Chapter 9

Removal of Organic Compounds From the Environment


One of the major and continuing environmental problems is contamination resulting from the activities related to industrial processes and products. Contamination of the air, land, and water causes extensive damage of local ecosystems since accumulation of pollutants in animals and plant tissue may cause death or mutations. As a result, once a spill has occurred, every effort must be made to rid the environment of the toxins. The chemicals of known toxicity range in degree of toxicity from low to high and represent considerable danger to human health and must be removed (Frenzel et al., 2009). Many of these chemical substances come in contact with, and are sequestered by, soil or water systems.

It is the purpose of this chapter to introduce the reader to conventional methods to remove, reduce, or mitigate the effects of toxic chemical in nature are available include (1) pump and treat systems, (2) soil vapor extraction, (3) incineration, and (4) containment, each of these conventional methods of treatment of contaminated soil and/or water suffers from recognizable drawbacks and may involve some level of risk.


Biodegradation; Pollution prevention; Operating practices; Process modifications; Recycling

1 Introduction

One of the major and continuing environmental problems is contamination resulting from the activities related to industrial processes and products. Contamination of the air, land, and water causes extensive damage of local ecosystems since accumulation of pollutants in animals and plant tissue may cause death or mutations. As a result, once a spill has occurred, every effort must be made to rid the environment of the toxins. The chemicals of known toxicity range in degree of toxicity from low to high and represent considerable danger to human health and must be removed (Frenzel et al., 2009). Many of these chemical substances come in contact with, and are sequestered by, soil or water systems. While conventional methods to remove, reduce, or mitigate the effects of toxic chemical in nature are available include (1) pump and treat systems, (2) soil vapor extraction, (3) incineration, and (4) containment, each of these conventional methods of treatment of contaminated soil and/or water suffers from recognizable drawbacks and may involve some level of risk. In short, these methods, depending upon the chemical constituents of the spilled material, may limited effectiveness and can be expensive (Speight, 1996, 2005; Speight and Lee, 2000).

Although the effects of bacteria (microbes) on chemicals, especially hydrocarbons, have been known for decades, this technology biodegradation (also known as bioremediation in the sense of applied cleanup of a site by other than natural means) has shown promise and, in some cases, high degrees of effectiveness for the treatment of contaminated sites since it is cost-effective and will lead to complete mineralization. The concept of biodegradation may also refer to complete mineralization of the organic contaminants into carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds to other simpler organic compounds that are not detrimental to the environment. In fact, unless they are overwhelmed by the amount of the spilled material or it is toxic, many indigenous microorganisms in soil and/or water are capable of degrading hydrocarbon contaminants (Speight and Arjoon, 2012).

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) uses biodegradation because it takes advantage of natural processes and relies on microbes that occur naturally or can be laboratory cultivated; these consist of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, cyanobacteria, and, to a lesser extent, plants (US EPA, 2006). These microorganisms either consume and convert the contaminants or assimilate within them all harmful compounds from the surrounding area, thereby rendering the region virtually contaminant-free. Generally, the substances that are consumed as an energy source are organic compounds, while those, which are assimilated within the organism, are heavy metals. Biodegradation harnesses this natural process by promoting the growth and/or rapid multiplication of these organisms that can effectively degrade specific contaminants and convert them to nontoxic by-products.

The capabilities of microorganisms and plants to degrade and transform contaminants provide benefits in the cleanup of pollutants from spills and storage sites. These remediation ideas have provided the foundation for many ex situ waste treatment processes (including sewage treatment) and a host of in situ biodegradation methods that are currently in practice.

Thus, biodegradation—the ability of living organisms to reduce or eliminate environmental hazards resulting from accumulations of toxic chemicals and other hazardous wastes—is an option that offers the possibility to destroy or render harmless various contaminants using natural biological activity (Gibson and Sayler, 1992). In addition, biodegradation can also be used in conjunction with a wide range of traditional physical and chemical technology to enhance the effectiveness of these technologies (Vidali, 2001).

In the current context, biodegradation at contaminated sites is the natural or stimulated cleanup of spills of organic chemicals by the use of microbes to breakdown the organic contaminants of the spill into less harmful (usually lower molecular weight) and easier-to-remove products (biodegradation). The microbes transform the contaminants through metabolic or enzymatic processes, which vary greatly, but the final product is usually harmless and includes carbon dioxide, water, and cell biomass. Thus, the emerging science and technology of biodegradation offers an alternative method to detoxify soil and water from chemical contaminants. Furthermore, and by means of clarification, biodegradation (biotic degradation, biotic decomposition) is the chemical degradation of contaminants by bacteria or other biological means. Organic material can be degraded aerobically (in the presence of oxygen) or anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen). Most biodegradation reactions operate run under aerobic conditions, but a system under anaerobic conditions may permit microbial organisms to degrade chemical species that are otherwise nonresponsive to aerobic treatment, and vice versa.

Thus, biodegradation is a natural process (or a series of processes) by which spilled organic chemicals are broken down (degraded) into nutrients that can be used by other organisms. As a result, the ability of a chemical to be biodegraded is an indispensable element in understanding the risk posed by that chemical on the environment.

Biodegradation is a key process in the natural attenuation (reduction or disposal) of chemical compounds at hazardous waste sites, but the success of the process depends on the ability to determine these conditions and establish them in the contaminated environment. Thus, important site factors required for success include (1) the presence of metabolically capable and sustainable microbial populations; (2) suitable environmental growth conditions, such as the presence of oxygen; (3) temperature, which is an important variable—keeping a substance frozen or below the optimal operating temperature for microbial species, can prevent biodegradation—most biodegradation occurs at temperatures between 10°C and 35°C (50°F and 95°F); (4) the presence of water; (5) appropriate levels of nutrients and contaminants; and (6) favorable acidity or alkalinity (Table 9.1). In regard to the last parameter, soil pH is extremely important because most microbial species can survive only within a certain pH range—generally the biodegradation of hydrocarbons is optimal at a pH 7 (neutral) and the acceptable (or optimal) pH range is on the order of 6–8. Furthermore, soil (or water) pH can affect availability of nutrients.

Table 9.1

Essential Factors for Microbial Bioremediation

FactorOptimal Conditions
Microbial populationSuitable kinds of organisms that can biodegrade all of the contaminants
OxygenEnough to support aerobic biodegradation (c.2% oxygen in the gas phase or 0.4 mg/L in the soil water)
WaterSoil moisture should be from 50% to 70% (w/w) of the water holding capacity of the soil
NutrientsNitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and other nutrients to support good microbial growth
TemperatureAppropriate temperatures for microbial growth (0-40°C)
pHBest range is from 6.5 to 7.5

Thus, through biodegradation processes, living microorganisms (primarily bacteria, but also yeasts, molds, and filamentous fungi) can alter and/or metabolize various classes of chemical compounds. Furthermore, biodegradation also alters subsurface accumulations of chemicals Winters and Williams, 1969; Speight, 2014a, b).

Temperature influences rate of biodegradation by controlling rate of enzymatic reactions within microorganisms. Generally, the rate of an enzymatic reaction approximately doubles for each 10°C (18°F) rise in temperature (Nester et al., 2001). However, there is an upper limit to the temperature that microorganisms can withstand. Most bacteria found in soil, including many bacteria that degrade hydrocarbons, are mesophile organisms which have an optimum working temperature range on the order of 25–45°C (77–113°F) (Nester et al., 2001). Thermophilic bacteria (those which survive and thrive at relatively high temperatures) which are normally found in hot springs and compost heaps exist indigenously in cool soil environments and can be activated to degrade hydrocarbons with an increase in temperature to 60°C (140°F). This indicates the potential for natural attenuation in cool soils through thermally enhanced biodegradation reactions (Perfumo et al., 2007).

In order to enhance and make favorable the parameters presented above to ensure microbial activity, there are two other enhanced biodegradation methods that offer useful options for cleanup of spills of chemicals: (1) fertilization and (2) seeding. Fertilization (nutrient enrichment) is the method of adding nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen to a contaminated environment to stimulate the growth of the microorganisms capable of biodegradation. Limited supplies of these nutrients in nature usually control the growth of native microorganism populations. When more nutrients are added, the native microorganism population can grow rapidly, potentially increasing the rate of biodegradation. Seeding is the addition of microorganisms to the existing native degrading population. Some species of bacteria that do not naturally exist in an area will be added to the native population. As with fertilization, the purpose of seeding is to increase the population of microorganisms that can biodegrade the spilled chemical. Thus, biodegradation is an environmentally acceptable naturally occurring process that takes place when all of the nutrients and physical conditions involved are suitable for growth. The process allows for the breakdown of a compound to either fully oxidized or reduced simple molecules such as carbon dioxide/methane, nitrate/ammonium, and water. However, in some cases, where the process is not complete, the products of biodegradation can be more harmful than the substance degraded.

Intrinsic biodegradation is the combined effect of natural destructive and nondestructive processes to reduce the mobility, mass, and associated risk of a contaminant. Nondestructive mechanisms include sorption, dilution, and volatilization. Destructive processes are aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation. Intrinsic aerobic biodegradation is well documented as a means of remediating soil and groundwater contaminated with fuel hydrocarbons. In fact, intrinsic aerobic degradation should be considered an integral part of the remediation process (McAllister et al., 1995; Barker et al., 1995). There is growing evidence that natural processes influence the immobilization and biodegradation of chemicals such as aromatic hydrocarbons, mixed hydrocarbons, and chlorinated organic compounds (Ginn et al., 1995; King et al., 1995).

Phytoremediation is the use of living green plants for the removal of contaminants and metals from soil and is, essentially, an in situ treatment of pollutant-contaminated soils, sediments, and water—terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland plants and algae can be used for the phytoremediation process under specific cases and conditions of hydrocarbon contamination (Brown, 1995; Nedunuri et al., 2000; Radwan et al., 2000; Magdalene et al., 2009). It is best applied at sites with relatively shallow contamination of pollutants that are amenable to the various subcategories of phytoremediation: (1) phytotransformation—the breakdown of organic contaminants sequestered by plants; (2) rhizosphere biodegradation—the use of rhizosphere microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants; (3) phytostabilization—a containment process using plants, often in combination with soil additives to assist plant installation, to mechanically stabilizing the site and reducing pollutant transfer to other ecosystem compartments and the food chain; (4) phytoextraction—the ability of some plants to accumulate metals/metalloids in their shoots; (5) rhizofiltration; and/or (6) phytovolatilization/rhizovolatilization—processes employing metabolic capabilities of plants and associated rhizosphere microorganisms to transform pollutants into volatile compounds that are released to the atmosphere (Korade and Fulekar, 2009).

These technologies are especially valuable where the contaminated soils are fragile, and prone to erosion. The establishment of a stable vegetation community stabilizes the soil system and prevents erosion. This aspect is especially relevant to certain types of soil where removal of large volumes of soil destabilizes the soil system, which leads to extensive erosion. However, when the above parameters are not conducive to bacterial activity, the bacteria (1) grow too slowly, (2) die, or (3) create more harmful chemicals.

Phytotransformation and rhizosphere biodegradation are applicable to sites that have been contaminated with organic pollutants, including pesticides. It is a technology that should be considered for remediation of contaminated sites because of its cost-effectiveness, esthetic advantages, and long-term applicability (Brown, 1995).

Plants have shown the capacity to withstand relatively high concentrations of organic chemicals without toxic effects, and they can uptake and convert chemicals quickly to less toxic metabolites in some cases. In addition, they stimulate the degradation of organic chemicals in the rhizosphere by the release of root exudates, enzymes, and the buildup of organic carbon in the soil.

Microorganisms degrade or transform contaminants by a variety of mechanisms. Hydrocarbons (particularly alkanes) for example are converted to carbon dioxide and water:



Or the hydrocarbon may be used as a primary food source by the bacteria, which use the energy to generate new cells.

