

  • Aberdeen Group
  • ABI Research
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project (Google)
  • account based marketing (ABM)
  • Acres of Diamonds (Conwell)
  • acts of God questions
  • ad decline (Influencer Marketing key trend 1)
  • Adelson, Jay
  • AdiQus
  • Adobe
  • adoption (social selling system)
  • advertising
    • Business Relationship Optimization
    • decline in (Influencer Marketing key trend 1)
    • on Facebook
    • MarTech and advertising networks
    • predictive advertising management
    • return on ad spend (ROAS)
    • search engine advertising
    • See also human resources (HR) recruiting; social media
  • advice, rejecting
  • AdWords (Google)
  • Agile Marketer (Roland Smart)
  • agility, of marketing technology (MarTech)
  • agreement, influence and
  • Airbnb
  • Airobotics
  • alignment
    • with company's purpose
    • of goals
  • Altimeter Group
  • American Airlines
  • Amplifiers (A)
    • defined
    • overview
    • reasoning by
  • Analytics (Google)
  • Andreesen, Marc
  • Apple
  • archetypes of people
    • Amplifiers (A)
    • Influencers (I)
    • interaction between
    • Motivatables (M)
    • overview
    • Zombies (Z)
    • See also individual archetype names
  • artificial intelligence (AI), future of
  • Art of SEO, The (Enge, Spencer, Stricchiola)
  • Ashton Media
  • “ass kiss it forward”
  • attention
  • audience, size and type
  • audience development exercise
  • audit
    • brand guidelines audit
    • of business goals (exercise)
    • for Centers of Excellence (COE)
    • heuristic audit
    • ROT (Redundant, Out of date, Trivial) content audit
    • social media marketing checklist


  • Baby Boomers, cultural differences from Millennials
  • Baer, Jay
  • Barkley
  • base content
  • BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group)
  • Belcher, Jovan
  • belief, need for
  • Bell, Alexander Graham
  • Bennett, Steve
  • Bing
  • Bliss, Jeanne
  • Blockbuster
  • blockchain ledger
  • body, subconscious mind and
  • BOLD (Diamandis)
  • Bonte, Dominique
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • brain, defined
  • brand
    • brand guidelines audit
    • brand-influencer fit of Influencer Marketing
    • building a personal brand
    • living the brand
  • BrightEdge
  • Brin, Sergey
  • Brinker, Scott
  • Brinkworth, Christ
  • Brito, Michael
  • Brown, Michael
  • BuiltWith
  • business goal exercises
  • Business Relationship Optimization
  • buyer persona


  • campaign management applications
  • “Can Pioli” (campaign)
  • CareerArcTM
  • case studies
    • #Closing $Millions for Pennies on the Dollar
    • Finding 500,000 Worth of Talent for 250 In ADS (case study)
    • Fort Collins Startup Week goes Global on $2,500
    • #Hirecarlos How to Get Your Dream Gig with Social Media (case study)
    • $1 Billion Dollar Growth Hack
  • cause and effect (law of laws)
  • CCP Digital
  • CCXPTM (Customer Experience Professional's Association)
  • CEB Global
  • Centers of Excellence (COE)
  • challengers (Gartner Magic Quadrant)
  • change
    • as constant
    • rate of
    • resistance to
  • channels, for Influencer Marketing
  • Charney, Matt
  • Chief Customer Officer 2.0 (Bliss)
  • “Chiefs Kingdom”
  • Churchill, Winston
  • Church of Lazlo, The (radio show)
  • #Closing $Millions for Pennies on the Dollar (case study)
  • cognitive dissonance
  • collective organizational mind
  • comfort zone, breaking through
  • competitors
    • honest evaluation of
    • Insights Layer and
  • Compute Midwest (Disruption Institute)
  • Concept Therapy movement
  • conditioning
  • conscious mind
  • Constant Contact
  • content
    • base versus peripheral
    • content delivery network (CDN)
    • content marketing and paid media amplification
    • content strategy versus content marketing
    • governance guidelines
    • marketing strategy, social media marketing checklist
    • quality of, for search engine optimization (SEO)
    • ROT (Redundant, Out of date, Trivial) content audit
    • See also Success Layer
  • Content Marketing Institute (CMI)
  • Content Marketing Playbook (Patel)
  • conversion optimization
  • Conwell, Russell
  • Costa, Rebecca
  • Covey, Stephen
  • Cox, Joe
  • creativity
    • creative imagination and synthetic imagination
    • imagination and
    • substance and
  • credibility, for Influencer Marketing
  • Crennel, Romeo
  • C-suite
    • CMOs driving budget increase in spend (Influencer Marketing key trend 3)
    • decision making by
    • including CEO's photo for advertising
    • social business strategy and
    • social media used by
  • culture
    • cultural fit and social media for evaluation
    • cultural forces questions
    • as group habit
    • See also organizational culture
  • customer experience
    • digital sense importance to
    • “satisfied” customers
  • Customer Experience Professional's Association (CXPA)
  • customer journeys
    • Journey Map Touch Point Exercise
    • key touch points
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
    • goals for social selling
    • for marketing technology (MarTech)
  • customers
  • customer service
    • audit for Centers of Excellence (COE)
    • fundamentals of
    • goals for
    • overview
    • prioritization for
  • customization


