The Scheduling Algorithm

The Linux scheduling algorithm works by dividing the CPU time into epochs . In a single epoch, every process has a specified time quantum whose duration is computed when the epoch begins. In general, different processes have different time quantum durations. The time quantum value is the maximum CPU time portion assigned to the process in that epoch. When a process has exhausted its time quantum, it is preempted and replaced by another runnable process. Of course, a process can be selected several times from the scheduler in the same epoch, as long as its quantum has not been exhausted—for instance, if it suspends itself to wait for I/O, it preserves some of its time quantum and can be selected again during the same epoch. The epoch ends when all runnable processes have exhausted their quanta; in this case, the scheduler algorithm recomputes the time-quantum durations of all processes and a new epoch begins.

Each process has a base time quantum , which is the time-quantum value assigned by the scheduler to the process if it has exhausted its quantum in the previous epoch. The users can change the base time quantum of their processes by using the nice( ) and setpriority( ) system calls (see Section 11.3 later in this chapter). A new process always inherits the base time quantum of its parent.

The INIT_TASK macro sets the value of the initial time quantum of process 0 (swapper) to DEF_COUNTER; that macro is defined as follows:

#define DEF_COUNTER ( 10 * HZ / 100)

Since HZ (which denotes the frequency of timer interrupts) is set to 100 for IBM compatible PCs (see Section 6.1.3), the value of DEF_COUNTER is 10 ticks—that is, about 105 ms.

To select a process to run, the Linux scheduler must consider the priority of each process. Actually, there are two kinds of priorities:

Static priority

This is assigned by the users to real-time processes and ranges from 1 to 99. It is never changed by the scheduler.

Dynamic priority

This applies only to conventional processes; it is essentially the sum of the base time quantum (which is therefore also called the base priority of the process) and of the number of ticks of CPU time left to the process before its quantum expires in the current epoch.

Of course, the static priority of a real-time process is always higher than the dynamic priority of a conventional one. The scheduler starts running conventional processes only when there is no real-time process in a TASK_RUNNING state.

There is always at least one runnable process: the swapper kernel thread, which has PID 0 and executes only when the CPU cannot execute other processes. As mentioned in Chapter 3, every CPU of a multiprocessor system has its own kernel thread with PID equal to 0.

Data Structures Used by the Scheduler

Recall from Section 3.2 that the process list links all process descriptors, while the runqueue list links the process descriptors of all runnable processes—that is, of those in a TASK_RUNNING state. In both cases, the init_task process descriptor plays the role of list header.

Process descriptor

Each process descriptor includes several fields related to scheduling:


A flag checked by ret_from_sys_call( ) to decide whether to invoke the schedule( ) function (see Section 4.8.3).[74]


The scheduling class. The values permitted are:


A First-In, First-Out real-time process. When the scheduler assigns the CPU to the process, it leaves the process descriptor in its current position in the runqueue list. If no other higher-priority real-time process is runnable, the process continues to use the CPU as long as it wishes, even if other real-time processes that have the same priority are runnable.


A Round Robin real-time process. When the scheduler assigns the CPU to the process, it puts the process descriptor at the end of the runqueue list. This policy ensures a fair assignment of CPU time to all SCHED_RR real-time processes that have the same priority.


A conventional, time-shared process.

The policy field also encodes a SCHED_YIELD binary flag. This flag is set when the process invokes the sched_yield( ) system call (a way of voluntarily relinquishing the processor without the need to start an I/O operation or go to sleep; see the later section Section 11.3). The kernel also sets the SCHED_YIELD flag and invokes the schedule( ) function whenever it is executing a long noncritical task and wishes to give other processes a chance to run.


The static priority of a real-time process; valid priorities range between 1 and 99. The static priority of a conventional process must be set to 0.


The number of ticks of CPU time left to the process before its quantum expires; when a new epoch begins, this field contains the time-quantum duration of the process. Recall that the update_process_times( ) function decrements the counter field of the current process by 1 at every tick.


Determines the length of the process time quantum when a new epoch begins. This field contains values ranging between - 20 and + 19; negative values correspond to “high priority” processes, positive ones to “low priority” processes. The default value 0 corresponds to normal processes.


