Digital audio tape recorders

Tape recording is divided into stationary head and rotary-head recorders. In this chapter the two systems will be contrasted and illustrated with examples from actual formats. The reader is referred to Chapter 6 for an explanation of coding and error-correction principles.

8.1 Rotary versus stationary heads

The high bit rate required for digital audio can be recorded in two ways. The head can remain fixed, and the tape can be transported rapidly, or the tape can travel relatively slowly, and the head can be moved. The latter is the principle of the rotary-head recorder.

In helical-scan recorders, shown in Figure 8.1, the tape is wrapped around the drum in such a way that it enters and leaves in two different planes. This causes the rotating heads to record long slanting tracks where the width of the space between tracks is determined by the linear tape speed. The track pitch can easily be made much smaller than in stationary-head recorders.

8.2 PCM adaptors

If digital sample data are encoded to resemble a video waveform, which is known as pseudo-video or composite digital, they can be recorded on a fairly standard video recorder. The device needed to format the samples in this way is called a PCM adaptor. PCM adaptors were popular before high-density digital recording developed. Today they are obsolete.

Figure 8.2 shows a block diagram of a PCM adaptor. The unit has five main sections. Central to operation is the sync and timing generation, which produces sync pulses for control of the video waveform generator and locking the video recorder, in addition to producing sampling-rate clocks and timecode. An ADC allows a conventional analog audio signal to be recorded, but this can be bypassed if a suitable digital input is available. Similarly a DAC is provided to monitor recordings, and this too can be bypassed by using the direct digital output. Also visible in Figure 8.2 are the encoder and decoder stages which convert between digital sample data and the pseudo-video signal.

A typical line of pseudo-video is shown in Figure 8.3. The line is divided into bit cells and, within them, black level represents a binary zero, and about 60 per cent of peak white represents binary one. The use of a two-level input to a frequency modulator means that the recording is essentially frequency-shift keyed (FSK).

Figure 8.1 Types of rotary-head recorder. (a) Helical scan records long diagonal tracks. (b) Transverse scan records short tracks across the tape.


As the video recorder is designed to switch heads during the vertical interval, no samples can be recorded there. Time compression is used to squeeze the samples into the active parts of unblanked lines.

8.3 Introduction to DAT

DAT (digital audio tape) was the first digital recorder for consumer use to incorporate a dedicated tape deck. By designing for a specific purpose, the tape consumption can be made very much smaller than that of a converted video machine. In fact the DAT format achieved more bits per square inch than any other form of magnetic recorder at the time of its introduction. The origins of DAT are in an experimental machine built by Sony,1 but the DAT format has grown out of that through a process of standardization involving some eighty companies.

Figure 8.2 Block diagram of PCM adaptor. Note the dub connection needed for producing a digital copy between two VCRs.


Figure 8.3 Typical line of video from PCM-1610. The control bit conveys the setting of the pre-emphasis switch or the sampling rate depending on position in the frame. The bits are separated using only the timing information in the sync pulses.


Figure 8.4 Appearance of DAT cassette. Access to the tape is via a hinged lid, and the hub-drive holes are covered by a sliding panel, affording maximum protection to the tape. Further details of the recognition holes are given in Table 8.1. (Courtesy TDK)


The general appearance of the DAT cassette is shown in Figure 8.4. The overall dimensions are only 73 mm × 54 mm × 10.5 mm which is rather smaller than the Compact Cassette. The design of the cassette incorporates some improvements over its analog ancestor,2 As shown in Figure 8.5, the apertures through which the heads access the tape are closed by a hinged door, and the hub drive openings are covered by a sliding panel which also locks the door when the cassette is not in the transport. The act of closing the door operates brakes that act on the reel hubs. This results in a cassette that is well sealed against contamination due to handling or storage. The short wavelengths used in digital recording make it more sensitive to spacing loss caused by contamination. As in the Compact Cassette, the tape hubs are flangeless, and the edge guidance of the tape pack is achieved by the use of liner sheets. The flangeless approach allows the hub centres to be closer together for a given length of tape.

