7.8 The error Interface

Since the beginning of this book, we’ve been using and creating values of the mysterious predeclared error type without explaining what it really is. In fact, it’s just an interface type with a single method that returns an error message:

type error interface {
    Error() string

The simplest way to create an error is by calling errors.New, which returns a new error for a given error message. The entire errors package is only four lines long:

package errors

func New(text string) error { return &errorString{text} }

type errorString struct { text string }

func (e *errorString) Error() string { return e.text }

The underlying type of errorString is a struct, not a string, to protect its representation from inadvertent (or premeditated) updates. And the reason that the pointer type *errorString, not errorString alone, satisfies the error interface is so that every call to New allocates a distinct error instance that is equal to no other. We would not want a distinguished error such as io.EOF to compare equal to one that merely happened to have the same message.

fmt.Println(errors.New("EOF") == errors.New("EOF")) // "false"

Calls to errors.New are relatively infrequent because there’s a convenient wrapper function, fmt.Errorf, that does string formatting too. We used it several times in Chapter 5.

package fmt

import "errors"

func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
    return errors.New(Sprintf(format, args...))

Although *errorString may be the simplest type of error, it is far from the only one. For example, the syscall package provides Go’s low-level system call API. On many platforms, it defines a numeric type Errno that satisfies error, and on Unix platforms, Errno’s Error method does a lookup in a table of strings, as shown below:

package syscall

type Errno uintptr // operating system error code

var errors = [...]string{
    1:   "operation not permitted",   // EPERM
    2:   "no such file or directory", // ENOENT
    3:   "no such process",           // ESRCH
    // ...

func (e Errno) Error() string {
    if 0 <= int(e) && int(e) < len(errors) {
        return errors[e]
    return fmt.Sprintf("errno %d", e)

The following statement creates an interface value holding the Errno value 2, signifying the POSIX ENOENT condition:

var err error = syscall.Errno(2)
fmt.Println(err.Error()) // "no such file or directory"
fmt.Println(err)         // "no such file or directory"

The value of err is shown graphically in Figure 7.6.

An interface value holding a syscall.Errno integer.

Figure 7.6. An interface value holding a syscall.Errno integer.

Errno is an efficient representation of system call errors drawn from a finite set, and it satisfies the standard error interface. We’ll see other types that satisfy this interface in Section 7.11.

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