Magnetic disk drives

Disk drives came into being as random-access file-storage devices for digital computers. However, the explosion in personal computers has fuelled demand for low-cost high-density magnetic disk drives and the rapid access offered is increasingly finding applications in digital audio to the detriment of tape-based storage.

9.1 Types of disk drive

The disk drive was developed specifically to offer rapid random access to stored data. Figure 9.1 shows that, in a magnetic disk drive, the data are recorded on a circular track. In floppy disks, the magnetic medium is flexible, and the head touches it. This restricts the rotational speed. In hard-disk drives, the disk rotates at several thousand rev/min so that the head-to-disk speed is of the order of one hundred miles per hour. At this speed no contact can be tolerated, and the head flies on a boundary layer of air turning with the disk at a height measured in microinches. The longest time it is necessary to wait to access a given data block is a few milliseconds. To increase the storage capacity of the drive without a proportional increase in cost, many concentric tracks are recorded on the disk surface, and the head is mounted on a positioner that can rapidly bring the head to any desired track. Such a machine is termed a moving-head disk drive. The positioner was usually designed so that it could remove the heads away from the disk completely, which could thus be exchanged. The exchangeable-pack moving-head disk drive became the standard for mainframe and minicomputers for a long time, and usually at least two were furnished so that important data could be ‘backed up’ or copied to a second disk for safe keeping.

Figure 9.1 The rotating store concept. Data on the rotating circular track are repeatedly presented to the head.


Later came the so-called Winchester technology disks, where the disk and positioner formed a sealed unit that allowed increased storage capacity but precluded exchange of the disk pack.

Disk drive development has been phenomenally rapid. The first flying head disks were about 3 feet across, whereas now they are small enough to fit in laptop computers. Despite the reduction in size, the storage capacity is not compromised because the recording density has increased and continues to increase. In fact there is an advantage in making a drive smaller because the moving parts are then lighter and travel a shorter distance, improving access time.

Figure 9.2 shows a typical multi-platter disk pack in conceptual form. Given a particular set of coordinates (cylinder, head, sector), known as a disk physical address, one unique data block is defined. The subdivision into sectors is sometimes omitted for special applications. Figure 9.3 introduces the essential subsystems of a disk drive that will be discussed.

Figure 9.2 Disk terminology. Surface: one side of a platter. Track: path described on a surface by a fixed head. Cylinder: imaginary shape intersecting all surfaces at tracks of the same radius. Sector: angular subdivision of pack. Block: that part of a track within one sector. Each block has a unique cylinder, head and sector address.


Figure 9.3 The main subsystems of a typical disk drive.


9.2 Structure of disk

Rigid or ‘hard’ disks are made from aluminium alloy. Magnetic-oxide types use an aluminium oxide substrate, or undercoat, giving a flat surface to which the oxide binder can adhere. Later metallic disks are electroplated with the magnetic medium. In both cases the surface finish must be extremely good owing to the very small flying height of the head. As the head-to-disk speed and recording density are functions of track radius, the data are confined to the outer areas of the disks to minimize the change in these parameters. As a result, the centre of the pack is often an empty well. In fixed (i.e. non-interchangeable) disks the drive motor is often installed in the centre well.

9.3 Principle of flying head

Disk drives permanently sacrifice storage density in order to offer rapid access. The use of a flying head with a deliberate air gap between it and the medium is necessary because of the high medium speed, but this causes a severe separation loss that restricts the linear density available. The air gap must be accurately maintained, and consequently the head is of low mass and is mounted flexibly.

The aerohydrodynamic part of the head is known as the slipper; it is designed to provide lift from the boundary layer that changes rapidly with changes in flying height. It is not initially obvious that the difficulty with disk heads is not making them fly, but making them fly close enough to the disk surface. The boundary layer travelling at the disk surface has the same speed as the disk, but as height increases, it slows down due to drag from the surrounding air. As the lift is a function of relative air speed, the closer the slipper comes to the disk, the greater the lift will be. The slipper is therefore mounted at the end of a rigid cantilever sprung towards the medium. The force with which the head is pressed towards the disk by the spring is equal to the lift at the designed flying height. Because of the spring, the head may rise and fall over small warps in the disk.

It would be virtually impossible to manufacture disks flat enough to dispense with this feature. As the slipper negotiates a warp it will pitch and roll in addition to rising and falling, but it must be prevented from yawing, as this would cause an azimuth error. Downthrust is applied to the aerodynamic centre by a spherical thrust button, and the required degrees of freedom are supplied by a thin flexible gimbal. The slipper has to bleed away surplus air in order to approach close enough to the disk, and holes or grooves are usually provided for this purpose in the same way that pinch rollers on some tape decks have grooves to prevent tape slip.