A bit mask specifying the CPUs on which the process is allowed to run. In the 80 × 86 architecture, the maximum number of processor is set to 32, so the whole mask can be encoded in a single integer field.


A bit mask specifying the CPU that is executing the process, if any. If the process is not executed by any CPU, all bits of the field are set to 1. Otherwise, all bits of the field are set to 0, except the bit associated with the executing CPU, which is set to 1. This encoding allows the kernel to verify whether the process can be scheduled on a given CPU by simply computing the logical AND between this field, the cpus_allowed field, and the bit mask specifying the CPU.


The index of the CPU that is executing the process, if any; otherwise, the index of the last CPU that executed the process.

When a new process is created, do_fork( ) sets the counter field of both current (the parent) and p (the child) processes in the following way:

p->counter = (current->counter + 1) >> 1; 
current->counter >>= 1; 
if (!current->counter) 
    current->need_resched = 1;

In other words, the number of ticks left to the parent is split in two halves: one for the parent and one for the child. This is done to prevent users from getting an unlimited amount of CPU time by using the following method: the parent process creates a child process that runs the same code and then kills itself; by properly adjusting the creation rate, the child process would always get a fresh quantum before the quantum of its parent expires. This programming trick does not work since the kernel does not reward forks. Similarly, a user cannot hog an unfair share of the processor by starting lots of background processes in a shell or by opening a lot of windows on a graphical desktop. More generally speaking, a process cannot hog resources (unless it has privileges to give itself a real-time policy) by forking multiple descendents.

CPU’s data structures

Besides the fields included in each process descriptor, additional information is needed to describe what each CPU is doing. To that end, the scheduler can rely on the aligned_data array of NR_CPUS structures of type schedule_data. Each such structure consists of two fields:


A pointer to the process descriptor of the process running on that CPU. The field is usually accessed by means of the cpu_curr(n) macro, where n is the CPU logical number.


The value of the 64-bit Time Stamp Counter when the last process switch was performed on the CPU. The field is usually accessed by means of the last_schedule(n) macro, where n is the CPU logical number.

Most of the time, any CPU accesses only its own array element; it is thus convenient to align the entries of the aligned_data array so that every element falls in a different cache line. In this way, the CPUs have a better chance to find their own element in the hardware cache.

The schedule( ) Function

The schedule( ) function implements the scheduler. Its objective is to find a process in the runqueue list and then assign the CPU to it. It is invoked, directly or in a lazy (deferred) way, by several kernel routines.

Direct invocation

The scheduler is invoked directly when the current process must be blocked right away because the resource it needs is not available. In this case, the kernel routine that wants to block it proceeds as follows:

  1. Inserts current in the proper wait queue

  2. Changes the state of current either to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE or to TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE

  3. Invokes schedule( )

  4. Checks whether the resource is available; if not, goes to Step 2

  5. Once the resource is available, removes current from the wait queue

As can be seen, the kernel routine checks repeatedly whether the resource needed by the process is available; if not, it yields the CPU to some other process by invoking schedule( ). Later, when the scheduler once again grants the CPU to the process, the availability of the resource is rechecked. These steps are similar to those performed by the sleep_on( ) and interruptible_sleep_on( ) functions described in Section 3.2.4.

The scheduler is also directly invoked by many device drivers that execute long iterative tasks. At each iteration cycle, the driver checks the value of the need_resched field and, if necessary, invokes schedule( ) to voluntarily relinquish the CPU.

Lazy invocation

The scheduler can also be invoked in a lazy way by setting the need_resched field of current to 1. Since a check on the value of this field is always made before resuming the execution of a User Mode process (see Section 4.8), schedule( ) will definitely be invoked at some time in the near future.

For instance, lazy invocation of the scheduler is performed in the following cases:

  • When current has used up its quantum of CPU time; this is done by the update_process_times( ) function.

  • When a process is woken up and its priority is higher than that of the current process; this task is performed by the reschedule_idle( ) function, which is usually invoked by the wake_up_process( ) function (see Section 3.2.2).

  • When a sched_setscheduler( ) or sched_yield( ) system call is issued (see Section 11.3 later in this chapter).

Actions performed by schedule( ) before a process switch

The goal of the schedule( ) function consists of replacing the currently executing process with another one. Thus, the key outcome of the function is to set a local variable called next so that it points to the descriptor of the process selected to replace current. If no runnable process in the system has priority greater than the priority of current, at the end, next coincides with current and no process switch takes place.

