Table of Contents


Section 1: Digital Transformation and API Connect

Chapter 1: Digital Transformation and Modernization with API Connect

API-led digital transformation

A journey back in time

Fast forward to the 21st century

Business transformation to a digital transformation framework

Digital framework considerations

Hybrid reference architecture

API-led architectural approach

API flavors

Your responsibilities for APIs

Digital modernization and APIs

Approaches to modernization

API Connect enabling digital transformation

API Connect aligns with the goals of digital transformation


Chapter 2: Introducing API Connect

Technical requirements

API Connect

The components of API Connect

Deployment models

The on-premises implementation

Cloud implementations

Hybrid cloud


Introduction to the CLI commands

Having fun playing with FHIR


Chapter 3: Setting Up and Getting Organized

Technical requirements

The big picture

Provider Organizations

Configuring your Provider Organization

API Catalogs

Configuring your API Catalog

Utilizing Spaces

Configuring your spaces

Developer Portal

Configuring the Developer Portal


Section 2: Agility in Development

Chapter 4: API Creation

Technical requirements

Development tools

Installing Designer

Installing the LTE

Connecting Designer to the LTE

Creating APIs

What is an OpenAPI design?

Creating an API Proxy

Testing APIs

Using variables

Adding policies


Chapter 5: Modernizing SOAP Services

Technical requirements

SOAP capabilities in APIC

Creating a SOAP proxy that invokes a SOAP service

Creating a SOAP proxy

Review SOAP Proxy configuration

Testing the SOAP Proxy

Create a REST proxy that invokes a SOAP service

Creating a REST proxy

Review the REST proxy configuration

Testing the REST Proxy


Chapter 6: Supporting FHIR REST Services

Technical requirements

Introducing FHIR

FHIR resources

FHIR server

Government-mandated FHIR interfaces

Creating a RESTful FHIR API

Playing with FHIR

Applying logic policies to your FHIR API

The If and Switch logic policy

The operation switch logic policy


Chapter 7: Securing APIs

Technical requirements

Out-of-the-box security capabilities of APIC

Preparing for the APIC security implementation

Protecting APIs with Basic authentication and Client ID (API key)

Implementing Basic authentication and ClientID in API security

Applying OAuth 2.0

Enabling API with an OAuth security definition

Creating a client

Testing OAuth flow

Implementing OpenId Connect (OIDC)

OAuth provider changes

OAuth flow changes

Using JWT policies

JWT generation

JWT verification

Adding additional security measures


Chapter 8: Message Transformations

Technical requirements

Introduction to API Connect pre-built transformation policies

Using a Map policy

Redacting fields

Applying JSON to XML or XML to JSON policies

Implementing advanced transformations with XSLT and GatewayScript




Chapter 9: Building a GraphQL API

Technical requirements

Why GraphQL?

GraphQL anatomy

Installing a GraphQL Express server

Creating a GraphQL API

Adding the GraphQL proxy

Addressing warnings in GraphQL

Addressing the warnings

Setting weights, costs, and rate limits

Considerations on performance

Removing fields from GraphQL


Chapter 10: Publishing Options

Technical requirements

Working with Products and Plans

Configuring Products and Plans

Creating Rate Limits

Defining Rate Limits in a Plan (consumer Rate Limits)

Defining Rate Limits in an assembly

Publishing and configuring Catalogs

Publishing to your Catalogs

Consumer interaction


Chapter 11: API Management and Governance

Technical requirements

Understanding the API and product lifecycle

The "what" of the lifecycle

The "how" of the lifecycle


The "who" of the lifecycle

Cloud Manager roles

API Manager roles

Developer portal roles

Managing versions

Version numbering scheme

Segregating environments

Logical segregation

Physical segregation

Applying standards to your API environment


Naming standards


Chapter 12: User-Defined Policies

Technical requirements

Understanding user-defined policy types

Creating catalog scoped user-defined policies

Building your UDP .yaml file

Completed .yaml

Installing your UDP

Implementing your UDP

Global scoped user-defined policy

Planning your global UDP

Creating a UDP configuration file

Packaging and publishing your global UDP


Section 3: DevOps Pipelines and What's Next

Chapter 13: Using Test and Monitor for Unit Tests

Technical requirements

Configuring unit tests

Working with environments

Monitoring the test cases


Chapter 14: Building Pipelines for API Connect

Technical requirements

Introducing pipelines

Choosing between CLIs or Platform API Interface use

Using the CLIs

Using the Platform APIs

Calling the publish Platform API

Understanding Ansible automation

Testing and monitoring hooks

Using Git as your SCM

Constructing the Jenkins pipeline

Jenkins in a nutshell

Exploring the scripted and declarative methods

Working on an API Connect sample pipeline

Jenkins housekeeping

Building a Pipeline item


Chapter 15: API Analytics and the Developer Portal

Customizing the Developer Portal

Reviewing Drupal 9 capabilities

Customizing the Portal as the administrator

Introducing Analytics

Understanding the analytics initial setup

Viewing analytics

Understanding dashboards

Creating visualizations and dashboards

Creating a new dashboard

Creating a new visualization

Deploying analytics to new environments


Chapter 16: What's Next in Digital Transformation Post-COVID?

Technical requirements

Understanding API Connect late-breaking changes

Understanding API Connect and Hybrid Cloud


Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I)

Understanding Artificial Intelligence for IT Operation (AIOps)

The role of AIOps

Exploring 5G Edge computing

Advantage of 5G Edge computing


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