16.3 Bitcoin Overview

In this section we provide a brief overview of Bitcoin. For those interested in the broader issues behind the design of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, we refer to the next section.

Bitcoin is an example of a ledger-based cryptocurrency that uses a combination of cryptography and decentralized consensus to keep track of all of the transactions related to the creation and exchange of virtual coins, known as bitcoins.

Bitcoin is a very sophisticated collection of cryptography and communication protocols, but the basic structure behind the operation of Bitcoin can be summarized as having five main stages:

  • Users maintain a transaction ledger;

  • Users make transactions and announce their transactions;

  • Users gather transactions into blocks;

  • Users solve cryptographic puzzles using these blocks;

  • Users distribute their solved puzzle block.

Let’s start in the middle. There are many users. Transactions (for example, Alice gives three coins to Bob and five coins to Carla) are happening everywhere. Each transaction is broadcast to the network. Each user collects these transactions and verifies that they are legitimate. Each user collects the valid transactions into a block. Suddenly, one user, say Zeno, gets lucky (see “Mining” below). That user broadcasts this news to the network and gets to add his block to the ledger that records all transactions that have ever taken place. The transactions continue throughout the world and continue to be broadcast to everyone. The users add the valid transactions to their blocks, possibly including earlier transactions that were not included in the block that just got added to the ledger. After approximately 10 minutes, another user, let’s say Xenia, gets lucky and is allowed to add her block to the ledger. If Xenia believes that all of the transactions are valid in the block that Zeno added, then Xenia adds her block to the ledger that includes Zeno’s block. If not, then Xenia adds her block to the ledger that was in place before Zeno’s block was added. In either case, Xenia broadcasts what she did.

Eventually, after approximately another 10 minutes, Wesley gets lucky and gets to add his block to the ledger. But what if there are two or more competing branches of the ledger? If Wesley believes that one contains invalid transactions, he does not add to it, and instead chooses among the remaining branches. But if everything is valid, then Wesley chooses the longest branch. In this way, the network builds a consensus as to the validity of transactions. The longer branch has had more randomly chosen users certify the transactions it contains.

Stopping Double Spending. Now, suppose Eve buys something from the vendor Venus and uses the same coins to buy something from the seller Selena. Eve broadcasts two transactions, one saying that she paid the coins to Venus and one saying that she paid the coins to Selena. Some users might add one of the transactions to their blocks, and some add the other transaction to their blocks. There is possibly no way someone can tell which is legitimate. But eventually, say, Venus’s block ends up in a branch of blocks that is longer than the branch containing Selena’s block. Since this branch is longer, it keeps being augmented by new blocks, and the payment to Selena becomes worthless (the other transactions in the block could be included in later additions to the longer branch). What happens to Selena? Has she been cheated? No. After concluding the deal with Eve, Selena waits an hour before delivering the product. By that time, either her payment has been included in the longer branch, or she realizes that Eve’s payment to her is worthless, so Selena does not deliver the product.

Incentives. Whenever a user gets lucky and is chosen to add a block to the ledger, that user collects fees from each transaction that is included in the block. These payments of fees are listed as transactions that form part of the block that is added to the ledger. If the user includes invalid transactions, then it is likely that a new branch will soon be started that does not include this block, and thereby the payments of transaction fees become worthless. So there is an incentive to include many transactions, but there is also an incentive to verify their validity. At present, there is also a reward for being the lucky user, and this is included as a payment in the user’s block that is being added to the ledger. After every 210000 blocks are added to the ledger, which takes around four years at 10 minutes per block, the reward amount is halved. In 2018, the reward stood at 25 bitcoins. The overall system is set up so that there will eventually be a total of 21 million bitcoins in the system. After that, the plan is to maintain these 21 million coins as the only bitcoins, with no more being produced. At that point, the transaction fees are expected to provide enough incentive to keep the system running.

Mining. How is the lucky user chosen? Each user computes


for billions of values of Nonce. Here, h is the hash function SHA-256, Nonce is a random bitstring to be found, prevhash is the hash of the previous block in the blockchain, TransXj are the transactions that the user is proposing to add to the ledger. On the average, after around 1020 hashes are computed worldwide, some user obtains a hash value whose first 66 binary digits are 0s. (These numbers are adjusted from time to time as more users join in order to keep the average spacing at 10 minutes.) This user is the “lucky” one. The nonce that produced the desired hash is broadcast, along with the hash value obtained and the block that is being added to the ledger. The mining then resumes with the updated ledger, at least by users who deem the new block to be valid.

