12.1 Why Reflection?

Sometimes we need to write a function capable of dealing uniformly with values of types that don’t satisfy a common interface, don’t have a known representation, or don’t exist at the time we design the function—or even all three.

A familiar example is the formatting logic within fmt.Fprintf, which can usefully print an arbitrary value of any type, even a user-defined one. Let’s try to implement a function like it using what we know already. For simplicity, our function will accept one argument and will return the result as a string like fmt.Sprint does, so we’ll call it Sprint.

We start with a type switch that tests whether the argument defines a String method, and call it if so. We then add switch cases that test the value’s dynamic type against each of the basic types—string, int, bool, and so on—and perform the appropriate formatting operation in each case.

func Sprint(x interface{}) string {
    type stringer interface {
        String() string
    switch x := x.(type) {
    case stringer:
        return x.String()
    case string:
        return x
    case int:
        return strconv.Itoa(x)
    // ...similar cases for int16, uint32, and so on...
    case bool:
        if x {
            return "true"
        return "false"
        // array, chan, func, map, pointer, slice, struct
        return "???"

But how do we deal with other types, like []float64, map[string][]string, and so on? We could add more cases, but the number of such types is infinite. And what about named types, like url.Values? Even if the type switch had a case for its underlying type map[string][]string, it wouldn’t match url.Values because the two types are not identical, and the type switch cannot include a case for each type like url.Values because that would require this library to depend upon its clients.

Without a way to inspect the representation of values of unknown types, we quickly get stuck. What we need is reflection.

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