In exchangeable-pack drives, there will be a ramp on the side of the cantilever that engages a fixed block when the heads are retracted in order to lift them away from the disk surface.

9.4 Reading and writing

Figure 9.4 shows how disk heads are made. The magnetic circuit of disk heads was originally assembled from discrete magnetic elements. As the gap and flying height became smaller to increase linear recording density, the slipper was made from ferrite, and became part of the magnetic circuit. This was completed by a small C-shaped ferrite piece that carried the coil. In thin-film heads, the magnetic circuit and coil are both formed by deposition on a substrate that becomes the rear of the slipper.

In a moving-head device it is difficult to position separate erase, record and playback heads accurately. Usually, erase is by overwriting, and reading and writing are both carried out by the same head. The presence of the air film causes severe separation loss, and peak shift distortion is a major problem. The flying height of the head varies with the radius of the disk track, and it is difficult to provide accurate equalization of the replay channel because of this. The write current is often controlled as a function of track radius so that the changing reluctance of the air gap does not change the resulting record flux. Automatic gain control (AGC) is used on replay to compensate for changes in signal amplitude from the head.

Equalization may be used on recording in the form of precompensation, which moves recorded transitions in such a way as to oppose the effects of peak shift in addition to any replay equalization used. This was discussed in Chapter 6, which also introduced digital channel coding. Early disks used FM coding, which was easy to decode, but had a poor density ratio. Later disks use group codes.

Typical drives have several heads, but with the exception of special-purpose parallel-transfer machines for digital video or instrumentation work, only one head will be active at any one time, which means that the read and write circuitry can be shared between the heads. Figure 9.5 shows that in one approach the centre-tapped heads are isolated by connecting the centre tap to a negative voltage, which reverse-biases the matrix diodes. The centre tap of the selected head is made positive. When reading, a small current flows through both halves of the head winding, as the diodes are forward-biased. Opposing currents in the head cancel, but read signals due to transitions on the medium can pass through the forward-biased diodes to become differential signals on the matrix bus. During writing, the current from the write generator passes alternately through the two halves of the head coil. Further isolation is necessary to prevent the write-current-induced voltages from destroying the read preamplifier input. Alternatively, FET analog switches may be used for head selection.

Figure 9.4 (a) Winchester head construction showing large air bleed grooves. (b) Close-up of slipper showing magnetic circuit on trailing edge. (c) Thin-film head is fabricated on the end of the slipper using microcircuit technology.


The read channel usually incorporates AGC, which will be overridden by the control logic between data blocks in order to search for address marks, which are short unmodulated areas of track. As a block preamble is entered, the AGC will be enabled to allow a rapid gain adjustment.

The high bit rates of disk drives, due to the speed of the medium, mean that peak detection in the replay channel is usually by differentiation. The detected peaks are then fed to the data separator.

Figure 9.5 Representative head matrix.


9.5 Moving the heads

The servo system required to move the heads rapidly between tracks, and yet to hold them in place accurately for data transfer, is a fascinating and complex piece of engineering. In exchangeable pack drives, the disk positioner moves on a straight axis that passes through the spindle. Motive power is generally by moving-coil drive, because of the small moving mass that this technique permits.

When a drive is track following, it is said to be detented, in fine mode or in linear mode depending on the manufacturer. When a drive is seeking from one track to another, it can be described as being in coarse mode or velocity mode. These are the two major operating modes of the servo. Moving-coil actuators do not naturally detent and require power to stay on track. The servo system needs positional feedback of some kind. The purpose of the feedback will be one or more of the following:

1.  To count the number of cylinders crossed during a seek

2.  To generate a signal proportional to carriage velocity

3.  To generate a position error proportional to the distance from the centre of the desired track

Magnetic and optical drives obtain these feedback signals in different ways. Many drives incorporate a tacho that may be a magnetic moving-coil type or its complementary equivalent the moving-magnet type. Both generate a voltage proportional to velocity, and can give no positional information.

A seek is a process where the positioner moves from one cylinder to another. The speed with which a seek can be completed is a major factor in determining the access time of the drive. The main parameter controlling the carriage during a seek is the cylinder difference, which is obtained by subtracting the current cylinder address from the desired cylinder address. The cylinder difference will be a signed binary number representing the number of cylinders to be crossed to reach the target, direction being indicated by the sign. The cylinder difference is loaded into a counter that is decremented each time a cylinder is crossed. The counter drives a DAC that generates an analog voltage proportional to the cylinder difference. As Figure 9.6 shows, this voltage, known as the scheduled velocity is compared with the output of the carriage-velocity tacho. The difference between the two is a velocity error driving the carriage in such a way that the error is cancelled. As the carriage approaches the target cylinder, the cylinder difference becomes smaller, with the result that the run-in to the target is critically damped to eliminate overshoot.