Some contaminants, such as chlorinated organic or high aromatic hydrocarbons, are generally resistant to microbial attack. They are degraded either slowly or not at all, hence it is not easy to predict the rates of cleanup for biodegradation; there are no rules to predict if a contaminant can be degraded.

When the hydrocarbons are chlorinated, degradation takes place as a secondary or cometabolic process rather than a primary metabolic process. In such a case, enzymes, which are produced during aerobic utilization of carbon sources such as methane, degrade the chlorinated compounds. Under aerobic conditions, a chlorinated solvent such as trichloroethylene (CHClglyph_dbndCCl2) can be degraded through a sequence of metabolic steps, where some of the intermediary by-products may be more hazardous than the parent compound (e.g., vinyl chloride, CH2glyph_dbndCHCl).

Over the past two decades, opportunities for applying biodegradation to a much broader set of contaminants have been identified. Indigenous and enhanced organisms have been shown to degrade industrial solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls, explosives, and many different agricultural chemicals. Pilot, demonstration, and full-scale applications of biodegradation have been carried out on a limited basis. However, the full benefits of biodegradation have not been realized because processes and organisms that are effective in controlled laboratory tests are not always equally effective in full-scale applications. The failure to perform optimally in the field setting stems from a lack of predictability due, in part, to inadequacies in the fundamental scientific understanding of how and why these processes work.

2 Biodegradation

Biodegradation is looked upon as an environmentally friendly technique used to restore soil and water to its original state by using indigenous microbes to break down and eliminate contaminants. Biological technologies are often used as a substitute to chemical or physical cleanup of chemical spills because biodegradation does not require as much equipment or labor as other methods; therefore it is usually cheaper. It also allows cleanup workers to avoid contact with polluted soil and water.

The microorganisms used for biodegradation may be indigenous to a contaminated area, or they may be isolated from elsewhere and brought to the contaminated site. Contaminants are transformed by living organisms through reactions that take place as a part of their metabolic processes. Biodegradation of a compound is often a result of the actions of multiple organisms. When microorganisms are imported to a contaminated site to enhance degradation, we have a process known as bioaugmentation.

For biodegradation to be effective, microorganisms must convert the pollutants and convert them to harmless products. As biodegradation can be effective only where environmental conditions permit microbial growth and activity, its application often involves the manipulation of environmental parameters to allow microbial growth and degradation to proceed at a faster rate. However, as is the case with other technologies, biodegradation has its limitations, and there are several disadvantages that must be recognized (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bioremediation

Remediates contaminants that are adsorbed onto or trapped within the geologic materials of which the aquifer is composed along with contaminants dissolved in groundwaterInjection wells and/or infiltration galleries may become plugged by microbial growth or mineral precipitation
Application involves equipment that is widely available and easy to installHigh concentrations (TPH greater than 50,000 ppm) of low solubility constituents may be toxic and/or not bioavailable
Creates minimal disruption and/or disturbance to ongoing site activitiesDifficult to implement in low-permeability aquifers
Time required for subsurface remediation may be shorter than other approaches (e.g., pump-and-treat)Reinjection wells or infiltration galleries may require permits or may be prohibited. Some states require permit for air injection
Generally recognized as being less costly than other remedial optionsMay require continuous monitoring and maintenance
Can be combined with other technologies (e.g., bioventing, SVE) to enhance site remediationRemediation may only occur in more permeable layer or channels within the aquifer
In many cases this technique does not produce waste products that must be disposed

The control and optimization of biodegradation processes is a complex system of many factors. These factors include: the existence of a microbial population capable of degrading the pollutants; the availability of contaminants to the microbial population; and the environment factors (type of soil, temperature, pH, and the presence of oxygen or other electron acceptors, and nutrients).

One of the important factors in biological removal of hydrocarbons from a contaminated environment is their bioavailability to an active microbial population, which is the degree of interaction of chemicals with living organisms or the degree to which a contaminant can be readily taken up and metabolized by a bacterium (Harms et al., 2010). Moreover, the bioavailability of a contaminant is controlled by factors such as the physical state of the hydrocarbon in situ, its hydrophobicity, water solubility, sorption to environmental matrices such as soil, and diffusion out of the soil matrix. When contaminants have very low solubility in water, as in the case of n-alkanes and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, the organic phase components will not partition efficiently into the aqueous phase supporting the microbes.

In the case of soil, the contaminants will also partition to the soil organic matter and become even less bioavailable. Two-phase bioreactors containing an aqueous phase and a nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) have been developed and used for biodegradation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil to address this very problem, but the adherence of microbes to the NAPL-water interface can still be an important factor in reaction kinetics. Similarly, two-phase bioreactors, sometimes with silicone oil as the nonaqueous phase, have been proposed for biocatalytic conversion of hydrocarbons like styrene (Osswald et al., 1996) to make the substrate more bioavailable to microbes in the aqueous phase. When the carbon source is in limited supply, then its availability will control the rate of metabolism and hence biodegradation, rather than catabolic capacity of the cells or availability of oxygen or other nutrients.

In the case of the biomediation of waterways, similar principles apply. Under enhanced conditions (1) certain fuel hydrocarbons can be removed preferentially over others, but the order of preference is dependent upon the geochemical conditions and (2) augmentation and enhancement via electron acceptors to accelerate the biodegradation process. For example, with regard to the aromatic benzene-toluene-ethylbenzene-xylenes (BTEX): (1) toluene can be preferentially removed under intrinsic biodegradation conditions, (2) biodegradation of benzene is relatively slow, (3) augmentation with sulfate can preferentially stimulated biodegradation of o-xylene, and (4) ethylbenzene may be recalcitrant under sulfate-reducing conditions but readily degradable under denitrifying conditions (Cunningham et al., 2000).

In the current context, biodegradation is a collection of chemical reactions for dealing with chemicals contaminants, and the process typically occurs through the degradation of the chemical through the action of microorganisms (biodegradation). The method utilizes indigenous bacteria (microbes) compared to the customary (physical and chemical) remediation methods. Also, the microorganisms engaged are capable of performing almost any detoxification reaction. Biodegradation studies provide information on the fate of a chemical or mixture of chemicals (such as crude oil spills or process wastes) in the environment, thereby opening the scientific doorway to develop further methods of cleanup by (1) analyzing the contaminated sites, (2) determining the best method suited for the environment, and (3) optimizing the cleanup techniques which lead to the emergence of new processes.

2.1 Natural Biodegradation

Natural biodegradation typically involves the use of molecular oxygen (O2), where oxygen (the terminal electron acceptor) receives electrons transferred from an organic contaminant:



In the absence of oxygen, some microorganisms obtain energy from fermentation and anaerobic oxidation of organic carbon. Many anaerobic organisms (anaerobes) use nitrate, sulfate, and salts of iron (III) as practical alternates to oxygen acceptor as, for example, in the anaerobic reduction process of nitrates, sulfates, and salts of iron (III):



2.2 Traditional Biodegradation Methods

Methods for the cleanup of pollutants have usually involved removal of the polluted materials, and their subsequent disposal by land filling or incineration (so-called dig, haul, bury, or burn methods) (Speight, 1996, 2005; Speight and Lee, 2000). Furthermore, available space for landfills and incinerators is declining. Perhaps one of the greatest limitations to traditional cleanup methods is the fact that in spite of their high costs, they do not always ensure that contaminants are completely destroyed.

Conventional biodegradation methods that have been, and are still, used are (1) composting, (2) land farming, (3) biopiling, and (4) use of a bioslurry reactor (Speight, 1996; Speight and Lee, 2000; Semple et al., 2001).

Composting is a technique that involves combining contaminated soil with nonhazardous organic materials such as manure or agricultural wastes; the presence of the organic materials allows the development of a rich microbial population and elevated temperature characteristic of composting. Land farming is a simple technique in which contaminated soil is excavated and spread over a prepared bed and periodically tilled until pollutants are degraded. Biopiling is a hybrid of land farming and composting, it is essentially engineered cells that are constructed as aerated composted piles. A bioslurry reactor can provide rapid biodegradation of contaminants due to enhanced mass transfer rates and increased contaminant-to-microorganism contact. These units are capable of aerobically biodegrading aqueous slurries created through the mixing of soils or sludge with water. The most common state of bioslurry treatment is batch; however, continuous-flow operation is also possible.

The technology selected for a particular site will depend on the limiting factors present at the location. For example, where there is insufficient dissolved oxygen, bioventing or sparging is applied, and biostimulation or bioaugmentation is suitable for instances where the biological count is low. On the other hand, application of the composting technique, if the operation is unsuccessful, it will result in a greater quantity of contaminated materials. Land farming is only effective if the contamination is near the soil surface or else bed preparation is required. The main drawback with slurry bioreactors is that high-energy input is required to maintain suspension and the potential needed for volatilization.

Other techniques are also being developed to improve the microbe-contaminant interactions at treatment sites so as to use biodegradation technologies at their fullest potential. These biodegradation technologies consist of monitored natural attenuation, bioaugmentation, biosimulation, surfactant addition, anaerobic bioventing, sequential anaerobic/aerobic treatment, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, enhanced anaerobic dechlorination, and bioengineering (Speight, 1996; Speight and Lee, 2000).

2.3 Enhanced Biodegradation Treatment

Enhanced biodegradation is a process in which indigenous or inoculated microorganisms (e.g., fungi, bacteria, and other microbes) degrade (metabolize) organic contaminants found in soil and/or groundwater and convert the contaminants to innocuous end products. The process relies on general availability of naturally occurring microbes to consume contaminants as a food source or as an electron acceptor (chlorinated solvents, which may be waste materials from chemical processes). In addition to microbes being present, in order to be successful, these processes require nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

Enhanced biodegradation involves the addition of microorganisms (e.g., fungi, bacteria, and other microbes) or nutrients (e.g., oxygen, nitrates) to the subsurface environment to accelerate the natural biodegradation process.

2.4 Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation

Biostimulation is the method of adding nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen to a contaminated environment to stimulate the growth of the microorganisms that break down chemicals. Additives are usually added to the subsurface through injection wells although injection well technology for biostimulation purposes is still emerging. Limited supplies of these necessary nutrients usually control the growth of native microorganism populations. Thus, addition of nutrients causes rapid growth of the indigenous microorganism population, thereby increasing the rate of biodegradation.

It is to be anticipated that the success of biostimulation is case specific and site specific, depending on the properties of the chemicals, the nature of the nutrient products, and the characteristics of the contaminated environments. When oxygen is not a limiting factor, one of keys for the success of biostimulation is to maintain an optimal nutrient level in the interstitial pore water. Several types of commercial biostimulation agents are available for use in biodegradation (Zhu et al., 2004).

Bioaugmentation is the addition of pregrown microbial cultures to enhance microbial populations at a site to improve contaminant clean up and reduce clean up time and cost. Indigenous or native microbes are usually present in very small quantities and may not be able to prevent the spread of the contaminant. In some cases, native microbes do not have the ability to degrade a particular contaminant. Therefore, bioaugmentation offers a way to provide specific microbes in sufficient numbers to complete the biodegradation (Atlas, 1991).

Mixed cultures have been most commonly used as inocula for seeding because of the relative ease with which microorganisms with different and complementary biodegradative capabilities can be isolated (Atlas, 1977). Different commercial cultures were reported to degrade various hydrocarbons (Compeau et al., 1991; Leavitt and Brown, 1994; Chhatre et al., 1996; Mishra et al., 2001; Vasudevan and Rajaram, 2001).

Microbial inocula (the microbial materials used in an inoculation) are prepared in the laboratory from soil or groundwater either from the site where they are to be used or from another site where the biodegradation of the chemicals of interest is known to be occurring. Microbes from the soil or groundwater are isolated and are added to media containing the chemicals to be degraded. Only microbes capable of metabolizing the chemicals will grow on the media. This process isolates the microbial population of interest. One of the main environmental applications for bioaugmentation is at sites with chlorinated solvents. Microbes (such as Dehalococcoides ethenogenes) usually perform reductive dechlorination of solvents such as perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene.

