Chapter 2. TCP/IP Fundamentals

  • In the Beginning…

  • IP Addresses

  • Protocols

In the Beginning…

At the very heart of Java networking (and most other internetworking) is TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol). TCP/IP is a protocol suite (i.e., a set of rules for exchanging information) that sits between an application and a network that enables an application (object) on one node of a network to pass information back and forth to another application (object) residing on another node of the network. The approach used by TCP/IP to do this is to arrange the protocol into layers of subprotocols that each have their own specific function(s) that, when used together, provide a rich functionality and an orderly approach to data communications.

In many ways TCP/IP is very similar to other software-based protocols (i.e., protocols that are "on the wire" protocols like Ethernet, NETBIOS, NETBUI, SNA). The major difference is the way that TCP/IP was developed: Rather than being a protocol based on one manufacturer's view of networking and its relation to corporate profitability, TCP/IP developed out of the idea of "Open Systems." Open Systems are systems whose specifications are developed "out in the open" rather than behind closed doors; as long as a software developer implements the specification faithfully, the developed system is an Open System.

The Protocol Stack

One of the things that often confuses programmers who are new to the Internet and TCP/IP is the idea of a TCP/IP stack or a protocol stack. The confusion comes from the term "stack"; programmers automatically think of a stack as in the stack data structure. With relation to TCP/IP, the term stack simply means that a number of protocols are stacked one on top of the other in a manner that allows information from one level to be passed from one layer to the next with each layer encapsulating the information it receives from the previous layer. Moving information down the stack is analogous to sending, and moving data up the stack is analogous to receiving.

The OSI Stack

In the early 1980s the International Standards Organization (ISO) set out on a path to develop a set of standards that would ensure interconnectability and interoperability of disparate computer systems. This effort started and took place mainly in Europe; at the same time, in the United States, teams of technologists from industry, government, and the universities were busily exchanging ideas on how to arrive at the same goals as ISO (i.e., interconnectability and interoperability). In 1983 the protocol suite that has come to be known as TCP/IP was named as the U.S. Department of Defense Standard and was eventually required on all U.S. government computer systems.

Through the ISO work, the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, referred to as the OSI stack, shown in Table 2-1, was developed. Today the OSI protocol stack remains primarily a European thing; even though the TCP/IP protocol stack is in wider use than the OSI stack, the OSI reference model (even in the United States) remains the ideal for modeling communication systems.

Table 2-2 shows a comparison of the seven-layer OSI protocol stack vs. the TCP/IP four-layer stack. Note that TCP/IP abstracts the top three layers of the OSI stack (application, presentation, and session) into a single application layer. The bottom two layers of the OSI stack (link and physical) are abstracted into a single link layer. In the OSI model, application logic is handled in the application layer; anything related to presentation (data conversions [ASCII-EBCDIC, ASCII-UNICODE]) in the presentation layer; and threading, multiprogramming, and managing client sessions on the server in the session layer. In TCP/IP all these activities are performed in the application layer without requiring individual protocol layers for each of the OSI layers. This abstraction on the part of TCP/IP makes for lighter weight and more agile applications. The abstraction of the bottom two layers of the OSI model is a "makes sense" abstraction as the physical layer represents the Network Interconnection Card (NIC) and the link layer is the driver software that controls the NIC. These layers are inseparable (i.e., one isn't of much use without the other).

Table 2-1. The OSI Reference Model

PresentationByte-order, ASCII-UNICODE, COM-CORBA
SessionLogin session, RPC call, ORB/RMI invocation
TransportEnd-to-end communication (with possible ack)
NetworkHost-to-host communication (one hop in a path)
LinkNetwork adapter card device driver
PhysicalEthernet, ISDN, PPP, T3, CATV

Table 2-2. OSI Reference Model and the TCP/IP Model


Not long ago, OSI, TCP, and UDP were competing network standards; today, TCP combined with UDP-based IP pretty much stands alone (as TCP/IP) as the primary Internet protocol. The Internet Protocol (IP) code maintains routing tables to make sure each IP packet gets to the next hop in a route toward its destination. Note that one UDP datagram or one TCP segment may be broken into many IP packets. Each IP packet may take a different route from the source to the destination, and the packets may arrive in a different order than they were sent. UDP sends the received packets upward toward the application code as soon as they arrive. TCP collects the IP packets and assembles a TCP segment before sending it upward, so the application receives pieces of data in the same order it was sent.