Figure 8.5 Exploded view of DAT cassette showing intricate construction. When the lid opens, it pulls the ears on the brake plate, releasing the hubs. Note the EOT/BOT sensor prism moulded into the corners of the clear window. (Courtesy TDK)


The cassette has recognition holes in four standard places so that players can automatically determine what type of cassette has been inserted. In addition there is a write-protect (record-lockout) mechanism which is actuated by a small plastic plug sliding between the cassette halves. The end-of-tape condition is detected optically and the leader tape is transparent. There is some freedom in the design of the EOT sensor. As can be seen in Figure 8.6, transmitted-light sensing can be used across the corner of the cassette, or reflected-light sensing can be used, because the cassette incorporates a prism which reflects light around the back of the tape. Study of Figure 8.6 will reveal that the prisms are moulded integrally with the corners of the transparent insert used for the cassette window. The high coercivity (typically 1480 Oersteds) metal powder tape is 3.81 mm wide, the same width as Compact Cassette tape. The standard overall thickness is 13 μm.

Figure 8.6 Tape sensing can be either by transmission across the corner of the cassette, or by reflection through an integral prism. In both cases, the apertures are sealed when the lid closes. (Courtesy TDK)


When the cassette is placed in the transport, the slider is moved back as it engages. This releases the lid lock. Continued movement into the transport pushes the slider right back, revealing the hub openings. The cassette is then lowered onto the hub drive spindles and tape guides, and the door is fully opened to allow access to the tape.

Figure 8.7 The simple mechanism of DAT. The guides and pressure roller move towards the drum and capstan and threading is complete.


As was shown in section 1.6, time compression is used to squeeze continuous samples into an intermittent recording. The angle of wrap of the tape around the drum can be reduced, which makes threading easier. In DAT the wrap angle is only 90° on the commonest drum size. As the heads are 180° apart, this means that for half the time neither head is in contact with the tape. Figure 8.7 shows that the partial-wrap concept allows the threading mechanism to be very simple indeed. As the cassette is lowered into the transport, the pinch roller and several guide pins pass behind the tape. These then simply move towards the capstan and drum and threading is complete. A further advantage of partial wrap is that the friction between the tape and drum is reduced, allowing power saving in portable applications, and allowing the tape to be shuttled at high speed without the partial unthreading needed by videocassettes. In this way the player can read subcode during shuttle to facilitate rapid track access.

The track pattern laid down by the rotary heads is shown in Figure 8.8. The heads rotate at 2000 rev/min in the same direction as tape motion, but because the drum axis is tilted, diagonal tracks 23.5 mm long result, at an angle of just over 6° to the edge. The diameter of the scanner needed is not specified, because it is the track pattern geometry which ensures interchange compatibility. It will be seen from Figure 8.8 that azimuth recording is employed as was described in Chapter 6. This requires no spaces or guard bands between the tracks. The chosen azimuth angle of ±20° reduces crosstalk to the same order as the noise, with a loss of only 1 dB due to the apparent reduction in writing speed.

In addition to the diagonal tracks, there are two linear tracks, one at each edge of the tape, where they act as protection for the diagonal tracks against edge damage. Owing to the low linear tape speed the use of these edge tracks is somewhat limited.

Figure 8.8 The two heads of opposite azimuth angles lay down the above track format. Tape linear speed determines track pitch.


8.4 DAT specification

Several related modes of operation are available, some of which are mandatory whereas the remainder are optional. These are compared in Table 8.1. The most important modes use a sampling rate of 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz, with sixteen-bit two’s complement uniform quantization. At a linear tape speed of 8.15 mm/s, the standard cassette offers 120 min unbroken playing time. Initially it was proposed that all DAT machines would be able to record and play at 48 kHz, whereas only professional machines would be able to record at 44.1 kHz. For consumer machines, playback only of prerecorded media was proposed at 44.1 kHz, so that the same software could be released on CD or prerecorded DAT tape. Once SCMS (serial copying management system) was incorporated into consumer machines, they too recorded at 44.1 kHz. For reasons which will be explained later, contact duplicated tapes run at 12.225 mm/s to offer a playing time of 80 min. The above modes are mandatory if a machine is to be considered to meet the format.

Option 1 is identical to 48 kHz mode except that the sampling rate is 32 kHz. Option 2 is an extra-long-play mode. In order to reduce the data rate, the sampling rate is 32 kHz and the samples change to twelve-bit two’s complement with non-linear quantizing. Halving the subcode rate allows the overall data rate necessary to be halved. The linear tape speed and the drum speed are both halved to give a playing time of four hours. All the above modes are stereo, but option 3 uses the sampling parameters of option 2 with four audio channels. This doubles the data rate with respect to option 2, so the standard tape speed of 8.15 mm/s is used.