  • Dairy Queen
  • Dand, Mia
  • data management platform (DMP)
  • deception (6D phase)
  • decision making
    • archetypes of people and
    • customer-centric
  • deductive reasoning
  • Delivering Happiness (Hsieh)
  • Deloitte
  • dematerialization (6D phase)
  • Deming Cycle
  • democratization (6D phase)
  • demonetization (6D phase)
  • Denver Startup Week (2013)
  • design thinking
    • for all departments
    • Garrett on
    • Inspiration, Ideation, Implementation spaces of
    • Success Layer
    • Vision Layer
  • Diamandis, Peter
  • Digg 1 Million User Party
  • Digital Bits, overview
  • Digital Continuum
  • digital sense
  • Digital Sense (Wright, Snook)
    • audience of
    • inception of
    • BCG Matrix template
    • e-mail subscription
    • Heuristic Audit Checklist
    • marketing hacks, case studies, resources
    • marketing tools
    • MarTech Glossary
    • monthly webinars
    • newsletter
    • The Not-So-Secret-Guid to ALL Our Secrets (Ethology)
    • ROT content template
    • 7 Laws of Awareness (podcast)
    • 7 Universal Laws (podcast)
  • digital transformation
    • attention and trust
    • Influencers (I), Amplifiers (A), Motivatables (M), and Zombies (Z)
    • overview
  • digitization (6D phase)
  • Direct Customer Knowledge Drives Tactics (guiding principle)
  • “Discover, Design, Deploy” approach, of EMF
  • discovery, in Influencer Marketing
  • disruption (6D phase)
  • Disruption Institution
  • distributed ledger
  • Docs (Google)
  • Dorsey, John
  • DoubleClick (Google)
  • driverless cars
  • drones
  • Dynamic Signal


  • Edelman Trust Barometer
  • efficiencies, need for (Influencer Marketing key trend 2)
  • Elements of User Experience (Garrett)
  • Eloqua
  • El Toro
  • e-mail marketing
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo
  • Emfluence
  • emotion
    • stories to connect to
    • understanding mind and
  • empathy (EQ)
    • audience development exercise
    • as fundamental customer service
    • importance of
  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
  • employees
  • Enderle, Robert
  • Engagio
  • Enge, Eric
  • enjoyment, of work
  • Ensighten
  • Enterprise Paid Media Campaign Management Platforms 2016 (MarketingLand)
  • enterprise paid search
  • Ethology
  • ExactTarget/Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  • execution. See Success Layer
  • exercises
    • audience development
    • Journey Map Touch Point Exercise
    • Penny or $1 Million Dollars Exercise
    • ROT (Redundant, Outdated, Trivial) content audit
    • Vision Layer audit of business goals
  • Experience Marketing FrameworkTM (EMF)
  • exponential thinking, linear thinking versus