One of the more pronounced differences between the OSI model and the TCP/IP model is in the area of error-handling philosophy. The OSI approach is to require error checking to be done for each hop (node to node) a packet makes through the network. This means that for each hop a packet will be error-checked in the network layer (routers usually only consist of the link and network layers). If a packet makes 10 hops in getting from point a to point b, the error checking involved will occupy a significant percentage of the overall transmission time. The TCP/IP approach is to do error-checking only at the end points; since the whole idea is to move data reliably from point a to point b, the error-checking is done only once making for much less overhead and faster end-to-end communications.

The TCP/IP Stack

The TCP/IP stack consists of four layers:


This layer is made up of protocols designed for specific applications. Many TCP/IP protocol suites come with a number of client applications that implement some of the common and widely used protocols like FTP, POP, TELNET. These protocols consist typically of a set of commands to be issued by the client (instructions to the server to do something) and a set of command responses (that are passed back to the client).

Information from this layer moves down the stack. In this respect the protocol actually functions as a queue (i.e., information moves down the stack, from one layer to the next, to send and up the stack to receive). Each protocol layer will wrap its own header or header/trailer information around whatever it receives from the previous layer. At the application layer most protocols are ASCII text based and have a command structure made up of keywords and string-based parametric data (check out the command-based protocols for FTP and POP3).


This layer provides the application with a highly reliable data transmission medium (a connection is made between two host computers and data transfers between the two are sized, acknowledged for receipt, check-summed, and timed).


This layer is primarily responsible for moving the packets created in the transport layer through the network and eventually to their final destination. The workhorse of this layer is the Internet Protocol.


This layer is responsible for translating the IP packets received from IP into the on-the-wire protocol (Ethernet, Token Ring, …) and consists of the user's Network Interconnection Card and software drivers required to control the NIC.

Note: Some authors break the layer into two layers—one for the hardware interconnect and one for the driver software.

This resembles (at least conceptually) the model shown in Figure 2-1.

The TCP/IP protocol stack.

Figure 2-1. The TCP/IP protocol stack.

Information starting out in a program running in the application layer is moved down the stack to the transport layer. In the transport layer the information is broken up into a series of smaller, easier-to-handle chunks for transmission. Each chunk of data is encapsulated with a TCP header containing sequencing and error-detection information and moved down the stack to the network (IP) layer.

In the network layer each packet is further encapsulated by appending a header containing network routing information to the beginning of the packet. The network layer in turn passes each packet to the link layer, where it is converted to the actual "on-the-wire" protocol (Ethernet, Token-Ring, …) for transmission across the network.

On its way to its final destination, a packet usually will pass through one or more routers. Routers are fairly specialized devices and don't always function with a complete TCP/IP stack. A router is the network implementation of a multiplexer; i.e., one input can be distributed to one-of-n possible outputs. To do this, the router will have multiple NICs. The main purpose of a router is to move packets around the network; to do this, all it really needs to provide are the network and link layers. As a packet comes into the router it is received by the NIC and passed up the stack to the network layer. IP checks the routing information and passes the packet back down the stack to the correct NIC in the link layer and back out onto the network.

Upon reaching its final destination the packet is again received by the NIC, the NIC strips off the on-the-wire protocol information (leaving an IP packet) and passes the resulting information up the stack to the network layer. IP then removes the routing information (leaving a TCP packet) and passes it up the stack to the transport layer. TCP checks the packet for errors, removes the TCP header, and rebuilds the original application data by accumulating the packets and reassembling the original data (using the sequence numbers in the TCP header). Once the data has been reconstructed it is passed back up the stack to the application layer, where it is acted upon. This entire process is illustrated in Figure 2-2.

Data movement from one host to another.

Figure 2-2. Data movement from one host to another.

Now that we understand the general flow of information through a TCP/IP-based network let us look at the stack in a little more detail. We've already said the transport layer consists of two protocols—TCP and UDP—but the suite consists of many other protocols. Figure 2-3 shows the other protocols that make up the suite (application protocols are indicated at the top of the figure as plain text but are shown only as a sample and not a complete set).

The TCP/IP suite.

Figure 2-3. The TCP/IP suite.

