
Accumulators, logic, 57 ADCs (analog-to-digital convertors), 12934

basic concepts, 34, 1011

droop problems, 133

flash convertors, 1302

noise-shaping ADCs, 14851, 1535

ramp integrators, 133

residual expansion, 134

serial quantizing, 132

Adders, half and full, 56

AES/EBU digital audio interface, 2509

CRCC, 259

with DAT, 3078

EBU timecode, 350

format, 2535

HDLC (High-level Data Link Control), 259

minimum eye pattern, 252

parity, 254

physical connectors, 2523

professional channel status structure, 2559

routing, 2667

synchronization approach, 2635

synchronizing patterns, 254

user bits/channel, 259

Airy distribution/pattern/disk/function, 37981

Aliasing, 947, 142

Analog audio:

features and weaknesses, 34

noise and distortion, 3

Analog-to-digital convertors see

ADCs Anharmonic distortion, 115

Anti-aliasing filters, 97

Aperiodic signals, 256

Aperture effect, 1089

Arbitration and priority:

collision avoidance, 274

Firewire, 2745

network operation, 2704

Area divided track following (ATF), DAT, 30911, 31314

Asynchronous operation, networks, 2656

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 27681

cell-routing mechanism, 276

connection oriented protocols, 278

container structures, 276

layer concept, 27980

program clock reference (PCR), 281

Reed-Solomon FEC, 280

UDT (unstructured data transfer), 279

virtual channels and links, 278

see also Broadband networks

ATRAC coder, 3978

ATSC (advanced television systems committee), 177

Audio technology:

audio as data, 13

level metering, 456

as part of IT, 13

see also Sound

Auditory masking, 160

Azimuth recording, 2034

Bel and deciBel (dB), 415

BER (bit error rate), 223, 227

Bi-phase mark code, 21517

Binary systems/signals:

advantages, 5

binary codes, 4752

binary words, 89

hexadecimal system, 478

most and least significant bits (MSB and LSB), 78

and noise, 6

octal system, 478

offset binary coding, 479

representation methods, 7

with slicing, 56

two’s complement system, 4952

see also Digital logic

Bit error rate (BER), 223, 227

Block codes, 22830

Bootstrap programs, 58

Broadband networks:

B-ISDN (Broadband ISDN), 276

connectionless protocols, 278

implementation, 2767

SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy), 2768

SONET (synchronous optical network), 2768

see also ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)

Broadcasting, digital audio, 212

Burst errors, 14, 15, 2457

CAT (Conditional Access Table), 293

CDs (Compact Discs):

applications, 1920

channel code, 38692

control system, 4023

disk construction, 3656

disk manufacture process, 3835

error-correction strategy, 3937, 4001

focus and tracking, 3726

Interleaving, 3937, 401

Karaoke system, 402

laser pickup designs, 3768

MD comparisons, 364

operating principle, 3612

optical features, 37982

phase-contrast microscopy, 361

playback systems, 36972

recording techniques, 2046

sampling rate, 103

structure of player, 398403

surface contamination rejection, 3669

synchronization, 3889

timing structure/relationships, 3912

track structure, 3937

WORM (write-once-read-many) disks, 361, 3623

see also Channels/channel coding; Optical/magneto-optical recording/ playback

Channels/channel coding:

CD (Compact Disk), 38692

DC-free codes/patterns, 3867

MD (MiniDisc), 3869 3978

channel concept, 1934

coding concept, 18

data separators, 213

density ratio, 214, 218

eight to fourteen modulation (EFM), 388, 390

encryption systems, 221

FM code/Manchester code/bi-phase mark code, 21516

group codes, 21820

jitter, 21315

MFM (modified frequency modulation)/Miller code, 21718

Non-Return to Zero Invert (NRZI), 215

randomizing technique, 2201

synchronization, 2212, 3889

see also Transmission channels

Characteristic impedance, 197

Clock references:

clock jitter, 1058, 122

and numerically locked loops (NLL), 291

program clock reference (PCR), 2912 and voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXOs), 2912

