9.5 Lazy Initialization: sync.Once

It is good practice to defer an expensive initialization step until the moment it is needed. Initializing a variable up front increases the start-up latency of a program and is unnecessary if execution doesn’t always reach the part of the program that uses that variable. Let’s return to the icons variable we saw earlier in the chapter:

var icons map[string]image.Image

This version of Icon uses lazy initialization:

func loadIcons() {
    icons = map[string]image.Image{
        "spades.png":   loadIcon("spades.png"),
        "hearts.png":   loadIcon("hearts.png"),
        "diamonds.png": loadIcon("diamonds.png"),
        "clubs.png":    loadIcon("clubs.png"),

// NOTE: not concurrency-safe!
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
    if icons == nil {
        loadIcons() // one-time initialization
    return icons[name]

For a variable accessed by only a single goroutine, we can use the pattern above, but this pattern is not safe if Icon is called concurrently. Like the bank’s original Deposit function, Icon consists of multiple steps: it tests whether icons is nil, then it loads the icons, then it updates icons to a non-nil value. Intuition might suggest that the worst possible outcome of the race condition above is that the loadIcons function is called several times. While the first goroutine is busy loading the icons, another goroutine entering Icon would find the variable still equal to nil, and would also call loadIcons.

But this intuition is also wrong. (We hope that by now you are developing a new intuition about concurrency, that intuitions about concurrency are not to be trusted!) Recall the discussion of memory from Section 9.4. In the absence of explicit synchronization, the compiler and CPU are free to reorder accesses to memory in any number of ways, so long as the behavior of each goroutine is sequentially consistent. One possible reordering of the statements of loadIcons is shown below. It stores the empty map in the icons variable before populating it:

func loadIcons() {
    icons = make(map[string]image.Image)
    icons["spades.png"] = loadIcon("spades.png")
    icons["hearts.png"] = loadIcon("hearts.png")
    icons["diamonds.png"] = loadIcon("diamonds.png")
    icons["clubs.png"] = loadIcon("clubs.png")

Consequently, a goroutine finding icons to be non-nil may not assume that the initialization of the variable is complete.

The simplest correct way to ensure that all goroutines observe the effects of loadIcons is to synchronize them using a mutex:

var mu sync.Mutex // guards icons
var icons map[string]image.Image

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
    defer mu.Unlock()
    if icons == nil {
    return icons[name]

However, the cost of enforcing mutually exclusive access to icons is that two goroutines cannot access the variable concurrently, even once the variable has been safely initialized and will never be modified again. This suggests a multiple-readers lock:

var mu sync.RWMutex // guards icons
var icons map[string]image.Image

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
    if icons != nil {
        icon := icons[name]
        return icon

    // acquire an exclusive lock
    if icons == nil { // NOTE: must recheck for nil
    icon := icons[name]
    return icon

There are now two critical sections. The goroutine first acquires a reader lock, consults the map, then releases the lock. If an entry was found (the common case), it is returned. If no entry was found, the goroutine acquires a writer lock. There is no way to upgrade a shared lock to an exclusive one without first releasing the shared lock, so we must recheck the icons variable in case another goroutine already initialized it in the interim.

The pattern above gives us greater concurrency but is complex and thus error-prone. Fortunately, the sync package provides a specialized solution to the problem of one-time initialization: sync.Once. Conceptually, a Once consists of a mutex and a boolean variable that records whether initialization has taken place; the mutex guards both the boolean and the client’s data structures. The sole method, Do, accepts the initialization function as its argument. Let’s use Once to simplify the Icon function:

var loadIconsOnce sync.Once
var icons map[string]image.Image

// Concurrency-safe.
func Icon(name string) image.Image {
    return icons[name]

Each call to Do(loadIcons) locks the mutex and checks the boolean variable. In the first call, in which the variable is false, Do calls loadIcons and sets the variable to true. Subsequent calls do nothing, but the mutex synchronization ensures that the effects of loadIcons on memory (specifically, icons) become visible to all goroutines. Using sync.Once in this way, we can avoid sharing variables with other goroutines until they have been properly constructed.

Exercise 9.2: Rewrite the PopCount example from Section 2.6.2 so that it initializes the lookup table using sync.Once the first time it is needed. (Realistically, the cost of synchronization would be prohibitive for a small and highly optimized function like PopCount.)

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