Also note that there are two common versions of IP, version 4 (32-bit addressing) and version 6 (64-bit addressing) and that protocols that use IP also come in both version 4 and version 6 flavors. This being noted, the following is a brief description of what each of the protocols is used for.


Transmission Control Protocol. . TCP can be thought of as the part of the suite that makes IP a reliable tool. It guarantees that data reaches its intended destination and is received correctly and received in a timely manner. TCP is relatively application-oriented in that using its socket facilities provides applications with a bi-directional byte stream between two hosts located at application endpoints.

A connection-oriented service is best for applications that require characters to be received in the same order in which they were sent, such as keystrokes typed from a terminal or bytes in an ASCII file transfer. Usually, the connection is kept open for a long time relative to the length of time to set up the connection (a "handshake" of three IP packets).

Connection-oriented protocols, such as TCP, send an acknowledgment when the data is received, and they retransmit data automatically if an acknowledgment is not received before the time-out period has expired. Each acknowledgment packet tells the receiving side how much buffer space is available at the other end. This enables both endpoints to transmit a "window" of data, perhaps several 8K packets, before stopping to wait for an acknowledgment from the other end. When the acknowledgment is received, the window size is updated from the packet header. This enables TCP to throttle data transfer when one side is running low on buffer space and to increase data transfer when the other side has plenty of room to receive data.


User Datagram Protocol. . UDP is connectionless and acts more like a broadcast medium. Datagrams sent by UDP are not guaranteed to reach their destination. UDP is designed for speed, not reliability.


Internet Protocol. . The workhorse of the TCP/IP suite, IP takes care of the actual moving of datagrams from point a to point b. This is done by way of IP's datagram infrastructure. UDP is an application interface to IP.


Internet Control Message Protocol. . ICMP handles TCP/IP internally generated error messages and control messages between routers and host computers. Not used for application layer errors.


Internet Group Management Protocol. . IGMP is used for multicasting and will not be discussed in this text.


Address Resolution Protocol. . ARP maps IP addresses to hardware addresses (every NIC has a manufacturer provided unique address) for broadcast style wire protocols (Ethernet, Token-Ring) but is not used by point-to-point wire protocols (SLIP, PPP).


Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. . RARP maps hardware addresses to IP addresses. RARP is used typically to allow the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) to aid a diskless workstation (X-Station) to discover its IP address so that its boot image can be retrieved.


Now that we've used the term "datagram" quite freely, it's best to explain what it is. Basically it's the unit information used in the IP layer. To understand this better, refer to Figure 2-4. At the physical level of a network (which isn't addressed by TCP/IP), the transmission medium is usually a piece of wire, fiber optic cable, microwaves, or some other exotic transmission medium. At this level, information travels along as a serial bit stream where the basic unit of information is a bit. As the bits leave the transmission medium and move into the link layer, the unit of information is called a frame. As the frame moves up the stack and the link layer's header and trailer information is removed, the unit of information becomes a datagram. IP removes its header from the datagram and passes the result to TCP as a segment. TCP collects the segments together until it has all that it is expecting and passes it up the stack to the application as a message. This whole process of receiving data can be thought of as a collecting together of all the pieces.

Units of information for the TCP/IP stack.

Figure 2-4. Units of information for the TCP/IP stack.

IP Addresses

Now here are a few words about IP addresses. First, they are called IP addresses because they are used by the IP (network) layer to route IP datagrams around the Internet.

Figure 2-5 shows the five classes of IP addresses and how they are structured from a numbering standpoint. Classes A, B, and C are reserved for private networks and have the following address spaces:

IP address classes

Figure 2-5. IP address classes

Class A

Class B

Class C

Class D

Class E


When a foreign dignitary arrives at the White House, certain protocols are observed. These describe who is introduced and when and with what fanfare. The President is always introduced last and makes his or her entrance to the tune of "Hail to the Chief." A protocol ensures that certain formalities are observed when information is exchanged across networks. This includes the format of the message, the content of the message, and the type of connection used to send the message. There are several kinds of protocols, ranging from the time-tested TCP/IP or UDP to the newer Internet Inter-ORB Protocol.

Some of the application level protocols and applications we will be examining in more depth in the chapters that follow are mentioned here.