  • Facebook
    • advertising on
    • layered look
    • Messenger
    • profiles of job candidates
    • videos on
  • FCC
  • fear
    • Feeling Excited and Ready! (FEAR)
    • Terror Barrier as
  • feasibility
  • Ferrara, Jon
  • Fiber (Google)
  • “5 Capabilities” Model
  • 5G, future of
  • Fleet, Thurman
  • Focus on Measurable Results (guiding principle)
  • Forrester Research
  • Fort Collins Startup Week goes Global on $2,500 (case study)
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Fourth Turning, The (Howe, Strauss)
  • free will
  • Fuller, Buckminster
  • future-proofing
    • by avoiding obsolescence
    • building a personal brand


  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Garrett, Jesse James
  • Gartner
  • Gartner Magic Quadrant
  • Gelphman, Mike “Jortsy”
  • GenX, cultural differences from Millennials
  • GEO targeting
  • GetAround
  • Ghostery
  • Gil, Carlos
  • Gladwell, Malcolm
  • Global Triage (Symantec)
  • goals
    • appropriate campaign goals
    • audit of (exercise)
    • beginning with end in mind
    • for customer service
    • scope of
    • for social selling
    • See also Vision Layer
  • Google
    • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project
    • AdWords
    • Analytics
    • Docs
    • DoubleClick
    • Fiber
    • founding of
    • Project Skybender
    • Retargeting
    • Yahoo! and
  • Google Story, The (Vise)
  • governance guidelines
  • Granell, Eric
  • Gretzky, Wayne
  • gShiftLabs
  • Guns N’ Roses
  • Gupta, Mayur


  • Haanel, Charles
  • Hagen, Kristi
  • Have a System for Ongoing Innovation (guiding principle)
  • headlines, for social media
  • Heaton, Gavin
  • Heuer, Meg
  • heuristic audit
  • Hill, Napoleon
  • HomeDepot
  • hospitality, as fundamental customer service
  • Howe, Neil
  • Hrach, Anna
  • Hsieh, Tony
  • Huawei
  • Hug Your Haters (Baer)
  • Huizenga, Wayne
  • human resources (HR), social selling by
  • human resources (HR) recruiting
    • advertising themes for
    • Finding 500,000 Worth of Talent for 250 In ADS (case study)
    • #Hirecarlos How to Get Your Dream Gig with Social Media (case study)
    • new strategies for
    • overview
    • social media to evaluate cultural fit
  • Humarithms
  • Hunt, Clark
  • “hunt and fish”
  • Hydroswarm


  • IBM
  • ideation. See Vision Layer
  • imagination
    • defined
    • six intellectual faculties, overview
  • Inc. magazine
  • Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future, The (Kelly)
  • influence
    • shock, awe/fascination, and agreement methods of
  • Influencer Marketing
    • advertising decline (key trend 1)
    • audience size and type
    • brand-influencer fit of
    • categories of
    • channels for
    • CMOs driving budget increase in spend (key trend 3)
    • content format and type
    • credibility and topical relevancy for
    • employee advocacy
    • employees for credibility
    • factors fueling chaos in (key trend 4)
    • “5 Capabilities” Model
    • Influencer Marketing Manifesto (Altimeter Group)
    • Influencer Marketing Technology report (Lighthouse3)
    • lack of resonance and transparency controversy
    • need for efficiencies and proving ROI (key trend 2)
    • overview
    • sales
  • Influencer Marketing Technology report (Lighthouse3)
  • Influencers (I)
  • information, accessibility of
  • Infusionsoft
  • innovation
    • EMF and
    • Have a System for Ongoing Innovation (guiding principle)
    • living the brand for
  • Innovation Hub (Mercer)
  • Innovation Loop
  • Insights Layer
    • audience development exercise
    • competitive landscape, evaluating
    • customer as asset
    • customers, competitors, and forces
    • EMF, overview, (See also Experience Marketing FrameworkTM (EMF))
    • feasibility of goals
    • overview
    • persona and customer journey mapping
    • Purpose, People, and Process
    • 6Ds (phases), as classified by Diamandis
  • Inspiration, Ideation, Implementation (design thinking spaces)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • intuition
    • defined
    • six intellectual faculties, overview
  • IP-based advertising


  • Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (Vaynerchuk)
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Jobvite Recruiter Nation
  • Journey Map Touch Point Exercise


  • Kaizen
  • Kansas City Chiefs
  • Kansas City Royals
  • Kauffman Entrepreneurial Foundation
  • KCT (Keep, Change, or Trash)
  • Kelly, Kevin
  • Kenshoo
  • Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    • Bliss on
    • orbiting loops
    • touch point map for
    • Vision Layer
  • Khanna, Parag
  • King, Michael
  • KISSMetrics
  • Kloster, Phil
  • Kramer, Bryan


  • Lao Tzu
  • Law of Compensation
  • law of laws
  • law of polarity
  • Lazlo (disc jockey)
  • leaders (Gartner Magic Quadrant)
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • “Learn, Plan, Do” approach, of EMF
  • legislative forces questions
  • Leonhard, Gerd
  • Li, Charlene
  • lifelong learning
  • Lighthouse3
  • Lindstrom, Martin
  • linear thinking, exponential thinking versus
  • LinkedIn
  • lip service


  • magnification, by mind
  • MailChimp
  • Maltz, Maxwell
  • Manion Josh
  • ManPower
  • Marin Software
  • Markee, Casey
  • marketing automation
  • marketing cloud
  • MarketingLand
  • “marketing operating system”
  • marketing technology (MarTech)
    • agility of
    • always-on assessment, evaluation, and adoption for
    • analytics and tracking
    • building solid MarTech stack
    • CRM for
    • for driving business growth
    • driving internal buy-in and stakeholder influence
    • fragmentation of
    • frameworks of, and EMF
    • investment in
    • marketing automation
    • “marketing operating system”
    • mobile marketing technology stacks
    • monitoring MarTech stack
    • overview
    • tag management
    • See also Influencer Marketing
  • Master Key System, The (Haanel)
  • Matrix, The (film)
  • Maxymiser
  • Mead, Margaret
  • meaning, perception as
  • measurement
    • Focus on Measurable Results (guiding principle)
    • MarTech analytics and tracking
    • social media marketing checklist
    • for Success Layer
    • Vision Layer scope
    • See also audit
  • Media Wyse
  • memory
    • defined
    • six intellectual faculties, overview
  • Mercer
  • Michelangelo
  • Microsoft
  • Millennials, cultural differences from Baby Boomers/Gen X
  • Miller, Jon
  • mind
    • body and
    • conscious mind
    • over organizational matter (See organizational mind)
    • senses
    • subconscious mind
    • understanding
  • mobile-friendly websites
  • mobile marketing technology stacks
  • Moore, Geoffrey
  • Moses
  • Motivatables (M)
    • defined
    • overview
    • reasoning by
  • motivators. See Influencers (I)
  • Mozcon
  • Mullett, Kevin
  • Murphy, Joseph
  • Musk, Elon


  • nanobot technology
  • Napster
  • negative-feedback servomechanism
  • news organizations, “Breaking News” alerts of
  • niche players (Gartner Magic Quadrant)
  • Nielsen
  • Nimble
  • nodes
  • Norton
  • Not-So-Secret-Guide to ALL Our Secrets, The (Ethology)