Table 8.1 The significance of the recognition holes on the DAT cassette. Holes 1, 2 and 3 form a coded pattern; whereas hole 4 is independent.


8.5 DAT block diagram

Figure 8.9 shows a block diagram of a typical DAT recorder. In order to make a recording, an analog signal is fed to an input ADC, or a direct digital input is taken from an AES/EBU interface. The incoming samples are subject to interleaving to reduce the effects of error bursts. Reading the memory at a higher rate than it was written performs the necessary time compression. Additional bytes of redundancy computed from the samples are added to the data stream to permit subsequent error correction. Subcode information such as the content of the AES/EBU channel status message is added, and the parallel byte structure is fed to the channel encoder, which combines a bit clock with the data, and produces a recording signal according to the 8/10 code which is free of DC (see Chapter 6). This signal is fed to the heads via a rotary transformer to make the binary recording, which leaves the tape track with a pattern of transitions between the two magnetic states.

On replay, the transitions on the tape track induce pulses in the head, which are used to recreate the record current waveform. This is fed to the 10/8 decoder which converts it to the original data stream and a separate clock. The subcode data are routed to the subcode output, and the audio samples are fed into a deinterleave memory which, in addition to time-expanding the recording, functions to remove any wow or flutter due to head-to-tape speed variations. Error correction is performed partially before and partially after de-interleave. The corrected output samples can be fed to DACs or to a direct digital output.

In order to keep the rotary heads following the very narrow slant tracks, alignment patterns are recorded as well as the data. The automatic trackfollowing system processes the playback signals from these patterns to control the drum and capstan motors. The subcode and ID information can be used by the control logic to drive the tape to any desired location specified by the user.

Figure 8.9 Block diagram of DAT.


8.6 Track following in DAT

The high-output metal tape used in DAT allows an adequate signal-to-noise ratio to be obtained with very narrow tracks on the tape. This reduces tape consumption and allows a small cassette, but it becomes necessary actively to control the relative position of the head and the track in order to maximize the replay signal and minimize the error rate. The track width and the coercivity of the tape largely define the signal-to-noise ratio. A track width has been chosen which makes the signal-to-crosstalk ratio dominant in cassettes which are intended for user recording.

Prerecorded tapes are made by contact duplication, and this process only works if the coercivity of the copy is less than that of the master. The output from prerecorded tapes at the track width of 13.59 μm would be too low, and would be noise-dominated, which would cause the error rate to rise. The solution to this problem is that in prerecorded tapes the track width is increased to be the same as the head pole. The noise and crosstalk are both reduced in proportion to the reduced output of the medium, and the same error rate is achieved as for normal high-coercivity tape. The 50 per cent increase in track width is achieved by raising the linear tape speed from 8.15 to 12.225 mm/s, and so the playing time of a prerecorded cassette falls to 80 min as opposed to the 120 min of the normal tape. As DAT failed as a consumer product, prerecorded tapes are understandably rare.

The track-following principles are the same for prerecorded and normal cassettes except for dimensional differences. Tracking is achieved in conventional video recorders by the use of a linear control track which contains one pulse for every diagonal track. The phase of the pulses picked up by a fixed head is compared with the phase of pulses generated by the drum, and the error is used to drive the capstan. This method is adequate for the wide tracks of analog video recorders, but errors in the mounting of the fixed head and variations in tape tension rule it out for high-density use. In any case the control-track head adds undesirable mechanical complexity. In DAT, the tracking is achieved by reading special alignment patterns on the tape tracks themselves, and using the information contained in them to control the capstan.

DAT uses a technique called area-divided track following (ATF) in which separate parts of the track are set aside for track-following purposes. Figure 8.10 shows the basic way in which a tracking error is derived. The tracks at each side of the home track have bursts of pilot tone recorded in two different places. The frequency of the pilot tone is 130 kHz, which has been chosen to be relatively low so that it is not affected by azimuth loss. In this way an A head following an A track will be able to detect the pilot tone from the adjacent B tracks.

In Figure 8.11(a) the case of a correctly tracking head is shown. The amount of side-reading pilot tone from the two adjacent B tracks is identical. If the head is off track for some reason, as shown in (b), the amplitude of the pilot tone from one of the adjacent tracks will increase, and the other will decrease. The tracking error is derived by sampling the amplitude of each pilot-tone burst as it occurs, and holding the result so the relative amplitudes can be compared.