Bioaugmentation adds highly concentrated and specialized populations of specific microbes to the contaminated area, while biostimulation is dependent on appropriate indigenous microbial population and organic material being present at the site.

2.5 In Situ and Ex Situ Biodegradation Methods

Biodegradation can be used as a cleanup method for both contaminated soil and water. Its applications fall into two broad categories: in situ or ex situ. In situ biodegradation treats the contaminated soil or groundwater in the location in which it was found, while ex situ biodegradation processes require excavation of contaminated soil or pumping of groundwater before they can be treated.

In situ technologies do not require excavation of the contaminated soils so may be less expensive, create less dust, and cause less release of contaminants than ex situ techniques. Also, it is possible to treat a large volume of soil at once. In situ techniques, however, may be slower than ex situ techniques, may be difficult to manage, and are only most effective at sites with permeable soil.

The most effective means of implementing in situ biodegradation depends on the hydrology of the subsurface area, the extent of the contaminated area, and the nature (type) of the contamination. In general, this method is effective only when the subsurface soils are highly permeable, the soil horizon to be treated falls within a depth of 8–10 m, and shallow groundwater is present at 10 m or less below ground surface. The depth of contamination plays an important role in determining whether or not an in situ biodegradation project should be employed. If the contamination is near the groundwater but the groundwater is not yet contaminated, then it would be unwise to set up a hydrostatic system. It would be safer to excavate the contaminated soil and apply an on-site method of treatment away from the groundwater.

The typical time frame for an in situ biodegradation project can be in the order of 12–24 months depending on the levels of contamination and depth of contaminated soil. Due to the poor mixing in this system it becomes necessary to treat for long periods of time to ensure that all the pockets of contamination have been treated.

In situ biodegradation is a very site specific technology that involves establishing a hydrostatic gradient through the contaminated area by flooding it with water carrying nutrients and possibly organisms adapted to the contaminants. Water is continuously circulated through the site until it is determined to be clean.

In situ biodegradation of groundwater speeds the natural biodegradation processes that take place in the water-soaked underground region that lies below the water table. One limitation of this technology is that differences in underground soil layering and density may cause reinjected conditioned groundwater to follow certain preferred flow paths. On the other hand, ex situ techniques can be faster, easier to control, and used to treat a wider range of contaminants and soil types than in situ techniques. However, they require excavation and treatment of the contaminated soil before and, sometimes, after the actual biodegradation step.

In situ biodegradation is the preferred method for large sites and is used when physical and chemical methods of remediation may not completely remove the contaminants, leaving residual concentrations that are above regulatory guidelines. This method has the potential to provide advantages such as complete destruction of the contaminant(s), lower risk to site workers, and lower equipment/operating costs. In situ biodegradation can be used as a cost-effective secondary treatment scheme to decrease the concentration of contaminants to acceptable levels or as a primary treatment method, which is followed by physical or chemical methods for final site closure.

Finally, evidence for the effectiveness of biodegradation should include: (1) faster disappearance of chemicals in treated areas than in untreated areas and (2) a demonstration that biodegradation was the main reason for the increased rate of disappearance of the chemical(s). To obtain such evidence, the analytical procedures must be chosen carefully and careful data interpretation is essential, but there are disadvantages and errors when the method is not applied correctly (Speight, 2005; Speight and Arjoon, 2012).

3 Biodegradation Methods

Biodegradation technology exploits various naturally occurring mitigation processes: (1) natural attenuation, (2) biostimulation, and (3) bioaugmentation. Biodegradation which occurs without human intervention other than monitoring is often called natural attenuation. This natural attenuation relies on natural conditions and behavior of soil microorganisms that are indigenous to soil. Biostimulation also utilizes indigenous microbial populations to remediate contaminated soils and consists of adding nutrients and other substances to soil to catalyze natural attenuation processes. Bioaugmentation involves introduction of exogenic microorganisms (sourced from outside the soil environment) capable of detoxifying a particular contaminant, sometimes employing genetically altered microorganisms.

In recent years, in situ biodegradation concepts have been applied in treating contaminated soil and groundwater. Removal rates and extent vary based on the contaminant of concern and site-specific characteristics. Removal rates also are affected by variables such as contaminant distribution and concentration; cocontaminant concentrations; indigenous microbial populations and reaction kinetics; and parameters such as pH, moisture content, nutrient supply, and temperature. Many of these factors are a function of the site and the indigenous microbial community and, thus, are difficult to manipulate. Specific technologies may have the capacity to manipulate some variables and may be affected by other variables as well (US EPA, 2006).

During biodegradation, microbes utilize chemical contaminants in the soil as an energy source and, through oxidation-reduction reactions, metabolize the target contaminant into useable energy for microbes. By-products (metabolites) released back into the environment are typically in a less toxic form than the parent contaminants. For example, hydrocarbons can be degraded by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen through aerobic respiration. The hydrocarbon loses electrons and is oxidized, while oxygen gains electrons and is reduced. The result is formation of carbon dioxide and water (Nester et al., 2001).

When oxygen is limited in supply or absent, as in saturated or anaerobic soils or lake sediment, anaerobic (without oxygen) respiration prevails. Generally, inorganic compounds such as nitrate, sulfate, ferric iron, manganese, or carbon dioxide serve as terminal electron acceptors to facilitate biodegradation. Generally, a contaminant is more easily and quickly degraded if it is a naturally occurring compound in the environment, or chemically similar to a naturally occurring compound, because microorganisms capable of its biodegradation are more likely to have evolved. Development of biodegradation technologies of synthetic chemicals such chlorocarbons or chlorohydrocarbons is dependent on outcomes of research that seeks to develop natural or genetically improved strains of microorganisms to degrade such contaminants into less toxic forms.

In summary, biodegradation is increasingly viewed as an appropriate remediation technology for hydrocarbon-contaminated polar soils. As for all soils, the successful application of biodegradation depends on appropriate biodegradative microbes and environmental conditions in situ. Laboratory studies have confirmed that hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria typically assigned to the genera Rhodococcus, Sphingomonas, or Pseudomonas are present in contaminated polar soils. However, as indicated by the persistence of spilled hydrocarbons, environmental conditions in situ are suboptimal for biodegradation in polar soils.

Therefore, it is likely that ex situ biodegradation will be the method of choice for ameliorating and controlling the factors limiting microbial activity, i.e., low and fluctuating soil temperatures, low levels of nutrients, and possible alkalinity and low moisture. Care must be taken when adding nutrients to the coarse-textured, low-moisture soils prevalent in continental Antarctica and the high Arctic because excess levels can inhibit hydrocarbon biodegradation by decreasing soil water potentials. Biodegradation experiments conducted on-site in the Arctic indicate that land farming and biopiles may be useful approaches for biodegradation of polar soils (Aislabie et al., 2006; Nugroho et al., 2010).

Several factors that affect the decision of which method is chosen are (1) the nature of the contaminants; (2) the location of contaminated site, cost of cleanup; (3) the time allotted to the cleanup; (4) effects on humans, animals, and plants; and last but by no means least (5) the cost of the cleanup. Sometimes when one method is no longer effective and efficient, another remediation method can be introduced into the contaminated soil.

Oil spills introduce large amounts of toxic compounds into the environment and though different methods of biodegradation have been successful in remediating soils and water contaminated with the low-density organic compounds, the high-viscosity crude oil constituents (high-boiling constituents) are less susceptible to these techniques.

Conventional biodegradation methods used are biopiling, composting, land farming, bioslurry reactors, but there are limitations affecting the applicability and effectiveness of these methods (Speight and Lee, 2000). With the application of the composting technique, if the operation is unsuccessful, it will result in a greater quantity of contaminated materials. Land farming is only effective if the contamination is near the soil surface or else bed preparation needs to take place. The main drawback with slurry bioreactors is that high-energy inputs are required to maintain suspension and the potential needed for volatilization.

For a biodegradation method to be successful in soil and water cleanup, the physical, chemical, and biological environment must be feasible. Parameters that affect the biodegradation process are (1) low temperatures, (2) preferential growth of microbes obstructive to biodegradation, (3) high concentrations of chlorinated organics, (4) preferential flow paths severely decreasing contact between injected fluids and contaminants throughout the contaminated zones, and (5) the soil matrix prohibiting contaminant-microorganism contact.

The bioventing process combines an increased oxygen supply with vapor extraction. A vacuum is applied at some depth in the contaminated soil which draws air down into the soil from holes drilled around the site and sweeps out any volatile organic compounds. The development and application of venting and bioventing for in situ removal of hydrocarbons from soil have been shown to remediate hydrocarbons by venting and biodegradation (van Eyk, 1994). Even though a particular technology may have reports of improving biodegradation efficiency (e.g., surfactant addition), this may not be the case at times depending on the sample.

3.1 In Situ and Ex Situ Biodegradation

Biodegradation applications fall into two broad categories: (1) in situ or (2) ex situ. In situ biodegradation processes treats the contaminated soil or groundwater in the location in which it was found. Ex situ biodegradation processes require excavation of contaminated soil or pumping of groundwater before they can be treated. In situ techniques do not require excavation of the contaminated soils so may be less expensive, create less dust, and cause less release of contaminants than ex situ techniques. Also, it is possible to treat a large volume of soil at once. In situ techniques, however, may be slower than ex situ techniques, difficult to manage, and are most effective at sites with permeable soil.

In situ biodegradation of groundwater speeds the natural biodegradation processes that take place in the water-soaked underground region that lies below the water table. One limitation of this technology is that differences in underground soil layering and density may cause reinjected conditioned groundwater to follow certain preferred flow paths. On the other hand, ex situ techniques can be faster, easier to control, and used to treat a wider range of contaminants and soil types than in situ techniques. However, they require excavation and treatment of the contaminated soil before and, sometimes, after the actual biodegradation step.

In situ biodegradation is used when physical and chemical methods of remediation may not completely remove the contaminants, leaving residual concentrations that are above regulatory guidelines. Biodegradation can be used as a cost-effective secondary treatment scheme to decrease the concentration of contaminants to acceptable levels. In other cases, biodegradation can be the primary treatment method and followed by physical or chemical methods for final site closure. Also, it is the preferred method for very large sites.

3.2 Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation

Biostimulation is the method of adding nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen to a contaminated environment to stimulate the growth of the microorganisms that break down chemicals. Additives are usually added to the subsurface through injection wells although injection well technology for biostimulation purposes is still emerging. Limited supplies of these necessary nutrients usually control the growth of native microorganism populations. Thus, when nutrients are added, the indigenous microorganism population grows rapidly, potentially increasing the rate of biodegradation.

The primary advantage of biostimulation is that biodegradation will be undertaken by already present native microorganisms that are well suited to the subsurface environment and are well distributed spatially within the subsurface, but the main disadvantage is that the delivery of additives in a manner that allows the additives to be readily available to subsurface microorganisms is based on the local geology of the subsurface.

Bioaugmentation is the addition of pregrown microbial cultures to enhance microbial populations at a site to improve contaminant clean up and reduce clean up time and cost. Indigenous or native microbes are usually present in very small quantities and may not be able to prevent the spread of the contaminant. In some cases, native microbes do not have the ability to degrade a particular contaminant. Therefore, bioaugmentation offers a way to provide specific microbes in sufficient numbers to complete the biodegradation.

Microbial inocula are prepared in the laboratory from soil or groundwater either from the site where they are to be used or from another site where the biodegradation of the chemicals of interest is known to be occurring. Microbes from the soil or groundwater are isolated and are added to media containing the chemicals to be degraded. Only microbes capable of metabolizing the chemicals will grow on the media. This process isolates the microbial population of interest. One of the main environmental applications for bioaugmentation is at sites with chlorinated solvents and specific microbes (D. ethenogenes) usually perform reductive dechlorination of solvents such as perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene.

