Chapter 14. Making an Architectural Decision

  • Java Sockets

  • Java RMI Decisions

  • Java IDL

  • JDBC

  • Other Java Technologies

  • Application Servers

Making a decision is difficult, particularly when the fate of your company's entire vision may be at stake. Although we make no attempt to salvage the many Titanics of free enterprise, we do offer our thoughts on what the world of Java networking can mean to you. In this chapter, we candidly browse the advantages and disadvantages of each communication alternative. Do you want the heavy-duty power of CORBA or the lightweight simplicity of RMI? Are databases vital to your business process, or do you require customizable protocols?

As we have seen, Java networking is a vast and expansive subject. This book is the tip of the iceberg, and as the industry begins to shake out, more and more information will be brought forward. This chapter will help you separate fact from fiction, reality from hype, and engineering from marketeering.

Java Sockets

Many of the alternatives we have discussed in this book involve sockets in one way or another. To recommend that you not use sockets essentially would be to say that you should not use any of the technologies we talk about. Sockets by themselves are useful for quite a few different things. Remember that, when you send an RMI or IDL message, you are essentially sending a big chunk of data and the headers to that data. When we discussed our own message format in Chapter 3, "Java Sockets and URLs," we were able to put together a small, lightweight messaging system. If speed and efficiency are of the utmost importance to you, then certainly you would be interested in using Java sockets alone.


Remember that we created our own message format and transmitted it with great speed. Our message format was not inadequate as it transmitted all the information we required. Notice too that we did not have to learn anything new. As long as we know what a socket is and how to use it, we can easily transmit a message to our server.

Servers are equally easy to create. With Java IDL and Java RMI, we needed to create an entire infrastructure for our server. With sockets, converting an application to a server application was not only easy but also extremely powerful. Once again, we lost no functionality by using sockets instead of some other communication alternative.

Furthermore, we could simply convert our connection-oriented socket to a broadcast socket. Then we could use the broadcast socket to send information to a port while allowing anyone else to listen in on that port. Because of this ability to switch between paradigms easily and quickly, sockets can be an excellent choice for both the beginner and the advanced networking programmer who wants to build his or her own infrastructure.


As we saw, using sockets is extremely simple. Once you get the concepts down, actually changing your applications to use sockets is quite an easy task. Using the ServerSocket, you can build a simple server. By integrating threads, you can make sure that your server handles data efficiently. In addition, there is no confusing IDL to learn and no RMI API to understand. By using only sockets, you sacrifice the functionality of RMI and IDL for speed and ease of use.

Because the networking world understands and knows sockets so well, having built and deployed applications that use sockets for years, you will also have a ready supply of applications to use from within Java. Because sockets do not actually send data "over the wire" and instead send strings of information, you can seamlessly plug your Java applications into new or existing applications written in other languages. Just as with Java IDL, sockets give you the promise of being able to easily integrate legacy applications.

Again, there are several tradeoffs between sockets and the other alternatives we discuss in this book. Java IDL also integrates legacy applications well, but the plug-and-play ability of Java IDL gives it a distinct advantage over using sockets alone. With sockets, you have to make sure that everyone is speaking the same protocol. With Java IDL, there is no message format or protocol to worry about. Simply invoke remote objects as if they were already on your machine.

Java RMI Decisions

After surveying the entire spectrum of Java solutions we offer in this book, it is time to make a decision. Perhaps Java RMI has piqued your interest. The promise of never having to see C++ again seems like a good thing. Using the fun and robust networking ability inherent in Java may be an even better reason to turn to a Java-only alternative. Whatever the reason, this is the place to get an honest account of what RMI can and cannot do for you.

RMI Advantages

One of the absolute best things about JavaRMI is that you never ever have to see C++ again. C++ is arcane, difficult, and frustrating. Meanwhile, Java is fun, easy, and exciting. Because Java offers the strongest alternative yet to a series of frustrations wrought upon the computer science population, Java RMI has garnered significant attention from the masses. It follows a simple notion of abstracting distributed implementations by publishing interfaces and linking in implementations of those interfaces later on.