Cochlea (inner ear), 27, 289

Codewords, 227

Coding gain, 19, 168, 176

Coding/coders/codecs see Channels/channel coding; Compression/compressors; Error detection/correction

Communication networks, 22

Compression/compressors, 15791

applications, 159

basic concepts, 1113, 1819, 1579

cascaded systems, 168

codec level calibration, 1645

coding gain, 19, 168, 176

companders (compressors/expanders), 157, 16871

crash knee/cliff-edge effect, 1667

delay effects, 167

discrete cosine transform (DCT), 172

discrete frequency transform (DFT), 835, 172

entropy, 161

floating-point coding, 16871

guidelines on usage, 1678

Huffman code, 163

inter-block prediction, 176

inverse transforming, 176

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 161

lossless (predictive) coding, 15960, 164

lossy (perceptive) coding, 160, 1612, 164

modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), 172, 1834

noise to masking ratio (NMR), 1656

perceptive coding, 160

perceptual entropy, 166

Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding (PASC), 321

predictive coding, 1601

principles of compression, 1604

quadrature mirror filtering (QMF), 1734

quality measurement, 1656

redundancy, 161

statistical multiplexing, 162

sub-band coding, 170, 1724

subjectively lossless systems, 162

transform coding, 1756

variable length coding, 163

see also MPEG Layers I, II and III, and MPEG-2 AAC

Computers, 5860

ALUs (arithmetic logic units), 60

bootstrap programs, 58

CPU (central processing unit), 59

firmware, 58

RAM and ROM, 59

software/programs, 58


basic concept, 14

by interpolation, 225

Conditional Access Table (CAT), 293

Conversion/convertors, 92155

and aliasing, 947

alternative convertors, 1348

anti-aliasing filters, 97

aperture effect, 1089

decimators, 141

delta modulators, 1367

differential convertors, 1356

DPCM convertors, 1367, 1489

filter design for, 99101

interpolators, 141

and noise, 923

Nyquist rate conversion, 138, 1412

Nyquist’s theorem, 96

and oversampling, 101, 13843

PCM convertors, 137

phase-locked loops for, 1078

reconstruction, 98

sample and hold, 1035

sampling clock jitter, 1058

and sampling rate, 934

sampling rate choice, 1013

sigma-delta convertors, 1535

sigma-DPCM converter, 149

see also ADCs (analog-to-digital convertors); DACs (digital-to-analog convertors); Noise shaping; Quantizing; Quantizing error; Sampling/sampling-rate conversion


convolution codes, 22830

convolution interleaving, 245

filters, 724

CRC see Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes

Cross interleaving, 247

CD (Compact Disc), 3937

Crossword codes, 2289

CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detect), 2724

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes, 2305

code puncturing, 2345

twisted-ring counter, 2314

DAB (digital audio broadcasting), 212, 2947

advantages, 294

multiple carriers and interleaving, 2957

DACs (digital-to-analog convertors), 1229

accuracy considerations, 1279

clock jitter, 122

dynamic element matching, 1247

integrated convertors, 123, 125, 128

monolithic convertors, 127

one-bit DAC, 1513

and reconstruction filters, 128

weighted-current convertors, 127

see also Conversion/convertors

DASH format, 31820

error correction strategy, 119

splice handling, 31920

DAT (digital audio tape), 299324

AES/EBU interface/channel status, 3078

area divided track following (ATF), 30911, 31314

block diagram, 3078

cassettes, 3024

data channel, 31114

editing with, 3567

origins, 3002

sampling rates, 103

SCMS (serial copying management system), 306

specifications and options, 3067

tape transport mechanism, 305

track following, 30912, 31314

track pattern, 3056, 31314

dB (deciBel), 415

dB(m), dB(W) and dB(u), 445

DC-free codes/patterns, 3867

DCC (digital compact cassette), 3204

block diagram, 323

head arrangement, 3212

Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding (PASC), 321

tape guidance, 3224

DCT (discrete cosine transform), 856, 172, 1756

Decimators, 141

Delta modulators, 1367

Density ratio (DR), channel coding, 214, 218

DFT (discrete Fourier/frequency transform), 835, 172

Dielectric relaxation, and sample and hold, 1045

Differential convertors, 1357

Differential pulse code modulators (DPCMs), 1367, 1489

Differentiation, digital, 57

Digital audio:

advantages, 9

basic concepts, 34, 911

on hard disk, 3435

opportunities of, 9

Digital audio broadcasting see DAB

Digital audio tape see DAT

Digital compact cassette see DCC

Digital faders and controls, 648

absolute and relative, 667

Gray codes, 66, 68

a rotary incremental encoder, 67, 68

Digital filters see Filters

Digital logic:

accumulators, 57

adders, half and full, 56

digital differentiation, 57

discrete time integrator, 57

gain control, 638

latches, 534

logic gates, 524

MOS RAM, 567

RAM, 547

storage elements, 527

see also Binary systems/signals

Digital mixing/mixers:

DSPs (digital signal processors), 701

facilities and operation, 6870

peak limiting precautions, 68

typical installation, 701

Digital signal processors (DSPs), audio, 701

Digital television audio, 2879

and the MPEG transport stream, 2879

program clock reference system, 287

time stamp, 287

see also Nicam 728

Digital-to-analog convertors see DACs

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 856, 172, 1756

Discrete Fourier/frequency transform (DFT), 835, 172

Discrete time integrator, 57

Disk drives see CDs (Compact Discs); Magnetic/hard disk drives; MDs (MiniDiscs)Distortion, with analog audio, 3


digitally dithered requantizer, 1478

digitally generated dither, 11922

with oversampling, 143

and quantizing error, 11522

subtractive and non-subtractive, 116


time and frequency, 25, 724

see also Transforms

DPCMs (differential pulse code modulators), 1367, 1489

DR (density ratio), channel coding, 214, 218

DSPs (digital signal processors), audio, 701

Duality, and transforms, 813

DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), 4045

DVTR formats, audio sampling rates, 103

Dynamic element matching, DACs, 1247

Ear, structure and operation, 2636

basilar membrane, 29

cochlea (inner ear), 27, 289

critical bandwidth, 34

frequency discrimination, 336

impulse response, 34

inter-aural delay (IAD), 301

inter-aural intensity difference (IID), 29

level and loudness, 313

masking, 346

mental processes, 2931

organ of Corti, 28

ossicles, 27

pinna, 26

psychoacoustics, 26

Reissner’s membrane, 28

tensor tympani and stapedius muscles, 278

EBU timecode, 350

Editing, 34760

block boundary editing, 349

with DAT, 3567

with disk drives, 3546

edit decision lists (EDLs), 3545

edit point locating, 3504

editor structure, 34950

from random access media, 3478

insert editing, 356

interleave/reordering problems, 3489

jump editing, 35760

mastering, 347

with open-reel digital recorders, 357

punch-in, 3578

timecodes, EBU and SMPTE, 3501

Eight to fourteen modulation (EFM), 388, 390

Encryption systems, channel coding, 221

Entropy, compression, 161

Error concealment:

basic concept, 14

by interpolation, 225

Error detection/correction:

CD (Compact Disc), 3937, 4001

MD (MiniDisc), 3978, 4001

AES/EBU interface, 254

basic concepts, 14, 2224

block codes, 22830

burst errors, 14, 15

burst error problems, 2457

by trading probabilities, 227

codewords, 227

concealment by interpolation, 225

convolution codes, 22830

correction by erasure, 243

cross interleaving, 247

crossword codes, 2289

cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes, 2305

error avoidance, 224

error bursts, 223

forward error-correction schemes (FECs), 224

interleaving, 15, 2445, 247, 3937, 3978

parity, 2257

product codes, 2289, 2457

Reed-Solomon codes, 23542, 2479, 394

symbol interleaving, 2445

Ethernet, 2724

Expansion/expanders, 157

basic concept, 1113

Eye patterns:

AES/EBU interface, 252

signal detection, 21011

Faders and controls see Digital faders and controls

Faraday effect, 205

FECs (forward error-correction schemes), 224, 280

FFT (fast Fourier transform), with MPEG Layer I, 178

Fibre-optics, 195, 263

Filters, 714

active filters, 101

anti-aliasing filters, 97

for conversion requirements, 99101

convolution, 724

and delay, 71

distortion problems, 1001

elliptic filters, 99100

FIR (finite-impulse response) filters, 747

ideal ’brick wall’, 978

IIR (infinite-impulse response) filters, 74

and impulse response testing, 71

time and frequency domains, 724

and transforms, 72

and transforms and duality, 813

FIR (finite-impulse response) filters, 747

Gibb’s phenomenon, 75

Firewire (IEEE 1394–1995), 2746

arbitration procedure, 2745

electrical interface, 2756

strobe facilities, 276

Firmware, 58

Flash convertors, 1302

Floating-point coding, 16871

FM code, 21517

Forward error-correction schemes (FECs), 224, 280

Fourier transform, 25, 835

Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 2689

Frequency domain, 25

Frequency response and linearity, 367

Frequency and time domains, filters, 724

Gain control, 638

by hard-wired bit shifting, 64

Galois field (GF)/Galois multiplication, 879, 23742

Gates, logic, 524

GCR see Group codes/group code recording (GCR) Genlocking, 89

Gibb’s phenomenon, FIR filters, 75

Granulation, 115

Gray codes, 66, 68

Group codes/group code recording (GCR), 21820

jitter margin, 215, 21819

run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 219, 222

Hard disk drives see Magnetic/hard disk drives

HDLC (High-level Data Link Control), 259

Helical-scan recorders see Rotary head recorders

Hexadecimal notation, 47, 48

Huffman coding, 163, 191

IIR (infinite-impulse response) filters, 74

Impedance matching, unnecessary use of, 445

Integer-ratio conversion, 78

Inter-block prediction, 176

Inter-symbol interference (peak distortion), 203

Interfaces see AES/EBU digital audio interface; MADI (Multi-channel audio digital interface); Optical fibres


CD (Compact Disc), 3937, 401

MD (MiniDisc), 397, 401

basic concept, 15, 16

convolution interleaving, 245

cross-interleaving, 247

symbol interleaving, 244

Intermodulation, sound, 368

Interpolators, 141

Inverse transforming, 176

ISO/IEC/MPEG organization, 1767

Isochronous operation, networks, 269


and channel coding, 21315

Jitter margin, 215, 21819

and phase-locked loops, 11

sampling clock jitter, 1058

slicing and jitter rejection, 20813

Jump editing, 35760

Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) window, 188

Karaoke system, CDs (Compact Discs), 402

Kerr effect, 205, 364, 372

Latches, digital logic, 534

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 161

Level metering (audio), 456

Logarithms and deciBels, 423

Logic see Digital logic

Lossless (predictive) coding, 15960, 164

subjectively lossless systems, 1612

see also Compression/compressors

Lossy (perceptive) coding, 160, 1612, 164

LSB (least significant bit), 78

MADI (Multi-channel audio digital interface), 25963

applications, 25960

channel format, 2613

frame structure, 261

routing, 267

Magnetic field modulation technique, 3634

Magnetic recording, 197203

azimuth recording, 2034

data separation and equalization, 2068

inductive heads, 203

inter-symbol interference (peak distortion), 203

magneto-resistive (MR) heads, 2023, 3212

recording heads, 198200

rotary head recorders, 2034

signal clocking, 21113

signal detection, 2001

slicing and jitter rejection, 20813

see also DAT (digital audio tape); Magnetic/hard disk drives; Rotary head recorders