Bioaugmentation adds highly concentrated and specialized populations of specific microbes to the contaminated area, while biostimulation is dependent on appropriate indigenous microbial population and organic material being present at the site. Therefore, it might be that bioaugmentation is more effective than biostimulation, but most cleanup programs have a site specificity that is not able to be matched form one site to another.

However, results suggest that the success of biostimulation is case specific, depending on (1) chemical properties, (2) the nature of the nutrient products, and (3) the characteristics of the contaminated environments. When oxygen is not a limiting factor, one of keys for the success of the biostimulation process is to maintain an optimal nutrient level in the interstitial pore water.

3.3 Monitored Natural Attenuation

The term monitored natural attenuation refers to the reliance on natural attenuation to achieve site-specific remedial objectives within a time frame that is reasonable compared to that offered by other more active methods.

The natural attenuation processes that are at work in such a remediation approach include a variety of physical, chemical, or biological processes that, under favorable conditions, act without human intervention to reduce the mass, toxicity, mobility, volume, or concentration of contaminants in soil or groundwater. These in situ processes include biodegradation, dispersion, dilution, sorption, volatilization, and chemical or biological stabilization, transformation, or destruction of contaminants. A study of any contaminated site must first be performed to decide whether natural attenuation would make a positive input, and though it has degraded lighter chain hydrocarbons quite extensively; the heavier chain hydrocarbons are less susceptible.

As with any technique, there are disadvantages—the disadvantages of monitored natural attenuation method are the need for longer time frames to achieve remediation objectives, compared to active remediation, the site characterization may be more complex and costly and long-term monitoring will generally be necessary.

3.4 Soil Vapor Extraction, Air Sparging, and Bioventing

Soil vapor extraction removes harmful chemicals, in the form of vapors, from the soil above the water table. The vapors are extracted from the ground by applying a vacuum to pull it out.

Like Soil vapor extraction, air sparging uses a vacuum to extract the vapors. Air sparging uses air to help remove harmful vapors like the lighter gasoline constituents (i.e., BTEX), because they readily transfer from the dissolved to the gaseous phase, but is less applicable to diesel fuel and kerosene. When air is pumped underground, the chemicals evaporate faster, which makes them easier to remove. Methane can be used as an amendment to the sparged air to enhance cometabolism of chlorinated organics. Soil vapor extraction and air sparging are often used at the same time to clean up both soil and groundwater.

Biosparging is used to increase the biological activity in soil by increasing the oxygen supply via sparging air or oxygen into the soil. In some instances, air injections are replaced by pure oxygen to increase the degradation rates. However, in view of the high costs of this treatment in addition to the limitations in the amount of dissolved oxygen available for microorganisms, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was introduced as an alternative, and it was used on a number of sites to supply more oxygen (Schlegel, 1977) and more efficient in enhancing microbial activity during the biodegradation of contaminated soil and groundwater (Brown and Norris, 1994; Flathman et al., 1991; Lee et al., 1988; Lu, 1994; Lu and Hwang, 1992; Pardieck et al., 1992), but it can be a disadvantage if the toxicity is sufficiently to microorganisms even at low concentrations (Brown and Norris, 1994; Scragg, 1999).

Soil vapor extraction requires drilling extraction wells within the polluted area. The necessary equipment to create a vacuum is attached to the well, which pulls air and vapors through the soil and up to the surface. Once the extraction wells pull the air and vapors out of the ground, special air pollution control equipment collects them. The equipment separates the harmful vapors from the clean air.

Air sparging works very much like soil vapor extraction. However, the wells that pump air into the ground are drilled into water-soaked soil below the water table. Air pumped into the wells disturbs the groundwater. This helps the pollution change into vapors. The vapors rise into the drier soil above the groundwater and are pulled out of the ground by extraction wells. The harmful vapors are removed in the same way as soil vapor extraction. The air used in soil vapor extraction and air sparging also helps clean up pollution by encouraging the growth of microorganisms. In general, the wells and equipment are simple to install and maintain and can reach greater depths than other methods that involve digging up soil. Soil vapor extraction and air sparging are effective at removing many types of pollution that can evaporate.

Air sparging should not be used if free products are present. Air sparging can create groundwater mounding which could potentially cause free product to migrate and contamination to spread. Also, it is not suitable around basements, sewers, or other subsurface confined spaces are present at the site. Potentially dangerous constituent concentrations could accumulate in basements unless a vapor extraction system is used to control vapor migration. If the contaminated groundwater is located in a confined aquifer system, air sparging is not advisable because the injected air would be trapped by the saturated confining layer and could not escape to the unsaturated zone. Anaerobic sparging, an innovative technique in biodegradation, depends on the delivery of an inert gas (nitrogen or argon) with low (< 2%) levels of hydrogen. Cometabolic air sparging is the delivery of oxygen-containing gas with enzyme-inducing growth substrate (such as methane or propane).

Bioventing is a technology that stimulates the natural in situ biodegradation of any aerobically degradable compounds in soil by providing oxygen to existing soil microorganisms. In contrast to soil vapor vacuum extraction, bioventing uses low airflow rates to provide only enough oxygen to sustain microbial activity. Two basic criteria have to be satisfied for successful bioventing (1) the air must be able to pass through the soil in sufficient quantities to maintain aerobic conditions and (2) natural hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms must be present in concentrations large enough to obtain reasonable biodegradation rates.

Bioventing is a medium to long-term technology—cleanup ranges from a few months to several years—and it is applicable to any chemical that can be aerobically biodegraded. The technique has been successfully used to remediate soils contaminated by hydrocarbons, nonchlorinated solvents, some pesticides, wood preservatives, and other organic chemicals. Though there are limitations, this technology does not require expensive equipment and relatively few personnel are involved operation and maintenance; therefore bioventing is receiving increased exposure in the remediation consulting community. Potential improvements on the current bioventing methods that have been taking place are the use of electrochemical oxygen gas sensors, detailed characterization of NAPL distribution, and neutron probe logging. Another bioventing enhancement is the use of this technique with bioslurping and soil vapor extraction (Baker, 1999).

Bioslurping is an in situ remediation technology that combines the two remedial approaches of bioventing and vacuum-enhanced free-product recovery. It is faster than the conventional remedy of product recovery followed by bioventing. The system is made to minimize groundwater recovery and drawdown in the aquifer. Bioslurping was designed and is being tested to address contamination by hydrocarbons with a floating lighter nonaqueous phase liquids layer.

Bioslurping efficiently recovers free product and extracts less groundwater for treatment, which speeds up remediation and reduces water handling and treatment costs. It enhances natural in situ biodegradation of vadose zone (which extends from the top of the ground surface to the water table) soils and may be the only feasible remediation technology at low-permeability sites. But for bioslurping to even be considered at a contamination site, free product must be present and the product must be biodegradable, also the soil must respond to bioventing.

3.5 Use of Biosurfactants

Another common emerging technology is the use of biosurfactants, which are microbially produced surface-active compounds. They are amphiphilic molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, causing them to aggregate at interfaces between fluids with different polarities found in chemical spills. Many of the known biosurfactant producers are hydrocarbon-degrading organisms.

Biosurfactants have comparable solubilization properties to synthetic surfactants but have several additional advantages that make them superior candidates in biodegradation schemes. First, biosurfactants are biodegradable and are not a pollution threat. Furthermore, most studies indicate that they are nontoxic to microorganisms and therefore are unlikely to inhibit biodegradation of nonpolar organic contaminants. Biosurfactant production is less expensive, can be easily achieved ex situ at the contaminated site, and has the potential of occurring in situ.

Biosurfactants are also effective in many diverse geologic formations and are compatible with many existing remedial technologies (such as pump and treat rehabilitation, air sparging, and soil flushing) and significantly accelerate innovative approaches including microbial, natural attenuation-enhanced soil flushing, and bioslurping.

3.6 Rhizosphere Biodegradation

Rhizosphere biodegradation is the interaction between plants and microorganisms and is also known as phytostimulation or plant-assisted biodegradation. The plant root zone (the rhizosphere) has significantly larger numbers of microorganisms than soils which do not have plants growing in them, which appears to enhance the biodegradation of organic compounds (Wenzel, 2009). In the rhizosphere biodegradation process, plants provide oxygen, bacteria, and organic carbon to encourage the degradation of organics in the soil. The microorganisms in the environment created by the plants, together with the roots of the plants, can degrade more contaminants that could occur in a purely microbial system.

Plants release stimulants into the soil environment that help to motivate the degradation of organic chemicals by inducing enzyme systems of existing bacterial populations, stimulating growth of new species that are able to degrade the wastes, and/or increasing soluble substrate concentrations for all microorganisms. Plants help with microbial conversions where certain bacteria that metabolize pollutants are able to encourage degradation of chemicals in the soil, so allowing biodegradation to occur with less retardation.

Evaluation of the current efforts suggests that pollutant bioavailability in the rhizosphere of phytoremediation crops is decisive for designing phytoremediation technologies with improved, predictable remedial success. For phytoextraction, emphasis should be put on improved characterization of the bioavailable metal pools and the kinetics of resupply from less available fractions to support decision-making on the applicability of this technology to a given site. Limited pollutant bioavailability may be overcome by the design of plant-microbial consortia that are capable of mobilizing metals/metalloids by modification of rhizosphere pH and ligand exudation, or enhancing bioavailability of organic pollutants by the release of biosurfactants.

The complexity and heterogeneity polluted soils will require the design of integrated approaches of rhizosphere management such as (1) combining cocropping of phytoextraction and rhizodegradation crops, (2) inoculation of microorganisms, and (3) soil management.

3.7 Bioengineering in Biodegradation

In many cases, after a chemical spill, the natural microbial systems for degrading the chemical are overwhelmed. Therefore, molecular engineers are constructing starvation promoters to express heterologous genes needed in the field for survival and adding additional biodegradation genes that code for enzymes able to degrade a broader range of compounds present in the contaminated environments. Various bacterial strains are also being developed, where each strain is specific for a certain organic compound present in chemical spills. This will help increase the speed of biodegradation and allow detailed cleanup to take place where no organic contamination remains in the environment.

Thus, the decision to bioremediate a site is dependent on cleanup, restoration, and habitat protection objectives, and the factors that are present would have an impact on success. If the circumstances are such that no amount of nutrients will accelerate biodegradation, then the decision should be made on the need to accelerate disappearance of chemicals to protect a vital living resource or simply to speed up restoration of the ecosystem. These decisions are clearly influenced by the circumstances of the spill.

4 Test Methods for Biodegradation

Various methods exist for the testing of biodegradability of substances. Biodegradability is assessed by following certain parameters which are considered to be indicative of the consumption of the test substance by microorganisms, or the production of simple basic compounds which indicate the mineralization of the test substance. Hence there are various biodegradability testing methods which measure the amount of carbon dioxide (or methane, for anaerobic cases) produced during a specified period; there are those which measure the loss of dissolved organic carbon for substances which are water soluble; those that measure the loss of hydrocarbon infrared bands, and there are yet others which measure the uptake of oxygen by the activities of microorganisms (biochemical oxygen demand).

However, when the reference is specifically to lubricants, there are two major methods of biodegradability testing, and these are outlined in the following paragraphs.

Standard test method ASTM D5864 is a method for the determination of the degradation of high-boiling hydrocarbon mixtures, such as lubricants. In the method, the rate and extent of aerobic aquatic biodegradation of lubricants is determined when the hydrocarbon mixture is exposed to an inoculum under laboratory conditions. The inoculum may be the activated sewage-sludge from a domestic sewage-treatment plant, or it may be derived from soil or natural surface waters, or any combination of the three sources. The degree of biodegradability is measured by calculating the rate of conversion of the lubricant to carbon dioxide. A lubricant, hydraulic fluid, or grease is classified as readily biodegradable when 60% or more of the test material carbon is converted to carbon dioxide in 28 days, as determined using this test method.

