

2D objects, 179-180

3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad: Create and Print Your Own 3D Models, 224, 328

3D models. See also objects

3D image cards, creating, 192-195

taping together, 194

trimming, 193

3D printing, 35-36

123D Sculpt+. See 123D Sculpt+ app

360-degree viewable

123D Catch app, 199

blurry surrounding scenery, 216

converting image files to JPEGs, 207-209

Create Capture process, 214

creating with photos, 198

details, 212

screenshots, taking, 202-207

software, 198

uploading screenshots to 123D Catch, 211

videos, creating, 216-219

viewing in 123D Catch, 215

zooming, 215

credits, 38

custom. See custom creations

defined, 34

download files available, 38

file, downloading, 39

finding, 36-37

front versus back, 255

height, 52

information pages, 38

MCEdit. See MCEdit

Minecraft screenshots

finding on Macs, 189-190

finding on Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191

pairing with Macs, 192

pairing with Windows, 190

resizing with Macs, 192

resizing with Windows, 191

taking, 184-186

monsters, creating, 148

arms, rotating, 152

baking, 154

building from scratch, 149

colors, adding, 154

exporting, 157-160

fine details, adding, 156

molding, 154

moving, 173

naming, 160

.obj file conversion, 167-170

orientation, setting, 173

placing in worlds, 173

posing, 156

predesigned models, 150

resizing, 171

saving to Binvox, 165

robot, 125

Tinkercad. See Tinkercad

3D printing, 35-36

monster 3D models, ordering, 159

website, 329

3D Printing: Build Your Own 3D Printer and Print Your Own 3D Objects, 36

3D viewers, 183-184

3D worlds, viewing

3D image cards, creating, 192-195

3D viewers, 183-184

360-degree viewable objects

123D Catch app, 199

blurry surrounding scenery, 216

converting image files to JPEGs, 207-209

Create Capture process, 214

creating with photos, 198

details, 212

screenshots, taking, 202-207

software, 198

uploading screenshots to 123D Catch, 211

videos, creating, 216-219

viewing in 123D Catch, 215

zooming, 215

Minecraft screenshots

finding on Macs, 189-190

finding on Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191

pairing with Macs, 192

pairing with Windows, 190

resizing with Macs, 192

resizing with Windows, 191

taking, 184-186

Oculus Rift, 181-183

123D Catch app, 199

3D models

blurry surrounding scenery, 216

details, 212

viewing, 215

zooming, 215

Animation Path button, 216

Create Capture process, 214

Create Default Animation Path button, 217

disadvantage, 201

Export Video button, 218

help, 216

image files, uploading, 211

Making a 3D Print of a Real Object Using 123D Catch and Meshmixer website, 329

running on iPhone, 199

screenshots, taking, 202-207

second set at another elevation, 205

slightly above, 206

starting points, choosing, 203

toolbar view, hiding, 202

user-submitted 3D model gallery, 200

videos, creating, 216-219

123D Sculpt+ app, 125-126

3D models, creating, 148

baking, 154

Build from Scratch option, 149

clay, molding, 154

colors, adding, 144

converting .obj files, 131-136, 167-170

downloading .obj files, 123-124

exporting, 157-160

fine details, adding, 156

naming, 160

parts, rotating, 152

placing in worlds, 173

posing, 156

predesigned models, 127, 150

printing, 159

resizing with MCEdit, 136-142, 171

saving, 128, 165

sharing, 129, 159

viewing, 127, 148


Bake, 154

Color Paint, 154

Create, 148

Export Mesh, 158-160

Export Now, 160

Featured, 147

Help, 156

Popular, 147

Pose, 156

Publish, 159

Recent, 147

Rotate, 152

Sculpt, 156

Share and Make, 157

Share Image, 159

help, 153

iOS versus Android, 147

menu, 147

My Sculptures page, 128

website, 145

360-degree viewable objects

123D Catch app, 199

blurry surrounding scenery, 216

converting image files to JPEGs, 207-209

Create Capture process, 214

creating with photos, 198

details, 212

image files, uploading to 123D Catch, 211

screenshots, taking, 202-207

second set at another elevation, 205

slightly above, 206

starting points, choosing, 203

toolbar view, hiding, 202

software, 198

videos, creating, 216-219

viewing in 123D Catch, 215

zooming, 215



castle rooms, 27

custom-shaped buildings, 240

dome topped, 240-242

hourglass shaped, 244-246

dome cities, 293

entrance signs to mazes, 92

Minecraft screenshots

side-by-side with Macs, 192

side-by-side with Windows, 190

monsters, 173


futuristic city, 232

multiple, 235

single, 234-235

spherical buildings, 236-238

towers, 91

Adventures in Minecraft, 328

air blocks, 116-120

Align tool (Tinkercad)