Because we invested a significant amount of time, money, and effort in the Java revolution by learning and promoting the language, we may be tempted to jump directly into an all-Java solution to the communication quandary. Because invocations on Java objects are simple to begin with, Java RMI makes sure that it is equally simple to make the same kinds of invocations across different virtual machines. It is precisely this simplicity that makes Java RMI appealing.

Riding on the coattails of Java 1.2, the long awaited RMI-IIOP connection is now in place. This technology allows RMI's ease of use with CORBA's cross-language interoperability. By following a few rules, we can now mix-'n-match RMI and CORBA clients and servers.

Another new feature of RMI is Remote Object Activation. This feature allows an RMI server to be shut down once it has been registered with the registry and then be restarted remotely (functionally the same way a CORBA server can be remotely started).

RMI Disadvantages

With the introduction of RMI-IIOP one of Java's main drawbacks has been eliminated (i.e., the Java 1.1 restriction that RMI was a "Java Only" solution). Because we can now mix-'n-match RMI and CORBA clients, we can still put a CORBA wrapper around a legacy application and access it with a Java client application.

This leaves the old "Java is not fast" argument. Indeed, it is an interpreted language and, therefore, is subjected to a layer of processing that C++ and C are not. However, the introduction of JIT compilers and other performance enhancements (like Sun's HotSpot technology and IBM's current JVM technology) help negate the issue. Still, it is important to realize that if performance is of the utmost importance, Java may not be the language for you.

Three-Tier Applications in RMI

As we discussed in previous chapters, the notion of three-tier and n-tiered client/server computing will not go away. It is the foundation for most of today's distributed systems. MIS managers love it because it enables them to funnel access to data sources through a central repository. Programmers love it because they can revise and update the various components of their applications without massive overhauls. After all, the business logic contained in servers defines how and when databases are accessed. Client-side GUIs are concerned only with getting and displaying information. If a programmer makes a change in the business logic, there is no need to push the change to the client as well.

JavaRMI does not readily facilitate the notion of three-tier client/server computing any more than JavaIDL does. Both are, in fact, middle-tier technologies. Java RMI can easily use JDBC to connect to a relational database and JNDI to connect to Directory Services just as CORBA can do with ODBC and LDAP. The real functionality, brains, and resource management take place on the server end. The data source is nothing but a repository of information.

Once again, the performance problem rears its ugly head. Because the middle tier is intended to be home to all the business logic in an object system, JavaRMI servers may have to process data extremely efficiently, perhaps more efficiently than possible.

Java RMI Is Not Robust

Perhaps the most important aspect of RMI is its lack of support for true distributed computing. When invoking across machines and networks, the fact is that a client generally has no control over how processes are executed on the remote end. Indeed, the remote end can very well be an entirely different hardware architecture than expected. Java RMI offers no ability to allow a client to invoke without knowing the destination of the request. The lack of location independence should be quite a significant factor in making an architectural decision toward RMI.

Even though Java RMI is easy to understand, get started with, and design frameworks around, it does not address some of the fundamental network concerns of distributed-object programmers. Location independence is one of these concerns. Another concern is automatic startup. With the recent introduction of Remotely Activatable Objects, when a client invokes a server for the first time, as long as the server has been registered, an attempt to restart the server will be done.

This requires the server programmer not only to have the server available but also to provide for fault tolerance. What if the server goes down unexpectedly? Part of the software design specification should provide an automatic fail-over to a backup server or automatically restart the server itself. Needless to say, these are difficult tasks to program and may be more trouble than they are worth.

Java IDL

Every year for the past 3 years was touted as "the year CORBA will break out." Every January a flood of articles in trade rags and industry newsletters trumpets the arrival of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture. Although it is anyone's guess as to what the future will be, it is a relatively safe assumption that CORBA, or a derivative thereof, will power the forces of the Internet for quite some time. The reasons are numerous, but the fact remains that CORBA technology, although not devoid of major shortcomings, is the most robust, mature, and powerful alternative presented in this book. Any investigation into an Internet communication strategy should place CORBA at the top of the list of technologies to investigate.