There are some practical considerations to be overcome in implementing this simple system, which result in some added complication. The pattern of pilot tones must be such that they occur at different times on each side of every track. To achieve this there must be a burst of pilot tone in every track, although the pilot tone in the home track does not contribute to the development of the tracking error. Additionally there must be some timing signals in the tracks to determine when the samples of pilot tone should be made. The final issue is to prevent the false locking which could occur if the tape happened to run at twice normal speed.

Figure 8.10 In the track-following system of DAT, the signal picked up by the head comes from pilot tones recorded in adjacent tracks at different positions. These pilot tones have low frequency, and are unaffected by azimuth error. The system samples the amplitude of the pilot tones, and subtracts them.


Figure 8.11 (a) A correctly tracking head produces pilot-tones bursts of identical amplitude. (b) The head is off track, and the first pilot burst becomes larger, whereas the second becomes smaller. This produces the tracking error in the circuit of Figure 8.10.


Figure 8.12 shows how the actual track-following pattern of DAT is laid out.3 The pilot burst is early on A tracks and late on B tracks. Although the pilot bursts have a two-track cycle, the pattern is made to repeat over four tracks by changing the period of the sync patterns which control the pilot sampling. This can be used to prevent false locking. When an A head enters the track, it finds the home pilotburst first, followed by pilot from the B track above, then pilot from the B track below. The tracking error is derived from the latter two. When a B head enters the track, it sees pilot from the A track above first, A track below next, and finally home pilot. The tracking error in this case is derived from the former two. The machine can easily tell which processing mode to use because the sync signals have a different frequency depending on whether they are in A tracks (522 kHz) or B tracks (784 kHz). The remaining areas are recorded with the interblock gap frequency of 1.56 MHz which serves no purpose except to erase earlier recordings.

Although these pilot and synchronizing frequencies appear strange, they are chosen so that they can be simply obtained by dividing down the master channelbit-rate clock by simple factors. The channel-bit-rate clock, Fch, is 9.408 MHz; pilot, the two sync frequencies and erase are obtained by dividing it by 72, 18, 12 and 6 respectively. The time at which the pilot amplitude in adjacent tracks should be sampled is determined by the detection of the synchronizing frequencies. As the head sees part of three tracks at all times, the sync detection in the home track has to take place in the presence of unwanted signals. On one side of the home sync signal will be the interblock gap frequency, which is high enough to be attenuated by azimuth. On the other side is pilot, which is unaffected by azimuth. This means that sync detection is easier in the trackingerror direction away from pilot than in the direction towards it. There is an effective working range of about +4 and −5 μm due to this asymmetry, with a dead band of 4 μm between tracks. Since the track-following servo is designed to minimize the tracking error, once lock is achieved the presence of the dead zone becomes academic.

The differential amplitude of the pilot tones produces the tracking error, and so the gain of the servo loop is proportional to the playback gain, which can fluctuate due to head contact variations and head tolerance. This problem is overcome by using AGC in the servo system. In addition to subtracting the pilot amplitudes to develop the tracking error, the circuitry also adds them to develop an AGC voltage. Two sample-and-hold stages are provided which store the AGC parameter for each head separately. The heads can thus be of different sensitivities without upsetting the servo. This condition could arise from manufacturing tolerances, or if one of the heads became contaminated.

8.7 DAT data channel

The channel code used in DAT is designed to function well in the presence of crosstalk, to have zero DC component to allow the use of a rotary transformer, and to have a small ratio of maximum and minimum run lengths to ease overwrite erasure. The code used is a group code where eight data bits are represented by ten channel bits, hence the name 8/10.

Figure 8.12 The area-divided track-following (ATF) patterns of DAT. To ease generation of patterns on recording, the pattern lengths are related to the data-block dimensions and the frequencies used are obtained by dividing down the channel bit clock Fch. The sync signals are used to control the timing with which the pilot amplitude is sampled.


Figure 8.13 The sync block of DAT begins with a sync pattern of ten channel bits, which does not correspond to eight data bits. The header consists of an ID code byte and a block address. Parity is formed on the header bytes. The sync blocks alternate between 32 data (or outer code) bytes and 24 data bytes and 8 bytes of R – S redundancy for the inner codes.