  • objectives
    • Success Layer and (See also goals)
    • tactics
  • Ohanian, Alexis
  • $1 Billion Dollar Growth Hack (case study)
  • Operational Loop
  • Opportunity Age
  • Optus (story)
  • Oracle
  • orbiting loops
  • O’Reilly
  • organizational culture
  • organizational mind
    • breaking through comfort zone
    • constant change for
    • dealing with Zombie attacks
    • intellectual faculties
    • mind and brain mechanics
    • overview
    • six largest companies
    • substance and creativity
    • visualization with stick-person graphic
  • “Other People's Opinions” (OPO)
  • Ottaviano, Lia
  • outreach, in Influencer Marketing


  • Page, Larry
  • page speed
  • paradigm, Terror Barrier as
  • Patel, Sujan
  • pay per click (PPC)
  • Peacock, Tim
  • Penny or $1 Million Dollars Exercise
  • perception
    • defined
    • six intellectual faculties, overview
  • peripheral content
  • persona
    • audience development exercise
    • of buyer
    • customer journey mapping and
    • identifying ideal personas, social media marketing checklist
  • persuasion. See Influencers (I)
  • photos of CEOs, for advertising
  • Pioli, Scott
  • Plan, Do, Check, Act
  • planning. See Vision Layer
  • Playa's Anthem
  • Portalatin, Julio
  • Power of Your Subconscious Mind, The (Murphy)
  • Poynter, Dan
  • predictive advertising management
  • presence (social selling system)
  • pressure, removing
  • PR hacking
  • prioritization
    • alignment of goals
    • for customer service
    • feasibility of goals
    • overview
    • for Success Layer
    • for vision
  • Proctor, Bob
  • Project Skybender (Google)
  • “ProSumerTribuDucers”
  • Pruitt, Jeffrey
  • PsychoCybernetics (Maltz)
  • Pubcon
  • Purewal, Pavey
  • Purpose, People, and Process approach
  • purpose statement


  • Qualcomm
  • QuanticMind
  • questions
    • acts of God
    • to assess technological forces
    • cultural forces
    • legislative forces
  • QuickSprout
  • Quiroz, Tony


  • rate of change
  • Real-Time Marketing
  • reasoning
  • RE/CODE (2016)
  • recruiting. See human resources (HR) recruiting
  • Recruiting Daily (blog)
  • Reid, Andy
  • relationships
    • “ass kiss it forward”
    • business as
    • Business Relationship Optimization
    • CRM for MarTech
    • Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)
    • enjoyment of work
    • personalization of
    • in recruiting
  • reliability
  • remarketing
  • reorganization
    • caution about
    • shock (impact) of
  • research. See Insights Layer
  • resonance, lack of
  • Retargeting (Google)
  • return on investment (ROI)
    • efficiencies and ROI (Influencer Marketing key trend 2)
    • MarTech for driving internal buy-in and stakeholder influence
    • Operational Loop and Innovation Loop for
    • return on ad spend (ROAS)
    • social media and personalization
    • social media and proximity
  • revenue (social selling system)
  • rFactr
  • Rogers, Stewart
  • Rollyson, Christopher
  • Rose, Kevin
  • Ross, Jennifer
  • ROT (Redundant, Out of date, Trivial) content audit
  • Rowley, Jill
  • Rubin, Ted


