Synchronizing Accesses to Kernel Data Structures

A shared data structure can be protected against race conditions by using some of the synchronization primitives shown in the previous section. Of course, system performances may vary considerably, depending on the kind of synchronization primitive selected. Usually, the following rule of thumb is adopted by kernel developers: always keep the concurrency level as high as possible in the system .

In turn, the concurrency level in the system depends on two main factors:

  1. The number of I/O devices that operate concurrently

  2. The number of CPUs that do productive work

To maximize I/O throughput, interrupts should be disabled for very short periods of time. As described in Section 4.2.1, when interrupts are disabled, IRQs issued by I/O devices are temporarily ignored by the PIC and no new activity can start on such devices.

To use CPUs efficiently, synchronization primitives based on spin locks should be avoided whenever possible. When a CPU is executing a tight instruction loop waiting for the spin lock to open, it is wasting precious machine cycles.

Let’s illustrate a couple of cases in which synchronization can be achieved while still maintaining a high concurrency level.

  • A shared data structure consisting of a single integer value can be updated by declaring it as an atomic_t type and by using atomic operations. An atomic operation is faster than spin locks and interrupt disabling, and it slows down only kernel control paths that concurrently access the data structure.

  • Inserting an element into a shared linked list is never atomic since it consists of at least two pointer assignments. Nevertheless, the kernel can sometimes perform this insertion operation without using locks or disabling interrupts. As an example of why this works, we’ll consider the case where a system call service routine (see Section 9.2) inserts new elements in a simply linked list, while an interrupt handler or deferrable function asynchronously looks up the list.

    In the C language, insertion is implemented by means of the following pointer assignments:

        new->next = list_element->next;
        list_element->next = new;

    In assembly language, insertion reduces to two consecutive atomic instructions. The first instruction sets up the next pointer of the new element, but it does not modify the list. Thus, if the interrupt handler sees the list between the execution of the first and second instructions, it sees the list without the new element. If the handler sees the list after the execution of the second instruction, it sees the list with the new element. The important point is that in either case, the list is consistent and in an uncorrupted state. However, this integrity is assured only if the interrupt handler does not modify the list. If it does, the next pointer that was just set within the new element might become invalid.

    However, developers must ensure that the order of the two assignment operations cannot be subverted by the compiler or the CPU’s control unit; otherwise, if the system call service routine is interrupted by the interrupt handler between the two assignments, the handler finds a corrupted list. Therefore, a write memory barrier primitive is required:

    new->next = list_element->next;
    wmb( );
    list_element->next = new;

Choosing Among Spin Locks, Semaphores, and Interrupt Disabling

Unfortunately, access patterns to most kernel data structures are a lot more complex than the simple examples just shown, and kernel developers are forced to use semaphores, spin locks, interrupts, and softirq disabling. Generally speaking, choosing the synchronization primitives depends on what kinds of kernel control paths access the data structure, as shown in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6. Protection required by data structures accessed by kernel control paths

Kernel control paths accessing the data structure

UP protection

MP further protection





Local interrupt disabling

Spin lock

Deferrable functions


None or spin lock (see Table 5-8)

Exceptions + Interrupts

Local interrupt disabling

Spin lock

Exceptions + Deferrable functions

Local softirq disabling

Spin lock

Interrupts + Deferrable functions

Local interrupt disabling

Spin lock

Exceptions + Interrupts + Deferrable functions

Local interrupt disabling

Spin lock

Notice that global interrupt disabling does not appear in the table. Delaying interrupts on all CPUs significantly lowers the system concurrency level, so global interrupt disabling is usually deprecated and should be replaced by other synchronization techniques. As a matter of fact, this synchronization technique is still available in Linux 2.4 to support old device drivers; it has been removed from the Linux 2.5 current development version.

Protecting a data structure accessed by exceptions

When a data structure is accessed only by exception handlers, race conditions are usually easy to understand and prevent. The most common exceptions that give rise to synchronization problems are the system call service routines (see Section 9.2) in which the CPU operates in Kernel Mode to offer a service to a User Mode program. Thus, a data structure accessed only by an exception usually represents a resource that can be assigned to one or more processes.

Race conditions are avoided through semaphores because these primitives allow the process to sleep until the resource becomes available. Notice that semaphores work equally well both in uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.

Protecting a data structure accessed by interrupts

Suppose that a data structure is accessed by only the “top half” of an interrupt handler. We learned in Section 4.6 that each interrupt handler is serialized with respect to itself — that is, it cannot execute more than once concurrently. Thus, accessing the data structure does not require any synchronization primitive.

Things are different, however, if the data structure is accessed by several interrupt handlers. A handler may interrupt another handler, and different interrupt handlers may run concurrently in multiprocessor systems. Without synchronization, the shared data structure might easily become corrupted.

In uniprocessor systems, race conditions must be avoided by disabling interrupts in all critical regions of the interrupt handler. Nothing less will do because no other synchronization primitives accomplish the job. A semaphore can block the process, so it cannot be used in an interrupt handler. A spin lock, on the other hand, can freeze the system: if the handler accessing the data structure is interrupted, it cannot release the lock; therefore, the new interrupt handler keeps waiting on the tight loop of the spin lock.

