Export Parameters

The following is a description of the Export parameters that may be specified, either on a command line or in a parameter file:


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer used to fetch rows. This parameter determines the maximum number of rows in an array fetched by Export as:

rows = buffer / maximum_row_size

If you specify zero, Export fetches one row at a time. Tables with LONG, LOB, BFILE, REF, ROWID, or type columns are always fetched one row at a time. BUFFER applies only to conventional path export, and has no effect on a direct path export. The default is operating system dependent.


Specifies how Export manages the initial extent for table data. The default, COMPRESS=Y, causes Export to write a CREATE object statement for use in a subsequent import that will cause the object to be created with a single initial extent. If COMPRESS=N is specified, Export uses the current storage parameters, including the values of the INITIAL extent size and the NEXT extent size.


Specifies whether Export uses the SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement to ensure that the data seen by Export is consistent to a single point in time and does not change during the execution of the EXP command. You should specify CONSISTENT=Y when you anticipate that other applications will update the database after an export has started. The default is CONSISTENT=N.


Specifies whether the Export utility exports table constraints. The default is CONSTRAINTS=Y.


Specifies direct path or conventional path export. DIRECT=Y causes Export to extract data by reading the data directly, bypassing the SQL processing layer, which can be much faster than a conventional path export. The default is DIRECT=N. Note that direct path export cannot be used to export tables containing any of the following column types: REF, LOB, BFILE, or object type columns, which include VARRAYs and nested tables.


When set greater than zero, specifies that Export should display a progress meter in the form of a dot for each n number of rows exported. The default is FEEDBACK=0.


Specifies the name of the Export file. The default filename is expdat.dmp. The default extension is .dmp, but you can specify any extension.

FULL={Y | N}

When set to FULL=Y, causes Export to perform a full database export, which exports all objects from the entire database. The default is FULL=N. The EXP_FULL_DATABASE role is required to export in this mode.


Specifies whether the Export utility exports grants. The grants that are exported depend on whether you export in full database or user mode. In full database mode, all grants on a table are exported; in user mode, only those granted by the owner of the table are exported. The default is GRANTS=Y.

HELP={Y | N}

Determines whether a help message with descriptions of the Export parameters is displayed. The default is HELP=N.


If used, specifies that one of the following types of incremental export is to be run:


Exports all database objects that have changed since the last incremental, cumulative, or complete export, as tracked by the table SYS.INCEXP, then updates the table with a new ITIME and EXPID.


Exports all database objects that have changed since the last cumulative or complete export, as tracked by the table SYS.INCEXP, then updates the table with a new CTIME, ITIME, and EXPID.


Exports all objects, then updates the tables SYS.INCEXP and SYS.INCVID. (A FULL=Y export does not update these tables unless you specify the INCTYPE parameter.)


Specifies whether Export will export all indexes. The default is INDEXES=Y. INDEXES=N specifies that indexes are not to be exported. Note that even though indexes are exported, index creation may be suppressed during import using the INDEXES=N parameter of the Import utility.


Specifies the name of an operating system file to receive informational and error messages. There is no default, and if LOG is not specified, messages will not be sent to a file.


If used, indicates that the export is a user-mode export and lists the users whose objects will be exported. There is no default.


If used, specifies the name of an operating system file that contains a list of Export parameters. There is no default, and this parameter is used only when running export in command-line mode.


Determines if the Export utility will export one or more tablespaces in an Oracle database so that when running Import you can recover the tablespace to a prior point in time without affecting the rest of the database. The default is N.


Determines if Export will create a record of an incremental or cumulative export in the system tables SYS.INCEXP, SYS.INCFIL, and SYS.INCVID. The default is RECORD=Y.


Specifies the length (in bytes) of the records written to the export output file. The default is operating system specific, and the maximum is 64K.


Specifies the tablespaces to be exported for recovery using point-in-time recovery. There is no default.

ROWS={Y | N]

Specifies whether the rows of data in tables are written to the Export file. The default is ROWS=Y. ROWS=N can be specified to export the structure of all exported objects without their contents.


Specifies the type of database optimizer statistics to generate when the exported data is restored using the Import utility. The default is STATISTICS=ESTIMATE, and other options are COMPUTE and NONE.


Specifies that Export is to be run in table mode, and lists the table and partition names to export. There is no default. Tables or partitions (Oracle8 only) may be specified as schema.table:partition_name, where:


Specifies the name of the user’s schema from which to export the table or partition. If omitted, the schema specified by USERID is used, except when FULL=Y is specified.


Indicates the name of a table to be exported. If a table in the list is partitioned and you do not specify a partition name, all its partitions are exported.


Indicates that the export is a partition-level export. Partition-level export lets you export one or more specified partitions within a table. If this value is omitted for a partitioned table, all partitions will be exported.

Multiple tables may be listed, as shown here:

TABLES = (scott.emp, scott.dept,

Specifies the username/password@hoststring of the user initiating the export if it is not specified on the command line. There is no default.

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