Figure 9.7(a) shows graphs of scheduled velocity, actual velocity and motor current with respect to cylinder difference during a seek. In the first half of the seek, the actual velocity is less than the scheduled velocity, causing a large velocity error which saturates the amplifier and provides maximum carriage acceleration. In the second half of the graphs, the scheduled velocity is falling below the actual velocity, generating a negative velocity error that drives a reverse current through the motor to slow the carriage down. The scheduled deceleration slope can clearly not be steeper than the saturated acceleration slope. Areas A and B on the graph will be about equal, as the kinetic energy put into the carriage has to be taken out. The current through the motor is continuous, and would result in a heating problem, so to counter that, the DAC is made non-linear so that above a certain cylinder difference no increase in scheduled velocity will occur. This results in the graph of Figure 9.7(b). The actual velocity graph is called a velocity profile. It consists of three regions: acceleration, where the system is saturated; a constant velocity plateau, where the only power needed is to overcome friction; and the scheduled run-in to the desired cylinder. Dissipation is only significant in the first and last regions.

Figure 9.6 Control of carriage velocity by cylinder difference. The cylinder difference is loaded into the difference counter A. A digital-to-analog convertor generates an analog voltage from the cylinder difference, known as the scheduled velocity. This is compared with the actual velocity from the transducer B in order to generate the velocity error which drives the servo amplifier C.


Figure 9.7 In the simple arrangement in (a) the dissipation in the positioner is continuous, causing a heating problem. The effect of limiting the scheduled velocity above a certain cylinder difference is apparent in (b) where heavy positioner current only flows during acceleration and deceleration. During the plateau of the velocity profile, only enough current to overcome friction is necessary. The curvature of the acceleration slope is due to the back EMF of the positioner motor.


9.6 Rotation

The rotation subsystems of disk drives will now be covered. The track-following accuracy of a drive positioner will be impaired if there is bearing run-out, and so the spindle bearings are made to a high degree of precision. Most modern drives incorporate brushless DC motors with integral speed control. In exchangeablepack drives, some form of braking is usually provided to slow down the pack for convenient removal.

In order to control reading and writing, the drive control circuitry needs to know which cylinder the heads are on, and which sector is currently under the head. Sector information used to be obtained from a sensor that detects holes or slots cut in the hub of the disk. Modern drives will obtain this information from the disk surface as will be seen. The result is that a sector counter in the control logic remains in step with the physical rotation of the disk. The desired sector address is loaded into a register, which is compared with the sector counter. When the two match, the desired sector has been found. This process is referred to as a search, and usually takes place after a seek. Having found the correct physical place on the disk, the next step is to read the header associated with the data block to confirm that the disk address contained there is the same as the desired address.

9.7 Servo-surface disks

One of the major problems to be overcome in the development of high-density disk drives was that of keeping the heads on track despite changes of temperature. The very narrow tracks used in digital recording have similar dimensions to the amount a disk will expand as it warms up. The cantilevers and the drive base all expand and contract, conspiring with thermal drift in the cylinder transducer to limit track pitch. The breakthrough in disk density came with the introduction of the servo-surface drive. The position error in a servosurface drive is derived from a head reading the disk itself. This virtually eliminates thermal effects on head positioning and allows great increases in storage density.

In a multi-platter drive, one surface of the pack holds servo information that is read by the servo head. In a ten-platter pack this means that 5 per cent of the medium area is lost, but this is unimportant since the increase in density allowed is enormous. Using one side of a single-platter cartridge for servo information would be unacceptable as it represents 50 per cent of the medium area, so in this case the servo information can be interleaved with sectors on the data surfaces. This is known as an embedded-servo technique. These two approaches are contrasted in Figure 9.8. The servo surface is written at the time of disk pack manufacture, and the disk drive can only read it. Writing the servo surface has nothing to do with disk formatting, which affects the data storage areas only.

Figure 9.8 In a multiplatter disk pack, one surface is dedicated to servo information. In a single platter, the servo information is embedded in the data on the same surfaces.


9.8 Soft sectoring

It has been seen that a position error and a cylinder count can be derived from the servo surface, eliminating the cylinder transducer. As there is exactly the same number of pulses on every track on the servo surface, it is possible to describe the rotational position of the disk simply by counting them. All that is needed is an unique pattern of missing pulses once per revolution to act as an index point, and the sector transducer can also be eliminated.