The basic unit of recording is the sync block shown in Figure 8.13. This consists of the sync pattern, a three-byte header and 32 bytes of data, making 36 bytes in total, or 360 channel bits. The subcode areas each consist of eight of these blocks, and the PCM audio area consists of 128 of them. Note that a preamble is only necessary at the beginning of each area to allow the data separator to phase-lock before the first sync block arrives. Synchronism should be maintained throughout the area, but the sync pattern is repeated at the beginning of each sync block in case sync is lost due to dropout.

The first byte of the header contains an ID code which in the PCM audio blocks specifies the sampling rate in use, the number of audio channels, and whether there is a copy-prohibit in the recording. The second byte of the header specifies whether the block is subcode or PCM audio with the first bit. If set, the least significant four bits specify the subcode block address in the track, whereas if it is reset, the remaining seven bits specify the PCM audio block address in the track. The final header byte is a parity check and is the exclusive-OR sum of header bytes one and two.

The data format within the tracks can now be explained. The information on the track has three main purposes, PCM audio, subcode data and ATF patterns. It is necessary to be able to record subcode at a different time from PCM audio in professional machines in order to update or post-stripe the timecode. The subcode is placed in separate areas at the beginning and end of the tracks. When subcode is recorded on a tape with an existing PCM audio recording, the heads have to go into record at just the right time to drop a new subcode area onto the track. This timing is subject to some tolerance, and so some leeway is provided by the margin area which precedes the subcode area and the interblock gap (IBG) which follows. Each area has its own preamble and sync pattern so the data separator can lock to each area individually even though they were recorded at different times or on different machines.

The track-following system will control the capstan so that the heads pass precisely through the centre of the ATF area. Figure 8.14 shows that, in the presence of track curvature, the tracking error will be smaller overall if the ATF pattern is placed part-way down the tracks. This explains why the ATF patterns are between the subcode areas and the central PCM audio area.

Figure 8.14 (a) The ATF patterns are at the ends of the track, and in the presence of track curvature the tracking error is exaggerated. (b) The ATF patterns are part-way down the track, minimizing mistracking due to curvature, and allowing a neat separation between subcode and audio blocks.


The data interleave is block-structured. One pair of tape tracks (one + azimuth and one – azimuth) corresponding to one drum revolution, make up an interleave block. Since the drum turns at 2000 rev/min, one revolution takes 30 ms and, in this time, 1440 samples must be stored for each channel for 48 kHz working.

The first interleave performed is to separate both left- and right-channel samples into odd and even. The right-channel odd samples followed by the left even samples are recorded in the + azimuth track, and the left odd samples followed by the right even samples are recorded in the – azimuth track. Figure 8.15 shows that this interleave allows uncorrectable errors to be concealed by interpolation. At (b) a head becomes clogged and results in every other track having severe errors. The split between right and left samples means that half of the samples in each channel are destroyed instead of every sample in one channel. The missing right even samples can be interpolated from the right odd samples, and the missing left odd samples are interpolated from the left even samples. Figure 8.15(c) shows the effect of a longitudinal tape scratch. A large error burst occurs at the same place in each head sweep. As the positions of left- and right-channel samples are reversed from one track to the next, the errors are again spread between the two channels and interpolation can be used in this case also. The error-correction system of DAT uses product codes which were treated in Chapter 6.

8.8 Multi-channel rotary-head recorders

Several audio channels can be accommodated on a single tape track by the use of multiplexing. In DAT, there are two channels, but these cannot be recorded singly. However, in other formats, if suitable edit gaps and block identification codes are present along the track, it is possible to record only those channels which are required, leaving the remainder intact. The head switches between play and record dynamically at the right place in each track. In this way a practical multi-track digital audio recorder can be made using rotary heads. In other respects such recorders work on the same principles as the DAT format described above.

Figure 8.15 (a) Interleave of odd and even samples and left and right channels to permit concealment in case of gross errors. (b) Clogged head loses every other track. Half of the samples of each channel are still available, and interpolation is possible. (c) A linear tape scratch destroys odd samples in both channels. Interpolation is again possible.


Following work which suggests that a helical-scan machine can accept spliced tape, Kudelski4 proposed a format for 1/4-inch tape using a rotary head which became that of the NAGRA D. This machine offers four independently recordable channels of up to twenty-bit wordlength and timecode faciliies. The block structure is basically that of the audio channels of the D-1 DVTR. The format is restricted to low-density recording because of the potential for contamination with open reels. Whilst the recording density is not as great as in DAT, it is still competitive with professional analog machines and as the NAGRA D is a professional-only product, tape consumption is of less consequence than reliability. Manual splicing of a helical scan tape causes a serious tracking and data loss problem at the splice. The principle of jump editing is used so that the area of the splice is not played.