For efficiency reasons, the schedule( ) function starts by initializing a few local variables:

prev = current;
this_cpu = prev->processor;
sched_data = & aligned_data[this_cpu];

As you see, the pointer returned by current is saved in prev, the logical number of the executing CPU is saved in this_cpu, and the pointer to the aligned_data array element of the CPU is saved in sched_data.

Next, schedule( ) makes sure that prev doesn’t hold the global kernel lock or the global interrupt lock (see Section 5.5.2 and Section 5.3.10), and then reenables the local interrupts:

if (prev->lock_depth >= 0)
_ _sti( );

Generally speaking, a process should never hold a lock across a process switch; otherwise, the system freezes as soon as another process tries to acquire the same lock.However, notice that schedule( ) doesn’t change the value of the lock_depth field; when prev resumes its execution, it reacquires the kernel_flag spin lock if the value of this field is not negative. Thus, the global kernel lock is automatically released and reacquired across a process switch. Conversely, the global interrupt lock is not automatically reacquired.

Before starting to look at the runnable processes, schedule( ) must disable the local interrupts and acquire the spin lock that protects the runqueue (see section Section


A check is then made to determine whether prev is a Round Robin real-time process (policy field set to SCHED_RR) that has exhausted its quantum. If so, schedule( ) assigns a new quantum to prev and puts it at the bottom of the runqueue list:

if (prev->policy == SCHED_RR && !prev->counter) {
    prev->counter = (20 - prev->nice) / 4 + 1;

Recall that the nice field of a process ranges between - 20 and + 19; therefore, schedule( ) replenishes the counter field with a number of ticks ranging from 11 to 1. The default value of the nice field is 0, so usually the process gets a new quantum of 6 ticks, roughly 60 ms.[75]

Next, schedule( ) examines the state of prev. If it has nonblocked pending signals and its state is TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, the function sets the process state to TASK_RUNNING. This action is not the same as assigning the processor to prev; it just gives prev a chance to be selected for execution:

if (prev->state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE && signal_pending(prev)) 
    prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;

If prev is not in the TASK_RUNNING state, schedule( ) was directly invoked by the process itself because it had to wait on some external resource; therefore, prev must be removed from the runqueue list:

if (prev->state != TASK_RUNNING) 

The function also resets the need_resched field of prev, just in case the scheduler was activated in the lazy way:

prev->need_resched = 0;

Now the time has come for schedule( ) to select the process to be executed in the next time quantum. To that end, the function scans the runqueue list. The objective is to store in next the process descriptor pointer of the highest priority process:

    next = init_tasks[this_cpu];
    c = -1000;
    list_for_each(tmp, &runqueue_head) {
        p = list_entry(tmp, struct task_struct, run_list);
        if (p->cpus_runnable & p->cpus_allowed & (1 << this_cpu)) {
            int weight = goodness(p, this_cpu, prev->active_mm);
            if (weight > c)
                c = weight, next = p;

The function initializes next so it points to the process referenced by init_task[this_cpu]—that is, to the process (swapper) associated with the executing CPU; the c local variable is set to - 1000. As we shall see in the later section Section, the goodness( ) function returns an integer that denotes the priority of the process passed as parameter.

While scanning processes in the runqueue, schedule( ) considers only those that are both:

  1. Runnable on the executing CPU (cpus_allowed & (1<<this_cpu)).

  2. Not already running on some other CPU. (cpus_runnable & (1<<this_cpu); see the description of cpus_runnable in the previous section.)

The loop selects the first process in the runqueue that has the maximum weight. Thus, at the end of the search, next points to the best candidate, and the c local variable contains its priority. It is possible that the runqueue list is empty; in this case, the cycle is not executed, and next points to the swapper kernel thread associated with the executing CPU. It is also possible that the best candidate turns out to be the old current process prev.