The advantage of deriving the sector count from the servo surface is that the number of sectors on the disk can be varied. Any number of sectors may be accommodated if the pulse signal is fed through a programmable divider. The same disk and drive may then be used in numerous different applications.

9.9 Winchester technology

In order to offer extremely high capacity per spindle, which reduces the cost per bit, a disk drive must have very narrow tracks placed close together, and must use very short recorded wavelengths, which implies that the flying height of the heads must be small. The so-called Winchester technology is one approach to high storage density. The technology was first developed by IBM, and the name came about because the model number of the development drive was the same as that of the famous rifle.

Reduction in flying height magnifies the problem of providing a contaminantfree environment. A conventional disk is well protected whilst inside the drive, but outside the drive the effects of contamination become intolerable.

In exchangeable-pack drives, there is a real limit to the track pitch that can be achieved because of the difficulty or cost of engineering head-alignment mechanisms to make the necessary minute adjustments to give interchange compatibility.

The essence of Winchester technology is that each disk pack has its own set of read/write and servo heads, with an integral positioner. The whole is protected by a dust-free enclosure, and the unit is referred to as a head disk assembly, or HDA.

As the HDA contains its own heads, compatibility problems do not exist, and no head alignment is necessary or provided for. It is thus possible to reduce track pitch considerably compared with exchangeable pack drives. The sealed environment ensures complete cleanliness that permits a reduction in flying height without loss of reliability, and hence leads to an increased linear density. If the rotational speed is maintained, this can also result in an increase in data transfer rate.

The HDA is completely sealed, but some have a small filtered port to equalize pressure. Into this sealed volume of air, the drive motor delivers the majority of its power output. The heat that results is dissipated with the help of fins on the HDA casing. Some HDAs are filled with helium that significantly reduces drag and heat build-up.

An exchangeable-pack drive must retract the heads to facilitate pack removal. With Winchester technology this is not necessary. An area of the disk surface is reserved as a landing strip for the heads. The disk surface is lubricated, and the heads are designed to withstand landing and take-off without damage. Winchester heads have very large air-bleed grooves to allow low flying height with a much smaller down-thrust from the cantilever, and so they exert less force on the disk surface during contact. When the term parking is used in the context of Winchester technology, it refers to the positioning of the heads over the landing area. Disk rotation must be started and stopped quickly to minimize the length of time the heads slide over the medium.

Figure 9.9 When more than one head is used per surface, the positioner still only requires one servo head. This is often arranged to be equidistant from the read/write heads for thermal stability.


A major advantage of contact start/stop is that more than one head can be used on each surface if retraction is not needed. This leads to two gains: first, the travel of the positioner is reduced in proportion to the number of heads per surface, reducing access time; and, second, more data can be transferred at a given detented carriage position before a seek to the next cylinder becomes necessary. This increases the speed of long transfers. Figure 9.9 illustrates the relationships of the heads in such a system.

9.10 Rotary positioners

Figure 9.10 shows that rotary positioners are feasible in Winchester drives; they cannot be used in exchangeable-pack drives because of interchange problems. There are some advantages to a rotary positioner. It can be placed in the corner of a compact HDA allowing smaller overall size. The manufacturing cost will be less than a linear positioner because fewer bearings and precision bars are needed. Significantly, a rotary positioner can be made faster since its inertia is smaller. With a linear positioner all parts move at the same speed. In a rotary positioner, only the heads move at full speed, as the parts closer to the shaft must move more slowly. The principle of many rotary positioners is exactly that of a moving-coil ammeter, where current is converted directly into torque.

Figure 9.10 A rotary positioner with two heads per surface. The tolerances involved in the spacing between the heads and the axis of rotation mean that each arm records data in a unique position. Those data can only be read back by the same heads, which rules out the use of a rotary positioner in exchangeable-pack drives. In a head disk assembly the problem of compatibility does not arise.


One disadvantage of rotary positioners is that there is a component of windage on the heads that tends to pull the positioner in towards the spindle. In linear positioners windage is at right angles to motion and can be neglected. Windage can be overcome in rotary positioners by feeding the current cylinder address to a ROM that sends a code to a DAC. This produces an offset voltage that is fed to the positioner driver to generate a torque to balance the windage whatever the position of the heads.

When extremely small track spacing is contemplated, it cannot be assumed that all the heads will track the servo head due to temperature gradients. In this case the embedded-servo approach must be used, where each head has its own alignment patterns. The servo surface is often retained in such drives to allow coarse positioning, velocity feedback and index and write-clock generation, in addition to locating the guard bands for landing the heads.