Magnetic/hard disk drives:

applications, 1920

broadcast applications, 3445

defect handling, 33942

digital audio disk system, 3424

disk controllers, 3379

disk rotation aspects, 333

disk structure, 327

exchangeable pack drives, 326

flying head principle, 3278

head matrix, 330

head moving servo system, 3312

principles and origins, 3257

RAID system, 3402

reading and writing process, 3289

rotary positioners, 3357

sampling rate and playing time, 345

servo-surface disks, 333

soft sectoring, 3334

thin-film heads, 329

Winchester heads/technology, 326, 329, 3345

Magneto-optical recording see Optical/magneto-optical recording/ playback

Manchester code, 21517

Mar‘Echal criterion, 381

Masking (ear function), 346

Masking threshold, MPEG Layer I coder, 178

Mastering, editing for, 347

MDCT (modified discrete cosine transform), 172, 1834

MDs (MiniDiscs):

ATRAC coder, 3978

block diagram, 404

CD comparisons, 364

channel code, 38692

disk construction, 3656

disk manufacture processes, 3836

error detection/correction, 4001

focus and tracking, 3726

Interleaving, 397, 401

laser pickup designs, 3768

magnetic field modulation technique, 3634

playback systems, 36972

structure of player, 398405

surface contamination rejection, 3669

synchronization, 3889

track layout, 3978

see also Channels/channel coding; optical/magneto-optical recording/ playback

MFM (modified frequency modulation) code, 21718

Miller code, 21718

MiniDiscs see MDs

Mixing/mixers see Digital mixing/mixers

Modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), 172, 1834

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 3801

Modulo-n arithmetic, 867

MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) RAM, 567

Moving-head disk drives see Magnetic/hard disk drives

MPEG, elementary, program and transport streams, 19

MPEG Layer I coder/decoder, 17781

masking threshold, 178

sub-band compression, 178

MPEG Layer II coder/decoder, 1813

granule encoding, 182

MUSICAM similarities, 181

MPEG Layer III coder/decoder (MP3), 1835

ASPEC origins, 183

MDCT usage, 1834

MPEG-2 AAC (advanced audio coding), 18591

applications and scope, 1856

Huffman coding, 191

interblock prediction, 18990

Kaiser-Bessel-derived (KBD) window, 188

lossy stage, 1901

prediction and buffering, 167

scaleable sampling rate (SSR) profile, 186

temporal noise shaping (TNS), 189

transport streams, 2901

MPEG/Audio group, 177

MSB (most significant bit), 78

MTF (modulation transfer function), 3801

Multi-channel rotary head recorders, 31416


application and operation, 623

basic concept, 13

FDM (frequency division multiplexing), 2689

packet multiplexing, 623

on rotary-head recorders, 31416

TDM (time division multiplexing), 2689

Multiplication, for gain control, 64

Networks, 26674

arbitration and priority, 2704

asynchronous operation, 269

communication aspects, 22

CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detect), 2724

Ethernet, 2724

isochronous operation, 269

multiplexing, 2689

routing, 2669

synchronous operation, 269

Nicam 728, 2827

block structure, 2845

carrier frequency, 282

companding process, 284

differentially encoded quadrature phase shift keying (DPQSK), 284

Frame Alignment Word, 284

sampling rate for, 103

system stages, 2824

NLLs (numerically locked loops), 8990

NMR (noise to masking ratio), 1656


with analog audio, 3

with binary systems, 6

and conversion, 923

see also Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

Noise modulation, and quantizing error, 115

Noise shaping, 14451

ADCs for, 14851

and additive dither, 145

basic principles, 1445

with digitally dithered requantizing, 1478

one-bit noise-shaping ADCs, 1535

Philips CD players, 1467

psychoacoustically optimal noise shaping, 148

with requantizing, 1458

Noise to masking ratio (NMR), 1656

NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Invert) coding, 215

NTSC TV, sampling rate for audio, 102

Numerical Aperture (NA), 3812

Nyquist’s theorem:

Nyquist rate conversion, 138, 141

and sampling theory, 96

Octal notation, 47, 48

Offset binary coding, 479

Ohm’s law, 39, 41

Optical fibres, 195, 263

Optical/magneto-optical recording/playback, 2046

Airy distribution/pattern/disk/function, 37981

data separation and equalization, 2068

disk construction, 3656

disk manufacture, 3835

Faraday effect, 205

focus and tracking, 3726

Kerr effect, 205, 364, 372

laser pickup designs, 3726

magneto-optical recording, 2046

magneto-optics/thermomagneto-optics, 3624

Mar‘Echal criterion, 381

media problems, 206

modulation transfer function (MTF), 3801

Numerical Aperture (NA), 3812

optical features, 37982

phase-locked loops, 21113

Planck’s law, 369

playback systems, 36972

signal clocking, 21113

slicing and jitter rejection, 20813

Sony laser head, 3778

surface contamination rejection, 3669

see also CDs (Compact Discs); MDs (MiniDiscs)

Oversampling convertors, 778, 101, 13843

and anti-aliasing, 142

decimators, 141

with digital dither, 143

interpolators, 141

and noise shaping, 149

and Nyquist rate conversion, 138

and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 138

without noise shaping, 1434

Packets and time stamps, 28990

decode time stamp (DTS), 28990

packet identification (PID) code, 291, 2923

packet multiplexing, 623

packetized elementary stream (PES), 289

presentation time stamp (PTS), 28990

PAL TV, sampling rate for audio, 1023

Parity, 2257

see also Error detection/correction

PASC (Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding), 321

PCM (pulse code modulation):

basic concepts, 34, 93

PCM adaptors, 299301

PCM convertors, 1367

Peak limiting, and digital mixing, 68

Peak program meter (PPM), 45

Peak-to-peak measurement, 401

Perceptive (lossy) coding, 160, 1612, 164

see also Compression/compressors

Perceptual entropy, 166

Periodic signals, 256

Phase-contrast microscopy, 361

Phase-locked loops (PLLs), 8990

concept, 11

for convertors, 1078

genlocking, 89

NLLs (numerically locked loops), 8990

with signal detection, 21113

and VCOs (voltage-controlled oscillators), 89, 21113

Planck’s law, 369

Power spectral density (PSD), 144

PPM (peak program meter), 45

Precision Adaptive Sub-band Coding (PASC), 321

Predictive coding see Lossless (predictive) coding

Product codes, 1518, 2289, 2457

Program clock reference (PCR), 2912

Program Specific Information (PSI), 2923

Program Association Table (PAT), 293

Program Map Table (PMT), 293

PSD (power spectral density), 144

Psychoacoustically optimal noise shaping, 148

Psychoacoustics, 26

Pulse code modulation see PCM

Quadrature mirror filtering (QMF), 1734

Quadrature waveforms, 39


basic concepts, 4, 934, 10912

mid-tread quantizer, 112

quantizing intervals, 11112

serial quantizing, 132

white-noise-dithered quantizer, 1434

Quantizing error, 11222

anharmonic distortion, 115

and digital dither, 1202

and distortion, 114

and dither, 11522

granulation, 115

noise modulation, 115

quantizing noise, 114

requantizing, 120, 1456

and transfer function non-linearity, 115

and wordlength shortening, 120

see also Dither

Radix points, 47, 48

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks), 3402

Ramp integrators, 133

RAMs (random access memories), 547, 59

Randomizing technique, channel coding, 2201

Reconstruction, 98, 1012

reconstruction filters, 102, 128

Recording see Magnetic recording; Optical/magneto-optical recording/ playback

Redundancy, and parity, 227

Reed-Solomon codes, 23542

with ATM, 280

Galois field (GF)/Galois multiplication, 23742

generator polynomial calculations, 2479

locators and correctors, 235

polynomial division on CD, 394

primitive element, 237

Requantizing, 129, 1458

Resampling, 10810

Residual expansion, 134

RLL (run-length-limited) codes, 219, 222

Root mean square measurements, 3941

Rotary head recorders, 2034

multi-channel, 31416

operating principle, 299, 300

rotary-head digital recorders, 21

spliced tape with, 315

stationary head recorder comparison, 299

see also DAT (digital audio tape); Magnetic recording; Multi-channel rotary head recorders