A particular case occurs when the local variable c is set to 0 at the exit of the loop. This happens only when all processes in the runqueue list that are runnable by the executing CPU have exhausted their quantum—i.e., all of them have a zero counter field. A new epoch must then begin, and schedule( ) assigns to all existing processes (not only to the TASK_RUNNING ones) a fresh quantum, whose duration is half the counter value plus an increment that depends on the value of nice:

if (!c) { 
    struct task_struct *p;
        p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + (20 - p->nice) / 4 + 1;
    goto repeat_schedule;

In this way, suspended or stopped processes have their dynamic priorities periodically increased. As stated earlier, the rationale for increasing the counter value of suspended or stopped processes is to give preference to I/O-bound processes. However, no matter how often the quantum is increased, its value can never become greater than about 230 ms.[76]

Let’s assume now that schedule( ) has selected its best candidate, and that next points to its process descriptor. The function updates the aligned_data array element of the executing CPU (this element is referenced by the sched_data local variable), writes the index of the executing CPU in next’s process descriptor, releases the runqueue list spin lock, and reenables local interrupts:

sched_data->curr = next;
next->processor = this_cpu;
next->cpus_runnable = 1UL << this_cpu;

Now schedule( ) is ready to proceed with the actual process switch. But wait a moment! If the next best candidate is the previously running process prev, schedule( ) can terminate:

if (prev == next) {
    prev->policy &= ~SCHED_YIELD;
    if (prev->lock_depth >= 0)

Notice that schedule( ) reacquires the global kernel lock if the lock_depth field of the process is not negative, as we anticipated when we described the first actions of the function.

If a process other than prev is selected, a process switch must take place. The current value of the Time Stamp Counter, fetched by means of the rdtsc assembly language instruction, is stored in the last_schedule field of the aligned_data array element of the executing CPU:

asm volatile("rdtsc" : "=A" (sched_data->last_schedule));

The context_swtch field of kstat is also increased by 1 to update the statistics maintained by the kernel:


It is also crucial to set up the address space of next properly. We know from Chapter 8 that the active_mm field of the process descriptor points to the memory descriptor that is effectively used by the process, while the mm field points to the memory descriptor owned by the process. For normal processes, the two fields hold the same address; however, a kernel thread does not have its own address space and its mm field is always set to NULL. The schedule( ) function ensures that if next is a kernel thread, then it uses the address space used by prev:

if (!next->mm) {
    next->active_mm = prev->active_mm;
    cpu_tlbstate[this_cpu].state == TLBSTATE_LAZY;

In earlier versions of Linux, kernel threads had their own address space. That design choice was suboptimal when the scheduler selected a kernel thread as a new process to run because changing the Page Tables was useless; since any kernel thread runs in Kernel Mode, it uses only the fourth gigabyte of the linear address space, whose mapping is the same for all processes in the system. Even worse, writing into the cr3 register invalidates all TLB entries (see Section 2.4.8), which leads to a significant performance penalty. Linux 2.4 is much more efficient because Page Tables aren’t touched at all if next is a kernel thread. As further optimization, if next is a kernel thread, the schedule( ) function sets the process into lazy TLB mode (see Section 2.4.8).

Conversely, if next is a regular process, the schedule( ) function replaces the address space of prev with the one of next:

if (next->mm)
    switch_mm(prev->active_mm, next->mm, next, this_cpu);

If prev is a kernel thread, the schedule( ) function releases the address space used by prev and resets prev->active_mm:

if (!prev->mm) {
    prev->active_mm = NULL;

Recall that mmdrop( ) decrements the usage counter of the memory descriptor; if the counter reaches 0, it also frees the descriptor together with the associated Page Tables and virtual memory regions.

Now schedule( ) can finally invoke switch_to( ) to perform the process switch between prev and next (see Section 3.3.3):

switch_to(prev, next, prev);

Actions performed by schedule( ) after a process switch

The instructions of the schedule( ) function following the switch_to macro invocation will not be performed right away by the next process, but at a later time by prev when the scheduler selects it again for execution. However, at that moment, the prev local variable does not point to our original process that was to be replaced when we started the description of schedule( ), but rather to the process that was replaced by our original prev when it was scheduled again. (If you are confused, go back and read Section 3.3.3.)

The last instructions of the schedule( ) function are:

_ _schedule_tail(prev);
if (current->lock_depth >= 0)
if (current->need_resched)
    goto need_resched_back;

As you see, schedule( ) invokes _ _schedule_tail( ) (described next), reacquires the global kernel lock if necessary, and checks whether some other process has set the need_resched field of prev while it was not running. In this case, the whole schedule( ) function is reexecuted from the beginning; otherwise, the function terminates.