Advantages of Java IDL

Java IDL is a well-thought-out, coherent set of base objects that can be used to create a tightly woven distributed-object system. Because of the maturity of CORBA, many of the questions about Java RMI and sockets have been addressed in the specification and in the products currently available. In a moment, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various implementations of the specification that are on the market today. Yet, regardless of the great number of ORBs, Java IDL is a solidly engineered set of core components that facilitate Java to ORB programming.

As we have discussed, the ORB isolates an object from the underlying mechanisms that ensure that a client does not need to know the physical location of a server, how to start the server, or even if it should shut the server down. When you walk into a supermarket, the doors are automatic. You don't have to open them automatically, and you don't have to close them behind you. Similarly, an ORB handles a lot of the internal machinations of networked communication for you.

Beyond its maturity and the fact that it handles much of the boredom of working with networked objects, Java IDL is also Java. It uses the same memory handling, parameter passing, serialization, and so on, that Java does and, therefore, helps to alleviate the learning curve of CORBA itself.

Disadvantages of Java IDL

Java IDL's biggest disadvantage is also one of its strong advantages: Java IDL is CORBA. CORBA is a complex series of rules and regulations (in the software sense) governing how distributed objects should behave. Java IDL is completely CORBA compatible and is, therefore, an extension of CORBA itself. It plugs into CORBA very easily and without much hassle, but at a pretty steep price. In order to use Java IDL effectively, you must understand CORBA and truly understand the principles of distributed objects. Even though this book attempts to outline what CORBA is and why you would want to use it, it is not the ultimate resource.

Yet, because of Java, much of the memory management morass and the differences between varied ORBs is rendered moot because the nature of Java removes it. Java is platform independent and requires no memory management on the programmer's part. Even though CORBA programming is hard, thank your lucky stars for Java. Just taking a look at a C++ CORBA program compared to a Java CORBA program will make a Java believer out of you.

Java IDL Implementations

Sun Microsystems is a major proponent of CORBA but has announced that it is getting out of the business of providing full-featured ORBs (NEO/JOE) as a product, and it is deferring to such companies as IONA (Orbix), BEA, and Borland/Inprise (Visibroker). Inprise's Visibroker is a smart, easy-to-use CORBA option that offers strong three-tier client/server capabilities. If talking to a database is of the utmost priority for your software architecture, Visibroker for Java might be your best option.

The current industry leader is Orbix. Orbix is available on every platform and is a reliable, easy-to-use object broker. Many customers find getting started with Orbix to be a relatively easy task and discover soon thereafter that CORBA isn't as bad as it was cracked up to be.

One of the biggest problems with the various CORBA implementations is that the code is not portable from one ORB to another. Although they all comply with the CORBA specification, the specification is general enough for each implementor to do it its own way. APIs from one ORB to another are quite different.

Java IDL Is Robust

Imagine creating a client application that can invoke a server, get information, and report results without even once having to worry about network code, server-side behavior, or slow system resources. CORBA, and the ORB specifically, handle all those tasks for you. So long as an ORB is on both the client and the server platforms, the request can get through to the server, the server can be started up if necessary, and the server can process information for the client.

The notion of an ORB on every platform is not as far-fetched as you might expect. Sun's Solaris operating system is incorporating Sun's own NEO family of CORBA products directly. When you get Solaris, you will also get the plumbing necessary to create CORBA fixtures. Similarly, OLE and COM have always been present on the Microsoft Windows operating environment, and with CORBA offering a strong OLE/COM to CORBA connectivity solution as part of its specification, the client side on Windows platforms will soon be a reality.