alignment dots, 281

balancing sphere on top of pyramid, 284-285


around all three axes, 285

front to back, 283

left to right, 282-283

selecting, 281

Animation Path button (123D Catch app), 216


123D Catch app. See 123D Catch app

123D Sculpt+ app. See 123D Sculpt+ app

Tinkercad video tutorials, 328

avatar hands, hiding, 185

Awesome Redstone Minecraft House video, 328


Bake button (123D Sculpt+ app), 154

balancing objects on top of one another, 284-285


C: drive root, 167

command prompt, 131, 166

downloading, 162

installing, 162, 165

.obj file conversions, 131-136, 167-170

vox_package folder

3D models, saving to, 165

C: drive destination, setting, 167

creating, 163


air, 116-120

glass blocks, 297


changing, 292-296

determining types, 293

millimeters ratio, 52

redstone, 321

carrying current, 322-325

circuits online resource, 322

How-to Geek’s Engineering with Redstone lesson, 329

mining, 321

resources, 325

website, 322

removing, 89

types, changing in MCEdit, 63-71

blur (123D Catch app), 216

book resources, 327-328

bricks (dome cities)


changing, 294-296

determining types, 293

glass blocks, 297

bridges, creating, 308-312

Clone control panel, 309

cloned objects

copies, viewing, 310

distance from original objects values, 311

number of cloned objects, specifying, 311

connecting sections, 310

importing single bridge span, 308

selecting bridge section, 309

span download, 308


Chrome, 10, 14

OpenGL compatibility, 14


colors, 239

custom-shaped, 240

colors, 247

dome topped, 240-242

hourglass shaped, 244-246

skyscrapers, 234-235

spherical, 236-238

standing on corner, creating, 256-260


CAD (computer-aided design)