In uniprocessor systems, the _ _schedule_tail( ) function limits itself to clear the SCHED_YIELD flag of the policy field of prev. Conversely, in multiprocessor systems, the function executes code that is essentially equivalent to the following fragment:

policy = prev->policy;
prev->policy = policy & ~SCHED_YIELD;
wmb( );
prev->cpus_runnable = ~0UL;
spin_lock_irqsave(&runqueue_lock, flags);
if (prev->state == TASK_RUNNING && prev != init_task[smp_processor_id( )]
       && prev->cpus_runnable == ~0UL && !(policy & SCHED_YIELD))
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&runqueue_lock, flags); 

The wmb( ) memory barrier is used to make sure that the processor won’t reshuffle the assembly language instructions that modify the policy field with those that acquire the alloc_lock spin lock (see Section 5.3.2).

As you may notice, the role of _ _schedule_tail( ) is far more important in multiprocessor systems because this function checks whether the process that was replaced can be rescheduled on some other CPU. This attempt is performed only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  • prev is in TASK_RUNNING state.

  • prev is not the swapper process of the executing CPU.

  • The SCHED_YIELD flag of prev->policy was not set.

  • prev was not already selected by another CPU in the time frame elapsed between the assignment to the cpus_runnable field and the if statement (the if statement itself is protected by the runqueue_lock spin lock; see the code shown in the previous section).

To check whether the priority of prev is high enough to replace the current process of some other CPU, _ _schedule_tail( ) invokes reschedule_idle( ). This is the same function invoked by wake_up_process( ) and is described in the later section Section

The next two sections complete the analysis of the scheduler. They describe, respectively, the goodness( ) and reschedule_idle( ) functions.

How good is a runnable process?

The heart of the scheduling algorithm includes identifying the best candidate among all processes in the runqueue list. This is what the goodness( ) function does. It receives as input parameters:

  • p, the descriptor pointer of candidate process

  • this_cpu, the logical number of the executing CPU

  • this_mm, the memory descriptor address of the process being replaced

The integer value weight returned by goodness( ) measures the “goodness” of p and has the following meanings:

weight = -1

p is the prev process, and its SCHED_YIELD flag is set. The process will be selected only if no other runnable processes (beside the swapper processes) are included in the runqueue.

weight = 0

p is a conventional process that has exhausted its quantum (p->counter is zero). Unless all runnable processes have also exhausted their quantum, it will not be selected for execution.

2 <= weight <= 77

p is a conventional process that has not exhausted its quantum. The weight is computed as follows:

    weight = p->counter + 20 - p->nice;
    if (p->processor == this_cpu)
        weight += 15;
    if (p->mm == this_mm || !p->mm)
        weight += 1;

In multiprocessor systems, a large bonus (+ 15) is given to the process if it was last running on the CPU that is executing the scheduler. The bonus helps in reducing the number of transfers of processes across several CPUs during their executions, thus yielding a smaller number of hardware cache misses.

The function also gives a small bonus (+ 1) to the process if it is a kernel thread or it shares the memory address space with the previously running process. Again, the process is favored mainly because the TLBs must not be invalidated by writing into the cr3 register.

weight >= 1000

p is a real-time process. The weight is given by p->counter + 1000.

Scheduling on multiprocessor systems

With respect to earlier versions, the Linux 2.4 scheduling algorithm has been improved to enhance its performance on multiprocessor systems. It was also simplified, which is a great improvement by itself.

As we have seen, each processor runs the schedule( ) function on its own to replace the process that is currently in execution. However, processors are able to exchange information to boost system performance. In particular, right after a process switch, any processor usually checks whether the just replaced process should be executed on some other CPU running a lower priority process. This check is performed by reschedule_idle( ).