Furthermore, a Java IDL application also includes its own "mini-ORB" that provides limited functionality so that an ORB need not be present within the Web browser itself. Netscape, however, as part of its ONE technology includes a version of the Visibroker ORB with every 4.0 or newer browser. In this way, the Web browser can act as a communication mediator between clients and CORBA servers.

Java IDL Is Difficult

One of the big gripes we have heard and emphasized in this book is that CORBA is difficult. Well, there's no getting around the fact that in the past you had to be a true C++ expert to understand CORBA itself. You could allocate a chunk of memory on the client side, pass it to the server, where it got deallocated, and still have a memory leak on your client side. That was just one of the many, many, many problems with C++ and CORBA.

Yet, that is much more of a C++ problem than a CORBA problem. True, you still need to know much more than the basics of object-oriented programming to use CORBA, but with Java things become much easier. Memory management, for one, is no longer even an issue.

The Interface Definition Language is blasted by critics as just one more thing you need to know in order to use the CORBA architecture. True, the IDL is a layer on top of your normal application, but it serves a very important purpose. It prevents your applications from being locked into one language. Who knows? Tomorrow, a new programming language may emerge with its own cool name, its own cult following, and its own list of strengths. The entire world may jump on that bandwagon much as it has with Java. But CORBA applications still will be important and will not be rendered obsolete because they can be phased into the new language in a short time without affecting the rest of the system.

Language independence, while not of real importance to the subject of this book, is the single most interesting thing about CORBA. It enables you to migrate applications to new platforms, new languages, and even new algorithms without having to adjust the entire object system. Remember that, with JavaRMI, you are locked into Java until you have a reason to change. That kind of thinking is why many people are trying today to figure out how to migrate from COBOL.

Java IDL Is Powerful

Java IDL is a flexible, distributed-object environment. With it, you can invoke C++ objects half a world away as if they were both local and written in Java. To you, the application programmer, the Java to CORBA to C++ is hidden. You simply instantiate Java objects and talk to C++ servers on the other end without even knowing. Of course, if you prefer to write Java servers, more power to you.

Remember that language independence is a very good thing for large-scale object systems. You can swap components in and out using the language most appropriate for the task. If you happen to have a CORBA to LISP language mapping (don't panic, there isn't one), you could write all your artificial intelligence components in LISP, while saving UI or computation components for an object-oriented language like Java or C++. Java IDL is the only alternative we present that can possibly integrate such disparate object components.

But, for many people, the simplicity and elegance of Java RMI may be all that is needed. Maybe you don't have any legacy systems to be integrated. Maybe language independence is of no use to you. Maybe all you want is a simple remote object invocation system. In that case, Java RMI is definitely your cup of tea.


Java Database Connectivity is an enabling technology, not necessarily a communication framework in and of itself. By "enabling technology," we mean that it enables you to link other communication strategies with repositories of information and data to form a cohesive network of objects that can communicate vast quantities of information. JDBC is not the answer in itself, but in combination with Java IDL, Java RMI, or even Java Sockets, it can be a heck of a powerful answer to the Internet question for the next decade.

Why JDBC Is Not Enough

JDBC alone limits you in what you can accomplish with advanced networking. Every client that talks to a database connects directly with the database. There can be no additional intelligence added in the business logic to assist with routing messages. Basically, your applications are connected to the database, and if that causes some kind of sluggishness between the database and the client, then so be it. In the end, the decision to use JDBC alone or with another technology amounts to a decision between the two-tier and three-tier architectural models.

The two-tier architecture links clients directly with the data repository as shown in Figure 14-1. This means that any kind of processing for the access and any further processing for the data retrieved from the repository is left to the client. Splitting the business logic out of the client is the driving force behind the three-tier model. However, in some cases that trait is not a necessary qualification. If your applications are deployed often, or maybe even deployed over the Web, then updating a client is not a major factor because it will be done no matter what architecture you choose. If you are deploying shrink-wrapped applications written in Java—as will be common in just a few years—then updating applications constantly will be a major pain, and you may want to revert to a three-tier model.

