Social Engineering Tactics

Common forms of social engineering include the following:

Image Phishing: Phishing elicits secure information through an e-mail message that appears to come from a legitimate source such as a service provider or financial institution. The e-mail message may ask the user to reply with the sensitive data, or to access a website to update information such as a bank account number.

Image Malvertising: This is the act of incorporating malicious ads on trusted websites, which results in users’ browsers being inadvertently redirected to sites hosting malware.

Image Phone scams: It is not uncommon for someone to call up an employee and attempt to convince employees to divulge information about themselves or others within the organization. An example is a miscreant posing as a recruiter asking for names, e-mail addresses, and so on for members of the organization and then using that information to start building a database to leverage for a future attack, reconnaissance mission, and so forth.

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