Multiprocessor systems, as usual, are even more demanding. Race conditions cannot be avoided by simply disabling local interrupts. In fact, even if interrupts are disabled on a CPU, interrupt handlers can still be executed on the other CPUs. The most convenient method to prevent the race conditions is to disable local interrupts (so that other interrupt handlers running on the same CPU won’t interfere) and to acquire a spin lock or a read/write spin lock that protects the data structure. Notice that these additional spin locks cannot freeze the system because even if an interrupt handler finds the lock closed, eventually the interrupt handler on the other CPU that owns the lock will release it.

The Linux kernel uses several macros that couple local interrupts enabling/disabling with spin lock handling. Table 5-7 describes all of them. In uniprocessor systems, these macros just enable or disable local interrupts because the spin lock handling macros does nothing.

Table 5-7. Interrupt-aware spin lock macros




local_irq_disable( ); spin_lock(l)


spin_unlock(l); local_irq_enable( )


local_irq_save(f); spin_lock(l)


spin_unlock(l); local_irq_restore(f)


local_irq_disable( ); read_lock(l)


read_unlock(l); local_irq_enable( )


local_irq_disable( ); write_lock(l)


write_unlock(l); local_irq_enable( )


local_irq_save(f); read_lock(l)


read_unlock(l); local_irq_restore(f)


local_irq_save(f); write_lock(l)


write_unlock(l); local_irq_restore(f)

Protecting a data structure accessed by deferrable functions

What kind of protection is required for a data structure accessed only by deferrable functions? Well, it mostly depends on the kind of deferrable function. In Section 4.7, we explained that softirqs, tasklets, and bottom halves essentially differ in their degree of concurrency.

First of all, no race condition may exist in uniprocessor systems. This is because execution of deferrable functions is always serialized on a CPU — that is, a deferrable function cannot be interrupted by another deferrable function. Therefore, no synchronization primitive is ever required.

Conversely, in multiprocessor systems, race conditions do exist because several deferrable functions may run concurrently. Table 5-8 lists all possible cases.

Table 5-8. Protection required by data structures accessed by deferrable functions in SMP

Deferrable functions accessing the data structure



Spin lock

One tasklet


Many tasklets

Spin lock

Bottom halves


A data structure accessed by a softirq must always be protected, usually by means of a spin lock, because the same softirq may run concurrently on two or more CPUs. Conversely, a data structure accessed by just one kind of tasklet need not be protected, because tasklets of the same kind cannot run concurrently. However, if the data structure is accessed by several kinds of tasklets, then it must be protected. Finally, a data structure accessed only by bottom halves need not be protected because bottom halves never run concurrently.

Protecting a data structure accessed by exceptions and interrupts

Let’s consider now a data structure that is accessed both by exceptions (for instance, system call service routines) and interrupt handlers.

On uniprocessor systems, race condition prevention is quite simple because interrupt handlers are not re-entrant and cannot be interrupted by exceptions. So long as the kernel accesses the data structure with local interrupts disabled, the kernel cannot be interrupted when accessing the data structure. However, if the data structure is accessed by just one kind of interrupt handler, the interrupt handler can freely access the data structure without disabling local interrupts.

On multiprocessor systems, we have to take care of concurrent executions of exceptions and interrupts on other CPUs. Local interrupt disabling must be coupled with a spin lock, which forces the concurrent kernel control paths to wait until the handler accessing the data structure finishes its work.

Sometimes it might be preferable to replace the spin lock with a semaphore. Since interrupt handlers cannot be suspended, they must acquire the semaphore using a tight loop and the down_trylock( ) function; for them, the semaphore acts essentially as a spin lock. System call service routines, on the other hand, may suspend the calling processes when the semaphore is busy. For most system calls, this is the expected behavior; it is preferable because it increases the degree of concurrency of the system.

Protecting a data structure accessed by exceptions and deferrable functions

A data structure accessed both by exception handlers and deferrable functions can be treated like a data structure accessed by exception and interrupt handlers. In fact, deferrable functions are essentially activated by interrupt occurrences, and no exception can be raised while a deferrable function is running. Coupling local interrupt disabling with a spin lock is therefore sufficient.

Actually, this is much more than sufficient: the exception handler can simply disable deferrable functions instead of local interrupts by using the local_bh_disable( ) macro (see Section 4.7.1). Disabling only the deferrable functions is preferable to disabling interrupts because interrupts continue to be serviced on the CPU. Execution of deferrable functions on each CPU is serialized, so no race condition exists.

As usual, in multiprocessor systems, spin locks are required to ensure that the data structure is accessed at any time by just one kernel control path.[44]

Protecting a data structure accessed by interrupts and deferrable functions

This case is similar to that of a data structure accessed by interrupt and exception handlers. An interrupt might be raised while a deferrable function is running, but no deferrable function can stop an interrupt handler. Therefore, race conditions must be avoided by disabling local interrupts. However, an interrupt handler can freely touch the data structure accessed by the deferrable function without disabling interrupts, provided that no other interrupt handler accesses that data structure.

Again, in multiprocessor systems, a spin lock is always required to forbid concurrent accesses to the data structure on several CPUs.

Protecting a data structure accessed by exceptions, interrupts, and deferrable functions

Similarly to previous cases, disabling local interrupts and acquiring a spin lock is almost always necessary to avoid race conditions. Notice that there is no need to explicitly disable deferrable functions because they are essentially activated when terminating the execution of interrupt handlers; disabling local interrupts is therefore sufficient.

[44] The spin lock is required even when the data structure is accessed only by exception handlers and bottom halves (see Section 4.7). The kernel ensures that two bottom halves never run concurrently, but this is not enough to prevent race conditions.

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