The most established test methods used by the lubricant industry for evaluating the biodegradability of their products are Method CEC-L-33-A-94 developed by the Coordinating European Council (CEC); Method OEC D 301B, the Modified Sturm Test, developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); and Method EPA 560/6-82-003, number CG-2000, the Shake Flask Test, adapted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These tests also determine the rate and extent of aerobic aquatic biodegradation under laboratory conditions. The Modified Sturm Test and Shake Flask Test also calculate the rate of conversion of the lubricant to carbon dioxide. The CEC test measures the disappearance of the lubricant by analyzing test material at various incubation times through infrared spectroscopy. Laboratory tests have shown that the degradation rates may vary widely among the various test methods indicated earlier (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1999).

Biodegradability tests based on the CEC method described earlier has certain trends which indicate that alkylated benzenes and polyalkeleneglycols among others generally have poor biodegradability.

5 Pollution Prevention

A major aspect of pollution prevention is to determine the organic chemicals that are toxic and dangerous to the flora and fauna, especially organic chemicals that can influence the flora and fauna of waterways (Table 9.3). However, assessing the ability of organic chemicals to be toxic and dangerous to the flora and fauna is not always an easy task unless the properties of the organic chemicals are known and understood since different organic chemicals cause harm in different ways and to different organisms. In addition, the hazard posed any specific organic chemical depends on the degree of toxicity of the chemical and the amount of the chemical enters the environment. Furthermore, some toxic organic chemicals do not break down easily in the environment which allows these chemical to move up through the food chain. These persistent, bioaccumulative toxic organic chemicals can build up in the tissues of small organisms which are then eaten by larger animals which are then, in turn, eaten by even larger animals, sometimes by humans.

Table 9.3

Harmful Effects of Selected Organic Chemicals in Waterways

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)

PAHs in the bottom sediments of a waterway can cause tumors in marine flatfish

PAHs from oil and fuel spills in water can cause heart defects in the developing embryos of herring and other fish species

Crude oil-related compounds

Crude oil-related compounds—including gasoline, motor oil, hydraulic fluids, diesel, and jet fuels—are mixtures of many different chemicals, including additives

Many petrochemicals are toxic to algae and invertebrates. And can cause changes in metabolism, reduced feeding, and poor shell formation

These compounds can poison fish at all life stages and kill their eggs and larva

Crude oil-related compounds can damage the skin, lungs, liver, and kidneys of birds and mammals as well as increase vulnerability to deadly infections by suppressing the immune systems of animals

Petrochemicals can reduce the reproductive success of invertebrates such as shellfish and insects, fish, birds, and mammals, leading to population declines

Petrochemicals can also damage plants and impair or stop seed germination

PBDE flame retardants (polybrominated diphenyl ethers)

PBDE flame retardants can affect the development, reproduction, and survival of many species

These compounds build up in the food chain and are found in people as well other organisms including fish and sea mammals, such as orcas

Phthalates (including DEHP or bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate)

Exposure to DEHP, a phthalate, is associated with developmental and reproductive harm, especially the male reproductive system in humans and animals

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)

PCBs build up in the food chain and can cause adverse health effects in humans and wildlife, including cancer and harm to immune, nervous, and reproductive systems

PCBs disrupt thyroid hormone levels in animals and humans, hindering growth, and development

DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)

The pesticide DDT builds up in the food chain and can last for decades in the environment

DDT is linked to the decline of the bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and other birds because it makes their egg shells too thin, decreasing the survival of chicks

PCDD/Fs dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans)

Even at very low concentrations, PCDD/F dioxins are toxic to humans and animals

Dioxins can cause cancer, disrupt the endocrine (hormone) system, and harm reproduction and development

Generally, birds and mammals are at greater risk than fish, dioxins build up in the food chain and may affect people and animals that eat fish

Triclopyr (3,5,6-Trichloro-2-pyridinyloxyacetic acid)

The herbicide/fungicide Triclopyr breaks down in soil with a half-life of between 30 and 90 days

One of the by-products of breakdown, trichloropyridinol, remains in the soil for up to a year. Triclopyr degrades rapidly in water

It remains active in decaying vegetation for about 3 months

If misapplied, the herbicide/fungicide Triclopyr can harm fish and other aquatic species


Nonylphenol, a chemical found in detergents

Nonylphenol has a potential role as an endocrine disruptor and xenoestrogen, due to its ability to act with estrogen-like activity

In order to combat such effects, including bioaccumulation, knowledge of organic chemistry which leads to knowledge of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds become advantageous (Chapters 1 and 2). This knowledge should not only include an understanding of the properties and behavior of hydrocarbons derivatives but also compounds with any number of other elements, including hydrogen (most compounds contain at least one carbon-hydrogen bond), nitrogen, oxygen, halogens, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur (Chapter 1). This branch of chemistry was originally limited to compounds produced by living organisms but has been broadened to include human-made substances such as plastics.

The organic chemicals process industry plays an important role in the development of a country by providing a wide variety of products, which are being used in providing basic needs of rising demand. The organic chemicals process industries use raw materials derived from crude oil and natural gas, salt, oil and fats, biomass and energy from coal, natural gas, and a small percentage from renewable energy resources. Although initially manufacture of organic chemicals initially started with coal and alcohol from fermentation industry, however later due to availability of crude oil and natural gas dominated the scene and now more than 90% of organic chemicals are produced from crude oil and natural gas routes. However, variable costs of crude oil and natural gas and continuous decrease in the reserves have spurred the chemical industry for alternative feedstock like coal, biomass, coalbed methane, shale gas, sand oil as an alternate source of fuel, and chemical feedstock.

The range of application of organic compounds is extensive, and the fundamental organic chemicals (commodity organic chemicals) are a broad chemical category including polymers, bulk petrochemicals, and intermediates, as well as many other derivatives, some of which appear on various lists compiled by the US Environmental Protection Agency (Appendix). The production of polymers includes production of all categories of plastics and man-made fibers. Examples are:

 Polyethylene, which is used in packaging films and other markets such as milk bottles, containers, and pipe.

 Polyvinyl chloride, which is used to make pipe for construction markets as well as siding and, to a much smaller extent, transportation, and packaging materials.

 Polypropylene, which is used in markets ranging from packaging, appliances, and containers to clothing and carpeting.

 Polystyrene, which is used for appliances and packaging as well as toys and recreation.

 Man-made fibers, such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic fibers, which are used in applications such as apparel, home furnishings, and other industrial and consumer use.

The principal raw materials for polymers are bulk petrochemicals (Speight, 2014a, b, 2016). Organic chemicals in the bulk petrochemicals arena are primarily made from natural gas (predominantly methane), liquefied crude oil gas (LPG, various mixtures of propane, C3H8, and butane, C4H10), and the gaseous products such as ethylene (CH2glyph_dbndCH2) from crude oil refining. Typical large-volume products include ethylene (CH2glyph_dbndCH2), propylene (CH3CHglyph_dbndCH2), butadiene (CH2glyph_dbndCHCHglyph_dbndCH2), benzene, (C6H6) toluene (C6H5CH3), xylene isomers (CH3C6H4CH3), methanol (methyl alcohol, CH3OH), vinyl chloride (CH2glyph_dbndCHCl), styrene (C6H5CHglyph_dbndCH2), and other intermediates. These basic or commodity chemicals are the starting materials used to manufacture many polymers and other more complex organic chemicals particularly those that are made for use in the production of specialty chemicals. Other derivatives and basic industrial chemicals include synthetic rubber, surfactants, dyestuffs, turpentine, resins, and carbon black. From the engineering perspective, the organic chemicals industry involves the use of reaction engineering to produce a wide variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials, most of which are used to manufacture the final products (Speight, 2002).

The organic chemicals industry includes manufacturers of organic industrial chemicals, ceramic products, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, polymers and rubber (elastomers), oleochemicals (oils, fats, and waxes), explosives, fragrances, and flavors (Table 9.4). In addition, the organic pharmaceuticals industry (i.e., not often included under the general umbrella of the chemicals industry) uses many different starting materials and products that are not always categorized as general organic chemicals. For example, the pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets drugs licensed for use as medications for humans or animals. Some pharmaceutical companies deal in brand-name (i.e., has a trade name and can be produced and sold only by the company holding the patent) and/or generic (i.e., chemically equivalent, lower-cost version of a brand-name drug) medications and medical devices (agents that act on diseases without chemical interaction with the body). Pharmaceuticals (brand name and generic) and medical devices are subject to a large number of country-specific laws and regulations regarding patenting, testing, safety assurance, efficacy, monitoring, and marketing. Other closely industries include the crude oil industry and the natural gas industry (Mokhatab et al., 2006; Speight, 2007, 2014a, b, 2016).

Table 9.4

Examples of Products Produced by the Organic Chemicals Industry

Product TypeExamples
OrganicsAcrylonitrile, phenol, ethylene oxide, urea
PetrochemicalsEthylene, propylene, benzene, styrene
AgrochemicalsFertilizers, insecticides, herbicides
PolymersPolyethylene, Bakelite, polyester
ElastomersPolyisoprene, neoprene, polyurethane
OleochemicalsLard, soybean oil, stearic acid
ExplosivesNitroglycerin, nitrocellulose
Fragrances and flavorsBenzyl benzoate, coumarin, vanillin

The processes used to produce organic chemicals are usually tested during and after manufacture by dedicated instruments and on-site quality control laboratories to ensure safe operation and to assure that the product will meet the required specifications. More organizations within the chemicals industry are implementing chemical compliance software to maintain quality products and manufacturing standards. The products are packaged and delivered by many methods, including pipelines, tank-cars and tank-trucks (for both solids and liquids), cylinders, drums, bottles, and boxes. Chemical companies often have a research and development (R&D) laboratory for developing and testing products and processes. These facilities may include pilot plants, and such research facilities may be located at a site separate from the production plant(s).

In addition, the production of organic chemicals produces not only the desired chemical product but also organic chemical waste that is composed of by-products and other unwanted reaction materials that is, for the most part, composed of harmful (even hazardous) organic chemicals. This waste typically falls under one or more environmental regulations (Chapter 8) as well as a variety of state and local regulations also regulate chemicals use and disposal. Chemical waste may or may not be classed as hazardous waste which can be a gas, liquid, or solid that displays either a hazardous characteristic or is specifically listed by name as a hazardous waste. There are four characteristics chemical wastes may have to be considered as hazardous. These are ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, and toxicity. This type of hazardous waste must be categorized as to its identity, constituents, and hazards so that it may be safely handled and managed. Organic chemical waste may not be a single compound but may be a composite of many types of organic compounds (with some inorganic materials included for good measure!). For clarification, it is recommended that the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), product data sheet, or label be consulted for a list of the constituents of the wastes. These sources should state whether or not this chemical waste is a waste that needs special disposal protocols. However, in spite of the numerous safety regulations that are applied daily (in fact, hourly) and consistently, accidents do happen and pollution does occur.

Pollution prevention is the operational guideline for process operators, process engineers, process chemists, and, for that matter, anyone who handles organic chemicals. It is in this area that environmental observance plays a major role. Pollution prevention is, simply, reduction or elimination of discharges or emissions to the environment. The limits of pollutants emitted to the atmosphere, the land, and water are defined by various pieces of legislation that have been put into place over the past four decades (Chapter 8) (Speight, 1996; Woodside, 1999; Speight and Arjoon, 2012). This includes all pollutants such as hazardous and nonhazardous wastes, regulated and unregulated chemicals from all sources.

Pollution associated with organic chemicals refining typically includes volatile organic compounds (volatile organic compounds), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulates, ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), metals, spent acids, and numerous toxic organic compounds (Speight, 2014a, b, 2016). Sulfur and metals result from the impurities in crude oil. The other wastes represent losses of feedstock and organic chemicals.