defined, 3

designs, 41

platforms, 40

software aids, 41

capturing Minecraft screenshots

3D images, 184-186

360-degree viewable objects, 202-207

Creative mode, 201

Pocket Edition, 207

carrying current, 322-325


designs, finding, 9-13

exploring, 26

importing, 19, 22, 26

mirror images, creating, 304-308

object download website, 304

preparing with Tinkercad, 14

accounts, creating, 15

converting files, 17

exporting, 18

importing files, 16

new projects, creating, 15

rooms, adding, 27

websites, 10

centering objects

around all three axes, 285

front to back, 283

grid lines, 279

left to right, 282-283

Chrome, 10, 14

circuits, 322-325

clearing. See removing

Clone button (MCEdit), 309

Clone tool (MCEdit), 308-312

Clone control panel, 309

cloned objects

copies, viewing, 310

distance from original objects values, 311

connecting clones to original objects, 310

number of cloned objects, specifying, 311

importing single objects, 308

selecting imported object, 309

Color Paint button (123D Sculpt+ app), 154


buildings, 239

custom-shaped buildings, 247

custom shapes, 278

hollow half sphere, choosing, 289

imported objects, selecting, 278

monsters, adding, 154

Tinkercad objects, 233, 239

Command Prompt window (Binvox), 166

community objects (Tinkercad), 275


MCEdit and PE, 315

OpenGL, 14

platforms, 2

Pocket Edition, 30

computer-aided design. See CAD


file types, 77

.obj files to schematic files, 131-136, 167-170

.png files to .svg files, 100-102

Tinkercad files for Minecraft, 17

Copy button (MCEdit), 301

Copy from PC button, 320

copying/pasting objects

MCEdit, 300-303

Tinkercad, 235

worlds from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

Copy to PC button, 319

Create a New Capture button (123D Catch), 211

Create button (123D Sculpt+ app), 148

Create Capture process (123D Catch app), 214

Create Default Animation Path button (123D Catch app), 217

Create New Design button (Tinkercad), 15, 225

Creative mode

defined, 1

screenshots, taking, 201

credits (3D models), 38

crushed mazes, 105

current, carrying, 322-325

custom creations

dome cities, 285

alignment, 288

changing materials, 294-296

clear, 297

determining materials, 293

Hole half sphere, creating, 287

hollow half sphere color, choosing, 289

hollow half sphere size, 290

hollowness, creating, 289

importing, 293

merging solid Hole half sphere with Hole half sphere, 288

placing domes over buildings, 290-291

selecting, 294

solid half sphere, creating, 286

walkways between domes, adding, 292

futuristic city, 229

Box object, creating, 229

building standing on corner, creating, 256-260

colors, 233, 239

custom-shaped buildings, 240-247

land, flattening, 230-232

multiple skyscrapers, adding, 235

pyramid with tunnel, creating, 261, 264

single skyscraper, adding, 234-235

skyscraper, adding, 232

spherical buildings, 236-238

rotating, 252

3D objects, 254

rotation controls, 251

rotation meter, 251

single-digit increments, 253

X-axis, 255

Y-axis, 254

Z-axis, 254


colors, 278

community objects, 275

creating, 275


naming projects, 225-226

new projects, creating, 225

shape collections, 227

tunnels, creating, 261-264

dropping Round Roof object, 261

holes through solids, creating, 264-266

lengthening Round Roof object, 262

view, rotating, 250

custom-shaped buildings, 240

colors, 247

dome topped, 240

blending Sphere/Cylinder objects, 241

grouping items, 242

moving joined shapes, 242

raising Sphere objects, 240

resizing, 243

ungrouping items, 243

hourglass shaped, 245-246


depth perception, 179


CAD, 41


exploring, 26

finding with Thingiverse, 9-13

importing, 19, 22, 26

preparing with Tinkercad, 14-18

rooms, adding, 27

digital shortcuts, 9


mazes, 104

selection areas (MCEdit), 115

dome cities, 285

alignment, 288

clear domes, 297

hole half sphere, creating, 287

hollow half spheres

colors, choosing, 289

sizes, 290

hollowness, creating, 289

importing, 293


changing, 294-296

determining, 293

merging solid half sphere with hole half sphere, 288

placing domes over buildings, 290-291

selecting, 294

solid half sphere, creating, 286

walkways between domes, adding, 292

dome-topped buildings, creating, 240

blending Sphere/Cylinder objects, 241

grouping items, 242

moving joined shapes, 242