Winchester drives have been made with massive capacity, but the problem of backup is then magnified, and the general trend has been for the physical size of the drive to come down as the storage density increases in order to improve access time. Very small Winchester disk drives are now available which plug into standard integrated circuit sockets. These are competing with RAM for memory applications where non-volatility is important.

9.11 The disk controller

A disk controller is a unit interposed between the drives and the rest of the system. It consists of two main parts; that which issues control signals to and obtains status from the drives, and that which handles the data to be stored and retrieved. Operation of the two parts is synchronized by the sequencer. The essentials of a disk controller are determined by the characteristics of drives and the functions needed, and so they do not vary greatly. It is desirable for economic reasons to use a commercially available disk controller intended for computers. Such controllers are adequate for still-store applications, but cannot support the data rate required for real-time moving video unless data reduction is employed. Disk drives are generally built to interface to a standard controller interface, such as the SCSI bus. The disk controller will then be a unit that interfaces the drive bus to the host computer system.

The execution of a function by a disk subsystem requires a complex series of steps, and decisions must be made between the steps to decide what the next will be. There is a parallel with computation, where the function is the equivalent of an instruction, and the sequencer steps needed are the equivalent of the microinstructions needed to execute the instruction. The major failing in this analogy is that the sequence in a disk drive must be accurately synchronized to the rotation of the disk.

Most disk controllers use direct memory access, which means that they have the ability to transfer disk data in and out of the associated memory without the assistance of the processor. In order to cause a file transfer, the disk controller must be told the physical disk address (cylinder, sector, track), the physical memory address where the file begins, the size of the file and the direction of transfer (read or write). The controller will then position the disk heads, address the memory, and transfer the samples. One disk transfer may consist of many contiguous disk blocks, and the controller will automatically increment the diskaddress registers as each block is completed. As the disk turns, the sector address increases until the end of the track is reached. The track or head address will then be incremented and the sector address reset so that transfer continues at the beginning of the next track. This process continues until all of the heads have been used in turn. In this case both the head address and sector address will be reset, and the cylinder address will be incremented, which causes a seek. A seek which takes place because of a data transfer is called an implied seek, because it is not necessary formally to instruct the system to perform it. As disk drives are block-structured devices, and the error correction is codeword-based, the controller will always complete a block even if the size of the file is less than a whole number of blocks. This is done by packing the last block with zeros.

The status system allows the controller to find out about the operation of the drive, both as a feedback mechanism for the control process, and to handle any errors. Upon completion of a function, it is the status system that interrupts the control processor to tell it that another function can be undertaken.

In a system where there are several drives connected to the controller via a common bus, it is possible for non data-transfer functions such as seeks to take place in some drives simultaneously with a data transfer in another.

Figure 9.11 The format of a typical disk block related to the count process which is used to establish where in the block the head is at any time. During a read the count is derived from the actual data read, but during a write, the count is derived from the write clock.


Before a data transfer can take place, the selected drive must physically access the desired block, and confirm this by reading the block header. Following a seek to the required cylinder, the positioner will confirm that the heads are on track and settled. The desired head will be selected, and then a search for the correct sector begins. This is done by comparing the number of the desired sector with the contents of the current sector register that is typically incremented by dividing down servo-surface pulses. When the two counts are equal, the head is about to enter the desired block. Figure 9.11 shows the structure of a typical magnetic disk track. In between blocks are placed address marks, which are areas without transitions that the read circuits can detect. Following detection of the address mark, the sequencer is roughly synchronized to begin handling the block. As the block is entered, the data separator locks to the preamble, and in due course the sync pattern will be found. This sets to zero a counter which divides the data-bit rate by eight, allowing the serial recording to be correctly assembled into bytes, and also allowing the sequencer to count the position of the head through the block in order to perform all the necessary steps at the right time.

The first header word is usually the cylinder address, and this is compared with the contents of the desired cylinder register. The second header word will contain the sector and track address of the block, and these will also be compared with the desired addresses. There may also be bad-block flags and/or defect-skipping information. At the end of the header is a CRCC that will be used to ensure that the header was read correctly. Figure 9.12 shows a flowchart of the position verification, after which a data transfer can proceed. The header reading is completely automatic. The only time it is necessary formally to command a header to be read is when checking that a disk has been formatted correctly.