These pollutants may be discharged as air emissions, wastewater, or solid waste. All of these wastes are treated. However, air emissions are more difficult to capture than wastewater or solid waste. Thus, air emissions are the largest source of untreated wastes released to the environment.

Pollution prevention can be accomplished by reducing the generation of wastes at their source (source reduction) or by using, reusing, or reclaiming wastes once they are generated (environmentally sound recycling). However, environmental analysis plays a major role in determining if emissions-effluents (air, liquid, or solid) fall within the parameters of the relevant legislation. For example, issues to be addressed are the constituents of gaseous emissions, the sulfur content of liquid fuels, and the potential for leaching contaminants (through normal rainfall or through the agency of acid rain) from solid products such as coke.

Collecting site information is very important because chemicals could be used and discharged from industrial sources. For example, a battery manufacturing industry could be the source of metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, nickel, manganese, iron, copper, and lithium. Certain chemicals listed in the appendices are widely used in industries; for example, degreasing agents (organic solvents) such as dichloromethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethene, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. Moreover, effluents from recycling industries contain a variety of chemicals depending on the type of raw and final products.

Finally, as part of the disposal protocol, it is necessary to know the compatibility of the constituents of the organic chemical waste. Many chemicals may react adversely when combined. It is recommended that incompatible chemicals are stored in separate areas of the facility and should be separated. The reason being when combined some incompatible compounds can undergo a violent exothermic reaction causing a gas emission that is highly flammable leading, in some cases, to an explosion. For example, oxidizers should be separated from organic chemicals because when combined oxidizers organic chemicals can produce volatile and flammable products as well as products that are highly toxic.

Furthermore, it is not only the compatibility of the individual constituents of an organic chemical waste that must be monitored but also the compatibility of the organic chemical(s) with the container. For example, chemical that should not be stored in Nalgene (a brand of shatterproof and lighter-than-glass plastic products) containers:

 reactive organic chlorides, such as amyl chloride (C5H12Cl) vinylidene chloride (1,1-dichloroethylene, CH2glyph_dbndCCl2);

 organic acids, such as butyric acid (C3H8CO2H);

 solvents, such as carbon disulfide (CS2); and

 aromatic liquids and solvents, such as nitrobenzene (C6H5NO2).

Thus, proper management of organic chemicals and organic chemical waste is necessary to protect the environment. Federal and state regulations require all generators of organic chemicals, and organic chemical waste receive training and follow proper waste management and disposal procedures.

In fact, emission (gaseous, liquid, and solid emissions) abatement equipment represents one of the most important parts of site infrastructure. A wide variety of end-of-pipe pollution control techniques is available for gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes, and many are used in common ways across the chemical industry. The application of emission abatement technologies is highly dependent on site-specific situations and needs to be evaluated case by case. Where gaseous and liquid streams necessarily arise from a process (i.e., prevention techniques have been fully implemented), then the aim is to maximize the number of vents that are collected and diverted into appropriate treatment units. Many large sites make use of centralized environmental treatment facilities for waste water and waste gases (although waste gases are often harder to collect and so less suited to centralized treatment). Central treatment plants take advantage of economies of scale when installing and operating treatment equipment, and they damp hydraulic and chemical fluctuations in the effluent feeds thus improving the stability of performance. There may also be direct benefit from the combination of effluent streams (e.g., the combination of nitrogen-containing waste water streams with nitrogen-poor streams to aid their biological treatment). However, centralized treatment facilities should provide genuine benefits and not merely dilute pollutants prior to release.

The purpose of this section is to present a description of the methods by which organic chemicals are treated in an attempt to insure that pollution does not occur and any effluents and/or emissions fall within the legislative specifications. Indeed, as already noted, environmental compliance (Chapter 8) is the major discipline by which this potential for the production of effluents and emissions can be determined and, hence, monitored.

5.1 Chemical Wastes and Treatment

The manufacture of organic chemicals is a large source of pollution worldwide, and part of the reason for the expansive reach of chemical manufacturing is the diverse and varied types of sectors and activities that are included in it. The EPA defines chemical manufacturing as “creating products by transforming organic and inorganic raw materials with chemical processes.” These are further broken up into commodity and specialty chemicals. Commodity chemicals are basic singular chemicals in ongoing production at industrial plants. Specialty chemicals are batches of combination chemicals made at the request of certain industries and produced on an as needed basis. New chemicals are introduced, and old chemicals are withdrawn constantly, changing the chemical manufacturing market frequently, making it difficult to monitor and evaluate. The sheer size of the industry makes it difficult to monitor as well since the industry accounts for substantial amounts of global income of international trade.

Organic chemicals can be released through the same pathways as other pollutants, including emissions from heating and processing, accidental release of dust or other particulates, accidental spills, and improper disposal of solid waste and wastewater. Once in the environment exposure media includes air, water, soil, and food. In the Blacksmith Institute's database, which focuses on chemical dumps and abandoned sites, the exposure pathways are evenly split between inhalation of contaminated dust and soil, ingestion of contaminated water and food, and inhalation of contaminated gases or vapor. The chemical manufacturing industry is the largest single consumer of water by sector in all OECD countries. The large amount of process water required provides many opportunities for pollutants to be released through wastewater.

The pollutants found in the largest quantities at chemical manufacturing sites include pesticides and volatile organic compounds. Furthermore, it is important to note that volatile organic compounds (VOCs), exposure to volatile organic compounds released from chemical manufacturing sites potentially puts more human health at risk at the sites. Volatile organic compounds are low-molecular-weight chemicals made from carbon and hydrogen, and often including oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, and other elements. Because of their low molecular weight, volatile organic compounds convert to vapor easily, and vapors of volatile organic compounds are emitted from certain products and processes. There are thousands of volatile organic compounds, many of which are familiar compounds in everyday life, such as ethyl alcohol, propane, mineral spirits, and the chemicals in gasoline, kerosene, and oil.

While many volatile organic compounds are relatively nonhazardous (aside from their flammability), there are thousands of volatile organic compounds that are toxic, and some can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation and headaches, while others are known carcinogens. Some examples of toxic volatile organic compounds include benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, vinyl chloride, and chloroform. Volatile organic compounds come from a wide variety of products, most of which are used daily by society. The list includes most fuels, paints, stains and lacquers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, plastics, glues, adhesives, and refrigerants. Volatile organic compounds, including many more uncommon and toxic types, are very commonly used in manufacturing processes as solvents or raw materials in the production of plastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and electronic products.

Waste elimination is common sense and provides several obvious benefits (Table 9.5). Yet waste elimination continues to elude many companies in every sector, including the process section, and activity from process waste (i.e., a function of their production system design). It may not matter how a producer categorizes the waste or how the producer chooses to pursue waste elimination, one thing remains constant and that is: once identified, waste can be eliminated. There are models and structures that allow a producer to identify and eliminate waste to increase productivity, and hence cost structures, that have a direct impact on process operations and, more than all else, profitability. Waste elimination though identification (by judicious analysis) and treatment subscribe to the smooth operation of a process.

Table 9.5

Benefits of Waste Elimination

 Solve the waste disposal problems created by land bans

 Reduce waste disposal costs

 Reduce costs for energy, water, and raw materials

 Reduce operating costs

 Protect workers, the public, and the environment

 Reduce risk of spills, accidents, and emergencies

 Reduce vulnerability to lawsuits and improve its public image

 Generate income from wastes that can be sold


Generally, process wastes (emissions) are categorized as gaseous, liquid, and solid. This does not usually include waste from accidental spillage of an organic chemical feedstock or from a product. Creating standards for the strategic and sound management of chemicals is essential to reducing the risk of exposure. Nationally and internationally both private and public organizations including the United Nations are working to create globally applied standards for the management of chemicals so that the need for chemicals and the hazardous effects of pollution can be balanced.

5.2 Air Emissions

Air emissions include point and nonpoint sources (Speight and Lee, 2000). Point sources are emissions that exit stacks and flares and, thus, can be monitored and treated. Nonpoint sources are fugitive emissions that are difficult to locate and capture. Fugitive emissions occur throughout production facilities and arise from the thousands of valves, pumps, tanks, pressure relief valves, and flanges. While individual leaks are typically small, the sum of all fugitive leaks from any process can be one of the largest emission sources in that process.

The numerous process heaters used in production facilities to heat process streams or to generate steam (boilers) for heating or steam stripping can be potential sources of SOx, NOx, CO, particulates, and hydrocarbons emissions. When operating properly and when burning cleaner fuels such as process fuel gas, fuel oil, or natural gas, these emissions are relatively low. If, however, combustion is not complete, or heaters are fired with process fuel pitch or residuals, emissions can be significant. As a result, there has been an increased interest in the application of control to combustion with the main objective to optimize combustor operation, monitor the process, and alleviate instabilities and their severe consequences. As combustion systems have to meet increasingly more demanding air pollution standards, their design and operation becomes more complex. The trend toward reduced emission levels has led to pollutant conversion (Docquier and Candel, 2002; Tecon and Van der Meer, 2008).

The majority of gas streams exiting each process contain varying amounts of process fuel gas, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia. These streams are collected and sent to the gas treatment and sulfur recovery units to recover the process fuel gas and sulfur though a variety of add-on technologies (Speight and Lee, 2000; Speight, 2014a, b). Emissions from the sulfur recovery unit typically contain some hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides. Other emissions sources from various processes arise from periodic regeneration of catalysts. These processes generate streams that may contain relatively high levels of carbon monoxide, particulates, and volatile organic compounds. Before being discharged to the atmosphere, such off-gas streams may be treated first through a carbon monoxide boiler to burn carbon monoxide and any volatile organic compounds, and then through an electrostatic precipitator or cyclone separator to remove particulates.

Sulfur is removed from a number of process off-gas streams (sour gas) in order to meet the sulfur oxide emissions limits of the Clean Air Act and to recover saleable elemental sulfur. Process off-gas streams, or sour gas, from the coker, catalytic cracking unit, hydrotreating units, and hydroprocessing units can contain high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide mixed with light process fuel gases.

Before elemental sulfur can be recovered, the fuel gases (primarily methane and ethane) need to be separated from the hydrogen sulfide. This is typically accomplished by dissolving the hydrogen sulfide in a chemical solvent. Solvents most commonly used are amines, such as diethanolamine (DEA, HOCH2CH2NHCH2CH2OH). Dry adsorbents such as molecular sieves, activated carbon, iron sponge (Fe2O3), and zinc oxide (ZnO) are also used (Speight, 2014a, b). In the amine solvent processes, diethanolamine solution or similar ethanolamine solution is pumped to an absorption tower where the gases are contacted and hydrogen sulfide is dissolved in the solution. The fuel gases are removed for use as fuel in process furnaces in other process operations. The amine-hydrogen sulfide solution is then heated and steam stripped to remove the hydrogen sulfide gas.

Current methods for removing sulfur from the hydrogen sulfide gas streams are typically a combination of two processes in which the primary process is the Claus Process followed by either the Beavon Process or the SCOT Process or the Wellman-Lord Process.

In the Claus process (Speight, 2014a, b, 2016), the hydrogen sulfide, after separation from the gas stream using amine extraction, is fed to the Claus unit, where it is converted in two stages. The first stage is a thermal step: in which the hydrogen sulfide is partially oxidized with air in a reaction furnace at high temperatures (1000–1400°C, 1830–2550°F). Sulfur is formed, but some hydrogen sulfide remains unreacted, and some sulfur dioxide is produced. The second stage is a catalytic stage in which the remaining hydrogen sulfide is reacted with the sulfur dioxide at lower temperatures (200–350°C, 390–660°F) over a catalyst to produce more sulfur. The overall reaction is the conversion of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide to sulfur and water:



The catalyst is necessary to ensure that the components react with reasonable speed, but, unfortunately, the reaction does not always proceed to completion. For this reason, two or three stages are used, with sulfur being removed between the stages. For the analysts, it is valuable to know that carbon disulfide (CS2) is a by-product from the reaction in the high-temperature furnace. The carbon disulfide can be destroyed catalytically before it enters the catalytic section proper.