raising Sphere objects, 240

resizing, 243

ungrouping items, 243


Binvox, 162

MCEdit, 30-32

Thingiverse files, 13-14, 39


Easter Island, 137

monolith object download, 202

monolith video, 219

Eiffel Tower object

download files available, 38

file, downloading, 39

finding, 37

information page, 38

engineers Wikipedia page, 4

entrance signs, 92


castles, 26

mazes, 92

Export button (Tinkercad), 18



MCEdit, 108

Tinkercad, 86

Tinkercad files to Minecraft, 18

Export Mesh button (123D Sculpt+ app), 158-160

Export Now button (123D Sculpt+ app), 160

Export Video button (123D Catch app), 218

extensions (files), viewing, 35


Featured button (123D Sculpt+ app), 147


copying between tablets and computers. See iFunbox

extensions, viewing, 35

importing, Tinkercad, 16, 42-44

jpeg conversions, 207-209

mesh, downloading from 123D Sculpt+, 129


converting to schematic files, 131-136, 167-170

downloading from 123D Sculpt+, 129-130

online libraries, 143

.png, 79

converting to jpeg, 207-209

converting to .svg, 80, 100-102

preparing with Tinkercad, 14

accounts, creating, 15

converting files for Minecraft, 17

exporting to Minecraft, 18

importing files, 16

new projects, creating, 15

schematic, .obj conversions, 131-136, 167-170

skins, downloading from 123D Sculpt+, 129

.svg, 79

importing into Tinkercad, 81

.png conversions,804, 100-102

Thingiverse, 13-14, 39

type conversions, 77

Fill and Replace tool (MCEdit), 117, 120


3D models

123D Sculpt+ app, 127, 147

Thingiverse, 36-37

3D viewers, 183

castle designs, 9-13

maze terrain, 109

Minecraft screenshots

Macs, 189-190

Windows, 187-189

flattening terrain, 89, 230-232

food icons, hiding, 185

front versus back (Tinkercad 3D models), 255

futuristic city, creating, 229

Box object, creating, 229

building standing on corner, creating, 256-260

colors, 233, 239

custom-shaped buildings, 240

colors, 247

dome topped buildings, 240-242

hourglass shaped buildings, 244-246

dome covered, 285

alignment, 288

changing materials, 294-296

clear, 297

determining materials, 293

hole half sphere, creating, 287

hollow half sphere color, choosing, 289

hollow half sphere size, 290

hollowness, creating, 289

importing, 293

merging solid half sphere with hole half sphere, 288

placing domes over buildings, 290-291

selecting, 294

solid half sphere, creating, 286

walkways between domes, creating, 292

land, flattening, 230-232

pyramid with tunnel, creating, 261, 264

dropping Round Roof object, 261

holes through solids, creating, 264-266

lengthening Round Roof object, 262

skyscrapers, adding, 232

multiple, 235

single, 234-235

spherical buildings, 236-238

G – H

game designers, 1

health icons, hiding, 185

hedge mazes

converting to .svg files, 100-102

creating, 96

dimensions, 96-97

exporting to MCEdit, 108

importing into Tinkercad, 102

placing, 121


crushed, 105

dimensions, 104

height, 106-108

shrinking consistently, 106

skinny deformed, 104

Tinkercad, 103

saving, 98

shapes, choosing, 96


finding, 109

locking selections, 113

placing, 121

replacing selections with air, 116-120

selecting pieces, 112

selection areas, resizing, 114-115

websites, 78


mazes, 96-97, 106-108

millimeters to blocks ratios, 52

selection areas, increasing, 115


123D Catch app, 216

123D Sculpt+ app, 153

Help button (123D Sculpt+ app), 153

hiding avatar hands and health/food/tools icons, 185


castles, 10

Minecraft, 1

Hole button (Tinkercad), 264

holes through solids, creating

converting objects to Hole objects, 265-266

grouping Hole objects with solid objects, 266

Hole button, 264

holographic worlds, 182

HoloLens, 182

hourglass buildings, creating, 244-246

How-to Geek’s Engineering with Redstone lesson website, 329

“How to Make a” video series, 328



tablets, connecting, 317-320

viewing, 315

website, 315

IJKL keys (MCEdit), 58

ImageBatch, 209

Import button

MCEdit, 22, 59

Tinkercad, 16


castles, 19, 22, 26

dome cities, 293

files (Tinkercad), 16, 42-44

mazes, 81


colors, selecting, 278

MCEdit, 19, 54, 59-61

information pages (3D models), 38


Binvox, 162, 165

MCEdit, 32

J – K – L

.jpeg file conversions, 207-209

Learn 3D Modeling Basics with Tinkercad, 45

Learn button (Tinkercad), 45

Loreo 3D viewers, 183



file extensions, viewing, 35


tablets, connecting, 317-320

