New Potential Risks with IPv6

Any new feature or way of operating could be open to a new form of attack. Here is a list of features that are implemented differently or have slightly different methods than IPv4, and as a result, any manipulation of how the feature works could result in a compromise of the network:


Image Network Discovery Protocol: Clients discover routers using NDP, and if a rogue router is present, it could pretend to be a legitimate router and send incorrect information to the clients about the network, the default gateway, and other parameters. This could also lead to a man-in-the-middle attack, where the rogue router now has the opportunity to see all packets from the hosts that are being sent to remote networks.

Image Neighbor cache resource starvation: If an attacker attempts to spoof many IPv6 destinations in a short time, the router can get overwhelmed while trying to store temporary cache entries for each destination. The IPv6 Destination Guard feature blocks data traffic from an unknown source and filters IPv6 traffic based on the destination address. It populates all active destinations into the IPv6 first-hop security binding table, and blocks data traffic when the destination is not identified.

Image DHCPv6: A rogue router that has fooled a client about being a router could also manipulate the client into using incorrect DHCP-learned information. This could cause a man-in-the-middle attack because the host could be using the address of the rogue router as the default gateway.

Image Hop-by-hop extension headers: With IPv4, there were IP options that could be included in IP headers. Malicious use of these headers could cause excessive CPU utilization on the routers that receive or forward these packets, in addition to dictating the path the packet should take through the network. There are no IP options in IPv6; instead, there are IPv6 extensions, which can also be misused. One of the IPv6 extension headers is the Routing Header, type 0 (also referred to as RH0). RH0 can be used to identify a list of one or more intermediate nodes to be included on the path toward the final destination (think IP source routing). This can enable an attacker to dictate the path a packet can take through the network. By default, Cisco IOS disables the processing of RH type 0 headers on most of its current versions of IOS. You can find more information on the use of IPv6 extension headers in the document “IPv6 Extension Headers Review and Considerations” ( As noted in this white paper, there is always the possibility that IPv6 traffic with a significant number of, or very long, extension headers is sent into the network maliciously to attempt to overwhelm the HW resources of the router. Regardless of the platform HW design, this provides for a distributed DoS (DDoS) attack vector, and security mechanisms should be put in place to reduce the risk of a DDoS attack. To protect the CPU from being overwhelmed by high rates of this type of traffic, Cisco routers implement rate limiting of packets that are diverted from the hardware to software path. This rate limiting reduces the chance that the CPU resources of the router will be depleted while trying to process the combination of extensions headers.

Image Packet amplification attacks: Using multicast addresses rather than IPv4 broadcast addresses could allow an attacker to trick an entire network into responding to a request. An example is to send a neighbor solicitation request (which is part of the NDP) to the all-hosts multicast address of FF02::1, which would cause all devices to respond. Another example is if a packet is sent with the header extensions set so that a packet is just looped around the network until the Time-To-Live (TTL) mechanism expires, and perhaps injecting thousands of these to consume bandwidth and resources on the network devices forwarding them.

Image ICMPv6: This protocol is used extensively by IPv6 as its NDP. Much potential harm may result from manipulation of this protocol by an attacker.

Image Tunneling options: Tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 parts of a network may mean that the details inside the IPv6 packet might not be inspected or filtered by the IPv4 network. Filtering needs to be done at the edges of the tunnel to ensure that only authorized IPv6 packets are successfully sent end to end.

Image Autoconfiguration: Because an IPv6 host can automatically configure an IP address for itself, any trickery by a rogue router could also cause the host’s autoconfiguration to be done incorrectly, which could cause a failure on the network or a man-in-the-middle attack as the client tries to route all traffic through the rogue router.

Image Dual stacks: If a device is running both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time, but is aware of only one (or is primarily only using one), the other protocol stack, if not secured, provides a potential vector for an attacker to remotely access the device. Once access is obtained this way, the attacker could then change IP settings or other configuration options based on the end goal the attacker is trying to achieve.

Image Bugs in code: Any software has the potential to have bugs, including the software that is supporting the IPv6 features in the network or end-station devices.

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