A number of manufacturers have developed low-cost digital multitrack recorders for the home studio market. These are based on either VHS or Video-8 rotary head cassette tape decks and generally offer eight channels of audio. Some models have timecode and include synchronizers so that several machines can be locked together to offer more tracks. These machines have become very popular as their purchase and running costs are considerably lower than that of stationary head machines.

8.9 Stationary-head recorders

Professional stationary-head recorders are specifically designed for record production and mastering, and have to be able to offer all the features of an analog multitrack. It could be said that many digital multitracks mimic analog machines so exactly that they can be installed in otherwise analog studios with the minimum of fuss. When the stationary-head formats were first developed, the necessary functions of a professional machine were: independent control of which tracks record and play, synchronous recording, punch-in/ punch-out editing, tape-cut editing, variable-speed playback, offtape monitoring in record, various tape speeds and bandwidths, autolocation and the facilities to synchronize several machines. In both theory and practice a modern rotary-head recorder can achieve a higher storage density than a stationary-head recorder, thus using less tape. However, when multitrack digital audio recorders were first proposed some years ago, the adaptation of a video-recorder transport had to be ruled out because it lacked the necessary bandwidth. For example, a 24-track machine requires about 20 megabits per second. Accordingly, multitrack digital audio recorders evolved with stationary heads and open reels to look and behave like analog recorders even to the extent of supporting splicing. In the context of advances in data recording and the use of hard disks, the open reel multitrack digital audio recorder is unlikely to develop further.

A stationary-head recorder is basically quite simple, as the block diagram of Figure 8.16 shows. The transport is not dissimilar to that of an analog recorder. The tape is very thin, rather like videotape, to allow it to conform closely to the heads for short-wavelength working. Control of the capstan is more like that of a video recorder. The capstan turns at constant speed when a virgin tape is being recorded, but for replay, it will be controlled to run at whatever speed is necessary to make the offtape sample rate equal to the reference rate. In this way, several machines can be kept in exact synchronism by feeding them with a common reference. Variable-speed replay can be achieved by changing the reference frequency. It should be emphasized that, when variable speed is used, the output sampling rate changes. This may not be of any consequence if the samples are returned to the analog domain, but it prevents direct connection to a digital mixer, since these usually have fixed sampling rates.

The major items in the block diagram have been discussed in the relevant chapters. Samples are interleaved, redundancy is added, and the bits are converted into a suitable channel code. In stationary-head recorders, the frequencies in each head are low, and complex coding is not difficult. The lack of the rotary transformer of the rotary-head machine means that DC content is a less important issue. The codes used generally try to emphasize density ratio, which keeps down the linear tape speed, and the jitter window, since this helps to reject the inevitable crosstalk between the closely spaced heads. On replay there are the usual data separators, timebase correctors and error-correction circuits.

Figure 8.16 Block diagram of typical open-reel digital audio recorder. Note advanced head for synchronous recording, and capstan controlled by replay circuits.


8.10 DASH format

The DASH5 format is not one format as such, but a family of like formats, and thus supports a number of different track layouts. The quarter-inch DASH formats are obsolete and not considered here. With ferrite-head technology, it was possible to record 24 tracks on half-inch tape (H). The most frequently found member of this family is the Sony PCM-3324.

Using thin-film heads, the magnetic circuits and windings are produced by deposition on a substrate at right angles to the tape plane, and as seen in Figure 8.17 they can be made very accurately at small track spacings. Perhaps more importantly, because the magnetic circuits do not have such large parallel areas, mutual inductance and crosstalk are smaller allowing a higher practical track density.

The so-called double-density version, known as DASH II, uses such thin-film heads to obtain 48 digital tracks on quarter-inch in tape. The track dimensions allow 24 of the replay head gaps on a DASH II machine to align with and play tapes recorded on a DASH I machine. PCM–3348 machines can play 24-track tapes and even record a further 24 tracks on them, but such 48-track tapes cannot then be played on 24-track machines.

Figure 8.17 The thin-film head shown here can be produced photographically with very small dimensions. Flat structure reduces crosstalk. This type of head is suitable for DASH II which has twice as many tracks as DASH I.