Routing, 2668

see also Networks

Run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 219, 222

Sampling/sampling-rate conversion:

and aliasing, 947

basic concept, 3, 7781

for CDs, 103

dielectric relaxation, 1045

fractional ratio conversion, 79

integer-ratio conversion, 78

interpolation stage, 79

oversampling/sampling convertors, 778, 101, 13843

rate for PAL and NTSC, 1023

resampling, 10810

sample and hold, 1035

sampling clock jitter, 1058

sampling rate choice, 1013

variable-ratio interpolators, 7981

see also Conversion

SCMS (serial copying management system), 306

SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy), 2768

Sigma-DPCM convertors, 149

Signal detection:

equalization and data separation, 2068

phase-locked loops, 21113

signal clocking, 21113

slicing and jitter rejection, 20813

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and oversampling, 138

Silos, 61

Sine waves, 379

and quadrature waveforms, 39

Slicing, 5

SMPTE timecode, 3501

SNR (signal-to-noise ratio), and oversampling, 138

SONET (synchronous optical network), 2768


frequency response and linearity, 367

intermodulation, 368

level and loudness, 313

periodic and aperiodic signals, 256

physics of, 234

sine waves, 379

sound pressure level (SPL), 312

speed of, 24

wavelength, 24

see also Audio technology; Ear

SPDIF (Sony Philips Digital Interface), 2501

SPL (sound pressure level), 312

Splice handling:

DASH format, 31920

multi-channel rotary head recorders, 315

Stationary head recorders:

applications and principle, 316

block diagram, 317

DASH format, 31820

rotary head recorder comparison, 299

Storage elements, 527

Sub-band coding, 170, 1724

MPEG Layer I coder, 178

Symbol interleaving, 2445

Synchronization, 2212, 263

CD (Compact Disc), 3889

MD (MiniDisc), 3889

AES/EBU interface, 254, 2635

synchronous operation, networks, 269


PAL and NTSC audio, 1023

see also Digital television audio

Temporal noise shaping (TNS), 189

Thermomagneto-optics see Optical/magneto-optical recording/ playback

Time compression and expansion see Compression; Expansion

Time division multiplexing (TDM), 2689

Time and frequency domains, 25

filters with, 724

Time stamps see Packets and time stamps

Timebase correction, 602

hard disk approach, 612

shift register approach, 61

Timecodes, EBU and SMPTE, 350

TNS (temporal noise shaping), 189

Track-hold circuits, 1035, 129


DCT (discrete cosine transform), 856, 172, 1756

DFT (discrete Fourier/frequency transform), 835, 172

and duality, 813

FFT (fast Fourier transform), 178

for filters, 72

Fourier transform, 835

inverse transforming, 176

MDCT (modified discrete cosine transform), 172, 1834

transform coding, 1756

Transmission channels:

cables, 1945

data separation and equalization, 2068

optical fibres, 195, 263

radio, 195

slicing and jitter rejection, 20813

Transmission lines, 1957

characteristic impedance, 197

termination/matching, 197

Transport stream concept:

digital television audio, 2879

MPEG-2, 2901

Twisted-ring counter, 2314

Two’s complement system, 4952

Variable length coding, 163

Variable-ratio interpolators, 7981

VCAs (voltage controlled amplifiers), 64

VCOs (voltage-controlled oscillators), and Phase-locked loops, 89, 21113

VCXOs (voltage-controlled crystal oscillators), 2912

Vertical redundancy, 15, 17

Volume unit (VU) meter, 45

Wavelength, 24

Winchester heads/technology, 326, 329, 3345

WORM (write-once-read-many) disks, 361, 3623

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