  • Salem, Enrique
  • sales. See social selling
  • Salesforce
  • “satisfied” customers
  • Save Our Chiefs
    • SOC social media movement
    • story of
  • Schurenberg, Eric
  • Schwab, Klaus
  • scope, of Vision Layer
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
    • content quality
    • enterprise paid search
    • GEO targeting and IP-based advertising
    • key determinants affecting search ranking
    • MarTech for
    • overview
    • predictive advertising management
  • “Secret Job Interview, The” (Snapchat story)
  • secure transactions
    • as fundamental customer service
    • secure sites (HTTPS)
  • self-image
  • self-interest, enlightened
  • sense-making organizations
  • senses
  • 7 Laws of Awareness (podcast)
  • 7 Success Factors of Social Business Strategy (Li, Solis)
  • 7 Universal Laws (podcast)
  • Sexton, Koka
  • Shantz, Rhonda
  • Shewhart Cycle
  • shock (impact), influence and
  • shopping experience, as fundamental customer service
  • Signal
  • SiriusDecisions
  • 6Ds (phases)
    • deception
    • dematerialization
    • democratization
    • demonetization
    • digitization
    • disruption
  • Skurt
  • Small Data (Lindstrom)
  • Smart, Roland
  • smartphones, as modern “necessity”
  • SMX Social Media Conference
  • Snapchat
  • Snook, Brianne
  • Snook, Chris J.
  • social business strategy
  • social business strategy and tactics
    • appropriate campaign goals
    • content marketing and paid media amplification
    • Fort Collins Startup Week goes Global on $2,500 (case study)
    • $1 Billion Dollar Growth Hack (case study)
    • overview
    • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • “Social Business Strategy Use Cases” (Rollyson)
  • social media
  • social selling
    • account based marketing (ABM) for
    • challenges of
    • #Closing $Millions for Pennies on the Dollar (case study)
    • defined
    • goals for
    • implementation of
    • importance of
    • Influencer Marketing and employee advocacy for
    • overview
    • ownership of
    • system
  • Social Selling Labs
  • Solis, Brian
  • Spencer, Stephan
  • Spring
  • stick-person graphic
  • Stone, Biz
  • stories, “facts tell, but stories sell”
  • Strategy Brings Vision to Life (guiding principle)
  • Strauss, William
  • Stricchiola, Jessie
  • Structure Hiring: The Advantage of the New People Team (Charney)
  • subconscious mind
  • substance, creativity and
  • Success Layer
    • beginning with end in mind
    • brand guidelines audit
    • EMF and
    • governance guidelines
    • heuristic audit
    • memory and
    • Operational Loop and Innovation Loop
    • overview
    • ROT (Redundant, Out of date, Trivial) content audit
    • social business, defined
  • Symantec
  • synthetic imagination


  • tactics. See social business strategy and tactics
  • tag management solution (TMS)
  • Tealium
  • technology
  • Terror Barrier
  • Think and Grow Rich (Hill)
  • “thin-slicing”
  • T-Mobile
  • TOFU (top of funnel) elements
  • topical relevancy, for Influencer Marketing
  • touch point map, for customer journey
  • Toyota Production System
  • transparency
    • as fundamental customer service
    • lack of
  • triage, for customer experience
  • trust
  • Turo
  • Twitter


  • Uber
  • Ultimate Goal
  • Universal Mind
  • user experience (UX/UI)
    • EMF and
    • for secure customer transactions


  • Vaynerchuk, Gary
  • VB Engage
  • VB Insight
  • VentureBeat
  • Verizon
  • virtual reality
    • masterminds and uploadable consciousness
    • mini-VRcations
  • Vise, David A.
  • Vision Layer
    • business as relationship
    • business goal exercises
    • competitive landscape
    • customer journeys, Journey Map Touch Point Exercise
    • customer journeys and key touch points
    • defining scope of
    • EMF and
    • overview
    • Strategy Brings Vision to Life (guiding principle)
    • substance and creativity
    • understanding mind with stick-person graphic
  • Viskovich, Julio
  • Voice of Customer (VOC)
  • “VRcations”


  • Wall Street Journal, The
  • Watchman's Rattle, The (Costa)
  • Web 2.0 Expo
  • Weiner, Jeff
  • Weldon, Marcus
  • Western Union
  • Wheeler, Tom
  • will
    • defined
    • free will
    • six intellectual faculties, overview
  • Wired
  • word of mouth tools, in Influencer Marketing
  • WordStream
  • World Economic Forum
  • Wright, Travis


  • X: The Experience Where Business Meets Design (Solis)
  • x-type conditioning


  • Yahoo!
  • Your Brand (Brito)
  • YouTube


  • Zac, Jordan
  • Zappos
  • Zombies (Z)
    • dealing with Zombie attacks
    • defined
    • hiring process and
    • overview
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