Two-tier client to database architecture.

Figure 14-1. Two-tier client to database architecture.

The biggest drawback to the two-tier model is the sheer number of clients that may attach themselves to a data repository. Typically, data repositories are not set up to handle the intelligent management of resources required to process multiple simultaneous invocations. If your applications ping the database only rarely, then this is not a factor for you. However, if there are to be many instances of your client application, you will want to go to a three-tier model.

A three-tier model is predicated on the belief that business logic should not exist in either a client or a database. It dictates that the client should be a pretty application the sole purpose of which is to funnel information back to the user. The client is typically a rich GUI with simple execution steps that relies completely on the information given to it by the middle tier (see Figure 14-2).

Three-tier application architecture with server middleware.

Figure 14-2. Three-tier application architecture with server middleware.

The middle-tier is a server that talks to a data repository. The server is written using Java IDL, Sockets, or Java RMI and can talk to the database using JDBC. JDBC acts, as it always does, as the interface from a client (in this case the middle-tier server) to a database. It just so happens that the server is fully capable of handling multiple invocations and requests and houses all the business logic. The business logic could range from simply adding a number of results from a database query and passing it back to the client, to invoking other servers using the same data. Whatever it does with the data it retrieves, the server can manipulate the information as it sees fit and then pass it back to the client.

JDBC and Java IDL or Java RMI

As we discussed, the middle tier in the three-tier architecture could easily be Java IDL or Java RMI. Indeed, IDL and RMI are complementary technologies to JDBC. JDBC is not their competition because the vast majority of people using JDBC use it within a middle-tier paradigm. This is why Java IDL and Java RMI are vital to JDBC's success. Moreover, JDBC lends credibility to Java IDL and Java RMI. Without a simple technology to enable database access, Java IDL and Java RMI would be largely useless in the business community.

The largest investments made by most companies in their computing infrastructure is contained within their databases. Databases often are used to maintain important records ranging from medical history to employment records and to keep track of business processes from supply purchases to stock maintenance. Most of the time, changing the database to a Java-only application is not only difficult and expensive but also completely unreasonable and unfeasible. For this reason, JDBC can be used to communicate and update the database, while the middle-tier server can be quickly migrated to Java using the techniques in this book.

Client applications can be generated quite easily using the many visual Java builders on the market today. Often, client applications are not only simpler to create, test, and deploy but are also less vital and less error prone than the rest of the architectural model.

JDBC Alone

While using JDBC alone is certainly not out of the question, it is highly discouraged for mission-critical applications. However, for proof of concept applications, applications requiring limited data access, and even for heavy-duty applications with large chunks of data transfer, JDBC may be an excellent option.

What JDBC gives you is a simple, clean interface to a database that requires no additional knowledge of network programming, distributed design, or remote procedure calls. For database programmers, JDBC is a welcome arrival for Java because it means that they need not build special server programs whose sole purpose is to funnel information back to the client. In other words, for those programmers who desire not to use three-tier computing, JDBC is the perfect answer.

Because of its simplicity, you will find that, for major application development efforts, JDBC is all you need to affect some kind of persistence for your client applications. Clients can do their heavy computation, cool graphics, or whatever and store their state in a database using JDBC. The next time the client is executed, it can retrieve its previous state from the database and start again where it left off.

JDBC Overview

JDBC is a fantastic set of APIs to connect Java applications and applets directly to databases. With its simplicity, robustness, and ability to bring together the disparate worlds of databases and the Internet, JDBC will be a successful venture for Java. By modifying your existing database clients for Java, you can capture all the usefulness of the Java Revolution without sacrificing the power required to manipulate your data stores.

Other Java Technologies

In addition to the four major Java communication technologies, we have shown you three other mechanisms that you can use to plug your Java applications into the Internet. Beans, servlets, and JMAPI give you the means necessary to package, publish, and administer the applications you have written in RMI, IDL, JDBC, or Sockets. Even though the "big four" are fascinating and powerful in their own right, they need the additional functionality provided by the other Java APIs that have been or will be published in the future.