The reschedule_idle( ) function looks for some other CPU to run the process p passed as parameter and uses interprocessor interrupts to force other CPUs to perform scheduling. The function performs a series of tests in a fixed order. If one of them is successful, the function sends a RESCHEDULE_VECTOR interprocessor interrupt to the selected CPU (see Section 4.6.2) and returns. If all tests fail, the function returns without forcing a rescheduling. The tests are performed in the following order:

  1. Is the CPU that was last running p (i.e., the one having index p->processor) currently idle?

        best_cpu = p->processor;
        if ((p->cpus_allowed & p->cpus_runnable & (1 << best_cpu))
             && cpu_curr(best_cpu) == init_tasks[best_cpu]) {
            need_resched= init_tasks[best_cpu]->need_resched;
            init_tasks[best_cpu]->need_resched = 1;
            if (best_cpu != smp_processor_id( ) && !need_resched)

    This is the best possible case because no process is to be preempted and the hardware cache of the processor is warm (filled with useful data). Notice that this case cannot happen when reschedule_idle( ) is invoked by the scheduler because schedule( ) never replaces a runnable process with the swapper kernel thread. This case may happen, however, when reschedule_idle( ) is invoked by wake_up_process( )—that is, when p has just been woken up.

    To force the rescheduling on the target processor, the need_resched field of the swapper kernel thread is set. If the target processor is different from the one executing the reschedule_idle( ) function, a RESCHEDULE_VECTOR interprocessor interrupt is also raised. In fact, the idle processor usually executes a halt assembly language instruction to save power, and it can be woken up only by an interrupt. It is also possible, however, to let the swapper kernel thread actively poll the need_resched field, waiting for its value to change from - 1 to +1, in order to speed up the rescheduling and avoid the interprocessor interrupt. This much more power-consuming algorithm can be activated by passing the “idle=poll” parameter to the kernel in the booting phase.

  2. Does an idle processor exist that can execute p?

        oldest_idle = -1;
        for (cpu=0; cpu<smp_num_cpus; cpu++) {
            if (!(p->cpus_allowed & p->cpus_runnable & (1 << cpu)))
            if (cpu_curr(cpu) == init_tasks[cpu] && last_schedule(cpu) < oldest_idle)
                    oldest_idle = last_schedule(cpu), target_tsk = cpu_curr(cpu);    
        if (oldest_idle != -1) {
            best_cpu = target_tsk->processor;
            goto send_now_idle;

    Among the idle processors that can execute p, the function selects the least recently active. Recall that the Time Stamp Counter value of the last process switch of every CPU is stored in the aligned_data array (see the earlier section Section 11.2.1). Once the function finds the oldest idle CPU, the function jumps to the code already described in the previous case to force a rescheduling. The rationale behind the “oldest idle rule” is that this CPU is likely to have the greatest number of invalid hardware cache lines.

  3. Does there exist a processor that can execute p and whose current process has lower dynamic priority than p?

        max_prio = 0;
        for (cpu=0; cpu<smp_num_cpus; cpu++) {
            if (!(p->cpus_allowed & p->cpus_runnable & (1 << cpu)))
            prio = goodness(p, cpu, cpu_curr(cpu)->active_mm) - 
                   goodness(cpu_curr(cpu), cpu, cpu_curr(cpu)->active_mm);        
            if (prio > max_prio)
                max_prio = prio, target_tsk = cpu_curr(cpu);
        if (max_prio > 0) {
            target_tsk->need_resched = 1;
            if (target_tsk->processor != smp_processor_id( ))

    reschedule_idle( ) finds the processor for which the difference between the goodness of replacing the current process with p and the goodness of replacing the current process with the current process itself is maximum. The function forces a rescheduling on the corresponding processor if the maximum is a positive value. Notice that the function doesn’t simply look at the counter and nice fields of the processes; rather, it uses goodness( ), which takes into consideration the cost of replacing the currently running process with another process that potentially uses a different address space.

Performance of the Scheduling Algorithm

The scheduling algorithm of Linux is both self-contained and relatively easy to follow. For this reason, many kernel hackers love to try to make improvements. However, the scheduler is a rather mysterious component of the kernel. While you can change its performance significantly by modifying just a few key parameters, there is usually no theoretical support to justify the results obtained. Furthermore, you can’t be sure that the positive (or negative) results obtained will continue to hold when the mix of requests submitted by the users (real-time, interactive, I/O-bound, background, etc.) varies significantly. Actually, for almost every proposed scheduling strategy, it is possible to derive an artificial mix of requests that yields poor system performances.

