• Sample means, 5455

    • calculation of, 54

    • explanation of, 54, 224225

    • formula for, 54

    • sampling distribution of, 230235

    • symbol for, 55

  • Sample median

    • calculation of, 5658

    • explanation of, 56, 224

  • Sample point probabilities

  • Sample points

    • for coin-tossing experiment, 118

    • collection of, 121

    • for complex experiments, 124126

    • explanation of, 117119, 168

  • Sample size, 55

    • central limit theorem and, 452

    • determining, 458459

    • method to determine, 399401

    • population mean and, 282284

    • population proportion and, 284286

  • Sample space, 118120

  • Sample standard deviation, 66

  • Sample variance, 66

  • Sample variance formula, 66

  • Sample z-score, 80

  • Samples

    • biased, 17, 18

    • explanation of, 6

    • random, 12

    • representative, 12

  • Sampling

  • Sampling distributions

    • central limit theorem and, 232233

    • explanation of, 225

    • method to find, 226227

    • of sample mean, 230235

    • simulation of, 225

    • standard deviation of, 231

  • Sampling error

    • explanation of, 283

    • sample size to estimate difference between pair of parameters with specified, 399400

  • SAS, linear regression on, 509, 520521, 551553

  • Scatterplots

    • explanation of, 93

    • normal probability plot as, 210

    • use of, 9395, 506

  • Selection bias, 14, 18

  • Self-selection, 15

  • Sign test, 352355

    • application of, 354355

    • conditions required for valid application of, 354

    • explanation of, 352

    • large-sample sign test for a population mean, 354

  • Signed rank test. See Wilcoxon (paired difference) signed rank test

  • Significance, level of, 312

  • Significance levels, observed

    • explanation of, 318322

    • method to find, 455

  • Skewness, 57, 58

  • Slope, 503

  • Small-sample inferences, 334

  • Small samples

    • conditions for inferences, 376, 391

    • population mean comparisons and, 374379

  • Spearman, Charles E., 556

  • Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, 555557, 559

    • conditions required for a valid, 559

    • critical values of, 559

    • example of, 557558

    • shortcut formula for, 556

  • Spread, 65. See also Variability

  • SPSS, linear regression on, 509, 526

  • Standard deviation

    • for binomial random variable, 189

    • of discrete random variable, 175176

    • explanation of, 6566

    • interpretation of, 7174

    • sample, 66

    • of sampling distribution, 231

    • symbols for, 67

    • variability and, 71

  • Standard error of statistic, 371

  • Standard normal distribution, 197

  • Standard normal random variable

    • explanation of, 197

    • method to find, 198201

  • Standard normal table

  • Statistic, standard error of, 371

  • Statistical inference. See also Inferences; specific topics

    • example of, 7475

    • explanation of, 6

    • numerical descriptive measures and, 54

  • Statistical test

  • Statistical thinking, 17

  • Statisticians, 3

  • Statistics. See also Descriptive statistics; Inferential statistics; specific topics

    • applications of, 35

    • explanation of, 23

    • fundamental elements of, 59

    • types of, 3

  • Stem-and-leaf display, 46

    • benefits and drawbacks of, 46

    • explanation of, 4344, 48

  • Straight-line model

  • Stratified random sampling, 13

  • Sum of squares for treatments (SST), 423

  • Sum of squares of error (SSE), 423, 506, 507

    • explanation of, 507

  • Summation notation, 54

  • Surveys, 12, 1518

  • Systematic sampling, 13

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