Mining uses enormous amounts of electricity and can be done profitably only when inexpensive electric power is available. When this happens, massive banks of computers are used to compute hash values. The rate of success is directly proportional to the percentage of computer power one user has in relation to the total power of all the users in the world. As long as one party does not have access to a large fraction of the total computing power, the choice of the lucky user will tend to be random enough to prevent cheating by a powerful user.

16.3.1 Some More Details

Users Maintain a Transaction Ledger: The basic structure behind Bitcoin is similar to many of the other ledger-based cryptocurrencies. No actual digital coins are actually exchanged. Rather, a ledger is used to keep track of transactions that take place, and pieces of the ledger are the digital objects that are shared. Each user maintains their own copy of the ledger, which they use to record the community’s collection of transactions. The ledger consists of blocks, structured as a blockchain (see Section 12.7), which are cryptographically signed and which reference previous blocks in the ledger using hash pointers to the previous block in the ledger.

Also, a transaction includes another hash pointer, one to the transaction that says that the spender has the bitcoins that are being spent. This means that when someone else checks the validity of a transaction, it is necessary to look at only the transactions that occurred since that earlier transaction. For example, if George posts a transaction on June 14 where he gives 13 bitcoins to Betsy, George includes a pointer to the transaction on the previous July 4 where Tom paid 18 bitcoins to George. When Alex wants to check the validity of this transaction, he checks only those transactions from July 4 until June 14 to be sure that George didn’t also give the bitcoins to Aaron. Moreover, George also can post a transaction on June 14 that gives the other five bitcoins from July 4 to himself. In that way, the ledger is updated in a way that there aren’t small pieces of long-ago transactions lying around.

Making and Announcing Transactions: A transaction specifies the coins from a previous transaction that are being consumed as input. As output of the transaction, it specifies the address of the recipients and the amount of coins to be delivered to these recipients. For example, in addresses for Bitcoin Version 1, each user has a public/private pair of keys for the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. The user’s address is a 160-bit cryptographic hash of their public key. The 160-bit hash is determined by first calculating the SHA-256 hash of the user’s public key, and then calculating the RIPEMD-160 hash (this is another widely used hash function) of the SHA-256 output. A four-byte cryptographic checksum is added to the 160-bit hash, which is calculated from SHA-256 being applied twice to the 160-bit hash. Finally, this is encoded into an alphanumeric representation.

The transaction is signed by the originator of the transaction using their private key, and finally it is announced to the entire set of users so it can be added to blocks that will be appended to the community’s ledger.

Gathering Transactions into Blocks: Transactions are received by users. Users verify the transactions that they receive and discard any that they are not able to verify. There are several reasons why transactions might not verify. For example, since the communications are taking place on a network, it is possible that not every user will receive the same set of transactions at the same time. Or, users might be malicious and attempt to announce false transactions, and thus Bitcoin relies on users to examine the collection of new transactions and previous transactions to ensure that no malicious behavior is taking place (such as double spending, or attempting to steal coins). Users then gather the transactions they believe are valid into the block that they are forming. A new, candidate block consists of a collection of transactions that a user believes is valid, and these transactions are arranged in a Merkle Tree to allow for efficient searching of transactions within a block. The block also contains a hash pointer to a previous block in the ledger. The hash pointer is calculated using the SHA-256 hash of a previous block.

Anonymity: Any cash system should have some form of anonymity. In Bitcoin, a user is identified only through that user’s public key, not through the actual identity. A single user could register under multiple names so that an observer will not see several transactions being made by one user and deduce the user’s identity. Of course, some anonymity is lost because this user will probably need to make transfers from the account of one of his names to the account of another of his names, so a long-term analysis might reveal information.

An interesting feature of Bitcoin is that registering under multiple names does not give a user more power in the mining operations because the computational resources for mining will be spread over several accounts but will not increase in power. Therefore, the full set of this user’s names has the same probability of being lucky as if the user had opened only a single account. This is much better than the alternative where a consensus could be reached by voting with one vote per account.

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