viewing, 315

website, 315

Minecraft screenshots

finding, 189-190

pairing, 192

resizing, 192

Making a 3D Print of a Real Object Using 123D Catch and Meshmixer website, 329

Maoi object download, 202


changing in MCEdit, 63-71

dome cities

changing, 294-296

determining, 293

glass blocks, 297

imported objects, 278

redstone, 321

carrying current, 322-325

circuits online resource, 322

How-to Geek’s Engineering with Redstone lesson, 329

mining, 321

resources, 325

website, 322, 78

mazes, 77

converting to .svg files, 100-102

creating, 78-80, 96

dimensions, 96-97

entrance signs, adding, 92

exploring, 92

exporting, 86, 108

floating above ground, 88

hedge, 78

importing into Tinkercad, 81, 102

middle tower, adding, 91

placing, 90

resizing, 82-85

crushed, 105

dimensions, 104

height, 106-108

shrinking consistently, 106

skinny deformed, 104

Tinkercad, 103

running through, 93

saving, 98

shapes, choosing, 96


finding, 109

flattening, 89

locking selections, 113

placing, 121

replacing selections with air, 116-120

selecting pieces, 112

selection areas, resizing, 114-115


3D models, importing, 54, 59-61

block types, changing, 63-71

castles, importing, 19, 22, 26

castle placement, 22-24

files, selecting, 20

selecting worlds, 20

viewing worlds, 21

Clone tool, 308-312

Clone control panel, 309

cloned copies, viewing, 310

cloned object distance from original objects values, 311

connecting clones to original objects, 310

importing single object, 308

number of cloned objects, specifying, 311

selecting imported object, 309

copying/pasting, 300-303

dome cities

changing materials, 294-296

clear, 297

determining materials, 293

placing, 293

selecting, 294

downloading, 30-32

Fill and Replace tool, 117-120

imported objects

colors, selecting, 278

resizing, 136-142, 171

installing, 32

location, 60


flattening terrain, 89

floating above ground, 88

locking terrain selections, 113

middle tower, adding, 91

placing, 90, 121

replacing selected terrain with air, 116-120

selecting pieces of terrain, 112

selection areas, resizing, 114-115

terrain, finding, 109

Minecraft worlds, opening, 56

Mirror button, 173

Mirror tool, 304-308

movement controls

IJKL, 58

WASD, 57

Nudge button, 173


importing, 19, 54, 59-61

placing, 173

open world warning, 33

PE compatibility, 315

Android devices, 320

moving files from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

Roll button, 173

Rotate button, 173

Scale Factor box, 171

Select tool

choosing, 111

locking selections, 113

replacing selected areas with air, 116-120

selecting areas, 112

selection areas, resizing, 114-115

transparent box behaviors, 111-112

start screen, 53

Tinkercad 3D models, preparing for importing, 51-52

versions, 31

video tutorial, 329

website, 300

worlds, saving, 73

mesh files, downloading, 129


3D technology HoloLens, 182

Minecraft purchase, 1

millimeters to blocks ratio, 52


designers, 1

engineers, 4

Microsoft purchase, 1

modes, 1

Pocket Editions

compatibility, 30

MCEdit compatibility, 315, 320

moving files from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

screenshots, taking, 207


3D image cards, creating, 192, 195

finding on Macs, 189-190

finding on Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191

pairing with Macs, 192

pairing with Windows, 190

Pocket Edition, 207

resizing with Macs, 192

resizing with Windows, 191

taking for 3D images, 184-186

taking for 360-degree viewable objects, 202-207

taking in Creative mode, 201

uploading to 123D Catch, 211

Wiki’s Tutorials page, 329

Minecraft: Redstone for Dummies A Basic Guide video, 328

Minecraft: Redstone Handbook: An Official Mojang Book, 325

Minecraft: The Complete Handbook Collection, 328

Minecraft Crafting Guide website, 325

Minecrafter, 4

Mirror button (MCEdit), 173

mirroring objects, 304-308

Mirror tool (MCEdit), 304-308

modes, 1

Mojang, 1

monsters, creating, 148

arms, rotating, 152

baking, 154

building from scratch, 149

colors, adding, 154

exporting, 157-160

fine details, adding, 156

molding, 154

moving, 173

naming, 160

.obj file conversion, 167-170

orientation, setting, 173

placing in worlds, 173

posing, 156

predesigned models, 150

resizing, 171

saving to Binvox, 165

movement controls (MCEdit)

