory-mapped files, we discuss important Windows functions and their relationships in detail. Illustrative examples follow. Within the text, only essential program segments are listed; complete projects, programs, include files, utility functions, and documentation are on the book’s Web site ( Throughout, we identify those features supported only by current Windows versions. Each chapter suggests related additional reading and gives some exercises. Many exercises address interesting and important issues that did not fit within the normal text, and others suggest ways for you to explore advanced or specialized topics.

Chapter 1 is a high-level introduction to the Windows OS family and Windows. A simple example program shows the basic elements of Windows programming style and lays the foundation for more advanced Windows features. Win64 compatibility issues are introduced in Chapter 1 and are included throughout the book.

Chapters 2 and 3 deal with file systems, console I/O, file locking, and directory management. Unicode, the extended character set used by Windows, is also introduced in Chapter 2. Examples include sequential and direct file processing, directory traversal, and management. Chapter 3 ends with a discussion of registry management programming, which is analogous in many ways to file and directory management.

Chapter 4 introduces Windows exception handling, including Structured Exception Handling (SEH), which is used extensively throughout the book. By introducing it early, we can use SEH throughout and simplify some programming tasks and improve quality. Vectored exception handling is also described.

Chapter 5 treats Windows memory management and shows how to use memory-mapped files both to simplify programming and to improve performance. This chapter also covers DLLs. An example compares memory-mapped file access performance and scalability to normal file I/O on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Chapter 6 introduces Windows processes, process management, and simple process synchronization. Chapter 7 then describes thread management in similar terms and introduces parallelism to exploit multiprocessor systems. Examples in each chapter show the many benefits of using threads and processes, including program simplicity and performance.

Chapters 8, 9, and 10 give an extended, in-depth treatment of Windows thread synchronization, thread pools, and performance considerations. These topics are complex, and the chapters use extended examples and well-understood models to help you obtain the programming and performance benefits of threads while avoiding the numerous pitfalls. New material covers new functionality along with performance and scalability issues, which are important when building server-based applications, including those that will run on multiprocessor systems.

Chapters 11 and 12 are concerned with interprocess and interthread communication and networking. Chapter 11 concentrates on the features that are properly part of Windows—namely, anonymous pipes, named pipes, and mailslots. Chapter 12 discusses Windows Sockets, which allow interoperability with non-Windows systems using industry-standard protocols, primarily TCP/IP. Windows Sockets, while not strictly part of the Windows API, provide for network and Internet communication and interoperability, and the subject matter is consistent with the rest of the book. A multithreaded client/server system illustrates how to use interprocess communication along with threads.

Chapter 13 describes how Windows allows server applications, such as the ones created in Chapters 11 and 12, to be converted to Windows Services that can be managed as background servers. Some small programming changes will turn the servers into services.

Chapter 14 shows how to perform asynchronous I/O using overlapped I/O with events and completion routines. You can achieve much the same thing with threads, so examples compare the different solutions for simplicity and performance. In particular, as of Windows Vista, completion routines provide very good performance. The closely related I/O completion ports are useful for some scalable multithreaded servers, so this feature is illustrated with the server programs from earlier chapters. The final topic is waitable timers, which require concepts introduced earlier in the chapter.

Chapter 15 briefly explains Windows object security, showing, in an example, how to emulate UNIX-style file permissions. Additional examples shows how to secure processes, threads, and named pipes. Security upgrades can then be applied to the earlier examples as appropriate.

There are three appendixes. Appendix A describes the example code that you can download from the book’s Web site ( Appendix B shows how to create source code that can also be built to run on POSIX (Linux and UNIX) systems; this requirement is common with server applications and organizations that need to support systems other than just Windows. Appendix C compares the performance of alternative implementations of some of the text examples so that you can gauge the trade-offs between Windows features, both basic and advanced.

UNIX and C Library Notes and Tables

Within the text at appropriate points, we contrast Windows style and functionality with the comparable POSIX (UNIX and Linux) and ANSI Standard C library features. Appendix B reviews source code portability and also contains a table listing these comparable functions. This information is included for two principal reasons:

• Many people are familiar with UNIX or Linux and are interested in the comparisons between the two systems. If you don’t have a UNIX/Linux background, feel free to skip those paragraphs in the text, which are indented and set in a smaller font.

• Source code portability is important to many developers and organizations.


The examples are designed to:

• Illustrate common, representative, and useful applications of the Windows functions.

• Correspond to real programming situations encountered in program development, consulting, and training. Some of my clients and course participants have used the code examples as the bases for their own systems. During consulting activities, I frequently encounter code that is similar to that used in the examples, and on several occasions I have seen code taken directly or modified from previous editions. (Feel free to do so yourself; an acknowledgment in your documentation would be greatly appreciated.) Frequently, this code occurs as part of COM, .NET, or C++ objects. The examples, subject to time and space constraints, are “real-world” examples and solve “real-world” problems.

