11.6 Example Functions

The third kind of function treated specially by go test is an example function, one whose name starts with Example. It has neither parameters nor results. Here’s an example function for IsPalindrome:

func ExampleIsPalindrome() {
    fmt.Println(IsPalindrome("A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"))
    // Output:
    // true
    // false
An interactive example of strings.Join in godoc.

Figure 11.4. An interactive example of strings.Join in godoc.

Example functions serve three purposes. The primary one is documentation: a good example can be a more succinct or intuitive way to convey the behavior of a library function than its prose description, especially when used as a reminder or quick reference. An example can also demonstrate the interaction between several types and functions belonging to one API, whereas prose documentation must always be attached to one place, like a type or function declaration or the package as a whole. And unlike examples within comments, example functions are real Go code, subject to compile-time checking, so they don’t become stale as the code evolves.

Based on the suffix of the Example function, the web-based documentation server godoc associates example functions with the function or package they exemplify, so ExampleIsPalindrome would be shown with the documentation for the IsPalindrome function, and an example function called just Example would be associated with the word package as a whole.

The second purpose is that examples are executable tests run by go test. If the example function contains a final // Output: comment like the one above, the test driver will execute the function and check that what it printed to its standard output matches the text within the comment.

The third purpose of an example is hands-on experimentation. The godoc server at golang.org uses the Go Playground to let the user edit and run each example function from within a web browser, as shown in Figure 11.4. This is often the fastest way to get a feel for a particular function or language feature.


The final two chapters of the book examine the reflect and unsafe packages, which few Go programmers regularly use—and even fewer need to use. If you haven’t written any substantial Go programs yet, now would be a good time to do that.

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