IJKL, 58

WASD, 57

moving objects, 173

Multiplayer mode, 1

My Sculptures page (123D Sculpt+), 128



123D Sculpt+ models, 160

Tinkercad projects, 225-226

Notch, 1

Nudge button (MCEdit), 173



2D, 179-180

3D models. See 3D models

360-degree viewable. See 360-degree viewable objects

cloning, 308-312

Clone control panel, 309

cloned copies, viewing, 310

cloned object distance from original objects values, 311

connecting clones to original objects, 310

importing single object, 308

number of cloned objects, specifying, 311

selecting imported object, 309

copying/pasting, 300-303

creating, 223

credits, 38

custom with Tinkercad

new projects, creating, 225

project names, 225-226

shape collections, 227

futuristic city, 229

Box object, creating, 229

building standing on corner, creating, 256-260

colors, 233, 239

custom-shaped buildings, 240-247

land, flattening, 230-232

multiple skyscrapers, adding, 235

pyramid with tunnel, creating, 261-264

single skyscraper, adding, 234-235

spherical buildings, 236-238

imported, colors, 278

importing into Minecraft, 19, 22, 26

Maoi download, 202


block types, changing, 63-71

importing, 54, 59-61

location, 60

movement controls, 57-58

millimeters to block ratios, 52

mirror images, creating, 304-308

moving, 173

orientation, 173

placing, 173

Shape Generator

colors, 278

community objects, 275

control window, 272-273

custom shapes, creating, 275

ProGear object, 272

Text object control window, 273-275


download files available, 38

file, downloading, 39

finding, 36-37

information pages, 38

Tinkercad. See Tinkercad


copying/pasting, 301-303

finding, 300

selecting, 301

turning on/off with redstone, 322, 325

viewing in Tinkercad, 42

.obj files

converting to schematic files, 131-136, 167-170

downloading from 123D Sculpt+, 129-130

online libraries, 143

O’Brien, Stephen, 2

Oculus Rift, 181-183

Convert to SVG option, 100-102

.png to .svg file conversions, 80

Open button (MCEdit), 20, 59

OpenGL, 14


MCEdit, 53

worlds, 56

orientation (objects), 173


Paste button (MCEdit), 303

Persson, Markus, 1

placing. See adding


CAD, 40

compatibility, 2

.png (Portable Network Graphics) files, 79

converting to jpeg, 207-209

converting to .svg, 80, 100-102

Pocket Editions

compatibility, 30

MCEdit compatibility, 315, 320

moving files from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

screenshots, taking, 207

Popular button (123D Sculpt+ app), 147

Pose button (123D Sculpt+ app), 156

preparing 3D models with Tinkercad, 41

files, 14-18

height values, 49

length/width values, 50

MCEdit import, 52

preparing for MCEdit, 51-52

rotating, 47-48

selecting, 49

.stl files, importing, 42-44

workplane view, 45

zooming, 45-47

printing 3D models, 159

projects (Tinkercad)

creating, 15

names, 225-226

starting, 225

Publish button (123D Sculpt+ app), 159

pyramid with tunnel, (Round Roof object), 261-264

dropping, 261

lengthening, 262

turning into hole, 264-266


Recent button (123D Sculpt+ app), 147

redstone blocks, 76, 321

carrying current, 322-325

circuits online resource, 322

How-to Geek’s Engineering with Redstone lesson website, 329

mining, 321

resources, 325

website, 322


blocks, 89

terrain, 116-120

Resize boxes (Tinkercad), 82-85


hollow half spheres, 290

imported 3D models with MCEdit, 136-142

mazes, 82-85, 103-108

Minecraft screenshots

Macs, 192

Windows, 191

monsters, 171

robot 3D model, 136-142

selection areas (MCEdit), 114-115


3D printing, 36

books, 327-328

Minecraft books by Stephen O’Brien, 2

redstone, 325

videos, 328

websites, 329

robot 3D model, 125

creating from predesigned model, 127

.obj files

converting to schematic files, 131-136

downloading, 129-130

resizing with MCEdit, 136-142

saving, 128

Roll button (MCEdit), 173

rooms, adding, 27

Rotate button

123D Sculpt+ app, 152

MCEdit, 173

Rotate Object tool (Tinkercad), 47-48


model parts, 152

Tinkercad objects, 47-48, 252-254

building standing on corner, creating, 256-260

rotation controls, 251

rotation meter, 251

single-digit increments, 253

views, 250

X-axis, 255

Y-axis, 254

Z-axis, 254


Save Changes button (Tinkercad), 226


3D models

123D Sculpt+, 128

Binvox, 165

mazes, 79, 98

worlds, 73

Scalable Vector Graphics. See .svg files

Scale Factor box (MCEdit), 171

schematic files, .obj conversions, 131-136, 167-170

screenshots (Minecraft)