Let’s try to outline some pitfalls of the Linux 2.4 scheduler. As it turns out, some of these limitations become significant on large systems with many users. On a single workstation that is running a few tens of processes at a time, the Linux 2.4 scheduler is quite efficient.

The algorithm does not scale well

If the number of existing processes is very large, it is inefficient to recompute all dynamic priorities at once.

In old traditional Unix kernels, the dynamic priorities were recomputed every second, so the problem was even worse. Linux tries instead to minimize the overhead of the scheduler. Priorities are recomputed only when all runnable processes have exhausted their time quantum. Therefore, when the number of processes is large, the recomputation phase is more expensive but executed less frequently.

This simple approach has a disadvantage: when the number of runnable processes is very large, I/O-bound processes are seldom boosted, and therefore, interactive applications have a longer response time.

The predefined quantum is too large for high system loads

The system responsiveness experienced by users depends heavily on the system load , which is the average number of processes that are runnable and thus waiting for CPU time.[77]

As mentioned before, system responsiveness also depends on the average time-quantum duration of the runnable processes. In Linux, the predefined time quantum appears to be too large for high-end machines that have a very high expected system load.

I/O-bound process boosting strategy is not optimal

The preference for I/O-bound processes is a good strategy to ensure a short response time for interactive programs, but it is not perfect. Indeed, some batch programs with almost no user interaction are I/O-bound. For instance, consider a database search engine that must typically read lots of data from the hard disk, or a network application that must collect data from a remote host on a slow link. Even if these kinds of processes do not need a short response time, they are boosted by the scheduling algorithm. On the other hand, interactive programs that are also CPU-bound may appear unresponsive to the users, since the increment of dynamic priority due to I/O blocking operations may not compensate for the decrement due to CPU usage.

Support for real-time applications is weak

As stated in the first chapter, nonpreemptive kernels are not well suited for real-time applications, since processes may spend several milliseconds in Kernel Mode while handling an interrupt or exception. During this time, a real-time process that becomes runnable cannot be resumed. This is unacceptable for real-time applications, which require predictable and low response times.[78]

Future versions of Linux might address this problem, by either implementing SVR4’s “fixed preemption points” or making the kernel fully preemptive. It remains questionable, however, whether these design choices are appropriate for a general-purpose operating systems such as Linux.

Kernel preemption, in fact, is just one of several necessary conditions for implementing an effective real-time scheduler. Several other issues must be considered. For instance, real-time processes often must use resources that are also needed by conventional processes. A real-time process may thus end up waiting until a lower-priority process releases some resource. This phenomenon is called priority inversion . Moreover, a real-time process could require a kernel service that is granted on behalf of another lower-priority process (for example, a kernel thread). This phenomenon is called hidden scheduling . An effective real-time scheduler should address and resolve such problems.

Luckily, all these shortcomings have been fixed in the brand new scheduler developed by Ingo Molnar that is included in the Linux 2.5 current development version. This scheduler is so efficient that it has been back-ported to Linux 2.4 and adopted by some commercial distributions of the GNU/Linux system.

[74] Beside the values 0 (false) and 1 (true), the need_resched field of a swapper kernel thread (PID 0) in a multiprocessor system can also assume the value - 1; see the later section Section for details.

[75] Recall that in the 80 × 86 architecture, 1 tick corresponds to roughly 10 ms (see Section 6.1.3). In all architectures, however, the formula that computes the number of ticks in a quantum is adapted so the default quantum has an order of magnitude of 50 ms.

[76] For the mathematically inclined, here is a sketch of the proof: when a new epoch starts, the value of counter is bounded by half of the previous value of counter plus P, which is the maximum value that can be added to counter. If nice is set to -20, then P is equal to 11 ticks. Solving the recurrence equation yields as upper bound the geometric series P × ( 1 + 1 /2 + 1 /4 + 1 /8 + . . . ), which converges to 2 × P (that is, 22 ticks).

[77] The uptime program returns the system load for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes. The same information can be obtained by reading the /proc/loadavg file.

[78] The Linux kernel has been modified in several ways so it can handle a few hard real-time jobs if they remain short. Basically, hardware interrupts are trapped and kernel execution is monitored by a kind of “superkernel.” These changes do not make Linux a true real-time system, though.

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