During the read of a data block, the sequencer is employed again. The sync pattern at the beginning of the data is detected as before, following which the actual data arrive. These bits are converted to byte or sample parallel, and sent to the memory by DMA. When the sequencer has counted the last data-byte off the track, the redundancy for the error-correction system will be following.

Figure 9.12 The vital process of position confirmation is carried out in accordance with the above flowchart. The appropriate words from the header are compared in turn with the contents of the disk-address registers in the subsystem. Only if the correct header has been found and read properly will the data transfer take place.


During a write function, the header-check function will also take place as it is perhaps even more important not to write in the wrong place on a disk. Once the header has been checked and found to be correct, the write process for the associated data block can begin. The preambles, sync pattern, data block, redundancy and postamble have all to be written contiguously. This is taken care of by the sequencer, which is obtaining timing information from the servo surface to lock the block structure to the angular position of the disk. This should be contrasted with the read function, where the timing comes directly from the data.

9.12 Defect handling

The protection of data recorded on disks differs considerably from the approach used on other media in digital audio. This has much to do with the intolerance of data processors to errors when compared with video data. In particular, it is not possible to interpolate to conceal errors in a computer program or a data file.

In the same way that magnetic tape is subject to dropouts, magnetic disks suffer from surface defects whose effect is to corrupt data. The shorter wavelengths employed as disk densities increase are affected more by a given size of defect. Attempting to make a perfect disk is subject to a law of diminishing returns, and eventually a state is reached where it becomes more cost-effective to invest in a defect-handling system.

In the construction of bad-block files, a brand new disk is tested by the operating system. Known patterns are written everywhere on the disk, and these are read back and verified. Following this the system gives the disk a volume name, and creates on it a directory structure that keeps records of the position and size of every file subsequently written. The physical disk address of every block that fails to verify is allocated to a file that has an entry in the disk directory. In this way, when genuine data files come to be written, the bad blocks appear to the system to be in use storing a fictitious file, and no attempt will be made to write there. Some disks have dedicated tracks where defect information can be written during manufacture or by subsequent verification programs, and these permit a speedy construction of the system bad-block file.

Whilst the MTBF of a disk drive is very high, it is a simple matter of statistics that when a large number of drives is assembled in a system the time between failures becomes shorter. Disk drives are sealed units and the disks cannot be removed if there is an electronic failure. Even if this were possible the system cannot usually afford downtime whilst such a data recovery takes place.

Consequently any system in which the data are valuable must take steps to ensure data integrity. This is commonly done using RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) technology. Figure 9.13 shows that in a RAID array data blocks are spread across a number of drives.

Figure 9.13 In RAID technology, data and redundancy are spread over a number of drives (a). In the case of a drive failure (b) the error-correction system can correct for the loss and continue operation. When the drive is replaced (c) the data can be rewritten so that the system can then survive a further failure.


An error-correcting check symbol (typically Reed–Solomon) is stored on a redundant drive. The error correction is powerful enough to fully correct any error in the block due to a single failed drive. In RAID arrays the drives are designed to be hot-plugged (replaced without removing power) so if a drive fails it is simply physically replaced with a new one. The error-correction system will rewrite the new drive with the data that were lost with the failed unit.

Figure 9.14 The main parts of a digital audio disk system. Memory and FIFO allow continuous audio despite the movement of disk heads between blocks.


When a large number of disk drives are arrayed together, it is necessary and desirable to spread files across all the drives in a RAID array. Whilst this ensures data integrity, it also can also mean that the data transfer rate may be multiplied by the number of drives sharing the data. The data transfer rate can usefully be increased and new approaches are necessary to move the data in and out of the disk system.

9.13 Digital audio disk system

In order to use disk drives for the storage of audio samples, a system like the one shown in Figure 9.14 is needed. The control computer determines where and when samples will be stored and retrieved, and sends instructions to the disk controller that causes the drives to read or write, and transfers samples between them and the memory.

When audio samples are fed into a disk-based system, from a digital interface or from an A/D converter, they will be placed in a memory, from which the disk controller will read them by DMA. The continuous-input sample stream will be split up into disk blocks for disk storage. The disk transfers must by definition be intermittent, because there are headers between contiguous sectors. Once all the sectors on a particular cylinder have been used, it will be necessary to seek to the next cylinder, which will cause a further interruption to the data transfer. If a bad block is encountered, the sequence will be interrupted until it has passed. The instantaneous data rate of a parallel transfer drive is made higher than the continuous audio data rate, so that there is time for the positioner to move whilst the audio output is supplied from the buffer memory. In replay, the drive controller attempts to keep the memory as full as possible by issuing a read command as soon as one block space appears in the memory. This allows the maximum time for a seek to take place before reading must resume. Figure 9.15 shows the action of the memory.

