13.2 unsafe.Pointer

Most pointer types are written *T, meaning “a pointer to a variable of type T.” The unsafe.Pointer type is a special kind of pointer that can hold the address of any variable. Of course, we can’t indirect through an unsafe.Pointer using *p because we don’t know what type that expression should have. Like ordinary pointers, unsafe.Pointers are comparable and may be compared with nil, which is the zero value of the type.

An ordinary *T pointer may be converted to an unsafe.Pointer, and an unsafe.Pointer may be converted back to an ordinary pointer, not necessarily of the same type *T. By converting a *float64 pointer to a *uint64, for instance, we can inspect the bit pattern of a floating-point variable:

package math

func Float64bits(f float64) uint64 { return *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) }

", Float64bits(1.0)) // "0x3ff0000000000000"

Through the resulting pointer, we can update the bit pattern too. This is harmless for a floating-point variable since any bit pattern is legal, but in general, unsafe.Pointer conversions let us write arbitrary values to memory and thus subvert the type system.

An unsafe.Pointer may also be converted to a uintptr that holds the pointer’s numeric value, letting us perform arithmetic on addresses. (Recall from Chapter 3 that a uintptr is an unsigned integer wide enough to represent an address.) This conversion too may be applied in reverse, but again, converting from a uintptr to an unsafe.Pointer may subvert the type system since not all numbers are valid addresses.

Many unsafe.Pointer values are thus intermediaries for converting ordinary pointers to raw numeric addresses and back again. The example below takes the address of variable x, adds the offset of its b field, converts the resulting address to *int16, and through that pointer updates x.b:

var x struct {
    a bool
    b int16
    c []int

// equivalent to pb := &x.b
pb := (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(
    uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) + unsafe.Offsetof(x.b)))
*pb = 42

fmt.Println(x.b) // "42"

Although the syntax is cumbersome—perhaps no bad thing since these features should be used sparingly—do not be tempted to introduce temporary variables of type uintptr to break the lines. This code is incorrect:

// NOTE: subtly incorrect!
tmp := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) + unsafe.Offsetof(x.b)
pb := (*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(tmp))
*pb = 42

The reason is very subtle. Some garbage collectors move variables around in memory to reduce fragmentation or bookkeeping. Garbage collectors of this kind are known as moving GCs. When a variable is moved, all pointers that hold the address of the old location must be updated to point to the new one. From the perspective of the garbage collector, an unsafe.Pointer is a pointer and thus its value must change as the variable moves, but a uintptr is just a number so its value must not change. The incorrect code above hides a pointer from the garbage collector in the non-pointer variable tmp. By the time the second statement executes, the variable x could have moved and the number in tmp would no longer be the address &x.b. The third statement clobbers an arbitrary memory location with the value 42.

There are myriad pathological variations on this theme. After this statement has executed:

pT := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new(T))) // NOTE: wrong!

there are no pointers that refer to the variable created by new, so the garbage collector is entitled to recycle its storage when this statement completes, after which pT contains the address where the variable was but is no longer.

No current Go implementation uses a moving garbage collector (though future implementations might), but this is no reason for complacency: current versions of Go do move some variables around in memory. Recall from Section 5.2 that goroutine stacks grow as needed. When this happens, all variables on the old stack may be relocated to a new, larger stack, so we cannot rely on the numeric value of a variable’s address remaining unchanged throughout its lifetime.

At the time of writing, there is little clear guidance on what Go programmers may rely upon after an unsafe.Pointer to uintptr conversion (see Go issue 7192), so we strongly recommend that you assume the bare minimum. Treat all uintptr values as if they contain the former address of a variable, and minimize the number of operations between converting an unsafe.Pointer to a uintptr and using that uintptr. In our first example above, the three operations—conversion to a uintptr, addition of the field offset, conversion back—all appeared within a single expression.

When calling a library function that returns a uintptr, such as those below from the reflect package, the result should be immediately converted to an unsafe.Pointer to ensure that it continues to point to the same variable.

package reflect

func (Value) Pointer() uintptr
func (Value) UnsafeAddr() uintptr
func (Value) InterfaceData() [2]uintptr // (index 1)
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