Generally, the Claus process may only remove about 90% of the hydrogen sulfide in the gas stream and, as already noted, other processes such as the Beavon process, the SCOT process, or Wellman-Lord processes are often used to further recover sulfur.

In the Beavon process, the hydrogen sulfide in the relatively low concentration gas stream from the Claus process can be almost completely removed by absorption in a quinone solution. The dissolved hydrogen sulfide is oxidized to form a mixture of elemental sulfur and hydroquinone. The solution is injected with air or oxygen to oxidize the hydroquinone back to quinone. The solution is then filtered or centrifuged to remove the sulfur, and the quinone is then reused. The Beavon process is also effective in removing small amounts of sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide that are not affected by the Claus process. These compounds are first converted to hydrogen sulfide at elevated temperatures in a cobalt molybdate catalyst prior to being fed to the Beavon unit. Air emissions from sulfur recovery units will consist of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides in the process tail gas as well as fugitive emissions and releases from vents.

The SCOT process is also widely used for removing sulfur from the Claus tail gas. The sulfur compounds in the Claus tail gas are converted to hydrogen sulfide by heating and passing it through a cobalt-molybdenum catalyst with the addition of a reducing gas. The gas is then cooled and contacted with a solution of diisopropanolamine (DIPA) that removes all but trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide. The sulfide-rich DIPA is sent to a stripper where hydrogen sulfide gas is removed and sent to the Claus plant. The DIPA is returned to the absorption column.

The Wellman-Lord process is divided into two main stages: (1) absorption and (2) regeneration. In the absorption section, hot flue gases are passed through a prescrubber where ash, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and sulfur trioxide are removed. The gases are then cooled and fed into the absorption tower. A saturated solution of sodium sulfite is then sprayed into the top of the absorber onto the flue gases; the sodium sulfite reacts with the sulfur dioxide forming sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3). The concentrated bisulfate solution is collected and passed to an evaporation system for regeneration. In the regeneration section, sodium bisulfite is converted, using steam, to sodium sulfite that is recycled back to the flue gas. The remaining product, the released sulfur dioxide, is converted to elemental sulfur, sulfuric acid, or liquid sulfur dioxide.

Most process units and equipment are sent into a collection unit, called the blowdown system. Blowdown systems provide for the safe handling and disposal of liquid and gases that are either automatically vented from the process units through pressure relief valves or that are manually drawn from units. Recirculated process streams and cooling water streams are often manually purged to prevent the continued buildup of contaminants in the stream. Part or all of the contents of equipment can also be purged to the blowdown system prior to shut down before normal or emergency shutdowns. Blowdown systems utilize a series of flash drums and condensers to separate the blowdown into its vapor and liquid components. The liquid is typically composed of mixtures of water and hydrocarbons containing sulfides, ammonia, and other contaminants, which are sent to the wastewater treatment plant. The gaseous component typically contains hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptans, solvents, and other constituents and is either discharged directly to the atmosphere or is combusted in a flare. The major air emissions from blowdown systems are hydrocarbons in the case of direct discharge to the atmosphere and sulfur oxides when flared.

5.3 Wastewater

Wastewaters from the organic chemicals industry and the refining industry consist of process water, cooling water, storm water, and sanitary sewage water (Speight, 2005; Speight and Arjoon, 2012). In fact, water used in processing operations accounts for a significant portion of the total wastewater. Process wastewater arises from desalting crude oil, steam-stripping operations, pump gland cooling, product fractionator reflux drum drains, and boiler blowdown. Because process water often comes into direct contact with oil, it is usually highly contaminated. Most cooling water is recycled over and over. Cooling water typically does not come into direct contact with process oil streams and therefore contains less contaminants than process wastewater. However, it may contain some oil contamination due to leaks in the process equipment. Storm water (i.e., surface water runoff) is intermittent and will contain constituents from spills to the surface, leaks in equipment, and any materials that may have collected in drains. Runoff surface water also includes water coming from crude and product storage tank roof drains. Sewage water needs no further explanation of its origins but must be treated as opposed to discharge on to the land or into ponds.

Wastewater is treated in on-site wastewater treatment facilities and then discharged to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) or discharged to surfaces waters under National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Organic chemicals production facilities typically utilize primary and secondary wastewater treatment.

Primary wastewater treatment consists of the separation of oil, water, and solids in two stages. During the first stage, an API separator, a corrugated plate interceptor, or other separator design are used. Wastewater moves very slowly through the separator allowing free oil to float to the surface and be skimmed off, and solids to settle to the bottom and be scraped off to a sludge collection hopper. The second stage utilizes physical or chemical methods to separate emulsified oils from the wastewater. Physical methods may include the use of a series of settling ponds with a long retention time, or the use of dissolved air flotation (DAF). In DAF, air is bubbled through the wastewater, and both oil and suspended solids are skimmed off the top. Chemicals, such as ferric hydroxide or aluminum hydroxide, can be used to coagulate impurities into a froth or sludge that can be more easily skimmed off the top. Some wastes associated with the primary treatment of wastewater at organic chemicals production facilities may be considered hazardous and include API separator sludge, primary treatment sludge, sludge from other gravitational separation techniques, float from DAF units, and wastes from settling ponds.

After primary treatment, the wastewater can be discharged to a POTW or undergo secondary treatment before being discharged directly to surface waters under a NPDES permit. In secondary treatment, microorganisms may consume dissolved oil and other organic pollutants biologically. Biological treatment may require the addition of oxygen through a number of different techniques, including activated sludge units, trickling filters, and rotating biological contactors. Secondary treatment generates biomass waste that is typically treated anaerobically and then dewatered.

Some production facilities employ an additional stage of wastewater treatment called polishing to meet discharge limits. The polishing step can involve the use of activated carbon, anthracite coal, or sand to filter out any remaining impurities, such as biomass, silt, trace metals, and other inorganic chemicals, as well as any remaining organic chemicals.

Certain process wastewater streams are treated separately, prior to the wastewater treatment plant, to remove contaminants that would not easily be treated after mixing with other wastewater. One such waste stream is the sour water drained from distillation reflux drums. Sour water contains dissolved hydrogen sulfide and other organic sulfur compounds and ammonia which are stripped in a tower with gas or steam before being discharged to the wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment plants are a significant source of process air emissions and solid wastes. Air releases arise from fugitive emissions from the numerous tanks, ponds, and sewer system drains. Solid wastes are generated in the form of sludge from a number of the treatment units.

Many production facilities unintentionally release, or have unintentionally released in the past, liquid hydrocarbons to groundwater and surface waters. At some production facilities, contaminated groundwater has migrated off-site and resulted in continuous seeps to surface waters. While the actual volume of hydrocarbons released in such a manner are relatively small, there is the potential to contaminate large volumes of groundwater and surface water possibly posing a substantial risk to human health and the environment.

5.4 Other Waste

Solid wastes are generated from many of the organic chemcials production processes and from refining processes, organic chemicals handling operations, as well as wastewater treatment (Chapter 4). Both hazardous and nonhazardous wastes are generated, treated, and disposed. Solid wastes in a process are typically in the form of sludge (including sludge from wastewater treatment), spent process catalysts, filter clay, and incinerator ash. Treatment of these wastes includes incineration, land treating off-site, land filling on-site, land filling off-site, chemical fixation, neutralization, and other treatment methods (Speight, 1996; Woodside, 1999; Speight and Lee, 2000; Speight and Arjoon, 2012).

A significant portion of the nonorganic chemicals product outputs of production facilities is transported off-site and sold as by-products. These outputs include sulfur, acetic acid, phosphoric acid, and recovered metals. Metals from catalysts and from the crude oil that have deposited on the catalyst during the production often are recovered by third-party recovery facilities.

Storage tanks are used throughout the refining process to store crude oil and intermediate process feeds for cooling and further processing. Finished organic chemicals are also kept in storage tanks before transport off-site. Storage tank bottoms are mixtures of iron rust from corrosion, sand, water, and emulsified oil and wax, which accumulate at the bottom of tanks. Liquid tank bottoms (primarily water and oil emulsions) are periodically drawn off to prevent their continued build up. Tank bottom liquids and sludge are also removed during periodic cleaning of tanks for inspection. Tank bottoms may contain amounts of tetraethyl or tetramethyl lead (although this is increasingly rare due to the phase out of leaded products), other metals, and phenols. Solids generated from leaded gasoline storage tank bottoms are listed as a hazardous waste.

5.5 Options

Pollution prevention is the responsibility of everyone and preventing pollution may be a new role for production-oriented managers and workers, but their cooperation is crucial. It will be the workers themselves who must make pollution prevention succeed in the workplace.

The best way to reduce pollution is to prevent it in the first place. Some companies have creatively implemented pollution prevention techniques that improve efficiency and increase profits while at the same time minimizing environmental impacts. This can be done in many ways such as reducing material inputs, reengineering processes to reuse by-products, improving management practices, and substituting benign chemicals for toxic ones. Some smaller facilities are able to actually get below regulatory thresholds just by reducing pollutant releases through aggressive pollution prevention policies. Furthermore, it is critical to emphasize that pollution prevention in the chemical industry is process specific and oftentimes constrained by site-specific considerations. As such, it is difficult to generalize about the relative merits of different pollution prevention strategies. The age, size, and purpose of the plant will influence the choice of the most effective pollution prevention strategy. Commodity chemical manufacturers redesign their processes infrequently so that redesign of the reaction process or equipment is unlikely in the short term. Here operational changes are the most feasible response. Specialty chemical manufacturers are making a greater variety of chemicals and have more process and design flexibility. Incorporating changes at the earlier research and development phases may be possible for them.

Several options have been identified that production facilities can undertake to reduce pollution. These include pollution prevention options, recycling options, and waste treatment options. Furthermore, pollution prevention options are often presented in four different categories, viz. (1) pollution prevention options, (2) waste recycling, and (3) waste treatment. Either one or the other or any combination of the three options may be in operation in any given process.

Pollution prevention options are usually subdivided into four areas: (1) good operating practices, (2) processes modification, (3) feedstock modification, and (4) product reformulation (Lo, 1991). The options described here include only the first three of these categories since product reformulation is not an option that is usually available to the environmental analyst, scientist, or engineer.

5.5.1 Operating Practices

Good operating practices (Table 9.6) prevent waste by better handling of feedstocks and products without making significant modifications to current production technology. If feedstocks are handled appropriately, they are less likely to become wastes inadvertently through spills or outdating. If products are handled appropriately, they can be managed in the most cost-effective manner.

Table 9.6

A Selection of Good Operating Practices

 Specify sludge and water content for feedstock

 Minimize carryover to API separator

 Use recycled water for desalter

 Replace desalting with chemical treatment system

 Collect catalyst fines during delivery

 Recover coke fines


For example, a significant portion of process waste arises from oily sludge found in combined process/storm sewers. Segregation of the relatively clean rainwater runoff from the process streams can reduce the quantity of oily sludge generated. Furthermore, there is a much higher potential for recovery of oil from smaller, more concentrated process streams.

Solids released to the process wastewater sewer system can account for a large portion of a process's oily sludge. Solids entering the sewer system (primarily soil particles) become coated with oil and are deposited as oily sludge in the API oil/water separator. Because a typical sludge has a solids content of 5-30% by weight, preventing one pound of solids from entering the sewer system can eliminate several pounds 3-0 pounds of oily sludge.

Methods used to control solids include using a street sweeper on paved areas, paving unpaved areas, planting ground cover on unpaved areas, relining sewers, cleaning solids from ditches and catch basins, and reducing heat exchanger bundle cleaning solids by using antifoulant materials in cooling water. Benzene and other solvents in wastewater can often be treated more easily and effectively at the point at which they are generated rather than at the wastewater treatment plant after it is mixed with other wastewater.