Something that we haven't discussed yet that is used in every Internet transaction is the Domain Name System (DNS) and its protocol. The DNS is something that we all become aware of pretty early on in our use of the Internet but never really understand. I never thought about it until I was teaching an Internet Programming class one semester and was explaining the TCP/IP stack and layered protocols. One of the students asked, "How does IP get the dotted decimal version of the dotted word IP that we specify to our applications (FTP, TELNET)?"

The DNS is a distributed database used for translating dotted word notation ( for IP addresses into the dotted decimal version ( No single server keeps track of all IP addresses; the address space is distributed somewhat regionally and arranged in a hierarchy. DNS is commonly used as follows: Suppose we want to FTP a file from a remote server. Our FTP client builds a request packet and sends it down the stack to TCP, which adds its header and pushes the segment down to IP. IP adds an IP header, but before it can it must resolve the remote host's dotted word address to dotted decimal. This is done by IP sending a datagram request (UDP is used for speed) to the nearest DNS server. If that server can't resolve it, the request is sent up the DNS hierarchy to the next server. This is done until the address is resolved and returned to IP where it is translated into a 32-bit number and added to the IP header.

Many companies and universities that have large intranets for their campuses run their own DNS servers for performance reasons. On an intranet, most host-to-host communications are between hosts on that same intranet; they do not need to go out to the Internet to use a DNS server. It makes sense to keep a local copy of the nearest Internet DNS server locally. For private networks (not connected to the Internet), it makes sense to run a single DNS server containing only the addresses on the private network.


HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a TCP/IP application layer protocol that provides the connectivity between the client and server for the "killer app" of the century. HTTP is based relatively closely on an older protocol called Gopher. Gopher provided a text-based client and server that enabled the retrieval of information from large collections of research data maintained on mainly university computer systems. When HyperText Markup Language (HTML) was developed for the Mosaic browser and the Gopher protocol was modified to handle the transmission of graphics combined with text, the whole face of computing changed. This combination made the Internet easy to use for nontechnical users. HTTP enabled the development of the World Wide Web. Java is the next step to advance distributed computing in an object-oriented direction. HTTP is discussed in Chapter 7, "Web Servers, Server-Side Java, and More." It is important to remember that HTTP is entirely based on TCP sockets.


The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) is an open Internet protocol for communication between objects residing on a network. IIOP enables network objects to invoke one another using an industry standard messaging system (CORBA). Without IIOP, objects on the client end would not be able to talk to objects on the server end without first synchronizing their languages. IIOP standardizes the means clients and servers use to exchange information. It also enables clients and servers developed using different application programming languages (C, C++, Java) to interact with one another. As we will see later in this chapter, the format of the messages sent between clients and servers is of the utmost importance. In our daily lives, we even require a standard message format. If I were to start transposing my nouns and verbs (such as "were if I transposing to start my nouns and verbs"), then no one would understand me. Similarly, IIOP enables objects implemented in different languages to understand one another. When CORBA first came out, its underlying protocol was based on UDP to optimize performance. As CORBA has matured, IIOP has switched over to TCP sockets.


Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is another TCP sockets-based protocol scheme for the implementation of network objects. The general idea of RMI is that every network object consists of a client piece and a server piece. Wouldn't it be nice if this object could be treated (from an application's standpoint) just like any local object. RMI provides an infrastructure that does just that. The main complaint about RMI comes from the fact that the protocol is not openly developed or published. Because of the complaints over this, Sun Microsystems has agreed to base client/server communications on IIOP in some future release of RMI. The current implementation uses Java serialization APIs and TCP sockets to provide the underlying communications infrastructure.


JINI, rather than being strictly a protocol, is a technology not for client/server applications but for the interconnection of JINI-enabled devices into impromptu networks. An example of this would be that I go out and buy an XYZ JINI-enabled color printer. When I take it home and plug it into my whole house Ethernet, the printer automatically registers itself and its drivers with the network. I turn on my JINI-enabled workstation and get into my favorite word processor and ask to print in color (at this point my workstation only knows about my black and white printer). The print function calls out to the network "is there a color printer out there?" The network responds and transparently downloads the driver for the color printer so that the word processor can send data to the printer. Just think, I didn't have to install the drivers (or even find them); the printer had its own drivers built in and made them available to the network.


There we have the two-penny tour of TCP/IP and how it works. In the following chapters we will investigate a number of protocols and network-based client/server strategies. Keep in mind, however, that all these mechanisms are based on TCP/IP sockets technology.

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