The DASH format supports three sampling rates and the tape speed is normalized to 30in/s at the highest rate. The three rates are 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. In fact most stationary-head recorders will record at any reasonable sampling rate just by supplying them with an external reference, or word clock, at the appropriate frequency. Under these conditions, the sampling-rate switch on the machine only controls the status bits in the recording which set the default playback rate.

The error-correction strategy of DASH forms codewords which are confined to single-tape tracks. In all practical recorders measures have to be taken for the rare cases when the error correction is overwhelmed by gross corruption. In open-reel stationary-head recorders, one obvious mechanism is the act of splicing the tape and the resultant contamination due to fingerprints. The use of interleaving is essential to handle burst errors; unfortunately it conflicts with the requirements of tape-cut editing. Figure 8.18 shows that a splice in crossinterleave destroys codewords for the entire constraint length of the interleave. The longer the constraint length, the greater the resistance to burst errors, but the more damage is done by a splice.

Figure 8.18 Although interleave is a powerful weapon against burst errors, it causes greater data loss when tape is spliced because many codewords are replayed in two unrelated halves.


In order to handle dropouts or splices, samples from the convertor or direct digital input are first sorted into odd and even. The odd/even distance has to be greater than the crossinterleave constraint length. In DASH, the constraint length is 119 blocks, or 1428 samples, and the odd/even delay is 204 blocks, or 2448 samples. In the case of a severe dropout, after the replay de-interleave process, the effect will be to cause two separate error bursts, first in the odd samples, then in the even samples. The odd samples can be interpolated from the even and vice versa in order to conceal the dropout. In the case of a splice, samples are destroyed for the constraint length, but Figure 8.19 shows that this occurs at different times for the odd and even samples.

Using interpolation, it is possible to obtain simultaneously the end of the old recording and the beginning of the new one. A digital crossfade is made between the old and new recordings. The interpolation during concealment and splices causes a momentary reduction in frequency response which may result in aliasing if there is significant audio energy above one quarter of the sampling rate.

Figure 8.19 Following de-interleave, the effect of a splice is to cause odd and even data to be lost at different times. Interpolation is used to provide the missing samples, and a crossfade is made when both recordings are available in the central overlap.


8.11 DCC – Digital Compact Cassette

DCC is a stationary-head format in which the tape transport is designed to play existing analog Compact Cassettes in addition to making and playing digital recordings. This backward compatibility means that an existing Compact Cassette collection can still be enjoyed whilst newly made or purchased recordings will be digital.6 To achieve this compatibility, DCC tape is the same width as analog Compact Cassette tape (3.81 mm) and travels at the same speed (image in/s or 4.76 cm/s). The formulation of the DCC tape is different; it resembles conventional chrome video tape, but the principle of playing one ‘side’ of the tape in one direction and then playing the other side in the opposite direction is retained.

Although the DCC cassette has similar dimensions to the Compact Cassette so that both can be loaded in the same transport, the DCC cassette is of radically different construction. The DCC cassette only fits in the machine one way, it cannot be physically turned over as it only has hub drive apertures on one side. The head access bulge has gone and the cassette has a uniform rectangular crosssection, taking up less space in storage. The transparent windows have also been deleted as the amount of tape remaining is displayed on the panel of the player. This approach has the advantage that labelling artwork can cover almost the entire top surface. The same approach has been used in pre-recorded MiniDiscs. As the cassette cannot be turned over, all transports must be capable of playing in both directions. Thus DCC is an auto-reverse format. In addition to a record lockout plug, the cassette body carries identification holes. Combinations of these specify six different playing times from 45 min to 120 min as in Table 8.1.

The apertures for hub drive, capstans, pinch rollers and heads are covered by a sliding cover formed from metal plate. The cover plate is automatically slid aside when the cassette enters the transport. The cover plate also operates hub brakes when it closes and so the cassette can be left out of its container. The container fits the cassette like a sleeve and has space for an information booklet.

DCC uses a form of compression which Philips call Precision Adaptive Subband Coding (PASC). This is quite similar to the MPEG Layer I coding described in Chapter 5 and its use allows the recorded data rate to be about one quarter that of the original PCM audio. Conventional chromium tape may then be used with a minimum wavelength of about one micrometre instead of the more expensive high-coercivity tapes normally required for use with shorter wavelengths. Linear tracks were chosen so that tape duplication could be carried out at high speed. Even with compression the only way in which the bit rate can be accommodated is to use many tracks in parallel.