• Emphasize how the functions actually behave and interact, which is not always as you might first expect after reading the documentation. Throughout this book, the text and the examples concentrate on interactions between functions rather than on the functions themselves.

• Grow and expand, both adding new capability to a previous solution in a natural manner and exploring alternative implementation techniques.

• Implement UNIX/Linux commands, such as ls, touch, chmod, and sort, showing the Windows functions in a familiar context while creating a useful set of utilities.1 Different implementations of the same command also give us an easy way to compare performance benefits available with advanced Windows features. Appendix C contains the performance test results.

1 Several commercial and open source products provide complete sets of UNIX/Linux utilities; there is no intent to supplement them. These examples, although useful, are primarily intended to illustrate Windows usage. Anyone unfamiliar with UNIX or Linux should not, however, have any difficulty understanding the programs or their functionality.

Examples in the early chapters are usually short, but the later chapters present longer examples when appropriate.

Exercises at the end of each chapter suggest alternative designs, subjects for investigation, and additional functionality that is important but beyond the book’s scope. Some exercises are easy, and a few are very challenging. Frequently, clearly labeled defective solutions are provided, because fixing the bugs is an excellent way to sharpen skills.

All examples have been debugged and tested under Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008, XP, and earlier systems. Testing included 32-bit and 64-bit versions. All programs were also tested on both single-processor and multiprocessor systems using as many as 16 processors. The client/server applications have been tested using multiple clients simultaneously interacting with a server. Nonetheless, there is no guarantee or assurance of program correctness, completeness, or fitness for any purpose. Undoubtedly, even the simplest examples contain defects or will fail under some conditions; such is the fate of nearly all software. I will, however, gratefully appreciate any messages regarding program defects—and, better still, fixes, and I’ll post this information on the book’s Web site so that everyone will benefit.

The Web Site

The book’s Web site ( contains a downloadable Examples file with complete code and projects for all the book’s examples, a number of exercise solutions, alternative implementations, instructions, and performance evaluation tests. This material will be updated periodically to include new material and corrections.

The Web site also contains book errata, along with additional examples, reader contributions, additional explanations, and much more. The site also contains PowerPoint slides that can be used for noncommercial instructional purposes. I’ve used these slides numerous times in professional training courses, and they are also suitable for college courses.

The material will be updated as required when defects are fixed and as new input is received. If you encounter any difficulties with the programs or any material in the book, check these locations first because there may already be a fix or explanation. If that does not answer your question, feel free to send e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected].


Numerous people have provided assistance, advice, and encouragement during the fourth edition’s preparation, and readers have provided many important ideas and corrections. The Web site acknowledges the significant contributions that have found their way into the fourth edition, and the first three editions acknowledge earlier valuable contributions. See the Web site for a complete list.

Three reviewers deserve the highest possible praise and thanks for their incisive comments, patience, excellent suggestions, and deep expertise. Chris Sells, Jason Beres, and especially Raymond Chen made contributions that improved the book immeasurably. To the best of my ability, I’ve revised the text to address their points and invaluable input.

Numerous friends and colleagues also deserve a note of special thanks; I’ve learned a lot from them over the years, and many of their ideas have found their way into the book in one way or another. They’ve also been generous in providing access to test systems. In particular, I’d like to thank my friends at Sierra Atlantic, Cilk Arts (now part of Intel), Vault USA, and Rimes Technologies.

Anne H. Smith, the compositor, used her skill, persistence, and patience to prepare this new edition for publication; the book simply would not have been possible without her assistance. Anne and her husband, Kerry, also have generously tested the sample programs on their equipment.

The staff at Addison-Wesley exhibited the professionalism and expertise that make an author’s work a pleasure. Joan Murray, the editor, and Karen Gettman, the editor-in-chief, worked with the project from the beginning making sure that no barriers got in the way and assuring that hardly any schedules slipped. Olivia Basegio, the editorial assistant, managed the process throughout, and John Fuller and Elizabeth Ryan from production made the production process seem almost simple. Anna Popick, the project editor, guided the final editing steps and schedule. Carol Lallier and Lori Newhouse, the copy editor and proofreader, made valuable contributions to the book’s readability and consistency.

Johnson (John) M. Hart
[email protected]
December, 2009

About the Author

Johnson (John) M. Hart is a consultant in the fields of Microsoft Windows and .NET application development, open systems computing, technical training and writing, and software engineering. He has more than twenty-five years of experience as a software engineer, manager, engineering director, and senior technology consultant at Cilk Arts, Inc., Sierra Atlantic, Hewlett-Packard, and Apollo Computer. John also develops and delivers professional training courses in Windows, UNIX, and Linux and was a computer science professor at the University of Kentucky for nine years. He is the author of technical, trade, and academic articles and books including the first, second, and third editions of Windows System Programming.

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