Appendix . Glossary


Active Software's publish/subscribe system for corporate intranet information publishing.


Proprietary Microsoft component model for the Internet.


Abstract Window Toolkit. One of the windowing environments supplied as part of the core Java classes, uses peer components of the OS.


The binary language produced by the Java compiler and used as the native binary language for the Java Virtual Machine.


Compiled, object-oriented programming language.


Saving a method with an object in the hopes that the function will be invoked, or "called back," at a later time.


Common Gateway Interface. The original way of creating executable content on the server side of an HTTP connection. Seeservelt.


Program that invokes another object from a remote location.


Common Object Model. Proprietary Microsoft protocol for platform-independent interobject communication.


A separate object that can be reused, modified, and redeployed without requiring access to its source code.

Component Model

Next wave in object-oriented programming that promotes the reuse of objects without exposing any source code whatsoever to the end user or programmer.

Concurrent Access

Occurs when multiple threads get the same piece of data. Seemutual exclusion.


The function of an object that initializes the object and readies it for invocation.


Common Object Request Broker Architecture. Industry standard for Distributed Object programming.


Occurs when a thread grabs a mutual exclusion lock and hangs on to it indefinitely, thereby preventing other threads from getting the same lock.


Enterprise Java Beans. A specification from Sun Microsystems whose goal is to provide corporate America with the ultimate in reusable, scalable, and robust application.


Object Oriented programming practice of packaging data and behavior together as a single entity.


The translation of data into unreadable sequences of characters so that "untranslation" back into its original state is impossible without a "key."


Protective barrier between the internal information of a business and the external information it makes available to the world.


HyperText Transfer Protocol. The de facto standard for Web communication. Specifies the format of transmissions between Web clients and Web servers.


Interface Definition Language. The part of the CORBA language that enables objects and their interfaces to be specified easily.


Internet Inter-Orb Protocol. New standard for object communication over the Internet. Enables objects to invoke one another over the Internet regardless of the communication mechanism that was used to create them.

Information Hiding

Creating objects that provide one set of user interfaces to data while keeping the plumbing of the data hidden.


The derivation of an object's interfaces or implementations from another object.


Interprocess Communication. Act of programs talking to one another through a link of some kind, usually a socket.


A platform-independent and architecture-neutral programming language from Sun Microsystems, Inc. Also, slang for coffee.

Java Beans

Component model for Java. Seecomponent model.

See Also Component Model.

Java IDL

The Java binding to CORBA and IDL.

Java RMI

Remote Method Invocation. A means by which to invoke methods on objects that are not necessarily on the same virtual machine.

Java Web Server

The name for the set of components that includes servlets and the written-in-Java HTTP server that allows connections to them.


Java Database Connectivity. A set of simple APIs used to connect Java objects directly into databases.


Sun Microsystem's technology for impromptu networking.


Just In Time. A kind of compiler that, as part of a Virtual Machine's bytecode interpreter, can take bytecodes and optimize them for a machine's native language.


Java Naming and Directory Interface. The set of APIs that allows consistent use of Internet Naming services (like DNS) and LDAP-based access to Directory Services.


Java Native Interface. APIs used for interfacing with native windows code.


Java Server Pages. An all-Java solution to producing active server pages; part of servlet technology.


A secure network authentication system based on private key encryption.


The special code that allows the decryption of encrypted data.

Language Mapping

The means necessary to take one language and convert its syntax and semantics to another language.


Graphical construct in Java's Abstract Window Toolkit that allows components to be placed on the screen.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A TCP/IP-based interface to Directory Services (ISO X.500).

Location Independent

CORBA-added functionality that enables a client to invoke a server without having to know where it is or how to start it.


An operation on an object. See also Marlon Brando.

Mutual Exclusion

A method used to prevent multiple threads from affecting the same chunk of data.

Naming Service

Any of a number of services that map names to values (DNS, CORBA Naming Service, RMI Registry).

Object Reference

A pointer to an object.


Open Database Connectivity. Microsoft-created paradigm and API for communicating with databases. JDBC uses it as a base for interacting with databases from Java applications.


Object Linking and Embedding. A proprietary Microsoft protocol for interobject communication.


Object Request Broker. Component of the CORBA environment that routes requests from the client to the server.


Open Systems Interconnection. A reference model for a layered approach to networking.


Iona Technologies' industry-leading entry in the CORBA market.


RSA Data Security, Inc. One of the patent holders for public key encryption algorithms. RSA usually refers to the specific algorithm.


The act of transforming a Java object into a string representation.


Program that accepts invocations from objects at a remote location.


A component of the Java Web Server that allows you to create executable programs on the server side of an HTTP connection.


Secure Electronic Transaction. Major credit card vendors' proposal for secure electronic commerce.


Fundamental tool for network communication. Defines endpoints of communication, the origin of the message, and the destination of the message.


Structured Query Language. The language most commonly used to construct database queries.


Secure Socket Layer. Web browser functionality that provides encryption of data across a network.


A flow of data from which you can get information or to which you can add information.

String Tokenizer

A construct that allows you to search through a string, extracting parts delimited by a token or set of tokens.


Cool company responsible for the Java programming language.


The other windowing toolkit supplied with the JDK. It uses 100% Java components to produce user interfaces that are OS independent.


Java's version of a mutual exclusion lock.


Transmission Control Protocol. Socket protocol for point-to-point communication.


A series of executable steps that are executed along with other steps.

Three-Tier Computing

The philosophy of splitting the client application from the data, using a middle tier called a server. The server routes requests from one or more clients to the data source and sends information back to it.


User Datagram Protocol (sometimes called Unreliable Datagram Protocol). Socket for broadcast communication.


Complex Java data type that allows you to store and retrieve information easily in an arraylike construct.

Virtual Machine

Software component of Java that translates Java bytecode into native code that can then be executed on a machine.


Imprise's CORBA ORB product. Bundled as part of the Netscape Communicator.

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