3D image cards, creating, 192-195

taping together, 194

trimming, 193


Macs, 189-190

Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191


Macs, 192

Windows, 190

Pocket Edition, 207


Macs, 192

Windows, 190


3D images, 184-186

360-degree viewable objects, 202-207

Creative mode, 201

Pocket Edition, 207

uploading to 123D Catch, 211

Sculpt button (123D Sculpt+ app), 156

Sculpteo, 159

searching Thingiverse, 11, 36-37

security. See mazes

Select tool (MCEdit)

choosing, 111

locking selections, 113

selection areas, 112

dimensions, 115

height, increasing, 115

replacing with air, 116-120

resizing, 114-115

transparent box behaviors, 111-112

Shape Generator (Tinkercad)

colors, 278

community objects, 275

control window, 272-273

custom shapes, creating, 275

ProGear object, 277

tabs, 272

Text object control window, 273-275

viewing, 272


mazes, choosing, 96

Tinkercad collections, 227

Share and Make button (123D Sculpt+ app), 157

Share Image button (123D Sculpt+ app), 159

sharing 3D models (123D Sculpt+ app), 129, 159

shortcuts, 9

skinny mazes, 104

skins files, downloading, 129

skyscrapers, adding

futuristic city, 232

multiple, 235

single, 234-235

spherical buildings, adding, 236-238

stacking objects, 279

stereoscopic, 184

stereoscopy website, 329

Survival mode, 1

.svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) files, 79

importing into Tinkercad, 81

.png conversions, 80, 100-102



connecting to iFunbox, 317-319

copying world files from for computers. See iFunbox

MCEdit and Android device compatibility, 320

Pocket Editions

compatibility, 30

MCEdit compatibility, 315, 320

moving files from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

screenshots, taking, 207


clearing with MCEdit Select tool, 116-120

flattening, 89, 230-232


finding, 109

locking selections, 113

placing, 121

replacing selected with air, 116-120

selecting pieces, 112

selection areas, resizing, 114-115

Thing Files button (Thingiverse), 38

Thingiverse, 10

3D models

3D printing, 35-36

credits, 38

defined, 34

finding, 36-37

information pages, 38

viewing, 12


availability, 38

downloading, 13-14, 39

supported, 39

overview, 34

searching, 11

Thingiview button (Thingiverse), 12

Tinkercad, 14, 41

3D models

front versus back, 255

height, 49, 52

length/width, 50

preparing for MCEdit, 51-52

rotating, 47-48

selecting, 49

viewing, 42

zooming, 45-47

accounts, creating, 15

Align tool

alignment dots, 281

balancing sphere on top of pyramid, 284-285

centering around all three axes, 285

centering front to back, 283

centering left to right, 282-283

selecting, 281

Box object

colors, 233

copying/pasting, 235

creating, 229

flattening, 230

placing, 235

selecting, 230

sizing, 234

stretching, 232


Create New Design, 225

Save Changes, 226

colors, choosing, 233

cones, flipping, 245-246

custom-shaped objects, 240

blending shapes, 241

colors, 247

grouping items, 242

hourglass shaped, 244-246

moving joined shapes, 242

raising Sphere objects, 240

resizing, 243

ungrouping items, 243


converting for Minecraft, 17

exporting Minecraft, 18

importing, 16

Half Sphere object

alignment, 288

color, 289

converting to Hole object, 287

grouping with Hole object half sphere, 289

merging with Hole object half sphere, 288

resizing, 290

solid, creating, 286

holes through solids, creating, 261-264

converting objects to Hole objects, 265-266

dropping Round Roof object, 261

grouping Hole objects with solid objects, 266

Hole button, 264

lengthening Round Roof object, 262


exporting, 86, 108

importing, 81, 102

resizing, 82-85, 103-108

new projects, creating, 15


centering with grid lines, 279

colors, 239

copying/pasting, 235

half Cylinder, creating, 267

raising/lowering, 238

selecting, 230

stacking, 279

turning into holes, 264-266

OpenGL compatibility, 14


naming, 225-226

new, starting, 225

resources, 224

rotating, 252

3D objects, 254

building standing on corner, creating, 256-260

rotation controls, 251

rotation meter, 251

single-digit increments, 253

X-axis, 255

Y-axis, 254