Figure 8.20 shows that in DCC audio data are distributed over eight parallel tracks along with a subcode track which together occupy half the width of the tape. At the end of the tape the head rotates about an axis perpendicular to the tape and plays the remaining tracks in reverse. The other half of the head is fitted with magnetic circuits sized for analog tracks and so the head rotation can also select the head type which is in use for a given tape direction.

Compression followed by distribution over eight tracks means that each track runs at only 96 kbits/s. The linear tape speed is incredibly low by stationary-head digital standards in order to obtain the desired playing time. The rate of change of flux in the replay head is very small due to the low tape speed, and conventional inductive heads are at a severe disadvantage because their selfnoise drowns the signal. Magnetoresistive heads are necessary because they do not have a derivative action, and so the signal is independent of speed. A magnetoresistive head uses an element whose resistance is influenced by the strength of flux from the tape and its operation was discussed in Chapter 6. Magneto-resistive heads are unable to record, and so separate record heads are necessary. Figure 8.21 shows a schematic outline of a DCC head. There are nine inductive record heads for the digital tracks, and these are recorded with a width of 185 μm and a pitch of 195 μm.

Figure 8.20 In DCC audio and auxiliary data are recorded on nine parallel tracks along each side of the tape as shown in (a). The replay head shown in (b) carries magnetic poles which register with one set of nine tracks. At the end of the tape, the replay head rotates 180° and plays a further nine tracks on the other side of the tape. The replay head also contains a pair of analog audio magnetic circuits which will be swung into place if an analog cassette is to be played.


Figure 8.21 The head arrangement used in DCC. There are nine record heads which leave tracks wider than the MR replay heads to allow for misregistration. Two MR analog heads allow compact cassette replay.


Alongside the record head are nine MR replay gaps. These operate on a 70μm band of the tape which is nominally in the centre of the recorded track. There are two reasons for this large disparity between the record and replay track widths. Firstly, replay signal quality is unaffected by a lateral alignment error of ± 57 μm and this ensures tracking compatibility between machines. Secondly, the loss due to incorrect azimuth is proportional to track width and the narrower replay track is thus less sensitive to the state of azimuth adjustment. In addition to the digital replay gaps, a further two analog MR head gaps are present in the replay stack. These are aligned with the two tracks of a stereo pair in a Compact Cassette. The twenty-gap head could not be made economically by conventional techniques. Instead it is made lithographically using thin film technology.

Tape guidance is achieved by a combination of guides on the head block and pins in the cassette. Figure 8.22 shows that at each side of the head is fitted a C-shaped tape guide. This guide is slightly narrower than the nominal tape width.

The reference edge of the tape runs against a surface that is at right angles to the guide, whereas the non-reference edge runs against a sloping surface. Tape tension tends to force the tape towards the reference edge. As there is such a guide at both sides of the head, the tape cannot wander in the azimuth plane. The tape wrap around the head stack and around the azimuth guides is achieved by a pair of pins behind the tape which are part of the cassette. Between the pins is a conventional sprung pressure pad and screen.

Figure 8.22 The tape guidance of DCC uses a pair of shaped guides on both sides of the head. See text for details.


Figure 8.23 Block diagram of DCC machine. This is basically similar to any stationary-head recorder except for the compression (PASC) unit between the convertors and the transport.


Figure 8.23 shows a block diagram of a DCC machine. The audio interface contains convertors which allow use in analog systems. The digital interface may be used as an alternative. DCC supports 48, 44.1 and 32 kHz sampling rates, offering audio bandwidths of 22, 20 and 14.5 kHz respectively with eighteen-bit dynamic range. Between the interface and the tape subsystem is the PASC coder. The tape subsystem requires error correction and channel coding systems not only for the audio data, but also for the auxiliary data on the ninth track.


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Kudelski, S., et al., Digital audio recording format offering extensive editing capabilities. Presented at the 82nd Audio Engineering Society Convention (London, 1987), Preprint 2481(H-7)

Doi, T.T., Tsuchiya, Y., Tanaka, M. and Watanabe, N., A format of stationary-head digital audio recorder covering wide range of applications. Presented at the 67th Audio Engineering Society Convention (New York, 1980), Preprint 1677(H6)

Lokhoff, G.C.P., DCC: Digital compact cassette. IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., CE-37, 702–706 (1991)

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