5.5.2 Process Modifications

The organic chemicals industry requires very large, capital-intensive process equipment. Expected lifetimes of process equipment are measured in decades. This limits economic incentives to make capital-intensive process modifications to reduce wastes generation. However, some process modifications (Table 9.7) or process improvement (Table 9.8) reduce waste generation.

Table 9.7

Options for Process Modifications

 Add coking operations

Certain process hazardous wastes can then be used as coker feedstock, reducing the quantity of sludge for disposal

 Install secondary seals on floating roof tanks

 Where appropriate, replace with fixed roofs to eliminate the collection of rainwater, contamination of crude oil or finished products, and oxidation of crude oil

 Where feasible,

 Replace clay filtration with hydrotreating

 Substitute air coolers or electric heaters for water heat exchangers to reduce sludge production

 Install tank agitators. This can prevent solids from settling out

 Concentrate similar wastewater streams through a common dewatering system


Table 9.8

Process Improvement

 Segregate oily wastes to reduce the quantity of oily sludge generated and increase the potential for oil recovery

 Reuse rinse waters where possible

 Use optimum pressures, temperatures, and mixing ratios

 Sweep or vacuum streets and paved process areas to reduce solids going to sewers

 Use water softeners in cooling water systems to extend the useful life of the water


The organic chemicals industry has made many improvements in the design and modification of processes and technologies to recover product and unconverted raw materials. In the past, they pursued this strategy to the point that the cost of further recovery could not be justified. Now the costs of end-of-pipe treatment and disposal have made source reduction a good investment. Greater reductions are possible when process engineers trained in pollution prevention plan to reduce waste at the design stage. For example, although barge loading is not a factor for all production facilities, it is an important emissions source for many facilities. One of the largest sources of volatile organic carbon emissions is the fugitive emissions from loading of tanker barges. These emissions could be reduced by more than 90% by installing a vapor loss control system that consists of vapor recovery or the destruction of the volatile organic carbon emissions in a flare.

Fugitive emissions are one of the largest sources of process hydrocarbon emissions. A leak detection and repair program consists of using a portable detecting instrument to detect leaks during regularly scheduled inspections of valves, flanges, and pump seals. Older process boilers may also be a significant source of emissions of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter. It is possible to replace a large number of old boilers with a single new cogeneration plant with emissions controls.

Since storage tanks are one of the largest sources of VOC emissions, a reduction in the number of these tanks can have a significant impact. The need for certain tanks can often be eliminated through improved production planning and more continuous operations. By minimizing the number of storage tanks, tank bottom solids and decanted wastewater may also be reduced. Installing secondary seals on the tanks can significantly reduce the losses from storage tanks containing gasoline and other volatile products.

Solids entering the crude distillation unit are likely to eventually attract more oil and produce additional emulsions and sludge. The amount of solids removed from the desalting unit should, therefore, be maximized. A number of techniques can be used such as: using low shear mixing devices to mix desalter wash water and crude oil, using lower pressure water in the desalter to avoid turbulence, and replacing the water jets used in some production facilities with mud rakes which add less turbulence when removing settled solids.

Purging or blowing down a portion of the cooling water stream to the wastewater treatment system controls the dissolved solids concentration in the recirculating cooling water. Solids in the blowdown eventually create additional sludge in the wastewater treatment plant. However, minimizing the dissolved solids content of the cooling water can lower the amount of cooling tower blowdown. A significant portion of the total dissolved solids in the cooling water can originate in the cooling water makeup stream in the form of naturally occurring calcium carbonates. Such solids can be controlled either by selecting a source of cooling tower makeup water with less dissolved solids or by removing the dissolved solids from the makeup water stream. Common treatment methods include: cold lime softening, reverse osmosis, or electrodialysis.

In many production facilities, using high-pressure water to clean heat exchanger bundles generates and releases water and entrained solids to the process wastewater treatment system. Exchanger solids may then attract oil as they move through the sewer system and may also produce finer solids and stabilized emulsions that are more difficult to remove. Solids can be removed at the heat exchanger cleaning pad by installing concrete overflow weirs around the surface drains or by covering drains with a screen. Other ways to reduce solids generation are by using antifoulants on the heat exchanger bundles to prevent scaling and by cleaning with reusable cleaning chemicals that also allow for the easy removal of oil.

Surfactants entering the process wastewater streams will increase the amount of emulsions and sludge generated. Surfactants can enter the system from a number of sources including: washing unit pads with detergents; treating gasoline with an end point over 200°C (> 392°F), thereby producing spent caustics; cleaning tank truck tank interiors; and using soaps and cleaners for miscellaneous tasks. In addition, the overuse and mixing of the organic polymers used to separate oil, water, and solids in the wastewater treatment plant can actually stabilize emulsions. The use of surfactants should be minimized by educating operators, routing surfactant sources to a point downstream of the DAF unit and by using dry cleaning, high pressure water or steam to clean oil surfaces of oil and dirt.

Replacing 55-gallon drums with bulk storage facilities can minimize the chances of leaks and spills. And, just as 55-gallon drums can lead to leaks, underground piping can be a source of undetected releases to the soil and groundwater. Inspecting, repairing or replacing underground piping with surface piping can reduce or eliminate these potential sources.

Finally, open ponds used to cool, settle out solids and store process water can be a significant source of volatile organic carbon emissions. Wastewater from coke cooling and coke volatile organic carbon removal is occasionally cooled in open ponds where volatile organic carbon easily escapes to the atmosphere. In many cases, open ponds can be replaced with closed storage tanks.

5.5.3 Material Substitution Options

Spent conventional degreaser solvents can be reduced or eliminated through substitution with less toxic and/or biodegradable products. In addition, chromate containing wastes can be reduced or eliminated in cooling tower and heat exchanger sludge by replacing chromates with less toxic alternatives such as phosphates.

Using catalysts of a higher quality will lead in increased process efficiency, while the required frequency of catalyst replacement can be reduced. Similarly, the replacement of ceramic catalyst support with activated alumina supports presents the opportunity for recycling the activated alumina supports with the spent alumina catalyst.

5.6 Recycling

Recycling is the use, reuse, or reclamation of a waste after it is generated. At present the organic chemicals industry is focusing on recycling and reuse as the best opportunities for pollution prevention (Table 9.9). Although pollution is reduced more if wastes are prevented in the first place, a next best option for reducing pollution is to treat wastes so that they can be transformed into useful products.

Table 9.9

Options for Recycling

 Use phenols and caustics produced in the refining operations as chemical feeds in other applications

 Use oily waste sludge as feedstock in coking operations

 Regenerate catalysts. Extend useful life. Recover valuable metals from spent catalyst. Possibly use catalyst as a concrete admixture or as a fertilizer

 Maximize slop oil recovery. Agitate sludge with air and steam to recover residual oils

 Regenerate filtration clay. Wash clay with naphtha, dry by steam heating, and feed to a burning kiln for regeneration

 Recover valuable product from oily sludge with solvent extraction


Caustic substances used to absorb and remove hydrogen sulfide and phenol contaminants from intermediate and final product streams can often be recycled. Spent caustics may be saleable to chemical recovery companies if concentrations of phenol or hydrogen sulfide are high enough. Process changes in the process may be needed to raise the concentration of phenols in the caustic to make recovery of the contaminants economical. Caustics containing phenols can also be recycled on-site by reducing the pH of the caustic until the phenols become insoluble thereby allowing physical separation. The caustic can then be treated in the process wastewater system.

Oily sludge can be sent to a coking unit or the crude distillation unit where it becomes part of the process products. Sludge sent to the coker can be injected into the coke drum with the quench water, injected directly into the delayed coker, or injected into the coker blowdown contactor used in separating the quenching products. Use of sludge as a feedstock has increased significantly in recent years and is currently carried out by most production facilities. The quantity of sludge that can be sent to the coker is restricted by coke quality specifications that may limit the amount of sludge solids in the coke. Coking operations can be upgraded, however, to increase the amount of sludge that they can handle.

Significant quantities of catalyst fines are often present around the catalyst hoppers of fluid catalytic cracking reactors and regenerators. Coke fines are often present around the coker unit and coke storage areas. The fines can be collected and recycled before being washed to the sewers or migrating off-site via the wind. Collection techniques include dry sweeping the catalyst and coke fines and sending the solids to be recycled or disposed of as nonhazardous waste. Coke fines can also be recycled for fuel use. Another collection technique involves the use of vacuum ducts in dusty areas (and vacuum hoses for manual collection) that run to a small baghouse for collection.

An issue that always arises relates to the disposal of laboratory sample from any process control or even environmental laboratory that is associated with a process. Samples from such a laboratory can be recycled to the oil recovery system.

5.7 Treatment Options

When pollution prevention and recycling options are not economically viable, pollution can still be reduced by treating wastes so that they are transformed in to less environmentally harmful wastes or can be disposed of in a less environmentally harmful media (Table 9.10). The toxicity and volume of some de-oiled and dewatered sludge can be further reduced through thermal treatment. Thermal sludge treatment units use heat to vaporize the water and volatile components in the feed and leave behind a dry solid residue. The vapors are condensed for separation into the hydrocarbon and water components. Noncondensable vapors are either flared or sent to the amine unit for treatment and use as process fuel gas.

Table 9.10

Options for Chemicals Waste Reduction

 Segregate process (oily) waste streams from relatively clean rainwater runoff in order to reduce the quantity of oily sludge

 Generated and increased the potential for oil recovery. Significant portion of the process waste comes from oily sludge found in combined process/storm sewers

 Conduct inspection of organic chemicals process systems for leaks. For example, check hoses, pipes, valves, pumps, and seals. Make necessary repairs where appropriate

 Conserve water. Reuse rinse waters if possible. Reduce equipment-cleaning frequency where beneficial in reducing net waste generation

 Use correct pressures, temperatures, and mixing ratios for optimum recovery of product and reduction in waste produced

 Employ street sweeping or vacuuming of paved process areas to reduce solids to the sewers

 Pave runoff areas to reduce transfer of solids to waste systems. Use water softeners in cooling water systems to extend useful cycling time of the water


Furthermore, because oily sludge makes up a large portion of process solid wastes, any improvement in the recovery of oil from the sludge can significantly reduce the volume of waste. There are a number of technologies currently in use to mechanically separate oil, water, and solids, including: belt filter presses, recessed chamber pressure filters, rotary vacuum filters, scroll centrifuges, disc centrifuges, shakers, thermal driers, and centrifuge-drier combinations.

Waste material such as tank bottoms from crude oil storage tanks constitute a large percentage of process solid waste and pose a particularly difficult disposal problem due to the presence of heavy metals. Tank bottoms are comprised of heavy hydrocarbons, solids, water, rust, and scale. Minimization of tank bottoms is carried out most cost effectively through careful separation of the oil and water remaining in the tank bottom. Filters and centrifuges can also be used to recover the oil for recycling.

Spent clay from process filters often contains significant amounts of entrained hydrocarbons and, therefore, must be designated as hazardous waste. Back washing spent clay with water or steam can reduce the hydrocarbon content to levels so that it can be reused or handled as a nonhazardous waste. Another method used to regenerate clay is to wash the clay with naphtha, dry it by steam heating and then feed it to a burning kiln for regeneration. In some cases, clay filtration can be replaced entirely with hydrotreating process options.

Decant oil sludge from the fluidized bed catalytic cracking unit can (and often does) contain significant concentrations of catalyst fines. These fines often prevent the use of decant oil as a feedstock or require treatment which generates an oily catalyst sludge. Catalyst fines in the decant oil can be minimized by using a decant oil catalyst removal system. One system incorporates high voltage electric fields to polarize and capture catalyst particles in the oil. The amount of catalyst fines reaching the decant oil can be minimized by installing high efficiency cyclones in the reactor to shift catalyst fines losses from the decant oil to the regenerator where they can be collected in the electrostatic precipitator.


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