Z-axis, 254

shape collections, 227

Shape Generator

colors, 278

community objects, 275

control window, 272-273

custom shapes, creating, 275

ProGear object, 277

tabs, 272

Text object control window, 273-275

viewing, 272

Sphere objects

adding, 238

creating, 236

flattening, 237

raising/lowering, 238

.stl files, importing, 42-44

tutorials, 45

undoing changes, 106

video tutorials, 328

views, rotating, 250

workplane view, 45

tools icons, hiding, 185

towers, adding, 91

T-rex object

copying/pasting, 301-303

finding, 300

selecting, 301

tunnels, creating (Round Roof object), 261-264

dropping, 261

lengthening, 262

turning into hole, 264-266

TurboSquid, 143

turning objects on/off, 322, 325


The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Server, 3, 327

The Ultimate Player’s Guide to Minecraft, 327

Undo button (Tinkercad), 106



360-degree viewable objects, creating, 216-219

resources, 328


3D models

123D Catch app, 215

123D Sculpt+ app, 127, 147

Tinkercad, 42

cloned copies, 310

file extensions, 35

iFunbox, 315

maze dimensions, 104

selection area dimensions, 115

Shape Generator (Tinkercad), 272

Thingiverse images, 12

Tinkercad objects, 250

worlds in MCEdit, 21

worlds in 3D

3D image cards, creating, 192-195

3D viewers, 183-184

360-degree viewable objects. See 360-degree viewable objects

finding screenshots on Macs, 189-190

finding screenshots on Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191

Minecraft screenshots, taking, 184-186

Oculus Rift, 181-183

pairing screenshots with Macs, 192

pairing screenshots with Windows, 190

resizing screenshots with Macs, 192

resizing screenshots with Windows, 191

vox_package folder (Binvox)

3D models, saving to, 165

C: drive destination, setting, 167

creating, 163


walkways between dome cities, creating, 292

Warner, Timothy, 3

WASD keys (MCEdit), 57


3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad, 328

3D Printing: Build Your Own 3D Printer and Print Your Own 3D Objects, 36

123D Catch app, 199

123D Sculpt+ app, 145

Adventures in Minecraft, 328

Autodesk Tinkercad video tutorials, 328

Awesome Redstone Minecraft House, 328

Binvox download, 162

bridge span download, 308

castles, 10, 304

Chrome download, 14

Easter Island, 137, 219

engineers Wikipedia page, 4

hedge mazes, 78

holographic technology, 182

HoloLens, 182

How-to Geek’s Engineering with Redstone lesson, 329

“How to Make a” video series, 328

iFunbox, 315

ImageBatch, 209

Learn 3D Modeling Basics with Tinkercad, 45

Loreo 3D viewers, 183

Making a 3D Print of a Real Object Using 123D Catch and Meshmixer, 329

Maoi object download, 202

MCEdit, 300

download, 30

video tutorial, 329


books by Stephen O’Brien, 2

Crafting Guide, 325

Wiki’s Tutorials page, 329

Minecraft: Redstone for Dummies A Basic Guide video, 328

Minecraft: Redstone Handbook: An Official Mojang Book, 325

Minecraft: The Complete Handbook Collection, 328

Oculus Rift, 182

redstone, 322, 325

resources, 329

Sculpteo, 159

steroscopy, 329

Tinkercad custom shapes, creating, 275

T-rex object, 300

TurboSquid, 143

The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Server, 3, 327

The Ultimate Player’s Guide to Minecraft, 327


mazes, 96-97

Tinkercad 3D models, 50


file extensions, viewing, 35


tablets, connecting, 317-320

viewing, 315

website, 315

Minecraft screenshots

finding, 187-189

pairing, 190

resizing, 191

workplane (Tinkercad), 45


copying from tablets to computers. See iFunbox

MCEdit open world warning, 33

opening, 56

saving, 73

viewing, 21

viewing in 3D

3D image cards, creating, 192, 195

3D viewers, 183-184

360-degree viewable objects. See 360-degree viewable objects

finding screenshots on Macs, 189-190

finding screenshots on Windows, 187-189

left versus right images, 191

Minecraft screenshots, taking, 184-186

Oculus Rift, 181-183

pairing screenshots with Macs, 192

pairing screenshots with Windows, 190

resizing screenshots with Macs, 192

resizing screenshots with Windows, 191



123D Catch app, 215

Tinkercad, 45-47

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