Whilst recording, the drive controller attempts to keep the buffer as empty as possible by issuing write commands as soon as a block of data is present. In this way the amount of time available to seek is maximized in the presence of a continuous audio sample input.

Figure 9.15 During an audio replay sequence, silo is constantly emptied to provide samples, and is refilled in blocks by the drive.


9.14 Arranging the audio data on disk

When playing a tape recording or a disk having a spiral track, it is only necessary to start in the right place, and the data are automatically retrieved in the right order. Such media are also driven at a speed that is proportional to the sampling rate. In contrast, a hard disk has a discontinuous recording and acts more like a RAM in that it must be addressed before data can be retrieved. The rotational speed of the disk is constant and not locked to anything. A vital step in converting a disk drive into an audio recorder is to establish a link between the time through the recording and the location of the data on the disk.

When audio samples are fed into a disk-based system, from an AES/EBU interface or from a convertor, they will be placed initially in RAM, from which the disk controller will read them by DMA. The continuous-input sample stream will be split up into disk blocks for disk storage. The AES/EBU interface carries a timecode in the channel status data, and this timecode, or that from a local generator, will be used to assemble a table that contains a conversion from real time in the recording to the physical disk address of the corresponding audio files. As an alternative, an interface may be supplied which allows conventional SMPTE or EBU timecode to be input. Wherever possible, the disk controller will allocate incoming audio samples to contiguous disk addresses, since this eases the conversion from timecode to physical address.1 This is not, however, always possible in the presence of defective blocks, or if the disk has become chequerboarded from repeated rerecording.

The table of disk addresses will also be made into a named disk file and stored in an index that will be in a different area of the disk from the audio files. Several recordings may be fed into the system in this way, and each will have an entry in the index.

If it is desired to play back one or more of the recordings, then it is only necessary to specify the starting timecode and the filename. The system will look up the index file in order to locate the physical address of the first and subsequent sample blocks in the desired recording, and will begin to read them from disk and write them into the RAM. Once the RAM is full, the real time replay can begin by sending samples from RAM to the output or to local convertors. The sampling rate clock increments the RAM address and the timecode counter. Whenever a new timecode frame is reached, the corresponding disk address can be obtained from the index table, and the disk drive will read a block in order to keep the RAM topped up.

The disk transfers must by definition take varying times to complete because of the rotational latency of the disk. Once all the sectors on a particular cylinder have been read, it will be necessary to seek to the next cylinder, which will cause a further extension of the reading sequence. If a bad block is encountered, the sequence will be interrupted until it has passed. The RAM buffering is sufficient to absorb all of these access time variations. Thus the RAM acts as a delay between the disk transfers and the sound that is heard. A corresponding advance is arranged in timecodes fed to the disk controller. In effect the actual timecode has a constant added to it so that the disk is told to obtain blocks of samples in advance of real time. The disk takes a varying time to obtain the samples, and the RAM then further delays them to the correct timing. Effectively the disk/RAM subsystem is a timecode-controlled memory. One need only put in the time, and out comes the audio corresponding to that time. This is the characteristic of an audio synchronizer. In most audio equipment the synchronizer is extra; the hard disk needs one to work at all, and so every hard disk comes with a free synchronizer. This makes disk-based systems very flexible as they can be made to lock to almost any reference and care little what sampling rate is used or if it varies. They perform well locked to videotape or film via timecode because no matter how the pictures are shuttled or edited, the timecode link always produces the correct sound to go with the pictures.

A multi-track recording can be stored on a single disk and, for replay, the drive will access the files for each track faster than real time so that they all become present in the memory simultaneously. It is not, however, compulsory to play back the tracks in their original time relationship. For the purpose of synchronization,2 or other effects, the tracks can be played with any time relationship desired, a feature not possible with multi-track tape drives.

In order to edit the raw audio files fed into the system, it is necessary to listen to them in order to locate the edit points. This can be done by playback of the whole file at normal speed if time is no object, but this neglects the random access capability of a disk-based system. If an event list has been made at the time of the recordings, it can be used to access any part of them within a few tens of milliseconds, which is the time taken for the heads to traverse the entire disk surface. This is far superior to the slow spooling speed of tape recorders.