When to Use Beans

Let's say that you've created a bunch of gee-whiz Java applications to interface with your hand-held Personal Information Manager. These applications have several modules that translate the data on the device to a format that is readable by your on-disk schedule manager. These modules are for your address book, to-do list, and schedule. By dividing your Java applications into separate, self-contained Beans, you can publish the components. Moreover, if you were to split out the network component that interfaces the device with your computer, then others could write their own customizable applications that use your network module (see Figure 14-3).

Beans enable you to build components such as the Schedule component that can be used by other applications.

Figure 14-3. Beans enable you to build components such as the Schedule component that can be used by other applications.

This is precisely what we intended to do with our featured application. Although we didn't exactly use Beans, we could have done so easily and allowed others to pick out the Beans they wanted and interface with our calendar manager. Currently, the network module talks to a server on a remote machine. The server stores the information on the disk on which it resides.

What if we were to modify our calendar manager to use Beans? It would simply be a matter of encapsulating our various Java objects in Java Beans containers. Then we could allow anyone who wanted to interface to the rest of our calendar manager to do so using the Network module. Remember that Java Beans supports the notion of introspection, which enables people to take our Network module, browse it from within a GUI builder, and then generate their own objects that interface directly to it. Even if they do not like our user interfaces, people still can use the Network module rather than invest their own time and effort into learning the RMI, IDL, or JDBC APIs.

When to Use Servlets and Java Server Pages

Servlets and Java Server Pages are information publishing tools. If we wanted the people in our department to know what our schedule is simply by browsing our personal Web page, we could allow them to do so by sticking the server portion of our calendar manager inside a servlet. The servlet then could be queried via an HTTP request, and the information contained within the server could be displayed on the Web page. Then, when we modify our server, people talking to our servlet would get the latest and greatest list of what we are doing that day (see Figure 14-4).

Servlets provide dynamic documents via Web servers.

Figure 14-4. Servlets provide dynamic documents via Web servers.

The alternative to servlets is to create a Web page by hand and stick it on a Web server. But, if we were to change the times of our appointment, we would have to generate a new Web page. By incorporating the servlet technology within our server, we do not have to regenerate a Web page every time. Remember that the entire Internet game is about information—how to get, disseminate, and update information constantly. Servlets enable you to publish information contained within servers that get and update that information constantly.

Java Server Pages are an extension of servlet technology and allow the initial creation of server-side Web pages to be done using traditional GUI-based html editors. After we get the page to look the way we want, we attach it with a text editor or our favorite Java IDE and add Java functionality via the JSP API. Once we rename it from .html to .jsp we have our JSP, and it can be pretty much managed and served as a plain old html page.

Application Servers

At last we come to application servers. The application server seems to have overcome all the problems we have pointed out with other technologies. Important issues like state management, scalability, fault tolerance, and fail-over have been addressed and taken care of. Enterprise Java Beans is on track, and in general the application server really seems to be the way to go.

When things sound too good to be true they usually are. Application servers are a relatively big-ticket item and may not be affordable for many medium- and small-size organizations. Technology comes at a price, and in the case of application servers the price is dollars. In the case of the stand-alone technologies we've looked at, they are relatively inexpensive to implement and deploy. The big application servers are pretty much priced for large enterprises where significant amounts of cash are transacted via the Internet, require architectures that guarantee zero downtime sites, and are massively scalable.


Whew! There you have it! There are several different alternatives, all of which accomplish different things and, in many cases, the same things. We hope that this book has been of some help to you as you sort out your information strategy for the next decade. The Internet is a fabulous phenomenon and, as you know, much more than a collection of Web sites, e-mail accounts, and chat rooms. Using the technologies we presented to you in this book, you can begin to harness the power of the Internet to publish and receive information right from within your Java applications.

After all, we firmly believe that Java is the Internet Programming Language, and, after reading this book, we hope you will agree.

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