Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) is a tool supplied by Oracle that provides an easy-to-use, graphical approach to managing one or more databases. It combines a number of distinct facilities into an integrated platform for managing Oracle products. From the Oracle Enterprise Manager’s console, the DBA may be able to:

  • Administer, diagnose, and tune one or more databases

  • Distribute software to multiple servers and clients

  • Schedule jobs on multiple nodes at varying times

  • Monitor objects and events throughout the Oracle network

  • Customize the display using graphic maps and groups of network objects such as nodes and databases

  • Administer Oracle parallel servers

  • Integrate participating Oracle or third-party tools


Although Oracle Enterprise Manager is shipped with the Oracle database product, some features of the Enterprise Manager (for example, the Performance Pack) are separately licensed and may only be used with an appropriate license.

The client/server architecture of Oracle Enterprise Manager consists of a centralized console, common services, and intelligent agents running on the managed nodes. Various applications reside on top of the common services, performing system management tasks.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console is a graphical user interface that provides menus, toolbars, launch palettes, and the framework to allow access to Oracle tools, plus utilities available through other vendors. The windows provide access to several components:


Discovers and displays a tree list of all the objects in a network, such as user-defined groups, nodes, listeners, name servers, and databases, plus the objects they contain.


Provides a means to create, save, modify, and recall views of the network. Objects can be dragged and dropped from the Navigator into the Map view to create groups to be monitored.

Console menu bar

Provides access to the Navigator, Map, Job, Event, and database administration applications.

Oracle Enterprise Manager has a set of common services that help manage nodes throughout the Oracle network. Key to these services is the repository. The Oracle Enterprise Manager repository is a set of tables in an Oracle database. Each administrator is associated with a specific repository in a database, and any information related to the tasks performed by the administrator is stored in that repository. The repository provides a centralized location for storing information on configurations, jobs and events, historical collections, tuning recommendations, the preferred credentials for each user, and other information associated with the DBA user. The repository tables can be installed in any database accessible in the Oracle network, and a DBA can log on to the repository database from any machine.

The Job Scheduling System allows the management of job scheduling among the databases, listeners, and nodes being administered. Jobs can be scheduled and run on remote sites throughout the network at various times, such as daily or weekly, and at single or multiple destinations.

The Event Management System allows tracking and display of the status of events occurring on the databases, listeners, and nodes in the Oracle network. A job can be specified that will take corrective action when a particular event is detected.

Oracle Enterprise Manager uses intelligent agents and a communication daemon to manage Console tasks such as scheduling and running remote jobs and monitoring events on remote sites. The intelligent agent is a process that runs on remote nodes in the network and functions as the executor of jobs and events sent by the Console via the communication daemon. The agent can function regardless of the status of the Console or network connections.

Access to Oracle services on the network is controlled by a set of user-defined, preferred credentials for the available nodes and services. Oracle Enterprise Manager encrypts the user authentication information in the repository and provides it as part of the connection request from the Console or Console-launched applications.

Oracle Enterprise Manager includes a set of standard integrated database administration applications. These applications are specialized management tools that can be launched directly from the Console or the Administration toolbar. Third parties can write applications that integrate into the Console and use the available common services, and these applications can be launched directly from the Console.

A command-line interface is sometimes necessary or desirable, so Oracle Server Manager provides a conversational line mode. In line mode, DBA commands can be explicitly executed on a command line.

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