9.15 Spooling files

If an event list is not available, it will be necessary to run through the recording at a raised speed in order rapidly to locate the area of the desired edit. If the disk can access fast enough, an increase of up to ten times normal speed can be achieved simply by raising the sampling-rate clock, so that the timecode advances more rapidly, and new data blocks are requested from the disk more rapidly. If a constant sampling-rate output is needed, then rate reduction via a digital filter will be necessary.3,4 Some systems have sophisticated signal processors which allow pitch changing, so that files can be played at non-standard speed but with normal pitch or vice versa.5 If higher speeds are required, an alternative approach to processing on playback only is to record spooling files6 at the same time as an audio file is made. A spooling file block contains a sampling-rate-reduced version of several contiguous audio blocks. When played at standard sampling rate, it will sound as if it is playing faster by the factor of rate reduction employed. The spooling files can be accessed less often for a given playback speed, or higher speed is possible within a given access-rate constraint.

Once the rough area of the edit has been located by spooling, the audio files from that area can be played to locate the edit point more accurately. It is often not sufficiently accurate to mark edit points on the fly by listening to the sound at normal speed. In order to simulate the rock-and-roll action of edit-point location in an analog tape recorder, audio blocks in the area of the edit point can be transferred to memory and accessed at variable speed and in either direction by deriving the memory addresses from a hand-turned rotor.

9.16 Broadcast applications

In a radio broadcast environment it is possible to contain all the commercials and jingles in daily use on a disk system thus eliminating the doubtful quality of analog cartridge machines.7 Disk files may be cued almost instantly by specifying the file name of the wanted piece, and once they are RAM-resident play instantly they are required. Adding extra output modules means that several audio files can be played back simultaneously if a station broadcasts on more than one channel. If a commercial break contains several different spots, these can be chosen at short notice just by producing a new edit list.

9.17 Sampling rate and playing time

The bit rate of a digital audio system is such that high-density recording is mandatory for long playing time. A disk drive can never reach the density of a rotary-head tape machine because it is optimized for fast random access, and so it would be unwise to expect too much of a disk-based system in terms of playing time. In practice, the editing power of a disk-based system far outweighs this restriction.

One high-quality digital audio channel requires nearly a megabit per second, which means that a megabyte of storage (the usual unit for disk measurement) offers about ten seconds of monophonic audio. Using this factor, the playing time can soon be obtained from the drive capacity. There is, however, no compulsion to devote the whole disk to one audio channel, and so two channels could be recorded for half as long, or four channels for one quarter as long and so on. Where compression is used, these playing times can be extended by multiplication by the compression factor.

For broadcast applications, where an audio bandwidth of 15 kHz is imposed by the FM stereo transmission standard, the alternative sampling rate of 32 kHz can be used, which allows about an hour of uncompressed monophonic digital audio from 300 megabytes. Where only speech is required, an even lower rate can be employed. A server, possibly using a RAID array, will be necessary in most musical post-production applications if stereo or multi-track working is contemplated. In practice, multi-track working with disks is better than these calculations would indicate, because on a typical multi-track master tape, all tracks are not recorded continuously. Some tracks will contain only short recordings in a much longer overall session. A tape machine has no option but to leave these tracks unrecorded either side of the wanted recording, whereas a disk system will only store the actual wanted samples. The playing time in a real application will thus be greater than expected.

A further consideration is that hard disks systems do not need to edit the actual data files on disk. The editing is performed in the memory of the control system and is repeated dynamically under the control of an EDL (edit decision list) each time the edited work is required. Thus a lengthy editing session on a hard disk system does not result in the disk becoming fuller as only a few bytes of EDL are generated.


McNally, G.W., Gaskell, P.S. and Stirling, A.J., Digital audio editing. BBC Research Dept Report, RD 1985/10

McNally, G.W., Bloom, P.J. and Rose, N.J., A digital signal processing system for automatic dialogue post-synchronisation. Presented at the 82nd Audio Engineering Society Convention (London, 1987), Preprint 2476(K-6)

McNally, G.W., Varispeed replay of digital audio with constant output sampling rate. Presented at the 76th Audio Engineering Society Convention (New York, 1984), Preprint 2137(A-9)

Gaskell, P.S., A hybrid approach to the variable speed replay of audio. Presented at the 77th Audio Engineering Society Convention (Hamburg, 1985), Preprint 2202(B-1)

Gray, E., The Synclavier digital audio system: recent developments in audio post production. Int. Broadcast Eng., 18, 55 (March 1987)

McNally, G.W., Fast edit-point location and cueing in disk-based digital audio editing. Presented at the 78th Audio Engineering Society Convention (Anaheim, 1985), Preprint 2232(D-10)

Itoh, T., Ohta, T. and Sohma, Y., Real time transmission system of commercial messages in radio broadcasting. Presented at the 67th Audio Engineering Society Convention (New York, 1980), Preprint 1682(H-1)

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