Hour 7. Understanding SharePoint 2010 Server Side Development

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

Jump start programming with the object model

Exploring the object model

Understanding the object model in relation to server and site architecture

Troubleshooting and monitoring performance with the developer dashboard

Creating a custom timer job

Modifying the web.config with SPWebConfigModifications

Understanding the event receivers

By the Way

Due to the complexity of the topics discussed, some figures in this book are very detailed and are intended only to provide a high-level view of concepts. Those figures are representational and not intended to be read in detail.

SharePoint has a well-structured server side object model, with Microsoft.SharePoint.dll assembly containing the core components of the same. Classes such as SPFarm, SPServer, SPContext, SPSite, SPWeb, and SPList defined in this assembly represent various elements of a SharePoint site. SharePoint developers can program against these classes to perform operations such as adding, editing, or deleting data, or manipulate various other aspects of a SharePoint website. This hour looks at various APIs and features offered by the SharePoint server side object model, explores features and facilities provided by Visual Studio 2010 for developers to consume these APIs, and also looks at the process of creating a custom timer job, programmatic modifications to web.config, and programming the event receivers.

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